The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, December 20, 1907, Image 4

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The Roupell Mystery
•> • upon th* vais and eelllag. Het Be
W. A «TWIN».
r. I. wry kerb ,
looked tb* ductor atralgbt to lb* face.
“Un what wa* tbai will wmt*a? Try
r«,,.r utnvwt now io rm-ollert that; A I
great deal dep*nda on II.“
Tb* tir*t will **» n<>< wr'rren iron
Telephone Eactamga Be. II
paper Tb* *ecned contained wxa* allgbt
b*»,u«*t» to friend* and to farortt* **e-
I twllvv* I wa* mentioned my-
r<>ww • r*''eul bonking and eirhang* ImW
Iran, a le a' .oval ratea and Jrw. IO
xdf for *>>m* trilling amount, fa other
lev ted on yrinclywl Mtlee.
r«*p*cta th* two will* war* Identical Tb*
fir*t oo* wa* drawn up by Madam* Hou
p*ll'» lawyer*
Sh* kept tb* aecond will
at b*r bankar'a Th* flr*t on* mnain*d
• t> tb* bvu**. It wa* *ngr<****d oo parch-
“On parchmat.t." repeated M Ca***gn*.
t|*e Indorili M or neon St reel ■’tdgO
“Waa It anything Ilk* tbl»?" and b* O * Lumb*rman Bays Trust Control«
bauded a w rap of lb* artlcl* la quMtion
3. mazza
All ot the Northern Hache
î ov«r to lb* dm-tor.
KU»rr HruffkJ
Land Grant Timb«r.
■'Wb*r* did you find tbla?" Inquired
tb* ductor when b* could *uSele«»t!y re­
cover from bio aaloa'atuaent to *t-*ak
Xoiary PnlMk* •»•<! ikhUeitor
«. M Tea «an
M M< lina
nnd i on« ta«*».
“I found It upeta ra" rvpll*d M Cao
Washington, l>ee. 14.—Washington
•ague. "I put It In my pocket, berau**
riflera * fb <M Kiwi At.inxr. OKK'a'ihi
It wa* In a u .»er place for a e. rap of lutntieririen who A|qivwrr>l aa witneaaea
I found It with four wh*» yratetday hefota the Interstate Corn-
C C. Bry»"
p;«.<* in tb* firej-■«* of Madam* Hou- mrrre oominiMlon,
particular II Bryant
■ '
[«Ina to "rub It in" on Jam«* J. Ilill,
••ry. no* l.ow they ew n* there
Flrat of tkauN <>f hia threat to drive mere
all. bow*v»r, b»tor* I mm* to that. t».l lumliettnrn into Ivankrtipicy
One a li­
m* if yôu ar* certain
ne** brought out the tart tliat, while
awr* torn ftom Madam*
the railroads aaeett that the old rate ob I.cxelw.a Block
tb* fir*t will, I m*an
’ lumbet from Pngei Wmnd to Chicago,
.' 1 >enver and Kanaar City wa« rod rom-
rÀrilKAFOBX» A wvatt
Th* phyalelan did not Im med a tel y re-
L peneatory, the Urvail Northern t* today
II* f . / real.Md th* Imponaac* <d
| ¡.«ding lumliei at Vancouver, bringing
hl* auawer. and )•••* much hung oo It
"Glv* m* th* wrapa.“ h* «aid
“If it to l'ug«t hound, tbvice F.aa* tlirroigh
Office In GUuunl«rg Hiu* ft
tl.«r* I* any writing otl them I ehould the t'ulted Stat«« and tan k to Canada,
I» able to tell by that
It wa* a very ' landing it at Winni)mg and more dis­ ALRAMT I
D< rd» M 'rtg.igr* and Pt n.oti Vouch­
peculiar hand. It Iwhed aa If It bad l-eu tant pointe, for 40 cent*, the rate fcr-
er* car«fully written and ack trow ledga
tnerly in force on Fnget Round lumlier
le a*, a. Contra. I* etc p 'pared Houlb
e t
an h c • • '
¡»hipped an eq.tsi distance in the t'nil- lOARIl OF niJ IXTIVE TÎTI.I S • >: brl<ig«>, al •aiitiaiu Newa
lb* handwriting* ar* Identical.“
Another witncea readied
“It la enougb.” muttered CaaaagwA !•>! btate*.
