The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, March 23, 1906, Image 1

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( <H X I Y,
Purpose of Bdt Regulating National
Reclamation Work.
Shoots Will Give Entire Attention to
Hi* Railroad.
Washington, March 20 — In its gen­
eral ofaralloa, lhe National reclame-
I tion law las proven quite a« sfleclive aa
its liamero ex paled. I tvdeed, the gen­
»r intvim •( Ih® ®tt4 <4 th* j»®jr
era) work of national irfigaUon ia pro-
tboum, iu advaiac®
i r
gr»s*ing satisfactorily. In the sdmin-
A tvwrtUln« MH ma4® I ihmmi <m hppllretkMi
istration ul lhe Reclamation servic»,
H r« »tr
« rri ¡na ti r-nta m
»«• mid fo»
! however, tb»re has tw»u some slight
• • i» the « W» »• ®t*M U m their lnaarU«H».
friction which has reeultad in delays
oOHe »er Tklr« swt >ii«d»IMi sis
» ■ . 4
• he t« '■
at trio,
xLwxxv. oasooM
that have town bolhersoma. It nothing
•» n i «/»«• uukL u-®u*r
A R»aum« of the Leas Important but more.
No one can realise this more than
Not Les« I nieras ting Event«
the chief of the Reclamation service,
of the Past Week.
Mr. Newdl, and the director of the
ttrological survey. Mr. Walcott.
obviate tlx«» delays, th» reclamation
Witte will coon rsoign aa premier of authorities hav» explain«! the situa­
>1 hryaui
tion to th» president and lie lias ap­
< C Br y Ml
proved their recommendations and at
Hbcnto may succevxl Taft aa secretary the joint re*jurat of theee officials a bill
ot war.
has loen introduced in congreas which
We buy our st.wk In large quantltire
A split among coal operators st ths will, if enacted, prove of veiy material
arid keep a full line of carriagw and
benefit to the Reclamation service.
i.«.4«ln Bl*ck
wsgw conference is expected.
wagon material. All kinds <4 work tn
M,wt of lhe friction and delay com­
Preaidant Mellen, of the Northern
< ur line done on short notice.
plained of is the reenlt of rod tap» that
Pacific, denounces lhe rate hill.
exists between Ills Reclamation office
Many tiermans are eating d<«s and and th» Interior department proper.
cats Imcauas other meat is too <lear.
Their dealings are not direct, and in
Keter? Cubllr »»<1 **IIHUir
xf EVoalon* an.l I'slsnl*
The Mandarli Oil has confeearii own­ the roundabout course they
ership ol many suppoanily independent many delays are likely to occur. The
limns. .HI W*»l M Mresl
bill thst has lean laid before lhe house
by Representative Cooper does away
Amhaaaador Hlorer «as removed from with this red tape by providing a more
his post Iie.ause his «Ils involved him direct means of communication, at the
In Catholic church politica.
same time giving the Reclamation ser­
The director of the
Ths War department «ays it can state vice m-*re leeway.
öffn *■>»♦, Hoi >»■. .. a h* i
authoritatively that Hbonts will not geological survey is made the director
resign as chairman of the lethnnan I of the Reclamation service »nd he gore
ahead with his plans, merely •ubinlt-
Canal commission,
g ‘ bKi.M x F. M D
ting them to the secretary for approval
William Rockefsller, «ho, nett to and not for revel«.
his brother, John B., it the richest
Another important change il made
Graduate Eclectic Medical College
man in ths United Htates, is suffering
by the bill in the matter of apportion­
from cancer ol the stomach and there
< tncluaaU,
ing and expending money lor reclame-
Tis no bops at his recovery.
I: ii works
At present, thl* money Is
General Wood he» cabled the War entirely under the control of the secre­
department that the stories of the Morn tary.
At this time there is a very
tattle were manufactured in Manila by strong sentiment in congress against
4 0. FRILL M. D.
Only new»|>a)>«r allowing cabinet officers to handle such
D •« a general banking and exchange yellow journalists.
bus usas. 1. ns n.adi* al current rates reports tell of the killing ot women film!» in a free manner, and the ten­
and children
dency is to restrict lump appropriations
and drpfta issued on princi;«! cities.
and stipulate the various purp*»e» for
ic'.o, Cr«eca
which the money is to be used. The
of aaaassms.
