Tt i' • • ' r r • * •♦ a .;« ' A ' \ <• t-V -.1 •V •* ~ • . • * i ♦ .V ’.;?• #■ . ’ V C I < UP- S>k' ¿ - 2_t' *r 7.» ‘ , 5* L-.«u if * , * *< % A FOB TMI HOLSLILEHF. FARM, * DAIRY, * and ' HOUSEHOLD. W0MM5. BUGS. AMD FOCI TUT rNfiTS Old Mother Nature pro»ably knew what (lie wa» aleiut when »he gave t< ruck, hen and chick an ineattahle ap [»life f.,r worm* and arnb* and bug* iie m*v not app ure <>f th« ta-te > : the hen w lib li gol.blea i p a nice iOicy grub or the •early wrrm'' ailli a look oi aa'iatacti >n. Hut I1 e nmre «* learn about l>en»>h>g< - A lump «hainphor |'l««-r.t in the ch l»a <-|<»>et will prevent any ailwr whicn may I« m it Irum tarni»hiug product haa yet been discovered t»> Il a little tanllng aaler i» add««l !■> the •upply low',* with tl.e element* m«wt ■weet m lk uwd in making btwuita it dilfieult t«> get from grain ami ni»»*t will be tuund tiiat lea» »hortening t. nee- ueoivil u muka butw, I»» nrakr it u«< ir, r*aary ami the reaull ju»t a»g»» d. lu n*«kr fr«thrra, to ni*kr rtfgs, |«> New tina are »h<>uld I* rubtivd over tnaiiitaih health. ami vitality. with lard and thoroiighh hvale«l in the That’» uh) great* lx»tie «h»ubl«*« the »■i«u before being ua*d, fur th>* will pr. ■ '■vgyitki. It contain* rh re than •oor lent It» ru»ting ami mj aill»e« up the rtilir lani|»a [our water in tu till, The »|| « til svstvni a* *j fill* th* l>ra*l vf the rtur lamp*. livelier chi« ka at hatvhl»»g. H-me led hen» lay egg* with lit» and vitality in The light will bo much bughter. the nmr. »« we w her. in »he ehowa g«a»l hei 1 aeiiee in grabbing every bit ot anima . h««i that nilnw her way. Hhe—«nd all her relation* on l»»tl ' Alwaya chow a dull, windy «lav f< r i them. » dee of the h» uee—crave auch heal, r -noiatiiig h-athvr pilhiwr ami laala, ami That'* »by green bone develop. I le-e>»il»r they need it a aiinny one for all kmda id mattrvwee •»aril» r broiler» ami earlier layer*. It ii e arv g lug to .how y»»u * hy. liaug th«- pillow» on a hur where I he ,'f-.UH>ti-« gr will and vig abun- timea to light ell the Ìralhen» ai-d tret- • Ian* lualeiml for making b n* and i ha devvl>.|i«d into a pretty fair e«-rt <»( Iron» du't. amt allow lhem l<> ha» g «mi tnuacl*. of egg-making machine. all -lay. That'a why green tame mak-a heavier The fiael ah,- eat» go. a flr»t i ri.» '»•■.< I 1 'ita I.. ! market h>wla. It give* a »•••! frame­ Ureal amt miiacle ami bom­ and thick ami pia«'« in tin- tin will» the »ake work to Blurt ber own l»«ly. The.i, if aliv rill* wdl help to keep the cake Ireali for right imiiditmn. and the (»awl i» ot th, heavy fl.- h. -«»me tune. I he bri ad nni.l be rwueweil That'» « leV l"»nr nmk»e r< d right kii »1, the reel g»w-e to making »-gg» a ben .tab- All apple pUcci. lu ll.v • - ,' t i «< • - • i i ,- .i i . Hut mark thi» aie tin willai>«w«*r 'he unir p»«- The la*»t hen iu the aurhl can't make It give* a 1« ne to the eni»r* »y*tem cl aa th« biead and »houl i al», la- re» ewv«J the low) that nothing rl*v will. egg» from ttiin air. alien withviv«l. That'» why il will di-uhle your |>r<.flt* The ien’t created in tier ovary in t'hilaren who retime L> take vaator oil It baa «ioiHr it for lliou-and» of other*. aoniv ii'.yaternni» manner (rum i.otliiug a JI take It II ti Imi In thia way Ink«- The qurati- n of wilder rag pr-«litaiHV to every [uultry < opini ol augar, twu tea»|»a>utul> ol gin- rahier. atom in tlu- egg cum«* dire« tly fr»m tin .er, one tea»[»i«nlilul ut ual.t, «Upi il Y-u want egg« f«»r the market wliri- food »he «-ata. •I ca*l«»r uli ami flour to r«.ll >>ui I ut in th«- [-rhea arv hlghewt. I. kr every other machine, vou hav- •hape* ami laike iu a quick oxen. One to f ■■.i 11|. r .1» II atcrial in at .. r , You w l the ino \l<- »ai«l a while ago that the h«-n i> Now, it li*|i|'cne that the hen'a b>»me ia»rtaiit factura in jelly making. A gl«l and mnaclee and feather» are al< nmdr I irg»-ly an rgg nvakii g Ilia. bin»'. ,'lan I» U» gather the edge over an eno Ami »fir la. very largely id the ean e chemical ele­ urvldery »•<» p ami »«w a tà|a- frulli aide 11 »In- i«<4.