The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, February 17, 1911, Image 8

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Are going to bring house cleaning
ami brightening up lime. The
home must be fresh and clean to
be in tune with the sun shining
out of doors.
Do you know
the wonderful change that new
curtains ami drspene» can make?
Some very beautiful effects are
obtained by uaing the Colonial
Drapery Fabrics in color» to
match your walla, etc
conventional de»ign» that are »o
popular are shown al thia atore
Cory corner»
in large number»,
and window seats covered with
these material» are very pretty.
DM chairs may be made to look
as new by covering. The price
ia IU cents to &0 cent» per yard.
Room aire ruga. W to L-u>
Small «ixe ruga, fl to f«i
Water opaque window »hade» .’15c
** 60 to 76c
With Hartshorn fixtures.
Lace curtain« fl to fio per pair.
a '
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Richardson has le-rnquite
Referendum hatchet« are now In
Wesely A Cain have received ail of
their spring goods. Call ami as-e them.
Se< Morrison for Myers Spray Pumps
Planet Junior <<arden Tool», Hors,
Rakes, Etc.
Tlie Oregon
Which ia the boea?
legislature or the people? The referen-
dum will tell the tale.
I Schillings Best. You know what.
Guaranteed or your money back by
Weaely’s Grocery.
Have your chicks by uaing law’»
Germexone Diamond ami Lilly*» Beat
chick fred. at Wenely's Grocery.
F ob s*Llt 400 bushels of vetch seed,
ready for seeding, at >1.10 per bushel,
at tkantlam Farm. B. W. G aine *
Appropriation* of over fC.OOO.OOO is
going «ome. Taxpayer» should not be
asleep. There ia »ome thing fur them
to do now.
A»k to aee the big book at
I Cain«. It ha« a sample of
embroideries and lace» in it.
find what you want in a few minute«.
Bear in mind that the hhelbum bridge
inerting i« to be i n Friday, February
24, instead of Haturday, February 25.
aa previously announced.
luidies low shoes, oxfords, pumps
ami ties. Talk about something nice,
Wesely A |Cain received one of the
swellest lino» in the country this week.
Drop in ami »er them.
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A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain*« Liniment and bound on
to the affected part« ia auperior to any
plaster. When troubled with lame back
or pain» in the »ide or cheat give it a
trial and you are certain to be more
than pleaaed with the prompt relief
which it afforda. Sold by all dealer«.
IM FU'Irwds Will Co Opffitt I* VaM IM
Rese Hslini i Success
Th. Hdl and Harrimai line» will
subacribe *],0U0 each to the 1911 Ro»e ’
Festival. President John F. Stevens
of the North Bank announc.-d the Hill
subscription thia week and Hamman
officials say the *1,CW formerly given ,
will be furthcoming this season as
Both railroad systems are mak- i
mg great efforts to handle an unusually
heavy traffic during June because of
the wide advertising that will be given
lhe I estival n*i ths large number of
tourists attracted this way as a result
This « farmers’ week at the Oregon j
Agricultural Co Ic/e and there is a
large attendance of thus.- inlrreated in
agricultural problems. Lecture's ami
demonstrations of the greatest valu<
to farmers are being given. These •
cover* stockraistng. dairying, horticul­
ture, intensive farming, and practically
every branch of the indwtry. The
altemlance ia much larger than during
the special short tourses of former
years and great interest is shown by
farmers from all parts of the state.
( l< >
Read in February Sunset Magarino,
San Diego, The City of Dreams I'-imc
True. Beautifully illustratml In four
colors. Tetraxxirii singing in lhe street«
of San Francwcu Christmas Eve. Now
on sale at all news stands nt 15 c-nU.
The Portland Oregonian on February
4, the foth anniversary, waa certainly
a hummer. Artistically, it can not lie
surpassed by any other newspaper, and
historically, it is of such value that
everyone who has a copy is sure to
preserve iL The history of the paper,
as given by various onetime editors or
employe», is an excellent history of
The Best Place in Portland to Eat
Portland; because Portland and the
Oregonian have grown up together.
is at
The Oregenian has kept »1 reaat the
progreaa of the town and has always
been a factor in evety event and many
of the enterprise« which has made
at Weat end of the Morrison Street
Portland the first city of the Nor h- bridge.
weaL The editor of the N ews has
been a constant reader of the Oregon­
ian for 41 years and feels a degree cf
(Hucceesor U- Riner Bros.)
pride in its success.
