The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, October 21, 1910, Image 5

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    Its E J. AimiaiL Setiisirtss
▼ A
' Plain and Fancy Sewing. Ready made
■ suits altered. Resilience South Main Sl
Stilli b|
My patrons are hereby notifie.I that
, I have disposed of niy butcher»
‘ ami will give mises»ion to purchaser.
October 1 All persons knowing them
selves indebted to me. are requested to
settle toe same at on-c. No person
j authorized to collect there accounts
I exeuj tine myi • If. S. >
S< ¡ ti m'<-i
Xotc is the time
for you to
Loire Bros
Floor Point
C al C arrón
A GOol) po ITloN
| Can l>e bad by ambitious young men
> and ladies in tbe Heid of "U irvless” oi
! Railway telegraphy. Mince the N houi
\’o it inter coon
ing tras eoer too
long For a merry
I law became effective, ami since the
' Wireless companies arc ««tablmhing
| »tatior» throughout the country there
lit a great xhoriag«r of telegrapher*
bunch tritìi un
1‘usitions pay beginners from |70 to I'.»
per month, with good chance of ail
vancement. The National Teh graph
Institute operate* six official institute
in America, under «upervmhin of R, l(
ami It i re less (>tff<iala and places all
graduates into position*
It will pay
you towrite them for full detail* at
Davenport, la., Cincinnati. O.. Port-
lond. Orc., or Memphis, Tenn.
E. C. PEER i
Equaiiiatton *icf»ce
The County Board of Equalisation of
luxes will meet at the office of th»
county clerk, Mom'ay October 17, I91u
| arid remain in session for sis days, for
the purpose of publicly examining the
assessment roil ami to correct errors ir
| valuation, description or qunliti. • of
land, Io’« or other property. All per
I sons interested are hereby not iff« <1 tn
'appear at the fcp| • it. ted lime and place
i and, if it shall appear to raid Board,
plhat land«, Iota or other property, b«
| a*seM«»l twice, or ais« - <ed in the name
or names of any person or persons not
I the owner thereof, or aMcsecd under
or beyond it» value, or any land, lota or
other property not asre. sod, they will
I make the proper correction.
1). B
County Assessor
Stock Ranches, Fruit
Farm and
City Property of all
Msisistritni Nolxe Io Creditors
Kinds, Timber Lands
If you have land to
s-ll and wish it haial-
m anner without graft
come in and ace us.
Lyons St.
Albany, Ore.
Notice la hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of the «tale of lire
gon, fur L<nn County, administratrix
ot the eatatv of Charles W Richardson,
decva-ed. All |ier»ona having claim«
agmnat «aid estate are hereby required
to present the Mine to me properly
verified a* by luw rvquind at my
residence Emit of Suo, Oregon, within
■IX month* from the date hereof.
< >
Dated this September 24. 1‘JlO.
< i
< >
S usan R ichardson ,
C. <’. B ryant , attorney.
Eirat publication Sept. '*’• ltlO, Laat
Oct. 2S. 1910.
The Sun Francisco
Roal Ert ilo
Notary Public
Administrator of Estates
Obtained and Examined
When the dry goods merchant, the
grocer, or the hardware man wants
to increase Ins business quickly- he
advertme* a bargain.
The Bulletin wants to increase its
subscription Hat, and wiii offer for
1 week only the following bargain«.
One years subscription
H (»I
Regular price.........................
Bargain price.............. ... ..
Six months subscription —
Rtpular price........................
»I 50
Bargain price .......................
Three months subscription
Regular price.........................
.. W
Bargain price......... ..... .. O'i «<’
During the week of October 10 to
15, inclusive, we will mske the above
bargain prieua, and onlv stipulate
Dial your money must reach ua be­
fore midnight, October 15.
If you are now a »ulsvcriber to The
Bulletin you may take advantage of
this offer and nay your subscription
in advance, dating from the present
dete of expiration
Thia offer is for mail subscriptions
The Bulletin is the greatest home
paper of the Pacific Coast. Fearless
In its fight for right, and stand» for
everything that li best in municipal
ami state government.
First Q sm AccoauBodatiMM sod yroraft Servkr
Lare« Starle Rooou far CaaatcrcUJ Travdm
D l£ N T I S T
w. a » r«iiu,
Yslie« r*WS <4 ,'Hir
non« the alinosi
it|hgvi»«rr for *f»nr «nifty. It
«trift I y
Imnhlntf bu«iia«*<
t« I timi t»rr <«| your
ebrs-k« on other tank«; wahr«
•rwn frm f«»r )<»»!, tu a k..-« I««an«
rrmulMrnt with «< nh .