> pt in proper w rli ments that nn egg i< made of. io »ide by which to •ii»|«'mi It. Ill tin* and ia given the propa-r iml. rml* will A group of tbr»e element*, whit I way there le imi opportunity to buru mnke the white id »he egg and the which t>> inak. e«g*, *liec«li't help lay iiw'e -a-.f while pourli g the Imi [um» A mg, even »b'-uld »he want lo help it. )e. Il of the n ent, ami which i nter very ii the ma« blue. There I* no cue thil.g in the *<>r|ii ail about »uch thlnga.. that will do mi mu«li toward putting Her bit— w hl h you don't care Tk< Wllt'j InflMncr. 1 the average lien III lay ing ««■■ ditmn in your I ying hen—c« me* Flvery married woman, »«y» llarp- r'a and toward giving her the iH-«-i-*aari another group ol elemvuta .'en»*tioiin of l*rovi<|ei.ce, that a» « n -aii* ■ . 1.1.«. t will. J ■ gr. .«! protein, which the fowl ao grgatiy nee»h lint a [aliaiva lor all the il a uf puultry world iii the man who g «<* o-jt j ■ III» li­ keeping. in euatainilig life, in | er,» tuatn g her I a a mean* ol iiitlnen«« un lt through Il Won't rid low!* of lice; kind, and in providing tier I rdly matter rii» lulu. Hevn ur unee <11. It I* there Il won't »top up the < ) ink* in th« with oineh-t* and i tiatanla, 1» the fm»i nail who I* happy in Ina Ii me exrriea elen ent which ia acarceat in the poultry hou»«-a w hlcli let in the draught» . lie a«m< epiier« ol it with him—liv ia II «run’* k'-rp uUl lite wraarla ai.* Vegetal».e world. limaell nu-re in louc i With »tiivra I m >- akunka ; V heat 1» licit in protein ; clover ha» n aueeoflt- in tine day ami age, when It wou't malte a r tan«lard'brvr a dm ghill p»i|let ; ia laigvly fat-nuking b«nl—ard alto* livir p>-wera In art* ami ¡-rut aeionaand It won't vu re cholerM or miy other gather, the grain* u»ually nerved to Mr. oualui-ea carver», th< re ar* ».in» who ig.ilvd • ff .rt, Hut it I* an lnd>»|onaable adjunct to grub are t unit o»ed nltimat exdurively of nl»i their profeaeion a* wive* and moth* the poultryman ahotipKit iu get th» pr >tein. •r», nilatreaaca ot huiiaehold*. iheee la-»t results Iron, Ina fowl». Do you wonder, then, that fowl» r> «re the women wmi u»v their liraiu* and You can get egg» au»i grow (•>»»► traxv with delight W>en n nice fat ilieir eoiiia lo iove with, a» w il a» llivlr w ithuul it. worm come* aquirmlng into alght. heart«, and who wield an extraordinary Hut you cannot get the I m *» I rmu I I f Or that thev cha*e a juicy luig or tar-rr-achmg power, all the greater l»v- and the bi.geet profit* uul< M )UU UftV II gra*ahop|*r clear acn»»» the poultry auav mat puwer la the laal tiling th y There ia no doutabout it. yard? ire thinking of oi wek to attain. That Ami the beuuly a It coat* mi little. J net inppoee you had teen kept on a iitaugibie thing that wv call the ipirit It cut» «low ii your gram bill» but cwt all-adv diet of I hm — i ake, c<>rn-]»-ne aid >f the home walk* ahroa I with every you little more Ilian the labor o| cut Indian pudding lor liner uiontii*? member uf it. The “nice" children l»i ting. W hat would you do tu a nice porter* It aeviu* »frange, doesn't it. that «.