I a
Ha«* an Alwlrarl of Title prr pored
•weeping th* pi*«»* of parchment up Mr. Hili'* ■ sursnee given Waehington ,
by ib*
ft.m> tb* tahl* and putting tl'*m carefully I lumbermen At a banquet rotne time ago I
away In hi* ¡---hett-.-k
"Now for my to the effmt that hi* r.would never
Henry Graham la tb* man w* imp«»« a rate on lumlier that w.mhl be
want to find
Mind you, I dont aay h* to the milling indu.try of the ,
committed tl» murder, I t you II ••• b* 1 Northwest.
Oflhe r»ml pmper'y y<w Intend to trnrrha*.
An I x¡» r •
I < ui |’- uî «r of
I» Impllr.e’ed In It in nota* way or other.
•• tERi 'ikily for money k«nod. out
The Oregon rnrn ckeed their trail- l«(rx>na iwolvbif th« tarHvftt uf our
11« had everything to gam b, Matam*
m<my by submitting fuitber oompari- •m» SfffaiHtaUrd in iwt.
ftoup* I a death, provided »he died lute*-
*< ni of lumlier rata* from the Ninth
•• i t th
d- ||. ■ _> W. r<>ng, of
lata. II* tu> at have learned in aom* way
Z. M. KUH), Manager,
Ml.aii. , <’«•■.•■•11. i» n r J re i arel to
that hia aiater had mad* a will dlalnherlt- and from the Wwt pi Chicago and
•li < I. :■••■,. I k t<e to aiL
Ing him
To gain pu»*e**'on of what he K akm * City. Heveral witnv*«»« teeti- osee corner Third and Bnw-taiidn At«.
• ndr-rr g .rd
th.- igbt waa th* oaly will waa 1.1» object. fied ■■ to the technnal CB«e of the Ore-
U ir.«ril>
• iti«l.u I urn
Call or write
If he could <lu that. Illa »later tw'ng Ig- g m and Washington lnndiermvn, «c
hlm il II.' Wvsl he. nd ~tr t, AllMliy
. -
wa* -1*- cording to ttie amount o1 output ol
atroied. would go to bar gm»» believ­ their cotn •«in«*, the points of de»tina
ing h*r*elf tee’at*
(to her death h*» ti..n of their | n-ii.-t and the prices
brother ..nd hav* cotua forward and |mi<t for It
The rate« whi. h the Ore­
claimwl th* property."
gon and Washington Initifmr prisince'a
It waa clever rvawmlng
'¡he doctor were force«! to |«i were ■ ft. r«-d in trail
llatened with breath:«** Intetwat a* (he mony and tbe aaaertioti was made that «o 1-
t«a,M Yaqutna
-. T U A
detective mulluurd
three rate* were auch aa to compel the
Arrive* Albany .
li.M A.
“Aaaumltig îhat II i* thia Henry Ora-
producers ol lumber In tbe Pacific No. >—
ham. let ua *e* what b* knew and whet
Northwest to clo*e tbeir mills. Wit-
Tram I«*«** Allwny ...
... m m r.
be did
II* mual have beard of tbe mak­
(kMealile .
I ii “
nseyee teatifird ttua< they wsra onahls
ing of thia flrat will, and aowwhuw or
Tnror Mrmi
* *u “
Other he muât have learned of it* mo-
Trai«« Te «e* tomi
H* «a» Ignorant of th» making
No S-
Afi»r t!»
