A , • T. » V * Í • * ‘X - RUMMAGE and Clearance Sale! Wonderful Bargains In Shirts. < * ’ ’ .t|»-, n*. Hat». I’n'l'-rwrar, Shors, ('verdlls, ggii>", Slipper*. Dr« »* I khm I k . Lar- , f’i'llais. \\ai»t*. Sweaters and < litldrriu* I*n *»* s. Many other Articles; Space will not permit us to mention all •<“ > ALBANY •< • C* SxE. YOUNG 5 SON « 9 » » A 9 PERSONAL mention LOCAL BRCVITICS t h» »» if \ alenili*«*« j*»»l received H D I^futon went *«vvr to ladw ;« i», al M’ K'lbip’r. T U*'*«l4 y rvrnim . Ihilk Ollvm at J. F. Vi ceroy*« Grocery Mr» Honetofi le r» |* rlvd to lw •> fT»«r. at Su «'rum a quart. ing from |*arwly*i«. Threw ili H rent parti««« are figuring on G»» ar I'«’mm y, •■! lAfomb, was down riveting « (L«uring mill at G lmii»»n. Ihr hr»t « I thr w* • k th» < , ’ x ■» h » 1 •» J ♦•mg «•■»«•! L* MOIIH» of J e Bihi-u amt Mr Frbruary w< r«* th*» M'h<*»l chirlfvn a* » *k«tiiig rink. th W I« frutli Ui'llih, |i.«-*Hay Portland •a!»«»n« wiM have their G«s»rg«* Morrow t.ilk* >4 /oing iato th* hrrn«*r rai»4Mt fr«»m f »•«> t*» Is Q |««*r ( #11)' burine*«*, ol* a »mad m ' m * v . I ann* m. ,Mr and Mr». F r« d Idw» w* r. Thr IT i 'Ì|Ì| m * huihling 'thr r»|t| «ahw»h) rm ng Ally theater dev*«tra, U im I ih * ■ ha« hv*Mt ri iilt«! »• a pm air club ami - » M * V V • : i I g Mr*. IL u*ton‘* two «IniigL’rn», < trii* ami OipliA a •• al hvr Gd»i e during her «Ickorá». «• rr*i»»rr r«ur locftl« t«» Ihr third l«Mgr of the New«, th»« wwk, ar* *uch an «rrangvm^nt i» i*rvtrrabi«*. > Marion Al xai (Mici* ; after li»-3ii»r»* inattrr*. If r c or rharr • Fl. D. Mvvr», Scio, Mr* J. J Barn«*«* who ha« I* rn qui*« iOrrgt.fi. Ìli lor a liUinlw t » f da)« 1» m*w rr|»v *‘T*»ntfu»*« of Fire,’, 1*e- !•» l*r g* lliiig I’vllvr I mm ng l «> lu?i«l haw t»»«r»i ordered by Lrr Biiyru twlk* of *ed ng - . ■ . c«>w* mid quilting th«- dairy *latv« or nmve »hop. i a <1 ihw’iir Pumvroy «•»•Id it) arre» of! Jimmy Burn«*« ami Ttotig llamihot», from Id* farm near Ijiromb. to Mr 1 . ’ -» \. í .i. nerlte «oiiMirn • n th# M* • F«»l»iuary. Ihr prive pini, wa uiiílvr* Ls ma Barm** turni, «rr liumr ugain. : *ta>id w«u* «>b »ut 1'5 jn-r arre. I rip o.» no. e .1 ** Mrtlpr I iaii I. Too mnch ti»in fur dog* t«» tukr up tbr itMii *rll. W m Brrnm r‘- • ì < \ pvtrr Str«u«er, wv I known in Illi- city L»V.'II Mli'l U4- t»’i • i Ml tl •• M. »t cr’netriy, thv fir*l ol thr wr.-k. \V. A. Gllkt'V WH doing Luninr-« f Alluiny on Momin) , pr«’l»wi»i% fu inn litM'flon With I hr |««*W ly h •» atr»l r- -«• l*rtwrt*n tin* tit) Med tl»v 'loti n«igh I mii *»< mm |. Frrd Gooch r«»|w»rt* 'hat hr h«« h I- ut |*H. (i • it » ! *1 . u ii;G r it W < -t ' ■ MAwiting *hipmri * mi d th«! I r ha* L» «•* «bl*« to obtain but luur care »luring tin pM«t lour month«. County Trra*ur««r thr inerrn*1 12 0 per .» hiiiiiii . ¡«•oil Hireling of the City (cuncil