9 •.<47.- 1 < 'I *'• ■ is'A ' ef '. ? .• **> ■ »• >• < •»"> ‘■rv* 'i "V _ - r LIN N VOL. COI N 1Y, - OREGON Al! th!« «bow of deferea.«« InAn-ed *• MUCH REVENUE LOST •quire to • - . io rt.« v.- .-eltl -n. at <11 •«•cts. quietly. Who on earth Psarman Am«ndni«nti Put Through Take Away »»iM bare tn bl« ays h« bad no Idea Tw«nty Million Dollar«. That ha couM mean hla «on all tbla tin» never entered Harold Iteaiaaw's bead. He Washington. April 13. Th« esti­ rertalnly knew ba bad a son, but. atta­ mates of the revneuea which th« Payns in« ao llttl« aa he did tn th« county m»w. tariff bill will produce have been re­ he bad barely «sen him. nor had be, but at duced nearly 120,000.000 through the odd time», area h««rd of him. amendments nimle by the bouse. The "But who Is It, man! lat's know th« senate finance committee must provide naro* ot this bashful suitor! It'« a means for making up this difference, if quality on« «res littl« enough of In three HAWLEY SMART the original estimates are to tie met. da re “ The striking out of several counter­ My a. Mr Itenlanu, 1« the geutle- vailing duty clauses will lessen the inan who solicits your lemilawa u> do bill's productiveness another 120,000,- hi« bent to win your daughter." "Your «on 1 Why" and here the squire Less Important but Not L«sa Inter- 000. Attorney Gensral Orders Abandon Mopp«d, porfoctly thunderstruck It waa Th« amendment taking off the N-cent • sting Happenings from Points CHAPTER IV. pardeo me If 1 «ay that It was on over nrent of Efforts to Secure In­ • lerelllng age. h« knew; that th« tide duty on tea subtracted |'H,000,(»0ti Th« «•«! day Premian bw am* esce*» •trained delh-ecy < m > your part which pre of demoa-rs-y waa at tho flood, he was Outside the State. from the eitimated revenues. The dictments for Rebating, b«ly •nanv.-red f his E.o;wful as »’• pro vented matters br.nf brought to a mors aware; that our «heriehed Institutions striking out of the countervailing duty J«et, th. ,(ù he Joi not at all «itagli toe •atlafactory «omínelo» It is the way were looked on with dis«Jain. that there on coffee disposes of what probably to himself the dir® -title« that stood tn with you all." muttered the old lawyer, ■ ere preplo «ho «aw no virtu« In core If he musingly. "You furgvt thews scruples nei«. and tb-xight an Established Uburoh ,“A religious riot in Mexico ended in would have l»cen 313,000,000 in duties. th» way of Its sovMuplIshiaeat. Chicago, April 13. Uncle Sam has Taking out the countervailing pro­ had not had the advsatag« of such an when they mlgb: ba vf use to you. and a worn out Institu'ion that !t would be !5 deaths. abandon«««! the prosecution in all inves­ viso for lumber an«! for petroleum •diawtion as Ham h*«l had. y»< ba had hamper us. wbo have to put your affairs • ■ well to do away with, ho had heard, Germany ia to establish an aero­ tigations of the rebate cases, the affaire mad« a large fortune by trading on th» straight, with them afterwards" means a lost opjiortuiiily to increase but that the «on of a renf«»inded tnnney- nautic achool. of th«- packers and the alleged Argo weakneaa-a of Sis fel <>w men 1 b«»ee “A Itenlson of Glinn. air. la not to be .ending attorney should nreeunve «■» dress the revenues by several million dollars, peonage system, which have been be­ whe achieve thia though It may ba little Included In the earns *»«*<•»*• S3 « ba&k Taft haa rented a houae at Beverly, it is estimated. of mating with a lienlaon of Glinn he fore th«« present grand jury. This fol­ to tbelt créait, sssviue more thoroughly rupt trailer. I presume." remarked th« had never i-wileuiplaled For a few mm M om ., for a »ummer home. Th«- MSMito flnancs uNnmittsa mater- low« the dispatching of a letter from acquainted with the »pr -g- uf ths h-i «ei- •quire, baugjlltly. Tally redudeed many of ths DI utee ho was literally spee«-hle«o . then all Lucky Baldwin’« doctor has put in a Attorney General George W. Wicker­ mind than all th« m.'