>•' A * ■ *4, • -ff • •. a J » * • (•- •. t ’ « * “ zW - “g.A V V *4 jAs 5 . Ws.-: - i.ix X .... s 8 -, . S trong and S teady By ItOKATIO «LGIR JK CHAPTER II. (Continued.) "Mr Ileummond. I believe" At five o'clock on the afternoon of the "Yes. Jacvb Drummond of Stapleton day after ilr Conrad's death. Mr Drum You have probably beard your father mond mterel the bouse, which was on apeak of me?" the Opposite siile of the street from tbe "Yes. air," “hl Will*» •lure. Thia waa tbe supper hour, and "I cam» »a soon a« I «xMild after get •upper was ready up n the table ! left my bUMiltew» to - I A single glance was sufficient to show take care of Itself, I want'^d to offer you that Mr lirumncnd waa tivt a man to my sympathy •>« your a«»l huna" Indulge In luxurious living There was a Mr. Drunin»»ud • wonts were kind, plate of white bread, cut In thin slicsa, though the refen-nce to hia sacrlfiie m a small plate of butter, half a pie. and leaving bis business might have been aa a piate of l feel a bowl uf coarse brown sugar, and a pot aa grateful as he wsntml to >l<> Somehow of the . . > .-«I k <1 "f tea ■ omplated the he didn't fancy Mr Drummond preparations fur the evening meal. Cer­ "You are very kind." he “Id ta.nly there waa nothing extravagant "I mean to be. You know I'm r»»ar • bout three preparations. but Mr. Drum j nearest relation now I truly feel for you m<»nd thought otherwise. Ilia attention i in your d*-wdate cwndition. and though it was at once drawn to the cake, and In nmy not t>e the right time to say It, I etantly a frown gsiiiemj upon hia fa ■ muat tell you I twipe. when the funeral is “Are )»u g»,ing to baie rom|>any to over. you will amiinpnny me booie and night. Mrs Drumm--nd'• ' he ashed share our humble hospitality Mrs I »rum "Not that I know of," answered hi« noind Juina me In th* invitation" wife, in sume surprise "1 have not had tints to think of future “Then why is it ttaaat you have put both arrongetnents," sai l Walter; "but I thank pie and cake on the table?" you for your invitation ' “The cake la a cheap kind " "My son Joshua, too," said Mr Drum­ "No cas<- is cheap. Mrs Drummond 1 mond. "is longing to make your acquaint­ take It you used eggs, butter and sugar ance Hr I ia older than you, but not much lu making it. t uu are probably not larger Joshua ia eighteen, but be will aware that all these articles are very »tear make a w a present, fntil they get lower we ae»d Let me hot* that you will accept my in- not bave cake, except wheu company ia vitstion preernt. Take away the cake. If you 'Thank you. Mr. Drummond; I Will please Yuu can uw It for Munday even lonault my friend« about it." 'ng." "I wonder bow much I could »enture "I am afraid it will be dried up by that to ask for board." thought Mr. Drum time." "If I am bls guardian I ran tit rnond “If It I» dry, you can steam It. I have that to suit my»c|f. A hundred thousand continually to check you in your extrava de liars would make me a rich man Pial gant tastes t'ak«- and pie. Indeed I If is. I could in ske money from it without you bad your way. you would double rny injuring the boy." bi'Uoehold et|»etises " Mr. Itrummond asked a few more quo» Mrs. Drummond roae from the table, and nu-ekly removed the offending cake. lions sl»>ut Mr. t'ontsd's sickness and Walter answer"»! them, but did Just then th» third and only other mem mi»any Mr Drum •on, now eighteen years of age. though he ' inond was a stranger, and not a man to inspire confidence So Walter told aa lit looked »»-arvely more thau sixteen lie In At length th» visitor, herlled hia father's im-anm-M, but not bia tie aa be could. frugality. Ils was more self indulgent, having exhausted inquiries, rose. "I shall be here to-tuorruwhe “Id and, though he grudge»! «pending money for other«, was perfectly ready to *|>erij "I shall return to Stapleton after the I hope you will