The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, August 03, 1906, Image 4

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• to
Is It Your
Own Hair ?
- f ttetlkfe fteel A ?•» • Hfe'fl V'gmfl to tbe
hairgf««M **«•» •••
•»*•'*• I
Kfe«« •••4 • »•< »
tlNte feto< I <•*■ «»•»*
fw''F *•» ***< 1 •*»
» I
rkMMMfw'lf »•«•- « ♦»‘<»»4 H •• • •>•-«' ' 4 ►*•»*
I»u a
M »a T R« - a * •
“Where Is b». Jeaoette?”
“Gotm "
“< J rar ions' is th» en(»c*n>ent real
Ij broken Y”
“I should say *o I bo|< I shall nev
•r see him •<> i.
“This Is awful' You bar» my 9ym
patliy. dear “
"I dun't oevd sympathy
tell you I hated hlmT"
All r'<bt dear I am (vnig and
•W wall a mltiula.”
if jou ah< uld an l4»ntall;
an;«here would would you
that I still llv» In tbe same place
an«l tbat I stay home and
the nlghta ha used to rail? And
It lie should rare ta c.iiue ba. k
of <»urse I «■ uld never think of
a thing would would you ba
1« u.v
Catarrh Caaaat be Cared
«uh i ■" si. am
»: i<■•-•«• <h.y
h th« a-tol
’ IL»
• 11. » 4
»> - n
! tof.
- ••
• ifl
• ••
a »
v •
II • ••
lu th -• •
. - ? *
• a tot. ■ • a i < a
I ■
; t - O .
. ■ •
• »< •«•. t 'tj- f ! va h ‘.I»« I'to-tot ' . ■! I
••r», »rtU g <Str«
;>«>•. 'hr ■■
• • - »-•
1 hto I*«»!»- t »-»««r I tftto
■. W • if.f rvst rytfe
1» •««! I •
«• •
h •
••! I »'•
•-» --
I i»t!i.a ‘ • A- ’
O' •* •■
a« '■«
F ) < ¡1 r x r y
•«». rinj-B. 1 # ujo . o
Bt»M l»y rlf'iMfta’» prlrv
Hfe. • Fto
a • ♦
Vfe ter If»»« fer» *prarr4
Mo rapid h«« l*sen the adtan«e.».r :•
if apray a «• « uivan« of ’
in«e-t« and
that thera Is »
landen* y to
ov*r ««limata !*•
value, ««ya
It w aa only
twenty «!i year« ago that paria griwn
was firti H*e*J f..r the H ng n th <?f
a •• ■
* •
■ I ■ i ? i * i«» 1 r>
» r\ .
When we re >i*mher that pr*. t
• II of our
dera spray ng
• tenta
• 1 tut*« « I •
rped or made of pra< tn ai utility «uh
in the pa»t fifteen or twenty year«
•ntl| It ha» cerne In >■» «n «Ini- «t un
vrr«»l pra. I r »
re«vful (m i gru«»r». «» c«n resa l<
anderatan.f wby greatcr m.
. v .
r » ascrltwd to It than It reali,
Rpr»y ng • a - »
i. I
llka mn»t new hteoa. It baa bm ri uvei
•uipbaa .*■!
There ar» »ou.e old »nd
• f»w ti.» «aya of solving il.» |n-<
«ud Alte».« problem.» Somali me « tb.-«.
•tber ».). may b» batter »ran th»’
ipraylng. »oaietlme» tb»y may supplì
m»nt It very adiatilagciuily
i .
: ’ » ■
o«vr s i.ew and valual.l» rvinedr
I ta»«
very pretty young woman a'liiii««!
t»ll on tb» »tone et*t« lu front of
father a h-.uve apralulng tier knee
dlallked do. tor*, but tba knew Anal
■y grew eo bad that »1.» «a» ¡H-rsuadel
ta call in m«.tl- al advice. Abo wouldu't
bar» this doctor or tbat one. but Anally
a ild »1.» «o.i d • -i sent to ha. g •
lu a .-ertaln •pro '» looking young man
carrying a b'Vi>e»pa*hle medi. lu» t-
who pa»o«l lite hvuv» »very day
The family ks*>t a sharp lookout, an«)
when 1.» «-»me along calla.1 bl i. n
The young lady n»4.wtly ral-«.l ber
skirts and ali<nv»«l the disabled inemlvr
Tba young man look el at It and said
"That certainly la quit» aerloit* "
• We
s .