Wolkcr ao 4 S oo hk wltkln (tv Noun <4 LabaUcr laiMl cteiking. Simda af'ermioii. two day« after the G«»v Chatnlierlain eig«»r«l the Lilin* leath »*f Mr« -I. W. Ihtggell, <1 Irrita* lame l*»undrry bill ruu*day. non, her arten 'rat okl «on uird in th* Nrith« r Mr» Daggtll C. D Cotiipt«*n ha« m*'Vml into the H -an r maiotrr. nor the child were ill tor tamtw than a M. Danni propri ty . »»n Mam etrrrt. irw h«*iin». The rliikl died in thio city Srr lliblrr A Gill Cu '• *h<*<* ad ill **ui day airi w»« bnrivd itumml aiely lap- another column, luv prnv« will lul«>rr*t « auw *»f the rvidriit coi»lagvoii« nature y u. • »Í Ihr dl*va<«r. A «hort limr t>ri«»re the The rnndllurnt of et» dents at thr '«tal iliiiv*« oi Mr» Daggett, il la *ai«l Orrgt ii lgri«u linai cvllrgv al Curvatile, «•hr oH/kv*l **»mr cannr«l corn lor din» i»rr Part «*t the cviiii *«» throw n out nuw number* *11. la fort* il wa« c «»kni. Thr i hick» na «le Tl»r rain after frevimg wrathrr will ihr udii, a> »I havv »inet* dird. 'V *irlh« !•«* an aid to thr u h< at piani IU «riling rr ihr <”fn had anvil* ng Iodo w th Ihr tlie «mi atout Ihr ru«»t« » iva lb «»Í Mr*, I’aggvtt, her child an*l A rr*« »lu* ion ha« | wmo I llir átale » hr chii kriu, i* not known, bul vlrvum- •enate limiting the nurniwr >■1 Virtual «tanrva* avrm t » point to thia »hrv**tiou. 1 he phv»k tan v h«« alt« u m 4« Cu I wo. One wutiri l»v bellvr. luring it* bri«*t illnc*», would Uot «tale Thr appropriali*>n a*k«*«| |*»r to nate »»rtliiitvh what the d lava tv w »• rftrcliiig «il exhibit al Ihr J«*iiir4»e n r i p*«lli r« McClain mii »I vblhi ami that of the tne inlib**H« aiariii*. rivn, the iu>»«l rl » bn irii«, which ‘M»'Urrwd at ala»ut the lra\»«galli *»f legiaialurw •an*«« time The Leba non caar. which ■ .«Pl* *im ar, may l*e aitribuialnr to, <’• y«»t • had reported down at*>u: !ur»*«r rolliiiy liiflcrrnl iano*a. in Marioik county, ani hv *vut down, lat»l Frida), tu gel Uirin. < aoddaia For Tb< Udore Scbo l. •• i ’ • • • i Svili ha« thi<«e boy«, rangiig in aa* tin* t|r«l (-• law, th»WH Ml frt»m l ‘ l<» 14 irarw, whu, unir»« tnrv ''Mirili. M i»v»v Ihrr.» is UnaiiiiiiuU« de* change their m«*iv <»l pruvrtlure, will sin* «vomì h»hme*«4 lev. - iih . w **aay. wan«’ up od e tine morning ¡hiding * w go t»» * r«*»M Ih’Oitu* Crurh *uil. iheintvlirw liimatra of tliv Reform remain« al a mrdiuiu iu»l »ta^r will* a j »ehuol. Petty pilfering la all ihrv i i « ,»» i ¡i. hav” been guilty of, «otar; bul, lw»va, lemirucy tu go ì.*„ < the VI inamene and l « I «iobia fiori !■ I h » ty pilfering in ihr md lead« to prulwbie, larceny arnia term in the penitentiary, IL c* ii«»«* of a liefert in the chain of I a*l wp k t!»<*•*■ lu*ec l«»y.» Mtir*'v«x|«««| title, IL«* U rari) -JutHw* pT* perl) deal u* tn taking t«d*iuvu ami *evrral »»ihrr abut.I lu fall IhruUgil Willi, Lire faiitirv thii g» troni R»MÍg«»r* ronin ti»»nvrv «t«»rv. . • • ■ ui tbte trade vau«»e the M rr«'Junr« • > » ‘ w A . U.