• a f • 4 • r -J * * 9 « • • 4 I R. >y II mine Lt ne-utha in Die yaar here tuna count» i» pr lably again lawliu- I ed lo liaw llw aiiia!la«l »herlff .4 any ¡county tn llragiui Can lutale Smith ia , little but we doubt wIwlher crimínala will be di»|«owd to praMime Ue much 1 G<«t sheering is tera <,n. on aerwunt of Ina elsa, tanni ha* •] < tor new line of wall jw,*-r Just ar­ •art id cuavim-mg way about him that rived C. W«wly make» up for all 4 calali- | Al lain v Baptiste talk <4 srertliK a naw ■iacy for nomination for county clerk <>n < church during th« preeent rear. the Kefaitdiaui lukrt Billy waaacandi- | Clias. W*»«ly ),■• ■ new Im* uf Wall dal» two yaar» ago for thia [xaitton and i made a strong race, which It la lliougt.t Pbp-r »nd i*ainte reedy l.w spring. Wo liave s tali line of Kl'ray Pump« he will do again. II» ia one .4 our Inal young man. g.»at haUta and clean. ami tiarden ll'ww Chari»» Waeely. Will» s Ihmiway for -l*t.' >*nnt»r on Tlie sscood appearance of spring to even more wekotu» than was the first, the Republican ticket will be hi» own man, it ehw-ted N< T»«fy will run him uoe. or control him. lleauva. **| Madge the Nest week wl««n all candidates have jar.pl» of i irvgnn ■ great rwluctioa in rempieted certith atioo, we will g.v» a live prraant mormou« c>wt of lb* otBca. full I »t al tire field ! aliali i urtu» eo noito.-al and tuaiivaw- Il ia getting lr> be rather a <|ui»< -lav I likr metlxai» amt cut out tlw gratterà." m Scio, when a pro»|rerUve cam!«late I Bator» th» rail owe! mnatrudion M* Y”* and to occupying pr.nw’rty lately to ught . On tire Hill line froiu KriinewH-k to I by him from Al»i Williama. Portland, -'■*») men are wanted Two' OREGON AIJIAWY Mayor Chnrtoe t.riaeen, of M. Minn-dollars ami twenty-flv» cento per. day oil.-, and prenfeht Ot th® Oreg n Fire < •» . r Unary labor ami belter prices f.>r TDIAL»** IN ** - * A«w<« - lb* more «killed workman, lukewlse la Relict lata.n, 1» de»d. llrer* drman.l for worker» at n*wrly ft i» oulr a »h- rt time to Primary mill and l.giring .-amp rlactfain. If you h.-va not r»gt»t»r«l. •verv large Anybody who desires work .-an tia.e it look after lb» matter al oner. ia ths Pacific Northwcat this yrar Frum recant in»pm'tum it is an- - • • nourawl that but little damage waa SCIO'N niRtl -MAM BAND d.-ne frwrt by the lata roM anap John Deere Steel Plow*, Syracufic an«l Oliver < l»ili» «i Plow», Rdey Shelton. ChM. Wraely, T J. Scio’s Three-Mar brasa lami mad.. Its Munk er» and Koger Cain made a initial appearance before live publir on Dbc Harrow«, Monitor anti Tip-r Drill« anti Scejivr». Bain < buainrw* viail to Allri. in llul.b. r-Tir.-.l Kugm--.. -M'- in tim evening The Three star bnys i man A Taylor Tlin-htr« ami hngim-, (tMt'-iw rngim«, wante-f-Tw - i»gi»iattv» camiidat»» had a lilwral aasialance I nun the town talent ami a general cv-ntrilwiUrm of I American Field Fence—ll>® Best Wire Fence made—am* tor tire i--» <:»iuro <>n h ... is - r»tic lutato-la of gvaai thing» tor tlw lum ti at • zthat the program was overbalanced I tuny and in a »liort lime will lie ready with burie*|ae II was aleo detnoa- stratevl that Sc to has an unusual num­ 1'omnreiich.g with April 1, J.» Young ber of