' • tf * afiatrih
n ru«»
•f the t.e emd Ifiatrument
Sow let ua aee fit, and that they could not depend up­
• r a*
« m
* a>
l-rov<w Anwar 'or tNlrolt
__ 7
a {* » a - i F *i t. * a
ArnvM Iwcrolt
.... h a> a »
Itow he acted
II* gained an *ntranr* on tie b«*al market in their territory
fl * rot «
'* —* » w Mi S j V-'J’ or. F «■«■»Ml
•« ■'.*'■■•«•,
- «.-.«• Sn*
to provide iuc I i a market a* would en­ No •—
- . haMB -
H br ! ' d“1 ’I • ■'
» ' • • • ’ •• • ‘
' *» M . -i > ('<K rvLWatt
Ixasrae lietrott
I on r. M
imt.i .,» to atafa at preaent.
Probably able them to maintain their b »Ineos.
•( Ugf H. 'tad, w • h.vul r« Wife, |A (be
kmvve altoiir
tar a
h* may ha«a b*»n In eolluaion with *ome-
The line of cro*a eiauilnatlon indi­
Train« Tor («.«allia
body in ■ h* hnoa*. but I doa’t know y*t. cated the P'it|iosr of the railroad* to
xo. a—
«* » lî!‘ifi!f»,Fl ** •»!" Yjk’rsMt r<fk
IfB waa
’ ’ ■
aa to the •bow that the rate* were not exotbi
L mvm Alt«n y tor Corvelli«
•£ » < t »*•»? •
'<» • j
-w. T
14 ~
of the fa/nl't. f"r b« cboa* a taut, but really were fail and equitable
• I
• - •
Arriiea Cixieuia
. ............. ...
tun* when a* h* thought, they bad gone coin pare. I with the rate« giver, produc­ No I j -
i*«.«« Slli.ny
, ,, ..1 » r m
to th* ..peea
It waa a m*r* accident - er* >>f manufactured lumlier in the yel­
... - «. 'ji tr
Arrivo* al (.orvaiU* ... ,
w* don’t know whether it waa or not. but
._* « r M
low pin* district«
No. a -
«e will a.vime to that M •• Harriet
drnt of the s. >11
Leave* al’am y....... ....................
? »' r . M
IV». 1 î did not arm-n|«ny th* party. I
The S*cret of a
Armee Corvallis ..... ................
*.1» P. M
. w f inc ,ed to tbl' k there * a«
Beautiful Face
Tran.* to* Albaay
acn.e lov* affair between h*r and Van »•••iatlon, t«“tified that 90 per cent of
li»« in krcping the «kin pro-
the atat* bad No. S-
l.lth. which ac.-.un'a for h a preeenr* la the mills in hi* «action
tr<tf 'astaci!a*cleansed. Juat
Ivev«* Corvallis ___
b I bb
w«»l nf ii n.»v enougfe—tliat
Arrivas Albany
7ilo a
. .
- - ■
only Ir ave« thè deh. atc «urtare
Nu.» -
what I nieau
Ha won’t apeak for fear mill« now hare on hand 70 000,000 fret
m re cipero .1 to thcirritation
l^vivM Cor«« II«
il» r
nf lembrr. for which there <■ no mark
of compromiaiug the young lady
Arrl.M «I .11 -any .
i.f diut ar I germi) lo merci-
The Jo. tor nodded " la good.“ b* et.
Ife »aid the Weyerhaeuser* now No 7-
leu aiiat Li of lun and
¡owned all the timfer land* of the I
•al-l, ’’very good. Indeed . go ahead.
l*WV«i«<'«wvwill« __
wcathrr. After waahing, ap­
• on r. M
XrrlvM Albany
Th* aaaaaain waa a little diacoucer'.ed Northern Pacific grant and rirtually :
pi)' R> ‘ ertine ami eapcncacs
iti d.'yhiful rrfrcihmrnt.
at finding M a* and your frt*od controlled the pri«e within 100 mile* of Ko. II-
S i *i.i ujinirc the lirie-leM
.11 U*
In ib* chateau. Inateed of *at*ring th* the road
They bought 1,000,000 acre* .
Arrive« ai allen,y
.. U 14 I-
M.liAcm it impari* to face,
b. uae from tb* front, who h would be for |0,000 Ooo and sold one section of
No 11 -
nr k a l anni. It not only
ruparatlv*ly *aay, be waa mmpelled to that for |7A (Hkl atempage.
lie »aid
Lra<-M Airway.