Pap’s Coffee House
I‘¿. »«■ Ol áil s i iiam'. j
Packard shoe« for men, the beat on
the market for the monev. made in
Brockton. Ma««., *3.60, *4.00, *4.50 and
*6 00. A swell line direct from the
factory has juat arrived at Weaely A
♦ '
T ' V -
Miinufactur.-rs and Dealer» in
Sash, Doors,.Moulding, Frames, Shingles Etc
Estimates and Plans lor Bnilmms furnished on short notice
Mills Locatici on South Side of Bridge, Scio, Oregon
J. J.Barne«, W. F. GUI,
J. A. Bilyeu, J. R. Barnes,
C. A. Warner.
I'aiunnxsT, W. F .Gill.
Hciastvay, C. A. Warner
1 N< X >•< IM >H All-.l >
VA w do a
!>>•< IMHHI UM, lie»«.
Flour and
Gonorol Custom Million nutln.u
In tbo Field for
Tree! You ILisKl
Buelnoas end
A Great Clubbing Offer
Seui W, ¡1 y Orcioli Jonrnal one rar
.... $1.50
The Santiam News one year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Scio State Bank
Mayton expects to improve her main
streets, during the coming summer,
with some sort of hard surface materi­
al. The outlook for our neighbor seems
quite promising.
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Central Oregon will hear the locomo
live whistle for the first time this
summer. Operation of the Oregon
Trunk will probably be commenced to
.Madras early in March and somewhat
A lbany , O regon
later the Deschutes Railroaii will run
trains to Redmond. These new
The Farmer» Meat Market Will pay a il) murk th.- hi' / ..f a ih - w . a
the highest market price for beef, of settlement for the whole region cast
mutton, veal, pork, hides and rggs. of th«- < aacade Mountain«.
The formation of a «ymiicate to-clear
’ They dont want the earth, but they do
want your produce and arv willing to logged-off lamia of Southwest Washing­
ton and place them on the market 1» a
pay for iL
that might be followed with profit
How to cure a cold is a question in
Valentine post cards at llsyne*«.
which many are interested just now. on thi« side of th.- C-olumbia River.
These land», once cleared, are among
New spring goods at Wesely A Cain» Chamberlain’s < uug.h Remedy ha» won
Its great reputation and immense sale the most valuable for diversified farm­
Now spring dress goods at Wesely A
by its remarkable cure of colds. It can ing, fruit growing and dairying. Tu;
always be depended upon. For sale by put them to use is to make a great
Art Shelton was a Portland visitor. all dealers.
addition to the wealth of the state.
last week.
A city of 2,tkW.(XM) jH-ople at Portland
Portland is joining with other cities
Books, magaxines and Post carda at of the Coast in helping to relieve the ui included in the plan of Mumc pal
C. G. uoi GH.
famine situation in China.
Large Architect E H. Bennett, who is map­
Buns February 10, to óie wife of quantities of food sluffs will lie sent ping out a greater city. Ilia project
Cecil Crume, a daughter.
from thia city to the sufferers, trans rails for the segregation of the various
B ums February 9, to the wife of portation companies having agreed to activities into district» and groups ami
the beautification of the wnule mu .ici
carry lhe supplies without charge.
W illiani Knauf, a daughter.
palily. Parka, boulevards ami better
When her child is in danger a woman
Dr. J, W Cole. Physician and
buildings are prominent features of the
* will rias her life to protect it. No
Surgeon, Scio, Oregon.
See the new rmbro.dcnrs and laces «real a«*t of heroiam or rrik of life is
Two »ilditional salmon hatcM-rie« on
necessary to protect a child from croup.
at Wesely * Cains.
| Give Chamtieriam's Cough Remedy and th«* laiwer Columbia river are provided
E. ('. Peery returned from a businr«» all danger ia avoiJed. Fur sale by all for in the bill passed this week by the
trip to Southern Oregon, last Friday.