« !>u*i
i •
St. Charles Hotel
the : santi am news
*1 50 PER YEAR
Ae tke'1 moruihg the father Mid to
i hl* daugliter "Gysi le. ws must gel »u-
I uber roaetimib for you”
T dell I waul another. ,'•4*»."
"Why not?’’
I would rather have the one tn tbe
I • emeiery ”
lIn this column, we publish political Im you want It backT*
I’oerrlshl. 1*1
I’V Atnsru-sn press
It'» mi |.it«h thnt grow« by ths
«iiiHiuncvments ai d other mat
■ .rave of the pooa boy's mamma."
ter sent for the purpose of aiding
“Grade Is right." »aid tier mot tier,
political candidatea. Tbe Nr.** ia an
Cotuv. pv*. let's go out In the gardec
i'he buab hero would have only It*
independent newspaper ami the only
ami see I»» your nwelnish 1« getting
un lo.iuty Ttwre It I* nu emblem ««f
•mper published in the forks of the
along ”
■ hit universal l. iv whl lt «bollili eilst
■’»ntiam and in a spirit of fairness,
• Morton Jenkins spoke these aord- : M'taeen tbe rh It nr.d tbe («oor."
will give candbiatea of all parties an
lo In* little daughter, seven year» “Id
> qual show, whatever may be said in
If ever a man worshiped aui thing mor
’hi* Column, in no nay obligates the
ini Jeiiklu* ivorslilpssl l111« > told Tin
NKW. m amt this pa|>er will be responsible
place on which fhe family lived con
tor none.)
aisled of ample ground*, mid. Mrs
Jeuklna bating a natural taste (oi
Oowrr*. there were many beautiful in
I II. Van Winkle. Republican candi
1 lie dmghli i
late foe Circuit Judge lie has practic­ rlrilo* alMHIt ’lie houac
Grade. h»d Inherited lo-r mother»
’d in all the courts and has had seven
taste, nnd tier father tbe day l-s-f r,
< nrs judicial expcrienre as Assistant
bad plautcd for tier a rosebush ot n
o Attorney Ornerai Crawford. Born
very cliche variety
■ vi vrlgt.t 1710. b> Anirrlesn Pres«
¡i d raised in Linn county.
It was a beautiful «utunicr nmrnlUK
(Paid advertisement)
when the two went oui t > where the
rosebush hnd t>cen plant«d. the chll«l
I limi« i »land. Wllklti». said June*,
prattlUig with etpc-tmloti
"tbat I liomps.m i* engaged lu Allas
I II Van Winkle has had experience
W ill It bate any m»«-s on It. pwpnY’
i VVatrl-»» ’’
-Ob, no. nn ibtrllitg
It wa* plant
qwdally fitting him for circuit judge
l iiiinv. l»n i li? Tìie Idea of a man
shile serving ns assistant to Attorney
uiarrylng a wuuuiu lawyvr"
Ood it a trifle wiii«*l, but «HI n u
Raise,I in Linn
i «onerai Crawford.
So II I»
l|.>u ivuuld Ibey Intimo
He respectfully asks your
un up|H«»lt«a alde* »f lliv sutil«* case?"
will bring It up We’ll go get the wa
"I d like tu trj ihi'in 11.« tbv Itye,
terlng put - Hello!"
(I’awl advertisement)
The eidnniation was ••nii*«-d by »t Tlmm|«*otl lias tny «use ngalust JoUr
Mupl««*« you put your casa
Ing ii hole w livre flic rosebush hnd <-uuipnny
lu lh<* Imml» of Mi » iVatri»» "
«loud. Willi l<io*v earth scuttrrv.l atmul
"I'II do lt "
Vote fori H. Van Winkle, republican
Tbe father's broiv gntbered omiuously
W ben Mr Ttiompson mine Ititi« court
-andidate for Circuit Judge.
"If I call Dud <>ul who dl«l that I II
ami tu lil» lini.'««- Illusi agnlnst tilín
«on of Linn county. Seven years i-x
D’Hi't • ri. |s'i There are more wbrri*
. In- bull lil» lirón»
Rut «he gaie blm
rience as a.'.»i«tant to Atty. General
that cmm> from
Home one hi« liken
a «ivvct stilile, «a ttim li a» tu sur.
Crawford. Two to elect.
lliv bu’li up by tbe root*
Wlint un
'I»ti i li uke f<«r you mul me io try
out rage!'
(Paid advertisement)
a < a»«’ oli op|Mo>lie aldea ?”
lie took Ids darling In Id« arms am!
