The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, August 27, 1909, Image 1

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The Pirate of
A lastair
Cogwlght, ISOS, by J. H LIptMncotl Company.
O :
CHAPTER VIIL- (Cunllaned )
"Don't you think that a girl who's »n
garni to oo* man ought to toll other men
Sh» drew back sharply and farod me
with aatiHrndsd »yea
“Why, what do you
A. Mr. He)
I was la for It. so plungwl ahead
"That day you came to the Ship, I had no
Idea," I blundered on. "I did not know
you were su.-b • frtend of Islip's"
"W»K," eh» said, "and now that you
"I rtilnk you should hav* told ms. 1
ought to hars known before that after­
Rhe wss haughtiness Itself
what affair was it of yours?*
I »hriirrnl my shoulders. "I wss entl
tied to know.*
“I i-annot understand why
makes you think that Mr. Islip and I"
•hs hesitated a second -"are euch old
friends T
Of a sudden we w»ro In a very naaty
t»mpeet. facing each other
“1 happened to see his picture In yonr
locket. It wss lying open, fsre upward."
Rhe did not »v»n tap her f'»>t. shs »Im­
ply Mt still and l-.M»ked her Indignation
at me.
"Really, Mr Rel.len, 1 cannot see bow
that affects you What reason could there
be for telling you my personal sffalra?"
I stuck doggMily at ft. "I think I
should hav» Ewen told,” I repeat»«!
Rhe ra«» me a single glsnce, then rose.
"I am g«>ing back to ch» Penguin Club,”
She said.
I ro»e also. "Vary goo«!. I will •»• you
“No;** »be turned to me sharply. “I
prefer to go back alone.*
Rhe wss lmp»rlo«u, I mold E» equally
"And T prefer to go «Irti you. The
pines are lonely, and It la growing late.
1 ow» at least tha( duty to your aunt."
Then »he tapped her float Impatiently,
"You are very tiresome, Mr.
Selden I am my owa mist resa, and T do
not wans your company”
"And I will not let you go hack alone "
“Ton ara very rude." Rhe looked over
at th» beech as If for some possible help
"Ta there no one eise?" »he asked aloud
There can»« » voice from the cabin
•teps Exdilnd me
"If you will permit
me. mademoiselle, I should esteem H a
great honor."
We both started sa If we wer» shot,
and faced about. A tall, somewhat angu
hr man stood before ns. hat In hand, bow
Ing low to Miss Graham.
"I heard your question,' he said, "«nd
I took It on myself to answer It Permit
He stepped forward and placed
hlmaelf at the girl's side.
“Who are you T’ I asked, all • m»ve-
tn«nt. for t wss surprised out of my wit»
"My name I» Pierre Paporrea a." the
•trsnger «aid. Ignoring me and addressing
Misa Graham, "«nd I count myself fortu­
nate In coming on a lady In distress."
We both stood still, taking In the queer
Never had I seen a man Jtxet
like him. He was dressed all In blach.
but hla clottwe were singularly rich »nd
of strange pattern. From hla shoulders
hung a black cloak held under hla chin
by two heavily wrought gold chains.
Ar rose hie open waistcoat, which was
black satin flowered In white, were three
gold chains, and there were rings on bls
Moreover, his
strange, exotic, polished to a degree, and
hie voire had a peculiar, fascinating for­
eign enftneea that I had never heard In
any other man. Illa height waa over alt
I rwt>«nIsed the figure that I had
seen In the storm.
He was smiling easily, the least per­
turbed of the three. “ Permit me, mad«-
mnlerlle," he repeated. and offered Miao
Graham hla arm.
Rhe shot one glance at m«, and then,
half smiling, placed her hand on hie • rm.
Ko ha led her across tha deck to tha lad­
I waa still dumb with surprise. I saw
ths msn In black leap to the path, help
Miss Graham <Uwa the ladder, cross the
causeway, and disappear with hev behind
the cliff
Then I sat down on a chair.
Waa I awake or dreaming? A man had
come out of the Ship at a crucial mo­
ment. and a man who. my Instinct told
me. was not of our age or people, I no
longer recognised Alastair. I was begin-
sing even to doubt my sutler aelf.
