•J* I t Siintiam ¿leu üliticuihj independent- F.iilertal al Ihr p.,-1 il, e al *-<■,, Oreg-ai, *» aa»-oi>4 < ¡asa mail mailer. »-1 lai I » » ) »- i ■ T. E. uno ihi I'AV m e I » 1 < ì < • IH. AM|> -1 l( :t y«*ura .......................................... Hi» tnonlha in m »K a» «••• .a» Thrre ft|t»nlhg in advgh*^ .............., • = «♦,. ... Ningle mpy in «rgp|N»r ....................................... .. Al»v Hll-I\(i (‘ani thank« ...................... » Nfranai ««Intiiarv iMitirra, |»**r line .......................... E1U» nÌr*l w r«Ìfe • ■oninirnta, |»*r lina ........... e v«-rlit'ing, par line |w-r !*•<»•* llHpliiv ada. U t bang«*« |^r iwhlh, onr rolli nifi widr. Iw-r farli . ........................ .. • • Pndrraiun d cardi», 1 farhre, i«> Iw ■•••»• • praelK« la» »n Ihr MM«. Fifly-fuor • I U mw »iKwrvluily p»»»-r«l ihr rwrut m ■ minatili«»«, «, m I <.»»» J W Uurtuti, «■- ■«luilt'P . u»i pa|wr- Irum «notti»» sta r Tl«r »1« m iwu ai'«d , -*•» Ju»»«* 1*1, 1(0,' . ««..I irk i«««»», uiuiiili « h 4 10 4«»» Wli»ti two «■-•»• ol »gr. »I m - iiwiirtl «itli bar |«renl. Irum J.-r-av iiiurity, ill»., Ui »»rant nwiuljr W I»., • hrrr tlun »«wulnl luf 111»«" »■«•». ihell »r«ll»i rtl lo Jr»»«» «■■ «11.IJ III» In IA'11 •I.«- n.»wl lit« plain« with hrr i-««rtil*. «1« an «»I team 11»- p urn»* »»nui»"I »11 (■><» Hi» (or the lluiiillliiii» I«» »*-»« Ii I m» UHinly Onyuii A donation lain) rialiM, »ik lull«-» -nnitli >4 Nci» WSB »»In '««I fur the na* h him ». Slie »•• ,.«i J«r-I «’■ ntiiiu- o«i»lr in Ina lixahly to the lime ••( li»r 4i-«th alilillivvi- vrptiuti ul tan year» •i«-i‘i hi Ja> twin «> mi >4» <>»»« •« <>ti Ju|f I, lwki »Ii« ««• iiiiitwl.iu tuarriaiti- l-> ♦ M’>ntc<> n- •r». on II e farm a li«»r »hr 4u->l T»*i»r «liil4r*-n »»ri» llie frnll» of tlii« uiimn, llin-a mn* «ml nine «laughter» Th»«-» •>< iti.» «Might»«« 4iml man* yaara a«»«» Th »arriving Hwmlier» of in« iainiiv are H-r I.u»iiaii4, A Honlguin« «, «I«» i*»»«dBa on the oomr farm; Mr. Prll . ................ ..I-».. Mr» Clara M ii ... L 1» ... tty. . 11« • • • < - • < • ' 11 r-«* i « • ■ •» M •*• This is i That "Every «nan lias hi» price." very common everv <1 »y «•»pressi«»n. it is general i . i i.jl 'A h- u T- f- i ‘iig «•» nil’ll OOlOing IIUOIIL- |H1NI i’»'ii"ni!B, Mrv. .»• imv ^tikiirr, ui w'»i»v’»u•••*»..a*’*--; It is Mr*, ifapp.v KM»**. ♦»( •» <1 <’ A » H aim I M i «« tion, or t » m«-n holmnt pis.tions of trust. bini B, th«- lliree yl«l lnini«'»<«*a.L Three ••»le»» ami two brullirta Is ol tl e li»t rl urvli al there not, now and then a man who it absolutely BrutUlrme, a lea aiilea Soutliea»t ol -i». In ,SNU .lie Undoubtedly cliangrtl tier inemlier»liip frvim Provulrme to tlie cliuicli oi honest who is unpurchasable? St- hi , of wliwli alia lit ml a r in»l«tent member u «it II the limr •■( there are many men who woultl scorn the idea of hr» dralll - !