A* *4 ■ I •- • «, « • S a -e •a-.* V* * <* j. ,-j. ■ .V > L • r • » • ’* -b ✓-••• al a»» -•'**'■«7ax».. *: 1 . „7<.V<**i.-. • ' - 4- - * >• . ** « • Y * y.y, ** • i , • »J ’ wCT\ /• «• à-Ju. J *9 ;» .* • - • « ‘’ iv 7*.. < » • • Z ■Viz • '• ’a' ' "v Cx XT. ’vA , /< Ï - - . a r • t J V •* ,-A '.r- . - f’ CK, * ••**»•*»»»»♦»—•»»»—»»kia)a(»»8>»<>»a A lbany •C L¿J>» I o » a S. E. YOUNG J SONI Drass Coeds : Blankets Gloves Our stock was a little late in c««m Mon's reindeer gauntlet Gloves, ina in but it complete now Alitile »1 SO. m re Mele an«i a little nmre quality A ged Glove with horsshhle palm in all the number« Iton’l fail t«> see ami g. at « uff ami l>a. k >1.00. « tir I'rlenl Colt Oiforda fur ladies at Home new driving Gloves tn brown, •3.50. 780. -s**» s«*84-*-s«4*sfrw •■*•» ...*,<*<. **r* "f Th” ,.*,.* t — ./tf ^Milling i o . waa confined to h.s 'zy"" ' honve with Bicknese, last week for thr«-« !' •’d'.'y»« .''*»*■’ or/our acity for about bOO people A very nicv wide cream Panama. A good 5* gray woof Blanket. the $1 25. -«< an« at 50«, >1.00 an«l 81.50 thing for coast ur mountain um *. New Herges ami Wool Goods, in •4.80. ■ reali. Si,.t ,.|,t abs.les, very appropriate for outing. Oifords » • ' r’“ "v""™" ,v 'ù FE ;. v , * -1 • Sh- *’B J. F. WESELY’S ‘a* »*i»S k« V W»« »«L f* ’ *y f "78 Headquaí ». ? Mr. Worth, whoae little x««n was being treated in thia city for a shatter ed shoulder, took the little fellow to hi» i < home, in Bilyeu Den. last Sumlay. •.V Scio's new water am! light plants w ill ) coat conauierable more than waa flrat S' contemplated. But the plants will j-i ■t '» ••*✓.' - •■»... •< ♦ both be first class and will |>ay out in a few years. Tbs Fwieral grand jury i» again ger . , r ting busv down in Portland. J. II Haley, a prominent Eastern Oregon at- JT’ '*<' torney is sm««n< the iml > t««l Eleven indictments wore relumed last M««ndav. •! « ? »_.»• • » • • < , » ’ \ • •_ • V A ’4 '• ’■». • • >x « «•» -1 • ». Hickory Bark Cough Remedy, made by tbe Hickory Hark R.«ii«o«r iihuk - v oe*oft*oeo««ft*e***o*c post office will be opened on July 1«. refunded, Guaranteed to make a friend Chas W« »ely went to |*ortlai>d Tues J. N. Moms am! Dr. and Mr«. J. G. of you. For eale by E C Peery, '« 1 , if b» ‘Z. «lay afternoon. Gill, of Ixtbamm, were over last Sun- Ore., ami Ürel-class dealer* every w Iverv * jib - * legal blanks printed and (or aale al lay. e tbe N kws office. W. Ehlert. of thia city went over to Scio vs Silverton. f'.* o since the enlargement <>l lbs water people witnessed the opening of the land not excepted. b i»e ball season, last Sunday. plant, is growing rapidly. The fine up in Sunday'» game *»■« aa A. I. Arnold has sold his farm and follow«; Wa make a specialty of dairy snppLes Scio Silverton If ■» Brenner and Jons t«sines went Minnville, to work in a saw mill for the n bat retired the aide with a large «tacd BO V KARS’ IXPRRtFNCe Carpets. Paints, Oils, Sash, l»oors aid »4300. Mr. Lee to, a» yet, undecided gooee egg on the »core book. When what he will do. Glass G ve us a call. Chas Wesely. B The Democratic state ronvi'iit ' wn» Scio commenced the «tick w ork the fire­ Ed. Balschweid, Fred Jonea and Ira work« commenced at the same time. Mr. ami Mrs J I*. Crabtree and Mrs. rheid in Portland, on Tuesilay of this \ Foot Slashed. S. W. Ga i ea are in attendance at th« and Ot Bilyeu have just completed a Before the Silverton box artier could ‘ week. 0. P. Coahow, of Roseburg. Pioneer A*»ociation, in Portland, this job of carpenter work out at the Paul get steadied down to work William», | waa selected a» chairman. place on the Lebanon road. Chaa Weaely, K. Morri« and John week. The presidential elector« nominatml »»»»a» le « 'w- wr.tten ve I ««leal Titus mat <|own aa T n a n r M » 1« «• • n eeely had made the circuit of th«' ... Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bilyeu and daugh ­ Iln- summer weather of the pa»t fen z ; 'he <>l ....................... the uuhr luti-te». Il«> hai a were—E. S. J. McAllister, of Mult­ rry«vCoevRionra Ac Pitcher Millts then steadied 1 ' - vvre altar k t typhoid fever, last tail nomah county; Samuel White, of Baker days baa been most acceptable. ter Leita, returned from a visit to Mr. bases. AnV'in« »ri'11-1 »Aie! h «D.1 »’ o SI -»» «»«r <»f«ii«i it freto wheibsf an down retiring the side with the next ami Mrs. G. M. Coffey, of Kalama, I county; Bernard Daley,of Lake county; Gardens and grata are now gn wing « fr «in the effw la of «I vet» be has but tliUDlv« ihVtotitL n 18 iMM’hahly iMkl«H> ”11* (<>n> < Wash., on Wednesday evening's train. three men. i •• -icily0'Hfl iomia I hAMOBOO< I il*:« . i g rapidly. I juat recovered. lie had b«*eiv engaged O. P. Co»how, of Duuglaa’couuty. *••»< fr*8 4»-’>«»•» AffWitr’y tot e«H t,f1 i>. d lull lor about on« k h h«»wi flitr». In th* • Every txxly ho|>ee that the n«n ed in a little Stick work securing two vt large M A. Miller, of Linn county; when the a« cidant ottered. In culling count» court will continue ths system of Benton county, states that it will lie his run» before the aide was retired, Scio d wu a tree he struck a «-aretess blow, I John Manning, of Multnomah county. building k « hm 1 roads, inaugurated b> duty to vote for Governor Chamberlain A htfiiHnmalf Î r»r in her half score«I a large sited figure 0. "t any art«Mit>ft«i knurnar ter» • H « for senator next winter and according­ the a» gl •« <•■ I ami landed on one of bis James II. Beeman, of Jackson county. Ju«!ge Stewart. ro»r f.-ur », g G ik |l. JE «4 by all D«“ Neither team acored in th«- thir.l ly he will do so. fret, splitting the «li« «e and fool. The | J. D Slater, of Union county. First Marsha! Richardsoa, agent for monu­ inning. In the fourth, Silverton annov •< • ««nd l< »a» api it into tbe laxly of the i congressional district—Dan Fry, of It has been found necessary to rein­ cd two more run» with another goose ment» Imadstones, etc , was putti« g up t»«t, al laliiug off a portion of the bone. Marion county, 1«, M. Trivia, of Lane w««ik in this locality last week prepara­ force the hydrant connections of our egg fur Scio. The fifth resulted in a eo inty. Second congreaaional district new water system. Without additional whitewash fur Silverton amt one run Die wound ble«l m at profusely. Ernest tory f««r .Memorial day. D M. Watson, of Multnomah county; waa rem««veil to hit boarding place «I Jhe News family is indebted to Mr I support there is danger of the water for Scio. Sixth, Silverton 0 Scio 2. C. K Henry, of Multnomah county; Crabtree and Dr. frill, of thia city, A. OslH«rn for a pail of luscious straw- I presure forcing the connections off. J. Seventh gave the white wash arti»t The convention instructed the dele JAMES ROSSELL. Prop. • a led to «Ire * tl.«« wound. The act ere« I berries, equal in every re»)««ct with any E. Cyrua is doing the work. more business for Silverton w ith some Ixiue wax retrn vcl, thl> wound aticbed gates to vote for William J. Bryan, »<• H cmx I River can produ«-e. A movement is on foot to organise a more firework» for Scio and a cinch «ip ai> I the f«avt «I resse« I. Il will l«e long as he waa a candidate, indorsed last week A. J Devaney m«>v*i from union high school in Scio which will for the game in the shape of 6 am!iti<>i.al several w... ka Inibire Eineat can again the Initiative and Referendum ami the Direct Primaryjaws an«l th« adminis th«- Mvrra property <>n ths South s «lr, carry the »1 «Aleut onto ami including run». The eighth inning resulted in a resume Ida work. We have just leased this hotel tration of Governor