Thirlrnves fell, and still the man In the
cloak did not return, and I went back to
the cottage with my curiosity unsatisfied.
! did not know what to make of hla sud­
den appearance, nor of the summary fash
Ion In which he had Interposed between
Miss Graham and myself. He. a total
atrangvr, escorting her home through the
woods ! And yet thia phaee of the mat­
ter did not so much surprise me. for t
felt Intuitively that we were dealing with
a gentleman. As far aa my recollection
of sea-rovers went. I recalled that pirates
bed always been scrupulously polita In
their relations with the gentler sei.
There was no gainsaying that thia sud­
den apparition had Intsrpwed hlmaelf be­
tween Mise Graham and me, yat I did net
rvasot thia so murh sa ! might bare, be-
cauaa thlngs had been Corning to a very
bad pnaa. and might epemllly bave rrsult-
«d tn even muro aerioua intubi« than had
! questloned Charles cbssely as
whetber he had drterted gay suspicione
charaotevs proni lug about thè bearh. but
hla anawer wsa In thè negative “lf you
sbould notine anythlng unusual." I told
hlm. "be euro to roport it Immediately to
tue." It WS» clear to ma that somethlng
wae happening of moro aubstantlal testure
than a dream.
Iwtev In thè svenlng I llgbtsd my pipe
and walkml In thè direction of thè Hhlp.
Aa I carne to thè ;«th I mw thè man In
tbe ci-ab sittlng on dock, and hallo) hlm.
"May I come on board, Monaleur Hu-
panrea u?"
Ile rose and icrel at me tiretti ths
■ludi, “la It thè gentleman who dined
bere thls a/l-r:..»••?" he asked. somewhat
•usuici ously.
"TE.» aams."
"You aro welcome.' he answered, and 1
could not help smlllng st hi» a «su rupi loti
of ownershlp
Hs aliook banda with me aa I «am» on
board, waced to thè vscwnt chalr. and
poured me water In <xie of tny own
g Isaac».
"1 must àpologìà» that I have no won«
to offer you," he «ald In suidi a manner
that my likings Instantly v.rot out to
him. "I »hould not »ven hav» had ’.he
pleasure of offering you this but fur tbe
fact that you yourself provided It.”
"Will you »'/’' 1 IMM m W him a ci­
gar, which he a<-cept»d. and lighted wl'b
a match 1 funtlabed. For the first time
I noticed a ;wir of heavy pistols on th«
“You travel well guarded," Mid I. loo«
Ing at them.
"I hav» need." be answered.
nesd." I looked closely st him. 1 He waa
In perfect earnest, his pal» fare absolute­
ly serious, his drop »yes art beneath bla -k
Hs pushed hla somewhat Ions
hair back from a One, broad foroliend. "I
do not know you you ar», sir, but I tak»
you for a friend one I smuro you of a
c I sm now sadly small."
"I llv» near ths tieach." I »«plained,
* sud my nam» is Hsldon
I Imagine that
you «r» • stranger to this shore?"
"An absolute etranger
I come from
th» other side of tho ocean. Tbl» Is th«
first time l hav» aver twen to Amerl.a."
I waited, but he would vouchMfe Both
ing further. Ro we Mt and smoked si-
leotly, while I felt bls k«»n »yes studying
".May I ask your age, Mr. Hetden?*’ he
Mid at length.
"Certainly. Twenty eight."
You are very niuch younger
than I. 1 am eomewbvro between 40 and
50. one who has seen much, and su almost
an old man."
I could not Imagine what wsa coming
"It is In refcreuo» to this afternoon,"
he said, sa though In answer to my
rbuugbta. "When I bear a woman in
dlstrowa I aui water. I cannot but Inter­
pose. Mt ill, as I returned here this even­
ing I thought that pussibly you might
!»«l aggrieved. Believe me, Mr. Reldeu,
at ths time I had eyes only for the lady."
He paused, then went on: "If you will
pardon a muiTi older man, 1 would give
you a bit of cuuuael. Never evnteud with
a woman; let her have her way. Above
all, never contend with a wuuisn who
cares for you."
