..'•♦■i- Hood's Sarsaparilla lies a u «I. «e far tz . «• j U.S «Heci «4 »«lv< itl«.ng only Ths sr«-ret of its wouderfui popular­ ity la sip.a.ucd by Ita uuapprvs. haul» Jf«w< Hued upio a pre«crl| lion w liicb «tired peo; la coin ler. J in ursl e Hood's Sarsaparilla l'uito» U m be«t-ki»owu eegrtabl« rvm- ed »», by • . '1 a 1 >t ■ tkm sad procrea a» to bare curaure power peculiar to Itself. Ita cures of scrofula, sew ma, pvort- a»*«, and »very kind <>f ' ithui •• well »• «larrhanlrl.ru . prove Hood's Sarsaparilla u.e beat bh»xi purifier ever f nd,, rd Ita curve of Jyspepaia, I“«» of appe­ tite and t al tirvd b > n».' n «¡«r H H.e gtealeal stomach lorn an t atrvngtb- restorer the world haa ever kn<>w n Hood’s Sarsaparilla la a t to tak» it TUHAY I h III 4>o. I>«vi« I lr«t Jl«n Xltfht Tralnw Henry GaMtway ¡>avfts f-mud bl« fi ■ ««B 4 • . nt a l < i * . « .,.*!?.'«« rov»f«4 ptMitlou of brakeman ou a frrltfbt tl t r« uh r • ltd ' rf «in! Oblo ItaBroad H wa« uut n»ng Lrf»»r« be wr « «dv«or<*a1 to tu« mur* rretpu» «ILI« I«»» t >n vf fr« • »n ! . :*»r r** •pr •.!*> In t.‘.<-*«• th»’ th»:i »>f «uj’«r t.’< t .i. ’ y ' w ' ‘‘f lb«» running of all thr tr » Hr ?n> du<-*4 an Ir«?. »v«t. n wb«. b m«rlk<>! • dr.- il^l advance «trp !n r». rtm»l ng ! p to that t.:n*. It hud n d t»< rn • I Ir-«-«! p : ' . ' .•• ?... r j:i ? » « ? Digbf, H h»’U bightffi . t «nir fft a,bt « > |MMM«Migvr train« «Hk« w«r« üp.” tiMf )«.*urnrt« Co |M f'^umad only when daylight rum* Paria br!d t!»t»rr wa« no g»M«d r«’ii*«»n why they «Itoti:d n*»t br run by night aa w«’H aa by d«y. and pror»d U III« brat night train from Cumberland to Baltimore mark rd an Important n».. h in rai.ru«! Ing lx*« • M»H.?hly Magai»n«i in the ”F«trifi«d Forwt** of Artaona ihrre u a uaturai bridge, arrows a n«r raw canyon. cvnsUtlug tn« petriBwl /r agatiled, trunk of a true». Hl fe«t la length.* Tbe petrified trees In this region are bedeved tu Lav« fiuurt«b«*d a the TM a Mir a gm. Most uf them are «JB«x2 U> th« .Xorfu.k ¡«laud piue ( Aru 'arla» of today, but sume reoemb.«* the red «'edar Profeoaur U C. K Carter think« that tbe petrtfarGon wa« due to soluble «iih‘a!es deriv«-*! from the dr rampaalUon of the feldepethlc rrtneot found tn th« sandstone of that loraHty Profese«* H B Mmlth, of the Wur -eater Polyteebni«' Institute, eay« that it 1« to day possible U> deliver un the -oast of California, for use !n faeturtaa. « tri * power drrlvrd from the ineH ng «now« and glaciers of tbe Rocky M.»unUlna, at a «mailer «t than that '»f an «"qua! aumuut of power produced » •• ..«. run if tbe furi wer« d.-llv r»M fr*** at tbe fa tory furus ••• A few years ago, in Man FraneUwo au * elect He power current coat 15 cents jwf ¡horsepower per hour, but now tbe «ame current < xm U only one seventh a« ' much. From nuealan source« it is burned 'hat «tHMU)» uf colunlot« are Rtlll pour * Ing Into Nii»«*ri4 k> develop Its agrx’ul , rural rrwcwareea, and on the alvoree of fifty river« bum«*« are rapidly being u as «le >arme «« large aa ?b«»«e of III) nols l>«w«. tbe Dakotas and Minnesota «re tiltiVob-d either by sing e f .;ni.:«*« ••r by comMna(Iona of men «ml women u Io* v, «»nifuutiltira. the