**lr I.» I h - «h ■ . .. .Mr not giv.» t.N>n«»«' ttu« time, bul JviitMl had lì . « í . i ■ ■ »... Hywri prop« vrty, but ivlujitvd 1-» lo» lurmer numv don't do «o anv more. If yvu tin you will make trouble fur y» ur»rG«»« and tine wrrk. w»rn w lor y»»ur («arrnt» lk»n’i d»» il. l>r. J. Waa rwa. An rife I*».«*.* run»poun>l«r of Chin** ( . , • ’» tir •-*, ««i. .» ♦»..r tn ta* «1* •long Ho w«-rk iu cutiiog hi* auuuai «upply of ' * ' a ' ' ’ * ■ Wn«> he bad • e«»r>l ir- «Miiturn |* n tu *n 1 guarantee* wrHe til tu at hu ||., U r«< « v«a*ioii tu c.ltnu over a mi* i«n»r. in ta» linn •• lilmar, u«««gvn d**ii*g «•» m rall «Up|M »i t o»«lug bini tu • » »■•» 1 Jiw w Barra la In fading Ln* itgbl Irg i*i | pvd Il Í» Mtate«l by ori» »*( nnr roa! catate iati mrn t! ut th* rv i* not «n « inf>*> bou*«* Mi I h iweeu miihe rat»« and in «u* ti «i»a|*e » h ♦ n « tv»4 f . i And timi thè uutvr I*»».«’ md *w tire gnor w « i-i i .'.»• l'iiic >d a<» *y \|r ( Ì« m k<. U ata’hr« and Spectacle« A *»uipU*n iried tu «ignai (M t«.ck in town, drive» Ilio Irrighi tram ul tire Scio and i* tin* <'hi*ap«*st plan* to •‘Mr. Fchrtiary, Mr. May,” wa« an i.nrry «table, *aa Ibr «ignal Mini wrui trade. Sole agents for Valv tilt roti netto t» w>r heard gì .’r»i Tueaday. ' lo Mr. C«*tUj l*»i«‘» retivi, uaued Lin mio N*>s, I*.» and 221 h ai>i| eviti vieti l*im tubi» aline Oil. ihv wagon ami coiiAvyed It n» not ofirii Mai can tir ii«iru*iuce«l tu b »me. Dr. l’nll ivdtiwU thv fra* Iure February' in January. First Street, Albany, Oregon ai.d in de ihe «¿hi gvnlh man aa t wctkl, Wrwly thr G i »*4» t . Lrg Brokcn. Albany Hardware Co.up y W. F. Sommar rr«urm-.| j aw t wnk from a i > w » ii I» • «|.it will, hl« Uthrr «ho Ina. at Taiant. Ora. W. F. «ai* that lb. altllU'l« ot ilia S. uiharn Orrp.i munir* «a. '•*•' *ra»t lor lorn ai d tbat two wrki» id I*!« * l«ll w«« »peilt on £ lati brr.U* <4 awkua ». J * War»-I’ ha» ran»«l fr» m John M Millar l*|. rwxtam* |*ro|.arl* o«r ||" Sol'th »hla, Mr. Waaal, will lito»* than in »I oora arai rntra r .»»ath tl.a' aa ‘1« '• ".*« *oo«l l**r mH* I** II»* »I* tw.’ hr «ill follow lb* Bibb ’> injumti* n an* lakr U.*t<> liiniM'lf a brlpm«*el. L«* Oregon Irgi latur». <>wiog to the vin’anre *>f ihr RrL*r» mlum, (he |*eop|a an» t>r»»teet thrinwelvm a/ain«t (he drp- *e*iati*»n« of th***« stLoIrwMlr graibT* ; «rovidiiig ihr legislature grant* their -eque I« T. H. Rrynol*!», *>nr of the • i|*r*.- m«*avii|(«ra Iron. I’ortlaml to l>un. m.-ir, tai., on 'hr S I* «ama up fmn f'ortíami. Ia»l Friday h r a >la» . »t.i will. Ilia wt'a ami liar father • h J hairy ) family. Mr». Kr« m*l*l« l.a. !•« *• vi-iiin* tiara for »■■o r» wrak., btlt N* tama»! to boma it. Portia .