-I kmi I gravitate inatantly t ward the I u got a chain e at it? there ia a I»>ullry | ral*er an) «her« * l»<> ■liildren "I that h»u*ehul( Imliiig prulein from the gram they eat. The Vlrtac *■ much a» they ought to have: (donde,' li*» many virtù«-». It iaonvot upon the comlltlun iu the tuuci 1» Nut a* much a* they can u»e lu ad- thè beat cl»«an»«r» (or tli» t>-etli and U»vd. Valitn gr. gum*. Il i» g-««! b>r dy»pe|Hia. Il la I he g»«»l the fowl* or animal* gel» Cooaequently, poultry rai»-r»— wi»e i'a fuud de|a-li«ia U[»ai bow eacellent tur III» *km, and «iiaiiihwla In the r generation—bayran a good many from wouml* ami aorM. Il re leve» pini year* ago to hunt aruund tor Mmietlni g tliormighly it «an dig«-*l ami aaaiiuilate caUM-«l by live atmg* ami a,»i«lor bile*. ami utinae it. that would takr the place of the wild Well, it y.-u watch the cock and the Limi ia greatly enriched ali I grata la meat the fowl* capt i'e«l in the chaau in ben ami the chick, you'll are that it'* made tu grow hy *prinkllng a «Il ou thè th«- gmxl old *unmier time the It«* bug ami the »qiliriniug Worn, ground. Hall u-ej wlien «w.-epiug car They »lidii't f»n-l like buying portrr- prta freaiivne thom ami k««[M ul m -III*. lioiire »teak from the beet truet for even that they go after. Il will [ hi ! uut a tire in a rtiiinney, aa III a pinch we *U|qK*H» they might eai their l>e»t heli*. • ».I aa rvvive a coal Are. Hall m ih» Hut lliev knew that they lould mil a drie«i- p gra*ah«>p[er, but not allo oven umlrr tiwkiiig lina prevedi» o -r» li get the beat rreiilt*, ao long a* their the relirn mo wi'li the g»««l that they Hall p t on ink gel from raw animal I imh I with the ing un thè tiotlom Hor ka larked ai imal lord. »[aita Irealily maùa w III r»-mov < them atimulatliig eflecl ot real lite atill in it. Finally, a geniu*, who had the f -cully Ami it'* Itie *ama way with the ».«It in »«ter will refre»hen CU< H -wer , tit putting two ai d two together, m > a* animal fuml whiil you u»e a* a »ulwtl* ami ae a htvail waali wdl | n-vent tlie h «ir to make lour, exnmii.e«l the make up of Croni fading. grei-n 1»ne—»uch a* n mea from the lute for the live I U. ami the equiruillig wutm. bull her’* bl«« k—th« trimming»— l«»ne« Notarial work of all kind» p.omptly Fowl* re.iah it more ami it doe« th«- oflieef,-ork or lamb, with i. filtering ••xn-uted at the Naw* other. moat gi»»l when it 1» fad in a raw, uu- meat ai.«i grmtle—ami found tluit thia bone contained, in alnuet tie* elftel cvMikad, freali »tale. The iivet plan ia to mi* your OW Il proportion», the very fo»«i element« nee«iivi in pl-re of the w»>rma ami bug* [aiultry rati'iu, u»lug raw buue ■ Orw eaaily, more quickly ami mure thori uglily digeete«) than i* f»*>d that may 1» equally n'Hiriahi» g. but not ao palatable It ian'l hard to *ee. then, why freeli cut green bone ha* given »uch phenom­ enally •nrroealul re*ult* to puultry rai»er» the World over. There'* mi "^-pocu*'’ jr u yatery or "p- tent mi-dtrine''about It. Il »imply ia the moat available bard cheap grama. You tlu n know what you are fowling ami exact.y what )< hi ar» paying lur.— Metropolitan ami Hural iloma. Har4 Koatkrd Herm. Here ia *om.-thing of practical vain« to any one driving a bor»« tiiat pulla ou the bit Fatten a amall ring lu each am« ut the bridle and aa near the bro« ba lei a» poeaibl*. Paaa th« l.nea through ll»e bit ring* and »nap them lab» tn* nog. at the brow I mih I. Thia, with a common joiutel bit, will enable a child to hold a puller or hard tnouahni hor»e with rare under almo»t all cinumatai.