The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, August 27, 1909, Image 2

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‘»i«*- -W>*4¡H» «
A »t
Of kantiani ¿leus
P olitically I ndependent
Entered at the postoffice at Scio.
Oregon, aa aecond-claaa mail matter.
I > I • < e < e !•: 1<
Can! <»f thanks.................................
SjH-.-ial obituary mdice», per line ....
Extemie.) w«tkling comment,, per line
!)i«i>lay ml», to be .hanged wt-eklv
if deairvd, one column wld»> each
insertion, prr inch
Business kx-aU |»«-r line fir»t in- rtion I<>
Each aubnequent inaertiun |<cr due..< 5
lx»ng tim<- »landing a>i». contracts n.a»le
on application.
Mt' lie«
1111'11« »N
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One year in advance.. .. .................. «1
One year, at end of year
One year, at end of 2 >• »«<»
One year, al en.i of .1 y> .ira
Six month, in advance ...
Three month» in advance........
Sing!« copy in wrapper
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holding the tariff up to the present rob­
bing rates, will scatter like a band of
frightened sheep.
The general government ia alternat­
ing, In a aort of milk and water way.
through the interstate commerce com
mluiun. to regulate the freight« on the
railway, of the country. Every man.
who hua given thia matter any cunsider-
able tl .ught, know» thia mat» shift at­
tempt at control, will prove a flat
failure and that the railroads will con-
tinui u fleece the |M«ple at their own
pl»-a; re, neverth« les» the efforts of a
poweth-aa mtcraUte cornu i«».un to the
After control haa been
.(rnioiotrated to tie a failure, tlwn
government ownerah.p >» the only
alien alive and this mean* Socialiam.
We arc now paying exhorbitant
price* fur the carriage of express
matt< r aiwl for the uae of the tele-
graph. No man of practicle sense will
«ay tnat the government could not con­
duct th* expreaa bu*ux aa and handle
th«- telegraph )u»t aa • -fficlently as »he
now hand), a the p< stal ayatem.
more ability and < are would I»* r««|Uire<l
and the people could l<e supplied with
th» se convenienci. ■ at one half the co*t
they are now paying. Again, whether
th< han) • r» Ib.e it
m>t. th* |w«»plr
ar* going to force th«- eatxbliahment of
the |-.»tal »aving» l ank, w.thin a few
years. The |u ople are ix-ginning to
ihinh that if th«-> ean be compelled m
protect the government against a
fot«- » n foe, it is n«>t asking t<o much
for th»» g-.vernmcnt to protect them
agninat thieving ar.d dishonest bankers
in tin e of p« a«»
in Ume of war, the
jfov».rt ment can take the flower of our
able bodied citu-ntry and our property
if nccevsary, to bghl l»cr battle*.
Nur -ly th. i« i. »- m.-lLir.gdu». the ;wu»ple
fr.ui th»- government in tin»«-* of |»eacr.
It is but a »mail return whi ii the
gov rnnwnt can ma*.»’ for v.hut »!.« re
qu its of the people, to protect their
saving» and futnuih transportation at
r«*a»onabl« coal for freight and pa»» *n
ger» and to place th«' telegraphic service
within the reach of the common |>eople.
Rut to do thi», WO.lid I*« tO CUt off S
aoi ce of proflt from a few men and
pit > ent thorn from becoming million-
air'» who revel in monkey dinners, it
wo ild be the establishment of S«K-iali»m
in - irt, at least.
Hit call it what you may, it i» rv-
aull» which we want and nsulta which
the people WILL have before the |<aa
ai«i <• of another »core of years.
1 ‘i.» conduct of th« railmada them-
ael/ea an<i of the captain, of induatry
art leaching the people lesaon* of
So aliam. much more rapidly than it 1»
po- ible for a traveling propagandist to
do. They will force the people to take
chi ' te of the in »elf defeoae.
Th aacality of private banking will
foie, the establishmrnt of the [<>«tal
aav • igs bank*
Th«»« thing» are aa
sole to com* alxiut in time aa that 2
aird J make 4 Call it Socialiam or any
oil er iam, if you will, for the name
d.». n not alter fact or condition, but a
ch i vge is ahead for ua in spite of all
th. Cannon», Aldriches and President
Taft can do to hold it back.