Chamberlain. lately wl«i to M. I*. lx>ng. to th« Dona- the 12th grade It la desired that the blank for each team and the ninth ena­ bled Silverton to pile up two more runs »«•vrn districts adjoining Scio shall be. bus projH-rty East of th« Scio Mills. property and it is our purpose to I I W I't HI 1C SCHOOLS V.LOSLD. before being retired. The totals for come parties to the union. HOHN. C.v'1 at S io Meat Market for cash furnish the table with the best * Th« News is enlarge)! somewhat thia each aide was Silverton 6, Scio 12. Aleo note cuta in meet pric» a on eggs, Struck out, Wcsely ■.«. Millis I h«- *■< . > piibli«- M-lioole dose«! « Ith ths Um- the market affords. price«. St- ak Ilk per pound, Roasts week. Il our advertising patrons will pire P. H. MacDonald. gra«luating exercises on last W «dnr»lay S exton —On June 4, to the wife of continue their liberal patronage, we N t" Wc and Boil« am! tews H and 8c. Orville Sexton, of Crabtree, a son. On next Suuday. June 14, Scio and evenn g I'rl « .| al limn ami nmstanls will continue publishing sis page« •• Plenty to eat, prepared in an C hunk —On June 4. to the wife of Lebanon will play a match game on Che vr« 1.« hr ■«>’gratulai*! np««i> Ilia able Mi. John Miller haa decorated his now. In Hie mean time, li your neigh­ appetizing manner, clean room» Cecil Crume, a daughter. r< »idem« property, in this city, with a Scio ground». The Silverton Loya arc maolLi lii which they hive conducte«! bor is not a sub* uber, ask biiu to be­ coaling «'»int, an example which come one. a gentlemanly bunch, but they will have Ih«« viri« «I» d«'partni»nts during the P arker - On June fl. to the wife of and beds is my motto and pur- otiivrs of our city would do well to fol­ to strengthen their team aoineu hat to past *!»«> I year. I*aj«er» of the |>upile Hiram Parker, of The Thomas Creek l>ose. Oscar Pomeroy has purchased a tract hold the Scio team down. •ubiintt«'«l to the late examination low. s Lumber Co., a daughter. of land near Herl n and eapocto to move I- ani, places the Scio Nhools up very This is the first girl of the family Lvcrv eilixen in the Forks ot lie thereon for the summer, in a few days, A RICH .HIM «!« •<• to th« rant of lira l«a«ling school and it could lie noticed that Mr. Parker We purpose to make our Sun- Hantiam ahoultl prepare *>m«tbing for tie Las a contract f< r hauling lumb-r I 'he county. I l«« pupils »re to be steppeil considerably higher, in conse If you have exhibition at the fair. day Dinners a specialty. from one of the mills there to I-ebannu Mexican Miue Limited, iks >t«vt- n- i>graliilal*l G.r tl <• ere Liable show* quenco. The N ews family extends nothing but a priir pumpkin bring it which will require most of the summer Hcio company, of which M Ehlert, <«i lug lumie m the examination ami for congratulations. along. *0 complete. this city i* president ami <■. 1. Hr .an, ibrir creditable appearance during the Special attention given to Com­ Beef cattle are not eo plentiful a* T J. M tinker« went to Cascade I ocks of Slayton secretary, I • >1 a buslnr»- cloeing eterctoae. MARRIED mercial men. they have In-en in the )>a»t ami an ad­ last Saturday, there to join his wife on meeiiug al Hlayloa <«n W «iln« *i»y <>| The stag« pf the auditoruni was vance in price is assured. Tbe big herds last wssk . at which time K stamp, <■! JAMES ROSSELL a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Winnie l«an«l*’inely decorated with the clava P arker — I ji .UR On Tuemlay evening on tl e ranges are becoming fewer and HorKh- *r colors, batiks of roses, suspemlMl Un Monday Mr Manker« re­ Slay Ion was Sleeted mai.sger. at the home of the bride, 6ZH Williams small» r. F ok S al »—A 4 y«-ar old half Belgian turned to Portland to atteud th« Demo­ Hlaiup will, al once go to Mexico ami mottos, etc. Avenue, Portland, Mr. L. T. Parker, hor»e f«>r «ale, d«rk bav «nc««lor, star in Mhanon ILgli school dsbatii'g team cratic state convention, which convene«I assume active charge of tl.e mine. The following is a list of the gradu» manager of The Thomae Creek f«»rvhea«l ai.