A«- A ’Vf.-» '"k * »'M * r ” \ V s «. •.**<< VOL. LINN HAWLEY SMART R/XCE HOR A WII-'E is the story of a charm­ ing young girl, who, to please her father and save him from persecution and ruin, consents to marry a min she does not love. Iler true lover dis­ covers a a document which places his rival at a decided disadvantage, and there is a real “race for a wife,” in which fidelity and genuine affection win the prize. This serial is unique in all of its features of plot and action, with the incidents entertaining to the la-1 degree, The interest is maintained to the very last chapter and the story will charm all lovers of j;ood fiction. A CO I N T Y, OttKiON Mannetele, after the man -r II »trevg ■> oB. H» established a creel and coet-«>f arma, be had bla cards engrered. "Mr. and Mrs. Pmrmail Manuersley ;” h» aat hlmaelf down to wait but notsvdy called Money will do and dom do a good deal, but ber» »nd ther» blood r«op»cta it» rights. The county were not g->lng to webxim« w I m I they designated aa "a money-grabbing attorney who waa fatten mg on tbe necwMitiee of Harold lirai- sua of Glinn ” Th« Master of tbe Hounds. It waa true, called upon him; but even I'earman could regard that in no ottier light but that of a buslnee» transa>-tiua 11« asked and obtained leave to draw the covers, gave th« solicitor a capital luncbevm on hi» return vtait. but bad steadily refused all invitation» to dinner In due «Hirer of tibie Mr» Pearman died- She left but on» »on, who at th« perks! of her death was an undergradu ate at I'ambridge. but who. now many ynars older. I» the gentleman who danced that quadrille with hau.Uoiue Maude lirai son. 1 i I'rerman has s-i.-cre.jed far bet ter than hie progenitor In making hl* Kilfi, altficngfe he wwv in iti» county bad Insinuated blmarlt te a certain ex- tent into oiH-iety. there were many ot th» county families who utterly Ignored tho aolicitxr'a son. The men of th. family might know him In the hunting held, the younger axil might even go so far as to drop In at M.nnenley for lunch, when the hounda or aught else took them tliat way. But the wumeu tattooed him they would none of him; and bilte.-ly did bam I'earman feel that haughty ostracism. All men have their ambitious. I'earman bad hi. father'» lutensltied. to lie acknowledg -I a. w ii !. lie quli» understood that the recognition of the ra-v ...it»- .nd huut.ng -Id aat far from vmuututiug such. EVENTS OF THE DAY Newsy Items Gathered from All Parts ot the World. ATTACK ON ROOSEVELT. Crazed Italian Steerage Paaaenger Tries to Kill E s-Praaident. London, March 30. An attempt PREPARED FOR THE BUSY READER Leva Important but Not Lest Inter­ esting Happenings from Points Outside the State. Taft op|»oe«» high dutice on the ne- ceeaariee of life. Chicago businesa men have open««! a war on bucket »hoi«. Harriman «aye hi» health is greatly improved a« a rvalut of hie trip to the coaat. Herbert L. Swift, ora of the heirs of the founder of the Swift Packing company, ia inaane. A number of bill« affecting the bankruptcy law huve been introduced in both houeea of eangrM*. to aasaainate Theodore Rooeevrlt »as ma«ie on the steamship Hamburg, ac­ cording to dispatches received here to­ day fum Horta, Island uf Fayal, DEATH WINS FIGHT Governor Cosyrove Passes Away at Paso Rohies. Az­ ores. The assassin's attempt w as frus­ trated, the disjiatches mkl, and the man was placed in irons. As the steamer was (using sight of land Giusa-p]« Tosti, a kteerage pas senger, broke from his companions ami started for the upper deck, where Mr Roosevelt was standing with his •on Kermit. " He has let them take away my child,” shouted Tosti. in English, "Now he »ball pay for it." Sailors seized Tosti, quickly maater- ed him, carried him below and by the captain's orders put him in in n«. F»e four days prisoner ri’fu • R.wiecvrlt's reipnut tin- steamship Hamburg's i-oursc was changed to the Azure«. END EÛMES VERT UNEXPECTEDLY Heart Failure Was Immediate Cause ot Death Bouy to Be Brought North tor Burial. Paso Robles, Cal., March 19. Sam­ uel G. Cosgrove, governor of the state of Washington, died here suddenly at 3 :30 o’clock yesterday morning. Heart failure wiui the immediate cause uf the governor's death. Al­ though his condition had recently been reported as improving, the governor had really been growing worse, and two days ago he took to his room. Although conscious of his weakened