Co»|>et bill permit« the Reclamation
T«ltjhoa« XzchA^M Ho. 11.
service to send to congress each year a
his 69th birthday.
statement of lhe expenditures which it
I *
Coal miners «re working hard to pre­ propoeee to make during lhe following
12 months, so that congress shall spe­
vent a gem-ral strike April 1.
cifically suthorixe the various expendi­
Nebraska thermometers are register­ ture». Thus, whils the Reclamation
V ia
ing from 5 to 10 degrees below aero.
service »ill retain the right to say bow
John B. Rockefeller maintains an the funds shall la apportioned, their
armed guarii at his house in New Jersey. findings are always subject to the ap­
Jwtlce ct th* react
1?starr PuKic
proval of congreas.
Acts Cregsn
The house and senate are likely to
Notwithstanding this hill is approved
disagree on the type ol canal to lie
in its sntirity by Presidimi Roosevelt
1 un< h
ami bv the house leaders. Reprerenta-
General Wi>od detent!» the action of tive Mundell, of Wyotning, chairman
Mi hill OP A BeVANfY, Props
th» American troops at Mount Bajo, of the irrigation conimitt»«, rays it is
Philippine islands.
faulty and has ar koi permission to
Best 2(k. Meal in the Valley
Hecretadyy of the Navy Bonaparte make certain amendments.
insists that the United Btates should
Open All Night
build a greater navy.
Tram» lsavs West «eii> lor Portland and «ay
Customs authorities have dscidt-d
that ("limese joeshouse fittings are sul-
Our Exports Passed the Billion-Dollar
> » p m
joct to » duty of 15 per cent.
Mark in 1006.
(io Io lhe
Know slides in Colorado have caused
Laarea Alban? I> 1« p m II ai p m
Washington, March 20. — Fiunipe
a number of deaths and a property lose
Arriva* Ashland I.- via m
11 :>! a m
Arrtia* Mac ramante * «Api» • M e m
that will reach close to a million dol­ take« tao-tbild» of the aaporta of the
United H tat ex and »tipphee practically
Arriva» mu Frawciso 1 »? s. • A a «
one-ball of the import», says a bulletin
Pnilmas a:*.d Tcnrla! va*» **« b..tb traina
lalst returns from the Color?-.h> train issued by the Imfartir.ent of Com­
< bali « ut» a .••»»■« : ’•* to •‘firn ahi Fi Fa*»,
wreck give the numlwr of killed as 22. merce and labor. Of the 61.021.000,-
or» »<» • l'u •<<», *< I xhi M.
Telegraph operators are blamed tor the OOO worth of merchandise sent to Eil-
Ut irai a •: t H
' •! ■»>
< otinr» fine «l ben Fr®ct<-t*ro wiih tb®
ro|* in 1906. 6239,000,000 was niami-
•te* tu »hit» liti®« ft»r H i - ih tua. Japau. «bina,
Shaving........ ..
15 cents
New York propoeee to establish a fa. tn res, the other |7«2.000,000 worth
rblLpViEira « eiitr®» ®bd >- ulh Anrflfft.
l«ing largely foodstuffs and manufac­
municipal sensi ie reeort.
Hair Cutting ..
•aa Mia M r Woodnans»». Jk*ui al «»al
turer»' material.
The prreident will not appoint a su
H«rk» bUklkm <»r a4<!rwb
In 1900 the exports to Europe
preme judge for six months.
W. £. OOMAM. a. P. A.
crossed the 6i.000.'««».0OO line, and
Husan B. Anthony's sister will stump since then hsvs averaged alH.ut 61,060,.
(il.GRGi: DAN Ili
Porlltnd, Oraffon.
Oregon in the suffrage campaign.
000,000 per annum. In 1900 the ex­
The Japanese parliament has Voted ports to all so t ions ill lhe world other
than I <ir<>|>e were I »64,000,000 in
to buy all railroads in that country.