hiaallum. who. reg-anil*«» of tlie illi tlie Franklin llotu- Co^ two pleasure ami rights of others, t-ok ¡ I matclil»*» stallion» will become a furl ' r har ge of the half for w-veral minutes in 1 ¡ n-.i-v cat calls, whistling, etc , that j c4 Scio again. Insure with the Oregon Fire Relief i »Ure)y wa* a nuisanev to peacnabi; ■ ¡ Xrw 0 air51 Bulinar, Asenciatioa, of McMinnville. A purely di»|awml gmwto and certainly affinici mutual unsnetatton. J. ti. Bryant but little, if any, enjoyment to the par- ticipwtors Tlie city marshal should agent. Albany. Oregon. have made the b.»«tluuia know that hn Frank C. Baker, chairman of the was present. At live eom-lii»H-n of the Republican »tale central committee, | pn-gram the basket» were sold, that is has resigned, lie give» “buaiu.»»" as I m I and --I ti>» - » il -r was w.l.l to the I I OR STA I E SI.NAIO«- , his reason for doing ■». higheat beider, after which tlu. evening All«ny E ks have decided to erect a wa» given given over over to social entoymeul I hereby announce inyaalf ** * can­ kalgw r.».m ol tlreir own m the nsnr i Th» receipts at the door am! from the didate for the republican nomination future and are now looking alter a lot .nd,,,,, —|e of handa, was *f».75 show-I for rtate xenator from Linn county, iVuxaaas, the Secretary .4 Mate j uja.n which I", place it. I jng that the Throe Star aggr.-gstion of j »ubject U> the will >4 the inter« at the Mr* William Studer and two chll- musicians 1» deatined to la> popular, primary election to 1« held in »aid the Mate of Oregon has m-tifie>l me j *» w r I 1! C .ng ,llg Hitt th.t I i r« . ,Alli kill I I- . > the Hw j [ ■ \ I - ■ < .iron, of I'nrelwlel, Wash., are visiting The personnel of the membershltv of tlie county on April 20. 1900. act t «ntitloil entitl«sl “ " An Act making rff.y-- the former's |«re»ta, Mr and Mrs. Alex l*nd and instrumentation is as follow» J I favor the »trii tert economy in «late » <4 an a« For Sale by tive the Initiative ami Referendum pro- I Montgomery, of near thia city. Cornets, Cha». M. Andereon, leader, E. , and county government». 1 favor hold I Trt.ut will I I*-rip* iH-it Stirulav Sumter. Romej^' Home 0. Ur* ’>• rr ’7. , Uteud Calavan, »¡id» ing our »tate election* at the name time virion» <4 Section 1 of Article IV. .4 the T f ”’H will a« h | m n«xt Constitution of the State .4 Oregon, an-l ........ of the loan youth, werli m* I. C. Dickey » I tromls-nv*, John W eseiy, Claud Beery; a* our national election», a» it will de- till«, O. tL erramrour tax.w. I favor good road* »nd regulating eliw-lion» thereunder, ami pnr • >.,■ fl - |* it ’. • U , ! baritone. Roger Cain; riding [H-naltii-a for violations «4 pro­ Cyrus; drums, Ernest Rex, A W. I e<|ual and juat taxation. ¡«n*l■ |>|>OU.. veiua.uv The atrip including valuable ...i.ierwi mineral pr iposed amendment .•<> Swtion ? of Ar­ Ihrmocrath. roleni »t the Primarie*. the Nxwa a choice bit <4 intelligence, and tmdwr landa taken off of 1.inn and ticle XI <4 the t'on.tiluti.ui of the Stale Jarne* Swank, an »ancrant f>< tlie that would Tie of Iwnetil to the entire iven to Igine et—rl.l be irtumed to of Oregon shall 1» auhmitt.-d to the legal Voter* <4 the Stale <4 Oregon for their ’ ¡■omtiun of recorder on the !