A Sure Spot. “W’oodby tells me he has been working on bls family tree of late.” "Yes, It seem» to keep him pretty buny.” "Rather complicated work, eh?" “Yes; I believe lie discovered a hangman's noose on one of tbe branches and be’» having some trou­ ble sawing it off.”—Philadelphia Press. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Purifies, enriches and revitalizes the blood and builds up the whole system. It radically and permanently cures all blood diseases, from pimples to scrofula. It is the best eou^titutlonal remedy tarrh. rheumatism and dyspepsia. tor ca­ Book» Writleu in l-rloon. A publisher was talking about Oscar Wilde's strange book, “De Profundis,” with its pathetic decoration of a bird beating its wings against tlie bars of a cell. “Willie’s is not the first good book to have been written In Jail.” be said. “Jail, In fact, seems to be a good place to write books In. Literary men sur­ pass themselves there. “John Bunyan wrote 'Pilgrim's Prog­ ress’. In jail. "Cervantes wrote ‘Don Quixote’ In prison. "Defoe laid the plans for ‘Robinson Crusoe' during a term of confinement imposed on him for the writing of a pamphlet called ‘The Shortest Way with the Dissenters.' "Leigh Hunt wrote ‘Rimini” in Jail. “Sir Walter Raleigh, during bls four­ teen yearB’ imprisonment in the tower of London, wrote bis excellent ‘History of the World.’ “Silvio Pellico and Tasso both did their best work In jail.” fXand-Presard IN THE NATIONAL HALLS OF CONGRESS Oil of I.emoa. “This oil of lemon,” said the spice merchant, “is an exquisite thing. It Is hand-pressed—pressed by baud out of lemon rind. Smell it" The odor of the clear oil suggested sunlk lemon groves miles In extent on a mountainside overlooking the blue ■ea. "I’ll tell you bow the oil of lemon Is extracted," he said. “A man alts with a spouge in one hand and a piece of fresh lemon peel In the other. He presses the peel against the sponge, giving it finally a certain difficult and dexterous twist, and this breaks tbe cells In the rind, und the oil—there’s only a half drop of It—comes reluc­ tantly out upon the sponge. “When the sponge has taken up tbe drlbbllngs of about a hundred rinds, It is wet enough to be squeezed out. An ounce or so of clear and fragrant oil them flows from It. “There is no way to extract this oil within a lemon rind except by squeez­ ing and twisting the rind by hand. It takes the rinds of about 1,200 lemons to make one pound of oil.” For Lung Troubles Monday, January 29. sale of intoxicating liquors and plural Washington, Jan. 29.— The Chinese marriages. The constitution of Arizona boycott and the administration of the must prohibit the sale of liquor to In­ These statements are confirmed daily by forest reserves divided the attention of dians forever and that of Oklahoma for Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cer­ cured and grateful men ami women. A Diifilne«« Opportunity. the senate today. The Chinese ques­ 21 years. There are many other stipu­ tainly cures coughs, colds, Over 40.000 testimonials in the last two Rachel—“Here Is your ring, Solo- tion came up in connection with a reso­ lations concerning schools, courts >ind mon. I can never marry you, for I years—an unequaled, unapproaclied record I bronchitis,consumption. And lution of Tillman, directing an investi­ political subdivisions of the proposed Now put up in tablets, as well as usual love another.” gation by the committee on immigra­ new states. it certainly strengthens weak liquid form. 1UU Doses One Dollar. Solomon—'Vere Isa de man you tion. Tillman modified the resolution throats and weak lungs. lofe?” Washington, Jan. 25. — The foreign by omitting the major portion of ti e Not Such an Eany Matter. There can be no mistake about "Heavens! You won’t kill him, will affaire of the United States continued preamble, and, after considerable dis­ “These shoes will be all right,” said you?” to bold the attention of the senate to­ cussion, it was refer red to the commit ­ this. You know it is true. And day, tite Moroccan and Dominican mat­ “No, but I vlli sell him de rlns the salesman, "after you have got tee on contingent expenses. your own doctor will say so. them broken in. ” The young num, «heap.”