The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, December 18, 1908, Image 1

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: Aunt Diana
Thu Suruhinu
of thu Family
CHAITER II — fCoatlnoed.)
“Ah. «h! very good
That I* ao
you. Mm* Dian*
Watt, Mppo** Muonv
r**d* Grevlll*'* letter la you.
The lad
is in high «pirn*, be i« «■pfgisi now. and
be i* full nf bi* matches »nd tb* «plendbl
team they have gut
II* de! lare. Queen's
will t«*wt half the other rxdiegos. "
"Comineinorat ma will be here direct
ly.' ohmrved Mi«* t'arringinn
"Ye«, hut he la not coming hoove for
another file w*a4t*. at le««t to *tgy h'«
tutor baa written me tht« nwiromg. an<l I
hav* given my consent to Greyllle'« join
Ing hi* reading I*rt<
ho» . k
'-(■I is « *»■■ -I «•! t r '■ ... ,ug an i ,
bit idle, at le*«t, hi« kne of fun cwrriee
him away, and I am afraid he has not
worked quite hard enough
Air Grev-ille i« nm fond nf |«ilting
• »ide hi* own duckweed." pit in Alteon,
mischievously, fur there was nothing •*••
kn«l better than to t«w«e the old man
a tew i hi« grandson, who was literally th«
apple of hi« eye.
lie ruu«ed up dirn-tly at b»r irony
“t'orne now. that i» too I mh I to My that
of th* lad when he fight« all your but­
tle* fur you. and never lei« any on* mv a
word agalnat you."
"She ik>ea not mean It. Mr. Monte." In-
>er|H«ed MI m t'arrlngton. quickly.
"Now, Aunt IM. pl**** don't interfere
I do mean that Mr Grevlll* Moor* will
never kill hinwelf with overwork, unle«*
he die* from loo »llllltl cricket or lawn
"Yon naughty child." but there was
no mistaking the fun in his voit* now.
"I »hall r*|mrt all your hard apweches to
Grevlll* when I see him do you think
a tine young man ia to «lave and toil all
hia beet year« away?
A little harmless
fun will not hurt him. he 1« strengthen­
ing hi* mind and hia mtiaclc« at tbe «am«
Allaon and her aunt ex.-haaged aniu«*-l
glamvw at thi*. They both thought highly
of tbe young man, who wa* indeed a
sweet tempered, boneat fellow, with plen
ty of giM«l iu him. though hardly up to
Alts* Carrington's idea of thorough ." in
deed, be was a favorite with most people ;
but it waa droll and at th* aatue time
almost toui-hing to •■ • Alr Moore • ini
pl lit I faith iu bi* grandnon. who wa« vet
lly tbe old man'* Itenonl and Benjamin
"the non of bi* norrow"- a* well a* th*
"■on of hia right hand."
People Mid M ìm Carriugtoa'a "'edites
day* were always Bue, that «tie bed be'
ter fortune in ibst rvapect than other
folk, and certainly the weather favored
her ou this ova »ion. for it «a» the very
perfection of a June afternoon, with plen
ty of suuahiue and fre»hn*M to mitigate
'he beat.
Three Wednesday* wee* very popular
In tbe ueigbborho!«!.
M ìm Carrington
waa a charming boateaa, »he had just
the right kuadl of entertaining people.
ah* welcomed ttiera heartily, put them
at their «a»e with themselves and other
]«rople, then left them to b* as free as
her own butterflies. The little wicket gale
between Musa aide and Feruleigh waa al
Way» aet <>|>en on these occasione; Ml»
Carrington's lawn was devoted to lawn
tennis, when they had finished their game
th* young people were welcome to etrull
through Mr Moor»'» garden, and make
themselves at home iu tbe coay nooks »nd
«hady arata with whi.k it abounded
A» a general rule, Mr. Moors «ridoni
mingled with th* guest a . hie habits were
those of th* recluse,
A few of hie old
friends who were sur* of their wrli-ome.
and one or two of hi» younger favorite«,
would aomet ime« cross the tbrwabuld and
keep him company in th* rvw>l «hailed
To these b* would apeak of hia boy.
recounting rndleaa anecdote« of hi« prow
cm and courage, and oftrn making men
lion of hia pupil Aliano. or a« h* called
her. Runny, for tb* young girl had l«*n
a veritable eunheam to her old tutor, mah
Ing hia darkened hours pnM more quick
ly by her ready sympathy and aptitude
for teaming.
tin thia afternoon he was not alone
A young man In a light gray aummrr suit,
with a sunburnt, handsome far*, war
standing by th* window looking at the
knots of people already gathering on
Misa Carrington'» lawn, with a humor
OUS, half vesed ri premino in bit wtde
open blu* »yea.