I . ■
The house will take up the amended 000, the growth since 1900 in epxort»
statehood bill Wednealay, Marrh 21.
to the non-European countries having
Official figures show the population teen proportionately greater than to
Of Portland, Oregon
of Germany to t* 60,006,163, against Karope.
Prior to 1 «90, the »bare of th* im-
66,367,178 in 1900.
ports drawn from Florop» averaged
The Ohio legislature is considering
alout 55 per cent; in 190.5, it «Ns 48 4
a hill which will give the courts power
per cent. This reductirm, the bulletin
says, is apparently accounted for by
King Charlee. of Roumanla. Is near the growing <leman.| in the United
For ¡»articular« me ®
death. The crown prince is unpopular Ntatee for tropical and subtropical pro­
C oll« toc
and a movement has l*e«n started to ducts, «hich are supplied almost ex­
crown his 13-year old *<>n.
clusively by ths other grand divisions
The Bistrict of Columbia con it has of the world. The value of theee pro­
overruled Binger Hermann's demurrer ducts into the United Blates in 1905
to indictments for destroying public was t
records. II* «ill ask for an ap;>eal to I KM) in 1695.
the Circuit Court of Appeals.
Crushed With Iron Hand
Weetsrn railroads are facing a labor
famine. Twentv-five thousand men are
Sukhum, Transcaucasia. Match 20.
neovied in lhe Northwestern and South- —- The manner in which General All-
II !•. Land<>n, of the Bilyeu I*rn haw milla, i» prepared
, western state» to build lhe r<«de that kanboff baa crushed the revolution in
to fill orders lor
are air ady under way, and it ie reti« the government of Kutala by rating
I maUwl that tielore June twic« that town», executing ringleaders of the
: number will ba needed.
movement and driving sympathisers
I>enmark may put a tariff law into with it to the mountains, baa produced
am h reeentment that seta of terror and
i 'r 'era taken at the »ar 1» in S. io ,.r at th.- mid» in I lyeii I',-n.
the throwing of bomba at the trooja
Ili» lamber te tlx* tarai of mountain Ar, and price» are rt-am-nablr.
Russia suspects Japsn of hostile de­ ar» tre<|ii»nt.
General Alikanhofl ba»
signs in Hi laris.
proclaimed ami ta enforcing martial
All railrc-ds throusb Colorado are law with terrible vigor and revolution-
ariea and other peamna caught with
blocked by snew.
arrna are Immediately »hot.
Henatoi f)»|aw is too ill to attend to
hi« dulie« in th« senate
Police Disperse Meeting.
HI. Petersburg, March 20. — Hix
The first severe blisaard ot the win­
thousand persons participated today in
ter has just swept New York.
the initial meeting ol the longue of
Th» esar has ordered extreme meas- Education, which was inaugurated by
u ee to be taken to protect Jews from the Constitutional Democrats to dis­
seminate political Instru.-tion« among
the people. Prominent speakets were
The bous» «ili rejsrt the senate present, ami there was no interference
amendmoets to lhe statehood bill.
with the meeting until M. Novikof!
Secretary Taft has consul teil with made an impaseioneil speech, in which
three ot hi« brother« legarding the he demanded the abolition of the death
place on the «opreme bench.
A Chicago man ha« asked a divorce
from hie second «if» that she may
Pest in Eastern Persia.
marry hi« «on.
Th« husband i« 56,
Askatiod, Rnsaia, March 20. — News
th« «it« 22.
received here from Heistan, In Kaalara
Chicago I« no« ahont to on«t th« I’eraia. says that a prat if spreading,
, Weatern Union and Postal Telegraph that the populace ■a becoming panic
rómpanles or make them |«y a gixxl strickrn ami ’.bat many person« ar»
1 price for the use of stieets.
Chicago. March 19.—A Washington
spe* ial »ay»
Informalloa from trustworthy source«
makes it seem practically assured that
Thoxlore Perry HI.onia, of Chicago,
chairman of the Isthmian Canal com­
mission, Inlands K>m Io send hl» resig­
nation to Preeldonl Roosevelt.
It ie
un<]usetionsbly the intention ot Presi­
dent Roosevelt to nominate John F.