basts uf ea-'h •*f which •« a tulr. or village Hut these Niber.sn fanners are «till backward in th«- u«e of agricultural ma .’»inert al though tb« rv ;• «toady prugre«« >u that regs rd Readers of **Tbe Thousand an*! Our Nlgbt« will reuiemlw-r the “islands of Wak Wak." and the marvelous adven ture« of |h%un of flalaora and the princess with the dre< of fra there Dr. Alfred K laaeU Wallace suggests that thr Irland» were real. •nd that they can ba Identified with tb» Aru lai « the . .. ..f tbr great bini of ,.«ra«l I «e. Tb» name "Wak Wak.” U» think» may t>» an Imitation of ths call •f the bir la su l tbe'atnry of llaasan'a visit to th» lalauda of Wak Wak may !>» Uavnl on th» actual adventures of •otne travrier who dlaonverwd tbe haunt» -»f the birds of paradla» • I ona, th» tritìi» uf Hawaii. 1» foim.l o hare premiata* qua liti.-a The plant «• <• to th» nettle family. It rraem •;»• rami» without the troublesome res tn >>f th« latter, and It flourishes in tr . al forcata st a height of 'J«aai fret The fll«»r provea to tie eitrao» lluartly fin», light, «trnng and durable A rope of ordinary al*« appears like • . and has the «trrogth of a ship's bawsor, anil atramla no heavier than twin» sra as strong aa wire Net» and a •• r« « at the a •• n of so t w.i ter. haring been uv«>d f * scores of years wilhiitit loss of strength Gar i.ents from th» fltier hare ths her cure Mia. Hart says “Yre. ('.»Id's Kidney I' ll» t«e < irvd or how mu< h I lead I ova to Dodd‘a Kidney ITIla.” MISURINO THE EARTH Thia raao again points out how rnoeb th» general health dejwl la on tbe K I- ltri.nl Appllaii.e* t ve.l In th* Ha lent» neva. ( tire the Kidneys «Illi Ik»M*a d ear. Kidney Fills ami nlne tenlha of lha The science of gnrtiwy 1» mallng a offering tbe human family ia heir Io. rapid strides aloOg U m line of accur will diaapi-ear ary and there Is not much left to I m llv Meede«l Avvlviance. |r-rfr«-tr..e a... « I '.» ! ... «.I« fu portant problem of modern aa well as of » lows aud pr -tv X « ■>. id a 1!» ancient grodeny. of course Is the other men but blu •• If had i.isn !•<• ineaaurriuent of the dimensions of the cause they could not aland the pace earth, which enters Into all practical Ils rvfuvol to 1«e d »trun.-il in h » »um work of surveying navigation and ter mer arrange menta an 1 »•• b> alayv«! ■■ real rial physics The International Sunday night they ha«l him tn the Geodetic A«»oclatli>n wveral years ago corner a d the time tugan to «an« undertook the problem th» different when some one vtarivd tbe gime of nations bavltig agreed to cot, tri but« "what you d rather be if you bad y >ur their share towar«! an accurate deter choice " There wrre a kit of answers ■nlnatlon As ha» already been reconl and a chorus of laughter am! the usual cl, the determination wa* undertaken noia» that goea with summer resort In Ecuador. In lt»>t. and extended pastimes. an<1 they saved the lone mau from tb« Colomldsn to the I’eruvlan for th» clluiai. When It finally reach­ frontier, and »»ery po»«lble refinement ed him. saya the Ni-w York Tin • « It to attain Ibe mailmutn degree of a f I uracy was adopted. The greatest dlf "What would you rather be If you ficulty la to secure an accurate baa» could have the pow er of u.