>euu cralic- community. At that lune we thought .inn county. ticket, came over on Thursday morn« . it i>roluil>le that we would lie author­ Bowing to the will of the sovereign apiwnral or rep-. U >u al the general eh* ing*a train to look after political ised to make some definite Rtatemeiit people of tiiis state who have einu-t.v| tion to be belli in said »tale on tlie tth i aloof tlie matter, but the enterprise is tlm direct primär law, ami l»-u;g d<- .lay of June, leing tlie first Monday in MAattm. REAL ESTATE BROKER We arv prepared to fill any and b H J. B. C< nviU. who want* to U* nomi­ 1*1)11 etili Lu iu atwyancc. abeyance, with «imply »imply a pro*- proa- ■iron» of giving it a fair trial. 1 de|iem! June, ll»»l, designated by said Peopfe's on my fellow cilia-na to »elect noil Power league of Oregon aa "(onatltil I kimla of ordinary building luinlter bill« nated * a a candidate for »heriff on the ¡wrt that it will matrnahn«. Office with The Kantiani New». at price* ranging fr«’m |6.5o for the beat Rrpubh«an ticket came over from »th Some Eaat»*rn lumbermen have been June tor United Slat.-» senator a citiaen tional amemlment giving citic* ami grade <>( fencing lofH j»rr thou rand fur bany Turalay looking alter |M>Utical inspecting one of tire mill propertie» up of this »tat» who will auppiri the ad- tow im exclusive power to enact xml ameml th.-ir charters," which aaid pnr- ’Itlti llAfi fl litl ifvt litll »nisi s*»a I ti ifv of . f I I*n *r —ident i, I *» n « R<».a«*v©lt I? . o.>i»vlt the lw«at quality <»< clear lumber. All of n ratter*. > 'tl.'ifllllri Thomas eri-i-L' creek . and has tiik». taken an < option min ait «tmti<»n i«>ar«i amendment la hereinafter particu­ thia lumber is in the rough, a* we have to putchaov the sauiv. Should th« deal G kobu * W. U aitiirr .l**Ln W*a*ly in addition to having hit larly set forth. Albany. O regno, March 31,1*<6. Farm »nd city propertw-» brmghl and no i i-lanw, bat ** ran mas* peictvi that windmill worked over rn having hot and lie mad«, we are informed that the Now, therefore. 1 George F Cfiam- purchasers < -nt.-niplute erecting a «il II juatily , r you U> haul to the planm *>ld on the u»ual oomiiiu*«ee lutulier flume from the mill pr<>|mrty to If y«Ki want lumbar for an Roaring River Dim Dynamited. with the calculation of putting in a Imth in obedience to the proviaioiia .if ,ai,l a« t , this city, providing a right of wav could H you want to »ell y >ur farm, I car. git« um » call »nd obtain our i ■ _ A U'lrplionv uu’^Fag« in thin city hereinbefore* first mentioned, do hereby tw necur.-d al a nominal figure, in Hutt FUb vend. 16-inch, &uc per load or 75c in the near future. SefT it if it can tw ».ild If v.-u want to V. W Robuivtt, of Shedd, a man ex­ event, it is tire intention to erect large y»«lantay frotii K<*anng Rivar atat«««! make ami issue thia 1‘r s lamatioti to the j»er cord at the mill. buy, 1 can find tire place you want th«- State of i ir.