I* xrtisan prejudice and selflshne»» is
bane of our political system.
Eliminate the»« feature» and we can
th<-n truly have a government of the
pe«»t>le. by the jieople for the [»•ople
Al d the signa of the times indicate
that partisan prejudice is being dis*
pat«d very rapidly. Sclfl»hne»» an«l
gr -c! will b«- an element of the Ameri­
can character so king aa competition
maintains in our economic avstem.
S OUR NATION trewiing
toward» Socialism? Thia
ia u question well worthy
our coruridoration. Thnt
there la a change due in
our economic metho«!»,
none will dispute and that there are
certain »«l.norable feature» included in
the Socialist pr.qaganda, al * li admit
If it ia wiav economy for the captain*
of industry, in the commercial world,
tn ¡»ool or unit« their »«vcral Intervals
into gigantic combines; if it ia economy
for th«' tallroails to merge their various
roads into on* or more gigantic system*,
to lx- controlled by one or n or«> c dial
heal*, why may it not be wile to merge
th.- who,. u. ... trod » ..U ;• of • »■•'
country into o» «' vn»t • • rr.t n«, t. l-<-
governed ami controlled frum one
central head? Of course th« railroad,
ahould be included In thia great central
trust, ami the only »af»' ham!» to which
this mighty «»»mldnalbin could I- »afely
entrusted, i» the general government.
Thi» would t c H-'cialism, pur« and
simple, ao far as it went. Hut moat of
our Socialistic frierula include al) means
of production, as well, ami thia seems
such a atupenduoua combination or
I mt. that we, one a-id all, say nay
right at th* start. We conclude that
the scheme is impractuaid•• and let it
go at that Yet, Bociaii«t» point out
that our government 1» already partici­
pating in Socialism and cite our postal
ayatem, our public school, ami our
public highways aa evidence*. They
aay, and truthfully too. that ou •
capitalist, which an- engaged in manu­
facturing in«lu*tri»-a. belief* in Socialiam
and cite the mu>l«-ni trusts and business
combine as evklenc«*. They »ay that
our great railway» believe in Socialiam
ami cite the merging of th. great rail­
way, of the country into two or three
greater »ystema a» th* evidence.
The N kwh lielievva that Socialists
have advanced a<<mc very strung nrgu-
m«at* to sustain their contention. The
time haa arrived »hen a mere p«x»f.
poof, will not answer when the subject
of Socialism i* mentioned.
We al'
The new tariff ia «aid to be working
know that something la wrong in our
Why not. when the protect­
methods of economy ami industry.
Socialism pro|<o»»s a remedy and as ed interests have been well taken care
such, it ia worthy of our serious con of? Why «houkl the new tariff not work
Rideration. It 1» proposing a remedy smoothly? Revision ia «aid by the
for a condition which we all admit is , friend» of the tariff to be downward
not right and unless we, the people. But if we add th« rate, ut»n all the
provide a Ix'tter remedy, S«xialism le article* and dlviue that »urn by the
number of article», it will be found that
sure to gain in |»owor.
The late special »«»»ion of congr«-»» the reviaion haa I wen upward inatcad of
demonstrated that our government has downward. And when the maximum
fallen into handa of a» merciless a set rate ia applied, aa it will be next spring,
of scoundrels, under th«- guive of "th« in moot cases, the average will be
business interests" aa ever »cuttled a found to be very much higher. The
»hip. The few Republicans who »too«! jieople are the victim, of the greatest
and battled for the interests of the tariff bunco game, in this instance,
people, even when aided by th« Demo­ which the hiatory of the protective tariff
crats. were unable to stem the tide. will afford. They were promised a
We admire the fight they made and reduction in the campaign of laat year,
greet them upon their return to their by the then Candidate Taft a* well as
several homes with "well done good by all other Republican campaign
and faithful servant*," but we muat do orator*. The Payne Aldrich-Smoot bill
ia the result. Can thia act of grafter*,
more than thia.
