LINN VOL. la COL N i l , marrU<* la i'ona«Tlon, tn ora Oll EGOX thaa EVENTS OF THE OFT "Yn yaa, I think you ar* rifht; but tb*r» will ba ditR' iltirw «hflhuhlea, I f«r- ~t>( «xxin» ther* will, to a certain •!* teat; there alwaja la about <**ttin< any­ thing worth having ia thia world. but tuoney ia a k*y to awwl thing* aowa-lajra. Tuttenng co run Ha iuuat ba propped by n rah by alllan'W The paraon or doctor marrira th* rieh tallow chandler's widow. Marriage la a wncka) h« eater alauda out for alrawtwrry lea tea In the curon.t. »hue a fifth of the moaey from lUrmlogham la quite rontrnt to pul up allh an Honorable. Well, to Less Important but Not Less Inter­ rat urn to »hat I was •»>O>g. you agro* esting Happening* from Point* with me that I must look out more for rxmnertion than luoney. don't you ?" Outsids th* Stat*. MYea, I think that's best . but It would do no harm if you could uv your way into a trifle of property beaid«s.M A Kentucky judge has decided Sun “Exactly. I waa at th* Xtninater ball day treating illegal. last night, and tha prettiaat girl la tha r<-»wn aa uay menl in Michigan. Newsy Items Gathered tram All Parts ol the World. HAWl-EY SMART PREPARED FOR THE BIST READER ACTION OF GREAT IMPORTANCE Suit to Dissolve Standard Oil Will Go to Supreme Court. Washington, April 6. The hearing in the case of the United States against th« Standard Oil company. N ot JaMgg, which will be before the United States Circuit court in SL I ahi is tomorrow, is one of the most important and far reaching civil actions that haa ever come up for trial in this country. The bill of complaint on the part of the United States, charging a violation of the Sherman anti trust law, waa filed in November, 1906. The Standard Oil com|>any, of New Jersey, th* )>arenl organisation, together with its various subsidiary corporations; John 0. Rockefeller, Henry M. Flagler, Henry R. Rogers, John D. Archbold, Oliver P. Layne and Cnarles M. Pratt are charged with hav­ ing entered into an agreement, com­ bination and conspiracy to restrain trail* and commerce among the several states, to monopolize trade and com mere« in the purchase of |>«troleum and in the distribution, sale and ship­ ment of the products of petroleum. The United State* seeks |>er|>etually to enjoin the defendants from doing any act looking to carrying out the al­ leged combination or conspiracy and to dissolve the Standard Oil combination. The government concluded its testi­ mony on January 21, 1909. About 41N) witnesses were examined, approxi­ mately 200 appearing for each ski». The issue is so important, that, whatever may be the result of the trial by the Circuit court, the case certainly will be ap|M-aled to the United States Supreme court. NICARAGUA GIVES IN Ultimatum from Knox Produces Quick Result. HILL COMPROMISE OR ARBITRATE Central American Nation Expresses CHAPTER II -(CoallaoM) master here Y-< that I* pretty w*ll bow Desire to Sattle Emery Claim 1'bank* but you hav* not told m* y«< the ra*e would »land If we had one ” whether you anJvyMi your ball “ for Damages at Once. “Provldm.-* know* «hat ta brat for “Yve. that I did. I got lot* of dau. u«, Harold." ret urued hi* «if*. softly ; tag. and I do Ilk* that, you know Hut “it was • sore sourv* of trouble to ua bow shout yourwlf. Gr*u? 1 don't think once; but. a» you »ay. It spares u* «OOM Washington. April 6. Secretary you quit* did your duty “ bitter thoughts now." Knox waa given to understand today "Pr*tty fairly. 1 fancy. W* ran't b* Mhe aowe-tsied herself with him In his by Minister Espinos«, of Nicaragua, • spectsd to • -<>• irnmat* th* amount of carver of ettraiagsti.v •• if she had been that the Nicaraguan government would pirouetting that your **i delight In I equally to blame, though. ** far as her make an early effort to settle either by dam-ed a good deal, and it wa* real pl«*» geutl* nature dared, *he had »ntered ur* to m* to ae* th» llttl* sensation you more than one m-vk remonstrance at hi* compromise or by arbitration the claim* mad*. I like to •»» my prwtty cousin rvekleMi career for damage* of the Ai. D. Emery com­ But Mr* k I**ni»on wat appreciated a* ah* »bouId be. and taking not th* woman to throw her ho aha nd'a pany. wbo«o eonceraii n for cutting ma­ ZwSulal wave aw.