condition, death was suilden and there waa no op­ portunity for a last farewell between A Japanese bank at San Francisco KiNQ TO ABDICATE. has cloved its door* and examiners arc husband and wife. trying to untangle the book». Peter Prepares to Give Up Claim on Bright's diM-ase had market) Govern­ Servian Throne. or Cosgrove for a victim over eight Rooaevcll will »top at the earthquake CHAI'TKR I. “Don't be abeurd. Maude; you know months ago. Hr broke down in health strickhen city of Mi aaina on hia way X minster la all alive, simmering. bub- ver» well whom I mean that dark man » Belgrade, March 30. Deserted by during the Washington primary cam­ to th«- African hunting ground«. bling u«s with »»citement ; the magnate. your last (isriner ” Russia and confronted with the de paign, retiring to his home at Pomeroy, am adjusting riblKius. fitting wreath«, “And wherefore should I not dance The Utah Fuel company, charged mand of all the jaiwers that she assent Wash., in September, and was brought scenting pol»f». stretching with him?” Inquired .Miss IVniaon. CHAPTER II. with obtaining coal land« unlawfully, gloves, tying white unk .kit he. ami uth "For a huudrvsl reasons 1(1« Harold ¡truieuo eau» au eiaiiittereii, die has mail« a complete surrender to the to the annexation by Austria of Bosnia to Paso Robles hot springs shortly after er« las preparing for the momentous even- alone should have suffi.-rd to prevent It." ai»polnted man far loo clever not to ••» Although and Herzegovina without any conceit the election in November. Ing. Tli» Inferior clay of X an osier hover '*l><-ar me.' MvftM ’he young lady, bow be bad thrown tb» fame ot life government. I zligtiUy • ion a to herself, Servin has swallowed about the gateway of Th» Georgs b<>t»l. m.-rrily "Y.-u have piqued my woman's assy by the turf follie, and »virava The Chicago, Milwaukee A Puget under the treatment here, the strain of in all that exhilaration , ot apirita that curioelty. t»o tell me who thio monster Sao.-eo of hi. early day. ; far too proud Sound railroad now has ite rail» laid the bitter doer and now turns on King tiie trip to Olympia to take the inaug­ gratuitous (ighta.-elug la wont to produce of Iniquity L». for. truth to say, I did to take a reduce»! statua in th» county In the entire distance of 2,436 milems. A Peter and his dynasty as the scape­ ural oath was too great and an immedi­ among the multitude. It 1« but a mmnen M b BMBB I Urn M IBM inti.e which b» had been at one tluw a l«ed through aervie» will be ratablinhvd goats. ate reaction set in. tary glimpea of «ow hundred or ao of dlli-ed to me ” A strong party in |>arlianient la agi­ iug masiMie. far too selfish to Mcrlfice soon. Mrs. C< sgr,.vr, worn out from her ladles and geutlemea in evening attire "You didn't know who he waa? I an iota of that pride to enhance the plea» tating for the di-po-ition of King Pi ter months uf constant attendance upon diet is destined to be the reward of their thought not It has been found that all wedding» and the election of a new king, not That's young I'mrman — ur« of either tua wife or tua daughter her feeble husband, waa overcome by patience; but then, you see, Xminater is tbe unmitigated ¡ad.” lie bad married. e«rly in life, a lady of for th«- peat 50 year, at one of Lon- a».... latrd with either the K tragi- rg< ther grief, but late in the afternoon a town in which rhe stream of life runs “Ho that was Mr l*»arman, waa It?” good family in hia own county. It bad don'» leadn g churchea are illegal, vitch or the Obrenovltch dynasty. This ha»*l bee hasbsad is word or Austria de main 1s the abandonment of thur of Cannaught from the British been decided that Mm. Cosgrove, ac- 1» »o thoroughly hshliua'.i-l to r-tiring to test, you -re. I didn't, and i .»nuot sew deed. royal family, hoping thereby to end com| anted by Mr. and Mm. J. M. An­ rest al »n ••«•• hour, that ¡¡as visits that It is of much cvnaeiptenc« now tine Maude »»< tbe only child, and this Servian claima. the old factional feud growing out of of some of these talented and adventur­ i» not obliged to rriognize th« partner of |ieriia|>« »till more fuetered the Inten»« The Illinoie senatorial deadlock re­ the rivalry of th« native dynasties and derson, of Seattle, friends of th« Coa- ous beings have failed to tempt th» In­ a quadri 11« again utile«» mi« likra. you w-in«hne» cf Mr. Ilruisuu'» disposition