"I have the least reason In the world
to think that thia ooe does?” 1 answered.
He made no reply, but smoked thought­
fully. 1 suddenly found hi* further sL
lvnce unendurable.
"What are your
abruptly. "For I
you dropped duwn hero entirely by ifliancs,
•nd Intend to stay until chance agstn
tnuves you away."
“No. I did not arrive solely by chance,"
he answered, "although that had much to
do with It. But I expect to stay uutil
fortune, be It food or bad, summons me.
That la always supposing, Mr. Relden,
that you do not drive me away from your
"I?" I said, much surprised
can your stay hero hurt me?"
.My new acquaintance let hl» eyes rent
upon my face a moment, then smiled as
though at a passing joke of hla own.
"You have a saying that 'where Ignor­
ance Is bliss ‘tis folly to he wise'; I will
not explain, therefor«, and only hope that
you may never know ; but" and his eyes
shifted for s moment from mln» to the
[istols on the table—“if you de know. It
will not be a very pretty piece of Infor-
ma l Ion."
I clenched my pipe between my teeth :
tbe night wind wss stirring; tbe Davor
of strange adventure hung over tbe Fhlp
•a strongly aa the salt breeie from the
I felt myaelf tnde»Tll>ahlr fs*-l-
rated. Duponceau drew his cloak some
what eloaad around him. and muffled It
•boat hla rliln. so that ill of bis fare I
could clearly see waa hla long. wooderfnt
black • jm . Indeed, they were wonderful
—those •>»• of hla Ths mo-e I looked
into them, the more they held me, and
yet tbe lens I knew about tho man him­
1 waa Just wondering If thia Du,
* *■
# •
b .
,» *
- •?<£
was not semethlng of a hypuotlrt w*»e !
t >uod that be wsa »(wHikin« la • aufL lew,
aitnost ruminative voice.
Speed Record Broken Wright Ma­
"I like you. Mr Held»«. I Ilk» yen as-
chines do Bast.
tromely, and so I would not bring you
Into any Karra; and yet If you sro my
Ithrims, Aug. 24.- The spectacle uf
friend I shall nxwt likely do so. for ths*
six aeroplanes simultaneously winging
curse was laid upon me in th» paet
their flight in huge circles near the
have bad many friends and even moro
plain at Bethany here today marked the
enemlee. and eom* of the friends have
w of _______
aviation week. At the finish
turned enemle«. but none of the eaemiM
there was a grest
Teat bn
burst of cheers over
I tell you thia «o that you may
thia wundcrnil
... ___
and I imprvuno ex hi
the b»Wer Judgv, becaus« y.»u must h»
on» or the other. Nobody haa ever Kron
Intermittent shower« and high wind»
prevailed, and th« eliminating trial» for
I rould not ilvtect arrogance; simply
th« «election of tho French represent«
th» »tat'inent of facts.
fives fur th« James Gordon Bennett in
“I w uld rather b» your friend." I an Lesa Importa nt bui Not Las« Intere ternational cup, which is to be contested
Financiers Wanted Him Io Jump Into
next Saturday, were »polled. Only la»
eating Happening« from Points
He was silent sgatn, rsaing st and
Harness at Once, but Condi­
Fobvre, with a Wright bi plane, Blériot,
through me with his droamy. speculative
Outside thè State.
Kaiiault IVItcrie and Captain Forber
tion Will Not Permit.
vision. I had the feeling that I was In
braved th« gusty puffs. IwFebvre alone
• tneaauro «;wllbouo.l that I could not
succeeded in negotiating the complet«
start a .-navenation for myself, ohi W But
Roosevelt has ktill'd a big elephant circuit of tho courne. He remained in
On Board H. H. Kaiser Wilhelm II
act without his volition
th» air for Ifl minutes in a 25 mile
..1 Kermit a hippo,
wind, breaking the speed record hereto Aug. 24. The condition of E. H. Har­
"There aro roaaons." he continued in
company has been organi ani in fore held by Tlseandier, covering 10
time, “while I cannot tell you much. It
riman ha» undergone no notable change
I am not one of th» world'» groat men by Han I• icgo, < al., to build aeroplanes fur kilometers in N minutes 55 4 5 secund« lie »till n n.ain» in.,»! ,,f t !>.- tiini- in
birth. I am by achievement. There was
a ('orslcan born In the last century whom
An Armona msn has built an airship Blériot was only able to cover a »uf private cabin owing to th« heavy
which ha» prevailed throughout the
all the powers of Europe Weight for years in which he fl< w right miles and lauded Orient distanco to qualify.