• pitrel «-tan» and phi- “Ne: but !t would he better both for tho pride of rare «urged up. bill’s schwiul«-« as it |>aaae tri «t extent he get clear, and the creditors are never • war» that th« times ware so far ajvano dence that has been hear«! thus far. In IHV7 th«« senate committM placed f life I was not aware that the . railnuuia. ti' «-, which have not b««««n presented be­ cent, but the Payne bill, as it passed transparent In a worMly point of rie» I In whhth he utterevi rKs wnrAe •rere s wwial gap between myself and my eolkd- Several «ever* earthquake« arc re- the house, places hides on th«» free list. fore th«« grand jury. The probe ot th« previous tor was ao effwt«tally bridged avr. Your ts Hstuld • '-»<««—'n tliai 0« would I«* a stringent commentary «si his which |mrle«l ftom Peru an«! much damage to Under th«« Dingley law. hides have National Packing co-iipany. willing coadjutor In the »-lien», from th« • pee-*. s«>n, sir, «III have to take hla cbanca grew out of th«« Morris & Co. inveati- moment It was pr««i»>»*.t to him. th« fatb "It'« just al-'-it that," said Trartuan. with the young man frren the butcher'», pr««p tty 1« feared. produced more than |3,DUO,000 reve­ gallon, has not yet been heard by the •r at SMS foteaaw the eM fam iy ¡ r. l "tlmt I tn wishing to talk to you now. and .\|r. Muffateo, wl.o keep« th« drap«r a i Students of Columbia university. nue annually. Federal inquisitorial taxly. that would be up lu arms agnnut btui It s a cruel pity that a tin* okl property •otabllahmevl in Xmtnarer. There are many changes in the Pay ne I ahall not New York, are conetructing an aero Fee» for services an«! funds for the th* iiialant he I .«ted th« hies like Glinn should !» broken up. A <«■■«! prreiime to ItUluenc« Misa I»enteuti la her bill from the provisions of the Dinglev plan.- along entirely new line«. transportation of th«» grand jurors dur­ But be said to himself, "1 have deal of It, you «re. has fallen Into my cholre.” iaw. its maximutn and minimum re­ (uu> i> lu d<, with Harold l»enls«>i'. bands. ” Four Chinese tying to enter the taliatory feature, the additional meth­ ing th««ir s. ssiAn hav<- amounted ««> <>td i'oarmaa bad many times In the ah—«!«! k’ .- r hix ,»i,iy. lie is sem»B i ad net ra I :. •• ot tl««t." ««oureo of hie career moralised upno the United States at San Francisco from a 110,000, whtl«« that of witnesses have od of valuation for the pur|MMH* of pre­ a: taan in ail ti«««« trw Interrupted Harold Iq*ilw«u , ”1 am quite week neoo of looing one's temper about British steamer have E»«en caught. totaled $5,000, venting umler-valuations and its pro ­ bious days of bls, «ben 1 was settling aware of ths prlre 1 sn> paying for th« anything, but the aquire'a aue*r brought visions for th«« 140,000,000 issuance of A San Francisco woman haa Iwvn his sffalrs, I never knew him dwell upon follies of my younger day«." tbe blood to hla pale templea. HOW HAILROADS SUFFER. awarded $20,(MM) for the death of her Panama bonds and a 3250,000,000 issue Wiist the rreults might be to h.« wife "It la not likely I should recall euch "I «u take- a high hand, air -a high husband, who waa kill«-«! by an automo­ of Treasury certificates are new. It and daughter. It was «v«r what lie bad - fa ta to your memory. If I hand 1 asked you to listen to u» ga­ extern!« the drawback privileges so Commerce Cummnilon'i Eatimata of to glv« up. Ils II scout this proposal had not something to pro;«oe« with re llantly, an«! you insult me. 1 spoke to bile. Lost by Panic Wrong with Indignation when 1 first manti,si it ««rd to their being to a considerable el- you humbly enough to etart with; but that domestic raw material may be The battleship Maasa«-huactta ia to him. but ball coma round to II In t«-nt wiped out. Y--<1 will do tn« III« Jus­ I toll you now that wealth choore Ita us«qi in lieu of imported material for Uhlcago, April 13 An advance ab­ again in commiaaion after an idleness Ume. Aa for th* girl's that's Sam's tice, I think, Mr l>*nls«»n, to admit that irate ' -I In t.'irwe day«, anti that of two year«, during which time ahe th«- purp< se of collecting a drawback, stract of atatlvti- a of American rail­ affair, but when Denl-’n ba» on re nml«- since 1 bav« ha«l ths honor uf bwitig your : > provided an e«]ual amount of identical ways fur tb«' year ending June 30, ««■' ■ .. a» M -V l>- - -n have up bls mind to her marrying him. be» as pecuniary adviser, I have n««er hald bit­ married not a bit better lloea dial "Porbapa ao People Torf et theinaelre« Many anthracite coal o[wratoni have drawback is collected. An inheritance public here t«day. It saya: •reel* worked mor* than «Mie«, ami it • Igem lee of th« com !" In all classes, end forfeit their ourlai tax, by which it is ho|H-d that 320,000,- "Instead of a decrease of only $164.