•• .
•hall I «i»r
“If I w»r» you." he Mid. "I would
a»n4 for a phy* -Ian."
"Hut can you not attend to ItT" oak
•4 th« girl
“Not very well." a.iaweret tbe young
man. "I am a piano lunar “
O r (H(
I ttdrf
Biq (lathering lor Boise tor the
First ol September.
Do you pin your hat to your
own hair? Can't do it?
Haven't enough hair? It must
be you do no< know Ayer's
Hair Vigor! Here’s an intro­
duction! May the acquaint­
ance result In a heavy growth
of rich, thick .glossy hair! And
we know you'll never be gray.
III IW< ttlllrfl
To take tbe ernaue of tbe Hrltietr
emptre la a matter of «l.ffl -ulty In cer
tain illstrlcta
A nai ve off! lai «a»
vtdercil t«> take a .-euvus of wbat so
known tu I* a populous village in I gan
11» rvturu.vl with tbe r«|»rt tbat
there waa no ¡vipulatl.m. th» etplana
tion b»ing that th» Inbat. taiita bad fled
ea bearing of hl» »¡.proaob
More pre
cl»» lnstru-•! • • Wei» given to
n 1 id
II» paid a hotter vlalt Io the village
The result of ble Itiqulry was given
thus In tb» tabu itet form Nu . • r of
bills. 2&T; luhabltants. men over I*
year* of age. 0; women under 19 years
of age. 0; women. 0; cblldrvu, 0; to
tai. a
An I m prtiflloR .
I'm kind af dlwourag.-«! 'bout that
new boarder,” Ml«l Mrs r..rntovwl
"t'bew Up,” answer».! the farmer
"Thvr» ain't no ua» o' trvlu' to suit
H»'a •»• o' thow fellers that
writ» political articles for the uiaga
' v 'i I
4 NfnmoMlM,
At tha close of lWA, eighty Av» tbou
•and aut'unoldles were In use In tb»
I'nlted State». <>r ona to every one
thousand Inhabitant» N»w York State
leade with twenty thr»» tbouaaml als
bundre.1 and Afty machines In un.
while Arlaoua baa only threw
We « baaee.
Riranger If you think a car few law
would b» a good thing f,r 'b* lew» why
don't you bring the iatt»t up I «for» tb»
ally father»?
Native Itosi» th» trouble W» haven't
any city father»
ftorae at 'sm ara eld
be hviora. and the reel of 'em lire «a
N»m»-to»4» Milk ««•»••-
ft la not an easy tasa fur th«»o who
have tut a email quantity of milk W
• r. f..r to <»o It with svvmsmj- Tba
large c
on a larga traie raa
• bleb d«!ryn»eu
aff.ird ara aot for th* man with tba
slngl» ran. banca be musi rta«t to
«.tn» p ?inn on (be I mh »* made Idea
Take a ton. wl<< b may b» lougbl at
any store for a low prt«-«, high enough
to contain a barrel of g‘«d dlmen
Fi.’, 'n tba bottom of tba boi
several !n< Ur« »k-rp with aawduat. and
on thia net a barrel rut down ao that
»Iwn • n k • an la *et Into It It will
< «ri««« Habil« «r «te»«p.
Tu compii» all tb» peculiar batet» of
•beep would rwqulrw a great deal of
•¡WV> It la quite generally known that
wtwrw one ebrep °f a flo. k
» b-.l» flock la ear» ta folk»«
sheep linda a bre«<'b la the fence and
»c«M> tbe whole
la out and »•u>e
of I hern may n»t e.eti watt to And tbe
breach, but will gu out tn any way p.«
•Ible, »«»u If tb»y ar» compelled to
Jump. Mi4vp du B<>t Ilk» to get their
fret mudd, and they »r« a.vrve tu
putting their feet lu th» water, and
they will ¡»rmlt I hern «rite« to be »ub
Jected to allinei any punlehnwut rather
than at»p la «ater In def.-tiae of lamb»
ewew will put up a ¡».-ullar Agtit. de
¡wilding no the uve of the fore tret In
•tend of tbe bead a» I» u»ual tn other
Itutancvw In eailng they ar» faatldhnM
and will nut e«t out of an unclean
trough, even tbo<igg hunger drive» them
to make the attempt
W two tn all
health they will not beeltate to eat al
urei anything, auch aa dirt piece» f
metal and other foreign autatau.vw.
