The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, May 20, 1910, Image 1

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    ■2 j *w«x
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stracts ? Title
To all lands and town lots in Limi
County inaile bv men of wide experience
and certified to by a responsible com­
A company that has been
ostablishetl for eighteen years ami is
I îànn County Abstract Co
303 Broadalbin St.
Largest Stock outside of Portland
Samples and Estimates on Request
Expert Truss fitting—Camera supplies, etc
Woodworth Drug Co.,
Albany, Ore
r»l Tbetr WilerlM
If the “eio Ixtll tm*«crs imagine that
they can play the great Ameiican
game, the experience of last Nur day's
game certainly disturbed that opirio 11
Errvr after error plrced
the game witbin the hand« of the visit- '
ing team in the sixth inning so firmly 1
Next Monday Suhl th- Moen
that Scio did not have a lookin there
He in Total I x'Npee and for 9 I
Minute« Mar With lall
Nor did the Turner boys hardly come
up to our exjxo-tstiofi» either
Never- 1
I >ght up Heaven»
thelesa they had players from along the
railroad line from Jefferson to Wood i San Francisco. Cal May 17 Halley’s
burn, they were in tbe sir badly a time comet has now practically di«ap|>earvd
or two. The only difference Ixtween in the morning sky, ami today Prof. T
the teams was, Scio managed to stay | J Sec, Government astronomer at
up among the clouds the longest
Mare Island, issued the following .tat«
The Turner boya. accompanied by ment in regard to the reappearance
quite a bunch of rooters, arrived just of the comet in the West, just after
before noon ami by 1.30 p. m. both sunset following the i arth'a passage
o teams were on the groumi* warming through its tail on May K
up. Mike Me, handled the indicator
"On May 19 the comet's head will
and called "play ball" shortly before 3 set 21 minutes afti r sunset, on 'lay 3>
the interval will lx» lengthened to <mr
While there wss but little chewing of I hour and 17 minutes; on May 21, two
the rag by either side, amt the one or , hour» ami 19 minute«; on May 22. three
two iloubtful decisions uf the umpire I hours ami nine minute«, ami May ;’7,
created a number of disapproval«, the three hours and K'> minutes Then the
gam«, as a whole, passed off pleasantly ' cornet will move eastward from the
ami thu Turner boys proved themselv«*« I «un quite rapidly ami ought to Iw visible
genii, men.
H ithout prolonging the I in the western sky after May 2*1
•gony, we append the «core by innings | 'The upper end of the tail may lx-
ami. also, the suggestion to our boys vixible un Muy 19, but a« the moon ia
that some practice might be advisable. | then nearly full, it is doubtful if it can
I 234567M9
be aeen in the strong moonlight. T he
i urna»r
0 110 2 9 i 0 0-14 i brad <>f the comet probably Will be
0 0 0 0 4 1 I 0 2
H brightest on May 2U, but the strong
I Te.-nperenct liclBtt
// a /;/ess and Saddles
Corner Lyon» and 4th St.
H«wite S’JW
I’hcmcr Ik U Main *0
We want
The Scio Livery and Fsed
law H«n
Pt >RK
For which we will pay
the highest market price in
J. F. LEFFLER. Manager
Neal. h< *d |usrtcrx for
Harry Elkina.
formerly Im »c ball
manager for Lebanon, came over Sat­
25 cent buy» a nice large gingtu m
' npron, an<l 35 cent« buy« a fancy white
pine at Wesely A Cains.
J It. Gill i« buildmg an addition to
hi« residence property and otherwise
renovating it.
Cir<-u« ticket« at the big »how in Al­
bany. this Friday, are but 25 cent»,
)u«t half the usual price Thi« «how ia
bucking the circus trust.
Grandma Charlotte Crabtree, who
ha» been seriously ill for a i week or
more, dl«xl
Wednesday I afternoon.
Further particulars will be (Mlbll«hcd
next week.
inoon are im follows
Ottn Alexander and John M Miller,
"Beginning the totality. May 23. nine delegates to the 1. O. O. F. grand lodge
hours, nine minute», Pacific Standard of Oregon, from Dienlortf lodge, of
that order of this city, left for Eugene,
"M h MI c of eclipae, May Zl. 9 I 3. last Monday evening where the grand
lodge hvld its meeting.