Shortly before dark the rain suddenly tir« trip. The present indications
tn bind and silence. there are many awn safely.
erased and tho wind fell to a drad
there who would d<> the Mme for me
A famous painting by Murillo has calm. Th» sky pilots soon ware busy tn flu- »1.inner will b» late in arriving,
Wherever Napoleon went he brought been found in Man Francisco, •
K m »
getting their machines out.
Iaitham cause of the delay occnaioned by
strife; wherever I go etrlfa follows" He ing "lust” for So yeara
wn» first away, ascending high from fog
ceased looking through me. end gaaed at
Mix aeroplanes look part in the avia th« start. 11» passed th» cheering tri
New York, Aug 24. As tbe Kaiser
me. "You have your quiet beach, your
tion carnival, the Wright machine» bun»» at the height of 150 feet. I. •am Wilhelm II hourly draws nearer to her
snug house, your »ummer with the fair
bert, Sommer, t'urkburn, Do la Grange
making tho beat showing.
lady of this afternoon, do you still wlah
and Fournier followed in quick sue nier in New York, public interest in FL
A charge of wholesale peonage ia eeMion, and ns Idithain was complet
me to stay?"
II Harriman’s return grow* acute, tlcn
'"rhe Hhlp Is any one's property." I made against former State Hrnstor, ing th» first round, now at a height rrsl anxiety as to hi* health ha» found
•aid. ' a»'l the »h.>ro j» fro» If you want Smith, of Gi-urgm, by about 5o negroes, of 300 foot, ail aeroplane», like sen ««preasion in a series of published ap
_ over the field. pr<-cintions of his |H-r»<inslity and
moro. you hare only to ask for It at my
Tho entire crew of 20 on a Spanish gulls, were hovering
steamer were drowned when the »hip Fournier was first down, falling head achievements such a* probably never
"What would tbe lady My?" he contin­ went down in a »tonn off the English on into a havstack as lutmbort swept before has been accorded a private eit
around into tho second lap, his machine lien.
There ia manifest disappointment in
seeming to cut a brilliant rainbow.
"The lady ha» nothing whatever to my
Tin- I’uke <1 ’Abruxti i» returning
.Meanwhile LiFebvre started afresh Wall street that -Mr. Harriman’s so
In the matter," I returned, annoyed al from his Himalayan trip aad hoio'« to
lourn nbroad ha» not set him up suf­
hl» oontlniMi roferonoe to M'. m Graham. inert Miss Filkins before »ho »eaves and was followed bv LaBlane, Butinii
Varilla, Tiaaandier, Forber, Blériot and ficiently that he may resume at once na­
“I am free to cliooee for myself "
Paulhain, until the entire air seemed tive charge uf the great Interests with
Ihiponceau smiled
"Mr. Selden, you
which hi» name in n» ... mted. Tomor­
Eight [irrson» were killed and ten tilled with mammoth birds.
ere a young man of spirit. but you are
I^ithaiii camo down after finishing row both the Southern I'ariflc and the
Ignorant, very Ignorant. It all dependa fatally hurt in riots at Hrh<»-nvillo and the second round, th« others gradually Union Pacific director* will meet, but
Tri.oiis have
on the lady. You would not w-igti me In McKees Rocha, I'rnn.
dropping out until only three Wright it has not even been »uggCNted that Mr.
the balance for a moment If »he willed been ordered to "shoot to kill.
machines remained afloat.
luinibert Harriman will try to attend these meet
otherwise. No one I* free; there 1» al­
The Roosevelt hunting party, after made four and l»oFebvre and TiMsndicr mg».
ways some other power. Even th» Corsi­ making a long march through u water three circuits <y»rh
Alexander Millar, secretary of the
can could not wilh»'an<l his star." Tbe Imw country, reached a water holo only
LoE'ebv re conclud' d with a thrilling Harriman lines, one of Mr. Harriman'•
smlie faded, vanished, I hq>on<-«an'e eysa to find it dry. They were forced to demonstration of the maneuvering ca most trusted lieutenants, »[Hike of his
eamp without water and on very »bort parity of his machine, circling around chief today
with »«riousneaa and
were »tern and fix«!.