-g.ui. announc­ ceptionally Well ;» tiw* J*>litlC*l plsning mills, establish the lumber tliat the lattrwoiMl dam acroiw* that pe*.ple Cum* and mm « r»«. condition« of the prerant time, ha* filed yards.etc , in thia city, making Scio th« Rtrearn ha»i beau blown out with dyna« ing that th«- People's Power la«agu«- •( tint« on \Ve»inn the amount that the dmtaiM'i* No wort I came a« to who wa« la’ submitted to the I* gal voter» of the The late day Oregon had h»-e<» »uppU««ng aua* all the piano* and organ» nacearary; firm ia anal to be a very anlatantial one, inrion attach««* to «oine individuals. Mate of Oregon for their approval or re­ You Can Get • Good, Clean lU’«l al ps turn at the regular eleclioti to iable of carrying tliruiigh the enter- Ram»'nable Rat«*« al priae. The caiau'ity of the mill la now It m*em« that a certain party i« en* on the 4th day of June, Ba»i. said day uaier than at th* prerant time. A t tux W»» t E mi » or Muaai»o» S t . dmvoring lo we» ur»* the exclusive right l run !«<«, tie«, ate., down the stream. propiawnd amendment to s.-. lion 2 •»( annsr. siotzxm . ph«>thut.» i ■a to furniah lala.r for 4U to Tai men. number of people, though they are '-late of Or.-gon, designated by said Peo­ Old-time Linn County B..ya, Between Front ami Firvt on Murriaon St letiw for the purpuac and ©very build mg It 1» not no . »«ary for the Nxwato rsopriítor». nrge unr citiaena to encourage tho com- willing that th mi |*wrty ahoald that hie ple's Power la-ag.iw of Oreg-ui a* "C”U- ahown in the view ia recxgnixable. TorUA&d. Oraros ling of aucli an enterprtae to our tow n. t»«*a In CumiiKJU with anybiwly elae who ■titutional Amendment giving < itie* ami tn *4to« ena. t and We undvmtaiMl the ameml their charter»." which «aid pro­ announcement of George W. XX right, of i r<> || would I"- of advantage to every BAine puriHNM*. .„.I piiutoowaphs A litany a* a prara tive candidate for 1 farmer, inert liarit and m«w fiatiic in the matter will now be rvfered to tin* courts posed amendment ia a* follows: atato ranator. Mr. Wright <-nbj«wt to th* will of I OU LI.IRK <11 CW out factional dif- charter or act of incorporation for an-. Pemorratir rater*. He II. will compete for th© nomination with 11 .n M A. From private advice* we learn that ferencee between different larla of the munui|«lity, city or town. The legal Albany Hardware Company, Mr. Will F. Hammer, formerly of this 8tat» and lo unite Oregon for a greater voters of every city ami tow n are hereby Millar. The Alliany Hani ware Co. has th» F J In ine and family and L. L. County, is an a*pirant lor the candidacy development of her reaourvea and indua- granted power to euact and amend their branche» of dentistry. lewt Block intown, ami is the cheaneet harter, t aubirrt V» the Con­ aubj and faintly, rx|”rt to «tart for for clerk <4 Cn>>a County, at the forth­ triea haa ahown him to lie tile man the municipal charter Calavan _ place to inule. S4w agent» lor Valva- ni criminal lawn of the Mate want. <»rrg.ui ia certain U. «OO«OO0i> OftOOvr llinroil. 