The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, October 14, 1910, Image 1

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Woodworth Drug Co., Albany, Ore
Iiquvr and prohibition, is that proper
u«e of liquor la no more a crime or a
vi.e than rating sug-ir or teefstvak.
This matter ha* tx-en lost sight of by
lar>>< numlx-r of ix-rxon» in the present
prohibition wrangle in Oregon. Th«-
moderat«- drinking of wine, or beer, or
whisky, 1» not a wrongful act, in world­
round opinion, excessive use is a vice
(not a crime), and is guan led against
b<-*t b/ warning and example and
le 'sons of experience.
Vast numbers of citizen«, the world
ou r, use liquors soberly ami properly,
their example oppose* the claims of
prohibitionist* amt they will not accept
th<- vcr»i<>n of prohit>ltioni«ta that they
an- criminals or dvbauchers of youth or
undesirable citiaens.
Persons who abuse thcm«rlvrs and
liquor by getting drunk sometime*
""reform" and come back to cry for
prohibition; but they are hardly para
gons. for tietier men and women to
imitate who do not go down into the
gutter, though they may be parogons
fur their own kind.
This ts merely an interjectcry re­
mark amid the polemics of the present
campaign The futility of prohibition
law in large centers of population is
another and a very important side of
the question, perhaps th«« most import­
ant. Then* are. many sober men and
women who will not concede that their
personal liberties should lie curtailed,
just tiecauae other individuals go the
wrong path. Oregonian
at various time» no that
fectly familiar with the mtn-
hi<-h the county's business 1»
In point of clerical ability
jrily, a lietter «election could
lade. The people will make no
Democratic Speatinz
On Saturday, Oct. 22. the democratic
candidate* will lie in thia city fur the
purpose of discussing the political issues
of the day as they effect the wcllfarv
of the voters of I.inn rounty.
This is an Important meeting. Every
voter, no matter whether h«' is a demo­
crat or a republican, should I m * present.
It is the truth which every citixen
should I m * anxious to finii out and you
can only ascertain the truth by hearing
the political issues discussed from (with
a republican and democratic viewpoint.
Republican voters are cordially invit­
eli to be present.
Io Discus? Measures
F. PROCHASKA, Proprietor
, ,, ,, ,,, complete telegraphic news of
the world; rives reliable market reports. a« it is published at
Portland, where the market news can I m - and ia corrected to
date for each issue. It also ha* a page of special mailer for
the farm and home, an entertaining «tory page and a page or
more of comic each week, and it goes to the aulwcribcr twice
every week - lot times a year
ÇihiTIAV WrWQ Gives all the Io-al news and
uAnllnn HbWo hap|»-nings and should be in
every home in this vicinity. The two papers make a good
combination and you save SI by sending your subscription to
MAVS. s< I< >. ORE.
We can also give our sulnwribers a good clubbing offer for
the liait) ami Sunday, or Sunday Journal with the NEWS.
Smoking, says a doctor, is not such
an injurious and dangerous habit as ha*
been claimed. All diseases are caused
by germs; there can be no life except
what comes from life.
A person who smokes uses one of the
1« st germicide* ami antiseptics, he is
prutcvlvd from the invasion of disease,
and is, as a matter of fact. l»-a* liable
to contract disease than the man who
does not smoke. * "During the war,’*
he continues, "I waa in charge of over
vs*i soldier» at the post in Florida;
there were marshes near by. anil the
dysentery broke out among the troops,
raging with great virulence. I noticed
that all the Irishmen who went about
with clay pipes in their mouths did not
contract the disease. I smoked all the
time, and was free from it. Mo that
■moking. instead of being objectionable,
is in reality a good preventive against
■ disease."
I Memory Pad
C ha * WgaKLY
Keep a pencil and little notebook
Eqoalizahon Notice
hanging by the telephone in the kitchen
or fwntry. aayn Parts Modes, and when
The County Board of Equalization of
in need of anything jot it down; then Taxes will meet at the office of the
when ordering over the 'phone it can county clerk, Monday October 17, IftlO
be read off without stopping to think.
and remain in s«-saion for aix day», for
the purpose of publicly examining the
a»»e**m»nt roll and to correct error» in
valuation. de-<-riptinn nr qualities of
land, lot» or other property. All per­
sons interested are hereby notified to
appear at the sppomted time and place
and. if it shall appear to said Board,
that lands, lots or other property, I m *
assessed twice, or assessed in the name
I or names of any person or persona not
■ the owner thereof, or assessed under
or beyond its value, or any land, lots or
otter property not assessed, they will
, make the proper correction.
D. B. McKNtmrr
County Assessor