*1, yr.tet day. Portland wa» vi«itd M«»m Ur by . «trillar r.a«t«Tfi «levi «turili Telephone md rieri t te il r* were broken down all or* ihr »ìli, pandix ng ihr «irret rar «•■rvi»r i<»r tiir time bring Eiyhtrvn wir«*-» were kill«*d bv coming in contact «ilh Hw wirr«* in vario*)« (•art* of Ihr ity, hut n human Uve» were lo-l «u far a* heard from. Omgnw h» h rarif again, O »r »lora i «t know how to apprn iati* a g'**! Ore- ■*»n d<*wn|**nr ir perlener« a title ol th* frigidity that ii lian«hs| out »I other alate* • E *< •>( na r«*gularly •vere winter. I Hr ral» 1*00*1 of nlrnly »f gre li gra*4» yrt ; but a« amatlrr of art, il look« a liti’* «ickly. '1 ,.•••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••, » General Hardware! Tintrare, Stores, Glass. Paintsand Oils FARMING IMPLEMENTS OF all kinds . BUGGIES AND WAGONS fJCS5"L'nk a «pan of Iwrwr« to Albany t*» *11, bat wrrk. Quite a few people alien Ird the dancr «t the Forrn put*» b«t Friday night, Ur uiidvrwtand there la to or ^nr al till. PauPe next Fri -i r the BIG CLEARANCE SALE rr W“' , Wesely & Cain’s iuur last chance to buy goods at the prices we are now offering; for a good many lines in our l»ry Goods stock are badl\ broken and we wish to close them out regardless of cost, so as to make room for our Spring (•.... Is , whu h gi\\. u ,i chance t*. lui\ goods at a cheaper price than is «¡noted to-dav by the Factories and Wholesale houses. WflBI UBI 99999^99999 00000000 ooooo 00000000 0000 00 00^000 0 09 ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 rs IF YOU WANT V 0 Q Q 0 ••• 0 : • VÍA A. Groceries, Queensware Cigars, Tobaccos Confectionery, Etc THK C.KOI I.K GE0RGE5 K0ENEKE TroprlBlur *c IO OREGON llavtna n«m t>a«r i the aimva namM M« M» i from »hr fornir« proprie»<»r, t«u> U Knight, I «olirli th* pairon»««» m the IMihiU « «Bill ennilntwi the wagmi on th« n«i<1on ih* tonta» vwial>ll«ha4 «nd *ply clM*hw r»*t« at tvawMtalda prit«*«. With » ctraire t<» form Ike arqttal «laiwi« »>i ever) tmdy a».I » Irtrrminathm tu Ural •»•»>■ one right, I am Y »urw fbr bu«tn«w«, I A H X G. A Griffin ha* returned from a fs» • laj » «lay in Albany, where l»e went lo have hl* vv«-« treated■ lie did uvl retrive any a-urhi iron* the trip. J M . Puindviler went up, Thufeday, ami built a filer porch on the >v»tllll •i«!v **t Mr«. Ma« Putudraier and Grandma Grigg«’ re»ide«ice, Mr. and Mr». John Unffa and son. of Ma) lou, were over, duro.g the ¡»aai w«rkB on a ¥t»ll '‘ tu l hl« inoUiwf, Mr*. >. VS . Gaiuea. .Mr. and Mr", (iao. Wi'f.r.l amt nite have g>>ur r>n a » imi «•■ Mr-. Ale* Mi Ihiiiald, of Philomath, bri nv they «lari lor their ( aiihMuia liuiuw. W liiiain Young waa over, Frulay, ai <1 bought i » buaheia of Vetch «wd, al ^auti«m Farm. Hr will arud it to Idaliu tw sow n as an cx|«erimeut in that «late. Hrnry Ray raiacd lib new barn laat Elida). Mr. and Mm. Jury Gaine«, of Jordan, viailcti al tlie rrwl»le*i«r ol <••■*» I.. Sulh«*rland and S. . < miucj », la*l week. Dr. th own wmm called, proiwiwioiially, t*> iu»«l Davel Hurwouig m child, ia«i huiaia*, whl»h I m aicll with pi ruinonia. Hr a>i»o railed erect a hew Imrn, on Fib larm. tin* old l*aru voihpaed during the wind storm aume w rrka M40 Ciarrucr Reiiord attacked Tues­ day a Illi a violrnt cold, but !