21« ami 221 first st Albany. “vara moi more of Oregon. week. Thi ra ar* among _ the tawt ¡«copie made tin- race for the position of clerk in '«-lop during the next " ‘ tew year» hlatorv, Done at the Capitol at Salem, thia 2Slh of Hefti and ©ver) body regret* their | l.mn County a* the candidate of the than in any other peri.d In her liiator nia.rtant uueetiotw will certainly day of February, A. D., Lavi Populist party, when lie tight waa a ■nd important removal. • araf4a,e.a.a.a.a.aea . ....................... a.a.e.f.e.a. three-cornered contest. At tin» time it j arise al iff. cUng _ tlila development. Oregon IfSigncl) (.EG E. CHAMBERLAIN, Cha*. ( ampbell went jnwt m — organ tnan. Hello! Vetch Seed. H Re bad a muw.ii- The no(ori<»u* H. A. D Puter waa m I ■■ much ar»F.r M A K U 11.1) aHr chalice of electioo. I .till hare a tine lol of vetch se>Ml, tire law a few .lay. ag..( |h , r ,.t| rmalllv btoteOi toMW Bia m H..t.m, Im Uk'ng advautogs /tJoB do" S hilton —C x I lson .—On Man b 25, p.aifi, clean and nice to mix one bmihel with ..pp.rtunity and a mu.umfer.tan.lmg .4 < h,ni iBwnU(| ’|„(ore the at the residen*» of the hr*!*» parents two of Spring out», of which mixture ' " '«* 'rtK.-rs.iuariagr.lt., f,11(. t(„t ( ha.i in Jordan valley. Mr. Claud W. •ow two Ixiatiels to the acre, any tune <• the brat of June, and a g<««l crop Shelton and Mio Trv»-ie M Carl->n. . up to .......... • gvt away agwm. j town «ffivted bwtwean th« Bi.puhst an I Clean awl la worth 12.10 Are now hero, and don’t iurget it. Rev. lie» I- Sutherland, orti. laliniC { l-rrry Gwin, of Albany, rams over D, m.. nrtu partirs, it was at unr» con- Thia amount 1« sufficient, When lb« words had lawn said that per 1(N lh» Perry to an admirer of | coded that Mr. Ilammar waa tha toin«al s [Ta«-*lay W® have them on display, ('all " lb« - - happy young j couple life part­ mixed a» ala.ve, lo Mwai three acrea. » Jonathan Bourne, Jr., ami while here .-amh.iate tor the place an.l he was ae- n.w>i» Per measure.! busirel, 11 25, clear of all <• tid not neglev-t to »1st« bis desire Uiat cordingly nominated bv the allied forces ners n«r» and ami Ib» coiigralul» tbe'eongratuIatKins were over. in and look them over; it will I m » foul aewla Sample of sraal at Wreely A j tlu, bridal coupb- an-1 giMwU rr|«irwl lo Mr Bourne sh ulJ prove th« wins» r ia an.) rl.-< tem where ■ »um|.M«N-«sion, ami wa» ma.le the m .re altra, live by having it a (tail fa-1er tl.au a walk Hui ia a was generallv eth lent ami actumm.alat- !w»n baked by th» bri'lw b«r»»lf. a i lat n of la« an I may ba the . aua» of Th» gu.-.t» prvænt wi-rv Mr. and Mrs, O»a>>ss.—Al the family home user In­ mg to every lasly. • - n..■■■ ne ¡«vmt a flue on» of thaaa day • dependence, on March 2fi. lyufi, should Crook G>unty people ••» A. M Shelton, Mr an.l Mr» Harvey , Better lai a lilt.. . auto .a, I..y • ! Shelton, Mr aud Mr». Arthur Beaver. proper to nominate and elect Mr. Ham- Bertha Ellen tlaboru, aged 25 years, • I Miaaea Je»»i» ami Ruth Beaver, In»» _ M.- '.re. <> r.-r '-»».1 H,.k i, .-r a* Ceuatv Clerk, we «an a*-ur>- 1 month and 24 day». XI fr>iin a two months* visit at Seattle amf them that they will have Hi Mr. Ham Shelton, lullle Harris, of Scotia Mill Everybody in Mcio, especially the old ■ml Mewn Varie k. Shelton, Ona Shel ­ X| Atonl.w-n, Washington, and I' rtlaml. I nier an idea .• t m all that settlers, knows Rev. J IV. ami C. J. ton ami Milton Mctihee. ; >»«-<• — ----------- • ■ ■ - • • - — lieac* reports a ra .l pl.