.!1M I1
•tirn ale» a r i ! unt glow, hut
do *u by th* rear, ruuulng lb* r.ak of
i ;» r-, m
they now controlk«! price« and etn pha I ÀrirtvMa(Onrvslltt
prirtect» tha ikin Ir.mi liecotn-
be ng »een by th* *er«atita.
II* gained
AII of I I mt »ino» I rains .«Hinecl with Sou I hero
ir g coarve
l’reients burn-
aiaed the fait that the member» of his
Madam* KoU|*U't chamber and pro.*ed-
Pat ine ( <iut|wny trama, r.ub an Altwny an.l
iag, U and fr •< klea.
ed to **arcb for th* document. II* ran- ■•»rlAtion were anxious that the Inter- < uosllii. u »ell a* iraln tor Harnvlt, «I« n,a
aa. k«<l the deak and then threw tb* po- •late romnn**ion ahould open the Port­ diteci arrviea ui S. W|n*rl and at)«.«rni bassi I k *
land gateway to Washington lumbet *o aa sell aa II,viten’ i«h ||.,i <Vp l,,g*.
• u* turiti*» m(ormalum apply to
longer than he Intended
Ro abeorbed that Kivuth«ratrtn Waehington millmen
GKO V SKIIS* ..en I'aaa A«t.
waa he In hi* acarch that h* waa aurprla-
ed by bi* «Ictlm. He drew th* atlletto. Oregon and other Harriman territory.
aialifMtd her. and quietly
reeumed hl*
No indication of an end of the hear­
■earck tor the t«aper
After a time, he ing i* in sight. Hvrrrsl other caec« are
found It.
II* * a* about to d«*troy It prrweing for hearing by the fMitnmieaion, I
by fire, when It occurred to him that a but it ia not likely that the pending
1» 5 SIcKNIGiir
l«r<lim«nl would burn better If It waa .»•«•* will lie concluded before the mid­
In email piece*.
II* ataried to tear It dle of next week.
up. when he altered hi* mind, and inatead
of hurtling it then and ther*. pul It In hl*
Recover 320 Bodies
¡Hx-kot to I» destroyed at aom* mor* fav­
Monongah, W. Va., !>ec. 14 —The
orable opportunity.
I'nlixklly for him.
M\l-R Á McKNlGHf» i'roprictoit
<t and H of the
In hia hurry he did not pick up tbe acrapa ■march in mine* No
CHAITEH VIII. tContinued I
"I'm afraid, doctor, you would not •ttilled with MBr<W»n4UU prldo, and. aay nf
aiak* a very g<»..l d*t*>tlve
It*..- «-t that hr hud for the prevent iboihinf for*
that In nln* caste out of ten. the obvio a I her to riAtoiu« In th« b*«l cbacob^rw, iod
raeaou I* alwaya the wrung one. A ■ -art I bo «ay down
first uf all, h>w<r»r.
villain, who know* *n<"igb to carry glaaa roflarliAf, rttrefulljr. th« •*•»• which h«
Stllettea, and I -w to i.».- th. n aklllfu'ly
bid rwinov^d.
would not have aBt»«ce*earlly alarmed
Tablng hie hat fro*» th»
In th«
the household by firing a pl«tol In th* liall, and lnrilm< l»r, Ma«>»p to *<«om
deed of night. I Ih. n-il he would «Imply jiotiy hit», h*
quickly around to
have am.itherd ib*, already n•♦■it
ib* rmr of th«
A mno servant
Blbl« and unreeleting. with a pillow. ur «a» ehaiinf
carp»'« on th# bt* i
ebuhed her to death."
ll*n, |(< onh^rwd him to bring • ladder,
“I »»«. I eae," acqul*wc*d lb* pbyal
and. placing It agakiwt the wall of tbe
clan "(Io on "
•»» »»fifhul It nimbly.
