The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, July 01, 1910, Image 1

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I Abstracts ? Title I
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To all land« and town lots in Linn
County made hy men of wide experience
ami certified to by a reaponBible com­
A company that ha;« been
efttaldiKhod for eighteen year« and is
f inn County Abstract Co
30’. Broadalbin Si.
Largest Stock outside of Portland
Samples and Estimates on Request
Expert Truss fitting—Camera supplies, etc
Woodworth Drug Co., Albany, ore
Carefully prepare«! by competent an I experienced
employe« thoroughly familiar with the record« of
Linn County. Accuracy, neatness and dispatch is
our motto, We are now abstracting the instrtiments
tlleddnilv and can serve the publie most efficiently.
We use the most modern and up to date system of ab-
Htraqting • An unlimited amouut of money to loan
on <» per cent, per annum on approved farm security
Albany Abstract Co., l m curl
Reduction Sale
Mens and Boys Suits, hats, low shoes.
Ladies and Misses low shoes, spring
and summer dress goods, ladies fancy
gingham underskirts and Childrens
ready-made dresses
Salo Commences June 20, and Closes July 3
Heavy reductions will be made on all
the above lines, now is the time to buy
what you need for the Fourth of July.
Below we quote a few prices on some
odds and ends that .vewish to close out:
$1 25 anti $1.50 Misae« and children» white
canvas low shoes, to go at |>er pair ..
$3, $3.50 and fl Ladies, Misses and Bov»
patent leather low shoes, your choice
$1 and $1.25 mens night gowns, well made
your choice .................. ......................
Mens, Ladies anti Childrens straw hats, un
assortment of all kinds, your choice ...
Wesely & Cain
Wta'htf Confit ms it Til F jrmis leu I
it CMonka N«$Jrt. IMX
Ftw Siows Ottoni IM n I n I
Th« LifiR CsiD!y F it is Wde Open
Eifiititers 3d Eferyooo^ is
M n
The fine weather prevailing on the
Portland, Or., June 2« The old I
North Beach. is bringing hosts of
Dalles military wagon road grant is *
I visitors to the ocean »bore, intent on
about to be place«! on the market ant! '
securing rest and a goat coat of tan.
this land, together with the Willamette <
The outlook is particularly bright for
Valley A Cascade Mountain road grant
The Brownsville Time» is mistaken In
a remarkably busy season this cummer,
that is to be sold in small tracts, will ¡ its deductions regarding our l.inn county
the number of visitors al thia time be­
mean a great colonization movement I Eair. There is no disposition on the
ing far greater than ever before at the
for Oregon during the coming few i part of the Fair managers to bar any
•ame time of the year.
I year«. The Dalles grant comprises ' section of the county, or from the
The march of progress ia evident
, 4XU.OOO acres and is very largely i valley, for that matter. Lebanon and
throughout the entire length of the
valuable agricultural land. Its Mettle- Albany both requested that a day be
beach, and development being assured,
ment will mean a great increase in tlic set apart and advertised for them,
prosperity 1« but a matter of course.
state’s |>o|iulation and wealth.
Another day ia designated “Grange
Work on the Automobile Boulevard* ia
The Paciflc Power & Light company,
in OT,ler <■> promote Grange
progressing very rapidly, beach homes
organised by Eastern capitalists with n < Xhibits and. also. •«» en<•ourtlg<• a sort
bv the «-<>re ar»- being erected, ami new
capitalisation of »7,500,1100, plana te de- <«T Grange rally at that time. “Scio
rooming houM■» and okl are l>eing rapid­
velop a great electrical generating and
deaignatod. simply because
ly put into shape to take care of t> e
distributing system throughout
th«'1 Rrowsvilla nor any other South end of
board» of cummer tram ienta which will
Yakima, Columbia an<l Walla Walla tb* County town had asked to have
roon l>e down upon us.
valleys Other concern« have been themselves recognix«! »n<l advertise«),
The North Beach Push Club with it»
taken over byHM
_ corporation,
___ ___| There 1» no thought of slighting any
the big
combined effort, shouldering the wheel
* . All the name,
which will give special attention to portion of the county.