-pt WMf tb,- N.-w her legitimate pnaition la th* county." It waa intended.** fault» continually In hi» teeth I hogany waa cancelled. m.Kingly, Hebrides islands March 29, deatroying ”Y m ," aald the old man aa far aa “And what's that, pray?” all done now, pa»1 recall; ■till. i The minister told the secretary that about ; "Why, as th* bell* of all Hampshire, it lay witbm her power, th* wife *at "that might do if wa could bring it practically all crop*. a s | h - cib I commission would leave im­ but h»n a pmud man. th# father very" of conn»* I wish, though, you bada i willing to l>e*r her share of the bunk-u mediately for thia city, carrying full President Gomez has warned Cubans •’Ue'll route to that pfi mtly. Juat damwd with that fellow I'eerman last Hamid lienison'a folly had entailed uo instruction for the minister, which I I tat mi while I rei-b ui tip all th* advan- againat the great tendency toward night. I've a sort of presentiment III hl* family. would empower him to reach a aettle- tag*» First of all. I have taken a I fancy revolutions in that country. will com* of it." ..nd pray. Maude, did Mr Pearamn Shea a real beauty. »very menL If a compromise is not reached "Yon stupid Grenville, what can come honor Xosinater with hi* pre*eoc* last to the girl. Several members of the Japanese In th* nest place, she* the minister will sign a protocol sub­ of it? I am not likely to ••■« him again night?" Inquired her father, sarcastically. Inch of her. diet will visit the Pacific coast to t'onaequently, It's ouly an only chlld. mitting the case to arbitration. for months perhai»» never. At the there. but “Young Mr. r'-«rtn*ti wsa fair to aup(MM«< that Glinn and wbat's study the situation at first band. The last communication from Secre­ worst, re.'ognltion of hl» ezistrace on not the old man He seemed to know a left with it w ill eventually fall to bar. A retired captain of the army com tary Knox to the Nicaraguan minister meeting I* all ttmt quadrille «alalia " good many people there Mr. Brisdea — " We bar» gut uuiat of the old property mittvd suicide at New York l>«c-auae he was in the nature of an ultimatum. "Well, I »Up|»owe you are right, Maude Th* old now ; and that would Inaura the “Yea. It's the old story. but It I* time I waa off Good by." And hadn't enough money for himself and Grenville's pulse tingled a llttl*. a» hi» spinner*, brewer», solicitor*, and such thing being in our hand* at last.” wif*. BRITAIN WANTS AIR FLEET "Your*. Sam, your*. It la not likely lip* touched the fair cheek *o quietly like Another hundred year*, and ther* l‘d last to see it. Harold llenieon ia full Esther Mitchell, central figure in the yielded to him. "Kind regañía to my un won't l>* one of the old name* left In twenty years younger then I am. and bls " Holy Roller" murders at Seattle in May Establish "Two-Power" Stand cl* and aunt ; and drop me a line now th* neighborhood " wlf* is younger again; they'll a«« in* >906, ha been released from the asyl­ SYSTEMATIZE NOTE DESIGNS. • rd tor Dirigibles Sama as Navy. and then " Breakfast 1» over Maude flit* away um on parole. "¡lout t» afraid of that." laughed to her own little sanctum, with its piano, out. boy.” Ixmdon, April 6. Great Brit*in "Well. falber, It's no use denying It Government to Do Away With Many m i ma to ba awakening to the fact that Mia» iH-tiKon. "don't I always write to book», su|uir* betake* • » f .• ■, • tbelr own etera. it would t>* made the trip from New York around ing her behind in the race for command W aah ington, April 6. Assistant Die |*i*t might tr»tify in my favor Good himself to biswtudy. to struggle with fig hard If I didn't lake my place m th* the horn to San Diego. Secretary of the Treasury Coolidge bsa ot the air. by . dou'l 5* ¡»¡ia before you ram* and ire» and hold ghiutny iwuerw with county." While the member* of the house of approved a plan fur aysteniatixing de­ see us again.” The Colorado legislature has ad­ Tbouqwou. bis farm bailiff. The mother "Ye*, you »bould manage it, though I sign* f..e !!nitc-A st»t—« «I't-r and etiin commons were drawing the attention Ge—oville Ibme tmndered moaslilv over »11*1 littU||uici was ssM» fi'vt SaM«wa s*»«’UiMi