»• ' «............... ■ ■■■ »■ VOL. !»■ XIV *> OREOO.N, NOVEMBER I ÜH<». No. n; I II. Hingham, who is a candidate Wiley A. Kimsey is the democratic Our GoMly CandidUss for joint senator, ha» the recon! for n imir.ee. Mr. Kimsey w as born near The N'»:ws has heretofore discuss«-«! Scio and received his education, princi­ ng present to answer roll calls more than any senator or representative who the county candidate», which render» pally, in the Scio public schools. ha» ever attended the legislature for su(>ert!uoua furth«f county commissioner is when you need one at all, you need first, I Ast and all tne time and ha» voted ■ ta iK «avAwa on«- <>f the most important of county for three United States Senators all a good reliable one. • Commit Mr. Park It Beaty, of Halsey, ia the peoples choice. He is a safe man for . republican nominee. He ia a farmer offices lie, with his associates, not u* on any title in thi* county the people to tic to and a vote for I. II and m > faraa we know, he is a first-class only decide» how much your taxes Bingham is a vote fur one who has been citixrn. But he was a delegate to the ' shall I m *, but decides how they shall be tai.-: and found not wanting Spring , republican state assembly and should ' oxpended. Hence, a eommi»»ioner should be level-headed, reliable and field New». ■ be regarded a» an enemy of the direct conversant with the need» of the 303 Broadalbin St. AI.BXNY, ORE. ! primary Uw county. < * « <0k <> <> (k Cad 3l hints Hon M A Miller. <>f Ixibanun. ia Mr Russell, who la a candidate to I desir« to temler to all of the th«* regular democratic nominee. He, -uc.-evl hi line If, has hever manifested c>- > <> ih.i^ for their kind attention and ia a statement One and a rupporter of lie I- I ‘t broad mind<-d enough to '«•» sympathy nt the time of the death of all refurtn law« cnarted by the people. the nee>ia of all portions of the county. my wife and her burrial thereafter. Mr Miller has been a merntwr of the For this reason he ha» not satisfied all Whih I am a stranger to many, I can state «enate for the past eight ycuis portion* of the county, during his term Largest Stock outside of Portland fed that I am among a people who j and he has been ever true to the of i-rvice. Mr C II Elswick, of sympathise aven with the sorrows of a interests of the people, H« ha» been Brownsville, Is the democratic nominee. Samples and Estimates on Request the author of a nurnlwr of important II'- . . • r.t. t by ti adc and appears stranger within their gates. measures, intended to promote the to be practical in his views as to what VKNSAI. TATt'SMEK FISHING TACKLE interests of the people, which became la the duties of a commissioner. The law». He is a strong friend to our N>.ws believes he will make good, if Notice to Illi Fttbhc public school system and has been the he is elected. Expert Truss fitting Camera supplies, etc l wish to notify the public that I have author of »evcral measure» which add -Th* th- r countv sold the Scio Flaning Mill», lumber to their effucincy. During his entire office*. We believe the nominees are Albany, ore fixtures and good will, to Messrs service as a legialator, there has not worthy gentlemen and will tic true to A <>> «> 40 Kukacha and Prespa!, who are now in b.-en the least suspicion of graft. The the interests of the people if elected. <0 <» C)-4CÜB-< >-3BB»< n are the republican home Rule bill. Following Mr While’s 1 number» this winter. nominees. Mr. Train is an ex news- address w< ro short talks by Mr. The contest will close on Dec. 30 at |u»[>ernian and is now an okl man. Mr. Schmidt V. President let N. Bk of 4 p m. All persona ¡•urchasing season Miller will not retire from the county Albany. Atty, «<>x and L. E. Hamilton, tickets can secure their reserve »>-at on clerk» office until January I. Mr who told of the business prosperity of Dee. 21, Adult Season ticket 12 00. Simpson has not be«-n away from horn«- Albany under prohibition. School children Ticket», undi r III years long enough to establish a character of Mea-rs Hammer, Roberta Little and of age 11.00. any kipd. Kendal furnished some excellent vocal rnt’»rr i t.F.ax i music consisting mostly of campaign Free munirai recital» and aouvrnira. Deputy County Clerk Mark» ha» been songs of an amusing character. Il to thoae who viait the exhibition of le-autiful art piano», whirh la now be­ nominated by l>oth the republu ana aral was alright boys, come again, Scio wl.l ing held by Sherman. Clay A Co. at the democrats. He is an excellent be glap to welcome you any ok) time. U early A Cain'a big store every after­ i young man and will make an excellent At the clove of the meeting a liberal colli lion was taken in behalf of the ! county clerk. noon ami evening. W. (’. T. II. »rgamxation. »nKairr Thia was the I h -» i attended and moat Whm given a» aoon «» the croupy D. S. Smith is the present sheriff cough» appear Chamberlain'« Cough and is a candidate to succeed himself. enthusiastic meeting during the cam­ Remedy will ward off an attack of Linn county never had a liclt« r sheriff paign a<> far. I »nr who wan there croup and prevent all danger and than Vanny Smith, lie knows the law I. II