« ging your Itn«, which la complicated by »o ap Oelfr («areutly trivial a thing aa the ei¡»an A syndicate." was bls reply •ion of the measuring medium. Tbe latest refinement tn the bar method ta that originate«) by the United Kt a tee coaat and geodetic survey, using a slu gl» t>ar 1 unnerved In melting lea. tho lontaliilng trough t»elbg carrteit on a •ultabl« car upon a teiinn>n«ry track latter alili, M Guillaume discovered an alloy of 'H per cent ate«l and J»l per cent nickel p eveexal an eieeed 11 gly low roeffl. Ict.t of »ipanalon and Hoc been auflr: n the market. a definite weight. A very valuable Cleveland, Tenn. W K. IlKTiaa. piece of work on I he Island of Spiti For over fifteen years I ! are ffersvl lu-rgen « as completed w lth the use of nil re <>r I' « fr :i I el l A! • • this alloyed wire. rear a/o I had a L .11 a; < •> ni. le^ Even the Infinltealioal variation In below the k.n-e, w:. ; a -I . f..; ml ty three nx re on my i:r. k. I saw 3 S S. the force of gravity at lUlfereut por advrrtiw I a 1 e de and I Lave not btro tr - I : e. termine«) am) a correction applle«) Gao G. 1 kstig , This delicate determination la made by 114W j-! -. > • ol«servlng the pressure cf the aUnoe phere by the determination of the boil­ Newark. Ohio, Stay »1, I90j. From chlldbuod 1 had l>een b I ernl ing point of water and comparing the With bad bio.-!, «k .n er -na and I- la. same with tbe barometric reading the I difference. If any, being mualdereit number each acum. The burning ao eompanyit-g t!«e erupt .n Waa ten >. due to a variation In the action of tho 3 S S aern-.rd to tie ju.t t’.r- : .-.e forvs of gravity u|»ui the mercury. needed iu mv . «•» It drove . ut all rnpi:- rvtiea and lad Ll<«xl, givi r • ;ert: 1- ALL ABOUT THE Bl BLE. nent relet f tn the n er ; '.ns - 1 l-nla. Thiaha« tern ten rear« a. and I W ««h 111a I on Library W e II »to. kad * Il h trnva never had a ret .-n of the . -w. I .ora of the H«n.k. sss Maa. J. D. A tukbtom . Writ« for our book on blut aa limited aa can be. Probably «cry few persona. If told that the It brary contains tbe "three versions of tbe Bible" would be able to aay what tbeae three versions ar. In pulut of fart tbey ar» thè !>■ .«y tbe Ki .g James and thè American veralon Ever aince thè »venta that tuadr hlblk*al h.vtory o»-vurr»d hav» a« -omt« ut tbrae saiu» breu wirtteu AnJ •• clvUliaUoti spevwd and gare rie» lo nrw fwopl» speeklng ixw tonguea. ttivs» sartler a«i-ount» were trauatated Ulto dlffrreut luner pert uf H m pa»e ami tbe alt tra naia t Iona are side by aids In colomna umlerneath Y'bew» trans lattone are tb» Wlcilf. publlabed In Idra» tb» Tyrwlalh In 1531. tb» Gran tu«r, l&JP tb» Genera. 135?; thè Ilbeema. IME, and tbe aulborised ver •lon. Idi) What la cali««) tb» ttonay veralon tv ir a de up of tbe New Teatainent. pub ll«h«d In Ithvlma In l"-“2 and of thr Old Testatomi of tb» l>uiiay ver«n>n publtvhed In rii» A D Tuia la thr Hlbte of Ih» CkftboHca lt waa publlah n| wlth Ih» approt>stlou of Cardinal Glbtama by tb» grrat Catbolk* publlah rra tbe John Murphy Company, New York The liti» page beerà Ine ma«~rlp tlon -‘l’rinterv lo Ibr bo|y aec.