-aeant visit the term implica. The Nxwa is e.rrv Oatorn, the parent» of the .tec*«»», The brulé wore a Lami».me costume • anti ;ivra evidence In her aptwwrance tliat it is situated an iliatant from Cn»l whose home was in this city and vicini­ " that fl. >er vacation was mu waatrd lime, county, tor it wosl.1 give Mr. Hammer of white »ilk ; the groom the conven ty np lo their removal to liid.-tiendenc« ' *» suppet willingly. Sncceae to you. tional t4ack. The coupU were the re- ia 1HK4. X • Whatever may lw aai.1 for or .;uiet WH1 ei|«eet* of a number of val liable pres­ Bertha, the »object of thi» »ketch wa» w Hun. Jonathan Ik wn», Jr., lor I nrte.1 ento. bom in Scio Feoruary 2, I Ml and re­ • «tet.-s Senator, Ibero » no person in Band t-xt«nda Thank*. moving with her parents to Indet-en • non «ho ha» arasNnd more iatereM Don't Make It an April l oot The member» of the Scio Three-l-lar fence where nuwl of Die years of her w in tire in;- rtan. <• <4 tire Primary law But call and »ettl» yoar account •hurt life were apwnt. She never was a- than he His |- -tai sam;>aign exerted Band take thia opportunity to thank ¡leaar We have suraly carried it long tboae who imih U'I m potting on our , — a wide inlluen.e. what might be railed robust, tail of ent<-rtaiiim.-ut of laat **»turdBy evening. 1 enough fol I willing-1 Faausa's Maar Maaasr. tuberculoma ami her early death. ter leased d. wn frsru bpnngfiel.t a id )y bel helped in making the Basket Social aa. We have the largest and most up-to- Bertha was a moat lovable young are «k.mi. ilnl in tha Baptiat iwr* uagr go.at u* ■d it if not the lost lieal ever put on in Scio. woman and wa» reaperted by everyone, in this city. Rev. Richmond ha* ar- The ladiea of - --- date line we have ever carried. Ifem’t —* vicinity *■ - , are al- Scio ami al- in her »ighteamth year, aha became a opted the pastorate of tlie tfeio amt ' way» ready ami willing to Balp out a fail to see them, aa you will want to member of tlie 1 mle|«-mience Baptist Stayt-vw Baptist churches and has en­ gixid cauae. church, of which she lived a consistent ter»! u|Mia his duttoe. take a pair home with vou member to the time of her Janna». California, if anything ia a country of It I» No Midnight Summer's Dream. .n,<»mh Pair hew an Hrr remains were brought to Mo aa enframes. This week fi<..!» rapwawilly It I» a fact. Yow -an make nrnr» *»’P‘*W rw. .m-rrw Wy.lnea.lay aftermion and were given V^ívíí^aiTnl in the «trinity of Stockton hav«d.ui« money by having your vaal, I1.<» and '7* • a*|>ulture In tbe family burial plot in ‘J* « JL an I owmarth material damage. Wonder if onr Cal­ '¿“*r f,r,Jur* Franklin Butte cemetery being followed ifornia friends wouhk not like some .4 Farmer, Meal Matket. Aak tor partis- tua, iOBd, „«UM hu to the grave by many of the old time Orvgou a »iUitobtearos, avail d they «to touuin M ise uSea. family Invade vl this v wuuly. LOCA I A r M. M m r M » A M. » p w • r. m . r m . A M A. M. r M. r M. w p r _ js r M. h A M. h K. ML r r M M. r. m M. ♦« “ r M A W. lu A M M a W u r m . <« I* M ' » ■ A» A W. K A. M. .4A I’ M > r. M. Las r m Lur M. tout hern ^oiy an4 i <*I m A«t. ♦Y*. *’ - s S ä On Men's and Boys Is-r-tr' .. V« i vi Ò lO IV Pcr cent .’ ’7.. 1 « * ' re * 1 ‘ '*"1 •U *..-'• a ■ ’ • fe .A ■ » ». » ■ y • » ?" * > •? < « Discount » 4 Wesely&Cain TROY r **. ¿.’"