>• • .. • ■ . e • a mr m I-• r ! I « -jr H i.Utg liK-uu ii. n or tneir influence for a money ihi» city. Mr» M--nlgoiiw»y •«« alwav» rnergeti-. aml'Ki i> an-l in consideration, The price of such men must be iluviri ii» HL ever hmi a kind a««nl <4 advira <■» ••( aarning Some could (or young and old. Her kind hand» prepaml ami mjiuinl»ler- measured by some other standard, ; «*4 fL-ely U. the «viinlorl-4 ail a ho vamr hi Iler home, not b«- reached through th«-ir love of uffi -tai prefer- l aatri t ! Ilir thirst* traveler on III«-’»» (uurney. Hu ae «-an truthfully or a if «-ct ion. •a* Dial a kind, drvnlanl ami true a ih- axrther ami ■ lilhl • •••‘I aurruwa, lo hr» rvaanl • nd liettar Imine alaiva. w ' ki seem to lie proof against the tempter and ! laiBNO. Bl ind put lioldly and f»-iirl«-.-«sly for justice and (A phofaigraphir half-1 -lie rut a «• o»-lrr«»l for the stane, right. A case in jioint which now occupies th«- I mi ! It fall-d lo errile in lini« The piloto will a| paar 111 nail «iwk'i melle. E-l ) public eye most promituihlly, is that of lion. Francis J. H«-ney, the assistant public prosecutor, down in oar» Fraiicinco. Every one is pr.mably The Häy wuod trial, up at Boise is, in many fimiiliur w ¡th the graft onwi-cutions i that have i ruspata the most important that him occurred in I" «-ii going on down nt th«- Bay ( ity for semetime the u. S. for many years. It is apt to develop !l<-w Mr. Heney ami Detective Burns have un- Die fact that there is an immense amount of cor- «■<1 rt - <-<1 such jKisiti.e proof that the sixteen city ruption in the governments and courts of both la v makers and the arch conspirator of the bunch ! Idaho and Colorado. The fact is. also, observable, In order, if poHrtible to mitigate the punishment I that Judge Wood, who presides over the trial. w'.ich they knew th«« richly merit**!, saw proper i I«ran<» strongly towards the side of th»* pr>«*«*cution. to confess their guilt By their conf«-ssions it be­ Many of his decisions show a bias so plainly, that comes uoHsible to reach lawbreakers that, other­ an appeal should result in u retrial, providing, of wise would have Is-en absolutely s»,cure from course, that conviction is the result of the present prosecution. Now is it reasonable to supimse that trial. it . ir. Heney ami 1) tectivc Burns were purchas- aide, that any amount of money would have been placed at their «isposal? It can then be assumed REW SCHOOL TEXT HOOKS. tl. it Me-srs Heney and Burns are proof against u money cons.deration. Yet it is possible that these The State School Text laxik c Immission consist­ men an- purchasable if approached in another ing of Messrs H. W. Scott. P. L Campbell, W. manner and may not be an exception to the rule. M. Colvig, C. A. Johns and M. A. Miller met at All men are controlled to a more or less extent Salem, last week. After selecting H. W. Scott as through selfish motives. 