I I Loa,low. “Tour auggaaf loo.“ Mid ■ deposit to the book recwlver. “offer* wry co ooiufurt It la • bachelor'» comfort m J ordinary dried sold in bulir— .^»■y’s Peerless Dried Bed come, ui a amici gUsa jar n which it w pacired the noment it is sherd into those delicious thin wafers. Nebraska Lina. “ Ab. but,' groaned the benedict, never Imagined that a wife woul prove ao expeoalre' 'The bachelor patted rted man on ite ba*'| way trf ‘ Ye«.' he •aid. ‘a wife la an *u*ri •Ire article. that Is true But II yo» uniat reuietiilM-r that alie Inala trry lOllg till** • •*«! <«♦*« laliilNf rubli» for i Moth*» wm A Syr tap th» b- •• r »ci rd y ugg fu* ttoair tb Hr *U Swriag tbo u?« thing per*ud. at Auction? At iny rate, you seem to be getting rid of it on auction-sale principles: “going, going, g-o-n-e!“ Stop the auction with Ayer’a Hair Vigor. It checks falling hair, and always restores color to gray hair. A splendid dressing also. Sold for over sixty years I‘JON. S trong S teady and flavor or goodness escapes or dnes out. It reaches you fresh and with all the nutrí* ■bent retauied. Peerless Dried Bed is only one of a Great numlwr of high-grade, ready to serve, pure food products IRRIGATION FLUME Hood Rive» DESTROYED Strawberries In a Condensed Form lor Our Busy Readers. By HOB4DO YtGtH. JR ; Corpomllons lose lu Sîniijyle to Hule S< iii Francisco. MOST PAT HILL KIR PRIÏILEOES *»LO lr- i Resuma of the Less Important Leas patlon of intrrr iptrd slumbers, ‘ that Is not a good |>srt"i.“ Why. Johu, "Not a good parmi 1 what do you rail » r«J i |n» b»<«u *«4 ,«•>1««. 1“ H. IL kilo». IA. «U ÀrrkbL. Ck^.r* Interesting Just try a pack*gw oi any of thuae, xiich as Ox Tongua. Swusagu, Pick!*«. ' Otvea, ttc.. and «ev> bow Vienna dalight.'uily dif­ ferent they are from others you have eaten. the A b a Everta II >.ird ut Supervisor» Exacts R«duc« lion on Gas and Triophones and of the Past Week. Rani fyr Ì rolley Franchises« c annual the cor- least lb f3U.U00, end. g repaired will l< far w that are prepared in Libby's Ureal White Kllchen. Kivrr J Rtubb, In »aUcl- I TO TERMS Perish for BAPPtNIJiGS Of TWO CONTINENTS when b»*r bustmnd returned that even- Ing. "hors la a parrot I bought from a Isn't II a good par- Brasilian Ml lor. roti* “No.* snsjipwd Mr 7e‘ NEWS Of THE WEEK (»•nd fr»F lb» 'IrrTFa. proudly, “ John.'' «aid Mr» Rtuhb. Nonw of the rich natural lbby's t m Ina ter Gaietto: MProf. Chandler, i utklerotand, h.ia’Ju#! writ­ tea a !««•* on the literature of roguery, r tornado In a lettre atwxnir ipanylng the ¡tr»j«peo Nrbrahka tua of the work the pul liabwr wrtm W» th nk you to rue •• f' refer be it .Tornado Sweep» Path Along Kan sa» that la to aay. no el*a and «li pair of n«H» I m-la." waa rtie Informa­ tion <»f tbe «4tekee|>er. wEko waa famlllar wltb tbe waya of atraixlad BEST AVAILABLE l'beaplaua M < aft «« White Yem Wfll, Aiirtii Foot fcaxf ia a cartai a curator hKK*L* A'lUrMa Allen H. iably .«ralma and -kilesso Tributi*. to tuive brain ln*ia t In b a rhrinru Begin to R, F.tl* cation i« St f itly af<3 I I'm foyer. / Collov**d I a *1 r art low*. Doctor Pooh. pooh. mr d*aY friend ! “Ito you know," «aid <'holly. “I ae*»A That la all an Ilhiaion of the am«r« Tbers la n« an li i thing aa fe«»r. You bad play cl a gam* of golf in my life, and ka«,Aio fed. J on I, are no br---b’m! ■ <>•> when I a»krd th* old Krofchmaa what material «il-tam upon which such a waa th* finit thing for in* to do b* U>ob»i wholly imaginary -•lp|MH»iriti.in the matter has no f While t W. Oder 11», Hundred l'ollsr. Howard h-r an' - a*> ■>( < «<«rrh that . oanoi be EYaro.Toi*de.o h.lmi nt of such rate« a, th |xai tara«»* 1 »’«t I ar« t family ilncter l«»fk ...____ , : f*»r tb- :i* la-.i l'>*«r«. «nd bell*». Iila due hearing the increased rate» »houhi e»ar puM*--hw«i hal*w erwmx»-»« r«rni Naarir nul CbeihBy Hun «Mew»» »brad» *nM in the KftBt Agm»* raap- l»rfin lly honorob'* In all hul.ae,* Iranaacllvtu be found to be excessive, unreason* ally abíe st-- to lo carry rorry oui oat My any obi ga go In« I hm harsswii >,»♦ iwrriUir» «rita irnm««liat»ly on I tl’•urielly able or unjust, it would be equalix by hi« nu nm mm •latin* air* prevkitta ««>♦*■ net rianr« If anv, an«l re- lion uiade br to ’ A ’ r»|su, g|\N4X A M.1ÄVM. fwrwn e» I». Th« I > ■ n A la’er < <» t*1ooeer Hid* inappropriate for Wh uh» «dkl« OfugfUlB, Tolado.O impossible and HwatlU. Wa*h Hah'» < aiarra'i ‘ ure !