make up your as much aa be could get bold of for him- ceremony inind to go back with tne' Bel f. “I could uot be ready so soon,” an swered Walter, doubtfully. CHAPTER HI. "1 »-an wait till next day.” Over Joahtta. Mr Druiumoud bad ieaa 'That will not be ne»»-asary, Mr Drum cuutrul than over bit wife. The latter I shall have no difficulty in mak­ gave way meekly to his unreasonable re­ moml quisitions . but Joshua did uot hesitate to ing the journey alone, if 1 cv>nclude to a»' make opposition, being as selfish and seif cept your kind Invitation/' \l I ■ ■» willed as his fsther, for whom be euter- mpatheticaily, and at length withdrew talned neither res|>ert nor affection. In silence he helped bimaelf to bread A« he went down the avenue, he took a and butter, and in due tour accepted a backward glnnce at tbe handsome man pine of pie. which Mrs Druunuond made aion in wbi< h his cousin had lived. 'That boy owns all that property." he larger at the ei|>eu»e of her own share “id, half enviously, "and never worked Finally Mr. Drummond remarked a day for it. I've had to work for all "I've had a telegram to day from Wil my money. Hut it waa foolish to spend voughby.” A third the “From Willoughby’" re|>eated his wife so much money on a bouse "last that where your c-ousln. William sum would have built a comfortable h »uee. and the rest might have liven put at In C'onrsd. lives?" If It turns out that I am the "He doesn't live there any lunger He'» teieet. dead. The funeral is to be day after to boy's guardian, I think I shall sell It. That'll be the beet course." tiiorrow.** "Shall you go?** "Yea. It will cost tne considerable, as much as five dollars or mors, but be waa my cousin, and it is my duty to go." said •Mr Drumiuutid, with tbe air of a man who waa making a great sacrifice "lie waa rich, wasn't be?“ asked Joshua. Iweoiuing interested "Probably worth a hundred thousand dollars, " Mid his fattier, complacently. "1 should think he might have left me Something." said Joshua. "Ilr never saw you. Joshua," “id bls mother. "Joshua atanda a better chance of get ling a legacy from one who doeeu't kuow hnn than from one who does," “id Mr Druiniuomk * Uh grim pleasantry. "lie leaves ■ hildren. d.«can't be?** “line child a boy. I-*l me aee. be muet be fifteen by thia time. It'a likely I will b* appointed bta guardian. I'm the near- e«t relative.” then?“ aaked "Will he come here, Joshua. "Very proliably.” "Thru I b< ps you'll live better, or he won't »land it.' "When I require any advica from you. J.-sbua. 1 will apply for it," said bis father. Joshua inwardly hoped that his fsther would Is* appointed guaidlan, fur be hop­ ed that in tins event It would make a dif­ ference in tbs family living; and. besidsa If b • cousin were rub. bs meant to wbeo- dle bimseif Into b s confidence, in lbs bops of future advantage. Jscuti pul off going to Willoughby till the morning tram on tbe day of tbe fu- neral. Ths nest day. therefore, be atari- ed. taking with him In bis »alias a luiieb of bread and meat lint up in a pises of brown paper. Shortly after hie arrival, ba celled at tbe bouse of mourning "I am Jmxib !»rummood of Nlapleton, ihe cousin of tbe deeeaaed," be eiplalued to Nancy, who opened tbe door to admit him. "is my young relativa, Mr. Coo­ rad's eon. at hornet* “Yen. sir.' aaid Nancy, taking an in- ventory of bi« feature«. and deciding that be was a very disagreeable looking man. Mr l>rummotid waa ushered Into tbs parlor, where be had a little chance to lisdi around him before Walter appeared. Mr. Drummond roae at hia entrance. "I suppose you don’t know me." ha said; "but I waa your father*» nearest Uvmg relativu. CHAPTER IV. The funeral ««• over. Mr Drummond a« Indeed hia relationship permitted, was one of tbe principal mourners Consoler Ing that he bad not seen Mr C<*n rad f<»r fly« years preceding hia ileath. nor during that time eummuni>ated with him in aay way, be appeared to tie very inurb oser ci-uie by grief He kept hia eyes covered with a large white handken-bl-f. and bis movement« Indicated suppressed agitation. H* felt that thia was a tribute due to a cousin who had left over one hundred thousand dollars. When they had return ed from the grave be managed to have a word with Walter "Have you decided to aicept my offer, and make your borne beneath my bumble roof?