The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, October 28, 1910, Image 1

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I Linn
M.BANY. < »BE.
30.3 Broadalbin St.
< >>
I Woodworth Drug Co
Largest Stock
of Portland
Samples and Estimates on Request
Albany, Ore
A Great Clubbing Offer
-* * $1.50
. $300
Seni-Wert v Omao Jonrnal one rar
The Santiam News one year
Both Papers one
Tk< Seal nPFnniM IflllRW publish»- the latest a 1 most
W«kly UrctiUlff JUUhnAL r„m|()rlr telegraph!«’ news of
the world; gives reliable market reports, as it is published at
Portland, where the market news can be an*l is corn* ted to
date for each issue. It also has a page of special matt, r for
the farm and home, an entertaining story page and apxgeor
more of comic each week, ami it g«*es t«> th«’ subscriber twi< <
every week 104 times a year
ÇiKTÎAM NPV9 Gives all th, I« il n- •' - m d
WUKLT uAffllnR ItuWu happenir gs and should !■ ó
every home in thia vicinity, The two pajxrs make a good
combination and you save SI by sending your subscription to
s< l< >.
OH I’..
We can also give our subscribers a good clubbing offer for
the Daily and Sundav, or Sunday Journal with the NEWS.
Propose Nesmt?h Civnty Venís Support
of the liters
Fi.r Crowd Hears County Candidates il
the Afternoon
T1 e people of southern Lana an*I
•’ *1« iiiocrutic rami sign was opon*
ed at "ciu Ust .Saturday afternoon.
northern Douglas counties, numbering
more than eight thousand souls, feeling
Nevertheless the farmers ar« exceed­
that they are qualified to economically
ingly busy with their fall crops, and
administer their own affairs from a
that a iti! « tu g of th«1 »hart-holders of
l.'tiv« mental standpoint, have initiated
th- I mn t -ir>t . Fair association was
a bill tor the creation of a new county
in progtv*!» at the same time, more
to lie.known as Nesmith, in honor of
than l«> of our citizens assembled to
James Willis Nesmith, a pioneer,
bear the democratic county candMlatea
whoce name shines in the firmament of
discus-. the issues of the day and. in*
illustrious Oregonians. The proposed
I * identail*. their own fitness for the
'county Would contain l!Mo square miles llluitrlous Oregonian who •• nam ■ th«- ■dice to w ■ , h they severally aspire.
I roposi’d county would perpetuate.
of which 1472 would come from Lane
Th-- Bohemian cornet band was on
an I l<iS from Douglas, leaving the
I •>'• I *' -l »upp led some very excellent
former 29UM s*|uare miles and the latter country ia possible; that it» citizens are
i in the audience
I Ml square miles, a sufficient area convenience*! by nearneH« to thr seat of in the Wesely-Cain hall was called to
fr on wb ch to still form several count government, that taxation anil repre- older nnd candidate for county com-
ia* the sue of Multnomah. Hood ¡liver, »entation should go hand in hand and rm sloner. (
II. Elswick, of Browns­
C dun-.bia and Washington. Ths* total that by the c.-eatmn of Nesmith county ville. was Introduced. Mr. Elswick did
aa»e.*sed valuation of Nesmith county the »’ffurts of a large anil progresslv«- r»*t attempt to make an extended
would be ♦5,;WU,575. leaving lame community would be rendered more speech, lie confined his remarks to
Sis uno,(a»i and Douglasovar $27,000,000. effective in increasing population, de­ what be conceived to lie the duties of
country within the proposed new veloping the resources am! enhancing the count) - omrnisaioner. He thought
county is capable of maintaining an the greatness of Oregon.
inomy should be usisl in the expendi­
(Paid Advertisement.)
organization that would, we ba|ieve,
ture *>f county funds, that g-ssl public
b • to the I eat interests of the people
highways, bridges, etc., were the ut-
• in Inlams Bn’
embraced within the territory, and at
mc-’t importance and that he would, if
ame time not deprive any other
The twn men who fatheresl the in­ elected, favor giving to each road
people affected of their rights, nor in­ famous Brooke Bean bill are l*oth dotrict the road tax colloctc«l from such
crease their burdens, nor work them canulates for re-electmn. Mr. Brooke district. Mr. Elswick is a carpenter
is assembly candidate for joint repre­ an-l has’hail much cx|a rieme in bridge
any injury whatever.
-- iiwtMM to U»' large area at the two sentative from Harney and Malheur, building He will make a practical
old counties affected many residents and .Mr. H«-an asks to be e ecttyl joint commissioner.
are put to great inconvenience, delay senator for Lane and Linn. Both
Mr. A. A. T umi ng. of Brownsville,
nnd expense in transacting business at should be buried under an avalanche of candidal*-for the bgisUture, seemed
the county teats. To compel rest lent i protesting ballots.
to lave a line mental grasp of the
to travel from twenty to sixty nulea
There should lie no place in public duties of th«- legialator. He thought
over bad roads in order to pay their life in Oregon for men who proposed to that fewer ami more practical bills
taxes, serve on juries, or as witnesses, make it a crime to subscribe to Stat*- ihmdd lie introduced in that laaly and
is to millet a hardship upon them; yet ment One. They pro|***sc«l to send to that th*- reform laws now on our
it is mor*’ a matter of self-government jail any legislative candidate who would tatut* < should I»- protected at all
for which the progressive people of publicly agree to let th- people choose ha> ar-l- ami that th«- legislature had
this promised county are contending. senator. This Brooke and Bean did, no right to amen*! or hamper a law
Taxation and representation should go after tW.HiW Oregon citizens had on* ■marled by th«’ people. Mr. TuMing,
hand in hand, but not so under present doraul Statement One by making it if elected, w ill mak«- a consciencious
conditions. For instance: Cottage compulsory on the legislature. The hard working memlw-r.
