ehe ^antiam Mews. Curra Wc nun's WraknesMS. INTOLERANCE OF OPINION. W» ret-r v> tb»t t»»ra to w«sk. rer»"<»K »-»S»r i.< ■rau»n k-» «n •» t* Favurtt» l*r«rarlpu*.n t»r J< Ln Fyf« ■ Ik» E-. i-*<». **ta 9 of TMK Bctju-n< M«M< aa R«vt«w wya of t'sln» t O.-ch rf , • » • . »•••••» mre- In.u ,1« 1»1*J» • • • HIM r.< ra>«raaJ ar- «>•»<* « <*• MUire rere*«tra-o»» »I.«»ra­ il« -I« H«U«>.a- •« ka«« a wraltra- raret wi.i^k lull» an.w.r» «•» al..»« irorraa». ikra» »«» *»>» •<* •»*'» I •• a, ...reua In ih» ir».i« .ni *.» .1.— »^-. t»- , u. «.rara« H u ra.tkra tkai * »w M «.. . « . no» prarou l «.raw InSKatkm t . lb., r. «Miai «.«I • l>r I»«« Grib»» Mr, ‘Tb»«... • . « «re .tmra« ire l»a*tu» Fela In : ■ »tv«.» tu» ll-re.... I >. * »*» Caln , i < * , ■ • ' ■ _, • • . . ■ • .-.T2 ■ « > i _ t.-K t «• . • « i , . ! ' ' f the Underwear Rubbers A very large and complete Women’s Storm Bub- Occasionally the N ews writes and publishes edi­ line of Men's, Women’s and IrelS, best out, pair $ .*4» torially opinions that art* not endorsed by all of its <‘liildreii's Underwear. Wo Politically Independent Mi-s.s Storm Hubbcr*. readers. In fact, as then* is always two sides to call s|M*cial attention to our is best out, pair all questions, it would be difficult for us to express > utrrr wruhd ■< Ire» Men ■« 5c and -5c •> |o We respect and honor you for it But what M-ems vests and pants. Ml'l>M Itll'l 1« *!S KAIMi to us to l>e unfair and illiberal is fur a subscriber, o »»»*., o< - « n t < 'It drprw*»l •' ■•! if ,«»• »'rei si)“’ d aeawa f ritaMlnr Gix> year in •*!«■>»«. .... ......................................... «1 25 lie* «4*ar« <4 w tvwfi.r i .15« ' 1 .Mi because he does net endorse our views, to order ire r»i»n«l Lett jn »h* <>nr ys»r, al rirl <>( v<-ar............................................... > t lb* kkl- ar«*M* re, I On» yasr, al »«»I of '.* year»............................ g . . a w»«b* rrLaa rei., ore» --------- _ his subscription discontinued for that reason. •t 00 < in« year, at rtiil <>t 3 yrar»....................... ... lis I¡tiltber Boots 1 75 • ra. I ■ » y Jpst received •’» new blocks TS : His monlha in a»ivaiH« ........................................... Now the N ews does not deny that anyone ba­ »■rare • r • . • í «n prikal _ • - - . *gar« Three* nxmlh» ir> advancer ... ................................... hrtBU IO » t -.l i ha t. drag« g 1 5o in the Fall patterns. If you l»¡ the right to be a ¡»atron or not. just as he sees Hmgla mpy in wra|>|M*r ........ . ........................ SteK f lb« CT tert !• th# •• It«» Al»VF 1«TININM KA I H am ; want a new lint that is right, proper; but it does dislike to have a spirit of intol­ >ma * * • ' ' »» Card thank» ............................................. .... a outs is it $2.50, and $ 02 erance manifested as has occurred in a nvent in­ Ht«ri»l olntuarv notkr»*», |*r tin» ............... • • Fa <13 stance. F.strndeei «rd-ilng rmimirute, |«-r Im» ............... .• • Intolerance of opinion on questions ¡>er- I - Any number of staple pat­ r: ?a r*T. 1$ l’ft fwl. « tir aa, o'. Le-al advrrUalng. |«r line |*r |e*ue . ................ taining to religion or politics ought not to have a ami thr meli al of »hlvh li l»>eplay • Of I» failhf'ill» '4en Srai mal. anolhrr pT'Hnlnrfit u* l*ru(r»ei*>nal rarile. 1«, inrlu-e, f*r month I InffwJ ¡ hi i <4 ** favorite Frf»* riPitMi • luli ninri ith civil liberty. !>>ng on.» contra* 1» h.r Myvrti»ln< n>a*l« m* ap|dicali<*n |*F”f >ìn!e* l? nfw<«d M !» <»f Ikr» Special on Shirts When our Pilgrim Fathers landed <>n t! < «' <>re ik << MMkal < «4!r* al r««»l Fall irattrrn la. Ite»' »< .St They wanted to live where they could think and C • n In »». t*la’UwA Fall l>«ttrrn 4 10 i «s»»*3a»$a*»ifg >»|HaihMa 1« la *..n» erra . # <$••'■■-: ha l*.< t. -t .ae fu R Fall irattrrn 5 V > r Ladle»' will hereafter I m ? an all-at-home print Hitherto sciences. They wanted to worship the Supreme ali «>r Mista tarai a«a*.rw* rr 1 >1 llnrtL w . M !» •»! we have had the First and Fourth ¡»ages printed in Being as they deemed mo.*t fitting and pro|M*r. M<*1i ai ÌAtiingw ubì « <4 <***<1 •VhltttM* In w.rttnr henw»rrh«g« «««*«>.«r- without dictation from any priest, prince or poten­ r^a4>a S*••!!<•< at-4 *■■■«• d>ia»nuc Portland. By BO doing there was two ¡»ages of the rhra i ain fui »«.