Standard time.
"Total «clips« end* May 23. 9:56.6,
S. W. McFarland of Oregon City and
Standard time.
who is interested in our cigar manu-
Thus from a little after 9 to 10 factury, »«• up Monday.
He has
o'clock the moon will be on total eclipse
lately become the proprietor of a res­
and the corm t will show head ami
taurnnt in the city by the fall», and
tail am! full tail above the horizon
will net corn« to Scio for a time.
On May 23 the sun sets at about 7K>
Hen SimiMon, a pioneer, whu was
in the latitude of San Franci«co, nml
.in the comet follows the sun by 3 hour» prominent in the early history of Ore­
and 46 minutes, the heart will not Bet gon, du d al his home, in Portland, on
on this date until about 11 o’clock in Tuesday evening. He was the father
of Oregon'» famous |>oet, Sam L.
the evening.
"Accordingly, from half past a until Simpson, who wrote the now celebrst-
half |xu«t III o’rlock, when the moon nil |««m *'A<I Willamctan."
will lx* nearly covered by the earth’s
The Eugene Guare »ay»: M h, n it
shadow in space, on the evening of comes to Imusting a town, it i» not »<>
Monday, May 2J, everyone should watch much what a man «ay» ax what he
for thr* < cli| w<> ami tbe comet, aa froth does. Some of the loudest-mouthed
will be visible at a very sensonable lxM.»t< r- are, st heart. kiiuckcJs, who
hour of the night. It may be a long can never put aside selfish, |x>r»onal
At last Scio has «huffier! off the «wad- time Irefore we again see such wonder­ consideration, to advocate the interests
of the whole community.
ting cloth« of pioneer mossbackism «ml ful sights. ”
has become a member of the rushing,
Cashier Cooper Morn», of the defunct
TH« ItMnon Strawberry Fair
progressive up-to-date city clasa. No
Oregon Savings bank, of Portland, has
The Lebanon Strawberry fair, which
lunger can l-ebanon, Jefferson and
been found guilty of embezzling notes
Stayton. to say nothing about Albany, occura un June 2. 3 ami 4, should attract from the bank, valued at 175,000 and
point the finger of scorn at ua and say, a large crowd from Scio and vicinity. sentenced to verve »lx year« in the
"bsckYiumber" or other ungentrous The Oregon strawberry is growing penitentiary therefor. The notes were
J. !.. CALAVA*' Prop
appellation. We can now lift up our , famous ami any enterprise which is given by himself and the bank's presi­
heads among these other towns with j calculated tn improve ami make better, dent for capital stock when the bank
Hack« ctmnect »Ith all train» hoth al
their modern buzz wagons and say. this must toothsome berry, should lie was started.
West J-cio and Munker«.
"we are on." Fred Bilyeu ia the citi-, encouraged. Besides, the social inter­
Our rigs our flrit rlln and nur Itorae»
sen who rescued us from oblivion, last course with old friends ami acquaintain-
«und driv»r«. Price« reammable.
Special Sil« el hlucles
Saturday. With intrepidity unparalell- cea, is worth the trip.
ed, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bilyeu drove
As we have purchased the lot •mi
over to the county seat ami then drove |
building which we are occupying ami
back again in a handsome Font automo
It. C. Daniel ha« a Plymouth Rock ar«' going to repair and enlarge the
bile. Fred performing the function of hen which layed him a remarkably
building at once, we will sell buggies
chauffeur both going and coming, but ‘ large egg last week. The egg mesaur
and hacks at the lowest price« at which
OVER WOODWORTHS DRUG STORE driving hia own machine on the home­ ea
by 6 inch«» ami weighs S’« I they have ever been sold in Scio, the
ounces. 5 of such eggs would weigh : grade of goods considered. The sale
Ho far aa th« N ews ia informed, this 18*4 ounces. They would be profitable
OREGON! ia the first auto to be owned within th« to the buyer but not the seller, if »old I to begin Saturday May 14 and will con­
tinue for ten days only. Notice the
forks of the Kantiam, or at least in the by the dozen.
following sharp reduction:
Tint CUu Aitommeditiess aad prompt Sinkt immediate vicinity of Scio.
