The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, February 03, 1911, Image 8

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    Come to Heyne’s for hot drinks and
$»ti4H Far®
Our sick neighbors are all on the
Dance Saturday night at Wr*ely 4
1 Cain Hall.
Thomas Smail has had a fearful
Schillings Best. You know what.
attack of tonsilitis, or quinsy.
Guaranteed or your money bark by
Mrs. George Griffin was quite sick
Wrsely*s Grocery.
over Sunday.
Save your chicks by using Lee’*
M ra. MH 'oy and her sister. Miss
Germotone Diamond am! Lilly’s Best
Smith, of U alls Walls, returned
chick feed, at Wesely’s Grocery.
to their home during the past week.
F ob "Al.« 400 bushels of vetch seed,
Mrs. Bell Alward, who ha* been
ready for serding. at 91.10 per bushel,
visiting h»r mother. Mrs. *-. W. Gaine* I
at >antiam Farm. S. W. G ainem
luring th«* past month, has return«! to
Save your subscription for the Ore­
Portland where she hold» a job as
gon Journal on Bargain Day, February
sahslsdy in a department store.
1 to 7 for Imogene Gill. Postmistress.
Jack Griffin, of B C., who has been
Ask to ace the big book at Wrsely &
visiting his mother, has returned to his
People are taking advan­
tage of the great reductions ¡embroideries and laces in it. You can John Huffman is around securing
1 And what you want in a few nnnuu s.
which reign in every depart­
cream from condensery patrons while
Ladies low shoes, oxfords, pumps
the condensery is shut down.
and ties. Talk about something nice.
Newton Crabtree has had visitors
3000 ptiri of shoes,
Weaely 4 Cain received one of the
in the shape of a ludy and her
everyone a bargrin.
• weHeat lines in the country this week.
four children. She ciaimtd that the
Ladiee suits are ex­
sheriff was trying to take her children
How to cure a cold is a question in
tremely low priced.
away from her. They were boarders
which many are interest«! just now. at the Crabtree home over Sunday.
Hundreds of other
chamtwrlain’s Cough Remedy ha* won
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Griffin, of Port
goods offers many
its great reputation and immense sale
land, are visiting his m liter, Mrs. S.
by its remarkable run-of cold«
It ran
chance« to save.
W, Gaines. He keep* the Santiam
always be defieoded upon. For sale by
Farm well supplied with jack rabbits.
Attend this sale as soon as
all dealers.
Mrs. George tldyeu has had a sev* r*.
you can. The biggest bar­
Packard shoes for men, the best on attack of the mumjis. but ia now about
■ the market for the money, made In recovered.
gains are sure to go first.
Brockton, Maa* . 9150, S4-00. 94.80 ami
! I <• Santi.un T arin Air- ■»).. <! thr
|.r> 00. A swell line direct from the Scio butcher with aliout the fattest ano
factory haa just arrived at Weaely 4 best beef animaljthc ssm ! •hop has had
' this winter. It weighed 532 pounds
A lbany . O regon
A piece of flannel dampened with and the price paid was 7 cent* per
Chamberlain’s Liniment and bound or. pound.
We are all very sorry to learn of
to the affected parts is superior to any
’ plaster. When troubled with lame back the closing down of the condensery.
OOOflOO ’»«‘»»«O»'»* ♦«
< th*- time w ill b< >h**i1- ■■ l .1 it
or pain« in the »ide <>r eh*-«t give it h I« ••
trial ami you arc certain to be more starts up again.
S W. G.
than pleased with the prompt relief
which it affords. Sold by ail dea'ers.
In the Circml ol the Stole of Oregon 1
6000S ARE M0VIN6
New spring g*« ds st Weaely & Cains.
Oysters any style st Heyne’s con-
N* opr ng dr< ss goods at Weaely &
Books, magazines and I’ s’ ar ’« a
C. G. ooiuH.
J. M. Miller aid wife camrover last
Lee Bilyeu came over from Albtny
Tuesday morning.
Dr. J. W. Cole, Physician
Surgeon, Scio, Oregon.