journed without passing a direct pri­ his visit, as be drove tu the »tallón. He |»rturleiion at»>ut Ihe dlth-.iltie» that have failed, out you've had advantage* mary law, railroad commiaaion law or certificates, thus »«curing uniformity of the government to the fact that tier- I hadn't. Nam You'«* a pull, you see, many has built or I* building dirigible ' in portrait and general design. had nut quite tna«ter<-d tbe fad that be threaten them. F'or the la.t five year» an initiative and refreendum measure air»hi|»e and urging the government to was In love with his cousin, but he had bate they not he*rd Mr l*enl»on dis- in »slucatiun; I hadn't much. Th* art At present them are 19 different de ­ uf making money I taught uiyeelf. and It and the governor will call a *;>ecial arrived at sume close spprebenaiotis on course in the muiv melancholy »train? signs for United State-» notes and com take up with energy the construction sera ion. the subject. He felt that he would hate I'ouatant Jerrmlsds lo»e their effect ; they didn't l*av* time for learning a deal of ; certificates of various denominations, of a British fleet, there waa being held anything else You start with a tiuy lot been a good d-al better Mtiafied had bi» thought little of the growling of the Naples haa made great preparation* leading to confusion and uncertainty, belay a meeting in the Mansion House uueni»on. aa be sat enough to insure your curded mayor of London in support of tha nine. jiuisling bis bead In bis room over that and drakes of It.” Portland's new city directoy places Maude, fresh sa a rose, after a turn complication of figure*, knew that thing» same subject. The 11 silver certificate will carry •hall hurt. I can "No, 1 don't think I thu population at 255,000. round the garden, comes in ju»t in time to had pretty well rea<-hed their climax, »ml Among those present were Admiral the portrait of Washington, the (2 sil­ greet her mother on her return to the that it would tni»ou is a poor man. ie projierty worUi 1260,000, nearly all ’ |Mirtrait of Lincoln. Th«' (It) gold and all of who heartily sdj>|>ort«d energetic iato th* easychair next the fire, makes CHAPTER III be not ?“ , silver certificate and United States action. t?i* lea, and then, drawing a stool near, residences. In the very modern l»ut extremely com “Yr*; hr baa well on to Hire* thou- Admiral Scott advocated a "two •eat* herself at Mrs. I>eni»ou’s feet, and note, that of Cleveland; the S20 that fortable dining room of Matuieraley, the Mild a year nominal rental left »till; A big Chicago grain brokerage com­ ■ >f Jackson; the 150 that of Grant; |M>wer" standard in airships as well as with girlish delight recouuts all her su< Pearmans, father ami son, ar* sitting but ther*'» mor* than •»•»* mortgage »u pany has faiied because of the advanc­ cewsea of the previous ulgiil . to whub I the 1100 that of Franklin; th« 1100 in drcadn. ughta, and mentioned inci­ The old man baa turned seventy, and th* proi>erty, let alone other charge» ing wheat markeL the fond mother listen» with quiet happl that of Salmon P. Chase; the 11,000 dentally that the navy had designed a "Haven't you some money un the prop- news, aa her hand playa with her daugb can hardly tr »aid to bob as If his new gun which at a distance of 6,000 that of Alexander Hamilton. Canadian miners on strike believe t*r'a silken treaaee That nolnily could money-grabbing carver had agreed with arty yourself?" The portraits of Hillegna, Monroe, feet could be exceidlligly destructive the fuel shortage will force the mine lie ia shrunk and worn, with a him. "Ten tbuUMiid, Sam. and I'm flrat •elipse, that nobody could ever be wur j Silas Wright, Lewis W. Clark, Mana to war airship«. Altogether, be mortgagee. but I know thero'a a aecoud owners to give in. thy of mating with her peer!