"! have lieeii «ailed a pirate, a robber, ration».
the »farting point, cutting several fig warmth.
"Mr. Harriman," said he, "ha» been
a modern Juggernaut, but It waa only bo-
A wireless message from tho steamer ur« right» and awia>ping down over tbo
<au»e I had my vision, and could see far­ states that IIarrimull 's condition la not iteoplr in front of the tribunes, Lam pictured a» an ogre, a hug« spider, an
octopus. You don't know what a big
ther than others could."
at all re assuring. Aa »oon as the Kaiser bert finishing at tho »ante time
hearted. Iiig »oule.l man Ke s^^llw o
Dori«..» this
,1..I.;i i.»•< I-...1...»*
Il» was ieagwee away, bi» luvugute | oumm - s i|uHrantinv, n f, rrybuot will m--'
I watched him until bls mind the vessel and take Harriman off. He LeF'abvrg passed each other twice and call him tiwlay the biggest, the braini
will be rushed to Ji-rwy City and taken gavo other evidences of control over eat, the most patriotic American ciliaen
«-•me back.
we have.
“Now," h» said. we will fight It out. in his private rar to hi» home at Arden their ina.-lHi:.-» The SNnglit m r .pl.ini »
"If I »hould be asked to name the
alone comploted tbo required three
I taka you at your word tbe Hhlp la
Thaw's mother claims he is badi/ round«
chief ebarsetoristien that have eontrib
mine, the aboro any one's property."
treated at th« aaylutn.
All the principal automobile tnanu uteil to his rucccm , 1 should say, hie
Huddvsily he roae and stood peering op
facturcrs have representative* here wnardry with figures, his faculty for
Ext«n«ive grafting has been uncov
tbe beach.
"Rome one 1» coming," he
watching tho contest* with a view tu getting instantly into tho kernel ot
ered at Montreal, Canada.
Mid, and I mw that hla hands felt foe
embarking into the manufacture of mo fact«, his judgment of men and his in
Telegraph eonipaniea have suspended tors.
the pistols on the table
sight into and faith in the future,
I Icaiked, and mw Cbarlea «winging a new rules in regard to codoe.
"lie make« chang.-», but the very
Lieutenant Commander F. I<. Chapin,
lantern. "It la only my servant," I a»
Harriman surveyors are at work on American naval attache, is hero, having men shift'd will tell you they do better
• a «rod.
received cable instructions from the work in the new positions.
line from Eureka tu 1'ortlaud.
"Like all Ing men, he ia not what
"Can be lie trusted?"
navy department to attend th« eouteats.
Taft confers with cabinet on inter
you W'-uld oil methodical, lie jumps
state commerce and anti trust laws.
to coacluainna by seeming intuition. No
"Tail him who I am."
doubt the logical proc«»»«» are all there
We wallet until ttiarlee came on
The eitv of Monterey, Mexico, head
fur Mr. Harriman is no visionary—•
board. He showed no surprise at seeing quarters for the Reyca party, has been
but they elude aualysis by their swift-
swept by fir«.
the two of us.
Settlers Driven From Idaho Forests neaa.
“I came for the dinner things, Mr Fe­
Wisconsin politicians will try to in
and Fires Still Rage.
"Hoc» he play a» hard as he workaf
lls." he stat«!, talking at nw and Ignor­ volve President Taft in politics when
R|»>kanc, Aug. 24.—Fires raging in To tell you the truth, I hover »aw him
ing Duponceau.
be visits in that state.
play, except with his children. Ills chil
"Charles,'' I mid, “thia is Monsieur
f<>ri'»ta northeast and southeast of Npo <lrcn and his work these are his life."