'T»t ua a**ume. now. that tbl* un
**| thought •©.** Li? calM down
known p*r«.m enter».) th* I. *• thr • .'■ flor for.
ta«M»r will br«r lw«
th* window In M i • »ur Van l.lth’B cb.m
<‘omo up. plraw.'•
While ire»; ng thr gh tb* r - a
"What • Il thi« I !.«*■ ' Inquired Ma
he e*[.|ea ■ case of plain'«
II' ha* «Mi, • mu Ing bi» (>*• b »f» •• to bo on a
unanuml. aava with tbe Venetian atiletto
!evo| with thr window till.
llul once In th* houee. hi* ...urag* fella
diro»’t*rl tho ph,«‘ .un’i •’
II* pi. ii* up a j ,'.>l from th* caa*. 4onUoo to a «light abraoion of th* otono
■aylng, Thi* will p. '»• • lie If I haw
“That wee rauo*»! bjr tho i«m« ehoo
to proceed to extremities ’ He pa«æa >•» whm bo l*«p*d from thr till/' bo * b plain
I* Madam* Roupell’» chamber, and fall* »•<!.
te •aerrhlng am.uig b*r papere Nh» I*
"R-;t wh*ro did h* trap tot" inquired
• woman of large property, and must
th« doctor "T II H **in<k»W i« t«»nt y fe»t
have valuabie*. II* la not after money,
from tho ground, at leant
Eten it be
for tb* ilia > • 1« *h h »1
• >r* to th»
had boon in hl» storking feel b» lu UBI
ep-ra ha«* not been lak-n
While thu* bar* Irft aotna
■ nd you «ay
•a gaged. h* I* Interrupted by Madam*
bo had ohooe on."
Roapeli, who ruah*d forward to aa«* b*r
**llo rrochod tho ground a noi her w«y.
paper* II* Jump* from hl* chair, over
tluit ia all." ropllwd Caooagiio
turning It, and ralwa il» aill*ito: ah*
Hkoly bo Jumpod into that tr*o
torus and fl*ee h» | ur> i"l and «la >a b*r
oor if It Io ¡voooibk '*
I»o you uu.leratand. m rial*.ir •"
’ * (/
* a •
.r .* • w • '
"1«« I
■ ’
tho rigging of • lowool. ho rllmbod up
hia firing tb* ; -atol Into th* heed of a
I he root of thr ladder and stopped nn to
woman wh • n he bad apparently already
tho window alii.
After n>*o«uring th*
pul out of th* way of barm ug h u
diotonc* with bio ojro for a fow gnoraonto
am »Mining, of ■■our»», that In* >•: •■ < hr »Aid
w»a not murdor.
ora*. Madame
“It wa« « dorprmta loop for a man
Roupell may ba«* recognised him and be
may have wanted to be aura ah* waa to tfthr In tho night limo; but r*‘*o|loct,
ho «« a dcoporata fellow.**
Thotl gathering biinoolf together, »nil
"Evan that would not have warranted
everting hi« mormon» mvocular. »trmgib.
hl* risking t - i <
. •
bo »prang from thr wiuda>w
A prnjoi t
•a I hav* airrod) -ait I:* oiild really
ing bough noarlf a duirn fret ow»y u««
have amo(h«»e.| her without making any
hi* obj*'ik«e point
Hr caught it. and
nolae." replied Caaaagn».
with th» •< liir of a trapesut
"True! T h«n why J.d h* fire th* pa
hand over he nd down to th«* trunk. A»
I m » »wutig hiwtoif around th* t*r»u> b, hl»
“It la easy to roujwture." returned th* •yo foil u|»on • otnoll. guttering object
"Ha did It to direct »itp:
•to il fa»t in t’* f -*k <’f the tr«*
cion from himself to tbe owner of tb* piefcod II up. and »lid rapidly down to
tho ground, where tbe <i«o tor wa» a trail
“IT»» diabolical villain !" »(daltuej th* ing him. Placing in the physic Ion a l»an<l
doctor, and apparently so up. .«rd waa a •mil! gold Io* het. the dotovtlrv 01
h* with M. Cwaaagu«’* th*- ry that h* kept <'ainieil tn a dehghte«l i < «•
repealing th* phrae* over and over again.