I lioiiq«»..ii un«i . ri d hlmself. return
klanad away tier Irur*
Al Ibe »mm-
«il ili«’ «tulle rimi d>< larvi! limi II would
luomvix be *»w or thought be »in
In- «li'ilgbihii
A« ftn nttorney fur tho
sonic one ihslglng t i hlml tbe gl i»* out
plalntlff he rqiem-d thè case
bou»e tbit covered th«* plants In win
Non . Mr ì tminpsou was mi alile nt-
ter Gulrg lltcrr he < oiifroiilml it llttl«'
In ih,- Orsi |>laie. lie enterad
un biu u I hiui tbe slue of bl* own < ldl*l
ti< i.rt nnd «otti loto vvery case he con
The Isiy was ragged, unkempt mid
dm lisi ami hv<! th>- rvputatloii nmotig
hungry looking
In bl* dirty timid lie
Candidate for Legislature
hi» ptofissloti’il ussinlati's <>f gvttlug
grns|»*l llm missing rosebush
more <>ul of ld» nlliiv«»«'» lo Ittfure tbo
’Vuu luting raM’sl! uled Jeiiklu»
opponile siile ami more otti <>f thelr
on the Democratic Ticket
fiercely. do you mciiii by tear
w Itnc» es lo l««*t|» ld» uivn side Itimi
Ing up my pluiit»'; '
mty man nt thè
In thè pnwut
I wanted It for mhiic I hili’ "
ras«. Ite . ouxim I bis wltn«**»«'*. hdplng
-| suppose you d<d waul It or yon
I FIÏOR i 60TERXMENT CLOSE Ï0 THE PEOPLE I wouldn’t bare taken It I here. Take Ilo in by It-udlnu questioii» *« timi tliey
w. rv n toner of «tri ngth fttr bis < u»e
! that ” lie Iiiffial Itie l»7
Now gel MI .» Watrl»« srdng tbe ndinntng«* ho
(Paid Advertiaement)
along, mid It I enteb you »Ivaling ni) was gnlnlng. Levante restlve Rite he
plants again I II turn you over Io the trilli lo olij«« t to iivnrly eu ri qttcatlon.
p« ll< «• '
I lie buy was slinking uwuy Itut i he judgv dld tini «llst.dn Iter oli-
Yote For
when Grade *md to het father. ’ Pitpu. |««ilon*. mul thl* irrlialvtl Iter
d' li t you Ihluk that Bluer be« las g . <m-.cpi<'ii< «. was thnt when her own
struck fur lukloa the bush be <>ug!it Io nltn.”'. » !>•’
Ili«’ Btatld site wa* lu a
, bme II!"
very luid humor
■fertalnly not
He would gladly
lly ild» lime Ilo- atiorney for tho
take a rutting for encli plain we tiuvr plalntlff Imd bcviune absorbed In bis
on the pt tee’’
• .»e lo ih» «Adusimi ut v\rtj otlier
Democratic Candidate
Give him the bu»h. pupa ”
• •..lisldernIloti The tirsi w lini'»» rallevi
"Sv. eel heart.” »aid tin* father. "It s
lite d«'fcti*e wns n tnlld gentleman,
for County Tieastirer juur If you prefer to give It t • f<>r
utm wn» nei >-r »tire nl*>ut mtylblng
him do so."
■|>o i <>n rcmemlwr," anoered thè al-
The iblld pl« bed up the rosebush tbe ti.rney yen nto for breakfast
(Paid advertiM-nient)
boy bad thrown down nud lialidvd II . ibis mornlug?”
to hlui
"I objrd’" abouted Ml«a WatrlM,
Do you live down lu tbe rookery?
sprlnging i>> ber furi.
»be nskid
I li«’ objedlou wn* stistalmd.
"Yea "
Mr Tbom|u*«n then sltowed tbe wlt-
"Tlis part where the funeral was >n«s a paper and nskul blm If bu
WU! IS It?
yesterday 7“
wrote It
" Yes"
•’The Hom« Rule Amendment,” so
"Il look» llkv ttty hmidwrltlng.” wa»
"Was It your inninma they carried ili«« reply. "mtd tliat ».•«•in» lo I«« try
eall< d, ia un-American; the state is the
unit. I lur cities musi nut lie pernrttled out ?"
»¡¿nature, I ut I couldn't «wear to It."
to set up separate principalities in
"Ilow ohi are y<«U?”
"Did you want the rmebush to plan’
"Mlxty "
alwoiute independence of our State
nt tier grareF’
"D'> imi eou»ldvr youraelf lo your
MS a Yea, prohibition amendment.