Two more s|>cetat<>r» and a mechani­
Ihiponceau, who has lately come to stay
kane are destroying nn immense area uf
cs m wet.- kill'd ill the lnd.anap..|«i auto
splendid timber and driving the few
in thia hhlp. You are not to mention bls
races, making seveu in all.
settlers in tho more isolated region to
presence here to any one, but will do
Trans Mississippi congress asks open
the river's brink for safety.
whatever be ask». You ne»«l not take th«
thing* away , they way !>» of u-» to him
d'Oreille river in Washington ia under American Aeroplane Lowers Record
In the cabin. Monsieur l»ui>on>-eau. you serves and indorses PinchuL
control, it still blares furiously, having
for Rheims Course.
may roly on Charles as on yourself.”
President Din«, of .Mexico, has sent
Charles bowed to the man in black, a mor« troops to check th« Reyes move cut a swnth a mile wide and aaveral
Rheims, Aug 24.- tllrnn IL Curtiae,
fine figure, raxing steadily at my man. I mrnt and may be obliged to call off bis miles long. The dumnge will total an the American aviator, and M. I’aulham,
immense sum.
could not help noting th» picture that meeting with President Taft.
representing France, divided honors or
Terrific winds are blowing this even
he made, hi» band still on the platola, hla
Wellman's dirigible started for tho ing near Handpoint, Idaho, fanning th» »er..nd day of aviation week, th«
•oft tdai-fc hat low upon hl» forehead, hla North Pole, but a series of accidents
former in a thrilling flight just before
small fires, which so far have been kept
cloak flung acroas hl» »boulder.
ended finally in the explosion of the under control, and they threaten sori dusk, in which ho lowered the speed
Charles turned to go. "Has there Eieen balloon and abandonment of the at- ous damage. A large tire south of Co record fur th« course, which measures
<> I *, miles, to 5 minutes 35 2 3 sneonds;
any message for me?" I asked aa an sf- ternpL
colalla threatens to destroy timlier bo
the latter making two impressive high-
One of the Moroccan rebel leaders are now fighting thia firo, but cannot altitude flights of ll'j and 30 kilometers,
"No, Mr. Felix." Charles hesitated ;
resfiectively, in the endurance teat for
"but I found a man prowling • Ixiut the has been captured.
subdue it.
the prix de In Champagne.
liack road after »upper, and. though I'd
Spanish warshqis are bombarding
CurtiM* | j>orf"rtnnnee
liegan ju»t as
never seen him before, I couldn't learn
eiation is presaing every available man
th« ¡»ooition held by the Moors.
the time limit
nit __
for ________
the start
of th« prig
his bualneM. He looked like a aly one,
into servir« to fight th« flamea.
de la Champagne was expiring, Blériot
only a few minutes before had clipped
1 turned to Ihipooceau; ha waa amlF broaght down by a shot from a foreign great deal of damage at Naples, Idaho, Hi seeunds off IcF'ebv ro's record.
Suddenly, at th« end of the Held a cry
munication with this placo.
"You see, Mr Seldon, how quickly my
The row between Pinchot and Bal­ large fire between Granite and Athol is went up; "The American is starting!"
words And proof. Where I come atrifa
With a preliminary run along the
linger is likely to cause Pinchot's res­ reported to have destroyed a large tract
fol Iowa"
ground of Kki yards, the tnaehine rose
of standing timber.
(To ba continued.)
lightly and shot by tho tribunes at a
Forest Area have destroyed several
A British battleship want ashore off farm honsra in tho vicinity of Port lliil, height of 60 feet. It waa going s ter
In IHstress.
tho coast of England.
It ia hoped tu north ol Bonners Ferry, Idaho, burning rifle pare, with tho wing level as a
plane. CurtiM msdo tho last run under
"Where tre you going In such a save th« vesisol.
much timber also. Mon cannot l>o had
burry, pat' asked the tall womau In
to tight tho flamea West of Bonners the mistaken impreMion that the finish
Heney has been nominats-d by the Ferry a largo force of men is working line was cloeor. 11« descended so el os«
tha rad sutilxmnet aa her husband
Dornocarta of Han Francisco for prose­ day and night to extinguish th« flames, tn earth that many thought he touched,
dashed by with a powerful [»air of
but perceiving his error, he mounted
cuting attorney.
but have nut made any headway,
farm horses.
uuiekly, rroMing the line majestically.