1*11 have him I’ll And him now. If I
Th* diabolical villain!“
h«vo in hunt for him all oror I rnneo ”
Hut M t’aaaagn* paid no he*d to th»
Jnot th*« on» of the aervant» approach
ejaculation* of th* phya lan
11* wa* e*l
**lf WO» twelve <»*f|nrk. Would the
down U|«,n hl* knee*, running about on g*n»lem*n like break fart?"
all four» on th» carpet, totally regard ■•*»
“Tho g*nt!em*n will hove «wiine break
ilia now foot by oil mean».” replied M f‘a»Mgno
of the Injury to hia |«inlal •‘•in
waa within an Inch of the floor
“Our Io I »or ho» l*e*n ImMonoe, our reword
he atoppml In th* mildla of th* • part
ought to b* proportionate,” and the pby
»ent, and »•claimed
bi ian led tl»* way
ond together t.iey
“(live ma th* knife."
p»ar*d into the chotewu.
If* at
The doctrw handed It te him.
enro proved»«! to cut a»«; th» .wrp*t.
■ nd theti to dig furiously Into tb* w.wjen
Hardly had M Alfred t aaoagne **ral
lowe»t th* la»l mouthful of hl* breekfaat.
“What on earth ar* you looking for?” than hl* active mind reterted again to
Inquired Maaon
th* my at cry which yet aurrounded th*
"Never mind,” replied Caaangne. "Wait death of Mm*. Houp*ll.
■ moment, nn.l y. , || see "
Who wa* th* man. at preaenl unknown,
He kept on digging away with ih* who bad crept Ilk* a thief In the night
knife as furi.. >*ly aa »«or
\t last h* Into th* chateau, and a* quietly atolen
■ way when hl* foul work had been ac
■ - -
. bla. k ctmipllahcd? And what waa Kia moti«* In
object. Then be eiclalmed breathivaelj
cutnmitllng the crime? Waa I» In any
"All right: I have got th* bullet."
way coMoctod with M Chabot? Could
“If wo only had Van l.ilh’a pistol it I* poaalble that tb* prefect of polle*
h*r*,” aal.l Mason, “lb* *v|.|en.v would had atumhled on lb* real Inatigator uf
be complete, but It la In 1‘aiia ”
th* murder In the peraon of t’hala»t. and
Th* detective ar»M and avnoolhed out that thi* unknown |»r«>n waa bi* mo
th* knee* of his pantaliMina, win h be bail federate? M<»t likely at that moment,
sadly < rurni - I
•ome officer from ih* prefecture waa *n
“We have got what 1» quite aa g.*xl,'
gnge.| In rl.iaely watching (‘haliot’a alight
he Mid.
“Go Into
rat movement*
There might tie *>»tn»'
T«*u to on« thing In th* prefect * theory, after all.
bring me th» other
they Were mate. "
Mature reflection omvlnce.1 M I'aaaagne
Taking the piatol from
that It would not do to diamlaa It with
ha nil*, lie pnvbed th» bullet
a rner* ahrug of the «bouliler*. (*hal*>t'a
ale. It fitte«] to a nicety.
«■■complice might be th* man they were
W* have thu* far.” «aid M. <’awM<».*. l.mklng for. Anyhow. It would not du Io
"establlabed our th. ..ry «n.. .-««fully in leave th* ,*>lnl un.«iiere.l
regard to one very Imp 'taut
"I tn<i*t write at on ■*,’’ he a*Id. pr»w
Neither yeur friend Van l.lth nor M<m
catty, “to t'llqimt. Cllquot I* my aaalat
■ieur Chabot had a hau l In thi« murder
W* muai have him keep watch of
It waa co:iimltt»«l by a third pari)
thi* Monaieur i'habot’a Movement*.“
»imeone who entered the h.Hia* unknown
M ('a«u(gti* wrote out a aerie« of In
to atyone. and who left It In an .«piaHy •tructiona, («rticularly cautioning hia aa
secret manner. Ic*t u* aee. now, how h* ■latant to keep track uf M Chabot, and
got away, and what means of > -ape pre
tinder no rlrvumatancea. If be ran acroaa
ernte.l themaelvra.