**» Maude, stoop In hi* shoulder*. field and others will lie eliminated. The «ears tbe aspect of • man wboae eon mortgage <>f the Mine amount, and ther* waa a thing that Mrs. Denison would Students of Ruskin college, Oxford, ! WISE ON PLUMS. stitution k tv-ginnlng to break up \V,-alth may t»e more for all I know." eagle, the buffalo and th« Iridian head, hav* deemed absurd to argue. England, have sUuck againat the re­ i* not amassed without much «ear and which have proved to b« easily cuun- “Well, these, you see, are all point* In "And, mother, dear," said the girl, at moval of the principal. terfieit«d, also will disappear. All Wizard Burbank Has SI 7 Varieties on last. “Grenville »aid, before h* went »way tear of mind and conatltutiou, and your my favor We could make this fir»t mort­ great turf »peculators seldom attain a gage quite easy for him, at all event» " Admiral Cervera, one of the Spanish duplications will b« done away with. thia morning, 1 was quit* tbe bell* of th* H<* Plsce. patriarchal ag* H* draw* bl* ctelr "It'* ■ ileal of money—-ten thousand naval commanders during the war bell. What du you think of your daugh Santa Rosa, Cal., April 6.- That th« closer to the biasing grate. poumls . but uf course It would be differ ­ with the United States, is dead. t*r now? Won’t that aatlafy pape, al INDIANA ASHORE IN FOG. "I think I've got * bit of • cold. Sam.” ent If the whole property looked Ilk* several varieties of toothsome plums though he did grumbl* to alwHit the ex There is a report that Fairbanks has be remarked. "Better me than Coriander, coming to you at last.” now known to fruit lover* ar* destined pens* of tbe dress?” been offered the ambassadorship to Pacific Mail Linar Foundsr* In Mag­ to be relegated to the list of forgotten tihougb. Isn't it?" "W*ll. then, we must take that aeo "Ye*, love, lie will be quit* content­ delicacies is the tielirf of Luther Bur­ "Well, father. I am »orry for you; but und mortgage alsu Into our own hands, Great Britain, but he refuses to discuss dalena Bay, ed when he hear» liow thoroughly you *n bank, the plant wizard of this city. joyed yourself. I am ouly eo sorry that I don't suppose it will be much harm in and let It stand at very easy Interest. It the proposition. San Francisco, April 6. According will be only virtually allowing Denlaon "1 am now experimenting with 617 I waa not »trong enough to hav* been your ease." Philip Caine, a cousin of the novel­ to advice* received by the Pacific Mail so much a year during bis lifetime, and "How did he go this morning?" present myself at my darling'* »in-vw*» ' ist, is dead. He had existed for years Steamship com;>any, the steamer Indi­ distinct varieties of plums," said Bur­ “Well, I wasn't there; but Hlephen in the long run will fall principally upon Harold l*eni»»n entered the room in by selling shoe laces, jgnorant of the ana, txiund from Mazatlan to San Fran­ bank today, "any one of which I be­ hl* usual listless fashion lie kissed hi» tells me he did a good steady gallop If m*." lieve is superior to any plums now Y'-»; but I don't follow the meaning of fact that he was heir to |60,000. cisco, went ashore during a heavy fog daughter carelessly, aided If »he had en he keep* right, he'll about win the “Two known to the world. For the past few all thia. Ham. ” Thousand.' in Magdalena bay last night and is still Roosevelt and party have arrived • }oy*d her ball, scarce llsten-d to her af­ months 1 have been working ami ex­ "That'* just wlcat I am about to ex­ at Gibraltar. on the rock*. Th« passenger* and i “Y m . chuckled the old man “I've firmation. and then plunged at one* into perimenting with this fruit and in tak­ plain to you My cbani-e* of meeting their personal baggage and the mail the letters and papeca that lay piled been racing now getting on fifty years, ing an inventory of the results 1 have A contest is imminent on the estate alongside his plate lie waa a tall, alight, ■ nd I don't think I ever mw my way Miss |H-n;»ou are so extremely few. that were removed by the cruiser Albany, found that I have on my ranch at least of "Lucky" Baldwin. handsome man, with a keen, cold *y* and into a mu<-h barter thing than thia look» it is quite lin|»>s»ible I can arrive at of the Pacific Fleet, and the tugs For­ 617 plum* of which the layman haa rather underMed mouth, verging on fifty like, We've got on. too, at a very pretty • shin* for her hand tn that way. My Roosevelt denies that an attempt was tune and Navajo. The passengers have It will be a only chan.