«l »ili w«-igh i:»n p- «in l-. has defeated all comers and waa award­ on Tuesday and to which body Mr. Il wss also order*! that the working ate» : Joaephine Ile is su exceptionallv |>erfecl animai, Lumber Co., and Mr«. ed the c«p of victory at Engene ’scant- Munkers is a delegate. lore« at lb« mins be duui l« d ami lli is brok -ii t<> w«uk «I ubie or singl«. In- Eighth Grad« - Charlie Balschweid, Lillie. Iv, when *h« Astoria team went down piirr «>f thè ownrr »n thè ll^urv I'. Commissioner Tom Butler was over nwessary hoisting machinery l>e imvtall- William Wallace, Ixsier Arnold, Elmo Mr. Parker has not fully decided Miller fami or at ih« NavriAM ot»t bef«>re it. Wednesday looking after odd» and end» *i at ome. Tbe shaft ha» alrea«ly oeeri Hirns, I ties«« Critcldow, letta Wood­ what he will do, in the future, but it is office. F. bruttai*. I > h H als —A <««»! sei-oml liand prejiaratory to closing up Jthe business sunken 7U feet through ore the entire man- e, M«|o Bartu, Merle Cyrus. quite probable ho will reside in Port Al the surface the.ore mill Motto; “Upward and Onward" Champion binder, in good running of the present court. Mr, BuUer distance. land, a« Mra. Parker haa a large order. Ain selling because I have no states the present court will bo able to test*! a fraction over |1R per t« i., th«- Tenth Gra«l« l-elaml Goan, Howard amount of property to look after. At the 'belly, Beatrice l>e»aney, Elhd Arnold, grain to cut, this veer. W ill sell cheap. turn over to the new court about 870,- ledge being but tao feel wide. W. T. I.ee. 000 with which to carry on the county’s present depth the ore test* 826 psr ton Rolla Shelton, Roy Hhelton. The Linn county Pioneer picnic CARSON 4 CO.. Prep«. and the lolga haa grown to be «j feet 11 Motto: “Fiat l.ux" 11*1 ther« be I, T I'arker, of th« Thomas Creek business until next March. occur« at Bruwnayille on June 17-18-19. wi-« all*l mines ar« a Leland Green Egg» in either Cash or Meat, and take that eity. A doubling of force make* benefit ol the Linn County fair at Hcio. fake proposition am! m««nry egpende«J Vale«iictory Wisely’» Orchestra Music them from your IWXIR. the improvement possible. Th« fair is undoubtedly a meritorious lor development purpose« only g we t<> Class History Eitliel WaBace 1. W. I’otueroy, after being confined enterprise and will be of great benefit develop the siss of th» piirws of the Nonet’.. Presentation ■>! Diplomas t<> hi» home for several weeks alm« st to the stock and agricultural interests premotor. The Mexican Mme I imn*l trr The city water system will b« closed Music Weeely's Orchestra sgxinable to be on tbs streets and com- raised over |2i*«0 for the fair, gave a has been found from the surfs« • «lowti down about June 16. pla ns of bring about well. suvceeaful fair last year ami arc p'au* ami everything goes to show that the Al! perwjra are prohibited fron, We have just ro-rived a n»w line of Mr. Monnich, who purchased the mng for a splendid exhibit this year. Hcio and Htayton p*>p!e have a very any walolr from the meins, while re­ all Paper the latest designs. Come Morris orchard, came up Monday ev*». The court surely will aid the enterprise rich mine. Charlsa ami John W«». |y, an«l see what we have Iwlore you buy pair» «re being mails. Ing to superintend spraying I is orchard. to the extent of the erm asked. l*t ns of ibis city, have just returwwl from a elsewhere. Chas Weeely. This order becotnae necessary in or­ He expects to move his family up fr >