II« rotlid not have any of th* people from th* prefecture, to
be lore off.’*
mad« hi« e>lt by any of the doora, be
let them really know who h* waa. Then
(To be continued.V
NUM on* of them lei to the room In h* appeared to b* engro«*N| In thought,
which Van l.lth waa hiding, and another lie nibbed hi* hand* violently together,
Uhy they III m l»l»ered.
opened dlrva tly into the chamber occupied aa if he would impart activity to hia
“Did you notice that nearly every om
by Monsieur (’ballot. There 1« still, of brain by th* friction. He aroae. thruet
lit the andlem-e all«-«! tear« during my
conr*e. a bare ih-ince that he retired by back bin chair, and began to walk rapidly
death «reueF’ queried the leading
the door lending Into the corridor, but It up and down th* room, »topping ocvaalon-
I* altogether Improbable that he would ally to eiamlnc th* picture« on the walla, lady.
"Yea." Answered th* anubrett«. "and
take auch a risk, aa that corridor was with th* *y* of a critic.
Ihrongvl with i« op!» hurrying to Mad
“Ma.hme'a hual>and left her very well I don't blame them."
am» Houpa-H’a . han>b.-r al th* *ound of off. I ahould Judge." be remarked at hurt.
"l»unT blMtie them!" m-tioe«! tbs 1. L
the «hot.”
"Very,” replied l»r. Ma*on.
"Whjr, what do ymi mean?"
That la ao." *c<)ule»ovs| Mason. "Had
“How long ago did Monairur Roupell
'The)- were ne«t to the |>«tiiful fa.*t
he attempted to ««.ape Into the corridor di»r
tha/ y«nir di-mlao waau't real,” explain­
he would iin.loubtr.IIy liav* been Seen
“About fifteen year».”
ed tli« aoubrvtte.
■ nd captured."
"And then ah* took up with the
“lie mnat. therefore," continued Caa
<‘om parlann«.
“Not Immediately.
It wa* not until
»•gne. “hate gotten out of the windows
"Why do so many of our atdeet men
Th* man I have In my mind'* ay* at the the death of their imrenta that Madame turn their bucks on the |>ut>llc and >le-
present moment would hate been smart Roupell went to America to f»tch them.“
v.-te tli.-lr tah-tita to the aervl.-e of
•n .ugh to rala* tha window liefore he
"Tell me what relatlvM Madame Hou-
gretil coqioratlona?“
flrevl the »hot. lie would be |iartietilarly yeell had b*aidra th*** young ladle«.“
"Well." Answered Senator ftorghum.
careful not to !<-ave any clew tiaaat he
"Ther* were no other relative« eicept
had been in the chamber, for that would a brother, a diawJute character, who fol­ “I aliouldn't t>e aurprlaetl If It waa t>e-
»lonerat* the owner of the piatol.
||e lowed hi* *i*'*r from America to thia esnae a <v>rporstloti generally aland* by
would certainly not have l»«i»-l from th* country."
a man wh<> hna worked for It and the
window, becauMi that would have left
“And hi* name?“
jKibllc generally docan’L"—Washington
footprint« on th« ground . you will b»k
"Aa I recollect It. Henry Graham, I
In vain for such. Y*t he did get out of believe. A man of fifty or aiity."
thi« very wimlow."
«trike* «.«•14 Krery Week.
“Il hen did you laat aee tbla Henry
"flow can you tell that?” asked Mason, Graham?“
American tnurlat In Kngand. awelng
la amaaetuetit. "It hia been already In
"I never *aw him hut once
II* came a fnnn Inlain-r digging a deep drain:
«recto.! by th« prefect of (»lice.
lie to the chateau, on aom* begging evpadi
"What are you digging here for?" a«k-
baa also searched carefully under the tloo when I happened to be h»r*.
II* ml the tourist.
window, for I mw him doing It. If any­ pretended to be v*ry affectionate.