*’ be aaked. “TTyers has lieeu no time to consult with my friends here. Mr. Drummond, I will let you know next week I thank you at any rate for your kindness " "1G come, Walter." said hie cousin, twisting hia mean features into an affec­ tionate smile. “With you beneath my bumble roof, I shall want nothing to com­ plete my happiness " ( OI X TV. ohegon I <1 ik o lather t - ,«■ have very aeriuuv i ,«i.| Malfar 'It may |wrha|i*. swallow up the whole prop Ktjt "l»e< us lm|* not Indeed I ewn bard'y believe that your father would have tin- tu revi in aw d»«-p a. that x “He had every i-vmlldrure in tbe cum t«rnv . he thought be was going to double hia money If only a part uf b s prvpsity I dun I think It would have had such an effect upon him.'' I will thoroughly examine Into the at tmr. said Mr Shaw "Meanwhile, Mal- ter. hope for ib» lie-i • It > au hardly be that th* whole p»o;ierty is loot. I Xi nut tw loo anxious " "I m mit (e«r for me on that arvonnt,** “ui Malter ’ I always looked forward to being rich, it ia true, but for all that I » an tear poverty. If the worst comea, and I am penniiews I am strong, am! can work. I can get along as well as thou- »»n»l. of ,uh--r l-o«. who ha»» to sup;»ort themselfew " M alter diil not s|»eak tsvasifuHy by any 'u> argued a «iouanean of power. ' 5 said the lawyer, regarding him attentively. I think you are righi there You are just the hoy who can make bls own way but I bofw you will not bs ot-lig»d to do so," “I am young and strong Nanry hat spent her lieat years in my father • avr­ viva, and ah* is no t-mger young il ia right that •he «hould hate s-une provision llewidv-a. pvy father meant ber to have It, •tu! I want to rarry out hl» wish»« ' "Thia Is all ver» generous. Malter, but I am afraid It is inconsiderate It would not tie your father's wish to provide even for Nancy, however failtiful she mav haw twen. at the exiena.» of hia son." "It ia right." sa>d Malter "Itesi.Ira, .Mr. Shaw, I find that Nancy had lai»! up sir huudred dollars, whi- h she had d«poo- itid in tny father's l.atuls That also must le paitl if there Is enough to pay it . if not. I will take it u|w»n myself to pay w ‘ • i, _.>-r I am ah!»- " "You're tn rv.eli.nt boy. Malter " -und Mr. Shaw "I always had a <<*»d opinion n( you, and I find it Is narre than ilew-rv gd I honor you for the resolution you have et pressed though I cannot unite agree with you about the five hundred d«l* bi«, As tn the liebt, that filila! lie pain, if there Is money enough tn ¡«y it I. Hut we can leave lhe further discussion of thia question for the present Now let ua consider what is to Iwa-ome of you In the intanfirne Yuu were at the Essex Cianai. cal Institute, I ballare?** "Yew, •ir. '■ Y ou * • hi hl like t<» fu I « h tfain. ! suppose. "No. Mr Shaw If !■ an expansiva s* hiMil, and while it Is uncertain bow my father's affairs will mine out. I abould nut feel Juatified in going there" ' l*erba;a you are right Of couroa. you i-annot stay here and keep hone» bv yourself. I would invite you to my own house but tny wife is an invalid, and f have to consider her in tbe matter " 'Thank you Mr Shaw . bul I think p- rhaia I hail fletter accept the offer of Mr Drummond of Stapleton He Invites me tn make tny home at his house, and fur tie present i-rhap«. that will l»e tbe beat arrang- ment " NO. CHAMBERLAIN WINS Plurality (her Cake Will Reach 1,000 or More. UMVFRSHY APPROPRIATION SUI Statement No. I Has a Safa Lead Hawley and Elli» for Congress Many New Dry Spot». +-l-l-l-H-l-!