Cnttm Cl nbtngs
Since our laat report several improve-
ments of permanent interest have bee n
begun or completed. There ia material
evidence that our minatnrv village is
moving, (though like a distant comet
I almost imperceptible yet known to be
steadylwith its otempora-ie,», along
the up gr de of progreasion. Like all
other, even more favored Realities,
there are a thousand aid one thing*
needed which are being supplied »* fast
as our progressive deniMns are capable.
Ilf CKhly of
I’ltlwPAL I‘a*»««.
l«ri>,ti'l«A -V
Manufacturers and Dealers in
Sash, Doors, Moulding, Frames, Shingles Etc.
Estimates and Plans far BnildiDts fomisbed on short notice
Department No. 2.
In the matter of the applies-
t*on of
A. W. Gaines, Eva B. Daven­
port, A. C. Gaines, J. F.
Gaines. L. J. Gaines. Jorie W.
Gaines, Sarah P. Leaver, and
G. B. I .eaver to register title
to the land in said application
described, tr-wit: lx»ts num-
bered thirty-three (33) and
thirty four (34) in the city of
Scio, county. Oregon, aa
the same appear and are desig­
nated upon the record«! plat
thereof on file and of record in
th«- office of the county recor­
der in and for «aid county and
state. Plaintiffs
John Wesely and R. M, *'ain
and all whom II may concern.
Mill- Locate«! on South Side of Bridge, Scio, Oregon
W. J Turnidgc ha*> hi» water systen
Sec the new embroi lern s and la< <■»
in operation. At the top of hi* large
at We utly & Cains.
sixty foot tower is a tank of 100,900 lbs.
Mrs. J. A. Bilyeu waa a I ebanon capacity. Its supply ia furnished by a
visitor over laat Sunday.
gasoline engine
dr ven cent ifugal
Spring muslin underwear, cmbrjii er­ pump of large dimension and a wind-
. mill. The tank ¡a connected with dis­
ica and laces at Weaely 4 Cains.
Prof. J. R. Gerities, of the .’ordan tant comers of the town so that a tire To all whom it may concern;
Take notice, that on the 31st day of
school, waa a visitor at the N ews office outbreak will be given a cool reception.
A. D., 1910, an application
' A large bungalow cottage section
was filed by the said A. W. Gaines ct
Just received, for spring, a large line
al. In the Circuit Court of Linn c«»unty,
of ladies waists anil muslin underwear ' occupied by the Section Boss, M r.
for initial registeration of the title to
at Weaely & Cains.
the land above described.
The C. U. II. S. district No. I ha*
Make money from vour hens bv feel­
Now unless you appear on or before
ing Ixie’s Egg Maker, bone, shell ami built a bam to be used by those who the 6th day of February, A. D. 1911.
| drive to school, free of charge.
grit. At Wesely’s Grocery.
and show cause why such application
The best line of fancy ami staple . R. Dobson has completed his feed shall not be granted, the same will be
groceries in the Valley, at living prices ' stable.
taken as confessed, anti a decree will
Mr. Perry a shoemaker from Port- be entered according to the prayer of
at Wesely’s Grocery.
Raise fruit instead of bugs, worms i land has bought the old school house the application and you will be forever
and moss, by using Lilly’s Beat Tree ' and grounds at which place- he resides. barred from disputing the same.
His repair shop is in Mr. Tumidgr«
J. W. M iu . kb , Clerk
Spray. At Weeely’a Grocery.
By W. L Marks, Deputy
Mens hats, something good, in all the
S. West has completed his handsome C. C. Bryant,
latest styles for spring, have arrived residence on first street. He has also
Applicants’ Atty.
at Weaely & Cains.
just constructed a very neat painted First publication Jan. fl. 1911.
Tuesday. Mine Host Carpenter closed picket fence around his lot. bill is’a Last publication Feb. 3, 1911.
the dining room to the public. He will worker and can be found doing business
retire from the Scio hotel at the end of for the Klock Produce Co., at their \
FlNiC Sil«
cream house.
the present month.
Mr. Turnidge has completed an ad ,
Having sold my farm, I will sell st
The Albany Democrat says that blind
tition to his livery and feed stable.
auction at my place five miles southeast
pigs are becoming leas numerous in
The silvery notes of the new school of Scio, near the Richaniaon Bridge on
that city. i'erhatMi some of them have
bell send out their daily message Crabtree creek ami at the farm former­
been mails to open their eyes.