—Tales. Heyburn raised the question regard­ ters being immediately at issue. Money “ My little boy had a terrible cough. I tried who had been hesitating between that ing the reservation of forests. He was the principal speaker and ho talked everything I could hear of but in vain until pair and one a size larger, took the I tried Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. The first sharply criticized the methods of the for over two hours in opposition to the night he was better, and he steadily improved salesman's word for it, and purchased until he wai perfectly well.” —Mas. S. J Forestry bureau and charged it with course of the administration with ref­ S tbilb , Alton, Ml. fl the shoes. A week later he came maintaining a press bureau for the pur­ erence to both Santo Domingo and Mo­ The more we know cf our 111», tho 4 back to the store with a perceptible ^^ye^o^Jowell^Iaairfl rocco. He contended that there was pose of attacking him. He declined, easier and sooner relief w>U come. I manufacturers of 'I however, to hold the president respon­ danger of becoming involved unneces­ Pains and aches of the flesh, I limp. SARSAPARILLA. I stretch these shoes, ” sarily in the affairs of other countries "I wish you'd sible for this course. He said that the joints and muscles are | PILLS. R Losses From Insect Pests. he said. "They hurt my feet terri­ course was calculated to retard the de­ by participation in the Algeciras con­ hair vigor . q U. L. Marlatt, of the Department of velopment of the West. ference and that this country was not bly." Agriculture in Washington, has pre ­ sufficiently concerned with the conduct Keep tho bowels regular with Ayer’s Revenir«. "Haven’t you got them broken In pared a statement as to the loss by in­ Washington, Jan. 29.—What is con­ of affairs in Santo Domingo to justify The rain fell monotonously from the Pill« and thus hasten recovery. yet?” asked the salesman. "Oh, yes,” said the young man. sect pests in the United States each sidered a strike at the railroads was our course in that island. He also took gray sky, like tears from a sorrowful year. He notes that the losses each “The trouble is that I cau’t get my year in all the plant products of the taken by the house today in the adop­ the position that the president had face. “Robbing It In.** tion of a resolution calling on the pres­ transcended his authority there. Hey­ "No, Jerome McWade! No, never!” feet broken in.” When Mrs. Morse, after a lapse cf soil, both in the growing and in the ident to furnieh information as to the burn spoke in support of the annexa­ Her cruel words wrung a groan thirty years, met tier old schoolmate, Plso’s Cure Is a good cough medicine. stored state, together with those in existence of an agreement, in violation tion of Santo Domingo. from the strong man's Ups, but he was Mrs. Graham, In the guise of a sum­ It has cured coughs and colds for forty live stock, exceed the entire expendi- of the interstate commerce law, among not yet daunted. years. At druggists, 25 cents. mer visitor to Alderstleld, she made ' ture of the national government, in- the Pennsylvania, Baltimore & Ohio. Wednesday, Jaunary 24. "Can you not,” he faltered, "learn to up her miuil to one thing; Lyilla Gra­ , eluding the pension roll and the main ­ Was Too Honest. Norfolk & Western, Chesapeake & Washington, Jan. 24. — When the love me?” ham's measure of worldly prosperity Honesty Is one of the leading prin­ tenance of the army and the navy. Ohio, Ohio & Northern Central and smoke of the liveliest legislative battle MARK. “No. A thousand times no,” she ra­ had been large, but not for one mo­ ciples taught In the public schools, Placing the value of these products at Philadelphia, Baltimore & Washington of the session had cleared up in the piled. ment would Mary Aun Morse allow and tho teachers begin early to Im­ | »5,000,000,000, per year, he notes an railroad companies. Opposition to the house today, Speaker Cannon and his A wild, cruel light flashed in ils her to feel "set up.” X. The mission of the Old-Monk- I annual shrinkage due to insect pests of resolution did not develop until after press the value of this trait in charac­ organization were in complete control eyes. Cure It was with the Intention of reducing ter on the minds of the-youngest pu­ fully 10 per cent—in many cases of 50 it had been declared adopted by the and the joint statehood program of the "And yet,” he sneered, “they say any possible pride that might be lurk­ per cent; but at 10 per cent, »500,000,- speaker. At this point Dalzell, of administration had been adopted. pils. A South Chicago teacher had a never too old to learn. ” 000 is “the minimum yearly tax which ing behind Lydia Graham’s placid Previous to the vote the debate on pupil who gave her much sorrow by insectB levy upon the products of the Pennsylvania, moved to reconsider. And, pausing only to select the best his unfortunate habit of fibbing on farm.” This does not include lose to This motion was laid on the table with the rule liad proceeded under high ten- umbrella, he rushed