"What a lot of people !" be (Hl Babied
"1 believe all RJveratoa la there, there
ar* three boat« full, and two aets of
lawn tennis forming, and I •io not know
bow many more . there goes Mi* M«rle
Miaa Allaon. I mean. What a l«vre. grand
father, that I forgot all shout Mise Car
rington** Wedneaday. and I shall have to
go up to ixvndoa to morrow."
“Why, tb* mor* the merrier
I» not
that th* opinion of young folk like you?"
returned Mr. Moor*, smiling
“Now. if
1 Mid that I wanted you all t* myself
for thia on* day you hav* .pared me that
would only b* so old man's eelftehneaa.
and I should b* ashamed of myself for
giring It utterance
But you ar* not
generally an unsociable, Gravili».”
"There 1« a regular crowd." returned
th* young fellow, «till mor* pettishly
“I shall not be ahi« to »peak la Mias
Carrington, or to Mia* Allaon either. and
you forgot, grandfatbar, that I »hall be
off to Keawf.k tb* day after«
for ais week« at least."
"I am not likely to forget that, my boy.
Well. It la a pity If you ar* not pleased,
tor they ar« going to keep It up nonna
• Hy |*te
»her« I* to b* musi, au the
H un» has been lell ng m* *11
«'«mt it
n>« tikwwiiighf is so et«ar that
Mia* lh«u* has'gì .cu in lo Ih» notimi.
■ nd young llepworrh has brought hi«
If I wer* ymi. I*d. I would just
make th» best nt It, and join in merrily
with th* mt.'*
"Ami lea»* ymi silling her* alone,
And I thought we should
have just on» of our old evening» on the
.... Mies
river, and I should I. » I
t'arnngton. and h*r nier* to Ibe lauig
Island "
"X mv . tad, I am not iih»ly Io he i mg
• kme. the vicar will b* in by ami bv
' for a chat, »nd m.**i libel» .Mr* H«t»>1iok
■nd one nr two oth*r«
VI,«« Diana will
drop in. just io tell m* how things peo
gress, ali.I Munn», t<m , she never n«gl*i W
' io*
I '« mu *, com*, it i« not Irk* ymi to
. Milk. b»y ; I «•nt to h*«r
latich w»rh
I th*
: h trill mnk«* m*» feel tnung
An4. Gotill*,” with « »mMrti
tn hi« unir*, ”wr hntr ubak*n
hwu«U. but until I
! •►»«!! n»u
! hr I ¡etr* mi bnj i* rmlly with mr.**
fh*» jroung RMh ♦ rlmidy
I m • nMrnrnf, !*•* Irft hi*
• nd dropped doto <»n »»»»<* kn**r bfyidr hi*
grandfather • <*hair. «nd • «ori of Unrh
i ng hght mmr in hi» rjr«.
■ mi fr*->H«h t»k| gr«nd*Ud *’ br *ai«l
*yon havr noi grown • hit wi«rr.’’
then hr horlt pniimily while the thin
• rtnh1*’! hand pr.-! -..fity
rnrrry far», and frit thr hruwd. «talwart
«tiouldemx and then rratrd litigenngl) on
hi« bnd.
blr»w v « mi lad. rou ar# airing
• ml briMid »hiMihleresI hhr «¡erard. jeu
• rr rwery inch •• fine <« qmo •• rmit
Oton like him. «»» hoy Thougt
hr ai» ni> own *«>n. I will alwa>« agy
thrrr are no« many hhr him
«bere. I
rmiwf n«Rt keep >mi from rhe >«Hing («db*
h» hwteu in an old man* mn unde ring»
1*4*11 StHihj flhM »h* It to l>r g-H»d ta 5i»»j
•• ymi lui ve not many hour« at home
lth, there's Mrs. Hemirhk'* step ou the
•he has stolen a march on the
» icar.
Now you can leave me with an
*aay conscience ."