Htevens, the chief engineer, to saccsad
Mr Hbonts. Mr "»levene will combine
th» duties of the two office».
Preeeur» from his aaoixTate» on th»
railroad with which Mr. Hbonta is con­
nected has leen strong for sometime to
bring slxvut this reeult—bis return to
failroad Work an.l his resignation from
the canal board.
Mr. Hboula ha.l
withstood the pleas of hi» business as-
»■elates, but recent events have induced
him to <-unseat.
Mr. Hbonts ia still president ot ths
Clover leaf railroad, and H ia eaid that
the internals ot that mad, in th» mind
ot hl» colleague», demand that he
return and take active charge ot tbs
property. It i» »aid bo own» »«curi-
tie» in tit« road to the value of »bunt
63,000,000, and, in ths interest ot
lbe»e holdings, as well aa the bolding«
of others, it Is declarei! that ho feel» he
must no lot»frr divide lime and hie
There has leen no secret that th» re-
1st ions Iwtween Hecrvtary Taft and
Chairman Hbonts have twen »trained at
time«. They are pndwbly tixiay not of
the must amicable nature. It i» prob­
able that Mr. Taft will »ui-ceed to the
vacancy in the United Hialre Supreme
court caused by the resignation of Jus­
tice Brown, but will not take bio seat
before next <klulior. Mr. Taft has bls
own views slvvut th» canal work, which
are nut in
When Mr. Tilt g.«-a to th» Hupreme
court, it le the intention of President
Roosovnlt to turn th« supervision of
the canal ov»r to Beeret *r y Root’« de-
Tte secretary of war de-
tire» to arrange ths conatruction plans
to suit his own judgment iwlure the
transfer 1» mads.
4< l<»,
» •
4 I
• *
l' > I
tla.a an Vb*lr*el .4 Tula s***esrsA
b? «»•
Linn County Abstract Co In a Condensed Forni lor Our
Busy Readers.
• •
ù PROFESSIONAL > J. J. Bornes & Son,
H. "BTAMir 4 **’
/ * *
. 1
4 ’*<
W •
. •
«'* I
General Blacksmiths
and Wagonmakers
Horseshoeing a Specialty
1 •'
♦ »
■ d'
4' ; , i
. 4* •
» ,-'i
Shasta Route
r '
s •
' I
» t
Pays Sick, Accident, Death Benefits
• i
•* s
• -»
' a *
* K*
. I ,
• »
• • „
« •
Common <« Finishing Lumber
V. •
• '
Irvine Sr Myer, Props.
Hack connects with all trains at West Scio
and morning train atMlinkers.
Our rigs are first-class and our horses good
drivers Prices reasonable
• I '
V *
Oregon Stockmen'» Grievanc»» Ar» President Sets Aside Blue Mow'da"'»
Taken Up by Senator Fulton.
for Timber Purposes.
Washington—Eenator Fulton ba» re­
Washington—I* real dent Rixoevelt, on
ceived many letter» of complaint from reciimmen.iation of th» Joreat eervice.
•Uickmen of Oregon, who ex pre«» di». has »igned a proclamation creating lb»
satisfaction with the manner in which Blue mountain foreet reaerve tn Eastern
the fore»t service is managing lb» sum­ Oregon, to embrace 2.627,270 acre»
mer range in forest reeerves.
Th» Th» reosrvw a» created follow» the gen­
sheepmen of Umatilla county feel that eral line» of the temporary withdrawal
they have l<een unfairly treafe.1 In the made three years »go. with the excep­
distribution of range in the Wenaba re­ tion ot 300.000 screa in the valley of
set r», and the sleep and cattlemen th» Hilvias river, which ha» be»o »¡mi
who» stock 1» permitted to gras« in mated liecaa»» of the agricultural na­
th» Casifcle reserve feel thst tjiey are ture of the land. Around the edge of
paying too much for th» privilege.
Ko the withdrawal small tracts ol agncnl-
far as the Cas*
reserve is i-oix-»rnsd, tura. anil a-hool land have been elim
lhe sheepmen object to paying 6 cents mated and lb» boundaries are so drawn
s head for the grasnig prlvileg'* when as to exclude all land lying along the
•beep are permitted in other reserve» border which has paese d into private
al 4 and 5 cents each.
ownership under any public land laws.
