* i ** - i . • Mt e « > •• •i' • • I V. •< -A * »Y . / *•> '• ’*•••*> V * ' • , ». u 3^* • i • Äu * ft / . •** -, -a . I L. • * * * V 1 « «Sto M Special Surprise Shoe Sale FRIDAY and SATURDAY • * OR these two day« only we are going to offer Romething very unutual in the «hoe department. The very latent up to date Rtyle«, nothing held in re­ serve, adsolutely every «hoe oxford and pump that «ell« regularly at $4. «pedal for F e t ■ ♦ ft Friday and Saturday • « * A % $3.39 Take advantage of thia opportunity— come and pro­ fit by purchasing here. a S. E. YOUNG 4 SON A lbany . O regon V ♦ LOCAL BREVITIES. aoaooeeoooe>fr*o*a<»««o • -1 i/j / 4 j .* i a / L*z ■ • Good line of Ladies Oxford« at Wesely A Cains. The Scio Grange was quite liberally attended, last Saturday. Gray is the color this season for Iin 'i-I suit« and Wt-srly A Cain have s dandy line. A. R M<-''all was- in town Monday, circulating a stale-wide prohibition petithm. A new line of mens suits in all the new colors ami shades and fancy weaves at Wesely A Cains. George Daley went up to Mill City Saturday to accept the position u> meat cutter In the butcher shop at that city. The best line of fancy and staple groceries in the Valley, at living prices al Wescly’s Grocery. Grandma Charlotte Crabtree is re­ ported to tie quite ill of a fever, proba­ bly typhoid. M. Ml Lumber hauli-ig la again in order. In hftMU humi A new line of ladies wai.«ts at W< sel> The Oregon Slate Railroad commis I < aina. non has been inquiring into express E C. Peery made a bu-mess vied to charges and the proportion of earning* Albany the first of uu> week. to investment by W ells-Fargo Express All the latest styles in mens suits •I ■ompany, in this stale, ami finds that the ratio of slate business to interstate Wesely A Cains at (7 to 123. Clyde Rodgers left, this Fevk, for i lusimssfor last year was 30 44, arev*rsI months stay at Pilot Rock It is further explained by the commis- Mrs. Joseph Balschwcid has beer. don's statisticiar> fh«t ' the rstio of (Uite sick during the past ten days. m«nt is prospect for a bumper crop of grain, riven «• 364.743.2, so that the ecm- fruit and vegetables, excepting prunes ' panv earned last year on purely in- 1 'erstat« business, without taking into smi cherries. Ji»^ in, a swell line of Packards |4 I eon»i leration Oregon's proportion of and |5 low shoe« for men in colors some 1X36,00) earned on interstate buaine**, 142,371 SB, or over 66 per 1 green black am! tan, at cent on th« investment. Cain. These figures show that the peuple Wm. Brenner ia making quite ex ten aid their lawmakers ars very kind to siv* improvements to bls bou-e in the th« espress company. It is not many , way of recovering the house, addi- people, even in favored Oregon, who ' tions, etc. can make 342,300 a year on an invest­ A number of cottages for rent will ment of »64.700 66 per cent. It wou d b* In good demand in Scio, during the seem that if the express charges cannot summer and fall, some one should sup- I be reduced, the company might w«li ply the demand. afford to pay somewhat higher taxes. J. G. Crawford, the Albany photo The people who give it such a soft grapher, was a psasenger fur Mill City, snap should get back in taxes a portion Detroit «ml possibly the North Santism of that 65 per cent a year of profits. mines, on a view making exposition. Port1 and Sunday Journal. P. H. MacDonald ha* been given the pleasure of a visit from a brother whom he has not seen for over twency year*. The brother left Tuesday afternoon. There they go. there they go Raise fruit instead of bugs, worm* Across the bridge ami moss, by using Lilly’s Best Tree To the south s ffi L-S j h I I I L J ¡ I I V La 5v r- We neuer disappoint THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO OREGON ALBANY DIW14TOMR J. J.fWruM, W. F. GUI, J. A. Bilyeu, J. R. Barnx, C. A. Warner. Scio’s cigar manufacturing establish Save your chicks by using I-ee’e Gcrmosone Diamond and Lilly’s Beat ment is now in operation From ap pearance and a sample or two tried by chick feol. at Wisely*s Grocery. There are aix brick buildings in the News editor, we ju Ige the goods We wish the new course of erection in Albany, chief of to be first class, which ia the 50-room depot hotel build­ enterprise success. good crops and good prices The far­ mer who pins his faith to the Milburn | wagen. mi on the right track for both, Our lerritorv rovers Silverton. Slay- ton and Scio. We have a full stock of thos. Milburn wagons, at all Urne», in Our public school closes todav (Fri- all sixes, ing. KottNL* A M Kit. Kt A Salem fishing party drove up In an day.) Prof. Mix* expects to return to, Stayton, Oregon auto, Sunday morning, arriving in Xcio, his former home at Byron. Ill The Professor is a splendid school man, an I at 6 a. m., for breakfast at the Scio is popular with everybody. Scio regrets hotel. fiKitrft Miet to see him depart. John Wescly went to Eugene. Satur­ J. F. Wescly was summoned last To All Whom It May Concern: day evening, to play his first game fur Friday, by telegraph, to Edmonds. Notice is hereby given to ail shorn it the season, with the Albany league ball Wash., where his wife and infant son may concern, that from and after the team. the exrcu- are at the home of her father. .Frank IGth day of May, 1910. I, Make money from your hens by feed W. -ticha, visiting. Joe left on the 63.90 60.(0 63.90 66.90 67.50 67.50 TicKcts will be on sale .May 2 ami 9; Juno 2, 17 and 21; Julj 5 ami 22; August 3 ami September K, I li above rate« apply from Portland only. From point« south of Portland, add ono wav local rate to Portland, to make through rate via Portland. Ono way through California, add $15.00 to the above rate«. I en Jay« provided for the going trip. Stop-over« within limit« in either direction. Final return limit 3 month« from date of sale, hut not later than October 31. J 4 M M WM. c urray General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon ? Y** y** • • > - 4 « ■ * “• «