Masers àia «• Frail
A Penna,ivaulan «tate« that be ha«
aever used •"«»mmercial fertilisera In an
«ppi» on'b«rd
If tiw ground I« too
pour to pr—lu-e api **. nut bl ng |g bet
ter than bamyarg manure. whi<h an
enera every purpme. both f -r a mulch
or fur rnrl foh.g tti* gr- und In plant
g in apple orchard the ground ■h >ul«l
lie fanned etgry year fur ai«»ut t«i.
years« gru«'.ng »u< ti rn-¡>« aa ¡«¿tehM»«
• >. k. •
. •»• th »t
a u i •
flint airs «a often aa the crop« will re
the growth of the apple frron *ud fruit
^fter that time tin» land may be «ceded
down and o«’** «loually farine*! and
MB'»* M
manure*! suffi« lently tc keep ths lami
be top in a fertile condition
•t»tt * ju«t below I
of tlx barrel
Heraew It •• f < alter.
t. tb-t
eight lortM dref».
tf In resh«»elng a bur*» tbe horse
ilx « an of Bilik tn
•U>rr dose not trim the boof simaitb
In roltl
ly. and the «b«»e cut)S«M|uehtly dor« not
efwl l«rgr
fit tbs foot iFerfiH’tly. the borne thrrr
i<et which »hall run Ihmiqli the h ferla uncomfortable. would Iw •
rrel «n<1 III» bofl w> that live water tpirtoflon very difficult to answer
> I* drawn «»ff when It <rt- warm
I« natural to Infer, never! baleas. that
e llln-tralliui shows the Idea ¡»lain
w hen «u< h la tbe case tbe tvirve Is un
In the stilili ilrawltifl» at the l>ut
fier m«>re or les» «train.
To accnm
n "M rei'tesetit» tha tel. *T.” !!>•* phah a riH»rw uniform and even par
rrei alii! A the «nu of lullk. an*I ii>g of the boof a Canadian Inventor
His dr.i« '•>< tn the left "<>" shows lut* drvl»«-i 1 H m « boof<*utter abown In
• tin- faii'.'i Is |da<«il near tbe hot
the Illustration«
In (bls cutter two
n .if tlie Im. Any one «-an resdlljr Entre« are pivoted to a central bar
kr tins milk rt-'ler st small
* hl< h terminate« Into « hook
|ii«|lan»¡mlls News
¡took 1« <-I« iii | n M In (MMltlnn on
hoof r » »bitwn
Th* operator thwii
•iralw «««d ailwa*
gr»v(» the center handle and one ol
I «• obj< <*t
vu esprrknetit at the the knife handle» Arinly In one hand
>b o atation *u to <kt*rmme whether With the other h»nd he »«In»» th.
• i'.rtgr
■( ! •, »iri*«tdu!ed f‘»r a
r«rna1nlrig handle back to lb. ¡«>lnt In
tf !« , . ;. j (:«.!1 .»f like <Ta .11 W«usl
«floated by tbe dotted line».
y ft 1 ’ •
| wo ration« were with one alroke he 1» able to pare un>
fr*| carrying praett ally tl»e same • ole of the hoof front heel to tor Th.
«mount of dry matter
In ooe ration other knife la then swung back In th.
u<-r »’di ¡- t u«Mit of thia dry matter waa
!«• *rd fjvii: • tf«*, and 1» '• than lH
,wr • <*ut waa derive*! from gtaln
< t ra’ on over M p-r cent of
th«- dry matter wn* derived from grain.