5«>lf preservation is said t.^airman aiuj attending to the preliminary busi- t<> I»»- na.ure’s first law. Th»- motive that actuite»l i«-ss necessary, the board unsimuously •*,!»*<'ied A »«.• Rt-uf ami th«- S hu Francisco Supervisors, W ms - the list as given lielow as the s.-hsil text books purely a s«-iii»ii one. They never woultl hsve rnp- for the next pernxi of six y«mra. After the ex- f< -ised their guilt, if the evidence of their guilt ■hange is effected the new series will be found to had not I mh - h discoven-d. Hence the price of each >e a trifle cheaper than the old series. of them Was imrtial or whole immunity of punish­ LIST OF HOOK.-» sEl.I.i I Eli. K«-«il»-r» — ment. F. «i-lianit«* K«*lail However, so far as it is known, Messrs Heney I’fu-e. 1‘tlCr-. and Burns are unpurchasable. They should be -Vheele *a(ir*de » . encouraged in «-very way |*»d«ible, to pursue the Il hreler '• t «raded l irai K< ader .10 .» g ns] work of purifying munk-ipal affairs in the Whm-ier'» <«ra«l»«l He«v»n».!---«!.!.- »? - 4»*»g« I • fk5 .13 u nniUr ee|«rale tiu«>k atlopl.-d ; a» ili ua>- »ritte» Brillimeli«*, fore the p«s>ple, have been known t« sacrifice their filatori— p- rsonal honor for a n-w hundreds of dollars. Of I khii «»' Elein.mtari llìatory.............................. *1 .«Ml ! os co irs<- th«- legislator or congressman who sells his 4i»l<>ry ol V. H , by Itoab......................................... •7U «irammar— vote or influence for a few hundn-ds of dollars, ilvliler A.Hotrhki»»’ Motlern F.nitlieh lekanna,. Ili .40 does not expect that his crim«- will ever be found ilehlv» A llolchkiaa' filiglieli < r ratinila» .... ..Iti .56 o it Those- San Francisco supervisors did not ex­ l irli l»i.*»r»inent— No »«’parate l»a.k a-lopte«l—hi tory tu be u»e-«-.»in«. known to the world. Yet it i - — là -_L. •• » — » .... .«a . »* w* . r z ’ ::: ’ ? ? • * ’ ra •«»•».. ........... A' w is. Every man who sells himself for a pnce, -1radi-iì ! .eau.ua in Ph*ai«ducy ami II «’girne d i -s so at liis peril. His misdeed or crime may (Kr-hnì ....................................................................... . 31 SII b -ei.m»- exposed when h« H|||w, I to a ■tf Ing the price of his honor. ■ lltlmA Prartkv Hooka, A, B. (’, l> .O' «n pi re W riling Spailnr .0’ T.iere is a sort of moral wave passing over every Spelline— '«• in the union. Then- is a disposition on the .12 Jy t art of manv officers of th«- law, and their number Ke»4‘» Uriril leaaona Mseie— N»-»-ms t»» I n - incn-asinv tn hunt not btw T rwyn»«' i fai i-atwnai Coarea officinl grafters, bribers, and bribe takers. Th« Fir«t Q-aik .HI ¿n Hecunil II uk .13 fw-tiple anoul I encourage prosecutors ano