** When tb» «arty trenalatlona of ih» ttll.l» wrre tieing luailr. hi»tory waa unfohllng Itarlf at a rapid rat» In thr llritlah empire Alti, h ut tt» wmrk «a» don» by Protcatanta. whn wrre «tri«vii luto esile for thrlr religione twlirf» Th» Genera tra naia timi waa the out reme of sucb an vili* After Henry Vili '• atand against tb» Pop», thè calia» of CatUoik ivm i <»f t'atholk-lani aa tb» rat-vbllabed r>'< gion «av a k>«t «me, b«it il waa noi uniti la ter. durlng thr relgti of King Jamrv that thr au thoriaed »»raion of ini 1 waa tranalat ni for use In th» t'hiircli uf Kngland The Amrrtcsn vrraion la thè King Jamee o-rak>n revlsnl. a nuotatali su«) brmight tip lo date otbrr booka of rrfi-rence bere are ■ th» Cyclopedlas of lilbllcal Lltereture. tbe Jewlah Cyclopedl». comtnentarlea of vartoua sorta ami • .11» .nlan.-«-« A Calbollc dtitlonary contali!« a «b-v-rip I Iloti of thè doctrlix'a ami rit.-v» of tlila churvh. ami waa publlabed In Kngland Washington l*«xt Oualemsls*« IB« < “W. • C rop. > L* n tbe v«»> *«nh* eruptions la Gust uala last year «covered the c*offe« fin i a « it w«« be cved that the Industry was ruiurd and that Guatemala bad rv* ved a bk»w from which recovery w. I t>« ak>w Many planters a ban duurd their a«b <\»vervd plantations a.id b »I tbeta*elvra rulued. But s.'Ut.ty of the tui.*anu«o was fav d by heavy and long continued L wb!«b wa«bvd away a great dew *«bee and iin'vrp«»rated more of Waa!» Tb» Uf» uf •«.< sual lu lulg »n» of »terrial pui lab mani la a libri agalriat klyn. N Y Our Nawla. U» think wa nred many tbluga wblcb w» do noi nm) at all. Mucb of all of uiir Uvea la a|wnt In praytag fur ai») in a»aking tb.w» tblng» wbicb wa do not nrait R»V. E A. Uanlay. Ilapu»t. Clav ala ud. Oblò. No Short Cut Tbere la no abort rnt lo tb» klngdoai of Gm! n ' o u>»«b«nl cal device ean ever «are the world Not even a unlrer«ity with It» wisdom t>ur a church with Ila revelations Rav N M W ■>■ ra. < vogTwgatkinallat, Urouklyn. N Y. Spirti and Nature Tb»ra conica a tl;u» In «vary li c >an Uf» • tu-u on» muat daelda frolli wblch wurc» b» wlll draw Ins life from the Inner «orbi of «pirli or tbe uuter wor'd of nature Bar T. A K'ug. Claialand. Ohio. Marnmun Tbare la profound w la dom In th« statement that man rkn- not worship of grc.it bcti - rely upon it for colds, coughs bronchitis, consumption They * ill tell you how It heals InHamed lungs. ■Mrs. Anderson, Jackson» ilk, I I la., daughter of Recorder of Deeds, U cst. » ho w itncsucd her signature to the following letter, prai.tcs Lydia E Pinkham's \ eye tabic Compound. *• I' iab Mos. 1’iMuiM : —«Then* arw but few wives anal m- ther» wbo bars n •( at time« rmli»rr4 aguwh*s a&>1 » - !» pA n as unly wotnvn kn- w. 1 w . h • > h w«»tn n l*n- w ths value f I yiHia I . 1'1 tikhuin'a Y e*rtable < I'm* lt la a rrmsrksblr um . «•, ?.ifT«rrut In act. n from any 1 cwr kn«*w ami tho n nig My rchsblr. “I have ar*n many «war« wh<*ra w mm «!’