of progress, has awakened an era of
furnishing power fur irrigation work Bnownaville and all of the South side of
activity, which will undoubtedly secure
throughout the territory covered, it the county are cordially invited to be the proper recognition of the
IS promise«! that by ■•onc.-ntrsting th- present any or every day of th«-_Fair.
pa -d advantages of the North I'each
water power development in the North­
for enjoyable outing», and, at the tame
west, a more satisfactory service will and sill attend in any ci>n«i<l-ri^^ tirtie, all the comfort» of home.
be developed than can bo rendered by number, prepare a program or make up
Negotiations are now pending with
a race purse, “Scio Dav" can be easily
private companies.
Portland capitalist» for the installation
Uncle. Sam ia counting h:a timber changed to read “Brownsville Dav” or , of a water system to supply the beach
wealth on the alopet of the Cascade i “All South ‘•ide of the County Day" and surrounding countryside with fine
Mountains. Expert timber cruisers in and be advertised hereafter as such.
mountain water. With the culmination
The fair U for all of Linn and ns much
th«- employ of the Government are at
of this project, one of the obstacles to
Work making the estimate at.d it ia ex­ of e.djoining counties as wdl participate. an otherwise incomparable locality ia
pected it will take all this summer and The premium list, amounting to over obliterated.
next to complete the cruise of the I2&00, is wide open to con,petition for
watershed of the Willamette River an«i all corner«. no matter from what part
Foil Affifuliltd
its tiibutaries in the cascade reserve. of the state; and the capacity of the
The ianti will be classified and the
For several days, laat week.
timber segregated into logging, units. Even the editor of the Brownsville Haman Shelton was reported to not be
This is the first attempt, >o far as Times can obtain entrance, if he will getting on i.i a quite satisfactory con­
come and the NEWS man wdl see that
known, of the Government to take an
dition. Nevertheless I)r. Prill, her
he does not have to sleep out of doors.
inventory of it’s timber resources.
physician has made daily visita aince
she was injured and haa given the
Lumber manufacturers of the Oregon !
wound every possible care, the bones
& Washington association are perfect !
Circuit Court
B ing plana for the logging congress to !
have shown but slight inclination to
The Juno term of the circuit court knit. The injured member was. also,
be heki in Portland late next month.
The visitors will spend three days in convened this Monday, in charge" of becoming more painful than it had been
the city and local logger« and lumber­ Judge Burnett, and disposed of the previously. Dr. 3*rill thought the con­
following business:
dition sufficiently serious to call counsel,
men will be host*. The sawmill men !
The new grand jury will have a Imsy so early Monday morning Dr». Da via
and timber cutters of the northwest ■
will become better acquainted as a •session with the following cases already and Wallace, of Albany came over in
result of the gath«aring ar.d the benefits in their hands: Ernest Porter, for the that capacity,
following the meeting will be mutual. murder of John Shannon; F. J. Arm-1 After thorough examination, all of
Htrong, Mel Kelly ami Wm. !-■■«••«
luunr. •»«
on ( ' th,, physicians determined that amputa
Portland will be host to thousarida of the charge of larceny from John Daloyi' tion'waa imperative to th- healing of
delegate« to the national convention of R. 8. Scott, charged with obtainirg i the wound,
Th.- operation was at once
the Ancient Order of Hibernians, which
money under false pretences from .Miss ' performed to the satisfaction of the
comes to this eity July 19 to 24 It bl Martin of Brownsville; Harry Osrena, * ¡ne<Beal men.
When Ute patient arous­
predicted that 15,000 visitor» will lie
assault with a dangerous weapon; Earl ed from the effects of the anaesthetic,
here at that time, delegates Coming
M. Blair for forgery; Harry Ijixnow she was made as comfortable as possi­
from every section of the country, and
i larceny from a dwelling al Isibanon; ble and Dr. Prill haa hopes that there
many tourists will arrive during the
Chas. Ikiwmng for whipping his wife; will be no further impediment to re­
same time, attracted by the special ■
J. E. and Jess Wiliooghby larceny from covery.
ratea. Entire trains have been arrang­
person, and R. B Mayberry for giving
ed for from many Eastern cities. Ixteal '
intoxicating liquor to a minor.