Thirty-nine of Japan’s leading bust-
An instant later tho signal was hoisted
"Going to pull an aul >ti»>btla [»arty
the timber already destroyed, but it ia
out of the mud. •la. 1 laughed O' old nrsa men have start»«! for America for difficult to estimate the exact Iona. For that he bad made a record.
fartnrr. "They've got the *C. I >. Q. a tour of the United States.
cst rangers have the fir« under control
Wheat Prices Tumble.
signal flying from their machine."
Thaw has been returned to the in­ east of Bonners Ferry,
Mmnra|K>lia, Aug. 24.—No. 1 North­
sane asylum without special privileges.
Tactical »kilt.
Crazed by Fool Questions.
ern wheat today broke 13 cents from
His mother will continue the fight
lie (thougbtleMly> This bread lan't
Han Francisco, Aug. 24.—Georg« I* th« opening price, dropping from 41.25
like the klml——
Root, a tourist Conductor of tho Chi to 41.10. Opening figures today were
Hhe (angrily )—Weit your mother railroad includes Bibles among the rngo, Burlington A Quincy, who was
13 rents under Saturday's quotations
booka furnished the library compart­
tunde It, all the aame.
found wandering about the railroad of *1.35, making a total deelino of 23
ments of their train«.
He (dcprecathigly)—I waa going to
yards in a half demented condition to
Prohibitionists from all quarters of day, attributes his mental breakdown rents sine« Haturday. New No. 1 North­
•ay, my dear, like the kind we hnd the
last time you made IL—Baltimore the country will celebrate in Chicago, to tho eomidaints, protests and quea ern sold a week ago at 11.43. Satur­
tion» pouretl
h,s unwilling ears by day'» price waa fll.33. Today it sold
poured into h<s
Septamber 22, the 4<)th anniversary of tions
a party of tourists of which no was in early at 41.25, but when 445 ears of
the founding of their party.
charge on th« trip to the coast from wheat were received, of which 105 con­
Works Itotk Wage.
The standard of the G. A. R., par­ Kansas City. In his lucid intervals, at tained old wheat, Ifio new crop Winter
"Matrimony without love." remarked ried in parailee at national encamp­ th« hospital, he declared that th« woes •nd IN«» new crop Spring wheat, tha
tha married woman, "la •oiuethliig ments for 20 years, has bean miaaing of his chsrgea after a alight accident market broke wide open.
in Colorado caused his mind to become
since the para.!« at Salt lutke.
unbalanced ffom worry.
"It can't ba more awful than lova
Graashoppera Devastate Farmt.
Harriman haa started home appar­
without matrimony," sighed tbe apto
< 'heyenne, Wyo„ Aug, 24.—A plague
Cloudburst in Colorado.
ently in good health and spirita.
of grarehopfieHi haa caused thousnnda of
Ourav, Colo., Aug. 4.—A cloudburst dollaro' damage ia th«' neighborbood of
this afternoon caused a flood ia thia t'owley. Farmer» bave be«n eoinpelled
laeatleraetory •allefaetlaa.
city more diaaatroua than that of a to eut their alfalfa lief ore it matured
Bhjuor—How dosa tho new fuman through Central Illinois and Iowa.
month ago.
Portland and Cascade in order to »ave it frorn destrnetion.
Tbe trial of the Japan«»« strikers on creeks overflowed. Tha wstrr waa threw All green stufi! haa been eatea. A round
Klquor Work! Ray, It ma ken my Hawaiian sugar plantations ia nearing feet deep in the streets No fatalities Cheyenne praetically all vegetativa hae
blood boll every tima t think of Ul
an «nd.
Leen dcatroyod.
were reported.
Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts ol the World.
Hls Health Matter of Concern to
Entire Country.
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