-■•« fMaike • * T A Y T O N . O H I G O N tate, 1! it. -tniiigf to Mg, tbtM ■ tir rjefrw'a Fa$«trH* rrwwrr• |»tww» falth- pa|M*r over which we had no control. Also four so bravely sailed out u|>on an almost unknown (• i II t frk*rr*r*nt* «l! Ih«* a*««*»» nan.rd n- and -fra ! 1 diw a.ara !t< w h a h columns were taken up with Portlan«! advertise­ ocean to escape intolerance and persecution, s«»n jfrxwìir-nU U*rj arv» ments or other foreign ails, which were of advan­ became intolerant ami pers«*cutors themselves. tage neither to the N ews nor its readers. As the They drove Koger Williams from the* confines of LODGE DIRECTORY new press will print but a six-column folio paper, their settlements because he dared to think differ­ K gb»0 rtf t » M«*» • ently than they. luster on. during the day.« of arte» Two, s«« tr R**plr at the take Fo bs« 0 «4 raw h teHmth form; yet the amount of reading matter is in­ for the same reason and commissioned their ships JMWt PreHihg with 1. <» T M • !>»• Fifth I 1 !I u . • < creased rather than diminished. Our purpose is to to destroy William Penn and his Quaker followers Iiiurh, /»»nr* gnu 1 Mo i II Ho| I AMI». give the cream of telegraphic news, to make brief before they could land on the shore« of the New < <»nm*an krf I. R fc mention of the lesser important telegraphic, and to World. W a are ,-..«. I I ilevote a column to items of State news, on the day has almost outgrown this old-time intolerance Find ¡»age. On the Second page, as heretofore, of opinion and that our Federal constitution guar­ we will givc, «iitorially, any thoughts tha» may antees to all free thought and free sj»e.-ch. Yet occur to us upon leading issues. The Third ¡»age we occasionally come in contact with an individual will be given up to matters pertaining to the farm, who looks upon you as a ¡tersonal enemy if you H. dairying, stockbreeding, the household, etc. The happen to differ with him in opinion. Give such a Fourth ¡»age will be devoted to items of home new s * • man power enough and civil liberty would diaa(>< H and to news letters from our correspondents. ¡s*ar from the land. Be would ¡»ersecutc you. de­ Whenever our list of subscribers will warrant Attorneys-atLuic stroy your property, or do anything to make exist­ the expense we w ill add more ¡»ages. We do not Gfwrl« I» hksrb ence intolerable to you. expect nor care to become a millionaire at the news- To such an one we would repeat there are two ¡»aper business, and as our earnings increase, we H. MONTAS* I. sides to all questions. Your opinion may I m * the L. will make the N ews better. We aspire to make it correct one. while it 1« just |* - ble that the views the leading country weekly in the Valley. We can Attorney at-Lu c of the other felhw may I m * corn-cL Convince him do it if you will help us. We would like to have |*isMlr at»4 if you can of the correctness of your views, but of Patent* •»**»•♦» krt«» the name of every citizen of the Forks of the San- fl Urei |s| »fieri ALHAXI*. <»t $•*«•* tiam on our subscription b«M»ks. We would also for liberty of conscience sake, do not attempt to injure his property or business if you fail. Just like to have every one of these subscribers send a A g -I - it ! Clotbra « ill fitr a Man a U tier opini* n of liituaelf, '1 remember that he has the same rights as a citizen year's subscription to a relative or friend in other a# »» II a» iitK'OiiiN-«Hialy inthirnc«* ihr opinión o{ othera. that you claim. You can never convince a man ¡»arts, preferably in the East. By so doing you f w ..t» tbi» «kll apjM-al lo thc Man oí Usté. that your intentions are (icaceable if you throw­ Attorney« -at-Lair will be continually advertising this ¡»art of Linn T H E C U T OflWv tn Blum'seri Hh« k County. Also by such action you will double our stones at him. \I.HisT OW®t* Tn>u»er» are »hapely ami ruomy. We want to mak«* letters from the country and nearby towns a feature of the ¡»ajM*r. To this end It ia a matter of common knowledge that Oregon THE FABRIC we will gladly send the N ews fret* to anyone who parents are required to pay too much for the Physician ^Surgeon will send us in weekly, or every two weeks, newsy school text-books that their children