. It was evident Grésillé needed no fur
ther bidding. He rane to his feetai once
and .trolled out into the Veranda, cast
Ing c<>mpr<-l>«nsi»r glano*« over both gar
dens: then. Minifying himself that a >«r
tain broad brimmed hat belonged to th*
person tor whom he was in scorili hi
went leisurely through th* little gate ami
track*:! it by »undry winding paths t,
the river lank
A little group of giri» was gathered
round a l«*«t. They were evidently plat
itig at hid* aud seek with their would be
escort, to tb* mixhievmi« glee of a young
Estonia* of tender age. a» befitted jarkrts
and turn-down rollara.
“t'ome alitili, girl«." he «laouted "Let
tie and Ikira, why don't »«XI jump In!
And. .Mi«« Allaon. you promises) tu «teer
Quick, «puck !"
"Not «o fa«t. Jack
where'« tbe hur­
ry?" rallwl out a fresh voice; and al the
merrv tones Alison turned round with a
sutklen start.
"Oh. Mr. Greviil*!" and her bright
face looked brighter still at tbe uuet
peeled -ight of her old friend
W lial
doe« this mean? Mr. Moor* nev*r hinted
at your eoming
I do not b*ll*ve AuUt
Diana know«, either,"
"I thought I would ju«t run down and
have a look «1 you all before I «tartml
for K**wh-fc." returned the young man
with auiimed «relemiirwa. "| forgot all
about M im < 'arrlngton'a tVnlnewda» Pop
ular« never mind. I liar* Ju«t arrived in
IliiMi (or the fun
flow do >ou do. Mi«
Mi«« ladtle*, I should hardly
hav* known you; you have aa growu
Well, what's the matter. Jack?” for thr
tioy wa« grumbling audibly.
"Only E'ortewue and that other fellow
will 1» down upon u« directly, and thr
girl« mad* me promlne to get under way
tiefore they came io «poll everything Let
lie and flora want to pi'-k forget me not.
on the I-ong ¡«land thee* ere (pianti
tie* ou the earn aid*, where we had our
ph-oic last year.”
"All right. I'm your man
Miaa All
•on. if you will be good enough to «teer.
Jack and 1 will aooa row you aero«*."
And «uitlng hia action« to hia word«,
Gretille a«atwted the girl* into the boat;
and promptly taking an oar, they were
•»on gliding down the river.
Now and then they |>as«rd other Imat*
with which they ea<4ianged greeting«, ami
once, a« they came to a reedy ialand. a
• »an came out wilb ruflleil plumage and
angry and al retched ne»k. »nd would hare
puraurd them, only Jark threatened her
with hia oar.
I 908.
«net«" r*(um«l Gcevdle lasily: “th»r«
is ■ h-»st »f iking« I wanted ‘a ewi«ult
you shout. I b*«» an Id**! I will get
Diractors Will Close Chicago Audi
Mi»« l»«ea io tek* my oar. ai.d I kn<>*
t< rlum Soon.
5|i«« l.wi«-« to»*« «te*r<ng. amt then we
can tuanag* to get • little coerarMtioa '
Chicago. Dec IS—Plans for aban
\o<l a« thing« were arranged after lb.«
duning the great Auditorium hotel
f«»hlon. tirovlll* waa soon engaged in an
have been decided upon by the board
animated acrount of hie last term • die
of directors of the Congress Hotel
Their return •■• hailed with deligh.
company, operating the Auditorium
and the Annex
All the business of
by Ibe young people, who wer» gathered
the two big hotels on Michigan boule
on th* lawn.
Wbil* Dot« put their
vard is to be concentrated in the An
treasured forgetm* not« in the water,
nex. which recently was enlarged to
I cult* «n<l Alison hurrv*d into th* MU
double its former capacity
«th«, where they hi»** Ml*» Carrington
President Southgate asserted that
Would b* bu«y over th* tea table and
tires|lle. after esrhanging greetings with Las* Important but Not Lass Inter« the Auditorium hotel had been losing
money (or years He asserted that it Did Vessel« Do Nut Com* Up to Naw
his friend«, followed them uwirr leisurely
did not pay t per cent on the money
eating Happening* from Points
Ships of Other Navies Armor
"ell, girl«." .»beetled Mlsa l'*rvin(
invested, and that it was poor prop
tun. brightly, “you •••* you have your
Outsld* th* State.
