The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, May 20, 1910, Image 5

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B, Oss
(Chapter XXIX Continued!
1 mine, and report» everything moot
I prosperous dow n there. The tunnel,
> MxH feet, |>erfectly straight, is now
The above illustration is a cut of the ’ over ’EM) fret in length, has crosscut
mouth of the tunnel of Tlw Mexican one S foot vein, very rich and, it is
Mine Limited, in which many people expected, will tap a second and larger
of Linn ( ounty own share».
! vein any day. in all. there are four
Mr. Wm Khh-ry. mansgi.ig director, ore v< ins wh ch the tunnel will cross
recently returnee! from a visit to the cut.
Machinery is now living placed and
the tunnel work will progress much
fastrr. Every indication points to a
■ very rich mine, when it ha» been
fully developed
Thia is especially pleasing to Mr.
Ehlert, as he has been instrumental in
causing Linn County people to invest in
the enterprise.
The New I'lrm
I I, N. I. Morrison, have taken Mr
Rtrawberriea ar.d gooseberries galore ’ T. O. Neal as a ¡»artner in my hard­
after May 20; logan berries in season 1 ware am! implement store sm! the style
till you can’t rest.
Prices more than of the new firm will hereafter be
reasonable, Gooseberries and currants Morrison 4 Neal.
25 cents par gallon on the bush, straw-
I thank you for your generous pat­
tierries ami loganberries 20 cents for ronage in the past and solicit a con­
single gallon, or six gallons for II on tinuance of your favors in the future.
the vine», or 25 cent» |*r gallon when
1 will still run the planing mill» am!
pickl'd; raspberries, scarce, 25 cents a will give you figures on your shop work
gallon; pie cherriea 3» cents ¡»er gallon. I which cannot be lieaten anywhere in
large royalana, 25 cents per gallon. the valley. I have engaged Harry N.
■mall royalans, 15 cent» per gallon; Johnston as »hop foreman, but I will be
black Republicans, 10 cents per gallon there to help out on rush work. Any­
at the tree. All berries ami fruit is in thing you need to build with, such as
fine shape. »Plsaae do not bring your lime, cement, sand, brick, etc., will be
dogs with you when you come for ber­ in stock. I will have a car of shingles,
ries as they are quite annoying to the the last of this or the first of next
American Pie Eater, or proprietor of week. Parties deairing shingle» will
the 'anliam Farm.
8. W. G aines .
do well if they get them at the car,
Bernes Fir Silt
11. M0RPIÎ0N, Pro».
»1/ on Idinas,
Fra in es,
Shingles Etc
Estimates sod Plans tor Bnildints
iomisbed on short notice
O re .
Subscribe tor—
thus saving the hauling. I-eave your
F i >UNf> A pair of spectacles. The orders at once and I will notify you
owner can have same by proving when the car arrives.
Yours for business,
projierty and paying for this notice. N.
N. I. M orrison
of the 1 igUO. greenish features l|at
haunt the vl i'i» mill their subtle
lie was awakened nt noon l»y Rellni.
who obeyed hla Instructions to tho
minute. The eager Arab rubbed the
»oreiiess and stlff'iess out of hla luas-
tvr •
with copious applications of
I'm sorry you awoke me. Nellm.”
said Hie master enigmatically. Nellm
drew liack, dlsiuuyed "You drove tier
away." Mellin's eyes blinked wHh be-
w Ibleriuent. "I'm nfiald she'll never
• •■me back."
I.v ellcney !'• trembled on the lips of
the mystified servant.
• Ah.!’ sighed the master resign­
ed! <
"Nho »tiillrd so divinely lletiiier
girls never »mile, <lo they, Mellin?
lime you noticed that they are always
Perhaps you haven't.
doesn't matter. But tills one smiled.
I say," coming liark to earth, ' have
they licguii to dl»tlll the water? I’ve
g«<t a frightful thirst."
•'Yes. excellency. The Rahlb Browns
la at work, tine of the servants bs-
< nmc sick t<sl»y. Now no one 1» drink­
ing Hie water. Bslllo 1« bringing In
he from the storehouses and melting
II, but the supply Is not large Excel-
lem y, you will take Nellni to live with
you Io Paris?” he said after awhile
wistfully. •'! will be your sieve."
''Paris? Who the dickens said any­
thing about Paris?” demanded Cbaas,
atari led.
"Neenah says you will go there to
live, sahib , I»« • » not the in>st glorious
¡■rim es» lire Iti Paris'/”
"Rell|U. you’re liren listening to gos­
sip It's a frightful habit to get Into.
I'nt rotton hi your ear» But if I were
t<> take you. what would tiecome of lit­
tle Neenah?"
"On, Neenah?” ».»Id Rallm easily. "If
ihc would Iw a trouble to you. excel­
lency, I ran sell tier (0 a man I know.'*
t’liRac looked "blackly at the eager
Arab, is Im quailed.
“You miserable d'Mi!"
fTve I hwh a f< <>l. Chaae. I don’t de­
serve the friendship of any one- not
: even flint of my wife
It's nil over.
. though
You understand? I’m not n
I coward I’ll do anything you say. take
any risk, to pay for the trouble I've
caused yon all.
Rend me out to |
••Nonsense' Y< lir wife needs you,
Browne. I dare say that I wouldn't
bine been above the folly that got
the better of you Only”- he Ivcsltst
•si for a minute “only It couldu t have
happeixst in me If I hsd a wife ns dear
ami as good and ns pretty as the one
you have"
Browne was »Dent for n long time,
his arm »till about ¡»ruellla's shoulder
At the end of the long hall lie said
with decision In bls voice:
•fiiase you nmy tell your client»
that, so far as I am < ■>nerrii<-<!. they ,
may hair the iH-sstly l»liud sih I every-
thing that goes with It. I'm through
with It all.
I »hall ills* barge Britt I
"My dear boy, it's most niagiisnl
tnous of you!" cried Chase merrily
' But I’m af.nld you can't dc< Ide the
question In such an offhand mannrr
Take good csre of him, Mrs. Browns
Don't let him talk,"
Rhe held out her hand to him Impul- i
sively AS ho gallantly lifted the cold
fingers to hla lips »bo said, without
taklug her almost hungry gam« from
bls face "Thank yon. Mr. t hsse. I
■*T*'u’t you h»ve her?”
Shall never forget y ou ’*
"les. yes, sahib—yaat Hut If she
He stood there looking after them as would lie a trouble to you no!" pro­
they weut up tho stairway, a puMled tested the Arab anxiously.
expression In hla face
laughed as be came to appreciate the
"I guess he'll lie a go«»! boy from sacrifice bls »errant would make for
now on." But he wondered what It him.
was that he had seen or felt In her i "I'll take you with me. Relliu. wher­
somber gate.
ever I go and If I go but. my lad.
In fifteen minutes he was sound we’ll take Neenah along, too. to »are
asleep la bls room. his long frame re I rouble Rhe's not for sale, my good
taxed, hla hands wide open tn utter Rellm.” The husband of Neetiah ra<U-
fatigue lie dreamed of a Ifenner girl at«l Joy.
with Genevra's brilliant face luatesd
To be Continued)