forth into the wet, countenance that Mrs. Morse held her off at arm’s length when the first af­ every possible occasion. One day she farm products in storage, »100,000,000; the aid of 37 Republican votes united sion. The speeches were short but cold night. fectionate greeting had been ex­ ls to cure, and the world knows kept him after school and gave him or to natural forest and food products, with the Democrats, under a rule the word uttered were hot and full of changed. A Superb Defense. It does It safely and surely. a serious "talking to.” "Just look at also »100,000,000; making a total an­ which makes it impossible to recon­ sting. "How fat you’ve grown, Lyddy!” Manager Jackal (of the Jungle Uni­ The rule adopted provides that tlie the life of George Washington,” she nual loss of »700,000,000 directly sider the resolution without a two- Price. 25c. end gOa. bill granting statehood to Oklahoma versity eleven)—We're going to let said Mary Ann Morse, holding her lit­ said, "be couldn’t tell a lie.” "Huh,” traceable to insect pests.— From W. 8. thirds vote of the house. and the Indian Territory as “Oklaho­ ‘‘Quills’’ Porcupine play bait-back this tle figure erect as a small, stiff tree. remarked tlie unregencrate youth, I Harwood’s “Saving California’s Fruit Saturday, January 27. Mrs. Graham smiled contentedly, ma,” and Arizona and New Mexico as afternoon. “what was the matter with him?” J Crops,” in the February Centry. Washington, Jan. 27. — In a session “Arizona,” should be debated until 3 Monkey ’08—I hear he’» a mighty and Mrs. Morse saw that ber thrust of two hours today the house passed o’clock tomorrow and then voted on flangerouB proposition. Tfl Permanently Cured. No fltsor nervousne.va had done no harm. A Good Check. * j after first day’s use of Dr.Kline’s Great Nervo "And yet—and yet you’re wrinkled Manager Jackal—Well, he never As he took off his coat his wife said the urgent deficiency appropriation without opportunity for debate. The Re-iorvr. Send for Free Miii trial bottleand treatise. bill, carrying $15,216,103, incorporated house adjourned at 5:30 o’clock, after gets sat on more tliuu once during a In spite of it,” said this determined Dr. R. U. Kline, Ltd., 931 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa. to him gently; Portland Trade Directory old friend; and then slie gave Lydia “You remember those eight letters I in which is a provision that the eight- agreeing to meet at II o’clock tomor game.—Puck. Not Near Him. hour law shall not apply to alien labor­ row. Graham's ilushed cheeks a consoling gave you to post three days ago?” "It's really distressing to think,” Names and Addresses in Portland of Repre­ So Glad. ers on the Panama canasl. In addition He started. sentative Business firms. said the wealthy Mr. Farrasy, “that Washington, Jan. 24. — Mr. Lodge “ We enjoyed your piano recital it passed 262 private pension bills and "Yes. I—I remember.” many very common and Ignorant peo­ read tbe Mann general bridge bill, today presented in the senate the pol­ evening immensely, professor.” “But you didn’t remember to mall making it the unfinished business for icy of the administration in the matter No. 5-06 “I am glad you did, madam. I ple will be admitted to heaven.” “Well,” replied Mr. Cutting, “that them, did you?” she said sweetly. of the Algeciras conference over the unablo to be present myself, on account Monday. writing to a- the best. Write lor free catalog. mer. soizing the custom housee of that coun ­ sion occurred in the house today on a Hazelwood Co., Fifth and Oak. something great?” you know Democratic endeavor to de(eat the pro­ try and securing a position there which MF.N’HCLo i HI N(J — Buffurn A Pendleton, sole "That’s just the trouble,” sighed tho At I.east a Help. might threaten the approaches to the vision of the urgent deficiency bill agi-ms Alfred Benjamin correct clothes. Every­ "He Is so slow that ev- “Uncle David" was an Oldtown i the secret thing in rn< n's turn sitings. Morrison jyid Sixth old farmer. Panama canal. streets. Opposite postotlie ratified by the resi­ were made to the Democrats, and their Foot of Morrison Street Portland, Oregon dents of the two former territorites, i lees as set forth in the Davey bill were Intestines with a costly waste ef Digestive their respective state constitutions freely incorporated in the perfected Juice, as Salts, Castor Oil, Calomel, No other bodily suffering is equal to that produced by the pain of Rhea, must contain clauses prohibiting the measure. Jalap, or Aperient Waters, always do. matistu. When the poisons and acids, which cause this disease, become in­ trenched in the