Hingham, for Joint State Sena­ cause of anxiety. Thousand» of moth­ pertaining to the duties of his office, er» u»e it successfully. Sold by alt probably, better than any lawyer in tor and M. M Peery, for Senator, are dealer». I. inn county 11« ini^ hor c»t, obliging making a whirlwind campaign and are Sherman Clay A Co., the largest »nd ever ready to explain matter» not making a good impression on their musical organixation on the Paride quite plain to voters, it Would tie hearers where ever they go. senator Coast, hate on display at Wisely A difficult to replace him with an officer Hingham i» one of the beat known men in the county and hi» good legislative < am'» big »tore, a car load of beauti­ an satisfactory to the public. record in the p.oit assures his election ful art piano». Free musical recital» Mr. Bert Templeton, hi» republican A ---------------------------- every afternoon and evening. optionant, ia a Brownaville farmer. > to the offhn for which he »ceka. Mr. » Hear the Great Euphoria, the must He ia an excellent citixen, l>ut without Bingham ia a saf«- catalidate for the marvelous piano marie, every afternoon any experience whatever in the office i W*’ “» “e to f*’r h'« I**1 and evening at the exhibition of beauti­ of sheriff He is well advanced jn | both the up|>er and lower houae Ja an ojien I took. In his political addresses ful art piano«, held bv Sherman, Clay years and cannot be expected Intake he strike! straight from the shoulder up the duties of the office of sheriff so A Co. al Weaely A Cain». readily as he would if he was younger. and before hi» closing remarks he gives one bi understand the unworthine»» of idminstrator s Motee cotntrv RBCXIROK« hi» opponent to the office of joint sena­ Mr. Grant Eroman, the present re­ tor and back» up his arguments by To all whom it may concern: Notice ta hereby given to ail whom it corder, is now serving hi» aecond term introducing actual proofs. M. M- Peery s may concern that the undersigned has in that office. The N kwb believes that is also meeting new friends and admir­ been duly appointed adminiatrator of he hua given »atisfaction as a public ers and hi» earnest, straight forward and con»eienliou» addresaes are convinc­ the estate of Farlottr Crabtree, de­ official. George M. Devaney ia the democratic ing. He has a plain, matter-of-fact ceased, by the county court of Linn I county. Oregon; therefore, all persons candidate. Mr Devaney ia a farmer way of expressing himself that shows having claim» agsinat »aid estate are and lives up near Harrhdiurg. H« has sincerity and honesty in every argu­ W-cklv —j. complete tr|«-gr»|>hl<' new» of hereby required to present the same excellent qualification» for tne office nf ment and convinces every voter who Is the world, gives reliable market reports, as it is published at with the proper voucher» to the under­ recorder and ia in every way reliable. within hi» hearing that If elected to the Portland, where the market news can be and is corrected to sighed at Scio, Oregon, within »IX He wa» raised a short distance from senate, hr will not Imtraa their trust, date for each issue It also has a page of special matter for Scio and 1» well known by all of th«- but will act on all measures for the month» from the date hereof. the farm and home, an entertaining story page ami a page or * - old »clllers in this »ection of the better interests of the people—Spring- Dated thia 14th day of October, 1910. more of comic each week, and it goes to the subscriber twice country. He should get a large vote field New». J ane .« A. Blt.YKII. every week - 104 times a year Administrator in the fork» of the Santiam. I Ç1KTÎAM tJVWê «Uves all the local r- *< aid TH IV. R. Btl-YMU, rot'eTv TttKAvttarR Heer the great Euphona. the moat OAnllAM Isunu hap|»*ning» and should be in WEZXLT Attorney W. W. Francis, the present incum­ marvelous piano made, every afternoon every home in thia vicinity, The two papers make a goral 5* combination and you save |1 by sending your subscription to Re sure ami see the beautiful exhibit bent, is the republican nominee. Prior and evening at the exhibition of txeauti- of art pianos at Weeely A Cain’s big to hi» election as treasurer, he served ful art piano«, held by Sherman. Clay 1111. KANTIAN! NFAVS. s< 1< >. ollE, store. Sherman, Clay A Co. offer a term as county recorder. He m»y, A Co. at Wi-aely A Caina. We can also give our subscribers ■ good clubbing offer for these instrument» on easy payments, therefore, be looked upon as a sort of the Daily and Sunday, or Sunday Journal with the NEWS. Cha«’ Wearly ha» a full line of arranged to suit the convenience of the chronic office seeker. But. lx- it said purchaser. Free muaical recitals every to hi» credit, he has filled either office rangea, stoves ami heater«. Come and creditably. get price» before you buy elsewhere. afternoon and evening. I <0> <•> 4 k BE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT THEN GO AHEAD I Ì i I-inn County Abstract Co I WALL PAPER I i I I Woodworth Drug Co., I I i I I i I i I ^^EOSKSCBI Wk A Great Clubbing Offer Total - - $1.50 $1.50 $300 Both Papers one year $2.0!) OREGON JOURKil roww. ik-u..-..-i 5