courts. Tliir.1 Rn.k .IR Who seen dispwil to execute the law without Fmirtli lba.lt •A) .4 f<-ar or favor, in every way possible. They should 2d Hfth Hook .6 make it kn >wn in th«’ most forcible manner, that Draaing— public opinion of law abiding citizens will uphold tri Fallii atiun Drawlfig Bi«>k». I tu S, flrit three txx«ka, 1*> and supp rt ail officials who fearlessly execute. cvuU. la»t Ù*a, JU veul*. i I T J. Mi.uk.ra, W F Hill, I » H--t<-la. rwurta and attract >• ma Bl k D. Myers, J. J. Harnee, Xrwpurt ar • »«v e »urte -4 »«rat aall.twiiuu tu viait.,ra I I Mini add arraliy l- III» p- pulartiy ..t Una < ► laat cutniog •••dy 4>r-g •» C-»-al Hi ».ri," alll I«- llir Up nli.g UU J«»ir >r-l li«e ".Srapuit llie-lre" f ir liw aunmwr waaun l>> a ‘Hi»li « laee l-luk t --rii tiaiiy," iiia-l«* up -I »- uh » uf lite l*-al Btxk a«l«>ra un ili* L‘«*»i. i«» »«cit’-ie vartone nieitiln-rw --I tl«e u,-ll kn-.ai« • Baker Tlinalr» Nl-ek l-impa j,” »1 A •»*»€“» "!a , M?** i.. I«a»»l r-.-riianu p «•. a»ail.o4e will b. |»r«.lmw4 .lur.»M tl»«» a»«»..it . «kill. «umj Juii i«t. ti» ” • • • r ■ lo tlw | Hl Um --lie ol th« largeai auu iwai .-.(.. pi—l -katiag Kink- iu -he X- rll»- ae»t. ixintaiuiug l.’XW -,|ua»» l-el-4 fl..,» »|a«v Tl«e «ink «»1(1 I* o»«n ««ii- linuoa»ly day •«»-• areuing, ex-wpl duri- a bat hi- K Imur». W• Ju a C.k.r.l Cu.lom Milling Bull.»,, Fl.u, and Ihra.- ta» attract ou» «III divnle Sala & WHaa» B«u|hl and Ha.l.angad far r ...» hoo<>r» with v »»tor» in fllllng a lung- fell want l-ir «--me pUce lo abile awa* We ara In »Ha Flald far Butina«» and Will Flour th.- «ventage .ill»» th« cl-we ot «Mil n I- pur. ha-r.i daily ami are «.»id h»r retti».■ until (k t/>b*r lUth. 1W>7. in adilitiuu u w*»-n ticket», tilt» TabrptaoM» Ksrhanga No, 11 < ompAi.y and Southern f-acill« l*«.m- ¡■auy lia»e |»la«'nl ‘>u aal« al ivdiK«-«! •IO. : i i ,t : : oRKuoN ti.iae ralM. p»-|silar a«-- k «-U'1 li.ow -la» IH In &«-. <<«-«i fumi sìiui U a » tu MoinlAt, J U U1LL. HMD t< r llir Iwurtn ul tlu«w »il«» c»uu-l -.4 vanlA<«^*u«l* u-«- Bwa-M» Ui'kvt«. l-ul Fruprieiwr alni loAÌrv ù» inaka (r«-.. prv«»ia »patiAi '~u • Having j«sir» i»«* «i iUr iiaïu-.MÎ Ma»k« t tn «» the »*r»»|»rtkttnr. <»u) Uay P.irurai«m" inno Iroin Altiany «»» M Knight. I «ntidt the pairrmage ol the \e«|i->rt alni ral-iru, anJ bava un «ai«- putkitr • will AMviHlnue »>»• '»n 1 hr una -la» ni iiraKii In Urla al rv,hio -l rvmtl on the ral*l>H«beJ and «uppt) rat«-« tur lina iiam. «I»«»IN- «ut« a t'fh’*« With • FaaMingw* hul*lm< ••u»»-,n, «>r thrva- Ch «Ite to huui tiw « as piai tana» <»l «very day lk-k«-ta H»riil»uii«al. Cai» Iratei ifu lg I mh I) » I a -leierminalkut to treat ever) <] RLflL ESTAI t BRuKt~ > i.r returinnp uu Builder t. tcuiviuii one rtgM, ! aw traina. Y nra f«»i tMMrttwaa, F-»r inLirmalioti relativa lo