require when Trte*| EaHtangw It Tim nr« eliaduay gray*, intiaible plaid' • ini rich miied tmtlern« letters for publication. • tr tltr lavorile*, trai blue» ami black» a ili he in line, oí esiti ree. attending the public schools. State Senator M. A. K|ik. HBKGOM We also desire to make our farm ¡»age one of Miller, of Lebanon, at great trouble an«l »me < x- THE PRICE value to our subscribers. On this page we cordi­ pense, has obtained a list of ¡»rices ¡»aid for school •J' I hllxiKK ally invite farmers, stocknusers, dairymen, horti­ books in nearly all of the states. And not one of ' Air ' '• «I $10, $12.80. $15. $18 to $20. Our culturists and housekeepers to air their views. If them, if the N ews man remembers correctly, al- 112.*• an<1 fl.’» Huit» «e bave never «ran equalle.1 fur the Ipoury. Xoturij Public At«»)» ready tu »boa, you know! you know anything that will be of value to your lows text-books mid at such exorbitant prices as At Ihr *»AW*TtaM M*Wte “the neighbors that will point out to them a better and ' Oregon ¡»arents are required to pay. In many in­ Mr»« gagera. J.fw»r», ||l’i«r>f tnHsv I'rnrivn |«|w n» H-hr* <4 den dairy. i»i w»<-r< ih « us your assistance. W. M. Ladd, a member of this Board of Com­ WK : : “RK mi N T J. Muhkrrw, W. F. (»ill, So, thanking you, one and all, for the liberal missioners. has resigned his membership and Sen­ F. C. Peery, J. J Harnee, ¡»atronage already given, and with the hope that ator Miller has been appointed by Governor Cham­ 1 J Mt MK» I «. C. A. Warner. rvrel^rnl. it may I m * doubled, we promise to give our very berlain to succeed him. In our opinion the ap­ best endeavors for the upbuilding and develop­ pointment ia an excellent one. Probably no other 1 ment of the Forks, in every department. man in the State is l»ettcr fitted for this place than Mr. Miller. For a number of years he has made Railway wrecks are far too numerous so numer- iour public schools a sort of hobby. As a member «KlO ous that one cannot help but suspect that there is of the legislature, during the past four years, he criminal carelessness connect«! with them, either has ever lx*en a valiant advocate for the better- Ht ■< < J. TO * — the **------- *' mana ------ ­ . ment of our public schools and has introduced a on the ¡»art of * employes, or on part * of gers for requiring too much and too long continued number of bills, the purpose of which was to ac­ taira a frnetal >«nltn» and -trhan»« Irosi •**-*• ban* mu t.- «i* remit taira and di arte SCIO ROLLER MILLS work by their employes. The recent wreck in complish this end. »•»**<■ 1 net ponti lai • n Ira When the Commission butts up against the Pennsylvania, in which President Spencer lost his iMimroHA im i>*. i- mih it a«, life if the wreck had to occur, and with loss of school book trust next year, one member at least life gives one a sort of melancholy satisfaction. will have posted himself as to what rates the trust If the loss of life had been limit«! merely to cm- sells books in other states, and from this fact, let < IM R at. BLACKSMITHS p oyes. not much would have been said about it. us hope, that a better Itargain will be secured in •nd W AIIOSMAKI.KS . . . But for a railroa«! president to be killed, a great the deal than that of six years ago. hullabaloo is raised. Spencer’s life was no mon* W» h«iy mi dear to him than his most obscun* brakeman. . »T1 When the railroads commence killing off their' .’ m -U n-.lkr chief officers, perhaps a groater care will be us«l $40,(MÌ0 for a prizefignt to I m * held in the town with MORM.MIdl IM) A SPI Cl Al n. in the operation of the roads. 3 1 the suggestive name. The necessities of life in y t Hats Mens Slickers G. D TROTTE mh Word With You j BLAIN CLOTHING COMPANY I THE SCIO STATE BANK Scio Million Coiiipain' J. J. BARNES & SON I Sc Io, < ‘ragon Ooldfield must be had regardless of what they cost Mark Twain celebrated his 71st birthday and «OHM traiti MAX In tarli I nunty In about the same time got the r.ews that his "Eve’s Mr. Peary didn’t find the Pole thia year, and Mr. re-«»—ni raaadtrrtlar .rw^rmlva imi, pai k through hi» roll, etimi ut ;r«« and prehistoric curias. 1JÜ ' Meat Scoud alrvct, near l.yuo. Bryant, I Subacrib« fur ih» H i . i H àm Nana. PHOTOdgAPHS.