Hu alUgr tw*H>g fed
The <v>wa f»*d the
■ g«' ‘.it u pi ‘lu »-d "17 |«»und« of
<nllk 3’-I •> < s |M»und« of butter fat a
hundred p «on 1« of dry matter. Tlx
«*»»«• 4 th«- g 1'n ration |»r<»4u «>! hi 3
, k » u i 4» f ni • and 3 11 {»>‘un l* uf butter
fat « hui-«u* I iM-uud* ..f dry matter
The obr | *>f fe»«d a hundre«l |<»uhds of
milk wa« fiHtST with the silage ration
with tin» grain ration. The
x»«t *»f feed a hundred pounds of butter
(nt waa I.44 «ent» with the alhige ration
ami 22 1 cents with ths gralu ration
I be average net profit a cow a month
-t uf l.»lM>r) waa IMMN with
tlx silage ration, and $2.4d& with tbe
grain ration.
Tailit* H im »*.
lime « m 4 «alt Keep i'aa«.
11» water gln«a tuetb«*! 1« nut th* manner, trimming th» other «Id*
■ id, i <? uf k«t p’.ug rggt in fairly go»»<l of III» buuf
A quicker or mur» effl
tXFnditlon for quite a luug ¡»erlod. Horne
ent mener of trimming a horses boot
yenra ago tbe Rhoda I «land Klperluaant would be bard to Imagine.
a number of different
M.mej fur I iperltotrut u orte
met bode, and found that aalt brin» and
1 be Adams bill t»euiu«w a law by Ihr
lima water atood «evtmd onljr to «atar
! ’ uder Ita
gla«a aa ■ preaervatlre. Tb» eggs «ere approval of tbe I'resldent
provisions tlie auuual Federal appro
held over a jeer In tb» plebi», and all
I be «tallón report««! prtatlon for State agrtaaltiiral egpert
rame out good
aa follow a. Ti»e •urfar» of th» liquid meut atatlons is In. rvaaed troni (ló.isv
*ti rru»ted. and coutlderabla »lit bad to IJti.uuO at ou«-e. and thereafter by
mt UM to tbe bolt »in of tbe jar
The '!>• addition of |J.<sa> annually until »
At tlie eu.l
•belle of tbe egg« wblcb were sunken total of SlS.tXK) la reached
In tble tilt appeared tery frveb. Tbe of Ave years ea.-li Mtste station «II!
ci ter lure <»f the «lirlle were clean and receive ISO.tas) annually from the g >v
clear Tbe air cell« were nut In ’reaeed .rnment, wbl.-b must be eijiended In
tn «tie.
Tbe whites and yolka «ar» eiperlmeutal work, not Instruction
normal In epi»earance, Tbe «Gite» boat Not to aacaad 5 per v-vit of tb» addi
up nicely, but bed a •lightly »aline 'lottai Adams appropriation i-an be eg
taele. Ketrrel ueed a» dropped eggs ended for building, repairs, pur. have
spidered to be n! '*, but bad a «lightly «T rental. It meaua mure work for tbe
! station* and thia material • Id will be
•harp ta«te. Tble old fa eh toned method
<f preserving «-gg« ;• thue again proved heartily «el.-omed
effect) va.
fefelMfrr n h»Al
Fur IDL« (u lUOC* tbs tMMt three win
ter wheat» and the best three aprlng
wlbwsta at the Minnesota siperlment
farm. St Anthony Park, showed an In
t’rrase In favor of the winter wheat*
of N3 buabrl« tu tbe a« re Reports uf
winter wheat an ths valley lands along
the \I ufu • >ta River during Hs»4 and
Uaift were favorable, and It will be only
a few ye»r« when varieties will foe
found that are adapted to tl»e prairie
region« of the Htate. I'armera are a<1
vl«e«1 to tie ennaervalive about growing
winter wheat and give It a fair teat on
t «mall arrengn fur at )es«t two year«
••ef«»re retying upon It a« a profitable
narket m»p
Only \l nneeita grow n
•«•ed should be U«rd.