Bell I* Well Placed.
erty compared with the new Annex
work befoe* you. all lbew>- good folk to
which, he asserted, was paying its
serve with tea anil stcawberriew
Ity the
st.» kholdcrs fJjO tKX) a year
bye. Alli*, a little bird tell* me that
Japan is t<> stop all iminigiatioii tn
From the earnings account for the
New York, pee U
Ihe latest bit
Grevill* I.«» ¡ hi ! in au appraram* "‘hy. the United States.
year shown al the Chicago Auditor
bless the lad. there he I»" •• »¡r*vllle‘»
tieship« built by this country are
Seizure >>t Vrnrzuelan ships by Hol
• rutisevl ta<* «uddsmly roil fronted her. and
it is seen that the hotel paid last year vastly s.ipt rior to i • Dread
her hands were gras|>ed, and ibm de­ I »ml ha* caused a riot at Caracas,
in rentals 3153,701
ihe theater paid naught is rmphatically stated
Rnosevclt has made formal applicai ft» and office building 44S.7M).
“Miss t'arrington I mean I* have « lion for 4 permit to hunt game in while interest and dividends brought Rear Admiral Roblcy D I vans
g.«vd lawk at you
I bate not «ren any Africa
in t»ioi3 more, making a total of magazine article written by ¡Min.
.,ne so worth looking at «iuv* I left
57 The cost of the building wherein he strongly defends the
Emm* (••diluían is hi jail at Bel
amounted to tZ<13 103, leaving a net American navy, and replies to cr»ti’
Hngham. AA a-h. charged with inciting
income for the year nJ *33*74, from citms of it.
"Go away, you fuobah boy," was M ik .
which was deducted 417.164 a* depre
'I am too
Carrington ■ rr«|«i'iee to thia,
“! do n : f..r « moment claim that
the nuuiry taken irom the nation on equipment.
tm«,* io Lstrn m your Batterybut her
the Indiana and her sister snips .r
gray rye« •••(tened •• they realed on lb* I- i«t Si 1. b..r.k P ttl.ind, h.iv tjirnril t.. th,- I>ri idii.iught >>| thr I- g
immg man'« handsome fat*.
Nbe hail lip in t igden, Utah
lisli navy." sav« Admira
Admiral i.v an», "oni
that »hr is thy « of the Fingii*
knowu him from boyhood.
It w*« •lie
imveriio" elect Cosgrove plan« on
who had close»I hi« 'lead mother'« eyew. In c.iiiiing home to lie I'laugutatrd and
»hiiis designed
at the same time lit
Thought Other Bodies May Still Be I I J<
uo claim that <>ur latest »hips are
wbrvse loving arm« the littl* fellow had thru returning south
vastly suji terior to the Drcad.iaught
Buried Under Debris.
often nestled in threw Brat Mtl day« when
I herc is .1 report that Germany is
and I brlir eve that every
r lighting
the atricken household were loo mu.-b
about to acquire the llcrgcfope islands
wh<i has given the subject mtr"ligrnt
engaged m care for the lonely child; when
trrday at Ba* Obispo was the moat Consideration will agree with me
■ ■fl Portugal, for a coaling station
be wvdhi t..|i.>n hl« dear t'lara, •• he
serious accident in connection with
1 he admiral iiig-» the luperiority of
A Riivsi.ili riiillionnige before dying the building of the Panama canal
called her. all over the hou«e. with uu
... >nrt>.| s-uie il. - •■ », .1 . . :i •. o c > ‘th. It -as mg a • nice thr I nitrd States took control the i t inch gun over the 13 inch gun
S •
■' - l-
'iv note to his relatives aloni! the evil ■>f A thorough invrstigation has been or ami asserts that the change to the les­
ser caliber to emit, rm to England's
dlrti, uhy , and he w as dear to her now, money
dered. and already officials are taking type was a most serious blunder This
dearer even than II son
evidence and endeavoring to ascertain is chargeable, he «ays, to the seago­
The bureau of laltor su» tint
"I am going to slop and help you." r* large number ol Mexicans havr cm
thr causa of the premature ditehargc ing officers u( the navy and not to
turned tlrevllle. with g«» defiance of her into this country on account of hi
1 hirteen bodies have been recov­ anv staff corps
ered. but it is believed that a score or
Is that run nt tea for Mr. wages
nrgarding thr waterline armor belt,
more are still under the masses id
Stir I« sitting «•» cwaily in
A new hand grenade has hern in rock and earth that were thrown up he »ays;
the Itoueysmkle arlmr with old Mia.