* is your proposing it to her made on his life while crossing the been placed atioard the ahi;>a of the never heard.” years of age The slightly grtaalad eye price, taka It all • roll ml father, and »»king him to accord me per» Burbank has recently evolved a five brows knit aa he skimmed his correspond hutii»h Momtay for ».>m» of them." ocean. fleet and will be picked up by the Lily leaf clover ami states that an addition­ "I hope so. but th»r*'s on* or two mi»» on to try if I ■ an win hie daugh­ Ihina, lawyer»' letters anent morl of Sydney, which leaves Acapulco for Mind, that la the way you The leader of a Chicago Black Hand al leaf will be forthcoming in the near gages and sundry other habilltle«. form thinr* I want to talk to you about. ter'* hand Magdalena bay tomorrow. future. ed th* etapl* of th* daily missives that There'* young Mbaffingion ; h»'» • crack- must pul It ; but don't forget that you society has been trapped and informed The statement issued by the Pacific hi* brained young fool, and I'** got him will bar* to bring your pecuniary hold on his confederates. constituted th* •rrwmpaniment to Mail company say* that the Indiana is Crar Will Go Voyaging. breakfast. Can It be wondered that th* down in my txxA to th* tun* of a lo*»r of over him into play also only, do it A New York broker has been arrest­ ashore on Cape Tosco, the Southern ex­ the twslv* hundrsd if Coriander win» New, gently." man's temper wa* soured? — that BL Petersburg, Ajvril 6 Prelimi­ “Yon may trust me; I hav* pulled ed for swindling investors exit of 1150,- tremity of Santa Marguerite bay. She whilom gay frolic equlr< of Glinn had you have don* but th* world? The French government may make protected from Die sea and westerly to the Scandinavian capilala, anti |ioe- doing It with a dellrat* touch I'll help winds. him in time . but I doubt there'll be a hit "Things seem to be getting worn* and sibly to lxmdon in the early summer. you *11 I can when I've made my aittd formal protest against some of the pra- The Indiana sailed from Mazatlan worse. Eleanor.” he olstervml, throwing of waiting for It. i>on*t take long odd* I hh . i !» <>f the tariff bill. According to the plana his majesty will quite up about It." What *l*»r yesterday and carries a valuable cargo down an epietI* on the beet superfine from him again. (To be continued t It is said Harriman will make chang for thia port. The messages received leave in June aboard the imperial "Wall, Fla«hlngton at amt» to Io** • blu* poat. and sipping his tea moodily. •a in the Union Pacific line and invade by her owner* say that the water ia 14 yacht Standart, eacorted by a diviaion lie doesn't beer the '“Th* old cry from Reynolds and Gibson • thousand to u*. of the Baltic fleet and torpedo lioata, character of a very goo.| pay." How to Orow Paanute. the Burlington's territory. feet deep in hold No. I. 16 feet in hold that that interoat on the mortgage will and will go to Stockholm, Christiana i ’ eanut* only thrive In a wnrrn ell- "He's the biggeat thief In England,' be due next month, and begging prompt President Eliot, of Harvard univers­ No. 2, 12 feet in hold No. 3 and 14 and Copnnhagen, and |w-rhapa thence to but he'll pay me, though he don't »very mats, The plant roqulrc* a llmejr, settlament thia time, aa the fellow is get feet in hold No. 4. England, to vwitirn King Edward’s , sandy liMltit. anil yield» from two biiah- ity, has declined the appointment of • log eefhee nnewsy about the stability of body." Th- company estimate* ihe value of ambassador to Greet Britain. visit during the summer. Thia is the •***»»**«•* esea •***k***SB* the» r4hl«J "Aad why ysa. Is partlcslart" teqalr«J cis of ; uh !« ••’ !