-+-I-!-!-l-f-l-H-:-l-M-l-l-:-i-!- ** t nited State» Senator (icoige + ,, I Chamberlain. Ih-in-xrat t ■> Rcprev.-ntative First Congros- J ” v mal District Willi» C Hawley, T ■ > Repubhvan I • • I-'.-.-....-o . •- ( J. y gresstonal iJksti R I Ih« t • '■ Invi .e • t the Supreme Court T ; ; Rotiert S Bean Republican I • ■ Oreg -n Dairy and F»> »! Com I '■ ri..sooner J W Hailey. Repub T .. K omi ¡i Huiro.1.1 Commissioner. First 4- ” < ongressu nal Dntrict Thoma« T , . K Campbell. Republican I •• Railroad C«»rmms«ionet. Second *r ” Congre»»tonal District Clyde B t • - Aitchison, Republican 4- Portland, June 3 bcrlam. I -Governor Cham ha« carried the l'nitc»l State« acn «Lite •>! < *1 ator over by a maji 120« Rcti Cake, Republican, ranging front tooo t<> from all the countie» are nearly enough complete to leave no qiirs'ioti <>f the result Chamber lain ha« been «uuewlul tn It nut of lhe 33 countie», a» follow. Baker, (. la« kitn.i«. t latvop. Crook. D mg’as Jackson, Josephine. Lincoln, I i tin .Malheur, Marion. Multnomah, Polk and Union, anti probably in Lake Mr Cake has carried the remaining 1« counties, but his average plurali tie« arc much *m illrr than his oppo neiit's The largest margin givrn by any county for the Republican « imli date was 5<>o in Lane, where ihe un popular action of the Democratic gov ernor tn vetoing the state university appropriation had a gtcat influence “it the voters Cake s smallest plurality was |s in Benton. The county of Baker, winch the Portland Republican candidate for senator carried by a large versed plurality its tn friendly the primaries, attitude re towards him and gave his rival more than 300 The same result incurred in Clacka ma« lhe eastern Oregon counties Nancy wits much troubled at th* however, as a rule, although they thought of parting from (Valter, whom were for Fulton in the primaries, gave sin had known from bis Infancy , but a the Republican candidate pluralities, situation was immeiliately offered her in although they were small in nearly the village, ami Mailer prumlserl tu taka every instance Umatilla, however, her as his houseke»|»er whenever he had a which is thr home of Senator Fulton’s home of bis own. and this vomfortod her. strongest friends, rolled up over 300 although it was likely to be a Iona time for the min who beat him in April until then, ainrw our hero was at prr-wtit Wasco, which wa« yesterday though: but fifteen I to have gom- for Cnatnbrrlatn, come« lie wrote a brief latter lu Xlapletll • « through finally with a small plurality J f< Hows I for Cake ll.ivvb v. Repiib'n an. is elected to "Mr Drummond "liear Sir I will aorept the Invitation 'c -ngri-ss in the nrvt dotri» t by |5ooo Republic.in. !>v you were kind enough to extend to me. for ■»r more, ind Fili« tlw preseut. at least, and will come to ! 15,000 or more in the second district Stapleton sismi the middle of oext week. I Bean, Republican, for supreme judge, You are the only relation of my father 1 has a very large vote, having no op tl-at I know uf, and I think it would I« |position, while Bailey Republican, for hia wish that I should go to you. If It food ami dairy commissioner, win« by Campbell Rcpubli should t* inconvenient for >oi to r-- eiva 25,000 to loooo me at that time, please write me al uuew. can is successful for railroad commit «loner in the first related." ,1'o'k old and tried friend of tbe decewood. (To be continued I Sherman ......... With his Walter had a long and confi­ ¡Tillamook .... dential conversation,' Imparting to him I Umatilla ......... what be knew of bis father's mining spec­ t'rwel. Union ................. ulation and its disastrous result, with its Gunner—So tb« celebrated poet mar­ W.'lowa probable effect In awelerat ing his death