"I am sure, after many week« of
vented by an army officer in the Phil The death list would have been appall
K fling hi«in. that il ver ma a pity tn disturb
It is said to lie the mosl t mg had a tram conveying 500 laborer- close observation, that the lower edge
them "
• •I the armoi belt is too high rather
deadly yet made
passed a few minute* taler This train than |oo low
•'Did Miss Effingham indeeil '" eject!-
It had hern strenu
Investigations into Pullman affair« bad just passed through the rut. and ously contcndi'd hy «ritics that the
lated Miss i 'arrlugloii. **ymi dkireepect
fill Itoy. when ymi know she is mv (..a-
low location of thr belt was a vital
themselves in two years and after that plosion occurred
point of weakness
"As the upper
edge of the belt is always even with
Mis« I'arringtno. you will never lw old
■r above thr level of thr protective
in my eyes. " was Ihe gallant reply. "|
cut presents a graphic picture o ( the belt," continues Admiral I'vans, "the
think yon grow younger every lime I
AYoolinen want the present duty re terrible effects
see y mi."
danger to be apprihended from a
whole hillvide ha» been devastated, projectile penrtr.iting shove the belt,
"Humph. I hope not. I should bo *orr;
AS holesale e sedition of Russian reb the dynamite rendmg the earth and beyond the wrecking effret of such
to the forever iu Ibis sort of world, un­ els continue
tossing boulders in all directions'c s ,!«i.- t , tlie m;.>unt of
less you young |wv>ple improv* it very
A 8 »-ton steam shovel lies a wreck
It is
A Pacific coast cracker trust is to crushed under the weight of falling water that may enter the hole
much. Now. tlrevllle, you know our rule*
the damage that may be done by »uch
for these Wednesdays
n»is la Liberty be organized
I very one of the crew was projector« rntcrihg below that may
Hall, if the ladies like their meal al
All the tracks in this section cause the »hip to «ink by exploding
(icrniany has ju»t launched A hat killed
fresv-n, there are plenty <d gentlemen ser­ tieship of IS.tlOO tons.
were torn to pieces and are now cov magazine* <>r boilers, but this is im-
vitor« to gratify their whim*
Now. take
rrrd with tons of drbria
It will require many It-
Ten men were killed by an expies-
rhi« tray of lea and strawberries to ihe
A long time will be necessary to tm h shells oti the waterline or on any
houri«u.kle arbor, and I will get ready skin of powder on the Panama canal lake away the great heaps of earth
other to tlisable or sink »itch a »hip,
another fur tour grandfather »nd Mrs
Governor I «grove, of Washing
if the officers and men know thrir
» on done ton show* a decided change for the
business and want to light"
with yuur sister
want all better
hands just now "
I he grand jury iiiveviigating the Washington Legislator* Will Confer
After tea ihe tenuis nets were taken
1'itiiicssce night riding depredations
down and ihe not«« of a ««»met Iwgan to
With Governor Mead.
has indicted 33 men.
make Itself heard . then «inging began in
Tacoma. Wash.,“ De«
15- State Oaclar*» Act of Holland Outrage on
< >il tanks ind other property near
earnest, ami Miss t'arrington and her
Senalor Stewart, of Cowlitz county,
elder guests joluerl in ihe part songs Gre- l.m Angeles valiletf at *30,800 have
and Senator Mclvowan, of Pacihc
Berlin, Dec 1’>
"Ihe seizure of the
ville and Alison Ind been singing logeth been destroyed by fire
county, and Representative Burke, of coast guardship Alix by the Dutch
er, and when Allaon was lirvd they stroll­
A street car collulrd with a freight \\ ahkiakuin county, passed throuvh cruiser Gelderlaud is no less thsn
ed down one nf the paths in his grand­ train in Chicago, and one man was Tacoma today on their way to Olym
naval brigandage
It is an outrage
father's garden.
J tier now It was d*. killed and severa! persons injured
pia to interview Governor Mead and on civilization
By that act Holland
sert«<l. ami they hail It to themaelvea;
Attorney-General Atkinson relative has put lirrsclf outside the pale of de
Four hundred Oklahoma student* to a reopening of the Washington
thia was the opg«»rtuiiity Alison wanted,
I do not know what Vene­
have gone pii »trike to secure the rr Oregon boundary line ca«e recently tency
for she began at «me*
zuela will do about it."