«112.50 Maver Runabout for «102.50
The N ews will be glad to supply a
«97.50 Slaver top buggy for 1x7.50
Urr« Sample Nouai (ar Commercial Trarekn
tx>ST - A black shepherd dog, two
copy of the paper free, regularly, to
«70.00 Ntaver top buggy for «64.on
white point«, white atrip in fare, yellow
uiront new management
«96 or» half platform 8. hack f<>r«x4.oo
spots over eye« anti tip to tail. Had a any one who will supply items of news
Other rigs in proportion to the above
leather »trap and «mall ring on neclt weekly from anv ami all of the sur­
rounding neighlM>rhoo>ln, Some one in prices.
Remember, sales at these
and anawer» to the name ’ • Pmldie.
He ia a long ’’«ngy do« and the owner. every neighborhood should be willing to price« will continue but ten days, be-
take up thia work for the interests of inning with May
J ><•
V. Philippi, ia anxious to recover him.
themselves and neighbor«.
Moaataox & N eal
OREGON Notify the N ew « office or owner.
Albany Abstract Co., j, y curl Itater
Morroum A
bee suppiie«.
t'ondltlona may arise by which the
effort to establish the now county of
"Santiam. may be revived. At least
ini' of our citizens are talking it at
the present time.
Dr H
tin K»iimi iky morttaw,
wh |K>i*oned hi« father-in-law, has
b en found guilty of murder in the flr»t
.degree and must serve a life penalty
in prison in consequence.
Hie,*, of the South «ide. has
the earliest sweet pen« that we have
he »rd of. The vines are now about
four feet high and the blooms are es-
moonlight will cut down the light of pecially large and handsome.
! the tail, and this difficulty will exist
Scio, by building two mile» of rail*
each evening until Mav 23, when a to­ way line «-an become a station on the
tal «clip«« uf the moon will occur, and Woodburn Springfield line aixi lx*
I enable us to see both th " head and the -ervid with both passenger ami freight
tail of the comet in the dark sky for train« Such talk is in the air.
51 minutes, it is during th« eciipac
Albany, or some of the people over
that we may expect to get thr beat
views of the comet, ami everyone there, may think they can get along
! should be on the watch for both the without Scio ami the people of the
eclipse and the comet. Th« important Fork», it may develop that Scio can
elements of this total rcli|Mie of the get along fairly well without Albany.
R< v D l»r«e, pastor of ths Baptist
Carefully prepared by competent un I experienced
ehurch, of Scio, delivered an able
employes thoroughly fari'.liar with the records of
temperance lecture, tu a large audience
at the* church, last Saturday evening,
Linn County. Accuracy, neatness and dispatch is
his subject or text luring ‘’The Saloon
our motto, Wt) are now abstracting the instrument!»
a Legalised Outlaw,"
HI <d daily and can serve the nublie most efficiently.
He claimed that it was not right to
We use the most modern and up to date system of ab­
accept license money from the saloon
stracting ’ An unlimited amount of money to loan
business with which to Improve the
«tr*<ttsnd public highway«, that the
<yj B per cent, per annum on approved farm security
•aioon was a physical outlaw, because
norii rnittrs in the on ice
telephone or write
our boya start in life with
physical constitution», but rum soon
breaks them down, destroying their ’
moral and |>hysical strength, that the
salmm wu a constitutional outlaw, for
under the constitution of the United
States, union was to be established,
injustice to the cil sen ami tranquility
Real E-date
Notary Public for the home promoted and provide
for the common welfare and defense
Administrator ut Estates
of the people; while rum brought about
»ana Negotiated, Abstracts
mm union and injustice and promotes
List your property
Ob tan ini ami Examined
with me if you real­
saloon business could not bring any of
ly want to sell. We
these good things mentioned and in­
stead of promoting domestic tranquility,
have people who
the saloon caused domestic "hellicity."
wish to buy large
The audience paid the speaker the
and small tracts. If
compliment of giving him an undivided
— Manufacturer and Dealer io—
your price is right,
attention. A pleasing feature of the
we can handle it
evening was two cornet solos ami two
Carriagr Trimming
Frr.o W«rk SolkltcJ recitations by the speaker.
for you. See us con­
One Who Was There
cerning Real Estate
AU Wort Strictly Gssrsatcs«
in this county........
Sen's First Mato