I . • / » x'‘x* -W < w «g « " A ' A «*• -I wjj Sa « »W 4r;w ar-* «■M tables J «• t W. ALBANY. l»RE>> < .< K»PS Airry line »nie < ream Panama, ft V 2ft 'k'lli an« at ftOc *1.00 and *1 BO ,\e«> ’•e-ge. and U-.l liia.I. m crearli ami other *lgl>t »liade». »er» appropriate for outing. OXFORDS Otir «ti« k «a* a llttle lat» in cm- ilig il» but IB col»pletr l oi» l Utile Itii-re -tvl» ai») a llillr m*-re qualuv m ail llir i.uml- r» |x>i>'t l»n tu «e •»' P't. iil C -Il <>«l< r*l» lor la*li.» «I »3.60 BI..V.XKETS GLOVES g« 00000900 OO oooosoo • LOCAL BREVITIFS. a 0 o ooooooooooooooooooo » • A full line of dried fruit« at W.-.-ly « Grocery. The milk eondenaery ia [er hundred for milk. [laying 31.36 Dr. Ixiwe, the well known optician, will be in Scio on May h . Bone, »hell, granite, grit, and meal at Wsaelv's Grocery. E. C. Peery waa doing business Albany the first of the week. tlax in Bud South and Ed. Kellenberger. of l^-banon, were >■ n, vtfton til Wednes­ day. A full line of Guarantee»! Pruss an atock ami poultry remedies at Weaely*a Grocery. (Jet a l>ox of Steel Die stationery at Arnold's for 25 cents, thereby saving 25 cents. every Wedneeday » i,; ., , , ig Harmltoi t med fn-m hi« Sweet Home visit on Turadav. Doi g think« they have an overaupply of egg» Albany exjwcts to raise $7.110(1 for and by firing a few of them at him. devekipment work during thr present enablrei a reduction of the surplus. year and the proafiect looks good The town treasury of Sweet Hum. is The highest market price paid for $;4> better off in coniwquence. egg« in cash, at the Farmers Meat Judge Bean, of the supreme court of Market. Scio. Oregon. Carson X, Co Oregon. haa been appointed fedrral Increase your vetch snd clover crops. land 50 to 100 per cent, by using plaster. Fur sale at J. F. Weaely’a grocery store. judge down at Portland. Th'» la the place which exSenator Fulton faded to get Judge Me Bride, of Oregon Cit» , haw Iteen appointed by Governor Ben«< n t<> succeed Bean, another goof «election. Prriident Taft could not ha»e found a Imtter man for the place than Judge Bean Col Jeff Mvrra. after a week of Georg»- W Phillips and family, of Albany, came over la«t Saturday, hobnobbing with relatives and friend» called here by the fatal illness of his in thia city ami vicinity, returned to Portland, laat Saturday. While here, father. FOTATOKS I have 31) bushel» of good incidently. Jeff had some surveying Burbank potato»-« for sale at 55 cents done Up Thomas creek way; but the per buahel, good for «eed or use. H. party carried along some very t eculiar aurveving toola On hia return to town, Faltua. Jeff had something to aay al out steel • George Frost, of up Thomas creek ing Gopenny creek with fish, Cone way, who has been quite sick for some again, Jeff, and finith the atorv. The time, is report«! to I m ? considerably latch atring alwaya hangeth out. better. The continual frosts we are having, High (Irade Je-Bev rie-t rs morning after morning, are not very I have aome verv high grad * Jera-v encouraging to the growth uf vege- heifer calve« for aale They are from tat ion. the tmat milk »lock in Oregon, the O waa en- Countv Surveyor Gedde« The calve« are gaged, last F riday, in running out the A. C. ami I.mid her is lives of the mill race and establishing juat the r ght age to put on pa«ture as aoon aa the grass la good Price on corners, etc. application. IjMt week the race track at the Fair C. L. Shaw. Albany, Oregon. gnninda waa placed in fine comfition for the training uf horses prepa-atorv fur SANT1AM FARM the fall race meet. Nute« <>• th«- Diamond I.aat Surxlav afternoon quit«- an Interesting game of tsall was played on the Fair grounds diamond between Scio'« aerond team and a bunch of huakle« from Marion. The game was riowely contested up to ami including the sixth inning. During thia inning Ed. Weaely was hit Oil the pitching ar n with the ball, after which the Marion players had no trouble in find ing him at will But until the sixth the game was in Scio’s favor. The personnel of the team« was, Marion: T. (»entry. K Rossel, J. Holds, H. Russel. T. Lee. E. Davison, W Cassady, I Holds. Chas Hussel. Scio: I Miller, W Stum. Babe Gooch. E. Simms. R. McDonald, Ardee Powell, E. Amoki. Ed. W.