Raise fruit instead of bugs, worms
member» of the order ar* arranging a
Claud Rains pled guilty to the charge and moas. by using Ully'a Ife-at Tree
great reception for their guests.
of giving intoxicating liquors to Daisy I Spray. At Wesely’» Grocery.
A state convention of Esperantista Sadden, on Jan. 15, and will be sen­
has been called for July 16 in the con­ tenced on Thursday at 9 a m.
All-atcrl window screen» which you
vention hall of the Portland Commercial i The two cases of E. J. Vandusen, of can leave in the window ami which will
Club, when students of the new world Harrisburg, indicted on the charges of not interfere with raising or lowering
language, educators, teachers and I violation of the local option law ami I the window, for sale at the Scio Planing
others interested are asked to meet to carrying concealed weapons were called, ’ Mdl. N. J. Morriaon,
consider the organization of a state I and the defendant not appearing his
Esperanto association. Other matters 1 bonds. EK*' on the first case and $100
Dismissed: --A. L. Weddle agt. Je­
vita) to the widespread adoption of the on the aaeond were ordeied forfeited rome Smith et al.. Int. Text Book Co.
new language will come up. Among I and bench warrants in the sums of $500 agt Wm. Hortich. H. E. Morrison agt.
these will be the election of delegates | and 13» were ordered issue.!.
F. W. Lawton. Oregon agt. John Nem-
to the International Es|>eranto Cun-
An amended answer was permitted in chick, wife refusing to prosecute.
gross, to be held at Washington. D. C , IC. A E. agt. R. R. Co., the Lyons
Settled:—three case» agt. Robert
August 14-30, and the proposal to in­ 1 depot case, and the case will probably Tassell, A. Wilhelm A Sons agt Hugh
troduce Esperanto in the public schools, be tried thia term.
as it is being dor.e in Maryland and
In Oregon agt
Fred Sender», in-
In the case of E. J. Van Dusen, of
elsewhere. Further information about I dieted for violation of the local option Harrisburg, whose bail had been de­
the coming convention can be had from I law, his bonds amounting to K'W were clared forfeited: Var.Dusen reported
the Portlami Commercial Club.
■ declared forfeited and a bench warrant Tuesday and the order of forfeit w»»
' ordered I ssikm I. The landsmen, are E. ' rescimied. VanDuaen plead guilty to
Hon. Jefferson Myres, who
a | J. Seeley and George Anderson.
violating the Iocs I option law and was
possible nominee for Oregon’s next I Continue«!:—Oregon, agt John Bu­ sentenetd to serve 20 days in jail
governor, was a visitor at his old Scio I chanan, J. N. Rice et al. agt. The Cal.
Henry Knuths agt. Joe M. Flaherty,
home, laat week. From an hour talk apooia Lumber Co.. Clyde Peacock agt. i who has skipped the country, judgment
with Mr Myrea, last Sunday morning, Albert Peacock, N. W. Tho npaon agt, for plaintiff.
■ the N kwh man gathered the !<lea that Ralph Groahong et al. May A Sender«
Second trial of Oregon agt. Corvallis
1 many people, »omeof them republicans, agt. Davit A Coleman. (Wear Black i A Eastern, a failure to respond
r _ ______
to the
• look upon the election of a democratic . agt. Mary E. Hurst, Oregon agt Chas, order of the R. R. commission to build
' governor, next fall, as being not only a Downing pending investigation
of depot at Lyons, begun Tuesday. In
I possibility but a probability.
Mr. I another case. W. E. Wann agt. F J»’ the former tr'al, the jnrv failed ti
Myrea does not expect any senous Coppack, little Harris agt. O. GusUf agree, >*ing 1
1 <iefendant.
opposition to his nomination
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