groves, will leave Paso Robles thia mains unbroken. to win the friendship of Great Britain. morning at 6:10 on the north bound habitants to forego their lids or to el know , and though I’ll plead guilty to A girl was, of ciHir»», »ure to tuarry. II« King Peter, oil the other hand, while train for San Francisco. peml their silver. finding him amusing. I don’t think I wiab bad non« of bi» stock to come after bun. More than 10,000 aliens arrived in If that train Ilirt the dull -st vl I Inge In Rugland rec­ to prosecute the acquaintance But den't aud though be little relished the idea ot New York one day last week. proposing to renounce the claims not is on time the funeral party will be ognizes some ociesions in the year on you think It la getting time to leave? tbe lk-ni»ou» of Glinn being blotted out only of himself, but hie sone George able to ionnei t with the Portland ex- Ten persona were injurevl and aevcral which dmary mirth take« the place of Mrs. Ix-armout. you ar« aa gixal as gold,'' ot tb« county Red Imuk, b« could not be and Alexander, desires to leave the press leaving Oakland this afternoon. buildings damaged by an exploaion of melancholy stagnation. They were two. •aid Maud*, turning to ber chaperon«, expect.4 to feel much Inter«-»! tor a twy kingdom in the hands of hi. ally and Thia will bring them into l’urtland gas at i'ittoburg. the fair and the dispetiaary ball. It is "waiting in this resigue«! manner for me iah nephew be bad barely Keen Oa OM relative. Prince Nicholas, of Montene­ late Tuesday night and a hurried trip tbs latter carnival which is at prevent However, I am quit« at your disposal point only did poor Mr», lam.euu e««r Iron workera in Pennsylvania con­ gro, by securing the election of the will be made to Olympia, the capital causing the pules of Xminster to beat now.” ««mtere to contradict her lord’» wlabe» template a Strike be«*ause their wage« letter's youngest eon aa king. He and of Washington. It is the desire uf with feverish rapidity, and the pupula "I'ray don't think of me; I want you that «a» about Maude. The girl was all have been reduced. hie whole family arc preparing to re­ Mm. Ct «grove to have servtrea held at tluu are already waitiug to display their to thoroughly enjoy your ball, and I am in all to her mother. Maude'» woman'» critical aiuun-u on the belle« uf loan and quite willing to look ou at your raising wit uad early made ber understand that Naval Conatructor Evans, of the turn to Switzerland, whence he was the capifol aid later the remains will summer ed to take the crown after the E h < removed to the family home at country. (or anocher hour. I have lots of people ber fattier dealt but hard juatico la that Mare Inland navy yarrd, says a fleet in aasaaaination of King Alexander and Pomeroy. The dear old country fiddles are playing to come and talk to me, you know.” quarter; aud she was eves ready to I lla.h needed on the Paciflc coaat. Queen Drags in 1903. their somewhat superannuated daurn mu “Yr»!” lauzhcd Maude; ”1 am quite forth aa ber mother's cbainpiou. Other It in said that Hill and Harriman sic with all the wonted animation and dis awar« that you hav» lota ot old friends, wiae »he loved ber father very dearly, fair brings thousands regard of the niceties of tune wbiiCi is ao only too glad to bar» the cham-e of a and waa quit« Imbued with tb« family have settled the controversy over the INDIANS ARE WORSTED. much the characteristic uf provincial quiet chat with you. and know also that do-trine of wit sacrifice «here be • should Portland terminals and big Improve- menta are to be made. bands. There is no lech of pretty girls, you would sit here and pim-h yourself to to romeruod. People From Eaat Coming to North­ Rebellious Creeks Flee Before Posse, tastefully dresaetl. in raise and quadrille. keep awake aoouer than debar your god west Seeking Opportunities Ity th» light of a candle. In tb« soli­ An explosion in the plant of the Illi­ In the queer old room with Its »till queer­ daughter of five minute«' gratification; tude of bl» chamber, Grenville I lose was Leaving Dead and Wounded. nois Steel company at Joliet, 111., re­ Right now the Alaaka-Yukon-Pacifle er attempts at decoration in this»« gaudy but I also have a conscience. <¡u and se«- tasting all tb» >«Wtl ot dressing to catch Oklahoma City, March SO. Ade- exposition is the magnet that is at­ sulted in the iteath of