-rely, We can give you very low price« on wagon» and buggma, becauae we get them direct from the factory; there fure. we are sure that we can save you money. Chas. Weaely. The play "ten by requeat. will school hall thia, the purpose Is finish paying for play should have Nightain a Bar-room" be given at the public Friday, evening. As to raise money to the school piarx», th«* a liberal patronage. I j & w yatt j Attorneqs-ot-Lätü R. SHELTON Ncgutiat.-I, Abstra.ta OREGON Plaer In Purltainl lu h aï Attorneii-at-Larü i» al N«* «»» Putdii « *. db lii.r uf Patent» ami Pmi-Hu.«. Drtice. 2:12 Wr«t 2i.d -I . \ll> in. Cie Pap’s Coffee House «t W rat I nd uf II a Moril«‘i> *-lr* el bridge CHARLES .1. MAHER LOW (Hu»vr«». e —Cotirlwu» Treatment THE ROYAL HOTEL T< > OPEN D a V tND NIGHT Newly refitted. Table« supplied with the I-re. I I hr Boll« Phone« HI. market afford«. ila *. rit.\ 11 DR. J MON E00 During March and Aprii Cninese »Medicines VIA Union Pacific Oregon Short Line The Oregon Railroad A. Navigation Co. Southern Pacific $30 from Chicago $30 50 from St. Louis $25 from Omaha $25 from Kansu« Citij T< )TI IK I ’I FARMERS MEAT MARKET fln n 0 do •Ml (Ml •n H» U OREG< >X SCIO, Now on All kind« of Fresh Meats, OR l& 1U Sausage«, Firh. etc., con­ YOU CAN PREPAY FARES stantly on hand. I for • ny one from an» place if you »aut to. D.|»eit the irer-»»r amount with otir l.n nl ayeut and lie will telegraph Ikkei promptly. for Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork" Inquire »•( Alieni» nr tifile | m Our purpose is to conduct a Wm. first-claHs meat market A. G. PRILL. M. General D. Physiciun ; ; : Oregon Agent I’. L. DUGGER uREt»(>N Notarti Public t SCIO. Attorneu-ut-Luu? Cusick B um a : I All«nv. Oro. SCIO HOTEL. DR. W. R. BILYEU Dentist Over Woodworth's Drug Htor*. B-.tl. P hone«. !♦ ALBANY" • ■ Oregon OREGON I will be aupphe.1 with the b«*«t the mark- i et affurila and my rouma and brela will ; be kept cleanly. I shall give special i attention to the comfort of Commercial I men. 1 purpose to make my Sunday dinners a feature The nubile ui cordi­ ally invited to give me a call. Wiu. M. A hbott . Prop. SCIO HOTEL. Scio. Oregon. The Blain Clothing Co. I’aMcnifer PORTLAND, OREGON Surgeon Tel. phone, h a. bange Nu. Il scio McMurray rhe Oregon K«Hr>Hi«n) I hereby announce that I have leas . ed the Scio Hotel and purpuee to cun* I duct same in flrat-clwi style. My tables A Potato Pool BI ,l< " W rite letters to evr-ryb dv von km w ill *he E»«t and tell tin m alaoit I hr-» li.» ■iilniua! rail « « d tliem literature alr ut Oregon, <■> ramd their addreaeea in US and we will <*«> it to thia wa» von can I m * a great I rip III til*- growth sod progreaa ol your Slate, CARSON A CO.. Pro»«. O Tailoring, w liieh is good uh head aiid-haii- L. II. MONTAN YE! Currea|randingly low from all other pointa 1 I d * giirnientR liuti we are ii ;’I i to ofTt'iiti good taste. i Mvu .’»•»a. » ? Obtained ami Examined Photos Get the l>r«t when von are getting end get tliem at J G. Crawford’« stmlio. I'nrner »ecnnrl an«l l.voti steer*» \lli-n». Oregon. Display I Albany I * 'I Administrator of Estât, a Loans Alio a bunch of same age Berkshire and Poland Ch atock. $3 50 a piece. Trappiat Father», Jordan I Spring Clothing \ «'M. 1V1\ A M« h Mitill. I'n |. Highest market price paid oi I. ( AL SCIO LIVERY & UtU STABLES Otth-e in Blnti t» rg H '« k a LB AN Y : trawMvs I have pure- bred black Minorca and Buff Leghorn egg», (guaranteed) for Successor to the late Hong Wo Tong, »ale at $1 |>er setting of 15. What ia of Alliany, Oregon, i« now pr<-|>ar«*d tu the use of »ending awav for something ■ furniah Chinese mmlicinea to all. The that you can get at home. N. J. undersigned recommeiida him ami guar M" rrison i ant«*«« satisfaction. Call or write him at >17 W. Mrs. W. Hickman and family desire« us