The forest »ervic» explain» that the
The original Blue mountain with­
graiing season in th» Cam ad» reaerv» drawal embraced more than 3,000,000
1» longi-r than in the reserve« where the a. res
About 600,000 ai re» have t«en
fee 1» smaller.
So far as the Wetiaha left out, so as to make the reaerve a
reverve is concerned, the rang» has compact body of forvat land.
l*een apportioned for the coining sea­
son. and it is too late to bung aliout a
Long Winter m Wallows
To ascertain all the
Wallowa — Enow covers tt>e anti re
facts, with the view to lay mg th» mat­
Wallowa valley and county, varying in
ter before the forest service in it* ini»
depth from flve inches on the Imnaha
light, Mr. Fulton ha» requested th»
and Grand Honda river bottom», to 17
Stockman of • • regoti to furnish him with
inches on lhe foothills of the Joseph
accurate data, that he may adjust the»«
Htockmen are somewbat
matters tetor another graxing season
snxiou» eoncsrning feed. The unusual
long season will neiessitate using much
more hay than 1» customary iu average
The Dalle» to Portage.
wintere. Though tin» is a hay produc­
The Bailee—A company of local cap­
ing county, and though great crops of
italist», under the name of the Colum­
hay were put away last season, and
bia Transportation
much old hay was left over, it is ex-
hough*. the steamer George W. Simons
fwx ted lliat there will tie no surplus.
from tlo- D . 1’ A B N 1 '
It «ill I*
ojaratad between t'aecade Locks anti
Great Lots m Malheur County.
the lower terminus of the stale portage
Baker City—Hhrepmen and stockmen
road. The boat will leave >Cascade
Ixtcks at ft o’cl a k in lhe morning and of Malheur county are offering 6’0 a
reach The Ihtilee at III, making all way ton for hay, according to report, and
it will lie here an hour, the price Is rapidly advancing, aa very
then run to the lower terminus of the little feed could i>e bought even at thia
portage, ami returning will leave for labuIons price. It is estimated that
Cascade 1-ocks at 2 o’clock. Il is the the storm which has swept over the
purpose ol lhe company in buying anti country during ths past week will re
operating the boat to afford people suit in the lose of st least 35 per cent
along the Columbia opportunity to of th» llveatix-k of Malheur munty, as
many sheep aud cattle were upon the
make The Bailee their trading point.
range when it struck.
Many Buy Willows Timber.
Wallowa—Locators have Iwen doing
much business the past three months
on account of a wild rush by local men
and outsiders to secure claim» iu the
pine, Hr ami tamarack foreste ot Wal­
lowa county.
Section» which »old at
II 25 at* acre were taiught tirit, »nd
only thoee claim» remain which are in
thè E2.50 section».
There are but a
few more claim» open f-r location, ami
it I» expected the locating season will
be closed within 30 days.
are buying much of this timber, and
from individual holders claim» pur­
chased for Ire» than |50<l are selling at
from I 000 to <
carry troni l.OOO.GoO to 3,000,000 feet
to th» quarter sa tion.
Enferprixe Still Capital.
Wallowa—The Wallowa county com­
missioners, at their last meeting, ac­
cepted the offer ot F. D McCully, I..
Knappor and Aaron Wade, to build a
«oodan structure in Enterprise large
enough to meet the county’s require­
ments for a court house, and to I rase
the same to the county for five years
at an annual rental of 6650. The
building is to be complete I by August
I. It will b» of wood, but compara­
tively safe, as it will !■« eqnipfieii with
a fireproof vault.
The bard th of
settled further controversy for li V»
years regarding the permanent loca-
tion of the county seat.
Fight for a County Seat.
Canyon City—The tight for the coun­
ty »eat now being waged between Can­
yon City. tl>a present capital, and
Prairie City, long aspirant for th»
honor, 1» waxing red hot.