Itati riaaler faar I levee
When applied early In th» spring
land plaater usually prove» very beo»
Acial to clover
Abuut 1U0 pounds to
the a.-r* t« »ufllcleut and tb» <œt I» but
a trifle
Plaater baa aleo been fuum!
es.ellent on •■urn. a» It attraete moist
ur*. a nd, although out ragar.led a* a
fertlllaer, yet on emn» Held» «Itere
plaater has been used It gave an ewsrly
•tart to corn and tbe lea.e» bad a deep
er tinge of green than «ber» no plaster
was lived
The vetv n unc, C« nt i^i.c.i Blood P«>is..n, suggests contamination and dread. It is the
worst disease the world has ever known; res pourible for more unhappiness and sorrow thau
N.JxxIy knows anything
all others combined. P"
„ about the origin
_ of this loathsome trouble,
but as fur back as history goes it has l>een regarded the greatest curse of mankiud.
No part of the b -iy is beyond the reach of this powerful poison. No matter how pure
may !• , when the virus of Contagious Blood Poison enters, the entire ciiculation
Hundreds of Lattars Ar» Received
the humiliating symptoms begin to appear,and the sufferer finds himself
Deadquarlars Oaiy
to foot with the aud most destructive of all poisons. L’sually
Rat»» lo Be Granted.
the first symptom is a small sore or ulcer, so insignificant that it rarely ever excites
suspicion, but in a short while the skin
Dear Hire
I had a friend who had a bad case of Con
Bole», Joly 31.—Tb» Fuorteentb Na
breaks out in a red rash, the glands of the taglou*
Blood Polson and was in a terrible condition. II
local lrtlfal "» • "(t»»». ai>l<b meet
groin swell, the throat and mouth ulcerate, tried all the medicines h* oonid hoar of. but nothing did
him any good. H« went to Hot Bprlnga but It was Ilka
al Bui*» N»pt*mtwr 3 to fl. i* tba ool) ; the hair and eye-brows come out, and often
the other treatmei ta he had used, and ha wee In despair
»••'.Ing ol national impurtaoc» to 1» j the hotly is covered with copper-colored
of a cure when be heard of H H H
After taaii g it lor
swhll» the aorea ad healed, hla hair stopped falling out.
.»Ui »• tb» 1‘aciAc slop» daring th.
spots, pustular eruptions and sores.
and. continuing with It. he soon toun I hims-lf cured en­
l>r»»»i.t^year. CLairnian Etwn K. Me
J ohn lehlik .
There is hardly any limit to the rava­ tirely of thu bileuus dlsesie.
Laud, ol tb» Wv»t»rn l‘aa»»t>g«r a»*<ia
Kook ford. til.
71» W. Htate Nt.
lion, uaa nolibivl th» »»•« .iilvvcnmiuil-
I «as afltieted vrlth Blood Poiaon. and iba beat doc­
riven from the bl xxl it affects the nerves,
lav that rati« l..r th» congre«» will tw
tora did m» no good. th ugb I look tbelr treatn eut falth-
In lact I «»emed to g«t woree all the wbll». I look
•l«rminv<i at 11.» Minneapolis mvwiiri»
causes tumors to form on the brain, pro­ aim «t •very eo-cnlled blood remedy, bul they dld not
U th» av»<<iation today.
to rvacb the .llvea.v, a:.
«Itect wbwtevvr. I
No other dis­ eeem
Although mor» than a month will ducing insanity and death.
waa dlabeartened, for it eaemed tbat I would nevar t.e
• lai»« Iwlurv the omgrvv« 1» to mcvt. ease is so highly contagious; many an inno­ curad
At th« advl.w of a frlen.t I thea took N H N and
to improve
1 oonlluued th« «n.l It cureJ
iJ Ul« U-Un-i Ol ,OV»r I.U*'U
cent person has liecoine infected by using the togas
■>• complately.
■ia>» I mwo appointed Irvm different »w
Hamlel. N C.
tiuna eaat ol th» K.- ky mountain», and same toilet articles, handling the clothing, by
an average ol 100 letter» a day arv b»
a friendly handshake or the kiss of affection
mg ratelved al headquarter», asking lot from one afflicted.
But no matter how the disease is contracted, the sufferer feels the
w »« m >u.u math •n . ts.ttuH.g b«« «< n
that accompany the vile disorder.
ie»» and th» u| p-itumtiM to b» bid
Mcrctiry and l' t i h arc t inmonly used in lhe treatment of Contagious B1<*>«1 Poison
>r learning aa much as pwaibl» ul li­
gation mvtboda. *laa ol tarma, capita
but these minerals < mnot cure the disease - they merely mask it in the system. All ex
rrqolicj, character ut crop» |>t<xl(»ced,
.»4 th» revenue to b* depended upon tcrnal evidences may disappear for awhile, but the treacherous poi
•y th» Irivigalloniet».