It may be aaaerteil that it 1» nonsense for it can be called little leas, be again
for the people to growl and re mon trusted with the destinies of the Ameri­
atrate with our congressmen for sup­ can people.
porting a tariff system which every­
body knows is robbing ua daily and
I.a»t Saturday evening, W. C. Cant­
without giving but alight ben»-flt to the rell, of Iola, luinaaa, delivered a lecture
general government, in comparison to in the Weaely-Cain hall, to a fair atxed
the increase«! profits which goea into audience, u|>on aome of the feature, of
the pocket* of the tariff beneficiaries. Socialiam. The aubject of Socialiam ia
Thia i* true, unless we carry the growl­ ao extensive ami broad that it cannot
ing and rvmonstration with us to the be covered In one brief lect tre. without
polls on election day an«l retire thcie one »catt?ni h maelf out ao thin that
trust-serving congressmen to the walk» only a »matt« ring can 1* given. After
of private life. If these growl« ami giving the deflnition of the term
remonstrations can be mad«- to cover * ,‘ki-ialiam" aa understood by our beat
the entire Unit« d States, so that«v • r>- 1« .icographera ami acientiata, he cited
one of these trust-serving congressmen th. condition*, in part, which prevail
can be retired, to be replaced with men in he church, in politic, ami in finance
in touch with the people, ami that such and aociety. Theae conditions, to «ay
a colossal general d.-maml shall go up th« least, are not complimentary to our
to Washington at each ami ever) aes- • n pr.icnt (•oaate.l civilisation. l*hey are
of congreaa for a reduction of the tariff ar. ndictment which, in time, if not
to a purely revenue producing l»a» a, re- .-died, will reap a fearful harvest.
then we mav hop* for congress to aet A- *he conclusion of the ad*1rea«. the
in the intcreata of the people. Under ajxr.krr was tet dered a vote of thank»
auch conditions these leech*«, who are for hi, effort.
lb* Port land Fair
The Portland Fair will be held on the
elegant ground, near that city on Sept.
3) to 25 inclusive.
The Portland Fair Ground» reprraent
an expenditure of I3*). i »O. and ia one
of the moat beautiful alte» on the Pacific
Coast. Thia fair aaaociation is being
backet oy th* merchant*, banker» and
buaim a* world of Portland ami the atate
generally. It, aim i* to help place the
live atcM'k industry in the front rank in
the North» eat, ami we deeire your aa-
■ in developing thia imluatry
which mean, million, to the atate of
We will put on during the week high
claaa racing, and the liveatoek exhibit
will be auperior to anything ever aeen
In th atate, a* we expect all the livx-
atocr that will be exhibited at the A.
V. P F Uve Stock Show to be flrat
shown at Portland aa their date, follow
oura. We will have t '.« very beat at
traction* and w.»h U> taaure you that
the ipott will l>e clean and high ciaaa.
There will be no gambling allowed, ami
no liquor »old on the grouml*.
We would very much appreciate your
co-operation in every way poeaible to
make th« rvming fair a sureras, tber -
by helping to build up the live-tock in­
duatry of Oregon ami the Northwest
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f air Aastxirtion Member» Meet
A special meeting of the memlwra of
the Linn County Fair Aaaociation was
held at the Firemen, hall on Saturday
afternoon. President Prill presiding.
The meeting was necessary because
the article of incorjx.ration did not
exactly harmonise with the provision,
of the bill granting to the aaaociation
of flOUU annually.
The necessary
rvaulutmn amending the article, of in
corporation was atiopted, the resigna­
tion of Dire« tor Randall was aceeptad
ami A. G. Prill was elected to »uccred
An abstract ma le by us give»
him or All the vacancy he created.
you all the history' of that parti-
More than thr*. fourth of the mrmlvr
•hip 'no represented. The meeting cular jiarccl of real estate, you
are considering purchasing.
th«-n a ljourn«xi.
So much haa Ixx-n said about the Fair
that t • »ay anything more would ae«m
superfluous. The Nfws will only aay
that I hr Fair i* fur the lierx-tit of our
farmer», dairymen, »lock raisers and
the community in general.