••••-! an acre to a» mit-h the ship ami cargo at 1600,000. flrat extensive imperial trip projected Every coal mine in Western Canada, last half year. It will be hard to scrape bi* »on. aa 4«> or 30 bushel« of |» h I s mid two since 1901. "Becan** h* made a mistake about hl» tons of straw. Tin- seed Is planted except the Crows Nest collieries, are th* money together Sheep, too. are All Nation* Present. down to nothing almost eo Thompson name In early life, Main, and he I« quit* nt»>ut one Inch deep In row» from 2S tisd up by a strike of the miners. Suit Lake City, April 6. Every Starvation or Massacre. tell» me—or else I have a hundred to ■ ware that I know it. and could rak* up to .Hl Inches a|*irt. am! from 12 to N One hundred and fifty thousand Chi­ Western state and territory, Canada •ell that 1 looked to to help me through evidence enough ag*in*t him. if h» Irrl- Ixwidon, April 6 A special dispatch Incbi-a In the r>w. cago women have sign««] a petition and Mexico have contributed cit ken* from Teheran, describing ihe situation fated me, to mak* things, to MJ th« with thl*." protesting against higher duties on to the great crowd attending the 79th at Tabrit, says there is no doubt that a Mrs lien Ison sighed Sh» had gon* least of it, v*ry unpleasant, aa far a» he gloves. conference of the Mormon church. great tragedy is close at hand. If Ta­ through a good many such breakfasts In la concerned." "Ah. my men." aald the god old ¡wt- her time, and felt as helpless aa ever In "Good! Then, with a llttl* pre»*'ir». King Victor will meet Roosevelt on which opened here Sunday, The thnu- briz bolds out againat the invaders, ths sands in the tabernacle at the morning dispatch says, thousands must die of that’ll be good money, if It'* won. eh?” aon. "you sliouM always be 'looking an Italian warship. suggesting expedients for th* occasion "It's very unfortunate," ah* aald st services were of many nationalities. starvation. If Tabriz falls, probably "Juat no,” nodded tbe fatbe. up.’" Thousands of men are going to the There were a score of Indian Mormons, Mr. Pearman Is not preaalng. "Now. we'll come to aomething elae. length. "Not me. paraon," ro«|w>mfis| tha tens of thousands will be massacred. Juat liaten to thl*. I've pretty well come farmer with nim h rtnphnala "Not with newly discovered gold fields near Phoe­ who came from Idaho in a special car. The rest of the country, however, looks at all event», I hope.” nix, Arix. “Ne; h* haa th* grar* to remember to tbe conclusion that I had b-tter get There were Japanese converts, believ­ on with traditional Eastern apathy. all the«« her* rhapa In airships *nd bal- that two thirds of th* property have al married.” Professional gambler* are giving er* from Hawaii, and the South sea loons throwing over amid and cigar rrady fallen Into hie hands. He Is al- "1 don't •— any reaaon you should officers of the trans- Atlantic liner* islands, and a few negroes. Kentucky Counties "Dry." way* tolerably lenient about hla money not; on tt>* contrary. I should like to ■tut«” great trouble. Ashland, Ky., April 6. Boyd county Th* fellow know», moreover, that hie I* ■e* It. Not going to make a fool of your St. Paul Operates Trams. voted "dry” today by n majority of Fla eat tote. th* first mortgage on the «state; and, I self, I suppose Y’- *od the old man look A Baltimore Wallace, Idaho, April 6. The flr*t 107. In this city, the center of the dareaay, at time* look* forward to being ed keenly at hi* aon. "Tlie trouble with this tooth." said agr. has been arrested for embezxling train to para through the SL Paul pass iron industry, church bells were ring­ "T*ll you more about it when It come» the dentist, probing It with a long »len­ (100,000 from the city. th* eventual owner of Glinn. MiouMn't tunnel at Taft on the line of the Chi­ ing hourly during the election. The wonder If be waa. too, some of thro- off; but certainly not, I think. In the de­ der InatrunM'i.t. "Is that the nerve Is Moat of the oil wells in Oklahoma cago, Milwaukee A Puget Sound rail­ victory of the ”drys” here means that “I sign. We've made a *>•-! bit of money day*.” muttered l»*niaoa bitterly. dying" will shut down for four months on ae- road, made the trip at noon today. 96 of the 119 counties in the ytate t osed to grieve one*. Nell. that we hadn't between ua I'm not going to »ay It Isn't “It weenie to me. d irfnr," gnmned the a »on . I begin to think now It «•« *11 moat of II yours; »till, »inc* I liav* been enunt of overproduction and silver*« Work trains are now run from the wholly "dry” under the eountv I should feel It more If I having a char* In the concern. I've put victim, “yon ought to freut II»»- dj. .g .state laws. fot th* beat | coast to a point near Miasoula. had to think that my boy would u*v«r be •um* togetb*r mvsrlf. New. what I want with a Ulti“ more r.*ywt - • «V