1b» Boise session of th» congre.s 1» l>eforc, because the entire system has lx*cn weakened am! damaged by the strong action of tlic
u> constitute a great svt.ool for Irt'ga
There is but one certain, reliable cure fur Contagious Blood Poison,
ilon. Scientiflc and prolevs Iona I men Mercury and Potash.
aud that is S. S. S , the great vegetable blood purifier. It attacks the disease iu the right
will Jiwivs and analyse advanced !bro
rirs, engineers will giv» ths solution ol way by going down into the blood, neutralizing and forcing out every particle c>f the [KRSOtl.
th» many «ngineeriug problems tba'
It makes the blood pine and rich, strengthens the different parts of the I xk I v , tones up the
nave bt.ii wuikvd out, and th» pract al
irrigator* «ill abow io a practical «ay system, and cures this humiliating and destructive disorder permanently.
• uat la accomplish»«’, by the r.euita os.
Th« itn| 'Venn nt commences as soon as the patient gets under the influence of s q q
continues until every vestige of the poison is driven from the blood and the sufferer
Th» general government Las loaned
is completely restored to health, S. S. S. is not
nearly 140,00«),POO for the purpoea ol
teclaiming arid lands and providing
an cx|>eriincnt ; it is a success, It has cured
bonier, lor the people.
The loan
of cast s <>t Contagious Blood Poison,
»ad» ttirough an act of . «ongross
many of which had given the Mercury and
proved by Breaident Ko.jeevelt
years ago. Al th« Idaho meeting
1’ot.tsh treatment, H<>t Springs, etc., a thor«
4'ivernnient is going to be asked tn
trial, and had almost despaired of ever
11 IM,<>00,O'fl) more to the 1« an made tu
being well again. S. S. S. is made
Is cil sei.» lor th« more rapid comple-
loo of th« works no« under construe
of roots, herbs and barks, and does
tion. lianatori ami mrmtori ol con-
jure the system ill the least.
gresa at« th« real trust««» of^tb« gov­
If you
ernment In the loan* made, ami they
are coining Io inveatlgale thecoudilioue arc suffering with this despicable and debasing disease, get it out of your blood with S. S. S.
>f th« security which reclamation la before it does further damage.
We will gladly send our book with instructions tor self­
giving to insure its r«| .«y tn ent.
without charge, to all who write.
Statesmen, eapitallste, uiauulactur
1 “ *
.1 «^
• to '•
ire, bu»m«M men, engineers and irriga
ionists, Immigration ami colonlratlon
Ml i«t lev, h< OM makers ami lc inr m k
Afralrl nf Ihr «isirll
Kt HT<IN -feMtovet as-! Cfeem!»«
•ra, all to tbe number ol 8,000 or mor«, If » Her ■. Love «tor »—-Boiled Dovwn.
H OW« MD F « OÌV-»
M|M4i|sWtt frf t. <H» i
Bill Altb 'JgU l>'r I» are rre-tltr l - I AHkals.»»*.
Mi*« Jone», ill'Ht ui« to prexnt Mr.
a ill join in th« great movement al the
a . I
Koi»« seeeion of the National Irrigation
(kail i • • tt»< •« ■>» ota toti ; •
a . ■ ■ h »
t I «<»•
4». 4 h :«--.Î ta n *î jeu. M il Jjur* ¡e-rt find« turkrys Indifferent to all ir*?« — -t •
»«. fas»*'. .-«!
I Af .d.ala N»
A special train «ill be made up at Vili you marry ru<T*
Jill Well, I don't know
I've «er <
Chicago lor th« delegates horn the hast
turkey trying to grt • long distaii-w GASOLCNt INirINIS
ern states. Vice President Fairbanks
rullìi «« nrrtoii|i . ’
Alt «><«» *u I
and his party »ill tccupy on« ol thr
a«ay when a motor car was tn th» vl
• < « •'.
» .
. a
car*. Tbe »pedal will be known as
ctnlty. Yonkers Ntatouian.