Nobody i«
making a direct proflt from it except
aa they are member, of the community
and there ia no doubt but what the Fair
ia of »-real advantage to the community
in the way of improving the »tock and
dairy Intervet, ami m the advancing
price of the land. It bring* people to
thia locality who, otherwiae, would
never com*. It ia advertising thia
local ty in the beet possible way and,
for thia reason. <!e»«rve* the patronage
Dairying Display, Oregon Stet* lair.
of cv »ryon*.
At Salem
Notice ia hereby given that the
regular teacher»* examination for Linn
county will begin at the court house in
Albany, Oregon, Auguat 11, ll««». at
the hour of 9 o'clock a. m., and to
ronUnue three day, for county and
four day, for atate paper,
W. L. J ackhon ,
County Supt.
Ilickorj B*rk Congh Rew»««ty, ma<ta
l»y the Hickory Bark R«*tne<ly Co., of
■»«leni, Or«., guaranteed to Iw pure;
guarani, ci to cure your Cold or mntr
refund«^!. Guaranteed to make « frieo.l
of you
For «ale bv E. C Peery, Scio.
Ore., and fir»t-cla«» dealer« everywhere
Why bike the chances of buy­
ing into lengthly ar.d expensive
litigation when by having UH
draw up an abstract you will
thoroughly posted?
Wesely & Cain
Inquiries solicited.
Dry Goods. Cloth­
ing. Shoe*. Hat«,
Indies and Gen Li
Furnishings . .
Albany, Oregon
Subaeribe fur
fl 26 tier y
Ihr I «ariti M««vla«t«
D »trying in Orrgon ia increasing V>
Ttw folHwIng MFT ptlcw*
wtt lì.14» la-
»ucl an extent that it will become on. >t rw i wrrk
of t tv gneteat agricultural Industrie» Ah««*.
in t « atate an I th«- |»-r»»»nthat rngagee iti*,
I qìì * per «erte —...
in i' will get on I.» the prosperity road «uh iw»r »»m
in a i exceedingly short time thereafter, ■ b«*n . per «rm ...
h#»p, pvf lo«
The management of the Oregon S’at. iuiu . l ountry? per r»»lf
Fai reabre thia fact and nave mad.
k -4«4à» pw-« gee«ià^4
»p». al inducements for tile exhtmting ’b»«
hfcci »»• |*»r pr*o»vl, joung
<.f < .dry ami etwamcry f-roducta at the
prr (N»«in4
nex annual fair, which w ill i>e h«4«i at « urbi y«. p«r
jtM'ke, per
Salem on September 13-18, I9U9. Thera n*’f, pvr powii*. Uve «righi
are two commudioua building, on the |«<*. por pHMind.livr «righi
hw »hlpplng
•tat.» fair ground, in which the .iairy >ral
«iMN'b. l-et LM.tHt 1
exhibit is placed. The auprrintemient
of the dairy department i» Paul V
Ma i". ono of the atate dairy commis
aio. cr’a deputies, am. he ia pi «-paring to
w t»r m o» oi
pre lent to the atate fair viaitore a
W X*T ScM—
diapluy of butter, checae, and dairy
a-v creamery aupplna, that will be I'urtland Pa*»enger ...
Daily except Sumiay
worth traveling a long distance to
V hnivivu U »»r -«.i»
Portland Paateng»r ..
,«:r» ¡
Daily except ^ondav
When the new tariff I ill haa hail time
I* -< a- r* arrive in Portland at 1
tn get fully into operation, it win «~ » il
May return «ame dar.»,
f. t : I that it ia no better than the P»,r I«mi al 4 I*> p tn.
Dingley law. There never wa» a more
For lurther inf. rmaliot., r»!l un ut
complete gam« uf bunco played upon addree».
the people than thia will prove to be.