"Mr Grevlll*, I Jo hop* yon mean to instatement of their football coach.
decided by the United States supreme
In this caustic language President
woiA when ynu are at Keswick. Auni
Since the pres* of Turkey lus been court
Castro of Yem zu< la commented to­
Diana Mid the other day that she knew granted liberty, thr de tn.nul » for pa-
It is contended that thr decision day on the warlike move made by
how dimp|n.inr-i| Mr M'«>re would he if per for printing
_ purposes has in take* aw.iv from the State of Wash Holland Saturday, the news of
tngton Sand island and Puget inland, was not conveyed to him until he
ymi failed to take your degree.
And I creased greatly
territory that always belonged to thi«
am afraid”- hesitating, a« though
The importation into or the transit state Revenues to the »tate have been reached this city this afternoon
feared to give him pain "I am afraid,
Castro declares that hi* visit to this
through Belgium of cattle, sheep or •eriouslv reduced, it is maintained,
frurn what you told ua In the twat, that
He as­
hogs from the United States has been and tlie fishing interests of the state city is to consult Dr Israel
ymi have not done much thia term."
serts that whoever says he is not sick
prohibited until further notice This have been greatly affected
Greillle bit bls lip. and a cloud cam«
is telling a lie.
is because <4 the foot and mouth dis
It is believed hy those interested
over hia fave
Ihe Venezuelan president has en­
ease found in the eastern states
that if Governor Mead and Attorney gaged the first fl." r. containing thirty
""'hat makes mu think no?" he asked,
Mayor Busse, of Chicago, narrowly General Atkinson will intervene or rooms at ti e Hotel I «planade, and
rather shortly.
behalf of the state the supreme court his bill will be a trifle over *350 a
"Your own worth«," she returned, «o escaped death by a bomb
of the United State* may he induced
He has engaged for the use of
•oflly that his man'« pride ,-ould not take
According to Secretary Metcalf, the to give this state a rehearing upon day
himself and his party ten motor cars,
"Please do not I«» offended with American navy is second in power.
new evidence that will be submitted at a cost of (.'»on daily
He is snr-
me we haw always s|«>ken the truth to I
A Chicago man has inaile a fortune
rounded by a small army of detectives
each other; but all thia rrichot, lentil«, |
and followed by i retinue of gaily at­
Dead Man Tests Illegal.
boating and riding about must have bin- I on real estate bought while he was
dered work
Aunt Diana says may
Albany. S’ Y. Dec I*—Prison of tired flunkeys, Representative* of the
<>n?" a littl* timidly.
An hermc statue of the late Senator ficials in this state will not lend them foreign office greeted Castro today
"Yea, ye*," rather impatiently.
Stephen White ha* been unveiled at selve« to any experiment seeking to They have been ordered to show him
revive a man executed in the electric every courtesy
"Aunt Diana my* and ymi know how !.<>* Angeles
chair. such as has been discussed in
wise she I* that though your grandfath­
Carter If Harrison, ex mayor of
Examiner on Double Duly.
Superintendent C V
er has set his heart on ymir taking a Chicago, will return to that city and New Jersey
C Collins said today that he would con
good degree, he will never tell you ao. or make it his home.
Chicago, Dec |5 Cassius C Jones,
sidey such an experiment illegal, and chief state bank examiner, assigned to
let you know it you disap|».iut him. It
la jual because he 1« ao kind and gener­
A savings bank at Springport, nermission would have to be secured Cook county, has suddenly resigned
ous, and giro* you full liberty that, «b* Mich . has bcm closed by the state from the legislature before he would his place rather than face the «vandal
Mya, you owe him a grand return that banking commission because of otter consent to revive a man after he had which hi* superiors say will be stirred
been electrocuted in order to prove
your work and all you do must tie for hia loans.
Ihe theory that the electric current up if letters written to him by city
New York women are expected to doe« not kill, and that it is the physi batik officials are made public
"I see, I a**," returned th* young may. make a tight for suffrage at thr ses-
cian's autopsy knife that really causes charge made against Jones is that he
hastily. II* had fluahed a littl* over her ston of the Irgivlaturr which convenes
was privately employed by these
word*, aa though they had gon* home to in January
hank* a* an examiner while he was
hi* ronaciene*. "Yew. grandfather la far
doing the same duty for the state. The
Pop* Hopatul ot Franc*.
Nearly MO.MO was spent in the
too fod to me.