•‘(«old. guv nor.” replied the laborer,
one had passed through that opening be waa a poo* looking creature, quite broken
Tourist— When do you
arnuld surely ha«* di« ovaraff It."
down wb»n t mw hitn. and not et «Il tha
■trike II?
Th* prefect I* doubt l<*a* a goixl ofll
kind of man to commit a dannf rrlm*”
laborer—One «’clock on RAturJay.
cer." replied Ca«Mgna, "but |f h* had
"R*col lect that th« moment Mvlama
looked closer, h* would have aeon that Io Roupell died h« had an lnt*r*»t In her
I) ifiefi«ri|Ftl,
climbing through th* window th* man »•tat*. II* waa her n»ar*«t heir at law."
fzively Fiance* -Oh. George. 1 Boot**
btuabed the duet off thia geranium iMf
"Rut ah* had mad* her will, ah* had lime« tlilnk I would rather die than I*
with bla coat."
.Unowned him. and utterly caat him off.
Th* dm-tor bent down and placed tbo That will bequeathed all her property to married I
tlorgr What, darling! Rather dlr?
leaf indicated alongaid* one that had no< h*r nircea 1 witnewaej IL I knew what
Lovely Fiance* Yea, you don't I ib « b
been touched. Tli* truth of the de tee- waa in II"
tl*«’* diacovery became then convincing
M Caaaagn* began to grow mor* and to rv-brarM half a doieti time« for that,
One wba ew«*r»d with da*L th* other had mara InterveteaL Ua no longer caat hia you know.—Chicago Trlbuu*
Hill Give Canadians Bel er Rate
Than Amerlcini
Pup’s Coffee House
j j
Attorney s-ot-Luto
Notary Public
Linn County Abstract Co
Dr. J. Mon Foo
Scknülic Jfmcriwn.
Ml NN SCO.*’*
♦ «
% è
Scio Livery & Feed Stables
Fairmount Coal company for victim*
of Inst Friday’* eiploaion «■■ «impend­
ed early tonight. |wrtly !•<•'•■ u«e fire
had again broken out In mine No. R,
and partly becauee practically every
»■■•lion of the teo mince ha* been ei
plored and It waa not believed that
further search along the rame linee
would result in the finding of more
Three hundred an<l tarnt»
1 k «I< m have been removed.
Of three
71 were American*.
Weadl’ g I ut Japan«««
Norfolk, Va., I’ve. 14.—Ace «riling to
the rey-Tt of |wtty officer« on »hut*
leave tonight, when the fieri pulls ont
Monday for the Pacific there will not
I* n .lapanear cook < r »rrvant on any of
the imnelmla.
Thi* report I* to tha
effect that ihr Jajanewr ate Iwing qui­
etly but tapidly weeded out by order of
the comnianding officer, and
place« are living fill«d by negroes. No
reamrti i* given for the order by th«
Lowest Bidder on Canal Lumber.
Waehington, Dec. 14 —The Olaon-
Mahoney Lumliet company, of San
Francisco, wa* the Io weal bidder at
*134.372 for farniahing the Isthmian
('anal mmniiadon with approximately
B.tMMI.OOO fret of Ittmher, ranging in
eitea from 1x3 to 12114 inche*. The
material la to be delivered at Colon or
Diem were 21 bidder». It 1 b
ex period that the Olaon Mahoney com­
pany will get the contract.
Hacks connect with all trains both at West
and Munkcrs
Our rigs arc first-class and our horses good
drivers. Prices reasonable
K immo
T. J. MUN KERB. Prea‘t
C. A
O. -esto re I
W. r GILL,
e o tutta»
T >
ÏB. (BO?
We do a General Custom Milling ■ualneee. Flour and
Feed on Sole. Wheat Bought end ZachBnged for Flour,
We are In the Field for Business .
Will Treat You
Wil* Contieu« î I 2 Cerf R«>*
Montgomery. Dee 14 —The Pont hern
railway k»lav agreed to keep In fore*
-S W|i pa**eng»r rate nntil tbs
other atat* rote qnsatlou* are settled.
o R b O O N