-'A'- A We will give a discount of 10 ¡ mt cent on all Men’s and Boys’ Hats from Saturday, March 31. up to Easier Sunday. Kidney and Licer Remedy * r ' s a* j We have, lieyoud a doubt, the finest line of Men’s and s’ Hats on the (’reek Discount ’»•«'tn ,>’r •; V W. I I. (JOLiTHA AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, MACHINERY AND VEHICLES • ■ *- > c -*• Now is the Time to Get Your Hat for BARRETT BROS •;. Sr.s. Oregon LODGE » , * X 1 » * s » » a % ‘t* Y -je ■ ' a ?- A e A 4 » «.-y ’ • "’M JH** *** i •X ■'Jt J ■ > ■ ► a - ' «.'* ú'í- s- ", -v. ATSïir? « «' “J ïl -*J' ■' i«a ‘ na - DIRECTORY It Beats Them All......... Y 1HT£R P L. W. turne» » .irai to pr« hat a Ft hr reMaa llmnant*. 'fotiohu»- N EERY the ILL URVEYOR POMEROY, f U MBER FOR SALE «Scio, Oregon The Miller Lumber Company n: Pup's Coffee House 1,190«. I «41 I Linn hotel M c C auley J. G. GILL, D. M. D. () LT K vemiiar. A «,a. I*»TVM*<. •utfflCiug * «w n krioww *• la Favorita Pti-wnpii >n I* Jahn I * f« imw * m F th* ICilliofili Stag S< Tn» K» 1 B» ri< Manti al Ravtaw e*y» • ! Uairarn i/b' »»m« la ^wi>wbk% I« an» of the ■ hlef 1 ng rad Ian U of the *F>- varito l*re*. rip i h«li whi* b ln*art«*4f s- t« a* a at«* ta< lfi»W :au»r • • • h aar« f r normal a* <1* mv U m » «murr rvproducii«« lie r. »r«» fuily an«**** (hr VUtiaxi. ■» fAaO» i- y 4Arr >trus orttA I job o. v.'/ i In ihr> «(•»•* -tit of diwaac« p* < uliAt « W . !» it ia a.Hikxik u»«l • t to BT.V« «III- n tS»««a (fcrf voraauat a«b* tatelk *U»*i for Ito« r*< aK’Okt * I* Frf» furth«* • "The full -wi|W arv «tast« tJk» tossilo* • - {* 1 * » • r a ' In tbr »•»- la. With |r«i- a l • ¡ib t lit’ ulr prvniM< <»♦» ffíiDs of «ornaci. «* a «vafe­ en «»1 c«>Hditk>u uf li»« r«produktiv« «ralrm; Si rt».. rrfer» . n t>t>r»wm ut aa'«u*»pai*rln< tg a* f» al • -n f tba d <»a’lv« irctfaria and a> » * u. thin M •r«w*ut% Of liai ten sMMkl r w»t. another prominenti tngr«Mli«ht Xav riu» I•r»«« rtpl!<»•.• I*r f I nl*v X3!¡'igwtw«t. M l>. of Han n«»it Medical < <»i «g»*. < htrago aayt: •It I* an Icita-rtanl rrmealj Ir» diuaMaV-ra U.»' • B all ■ a arrfeal • M**JM«a«to • and general «n C mî A««««« l U U uaafwi • l*r * J hn M s : ! Irr XI O íala of < ■ ■ . . • "In râlai, -n U» IU a> nnral rffm tina (he • >at» I I. Ih^rt o no r»M- fk. ««vs- in wa- tcAuh tAerr ia a». A g«n*rzp«no»»n It la o-a an led aa tAr k»t»k uarf«4 i* Wil d«l4htatm1 alato** Prnf Bartholow M D , nf JefTrrsu* M«*l cal ( «»II« g«« aaya oí Golden *w *i •ValuahU iu uterina henH-rrbag« rae«*«*- rhagia fading» and > .u gnau re djatnetMJ*- rb«»a pa.nfu! menatruaii nl* ♦**•> Or Pu r. • » Favorite Fr^orripulir» fa’th- full* represent* all th« above na*«d tn KadlrnU and cure« IhedlaoBMB fuf which ar are rmoma>*bdod. ‘ VA X h t •' ‘J rt' »1 ' «' rd Regiatration hooka opened by county clerks Tuesday, January 2, ltotjri. R.-gintratlon books cumo I fur Pri..,..» Election, April 10, at 5 r. w. Kegmtration books opened after Pri­ mary Flection, April 25. IC<*iri*trato,u Lo A* <*ld». Salary |75jpar month U t»r davlor expena.-« K OILMAN CV>,. bapt. S. At la» Hl.ck, Ctocago. The Norwich Union i» solid and »ub- T. L. treouaa agent. I •tautiaL babeen ba fur the bajmag H ivb . /