- prepared for a atrike. Die wpilre n<»l«led «««ent. He «ertam generally pretty elF aeioua They ruo status; but It's time for money 000 will be collected, is provided for. 464,1141 in gross earnings as the result ly bad a coi increase materially the Commerce commission for th« year texi to morrow. It woo't ba a vary plea» • way In whi«-h you may bs relieved from gentle blood 1" about 23,000,000 egga Easter. duties on many articles in order to pro­ ending June 30, I20R, th«- panic of 1907 Mt job. I doubt . but 1 am nssd to that.' all immediate «mbarraMmeut rwunected Die old aolicitor'a lipa quivered, and The army transport Dix is en route duce necessary revenue. The Payne resulte«l in a lows of more than 3330.. Tbe owner of Glinn f«it that alight with money matter«, and by whhh M im hl« Iren finger« played nervously with his to Seattle with exhibits from the Phil­ bill increased materially th«« rates on Denison may l«e th« •'«■ntual ml»tr«M of watch chain, aa be replied: ••rvoua psrtarbation that invariably at 000,000 The loss in net earnings ia ippines for the fair. temla th« call of a larg« creditor. lb« Glinn In its original Integrity." brandy, alcohol, gin, grain spirits, cor­ 3129,-.40,460. instead of 3111,051,006, "1 did not nun« here to argue our !>*ni«ou started. To be reles»e«l from Solee of the carriage wheels had merely mutual social nrwltlow ! came here 1« Gw.riuur Liiiey, of Connecticut, la dial» and li«|uors, but made virtually no as given in the eommiaaiun'e report. th« hareaelng e’reln that !!cs W ¡»lie uow afford an eu>t*«-ultar slow whi h gave him a «-hanre of in some way frauds have been dismiss»««!. A number of other articles, regarded the cX|M-ndlture of approximately 332,- dreamed of. But he knew hl» man by tones. repairing the evil that tho early follies Castro's wife will attempt to have as luxuries, have been increased. 000,000 necesaitateti by arbitrary inno­ "Hit down. Pearman. Take that arm th!» time w«ll. What was tbe pri<-« he of his youth ha«l entailed on hla child, Gomel resign aa president of Vencxue- was to pay for thia! lie Mid nothing, vations in accounting methods and re- chair, and make yourself «-omfortahl«. I dawtined to pay her full share of such in ! la and place tho dictator again in pow­ quirementa in regard to the hour« and hoi-* to heaven you haven’t coma to make but Inwardly hl» brain waa buay in vain dixretioiis. 1 be days of euch prejudi«-ee NIAGARA IS STILLED conjecture •• to wba( I’Mrman would ar« past, I tell you. Mr. Itenlson; an«! er. conditions of labor." we tba r« ver as!" "Not at all. Mr Itenlson. My vlait 1» demand as bis guerdon for prodm-lug each on«-« more 1 aak you not to give me an Figureo gathered by the bureau of Great River ia Froren Solidly From • transformation » *n« Th» Idea of that FORFEIT IDAHO TIMOEH. answer now, but to reflect upon tho pre statistics show that marriages are fall­ hot a bualneM oun, tbougti I Kara «ornw Bank to Bank. thing I should like just to talk to you worthy »i I lei t or ever doing anything with­ poaal 1 have made to you." ing off and divorcee increasing in In ­ • lltt.e » - • ■ smoking wretb out an ulterior inotlt» was on» h» never "You do us t«x> much honor, Mr. Poor- Buffalo, N. Y., April 13. The voice Government Takes Evidence Against entertained for an instant. What would man. Permit tn« to observe that I tnu«t diana. ar wa're having Bad for tb« fartnsre of Niagara was mute today, fur tho Barber Lumber Company. he want! What did b« mean! For the first time since the Spanish decline all further comU'lr-ratlon of the vary« i»"'! it!" •eccond time in the memory of man, St. Paul, April 13. Forty thousand “Y»u may say that. Nothing we hare ■ubjoct. I am perfectly eonrineed the al war th«- United States army is up to ita •nd the river ia froxon solidly from CHAPTER V. acres of timber land worth from 31,- lianre you pr»|«MM with auch a wl««lgiiM>nt« for the Imlay by Peyton Gordon, of Washing­ Eastern firm to carry bonds from San Erie in a huge mass at the lower end held out abould be tb«>r. igbly ( rg«d be dl»tinctl«wi you would have conferre«! upou at Newmarket, anyhow. Tb« boree 1» ton, a|>ecial assistant to the attorney Francisco to New York. This method of tho lake. At Niagara Falls there fore be was called upon to stat« upon her, and to ring for your carriage." doing well, I «ut>po«»?" genera) of th«« United States. haol "Very good, elr very goal." cried the waa chea|>er than paying expreM. "Yea, 1 bailee« so You know, Mr wtiat terms all this might be brought The proceedings were begun several