blood there is hardly any part of the body that is not af­ Wants Philippine Secretary. Light on Boycott. No,— Cascarets strengthen and stimu­ fected. The muscles become sore and drawn, the nerves twitch and sting, Manila, Jan. 23. —T. H. Pardo de Washington, Jan. 31 —The senate late the Bowel Muscles instead. the joints inflame and swell, the bones ache, every movement is one of Tavera has resigned hie position as a will begin the week with the considera­ These are the Muscles that line the agony, and the entire body is racked with pain. Rheumatism is brought on member of the United States Philip­ tion of the Chineee boycott. The quesj Food passages and that tighten up when by indigestion, stomach troubles, torpid Liver, weak Kidneys and a general pine commieion, assigning as a reason tion will come up in connection with a Food touches them, thus driving that inactive state of the system. The refuse matter instead of passing off bis belief that tlie Filipinos should resolution offered last week by Senator Food on to its finish. through nature’s avenues is left to sour and form uric acid, and other acrid have a portfolio. His resignation has Tillman, directing the committee on Make •nra a yte’d of quantity and They are the Muscles that turn Food quality. When j our father planted poisons which are absorbed into the blood. Rheumatism does not affect offered an opportunity for one of his immigration to investigate the reports Ferry’s, they were the b»el <«n the all alike. In some cases it takes a Into Strength through Nutrition. market, bv’ they have been Improv­ concerning Chinese opposition to Amer­ colleagues to express a desire that in About fifteen years ag-o I had a severs ing ever ahteo. W? are exjwsts in wandering form ; it may be in the attack of Rheumatism and could not the future there be a Filipino delegate ican manufactures. When the question flower t' d vw-table m • e • arms or legs one day and in the work with any satisfaction. My legs in congress. Commissioner Ide is re­ was presented Mr. Tillman asked for It»!»«* Send Annual* beautiftilljr illua trat**d. free to ad applicants. badly swollen and drawn so I Shoulders, feet, hands, back or other were Well, — a Cascaret acts on your Bowel could scarcely walk. I tried many rem. ceiving thousands of congratulations on immerliate consideration, but Mr. Aid- i). M. FERRY A CO., Detroit. Mich. parts of the body the next. Others edies but could get no relief. I was fin. his appoinment as governor, which is rich objected. It is understood that he Muscles as if you had Just Sawed a cord recommended to try 8. 8. 8. and it suffer more seriously, and are never ally soon cured me sound and well. I am universally approved, though many re­ and other Republican senators dislike of wood, or walked ten mile3. free from pain. The uric acid and now 74 years old and have never bad gret the transfer of ex-Governor Wright. the preamble to the resolution. That's why Cascarets are safe to take bther irritating substances find lodge­ any return of tho trouble, JOSEPH FBOMi HAWLEY, Continuously In health: and out of health. ment in the muscles and joints and Box 104. Aurora, Ill, Names Three Ambassadors. Trade With Russia. Because they move the Food Naturally, ì)r. C. Gee Wo as these deposits increase the mus­ Washington, Jan. 23 —The president Washington, Jan. 30.—Trade of the Sometime ago I had Rheumatism and digesting it without waste cf tomorrow's cles become stiff and the joints had to quit work. The pains in my back locked and immovable. It matters and between my shoulders was so in­ United States with Rueeia, including today sent the following nominations to REAT medicine,—the Saw­ Gastric Juice. WONDERFUL HOME Ambassadors extraordi­ tense I could not rest or slsep. I tried the Asiatic part, during tbe fie al year the senate: hot in what form the disease may be They thus work all the Nutrition out of buck. TREATMENT ®.X?ryt£in8r but nothin» did me any rood of 1905as shown by the record of tbe nary and plenipotentiary — Luke E. the cause is always the same—a sour, till I heard of and took S. S. S. This it before It decays. Two hours a day sawing This wond*rftil Wright, Tennessee, to Japan; David E. bureau of statietirs of the department medicine cured me sound and well. It acid condition of the blood. This purified nr-»« Doctor The thin, flat, Ten Cent box Is made wood will keep anyone's my blood and made me feel like of Commerce and Labor, amounted to Thompson, Nebraska, to Mexico; Lloyd groat beoatiifie vital stream has lost its purity and a new man. ptrople WtthO to fit your Vest Pocket, or "My Lady's” Bowels regular. »28.800,000. of