• now re- |*ortrd to tie on the B>ecif A*, tin, W m «I i ftrriv»*! io thi* viG r<»«'*«L»v. «'ii’outr 1» Mr bave brani the report that neither ' |Ml !>»• old luitue in Bilyeu l> n Mf of thr »urvrya ifom Crabtree up to lari» Bhven wa* on ll»*’ G. K A N train It . wa* «now bound lietwwn I'oitlai.i! ami •n«>n i* »Miipfartovy to thr rwilwav ♦ n’L«»ri»im. Might try m »nrvrv through The Ihallr«. Fti<*liar»I*«»ii Gap and *«»r if m more J. S. VanWinkle haw been rerom* pra* iKatHv route <'*»ti.tl not la* found. tnrmlrd by **• imh»r F“lt n, for tnae'rr at Albany. >«,n ‘t«*r I h » ui »» v will Albani i* making alrenoon« effort« rwuiiimrmi Priri C.-nn. N w wr wt1 ¡Lat I* to *«v, *ootr of he people arr, to mw who ha* thr Mtrutl^«**t pull with ••la» buh a trull ««norn . former pr’ pririnr of aa* in «»perulioti in that citv. hut the venturi proving a hwiaiiig our tl»r enter* th«» ••Wigwam” fwd * ablr, llbwn) jl....l «•« l.i* I»'**!’* !!* *!•’•* •’***. til: .m*«* Him alu*tMÌot*«**Ì, day mortili'*. <>( ty|>h*>i*i irv.*r Mr. >*«»mr iMHipIr. wbo«r rr|>Ht»t¡orni have art« to l>r Tomlin* " w.. a rple*rr»ri.t oW'rraftl *r oh! <*vputati»»n of other«, in «»rd r to rink Tu.ker ral..*ti bu.Min*, l a. frtlmt r* them I»» their own Irvrl. It »« «ai « that ‘Miar y hnr« nimpany If «•", l hi* ì» th»« •••<1 . gi. I*<1«-'. fr*>in tl< «lítalo«." ìh. vurif a Onlv between fur «nd Ave million aai «41 arrai *vmri.t .a Ilk«. mUar* in »«lieti in appru ria*i4.ina fruivi WILL CLOSE < ;r.< > kc . i : T. BRANO NEW 1. Ml NKKHS, 1‘rr.l ent. Stock of Wall Paper W. A RWINU, A a«iiM»r. THE SCIO STATE BANK Sclu About February 15th an up-to-date assort incut that is sure to please. Oregon !*««*« m gvn«*r«| iwmklwf a*ul wirhange b»««i n«-«« I »an« mate al c.mrtit «air« and •halle i im <»r* i t»u principal «‘lin»« HI M ARI OI l>t l l utivi. Illi.I S Hsr« an jUutract t.f Tilt* pi'-ÿWfvd t»> U m E.C. Peery, S Linn County Abstract Co. Of the rval propri y ynn Inirn.l In pnrrha* or aver pi •• «’ciirtiy ft»« monay I«« oi « m 1, nnr laimiii mvrivlng «lw* KtieAf ot oat «l|wri MM* Kalabllvbrd III iw/. z 11. HLDO, .Manager, SHOE SALE I >m.r oom. . Thirl and Ur i : neki ; '•'S Shoes al 25 $1 00 Shoe» ut |3 20 Ao Shoes ut 12 05 |3 00 Shoes nt 12 45 f 2 75 Shoe» ut |2 25 <2 50 Shoe« at 12 05 and a lot of odds and endH that we will clono out at from 30 to 80 per cent; sale prices for cash or produce (Ml HIBLER&GILLC ; -w -, ♦ -* - r* J