E m -I ow the cataract since tho ms by the Federal government r*anl«oy«elf to about, ilia best experience ot men told old attorney, as h« rose In bls wrath; Kuooevelt haa arrived at Port Said. In him that there was no su- h mistake winter. Under the impact of the ice "tho time will come, maybe, when you'll ere after «u<-h Obing* 1 Irai* all that to Emma Goldman will fight any effort of the lako above and the added tinea against the Barber Lumber com|>any, Kani but he tell» me th« hor»« will run Ilf« as hurrying an a 1 lorn mo— of ue think that old Hain Pearman would bare of Eau Claire, Wia., to cancel patents !.. been a go«>d nun to have had at your back. to deport her. learn, thvugh generally too late but well for the 'Guinea«.' bar •■vident«" brought through by the wind, the that the government bail issu«»i be­ I »ay nothing. Mr. Iteulaou; but you'll “ 'Hun wall!' 'Bar accidents ? Why, derive minor advantages therefrom. bridge gave way and tM'gan to surge Eleven jurors have been finally ar- tween 1901 and 1903 for timber land "This sounds too good to be true, Pear- And that you have not ma«le many great­ *bar •crMema.' ha mu»t win." cried the down the rapids, But before it could cepted in the Calhoun case. in the Boise basin, Idaho. Tho gov­ erar sang tine 1>«erimenta are being conducted at wind shifted to the north. now. as you know ; but In th* old «lays Instantly ferual rider to the proposition, that It ia tho Irate old gentleman left the room, patents hn«alble I should asaent to." fraud. "1 wonder what tho world la coming "Ah, wall," aai;ulre; "and In eras Immediately to yourself, and ulti- ed batUe with moonshiners in West The highest flood level recorded from consequence you made a fortune whil« ma rely to Mlaa l)wila«««<>. present dretan if th« «quire we« a little lin-.isvu« iiav-e ciaiiuevl tne a i tention of the lower steel arch bridge to Lewis­ smaller m««lel than the type now in be would reject the old lawyer's proposal explosion of oil tanks at Point Rich­ common use, but of double »;««•«•• I. It Involved in that way st preaent. He of a gou«i many young nwn in tb« county." ton. mond, Cal. The damage will reach with rather more courtesy. reuras knew the main part of llaroM The attorney paused, but hie auditor ('.onservative estimates plac«- the is stated that the propoe«-«! new craft (To h« mntltiued ) $60,000. would have alxwit the same destructive Ivanieon’« entanglements, but even he looked grimly at th« fir», and eipreaa*«| =aenaBBmBC3svacswans damage at 31,000,000. power as the present type. The pur though hla principal man of bualneaa, dire««ed surprise and would the pant two week«, is dead, but it J ing to my advantage, I'll be bound.” think ther« would be nothing to be de tion blank. An Erie, Pa., millionaire has been not believe it until shown papers men­ cannot be verified. The government "I'm afraid not; not but that It might sired" For several moments the woman aske«i to give up $6,000 or suffer death. tioning King Edward of Great Britain. han repreaentativea in the field aearch- be But I’ve never been able. Mr. Dani "Who do you mean?" broke In the aeetn«xl to tis searching her memory. eon. to Induce you to listen to anything ■quire. “Has Maude given him any en Reports that tho relief work at Mes­ When newspapermen asked if he knew ing for the Indian leader. Suddenly her face brightened. to your own advantag«." sina is a farce continue to find theiir "Teddy” he thought they were joking «•ouragement, that you come with this with him. “Why. j«s. air. He's deaf."—Every­ way out. Alberta Crops to Double. “ 'Gad. elr, I can call to mind vary •lory to n»!*’ Winnipeg, Man.. April 1».- The first "My dear air, his acquaintance with body "a. f«w of your propooitlon« that tended that All Weet Indian colonies have been Castro Barred Again. way. A few hundreds to be saved here Mlaa fteniaon 1« far too alight for any. Canadian Western wlavat crop • «rennew« Hin«. closed against Castro and France will and there, at ths -• of t .«al atond-wi thing of that kind ever to have been eren Copenhagen, April 13.- The govern­ was i«sued today, showing 100 per Husband—Let tne a--e. how long has expel him from Martinique. ment of my eorlal posit too— cs«re In thought of on hl« part. He 1« merely ment has instructed the governor of increase in the seeded area in S It been since Uncle John was here! which th« Mvlng wa« Incommensurate anslou« to have your permission to try A j