ratea, traina, et« ., a-*-- tariti un ttlv et alali- uà propertMMi bou a ht and anîd i.»r |s>t»lic in«|M-» li*»«i «ir r»der l«- any »i Ih u«ral t'olii ml ««Ion i««i« Acrili »»I l-irialha A Eaetern H H, « ai .. Il )« hi vaut t»» «ail jour ta un. I «an -rll it If km iherii Fa« ine C -inpaiiv ur Orvguu • an Iw a>»kJ. If )uu waul to buy. «ran and W. ». tWIMC. T 1. Ml SRKK*. Kailaav A XavigaiMn t unipanv. ••r | »»ara )uu »aut. CaabMM. Proal .ml. 11KU F NatlNB SCIO ROLLER MILLS Physician Surgeon GE0RGE* K0E.NËKE Dentist L. K. POMEROY SCIO, OREGON General Faaiwng- r Aaent. THE SCIO STATE BANK Corvallis & Eastern R. R Treia» > rana* **»M Irai»-••••• Re I- I.MVW- Y a 4ulua ..7.1 ) rr ( ■ »-• a : ’«M I ) Ht» >- tram lra«ra Aì><«ny “ - * ROYAL RESTAURANT li. -I 4 X 4.- r s I 1k “ •• Coi volito orHret Tr«M To m M F »w B t I fo H. No. >- Iraivra Al M* N»r Itoiroi« „ 7 w A. M. irrivra l** T. OKKtiON c. c< ar malw.n nk.l Proprietor albani . obkoob w* ATHKuroan a nt art Attorneys-at’Lß«? • •» F. M « A HI F. Il iLRANY S*llowne«» Trsnifortned to Dusky Beauty A dark »kin berumer fawina»in( when deli< airly »oft, underapread with the radiant glow which indi­ cate» a healthy, active ikin. Robert- ine keep» the »kin rehned in quality, keep, pore» free from c ln>v«nr yo« lanm.l tu |H»nhnw> f-• An-rpl •« warily «òr B mw «} H«<*nl, nur wlrv.« mwlvlHg tha ivnagi of our ••pan i-Hra Ltfa'Hisbed in rROBERTINEl «-» c C f ^r-v ra * Sckutifk Attorney-at-La c Attorneus-st-LatD Mtavlng ii«i « «Pung Mmra ¡Mifitng H« h» P atents «•«ti fra#. MONII a MM VA NT A BON Ml <»i ihr ahn va train« rann rat with Rirather» i*BclHc t oui!«it) train«, hot » at Al’«ny an«i «»» vai ha. a« veil as train !w llaAmtt. felvm. ira» i wrfkv tn Nrwjwvrt and adjutant trau* be- • writ «« Brailrnl»u«h Hot «pt Inga. »«< I UTT na-r ir»«aev MMtipeaas «a|»¡^y !» Ugo F MRViN« «al» hM..W •I. H CRON iMR Agent. Albany. ~A«youg •**-*«< ••le-gl» Mkewrtaift »»•M'kw« M M Only Pira«-Claas Shop in the C4.y »a. Il - ...all n A. M l«ra *ra i o* VBlito ... It Ml F. M Wrrtvraal Al hau y A It Ira ra ............... ....ISA F M 1 IA F. M intera al i «valila .« A A 4 4 a Li H. tnui tara ve« r v Bilia ........ .... «tito A M iEORtlE DAVIE A M Arrivra Ailrany . .. -«■» # - ÏH» !>>> F. M I 1 xaivrai l’ocw b IIta .•««•«••»■ ' . »■ • • 1 . - e • • ••. <«■*.» '•«• • . ■» X REAL ESTATE BROKER Iweul) fragra «aivrlrncv tn Notary würfe • »*1 lan«l «hwllng givra ut* • grurral knuwhsg« •I «rlltwn InMíMinwnia «nd lang (libra. g«i •ilfti«traik4i oí »statra carafuily attendrai io; Ma urgoti«trai, ab«r»rtsol Olla pnvurv.1 «•»4 M'iu 1 î • » r Iratv« AIU«ny %trt*ra al i orvallto YO. A— ... Arri ve» cor valila .« Η taw»»e<'or*alft» O'H5 All Nl«M. M M ....... W- Notary Public Oregon Scia I kmm » a ip-nrrai linking A’»d «trhanga Uual liras l.raitR ii'.a ir at curmit hr ira and drall» ,