to ex pre«» to the peuole of Scio sod vicinity her most profound thanks fnr their help snd sympathy in the tragical death and burrial of the husband and father, and for which «he will ever hold them in her greatful rememberarice. The Sul stantial help and sympathy does much to assuage the bitterness of her grief. E. A. Eaatoa 12(10 buahela. Wm. Crab- tree »>») buahela, Jake Bilyeu .ICO bushels and Wm. Prine 300 bushels, As an average cre»o on the Santiam bottom ia from 150 to 250 bushels per acre, it can be aeen what a fine profit our friends down there have made thia ¿ear. W eatherford UTWVEH -4 Allxiny, Oregon An experienced compounder of See Here I SAW MILL AND . . . LOGGING MACHINERY FIRST AND I ACE taken ill, he waa remove.! to the ho»- pital where th«- woman who liecanie hl» : HCIU secund wife was employed a» nurse. I She carrel for Yocul<«*ta during his stay ' Ì h* at the hospital, and when h«* re-coverrel they were marrirel, guing to Oregon to live on hi» farm. A w«-ek rl«|>»rei before* Anton Yoci-- lx-r« notifirel snv one of the mcurre-nce Sh.-riff Smith of Linn countv immre! atrly attempted an investigation, but found hlm»«-lf h«-l|ilras lax-aus« of the complete al »ence of any details. N- ther he nor the deputy prosecuting attorney fourxl any evidence at the Yocubeta home that would point to foul play A iwculiar feature of the diaap- :•••«• i pi.- 1» that nol-.»lv »aw Mr» Y.xu lx-'» take the one daily train that atopa at Crabtree. OKKiO.X • |Xe. a grn- ral («enking and exchange • ua|i vm I. 4P • ma>l» al vurreiit ratea • l.d drall» iMUrel >ne of hone, grit, shell, charcoal, dritid meat and blood.' in all there are ii different ingredionta, giving the little chicks just what they need to keen them healthy and to yn>w well. Get it at Weaely,s grocery M‘l<> If ...» 1. Apr V r « Jiu'..!. ( a well, residing at 4921 Lake avoru., after having «petit hundreds of doll«-a in an . ffert to aecure- trace of h« r daughter. Mrs Emma Yocubeta, wile I of Anton Yoculets. a farmer residing near Crabtree. Linn county. Or.,wh«-; ■ ■ . .i f • »:> i on S. • n i- t. i i. »tated to« ay (I at she had given up all hope of finding her child. I ebanon. Dr . April 19. In the »«■• eluded farmhouse on Anton Yocubeta* farm near Crabtree. Mrs Yuculwt« No I blew her brain« out with a revolver in November 1W6, after giving her little daughter a doer of poi«on that alnx.at proved fatal. On Septom- lx-r 30. I90H. Mrs. Yocubeta No. 2 mysteriously vanished. WATSON BRUinLii o IRON WORKS Cashier W .• clip from the Albany Iiemocrat *ie following dispatches, which ha' ■ en given publicity in press retort» a I .anoua times The matter is ixrculur ami une which nobody aotitns to km w any U ing al out. An official inveatiga* lion of ■ »«-aid ing character, should 1« n ado If there- has been no f»ul pla- , the public »hould know it. The dli • naichrs follows. Game by inninga 1 2 3 4 5 ti 7 H 9 of 1» ••rh »») mir Manon 2 U 0 o o I 4 •> O U trai |*»r t»«tshr| .... . ...se It Scio 2 I 1 0 I o 0 0 0-6 i«t*. tw’r 1 Jefferson and the A Icoa of Alt ‘■any » W»»ir prr «it M The score as reported by P. H. • titlit r ('otiAfrt i*r mil Mac lionahi. sho »ened as umpire was. F-ttf«, *l»e game; Heel. Iw-r tw.nn * live wrlehl jitiM |llr wrlffht yet ths MW« predicts that Scio will '•ml iw» |>»*tttt t hi« «hlDDlttff . come Lack with the Aku» scalp hang Mb«*»*** run «m „ M «s» I.Mt .»*ti»r I ing to their gir lie A fine Poland-China sow. almeat The unapeakable Turk is in difficulty. The young element of his empire ham black, unmarked, weight about 250 r -t>ell«i and is making it rather warm pounds estrayed from mv farm about . January 4. Plraae let me know if arm. for the old gentleman. 1 also, have a' little vetch—ft to H New arrivals at Weaely’s Grocery buahela. also plenty of early are. thia week: Ripe olive», canned mush potatoes. amall at HO cents per tmahel rooms, and canned asparagrws Give S. W. Gaines. them a trial, they are fine delicacies. The nkws is in receipt of a con­ gressional directory, through the courtesy of Senator Chamberlain. The Senator does not forg» t his old friends. I A Strange Laac G. Wash Phillips' »ieath occur»»I a' note paper in stock, except the the family home in thia city. on sunda I Die, one-third off at Arnold's. afternoon. April IM. ItMV. his age beln The Corr albs cadets. 