riod Mr«. Penner, tbe abort al ury Wa»co .. “I knew something of this before, M al­ writer? Washington ter." said Mr. Khaw. "Your father spoke Guyer Ye«, and «omo of their wed- Wheeler ......... to me of being largely Interested In tbe Great Metropolitan Mining Company; ding presents were cruel Insinuations Yamhill Gunner—What did they receive? but of tbe company Itself snd tbe extent Total« Guyer Sixteen waste baskets etnbaF to which be was involved I knew noth- Chamberlain» plurality, 135« llabed with r.bbuoa. Cake's Big Lead in Lana. Fugane June t Meager returns from Eugene and Springfield precinct» goe Cake I <•* and Chamberlain 113 for United State* senator Hawley, for representative, has lim to 5U Hawley'» majority will increase in this pro|H>r- i n lin'd all return» are m Lhe legi*- Bean. YY Calkins, A H Eaton, Eaton lead« the ticket lhe vote on the university bill 32» (or and 17 against The »mgl tax mien.Imeni vtan.lv 10V for ant Iti tgainvt lhe majority again»! the tax •viil probably increate in greater pro portion a» the count prugretacs. «50. Cake Lead» in A»hland, Ashland. June I Fir»t «5 vote» ‘•»unfed give Cake 33. Chamberlain •'s. prohibition in, against prohibition 30 Chamberlain Gets Baker. Raker Litv June l Chamberlain has carried Raker > unty by about too majority if the present ratio con« tinues. Slight Lead in Roseburg. Riiiebutg June i t hantbcrlaiu ha* > Indkali n« are the town will go wet Re»ult in Multnomah. Close Race in Linn. I ortland. June 2 Governor Cham­ A Ilian y June 1 Complete return« berlain ha» carried Multn m.ih county have not yet been received from a tingle ' venal»»r by i m.ij. uty of probably precinct in linn county I he vole al • < mhi over II M ( .ke. the Republican this h ur in-l.i.itev th.it l ake and Cham tmmtnee Incomplete return« at 3 bcrlam arc running close. .'»Io, k this morning g«e Chamber- am 1152 in.I Cake '-’VO.* a lead of 35t) Cake Lead» in Benton. vote«, with the count otic tilth com­ plete I valh- June I Meager return» Riy.iling thr »cnatorial election in give Cake 2WÌ. Chamber lam STS. kc turns indicate the election of II nebrake merest was the vole <>n district at- is representative by more !hin 100 torne, John Manning, UKtunbcol of Nothing is obtainable on the university " e ind < mdidite for te elec­ approptiateui lull or »ingle tax issile. tion. hl- be.il defeated by Mumcpal ludge George J Cameron, the Repub- Union Probably for Cake. in an nominee«, by 4 majority of prob­ la Grande, June I Prior to 11 ably 3000. ch ck it is impossible to gnu figures Umatilla in Doubt. except tu »how the tendencies of lhe Pendleton, lune I Pariial election re­ .oirrs t'.ike nul (’li.unbrrl.iin are turn« at in.-!: tht mthc.itc that Umatilla running a > ■ »r race, with Cake lead mg by live ami tm majorities in the county ha* gone dry by |c»s than 311 take m olh« ial count *1 he Dalles. June l I he meager t determine who has carved the county. ■eturns available indicate that < him berlain ha* carried Watco county over Cake Ahead in Josephine. Cake by a probable majority of 350 Grant ♦ 1 ast June 1 1 oday's elec- : ’ • r w .- th.- K< ¡.ill. i. .»ii ti. Let ha» on ' is Ivrcn exceedingly interesting carried throughout the County, Re publican representative in congre«* ind thr licavie.t v te m thr history of Cake is will receive a large majority The Josephine county w.is polled university amendment ha» probably running al . of in all precinct» heard camel, while the single tax measure fr m and will pt. ! ably carry the county by alu.ut ioo It look« like lhe univer- is defrated I il Chamberlain Has Gilliam. • oim.ing 1» going along very sluwly and i iind-m June I Partial report» return» arc problematical. from every precinct in Gilliam county Result Doubtful in M irlon. po nt I-» a victory fur Chamberlain, who is leading Cake 3 to I The vote Partial retWM I hmi tpr. ii. n Mar ion county show that n local option is close, with a light h. rrn,re RcpuM cm ticket has received vote on the amendments Buidctt and I oilier for prosecuting attorney a majority, with the povsible exception I I nited States senator, upon which are running neck and neck *hr vote will hr clove 'Ihr legislative ’i.ket, < nip «eil of three Statement .No Cake I.el» Malhour. ale, June 1 lhe returns from I men and two Republican voters' _hotec candidate«, ha« Iwen elected. heur county at II o'clock arc ' e, VO, Chamberi.un. 115; 1.1 1«. 