The law»
of Oregon provide that a vole mu»t lie
ordered by the county court if a p»ti-
lion, »ignoi by not lr»» than three
fifth» ot the registered Voters, is pre­
sented. The promoters of the removal
have organised an improvement asso­
ciation, and ano-ng other things have
sec ure* I su torr I pt ion» amounting to-
630,000 for a new ■ ourthou»«.
Hopgrowers Elect Officsrs.
Halem — About 75 bopgrvwers have
become tnembore of the Oregon Hop-
growei»’ see-xdalion, recently organised
in this city, and permanent organisa­
tion has loen effected by the diction of
the following officers
President, J.
K. Heere, McCoy; vh-e prreident, H
C. Fletcher, Hslem. secretary, J. R.
Coleman, Halem;
director«. J. T.
Wood, Halem; l>*uis tme». Hilvrrtoo;
C. W Beckett, Halem; W. H. Egan,
Gervai«; Francis Hhafer, Halem.
Lane Fruit it Unharmed.
Eugene—Br H. F. McCormick, lane
county fruit inspector, say» it 1» hi»
opinion that the (reeling weather of the
past few day» has done no material
damage to the fruit in this vicinity.
Each thaw has linen accompanied by
cloady weather. Had the sun »bona
«arm and bright each morning the
crop would t>ave been ruined.
Hop Sale at Woodburn.
Aurora — Eel Herron, the hopbuyer,
this week bmght the Joe Kennedy hap
crop of 72 la Im at W<odburn. paying
toiler than 9 cent«. The hop« were
•hipped direct to l-ondin. M. If. Gil­
bertson, Ulhman Bro«.’ agent here,
vent to North Yakima a few days agii
to look after several big lot« ot bopa
Columbia County Breaks Record
Haletn—Columbia counts breaks the
record in the matter of payment ot
state taxes this year. Htate Treasurer
Moore received • draft last week for
66.3*10, the amount of general state
and school tax, and 6266, the amount
due for the support of the Agricultural
college, from Columbia county, for the
year 1906. (inly half of this amount
was due.
The rest n< e»l not have
t>een paid Until I>eceniber 31.
Luckiamule Mohair Pool.
independence—Th» l.ncklamule mo
hair pool has been organised at Aril»
and has th» following officer»
dent, A. C. Htaal»; secretary. Maurlc»
Fowls; I. M. Himpaon, A.C. Htaal»
and Maurice Fowle were elected a
biard of managers. The new as»i»-i-
ation already ha» a memliership of 36,
representing 3,093 fleece». It II protr­
atile 15 more name» are to lie added to
'he membership soon.
Cattle Bring Higher Prica.
Pendletou—Thr»» cara of cattle were
•hipped to neaitie from Pendleton a
fa« <layf ago, bringing 14..SO par bun-
Thia la about I rent a
pound higher than th» last shipment
Wheat — Club, rt-*>«i,7c; blue»tern,
Mtj|o7c; red, MMfUkc; valley, Me.
Oats—No 1 white feed, |27 '>■>. g*av.
' n
Barley — Feed. |23g|24 per ton;
brewing, |24<024.M; rolled, |24 50ff
Buckwheat —12 26 per cental.
Flay—Eastern Oregon timothy, II.¡(d
14 per ton; valley timothy, |w«tv;
clover, 17 .’>041«, cheat, 1*1(47; grain
hay, 67(43.
Apples—11 <42.5<) per box.
Vegetables — As|>arsg’ls, 94610c per
ponnd; cahoage. ¡'«^I'tCper pound;
. s iliHower, 62413 25 ;>»r erat»; celery,
7&4l'>0.' per d xe:>; rhnharb, 61 75462
per box; sprouts, 3<4<4l0e |>er pound;
turnips, 6I<4I 35 per sack, carrot»,
K5<476c per »ack; leet», «6.(4 61 per
Onion»—No. 1, 40c<461 per »ack ¡’No.
2, nominal.
Potato»« — Fancy grale.1 Burbanks,
AOtfAOc per hundred; ordinary, nomi­
nal; sweet potatoes, 2'-«<42,»c per
Butter—Fancy creamery, 27% 4130c
per ponnd.