0. A. C. will titf years, 5 months and 24 days. have a competative drill on May 7th. Mr. Phiili|s had been ill for severs» to determine which is the better drilled y »«re, m »ch of the time being confined c im|ian> to hi» n.om ar>d ted. A fsw y way to handle the farm he engaged in the flouring mill business, in which he was not successful business. Father Moran, of the Catholic chut» h ami m< at uf hia large property Ixildmg» in All>any. haa accepted a call to were swept away. To le bereft of hia proporty in the cloait g rears of hia Marshfield on Cool bay. He Utt Albany Tvrelay morning for his f»< w life, proved t»-o great a st'am ufon hi« usually well-balanced n inti and softer, held of labor mv uf the brain resulted H « faithful For three wed » from April I • li wife, however, tenderly car.d fur him »ell nil» box uf Steel I he linen I ole at the family home to the end naper and rnvelup»-«, the regular | rice George Washington I hilli|s was lorn o' which is 50 cents, for 26 cent«, in Gudfurvl county. North Carolina on h M Arnokt. Oct« ber 24. MO Renovetl with hia par» nta tu Missouri two »rare later. M ismo » Maxwell ami McCord, gride ti acher» in our public achoub and Mi»a Remaining in Missouri a few »»»r- they remaining Birdelle Brenner, a pupil, went over tu then removed tu Texas Albany, laat Fridav evening tu apend there for three yeare and then returned tu Missouri. In '.-62 the PhiLipe the week-end holiday. family joined the throng uf inugranta Our carloal of buggies ha» juat bound for the Pacific coast. they, arrived and uur »ample« have t een set coming tu Oregon, A donation land up, so that you can see what we have claim « a« taken up within a few mile* Be sure ar.d call on ua before >ou gu of Scio. e mw here. thas. Wisely. „Mr !'■ is was married to V isa S Philippi announces that he . f will pay the highest market price whom died in infancy The living are Phillips, of near Scio. Mrs. therefor. See him, Call ut> Home M W tele| hone No. 275 or write him. fiw Sarah Coffey. <.f Washington: Mrs Emma Davis, uf Silv-n. Mr». I ia Every farmer who kre,« cow« should Warwick, uf hem. ami • «eurge W. aubscribv for ami rea«l Hoan 'a Pai re­ Phillipa, uf Allrany. man. It is filled with valuable inform: - In I1M Mr. Phillipa was elected lion, not only concerning cows, but county cumn.iaaiuher of Linn county other »tuck as well. It costa but $1 and ser.etl with credit fur four yvara p» r year. In !Hk2 he leased the Jefferson flour, The death of Mr. Vaetecka, of East ing mill» and operated them fur two of Scio, waa reported to th» nkwm on year« res««.r.aLI» suer of the for the statement that a new m< ming daily paper la to be atarted in that city order E O. T. M and in which he aoon. The Gilstraps, of the I ugene carried an insurance policy for $3< iio . Rcgi»trr are-behind thracheme There a'-out half uf which he has draw n during hia long illm-aa. ia always room on top, brothers. Workmen are ••ngai’ed. this week, in leveling up the tower of the warehouse of the Scio (louring mills The mohair poo! was sold in thia city, last Saturday, to a Portland buyer for 24 and 35-KM) cents |>er pound. tleorrc U ashing ton Ph'llip« Hick try Bark Cough H.-n.nh, nimlw by the Hickory Hark Remedy Co . <.( '»lem. Ore., guaranteed Io lx* pure* guaranteed to cure your mid or mum y refunded Guaranteed in make» friend of you. Fur «ale bv F.. C Peery. S«-t< , Ore., and first-clese dealer, «verve hrrw « « a 4 4 P atents TRAOC MARA* OffRlGRR CnevRiQHTB Ac Aflf-n« ••♦ ♦' « • tihtirt h and AaacrlpiL, n er ■jYiIr-fcty afflar*«m omf »»r»n$»»n ►F en nvantlMtit !• f»r- Nahiy hi« • I ti« nildatv'fai hAlfi frw i,4am. »aare.-y i tafc«n fhr»>a n < f any •*-!•«>«Tarn»« • ••ar fi’tir mreft’ha |l foM by al!