Grn. Pa«». Agl-, Portland. Or.
and I had the full and complete indorae-
T. .1 DAN NFS, Local Agent, We«i
m« nt of both president and congr«-»» Sor.
and will prove to l»e a Sort of boomer-
¡f there
and to the Republican party.
w»> anything lacking to prove that th«
men who control the d«-»tinie» of the
An experience«! compounder of
Republican party, were entirely and
completely under the control of the
tru.ts and financial intcreata of the
so -ailed infant industries, thia tariff
Su ‘ceasor to the late Hong Wo Tong,
bill supplies it. Our golf-playing praai- •f A'Hany, Oregon, ia now prepared to
dert, did not hav«- as much decency in I fur- sh Chine»* medicines to all. The
th. people‘a interest*, aa had President •ind reigned recommend» him and guar
anti ■-» satisfaction. Call or write him
Clc . eland, who pronounced the Wilson at 17 West Second Street, Alt»any,
tariff bill "A measure of perfldy and Oregon.
dishonor.** The people will be heard
fro.n next year and three year» hence.
A Nice Xeic, and
Uo-to-Date Line of
Hib’er &. Gill Co
The Righteous Man
Chinese Medicines
1‘egardcth the lite of his beast,
Tb»se who feed SEt’LRITY Stock
Food are fullfilling the .scripture,
This stock food is sold on a positive
(’nsh <; uurantee. Read tin* guarantee
Don’t be misled
on every Package,
by cheap advertising
: :..g, SECURITY
means what it savs. Ask those who
have used it.
( ongrv.-wman Sharp, of Miaeouri, la
authority for the »taU-mci t that the
average rate of the new tariff bill will
No.arv Public and S du ilor
be 2 per cent, higher than the old.
of Patent» »ml Penatoli»,
When th* maximum rate gore into iffice, 23? West ?ud. Ht., Albiny, On
effect March 31, 1910, the average rate
wtd be 27 J<er cent, higher. These
fact* ahould be proclaimed from the C. C. BRYANT
office of excry newspaper and from
every political »tump in the land until
a congreaa will l>e elected which will
enact a tanff law in the interest, of the
Coaick Bio««
All«nv. Ore
Judge Bean, of the Unite.I State«
eatherford wyatt
court* at Portland, has decided against
the Harriman contention in the De-
schutea canyon. He haa granted the
Oregon Trunk railway protection in the
Office in lilutnl» rg Bluek
way of an injunction lasting on* year
reatraining the Harriman p uple from
interfering with the Oregon Trunk, on
w. a. a*ixu,
certain portions. A good way Ed. to r. a. utsiiaa,
beat the game ia to extend the C. A E,
and get there flrat.
Sole Agent
Panami »T, W. F .Gill.
Nuxrnxi, U. A. Warner
J. J H irne», W F. Gill,
J. A. Bilyeu, J. R. Barne»,
C. A. W arnet.
The Scio State Bank
I'rvfiU in dairying do not depend so
much upon the number of cow» kept,
Does a gen- ral Iwnking and exchange
but upon the kind. Thia fact is being business. L »ans made at current rate«
realixed more and more aa the dairy and draft» i»«med on principal cities.
induatry increase«. One way to in­
crease the acreage of a farm ia to in-
creaae the fertility of the »oil of a farm,
«imdarly. one way to increaae a dairy
herd ia to increaae the cows' producing
HtX’X'>*X«M »HM
in < .'iii.'iiA ili»
i > p < imii > i < as, no »a.
The Albany Democrat is becoming a
first-clsaa purloiner of new» item»,
last Friday'a edition of that paper had
three new« item» clipped from the
co linns of the New* without giving
any credit whatever. All rewpeetal le
ne «»papers give credit when an item ia from the column, of an exchange.
Th- Herald doesn't.
The Port lam I Journal think» the alur»
amt inuemioee of the Oregonian against
Senator Uhamberlan. some of which
can I* found in nearly every i»aue of
that paper, will add to the Senator’s,
pu;tuiar.ty am.tng the people.
Sas/i, Doors,
Shingles Etc
Eshmales and Plans tor B qi M ido
ismisliei sb slur! oolice
s< i< ». < > hi .
....... . ................... ............................................ .
Standard Liquor Co
Wines, Liquors and Cigars
T'lcpkoM M*in 17$
141 154 CommmUI St.
A. G. IVAGERS, Prop.
a a e
• a
Salem, Oregon