Egg»—Oregon ranch, 164416 %c per
Poultry — Average old hen». I3g|14c
per pound; mixed chickens, 12%<413c;
broiler», 20<432c; young ronater», )2
■4l2%c; old roosters, 10 <4 !0%e;
■ ana, 14<c
live. I6fl|7r; turkeys, dreeeed, choice,
l«iC20c; geeee, live, «<4»e; geeee,
dreeee>l, B>«6l2c; ducks, l««13e.
flops—Oregon, 1906, choice, 10 46
10%c per pound, prime. *%<49%e;
medium, 7®He; olds, 6®7c.
W> k >I —Eastern Oregon average bewt,
16®2le p«r pound; valley, 24®26c;
moliair, choica, 25®2*c.
V m I —Breewed. 3%®7%c per pound
Beef — Breoaed balls, 2%®3c per
pound: cows, 3% ® 4%e; country
steer». 4®6c.
Multoa —Breasai, fancy, «%®»c pa*
pound; ordinary, 4®6c; lamb«, H®
Pork—Breoaed. 6®9%c per ponnd.
Senate Committee Favors Repeal, but
Fulton Will Fight II.
Washington,' March 19.— The senate
public lands committee today virtually
completed the bill to repeal the timtar
am! stone m t and authorise the sal« of
public timber al not less than its ap­
praisal value, small dealers to ta given
ptefeieme in the sale» ami miners free
us« of timtar for domestic put|>*ara,
the same aa in forest reserves.
An amendment insisted u;«in by Min-
ator Fulton will ta a* I opt»* I giving the
counties 10 jar cent ot the amount ot
sale« in their respective limit« in lien
of taxes.
The i-onimittee is also framing • bill
tn permit bomralead entry ot agricul­
tural land in forest reserves. This bill
is deaigned perticularly to meet lhe
principle objection tn reserves in Ida­
ho. Senator Ihlbois is strongly urging
this measure and predicta its passage.
Mr Fulton is the only memtarot the
committee op|>*a«il to ths re|aal of the
timtar and stone act, but other West­
ern senators agree with him and will
join turn in oppiaition to the bill when
it cornea up in the senate.
In caae it
is impiwelble to prevent the passage ot
th« bill by th« senate, Mr. Fulton will
seek to im rroae ths amount to la paid
count Ira from the receipts *ot limlar
sale« from 10 to 25 per cent.
The Oregon senator is so thoroughly
convincnl ot the inadvisability ot re-
l>«tllrig the limlar and so ne act that
he will carry his fight to the house and
seek to induce the house committee to
table Hie senate bill, just aa it baa
heretofore lafiled a si.n'lar bill In the
lions». Ils frals i erta n that this leg­
islation will ta killed in the house, it
not in th» senate.
Trustee» Endorse Tas Dodging.
Cheyenne, Wyo., March IP.—Bplng
llowliert, president of the Portland
Gobi Mining com|>anv. ami his entire
board of directors were re-elected at
the annual meeting ol the storkboldafa
The re-election was bitterly
contested by J. E. Burns, who wae
onste.1 from the presidency a year ago.
The artion of the trustee» in removing
the heaihpiarters from Iowa to Wyom­
ing to avoid |>aying |1,000,000 accumu­
lated tetr« was lndorw«wl. The se. retary
state» that dividend» in 1006 amounted
Constitution I» Saved.
Washington Marrh 1».—The fatnone
old war frigate Conetitution, "Old
Ironeidea,*' ie to oe eared from rotting
at the H<»ton navy yard and «ili eleo
escape the «ora» fate of lalng usai aa a
target by the North Atlantic float. The
gallant ohi craft ia to be patchwl up
and rehabilitated, eo alia may indulge
in an oreaaional ernia» in niihl «»other.
Thia I» the decision ot the botta» com­
mittee on navel affaire. It ie ratimal-
»<1 that It will coot just Itt.OoO.
Started I OOO Rivets.
Baltimore, March !•. — The British
steamer Belfast, Captain McKee, which
arrived from las Palmas, Grand Ca­
nary, todav, brought malle from the
drydark I»ewey.
Captain McKee re­
port» that when he left lea Palmas re­
pairs «ere being made to the dork,
which had etaKed a thon»and rivets on
lhe trip acruoa the Atlantic