which »11 800,000 rep C. Griscom, Pennsylvania, to Brazil; CON1AD LOHR, lion that am freshness, and instead of nourish­ to d e. > Philippine Anderson, Ind. 122 E. 19th SU resented imports into the United States governor general of the No need of pills, Cathartics, Castor Purse. ing and feeding tlie different parts thi*e w< and »17,000,000 tbe exports of the islands, Henry Clav Ide, Vermont; Oil nor "Physic,” if you'll only work th« Carry It constantly with you and take mee berti with health-giving properties, it fills »hem with the acids and salts of this barks United States o Russ a. Tbe figures vice governor of the Philippines. James Sawbuck regularly. a Casearet whenever you sus- -cf you that at painful and far reaching disease. The cold and dampness of Winter always know« intensify the pains of Rheumatism, and the sufferer to get relief from the are somewhat lower than the figures for F. Smith, California; assistant attor­ Exercise Is Nature’s Cur« for Constl- need one. euro in h;trmlei Thus you will ward off Appendicitis ag nv, rubs the affected parts with liniments, oils, lotions, etc., or uses the preceding year, when the total ney general, Josiah A. Vanorsdell, Wy­ pat.on and,—Ten-Mile walk will do. If jrou trade figures were in excess of »31,300,- oming; postmaster, Charles A. Berg, at plastei -ad other home remedies. These are desirable because they give Constipation, indigestion, — and other haven't got a wood pile. Livingston, Montana. hr temporary ease and comfort but have no effect on the real trouble which is in 000. things besides. a .1 >»lal% the blood the blo od and bevond beyond the reach < of such treatment. S. S. S. is the best rem­ Druggists—10 Cents a Box. al-su Will Test Dry Farming. Irrigation Engineers Confer. edy for Rheumatism, It goes into the But, If you will take your Exercise In '.ilarw Be very careful to get the genuine, Mend alatitp Washington, Jan. 31. — While the de ­ Washington, Jan. 22. — Irrigation en ­ blood and attacks the disease at its head, an Easy Chair, there s only one way to made only by the Sterling Remedy Com­ partment of Agriculture does not deny gineers of the department of Agricul ­ and by neutralizing and driving out the turn» THE C. 6EE WO CHIMESE MEDICHE CO do that, and make a Success of it. pany a.-d never scid in bulk. Every tab­ | acids and building up the thin, sour three is merit in what in known as the ture, under the direction of Elwood 162 i r»r«l St.. S» t. Cor. Morrison Because.—there’s only one kind of let stamped " CCG.” Campbell system of dry fa min« and Mead, are in conference in Washington blood it cares the disease pemianentlv. W W W While cleansing the blood S. S. S. tones while it ie willing that all credit for ! to ontl’ne tue work for the coming sea- Artificial Exercise for the Bowels and its « e e Ibat comparatively new system shall go . son. A. P. Stover, of Oregon, and H. ñame is “CASCARETS.” PURELY VEGETABLE. to its instigator, there ie a strong belief ' •). Raechbacher, of Idaho, are sttend- Cascarets are the only means to exer­ rr- VREt TO OVR » niENDSI We want to send to rar ft —.5» a beantifel excited nerves, reluces the inflammation, dissolves the deposits in the joints, i in tbe minde of irrigation officials of l ing the meeting. These engineers are cise the Bowel Muscle», without work. Fre'.ch-dcsicred. (rULb-FLAT.-.b EUFBOH BOX. relieves all pain and completely cures thia distressing disease. S. S. S. is a that department that the system should not connected with the Reclamation They don't Purge. Gripe, nor "upset barC-raanv.eú is colors, ¡t U a bc.uty lor too ClKJ »Mint Atl liU UlJ. taíi». Ten cent» In rta-ri Is ask-d as a K Use fjl certain cure for Rheumatism iu any f ra ; Muscular. Inflammatory, Artica, Iw carefully studied by tbe government service, hut make a special study of your Stomach,” becauae they don't act dress:-.» eeasnieot zc-vt ta’»h »ad to cover -x*t rf Cascarets, with which uus'Zaiátv trinket is kaded. ti » lar or Sciatic. Special book on the disease and any medical advice, without * in order that its limita ions as well as water rwourcee, the u«e of water and like Cathartics. Seed to-d. v. nw—or>< » •«» «re». Address I drainage problem«. charge, to all who v.nte. D< SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA. I its benefits may be discovered. They don't flush out your Bowels and Surluis lUsx-r----- .saaqr, u. ;««w Toe. There is no time of year when It la not more widely useful than any other medicine. --------------- 'l Rheumatic St. Jacobs Oil CLASSIF1EDADVERTISING R I IE CKEBS RHEUMATISM BODY RACKED WITH PAIN Grandfather’s Cure for Constipation • • • ® © ®