Grove, the second city in size and im­ vole of the compulsory statement was
Mr. F. J. Denney, also, a candidate
portance in l.ane .county, has never so strong that it carrie«i every county for th,- legislature, showed that he had
been permitted to name a county judge in the state.
a very clear conception of what the
and it has U'*n a quarter century since
It was within a few month» after li-M-bng i.s-*ue of tins campaign ia, and
it bail representation on the County this decision by the
that that is bhall all of the people or thr
Isiard of commissioners; while the Brooke and Bcr.n brought their in fa publi* service <or|H,rations arwl a few
territory taken from Douglas county mous measure forward in the legisla­ |Militi< al Is** .*’» rul*-. He pointed out
ha. never ha*i either a county judge or ture. It was not only an insult to the that it was not so much th«- individual
commissioner. The repiescntativea in |>eople. but an attempt to mak«- the caiMlnlat«’ a.-, what he represents anil
the state legislature are from the legislature aut»-rt’ede aixl set aside th«- stands for. Mr. Denney made meni­
county seats Eugene nnd Roseburg
evpr«-*sed instructions of the people. feat that li«' was gota! legislative
thus leaving a large tax-contributing A m«»r«’ ahamrlesa proposition was timber ami that thr poopic will make
community without voice in cither local never advocated in the Oregon legisla­ no mistake if they elect him. lie will,
or ’date affairs. Ninety two per cent ture. The |»-o|il<’ will have oportunity if elected, repn-ent th*- people in
of the rr.udcnts within the proposed to resent the infamy now and they will spirit and in fact.
Nesmith c«*unty signed the petition* do it.
Senator M. A. Miller »¡Hike for
praying the voters of Oregon to grant
Mr. Br*’**ke is opposed by Thoma» I’. nearly an hour and in a moat effective
them self-government by the creation M- Knight, a strong and inpable citizen. manner. He cxplaineu how measures
of a new county, while one particular Mr. Bean is «posed by I II. Bingham, were <-arri«!*l through tne legislature;
sictioii immediately outside the original a prominent Lane county re|*ublican. pointed out who were mainly ras|»>nsi-
l*oundary lines [»■tition«’«! the Nesmith Both ahouM be elected against the two bl«- for th*- Mariner bill, tin- purpose of
committee for admission to the new j men wh«» proposed to make direct which was to make thr assembly
county, preferring to take chances with election of senators a crime.—-Ex
method of selecting candidates legal
the new rather than to remain with the
an<l which Would, practically, repeal
Sodden Ottlh
old. This shows conclusively that the
thr primary law, how the Bean-Brook
sentiment of the taxpayers of the pro
Mrs. Tatuio-k, a Bohemian I'uly, di- i m- i>-urr would make it a crime for a
'poeed new county are practically unani­ very smklcnly nt her home in this city legi-lativ* candidate to sign statement
Sun-Uy evening. She hail been out in No I. that he had * .«-r been a strong
mous in tavor of division.
The boumlary line» of Nesmith have the vanl for some purpose and coming supporter of our public school and
l».’en drawn in strict adherenco to th«’ into the house an«i not feeling well, supported any and all measures which
to[s>graphy of the county, its natural laid ilown. When her hiubaiid attempt* would build them up. Th«- audience,
watersheds having Iwen cotaudered in <ni to arouse her, he found that she was which ha«i been considerably increased
,» • every particular. Thr [»•«pie of the dea«l. Heart trouble was the probable by this tun«-, |>ai*l Mr. Miller thr com-
new c«mnty have no desire to do any­ cause.
plimrnt of listening very closely to
thing that would result detrimentally to
She leaves a husband and a large »iii.t he had U* say.
either of the old counties.
Just at the close of th«> afternoon
family of children to m**urn her loss.
Jointly, lane and Dauglas have 5.* The funeral and buna) occurrc«i on meeting. Uml»-d >tat«*s Senator Cham-
HOO.tMJU acres, or more than th«> entire Thursday.
brrlain arrived, accompani«<d by Editor
Willamette valley, and of this vast
The Tatuscke came to the vicinity of Humphrey, of the Jefferson Review
area, only a million anti a quarter are Scio but a few months ago and they : ami just at dark, Candidate for ron-
aakexi by thr new county.
1 have llve«l in Scio but about one month. ! grraa R. (». >mith arrived from Albany,
The people within the territory of
via automobile.
!. H. Bingham ia the llemoeratic, 1 At 7:110 the band rendered a couple of
proposed Nesmith county are present­
ing their case to thr voters without the Independent Republican candidate fcr aelections on the street, when the
slightest misrepresentation, pinning joint senator for Linn and Ijine repaired to Wenaly-Cain hall
their faith in the voters to support counties III» op|*onent, Mr. Bean, is Co listen to the distinguished gentlemen.
their contention that local self-govern­ the assembly candidate. Mr Bingham Senator Chamberlain gave a heart to
ment is thr ideal form of government; has been a supporter of the primary heart talk to his audience, lasting for
that the nearer home government is law an*l statement No. 1 from the about one hour, giving hia attention to
I cheaper; that laws are more effectually first. He voted for G«xj. E. Chamber
Continued on [>agr M)
i enforced', that greater development of lain for U. 8. aenator.