four men and the festiwins of artllii lal Howers, But a •tale- almut tbe carriage. Grenville.” an early train ou a dark February morn fatal injury of six others. ta- hment of Crazy Snake’s band of tracting thousands of people from East­ ly young lady, dressed In wbitr. with It ia very curious to watch what trifling leg. He bad been brought up a great deal belligerent Indiana was surrounded by ern. Southern and Middle Western g^»; v •*••«« fib***** *• iUiwuui". sceaa» to ¡war affairs inflarme th« tenor ot our live« with hia cousin Maude. They bad rump Mrs. Boyles, one of the principals in away th« |>alm. Mom than one murmur- Maude Denison has deem«d it of littl« ••d together a» children, and he«-u Fast the Wbitla kidnaping, made a desperate deputy sheriffs this afternoon near ■ tatr-a to the Pacific coast partly for •d tribuí» io her beauty eacapea th« Up» i'onseq'ience that alie has dam-esl a quad cousinly friend« »io>v they had grown attempt to escape by jumping from a Crazy Snake’s home, and a battle en­ the reason that theexpoeition will open of th« lookers on a» she whirl» by. rill« with Samuel I'esrman; and yet that bigger. No hivemaking had «ver taken train, but was seized in time by officers. sued. One Indian was kdled, eight up a r ew line of thought with ite great were captured and the rest fled with displays from Alaska. Hawaii and the “Who I. ahe? Mhe move» like a queen -lance is fated to draw many a tear from place between the pair, yet Greuvlll» Officers for the graft pro-ecution in the deputies in pursuit. amongst the mat. and they am good look th« proud grey «yea. Grenvill« R<»w>, ere waa couaciona of tiring very fond of that Philippines as Well as the Orient, and San Francisco raided the offices of the And the thirty minute» are over, will I» tortured grri eyed damsel. Ing girla, too, aonw of them There were about IS Indians in the |>artly Iwcruse of the much advertiser! dark in a way which be ia ponerles» to resist ■peaker, a rather one me looking Grearlll« enters the old dining room, United Railroads and »«cured valuable band, which had taken refuge in a scenic beauties of the states bordering man. a littl» (be wrong aid* of thirty, The sire ot tb« dark featured young to gulp his «.-aiding toffee, ami recognise papers which had been stolen. A num house. Deputies had tracked them for on the Pacific. turued for information to the knot of man who bail expressed such admiration the utter futility of atteuipting to rut at ber of arrests have been made. some distance and were informed by a The atati of Washington and more men be was lounging with at the door, fur Maude Iienieon bad begun life aa a abnormal hours. He is suffering altugetfi particularly the Puget sound country Charles W. Fairbanks ia visiting in farmer of their location. "Haven't you ever seen her before. soliritor'» clerk, from which In du« course er from considerable mental depression Advancing from four aides, the | kmum < will axm be the mecca for trainloaria No, I aupp<>M you hardly uf time be blossomed forth into an attor­ I'eertnan? -predominant Idea, perhaps. "What a Southern California. firn! at the house. The Indians rushed of strangers. But Washington will She go»» out but little could hare done ney. and aat himself down In th» littl« farce all county balls are!* Suddenly th« The volcano of Izalco. Salvador, ia out, scattered among the trees and not hold the visitors for an indefinite •—Chat'a Maixie Dentoon." town of Bury St. Fid mutt da, with a view door opens, aud Maud» Ih-mson glide» showing increased activity. made a valiant defense. The |s>»«c all period for they havu something in mind “What!- daughter of old lionisoo of to th« persecution of mankind or tb« re­ into the room. All Middle Went railroads have de­ the while advanced and soon routed the further than a visit to the r-x|>oaitlon Glinn r dr »sei ng ot lila fellow men’s grievam-e». “Good morning. Grenville. Isn't this band. None of those captured ia seri­ at Seattle. "Just ao- former owner of all tboee fat «• rirvntnatancvw and tb« presentation of giaai of nie to mak» su. h a alruggle. and cided to restore the 3-cent fare. ously wounde I, but it ia known that a acre» which have aiom fallen into your ail and etght|ience m ght direct. Bury rush down to give you your coffee 1 Ab, There are opportunities on th«- Pacific The Iowa legislature has voted down number of Indians