• «kan intsrnaUy. v't- to give it» appr dl*« ar* Ion« saaugh. and they ar, making a ay«t*matie effort n- w ta Inerraa« i the rue in the Kania# river is ex­ peeled to reach here tome time to- ih* length of their l*g« ' !!»• at»«4» • lit» , _ __ _ ot “Yee,“ «aid th* prrd*««or . “I a** that I night |u flf*4 hr»*«« »u ,n3 ‘ li» I hag The government weather bu »4 It 4«e*«**»><*'t Aft 4 Ifl !• fl*« «!’• ih* Mikado la pulling ttietr I*«» for • Irt lbw S»>*rl4 hla fecau »ay, the water will reach a maxi »«« • ifl*. bigger navy " tlileage Tribun«. ht of about M feet. It now mum N* IS.KM*,. Poro»"« — L’«'* HeCoeea WHIM m M O»*r Ml*«, o, WiOioot IM AlSot a Sorts Tern pnrar*. If the rise e register* 2AB feet *■■.«•••> • -« « »*» 1a«S w I tig, at k ’•........................ • • I n -- • -, “You don’t w«nt mr to rom* to #ee you ceed, two feet above the present lev X- h7l K 1 ’ ■ s *.«.» i ««at UwMhrwwl any more?** eiclaimed th* young man. > H..» .- m ani All It t » I <••••*• •aterworks t will be in dangr the city startled and Indignant. A SURE CANCER CURE Topeka i» practically North lw«4 RrirHcd Irem Peking. < Ains Sgf«. S«rg “No. Mr Featbertop; not aay more* I * aMFtc liable were busy Boat patrol “Yet you let ms kf«« y only a few afternoon taking th< ,c pcojde from Much CORNI L I A I l< >> l ’I/HIÇ daya!" their home, who had delayed nafl»<>< rail at '» f t «1 wp<«w* bl»fi| m *4 eirrw “You fooliab follow.“ Mid tb* pr*tty of the content, of the houses has been Itaf Inc low* 11* IC U» > too < HtStrtK MFldriWK ver and the warning ha> been girl “That biaa waa only a • rrUiort." moved------- rat Mt O f Merrtwm. F» fi I« b 4. Or«g*w Chicago Tribune given to eve »-ndy |*|«*«* JklMlin« Thtc >r in the «tree! The water ice the big floo than at any ot 1903 F ' rom th e Union Pacifi rek. Kansas track* to S< yldier nuc, the ma in *tr ect is all under ter The < current is beginning »weep away outbuildings and thou «and, of tjc* from the Union Pscifii tie plant ar r pounding thrir w Train service The moist imjx>rt«nl part of the human system is the blood. Every mus­ through the town cle, nerve, tissue, Inmc and sinew is dc|*cndent on this vital fluid for nour­ practically at a »tandrtill y ia now luatain a dur- will cut g For if 1er COPY H V HUN WANTED: in. ui SMALLPOX ON Sherman Report* TRANSPORT Wirele»» by uarantim rted t paio * trti C. Gee Wo CHINESE DOCTOR b • ha it try unhealthy humors which have change,! it from s pure, fresh stream to a sour, acrid fluid, which forces mil its impurities through the pores and glands of the skin. A very common evidence of bad blood is sores or ulcers, which break out on the Hesh, often from a very insignificant bruiw or Your S S S , la my opinion, il aa good a even scatch or abmaion. If the blood madida* can b* bad; il Maiyly caanot b* was pure and healthy the place would impcoTod upo« a* a r*m*dy to yurity and «arle h lb. Mood aad fo ln»Kc >ul. r\ .-»if Five the Th« Minti Y oil llao' Alwnys Bought lias boni,- the ture of Chas. li. Fletcher, unti has bet n tmi-lt* nu< fH-r..mil niprrvl-loti for Oirr .'IO ’ • . i-. ' I rtg no till« o deceive you in this. Counterfeit«, Im.talion« nuit •• ,lu»t-a«-g gorlc. Drops and SoothlDM Syrups. It is l*lea«aiit. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotiu substance. It* iMrr is ita guarantee. It destroys V. orni« and allays Feverishness. It cure« Diarrbcra anti YY hid Colle, it relieves Teething Troubles, cures < onrtipatiou mid Flatulency. It asatnîllntes the Food, rt g-iilat, •« the Stomach and llowrls, giving benlthv mid natural sleep. The Children's I’auacea -The Mother’s Frieud. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of h*\cr«r putart. and tried mow you .