United Status Senate, appropriating
(60,000 for the purpose. If this mea­
Spring muslin underwear, embroider­
R. II. M< Donald, who ia teaching the sure passes the House it will mean a
ies and lace« at Wesely 4 Cains.
Bilyeu Den school, reports that both
great deal to the «almon industry of
Doug Hamilton went over to Albany. of hi« Eighth grade pupils pasted the
the Northwest, adding largely to the
last Saturday evening, to look at the examination. The pupils are Charles
wealth taken annually from the Colum­
picture ahowa some more.
Burmester ami Otto Cole. Mr. Me
bia and its tributaries.
Just received, for spring, a large line Donald says that he is sorry that there
of ladies waists and muslin underwear were not more to take the examination. | The Oregon Journal, oflaat ''aturday
The school is progressing nicely.
at W esely A Cains.
pubhahed an excellent view of North
Riley Shelton, of Scio, Oregon, the Main street, Scio. The view waa made
It is reported that several of our
public school pupils have to do their old safe real estate dealer, is receiv­ from a jxilnt near the bridge and
ing inquiries for farm lands. For a ahowa the busineM houses, maple tree»,
scratching at home, now-a-days"
I have 10 ton of carrots for sale at quick sale, list your land with him. He etc., very distinctly. Cal Caraon had
*7.60 par ton. Inquire of John Chytil, has for sale near Scio, 5 ami 10 acre assumed a pose on the walk between
tract«, ala» four small farm«. 5, »j. I5f Peery's drug store and Joe Weaely'a
4 miles east and 1 mile north of >cio.
and hi acres improved with buildings, grocery store.
Make money from your hens by feed­
prices from *2600 to *5000. Aho farm«
ing Lee's Egg Maker, bone, shell and
near Scio, from 50 to 3XX) acre« improv­
grit. At Wcsely's Grocery.
T. J Nt'xxxaa,
a. x«ixu,
ed ami the price reasonable.
The beat line of fancy ami staple
Clyde Ashby, a native of Scio, dimi
groceries in the Valley, at living prices
at hi* borne in Salem, Fridayjand wa«
at Wesely’» Grocery.
hurried beside his mother in Franklin
Raise fruit instead of bugs, worms
Butte cemetery, last Saturday. The Full»« <>r® of your mnn*y. n*tn< the utfnml
and mo««, by using Lilly’s Beat Tret-
<lin<rnrv for jrowr «nifty. It «him a etrh lljr
remains were accompanied by a number
Imitklntf bu<»li»e«> *. Itekt*« mrr of jr«»ut
Spray. At Wesely*« Grocery.
of hi« brother members of electrical
chech* nit other hank«, makrt
Mena hats, something good, in all the worker» and relatives. It is said that
•rai» kn h»r ÿou. tuak<a krnn«
maehfent with
latest atyle« fur spring, have arrived he was suffering of cancer of the throat
comer\atlrr l»nai
at U eacly A Cains.
ami, knowing the inevitable end,
Have you noticed thoae little red
books "When you were born" aerie«. carbolic acid. Clyde waa industrious
Just the thing for "Character Reading «nd popular among those who knew
Parties. For sale by C. <♦. G ovoh .
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Mr». J W
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Both Papers
One Year
’1 OREGON JOURNAL complete
l'"u,“b~ telegraphic new«
Week I
the world; gives reliable market report«, aa it ia published at
Portland, where the market new» can be and ia corrected to
date for each issue.
It al«o ha« a page of apecial matter for
the farm and home, an entertaining story page and a page or
more of comic each week, and It gue» to the aubecrlber twice
every week 104 time» a year
Give« all the local new« and
happening» and should be in
every home in this vicinity.
The two paper» make a good
combination and you aave fl by «ending your «ubacription to
We can also give our subscribers a good clubbing offer for
the Daily ami Sundav, or Sunday Journal with the NEW8.