110; Chamberlain, oofl rica no. Bean, |H0; Hailey, 05. () try. v>, representative, II Cake Will Carry Klsnvath. K -math 1 .ills June I \ hravv vote university bill will probably »as ..nt th» ighout Klamath county by 4< mi I hr «ingle tax amend ■I iv Im mplctc return» from five is lost by probably loo«1. irecmcts in.l He tlpt Cake will carry he immty and that prohibition will Iw Carrin* Coo*. i clove contest The University appro« June 1 lew returns priât ion carne» 5 lo I hour Indtcalion* ate. Cake will carry Coo» Cake Ahead in Harney. Rum*. June 1 —With IM vote» and dry ' '■ 'I 1'1 • ■ . I l ike 11.1« "•o and Chamberlain Ul llnrr outtidg pr«- n is gee Cakr Tn Chamberlain TO, leaving ( .ile I» ahead The tame per« •ntage will give Cake a lead of over 100 Local opti n it running dote. Den i i.it'. ccedc ( ike the county Ly 5o vote« lac Chamberlain Take* Jackton. Jacksonville, June 1 I mix aliona ire that Ch iriilierl.ini hat carried J4fik *<»n cr»i lunty by 3n carnei V by a majority of two to Sing! le tax loti. one Result Clo»e in Grant. < 'om t -y June I Meager return» Irmn 'i promet» out of 20 gne Cfike it'», Chamberlain lit. Illi« IM, Jeffrey 14 1 he senatorial vote will lie close 1 111«' ma .rity will reach liai C W Parrish, joint senator, and II T Bel- nip, joint representative, have no op- "««Ilion Prohibition »<> far hat ear- ried lhe university appropriation ha» arried, but «ingle lax hai lo«t Gilliam Lin«» Up for "Dry»." Arlington, June I Much interest wa« manifested in the election here today, and 110 votes, the heaviest ca«t tor several years were polled Candi late« and their interests hive been a secondary consideration, the struggle being between the siloon force» and the temperance people It i» general y admitted that Gilliam county will vote dry. Cake Carrie» Washington. Hillsboro, June 1 Latest returns Igive i xkc a le u| f .i few- vote«, and Ibr will carry the county from 100 Io I mo So far a« counted, prohibition v beaten bv th ut IOO vote«, and the I county w ill probably g ■ 300 wet Haw- I’ey. for congre««, will carry the coun- Ity bv Irmo | hr entire Republican leg» I slative ticket, one senator and three I representative« will be elected. The I mivr nty .noir "prut, n will be de- Ifeated, as will alto tingle tax. Morrow Goes Prohibition. Heppner, June I --It is conceded that Cake has the county by a good majority, and Ellis is very strong Phelps, for district attorney, has the county by a «mall majority The •ounty i« conceded for prohibition by I loo or more z\ fug vote out in Hepp ner, far above registration. Clacksrnas Votes foe Chambaelain. Orr. ri Cm Ju r | Incomplete Irrturn* from !> prtcincfa give Cake ■r: < hamberlain 104 Chamberlain Cake 2 to I in Columbia. 'i s pr.'l. b y crrie.l Clackamas by St Helen«, June I -No nut*irogre««ing slowly P rtisl return« ulete in Polk county give Cake IM nve t ike n| l' ‘*«'*«■ Cake 2!s and Chamber- lain "•« with m ln it-ons ».I il; I lug! bn. 92 I niverwity wil'IconteM in the county Ellit. for con- lose, three to one |gre««tnan, will probably have fioo plu- L'l'toln Favor« Cake. T ledo lune I Cake ha* und >nht-I Running Close at Ontario, I incoln county Prohi Ontario, June l F irly entmt nt bilion i* very cl *». but win probably IvotM th w <-.init-l.it-« f -r win The weather wa* f.tir and the '<-“n