I do not half deserve
banking act says no employe of a
to belong to th* dear old man. I'll mak*
bank shall be appointed as a bank ex.
pressive ceremony at the Vatican to aminer to inspect the institution by
a clean breaat of It. M im Allaon
I bar*
fore thr national election.
not worked aa I ought, and lhat is tbe
day upon the occasion of the reading which he is employed
Thr Knight« nf Pythias have de* of the beatification decree» conferred
truth and the whole truth."
"lib. Mr. Grevlll*. wbat a pity T* fell cidrd that a sanitarium for tubérculo upon .36 French missionaries who met
Caylon Entertains Flaat.
sis patients affiliated with the order the death of martyrs in China and
still mor* softly from Alison's lip*.
Colombo, Cry b.n. Dre
15— The
The reading of the United Slates and Ceylon paid their
"Yea." he returned a littl* gloomily. •hall be e«tabli*hrd in New Mexico, upon Joan «>( Arc
decree« took place in the presence of respects to each other today through
"It la a pity ; but I will promise you on* nrar I as Vrgas.
thing" hl* manner changing into earn
Several heavjr earthquake shocks the pop« and many high prelates The official visits betwrrn Reir Admiral
pope expressed the deen conviction Sperry, of the batt!e«hit* fleet, and
estnm* "I will work this summer.
I have bren felt in Italy.
that France, through divine interces­ Sir Henry Edward« McCallum gov­
will turn over a new leaf and try and
Oakland and S»n Francisco are hav­ sion, would return to the ho«im of ernor of Ceylon The American war­
make up tor loat time When I com* back
in August you «hall not bar* to Bud fault ing highbinder baitles between Chi­ the church, laying the intereeaaion •4 ship* are coaling for their journey
the new saints strengthened him in through the Indian txcsn Io the Suez
with me."
this belief.
Ab, b* did not know that when August
canal.__________ ___
Austria esperti to expend tfio.OAO,-
came be should no longer find Alleoa ooo during 19Ó8 on mifitary arma
Grafters Denied Naw Trial.
Japan Starts Naw Lina.
(To b* continued.)
Harrisburg. Pa, Dec
Tokio, Dec. 1*—At a dinner given
Newsy Ite ns (iathered from All
Parts of the World.
Admiral Evans Answers Critics
of American Navy
"I suppose there are aonw young ones
In ther*," otwervrd Gravili». thoughtful
ly: and then he let them drift a moment
»• he contemplated the acene, Tlie broad
gleaming river flowing ao smoothly be
tween |ta banka; tbe meadow land dotted
with grmip* of cattle worthy of tbe bruah
of Viral Cole, the girl«' happy face«
fm-e« that had been familiar to him from
boyhood, for liora and l^ttu* Morvtlle
had been old playfellow« of hia; their
aimpie summer drewaew all made up Ihe
adjuncta of a pleaaant pictur* that hr
might carry away and rememtier.
In a few minute* they had landed,
and Jarit, who wa« the hem of th* hour,
far It waa be who had planned thia little
eicuraion. was leading them proudly to
the little »bettered Island,
ground waa blue with the tiny Bowers,
and in another moment they were all
huaily at work. In the interval* of hia
labor, Grevlll* found time for a sentenc*
or two with Aliena; and by and by be
induced her to r**t for a moment on a
m<»My log, that had lain there for years
"I suppiMe we must he going bach
now." ob**rved Alison, regretfully, as «he
watched the others' bu»y movement«
"Aunt Diana will want me to amiat her
A Nrw York auto driver ha*
___ been
Sh« knew we were com
with th* tea.
given the extreme penalty for reckless
lag. tor Jach waa put in charge of u«¡
In Germany more than flee hundred driving
but sb* told us not to b* long.
and I have b**n wanting to con» her* out of every thousand women reach the
Secretary r»( the Navy Newberry
are of fiftv year«, while only 413 tu»e
for day»."
ha* author zrd the construction of six
“It la a bar* going back t* the other Ilia eo long
submarine boat*
S- z
F r
-Awfa A»
g -
t«><tay to the new Japanese minister tn Kunkel yesterday overruled a motion
___ it
. for a new trial for Snyder. Sanderson.
was _______________
announced that ____
the Toy
Yain Steamship company will start a Mathues and Shumaker, the officials
new line of steamer* between»n md
• "ho were
- America,
and - —
fnmmrnring Jan n(, t,,f charge f e inspiring I
nary I, with three steamer« on a rec fraud the «tate in th* matter of the
I state capito! contract.
ular schedule.
E- *
I *.