“Hurry up my lads and lassies don’t ly owned by Mr. Allison, commencing
Have you noticed those little red bo late to books ami classes." Five at 1 p. m. on Monday. February fl the
books “When you were bom" series. new pupils were enrolled during the! following listed personal property:
Ju«t the thing for “Character Reading sat month. Mr. Easton’s two boy
1 milk cow. l-h fresh in April; 1 new ;
Parties. For sale by C. G. Got’ntt.
darderously mentioned by special re garden cultivator; 1 wheel barrow; 1
W hen the condensery puts in a cool­ orter, last week, are among th* bicycle; 1 washing machine; 1 H-gallon
ing plant, a little more expense would number. They have not got the itch barrel chum; 1 double barrel shot gun.
install an ice plant. Why not help thi «nd have not had it unless it is a I telephone; 1 heating stove; 1 center
ttirring sensation for a more rapid pro table; 1 dresser, 2 iron bed steads and
people keep cool aa well as the milkf
•reaa in school work. The teacher» springs; 15 egg crates; .1 two-horse |
The Scio Milk Condensery is now en­
-oth say that Mr. Easton's chiMren ■ iding cultivator; 1 spring tooth harrow;
joying a period of rest. The compan)
Kate, Walter and Tommy are wel 1 20 gallon Iron kettle; 1 20- gal water .
shuts down for the purpose of installing
-ehaved pupils, being in the tenth, cr*-am seperator; 1 new Winchester
a cooling plant and to make such repairi
eventh and fourth grades respectively riflle, 30-30; 1 sewing machine, good as
as a constant run of nearly two yea>
The old J. Calavan place
mile* new; 1 cook stove, good aa new; 1
requires. This is the first shutdown the
,'rom Crabtree between Mr. Green'* aitchen table; 1 dining tabla; 1 kitchen ,
company has made since the plant was
«nd Gillards waa sold just before­ cupboard; 11 chairs; 1 rocking chair;!
Christmas to Mr B. Haley who now I good tent, 10x12; 10 crocks, ranging i
T. D. Woolley and two other gentle occupies with the intention of making from 1 to 4 gallon; H doxen fruit jars,
men. of Portland, were exhibiting s three or four thousand dollars improve- «ome filled with fruit, and many other
nenta in the near future. Mr. Haley articles too numerous to mention.
Coin Changing machine, which is th*
Terms of Sale: All sums under 410
result of the inventive genius of Thoma» •s from Oklahoma having, raised cotton
(or thirteen yearn, comes here to raise -ash; over 910. notes with approved
Bilyeu, a former Scio boy.” Without at
tempting to explain the Intricacies ol ,’ruit, as much aa he can store away at security at H per cent interest due in fl
the machine. The N ews is of the opini­ east
months. 5 per cent discount for cash ’
Mr. Tumidge, Montgomery Dobson m sums over 110.
on that it is something which will,
ReHey and others have been under the
rapidly, come into general u«e and beo
Joagrii V askk
weather for the past week but at Frank Shores. Auctioneer
gerat value to any business which re
present are recuperating.
R. Shelton, Clerk
quires rapid changing of money.
J. J.Barnes, W. F. Gill,
J. A. Bilyeu, J. R. Harn-s,
C. A. Warner.
Pareil*«»?, W. F .liill.
MuaMTABV, C. A. Warner
We <to •
PK<k.MHKH M. I!»<►♦.
General Cu»«o,n Milling Buelness.
Flour and
F«< Kanaed
bualnea« and
Treat You Klghl
A Great Clubbing Offer
Semi-West y Orem Journal sue rar
The Santiam News one year. . . . . . . . .
Both Papers
One Year
OREGON JOURNAL complete telegraphic news
the world; gives reliable market reports, as it is published at
Portland, where the market news can be and is corrected to
date for each issue.
It also has a page of special matter for
the farm and home, an entertaining story page and a page or
more of comic each week, and it goes to the subscriber twice
every week —104 times a year
•" ,he
happenings and shouki be in
every home in this vicinity.
The two papers make a good
combination and you save 91 by sending your subscription to
We can also give oir subscribers a good clubbing offer fur
the Daily and Sunday, or Sunday Journal with the NEWS.