"the vice preaident'i train."
Hard <• I urr
Portland. OrefoM.
"I'm find to bear that Fhvtman
Syrup tbs be*I remedy '■ use tor ibelr «bibite»
inherited a fortune and bought • g«».»d daring the levtbn g ¡«rl-«l.
farm with h.
How do**« hr hka living
tn the »'ountry?"
fefelll H«»w Illi Jut||tRrnf D*P
Afant Endurable Life While Governor
S, lernt H
H it w!
• Uy <>f
Ttw»r« 1« r «hl very, «hitky
Talks of Crar's Burdens.
Uat Ma,» cam«* hr forgot hiiu*rlf and wrnt
aiuotig tbe people who Hvr along tb«*
Moacow, July 31 — A »trike baa brok n round a U m * nt mmdrdl, i«n>k,ng for a naw
IIUffiMuil Itlferr w hh’b 1« to the effri’t
•n out here among the baker» who are
<41 LU Qjotr.**
that thait «trvMiii 1« tin* «■«erlantthg boat
driving to obtain a lietteruient in their
Ing water« <»f a ape* ter who I* peraou
■erking cosnlitioba and Nundav for a
Ifled aa H rui bout Van I »am
lay off.
According to the Council ol
bark Iu rolouial time« ICaiubnut anil
Woiktueb, the tola! number of men on
hl* friend« w«*rr drlukhig until lute at
«trike in Moecow l>as reaclie.1 IH.OOO.
For Infant» and Children.
night Fitially tid« man l<*iiih*>ut «turt
• n addition to which the Vorkreeirei.iky
r«l for home, tome distantr up tbe rhrr.
actory today locked out 3,000 am
hi hl« tioRt. •*raring that lie wouhl
Bears the
mw tbe d>«tan« • If It fm»k “a month of
The governor of Moecow has iaaned a
Hamfooilt never reached
Blgualuru ui
proclamation iu answer to the Viborg
fot»mr, and tbe aup»*r«tltk>ti» |wt»plr «ay
manifesto u! the outlawed parliament
that lie baa t»een ix»udvu>nrd tu row uh
aid given it a wide circulation here
til Judgment day.
lie declares the manifesto to be revolu­
Ths Kind You Have Always Bought
tionary in character and directed against
the emperor. It is lima, the governoi
ler la tea, tor tbe loya
population to
vme to the asantance of bis majeety
«nd ligh en hie heavy butdrns.
Franc» Regrets Killing
Pari», Joly 31 —The French embassy
st Washington has been instructed to
esprea« tbe deep regrets of the French
rovernnicnt at the killing of l.ieutetian'
Clarence England, navigating officer of
the t'niled State» cruiser Chattanooga
■ bo «a» mortally wounded at Chefuo,
China. July W. by a riffa bullet tired
from tba French armored cruiaer Du-
petit Thouar», while the crew of tbe
latter «ere engaged in email arms pra> -
tic*. The authorities her» are await­
ing fn ler report* before es'abli»hing
tbe ree|Hinsibility for th» «.ci leni.
Penny Foreign Postage.
Ixmdon. July 31.—John llann bar
Heaton, memtier of parliamWH and
f .liter of the "imperial penny poatage"
•lea. ba« addrrvaed a letter to Chancel
or of th» El« l.eqiier Aaquilh and F.wl
master < »>»r»l Button, offering to pro
ride an acveplabl« Iwnk guarantee to
«»ver the !<>•« io revenue for th» Arst
<hr«a year*, ahich might folio* tbe
ufoptlon o* penny poa’age l>»t«evn
Great Britain and America, if the gov
«rnment «ill appoint a c< tn mi I tee to
investigate and report on «nrl> pro!«
bl» luaa.
Buildings Can Be Saved.
(irrrlril arreite Flald.