-imetbirig el** I tiling fur you." He brought i Hit a piene «till y y. after «ome hevitaliiui. his customer ed ten yanla from the fir«t pim-r. II« red It with an air of triuini b and uu i. banded It to thi I It return a two or «tono ■!ed • he bàri worked hard ft tu*< >r .rr bad left the i ■u rou>¡>ln»'entiy tn Walter nd It it derwood, who prom >ted the trolley ,y«tem at Chicago, a deal tn New York for the El mine at 91 500.000 Tht e deal handled by George Bent, a i noted ing engineer The new c< ompany nottneed that 200 «tamp, will be mediately in,tailed to be follow e 200 more early next »f property was owned by rend,. William Ebner, C and eastern a**ociate*. and steady producer for »evet it is situated one milefror healing, cleansing roots and herb*. It goes down into the circulation and removes every particle of impurity, 1 wrecked humor or poison that may lie there, restores lost vitality, and steadily tones up the entire tydem It add» to the blood the healthful properties it ia in Ship Gold to Germany. need of. and in every amy assist* in the cure of disease. S. S. S. neutral­ New York. June 9 — Goldman. izes any axcca* of acid in the blood, makinr it freah and pure, and perma­ Sach« A Co. yesterday announced an engagement of ll.nooooo gold for ex­ nently enfes Eczema. Acne, Tetter, ar.d all other skin diseases and eruptions 8. S 8. cures Rheumatism. Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers. Malaria, and all port to Germany, and Heidelbach, other diseases or diaonhrs arising from bad blood. Book on the blood and Ickelheimer A Co took IGoo.ooo. also for Germany. Thi* makes s anv medical advice desired free to all who write I4O.T5O.OOO on the present tu of P.i|ier in Seoul I« Charged regll Juneau. Alaska. June 9 — naha. June 9 — Report# from th< » of Friday night'# storm hern Nebraska indhMte that ition# are even wor#e than reported The « thought. In Use For Over 30 Years e fire 1y it watch th Twister Strikes Oklahoma. Durant, Okla.. June s -A tornado which «went over a territory 12 miles west of Durant Saturday night de- «tr>>yed a d >gen farm hou«r, and with a heavy «torm r»f hail, which aceom- TEAM BORAX FOR THE TOILET Not only softens the water, but cleans the skin thorouslily removes and prevents the odor of perspiration, soothes Irritation and renders the skin fresh, soft ansi velvety. Ilk m ala» of t iptftiu Walker wbb in > and I didn't know to down all ttow we mu Id fftiit her.* pick out bo roe th. og all tb* rage?** a«l ed dnwn with her LS. We ha*- to b> i with euch c*,et »» that her bun I'll get you ta 'lorsblo dfMppolnt- « find that Walter *aa •b. for b* bad 'M V ■e of Walter'« pura* a* permit. Ev«a no* It or ktber fotnf to that ?•’ from tills ell tu thrir health 11.1 the department port with all on pisrantin« «tatlot: I hat will bo done ot yet be known «try I« *n rout« to it will bo stationed, eenth Infantry, d a few week» St II r Wilkin privy with ledium of 1 rean te is the Inde* Judge Utor- were t the stinti t Tokio It woul n Bethel largely re nrli.inces in hat the Refute to Cut Salarial. were and th.it llrturbed « were girding •• gov- tallies of g much U !>mi rn tomi I TSr-J t •■•imr tmire than t«< tated and d the Io« me r tn bar ■ la liner you think a food al(ht of me in th* matter." "That’» Just the way wanted ua both to leg on. t'atch me l**gging beggarly hired boy !“ any worae bevati«* your him, Jnahtia.** "OUHM , jrufi Btgnil up fur tía. i Marta*. jou ton- inw I alwaya taka wFim you are riftao* ia continued to a*T»lr a jury Ye refuted near Guthrie, death of one Gold From Algalia. - The American Horte Wing. InnA If • of Amor tu -do r K. Vander it. with J id Frit de •nt of the year Pa f4( I.” »aid Walt»*, frankly, rrateful for her gentle kiadaaaa if only tor your aake, Mrs. llenrv be n ■Inaliti» wa* harty. and im* •, aaid tbe mother to her- ••If. tryu.g t<< find an ei- i-. for b*r auw (lo bs cvn.iuuad.) A Utah A tn h ar- morning from ught the Fairbanks Skagway it •!.- uhich wa« A Co. r large to the <>tn the branch up the VV Kiw ie Cut it a team* dam Y g on, Iowa .11 i*ol*r« lor, L~Ol *