Jenkin« stood llsteiilng to till* lacon­
"I objerff agalli abouted Misa Wa-
344 a Yea, prohibition law.
ic dialogue, looking from tils dilld to trl ». lilla lime w il li reti hot clteeka.
the boy who bad robtaxl lur of her
(Paid Ad.i-rttsvmcnt)
"Your liow.r." »ad Mr, Tbompeou,
When the Inst "Yes" »»» unti exasperatlng cooli»«'*». “perhapa
spoken, mueinberiug tbe cuff It«’ had ih. » ntf.irmy for tbe defendant would
given the thief, a tilusli of shame >lka tn comtud my caso for me.
spread over tils features
Taking up arould prefer tri bara Iter do so rather
bi» Idol, bo hid lit* face so far us her* tban prevvnt my provlng ibat ber wlt-
cottid cover It «ml rained kl»s«'* on her
ii. » In eltlivr In. orni» leni (rum Iosa of
cheeks. Then, still holding her In hl*
memory «ir I» wltlilmldlug evldencs.”
For constitutional amendment arm*, lie said:
Mr Thompson by Itila lime bad f»r-
• Ask liltn wbat else be wishes l«e- goftrn ll>*t ho Imd a fiancre and that
giving to cities and towns
aid«'* the bush.”
tlnnrve wns Ida o|>p..«lhg counscl. Per-
exclusive power to license,
"I know, |M|io ”
li ips fot •• of linblt g<>t thè fletter of
regulate, control, suppress,
' blm Miss IVmriss gaie hlm att migry
"That t«. I know wbat I’d Ilk« to do
or prohibit the sale of intox­
gin»«'«, bui mndo no reply.
icating liquors within the for him I'd like to take lilni nnd Itn (Thompson dtlu-r dhl not notte« ber
bush to th« cemetery In my pony rari ■ liol.r <r was tisrd to ridilli* tbo
j ami help him plant It near bln mother’s
w rulli of hi* opp. n.-ut»
Indecd. Ibis
32« X Yes
san a favorite mi’tlnnl wllh hlm.
“That you shall tin. sweetheart
Il trlng Lt >w In .iti li a doien wlt-
James must go with you."
ite* e» for thè ddmi*«' titilli tliey nere
Bbo ran to tbo stnbl« to t"ll Jam«*
noi aure of unitldtig rxccpt whnt lis
to gel out the cart, ami while »tie was
wlslicd lb««m lo Ire aure of. Mr. Tliotnp-
gone the fattier sahl to tbe lioy
<m stimimd np tbw case a* one of th«
Grtattr Oregon Hama Rule Association
"Hereafter when you wl»b anything ino»; snlndles igsljist hi» ellctit
til* Electric Building. Portland, Oregon fr«»m my place eo«ne and ask me for !■ '! c«er In.-n |»'r|ietrnti«l lipón a
It amt you’ll get It. Never take any
(Paid Advertiaing)
loi .• aufforltig | m r*oti
MI«« Watrtaa.
thing without first asking, ami If you
«tri knew ibi! ld* ellettf wa« a rancai
really need It you'll usually find some «ho wns trylng to min Iter own elh-nf.
way to get It wltlionl stealing It ’’
Grain IrWi
. ..ud «inrevly contai» bersdf llirnugh
lie drew front hl* poekH some sliver
Mr TboHiptuHi'8 «rifui niellimi
We have a full line of Van Brunt at <1 ami gave It to tbe boy. mid befoto the anger
of dl«lortltig fatta, bis sttMHiih Imi
Kentucky drills the two most jmpular day wit* ended lie liad vl«ltr«l tbe deso­
cttiihig Imoy. wera IILe rubtilng a HI«
drills on the market.
late mid •« pin I Id home, prov l«l«*l for
ou n rtieumuth memlwr. MI«* Watrlnc"
W e have only four Van Brunt drills fhe wants of the tuotlierlvsa elillilren .«Hidlil'Hi wns mil linprovid. rlltirr, !>y
left of the carload we received at the and arranged for their more permanent tlie !•'•» nf her «n»«* mul <<>*t* for lier
Iwgmning of the season; ao if you want I comfort at Id» own expense.
tlltl. Il Injtir«*! dvfvndmif
IVhvn tliey
Mcmiwhile Grade hnd taken the Imjr
a drill, it will pay you to see the Van
teff tlie cmirtrooni Mr Tbom|iuoo.
'• Into her cart amt umler the care of the
Brunt. We have sold 22 drills thia fall.
wbo Imd suihlenly dmppv«l Mie attor-
c««a' htnan had driven blm to tbe ceme­
liey mul returtwd fu tbe eondltlon of
Thia should convince you that the Van
tery James dug the hole In which to
Brunt is the best drill on the market. jut the plant. an<l Grade set It In with foyer, joln«»! Id» nancee nnd aakl:
"Bweetbeart. I congratulate you on
Write for pamphlets, if you can’t come her own hnml«. while tbe t«y stood by.
done «plendhlly T'
and ace them.
wondering wliat all tbit Interest. Ibis
(Cuntinucvl next week)
C ha « WgrgLY
kindness, mennt.
A Puf Up Job
< «I. I »KN N I
Settle It Now
Settle It Right