- cea. it can tn need on a la*l h»>r»e in double team or on both, aa deaireii it ia cheap and eaaily applied, ami it wun't make th« mouth «ore. it 1» (letter than any patent bit —Farm Preaa. Hubacrib« fur I ba S axtiam Ngw*. The New York World Tililcr-A-WtFK I.DI I ION The Th rie**-a *rvta WrtrM, now that a »rrra» l*rr«ldvnfial campaign la frireahadtiwrd, hopra to lia a better râper ttmn It Ita« ever inwn tir- fora, and It ha« ma h* Ita arrangement • a«vt»*d« Ingljf. Ite «taaa e»r* iftft evirai« Ih» rntlrr ¿lobr, and tt Pfxtf la arar) thing fully, prt/eiipr I) and Mcvuratrl), |t la th« onl) u«w«|M|»*r, n«»f a dalle, whirl* la a« g»«*1 aa a lati). an»xt, T J Mutiker* > ukkt « hv , C. A. Warner T J. Munkrra, W. F. Gill, F . C. I‘rwry, J. J. Harne», C. A. Warnvi. Coinpanf SCIO ROLLER MILLS SHASTA ROUTE »VrtHgtlrkl Ml f lour • »**! Svettativi « «au Altari) Il a ) «Manti II •) wa* ramt'iil«* t sin t’ra»»ri«m I lour Treat Yuu KUgKt A vRAKi. <1. I». 1‘vriland, Scio Livery and Feed Stables Ort gon Corvallis & Eastern R. R I I H» < tKI» trains trota Xo au U MVIR A tu Tagi.lw« I- (lur ri'Js are first class anti our horses guati tirirtrs Prices Jlcasoiiable. PACIFIC AID ASSOCIATION OF \.l « l.»«v«»« AHmn) for' ttrvgllt. A CocvglHs Mo D Alhmy i or m Arrlvtr* ai < <>r* »Ul« ... • o 1* M Mn. « (itmn) ... ................ t t) r m Arm v« ( <»t » alila ». » ' r. w 1 rmiB«« lur AH mmj a Nn. 8 1 <-«vr*e Cor vaille .... n 1 M Arrivo» Allato) 7H* A M y.* • Uni M Corva'lle Arti «va al tiuaiiy t lu i* M No ? ' «»rrallie ...» < «) r. m \ffllrs Alitati) .......... (wt m Ko 11 i or valli« Il un a . M Arrive* at Allan) n «t a m No If I xm ra Al’«any B L. r m Artlkv« al < «>r« alll« i i r. m » k . r ! -I .• A T- • Bi.WAWi tH Oi l t elivi, PORTLAND, nu t s Hare tn Abstract of Tille prepared I», lit* Linn County Abstract Co. OREGON Pays Sick, Accident, and Death Benefits Dues $1.00 per Month No Medical Examination For |KRM Ctl I repart mate < t4 M fRIBH IRtAO RECEIVED DAILY *n Jarhauei Houtovard. (Tettagli, lUlnota I • i*s Alee W Scio : i i Oregon (The £antiam Mnvs tiam Eorks. Live Editorials upon 'In* leading topics of the diiy in each it-Hiie. It works for the intereHta of the Common People and the ed­ itors pocket book. T erms ; —In advance for one year |1 24. al oneyear at the enti end of oi tin* tlie year $1 |1 .50; end two year» years |1 76; 75; end three yeam |2.00, |2.00. Subscribe for it now. now P atents T rack M arr « OrtiGR« C orvrfgmv « Ac r Anrnfie e«n ftnf a efeeteh end deemptFoet tr a) fiilfl'r *• • '• ’• n fr«« *ke«h«r *T ft*«niD»n »a pTYihebiF p«ismt«^>!«(«•( «e*r«t»A weetlf. Larva« He « ... a«« h-wrnei. Terni a • »•«r f ur month«. 11. by ail *•••»! ••»•ra MUWN I Co.”’—- New Yor* SSFMX h um«. <31 F !»•- WMbiUffMi, il. C <• « I BOOÌIET” WOMENS’ Robartln* gtv*o what »very woman moat «tealraa -a perfect complexion tl brtn«* that »oft amooth. fr*ah. rl*ar lint to tha rh*»k that .»»note* SMI It WtU bring b»»utr to thoea who lack It. It wdt retain It for IhoM who alraadr po«a*aa It. II will *nahl» vou to au'-reaefully ■mbat th* ravagaa of w»ath*r and tlm* Don't doubt—don't araue Juat try Bobartln* Your druaalat will r«>|rrty ym> tnten.l m porvloov or MtB pt a« «frinii) for iwwisy U«an«'*l. mir pa'i" • • . K : < ! Itr 1 rna'fll of t mi cl jliehri!, giving tilt«’« i «at y i. «’ tt> S i < i » hi ait v< further irih»« turttiun ap|H) •<» J < ke A )«>, Urn. I*a«a Aftt. II II II« il.M, Agent, Al'any di J < > < > i » Proprietor» Ihuks ronntrt uith all trains at West Sci() ami lutth trains at Mlinkers. W. 1 «MB««« Y« piln« ....... • *» Arri\«na < • Y n.ptinn . .. » a T vis I m * t •• t*M« ir«H. So. J— T:W» !*«)'•• Abmny f«»r ItetrvHt \rti»v« iMtroH 11 tu So • Isulrvli .. . . 1