were hit by the coast for the homeeecker aa well *s respected progenitor'» poM»es»ion ami a St. Edmumia lire no greet distance from I are you've got It. Never miod, you an absolute bank guraarantee bill. posse's bullets. •light infl«stion of voice Ju»t Italicised the the famous Heath of Newmarket In de­ must take the will for the deed. Al all the merchant and manufacturer and the •pithet; for tins Briwlen wss of a good fault of other bimnesa. Mr. I'eorman Crazy Snake*« band apfiarently has visitors to the fair intend to see just Twenty-two Russian political pris ­ events. I'm in time to say good by." old county family, and had littl* rever took to attending the race meetings there­ broken up into numerous small groups. what Oregon, Idaho, Colorado, Utah, Hie face lit up as he shook hand» oners have been condemned to death. ene* for the I’earmana ot Mannemley. at: gradually b* became acquainted with with her It seemed at nightfall that each red­ Wyoming. Nevada, Oklahoma, as well "Very kind Indeed. Maude, to Senator Depew aaya Roosevelt loved Yso. very handaome waa Mauda Ih-ni many ot thorn multifarious bangers on rotor ilown and give me a last gluiipe« hia job aa president and regretted hav­ skin was trying to accomplish his own as British Columbia have to offer in the ■on. Hhe a heeuiy of th« mgal or ibat eiiat ao mystically by racing. He eacaps. without regard for the grand way of inducements to settlers. of you oo tired, too, aa you must be Of ing to leave. d«r, and her »lately carriage alón» would bad naturally an acute undents nd I tig, dreams of the chieftain, to realize course the tourists will be here In large afi*er your triumph» of last night." have euflmd to make men aek. "Who I» «nd he now gut many a hint as to where The government is testing a rifle which thejkwere called together by the numbers and their itinerary nearly al­ "Triumphs! What do you mean?" re­ •h»r* even without the rich brown to lay out a littl« money profitably. The plied Mian lieniaou. in ewaut humility, equipped with an electric light which smoke of signal fir»» All effort at ways incluiiea all the mountain, lake treaeee. proud grey eym, and regular fea fraflh-ken in horseflesh and followers of e Angeles, George Alexander ro- nual tribute of San Franciscans to the to lie re mem l>e red after ite gates close ahortly afterwarda he led out Mtae Hen I l»m¡son had started In life with a fine dies could find no words to express their ceived about 2,000 votes more that his everbuay slot machines, according to because of ite great site or by the num- •on for a quadrille, during which Mr. property ; but burning the candle, not only opinion ot you! Aa it you could not Im­ nearest competitor. Superintendent Comte in anaw«-ring J. ber of its buildings, but because of the I* ear man did hie ut'ermoet to make him at both ends, but a littl* ia the middle agine ttiat you were pronounced hand­ P. Healey, a member of the grand tw-autiful picture formol by the work Ex Queen Liliuokallni, of Hawaii, some, lovely, graceful arigm«ri»*d as over eelf agreeebte. He wae a very earthy teoi-le« he bad anon light a foot never glided ■rnment, ia hopeful that her visit has I the proposed antislot machine ordin­ woodland scenery distributed lavishly When the ance and announced that the inquisito­ on every hand by nature. achieved a certain amount of tact while Glinn «otate were in tbe hands of the ai-ro»« the boards at X minster, your de­ not Ix-en in vein. tractors on th» other. w»r» »i>eculam» more coffee.” Agent Dinworth, at Big Springs, had pow»r is again tottering. (Te be continued | i also 3192,000 for the coal extracted, the ear opened and took into custody you dance with that man?" career, and set up for a country gentle­ The Colorado legislature has modi- ami r*linquiah««l the land. It waa ac­ lb Chinese who are held on a charge Me. man. "Which, Greavillel** Inquired Of all tho gold tn the tsa»a»»at>>n r»f £«d the direct primary measure by Denloon. emillng. "1 have danced with He built a big bouse oa tbe «elate •> quired through dummy »ntrymen aa ag­ of having availed th« immigratrar a good many to night. Including /oar recently loppe-! iff ths GSww property; be | man 70 per crut la lu the shape «4 adding th« convention plan. ricultural land. laws. I I built large atablas He named bis bou»» I cole •«••t »»if. evuain mine." « ■ -, I -j ipi 4 < I 1 « •< ?! r i * W % r