San Francisco, July 31 —The board
Kansas ha» tb» largest I'uotlnuoaa al
• I »u per visore ¡.■••e.l a vote of mnfl
faifa Held In Iti» world. Thia belong«
lence in the major part of the city hall
to Colonel J W Itoblnaon. Eldorado and al«o th« hall of jna'I ». at Ita me»..
and Includes more than 2Jk«y acre«, tba • ng todav. A »¡wc'S I romiti lite» repott­
prodm t uf wbl.'ti brings a small for- ed that "at Ivaat AD n»r rent of both
tune to Ita o« ner each year.
buildings ran b» made um of again,
and. within I»»» than two year», they
»■ve ammosta from weaaee.
feraramer <tr«la fnr
can b» completely and »mnomically re
All atable manure will 1* Improved
It la not lo be espe--ted that ths <tor»d." Th» Inard reeolved that the
If |a>ta«h tn some form la addetl. e«|»e fuwls . an be tsken care of wbolly on lebris and wreckage should ba rlearvd
sway immediately.
daily of the ¡wtaah aalt,
Kanlt ha» thè range .turlng tbe aummer r» mal
beeu found useful for this purpoae. It ter il»« estenalve II may be ao that tb»
Cruiser Waahiontoo Turned Ovtr
I» crude aulpbate of p<>ta»h and con grain must be fed In a gres ter or lese
Ihrrlrg tbe aummer «• do
taina a large proportion at salt It will ainount
Camden, N. J , July 31 —The ertola-
arrvet thu e*-a|* of ammonia and prove «Itbotlt tire maabe» and thè coru, feed »r Washington, built at th» yard» cl
valuable of Iteelf «Iteri ap|>lled to the tng «beat and b«n-k«heat and. begln th» Ne« York N lipbuilding company,
land. It i» •!•«> »»«•«lletit on land In nlng In Jun». more or lesa cottoneeed in thia city, »■• formally turned over
featrd with grubs, though not a com mesi, addtng It In very amali quanti to tb» government yealerdav.
piel» remedy fur »u< h ¡>r«t« it I» cheap Ile» and tn.-reaslng It grvdually uniti cruiser will not go into cnmmieeion for
No caremoo ea narked
and should be u«ed mor» ettetuliely >!anit ooe lenth of tire dally ratlon «-va •ever»I day»
• Iste of thè oli uieaL
where ma nur» la be ug »a ted.
tb» tranciar.
< .*r,
hule T eam
any tvgnr«!
uf lite.** re
l»e «urr of ber fav«»r !
a little dinner In her
u will i'W« •< fw
-I *»•)«• 4 «•« J*
haw . hrvMiUy •«,
but ferir t>
hill Cleanse Every Article in Your
Kitchen or Dining Room
And Make II Bright
Al'- •I'*'.»-»
Twice as G( mm 1
One Third the Cost
r * >;‘a:
■ . w
4 vary day Is bargain day in tbs
in and get ac-
K C wit! help you cut
down the living etpenses and make
doctot's bill* a thing of the past,
you realise tbat you can get the best
•nd purest baking powder In th» world
K zx
¡r. >
at one-third wbat ou V» b»*n paying
for anywhere near
aware roe reatt iff. Think of tbe aaving!
Can you make money any easier t Get
It to-day.
The grocer return* the
price of can if you ar» not »atiafled
jlll Grocers
i4 ; ogtgl for ited b««af>fal
te of Pr*«r«Ft
Portland lra<hr Drrdory
M>.X R« UHHlYli
Ratini .«
kgr* • A lfr*4 H«' y»»r»l B a «'<**• r»»rrw«'1 r Up*
I v-gythlMf ta n.wa n>»f««a
Mat»«»« a >4
»•IM ««r»a •
« B, a •
PlASttM a <»H<4fe X«b— Ua«t F
'•« rw-nwntn fa-
i. e . »
.n <w
*»| •**«?*'
w m* Iter a—re p« ....
p ea«*> ruiw ng haflml
• erw»«, *<«
WYK« HMlajP.
<iilt*fi Co . rSwt aol
WISE BROS., Dentists
il 'gHu .*
’ h'-t
1 W . fe'rftow
» to- m Uflfe* «.
‘Mnataya* ■» 11
Mflk r* J».**
Fr*» -art*11* |U»ea» »i d I oral
and 1«a - r'aafi»
laavst. t tol
,5 e*-"*'5 Ha«¡
r su
•M .
• 'li <•
A». M o»
»•• w H i I r . Sn ,4vertI»er» pl
eenll.e tela peeer.
M -W