*'U«r»-4 f«>r yr .trawl thrmt per* maneal t«rnrflt. who wrrw cum «! in lr*« thaA threw in- ntha after GuUn^ y»mr Vo^rtabls < <>tupoYim!, while other« who were chronic and incurable canw* out cured, happy, and in ¡«rrfrvt hralth after a thorough trratn «■nt with th»« tn«* Hrinr. I hsvr never word H myarlf w»thout gaining great IwnrflL A frw d" rwsloraa my strength and appe­ tite, and t- nrt up tbr entire avalrn Your n»r other medicine fur womta l as received such wideanraad and unquali- ?.. <( endorsement. No «»thrr m* na baa such a record of rurr» of female kviib.t v lU-fuau tu buy *U) »ubalilulo. -?ir- - t • • « • - I «1 z-W.»«'««»«—« «••«» T*>.. I »4 «••«•< »•««• rs»«»««- M» ► ra • »•!• . aaslau •»« ■! »* h V J i -VV-» ‘"‘ »u raaai *Tt>* Uaikoa cwawa U Mr 11 Wk 4 <* A Y««ur» ■ f — ____ _•_!___ •’» Í T ■r Ai for Old Coughs »kl Ono A>oe e Pill at a naturai action Tbe lady Illi future deaelop li that if ah» bad •• aa Illinois In tbe <1 bar» a mlie«<» »ore In proportion ß umber would tie • vii fe Courier Journal ,« a neat ** •• / Ll / ineurea morning. -P. r approached th* c «ture. •’I am 1-M.k g for «»»me Japanrar cab Ico/* «be Mid. *’Japsur«c csUcoF’ be r»‘boed Iti sur* prUr -Tes «he ei| t»r SI.1er liawl kl.l.J Taea off Jew» waa in Trae Made Ihtal I rmr So (¡.r i en44 •- uh * nt la bnubru J mo J Hf4 4*H OV-0 ♦♦♦> VVV1 < « ble. Kl Patience Religion rnrnna a striv­ * al nip! y Levarne un I mm rabie DAMAGI K ing for the betterment of the world i Dbla Prw and niankhxl and demands of Its fol­ ♦ a t+++«4 * TOBACCO IN GERMANY. lowers geuti« patirnc«‘ with their frl i j t * tor inali tinnir»» Iowa and a happy contentment with «lurma il» ta-iblus parlad. • mn.-h of Over I.000 Pactorle« Vt hl« h I m ploy th« will of God Rev. <’ (> Be««eti)er, ringtun. "tbaCII get «11 they can out of »gl» wid." At»«»ut Hurbiitien. n iMmnlrr for hi« L«»ard ati’ charge I.nfheran. Harrisburg. I’a. ft-netti oí tdaertlvlng Tb« u«* of biAchlnrry of German. him ritra for tbe toothpick. If I s.i » A in r ham tn Conventionality Humanity ts get French «nn the pl.u »• I >1 tic* lately put an ‘ I* ‘ at la mon In the letter fnrtor!*«» fur r |) pr»> ting too metbodh’al. Th« rough, un n‘ let that feller put bl« automobile iu a paper headed • -<*•>«*« of tobacco Rhd • Ignr mnruffi«* 'dds«!ed and poetical part uf man is our barn here ” "Boy wanted!” gone, «nd everything Is made to core ture h her«» machinery h«R tH, with IUi« 111. rip- Rev George dlcate n . ■ of th«- vrl is voted to totmcco ar»* published In Gw Its price tbe f«n»d mw eat. the boiuvi over t<> Betty Young*« Hhe aiu t gut he want««! warmiy done up In flannel. w« dwell In. tbe government we live many and arr ettvnaheiy used for ad any liiMinm rtn I gu« mr «he wuM — Spare Momenta under, tbe knowledge w«* pease««, th« v«rt!«!ng mnrhlnery and other «¡»pl! take the r<*k feu aroused by the lntr<»durtiun of Amori- —Ret Frost Craft, ieri, that sake t-d !ilm how be m.ule out. lied can and British capital, «•specially In ver. Colo. >fr. ton. left hi« machine (here for a "» ek lack 1« • y»«andarjr cigarette manufacture. In G«-rni»ny thia day Ing one day. wbilo bo went back Neglect. The people nt Mr )>• Mtyle Well» are RÜ yotir ar­ ne-tv fur ugha, robla haa not wholly autialded. The multi ha. e tittle time for thought» of God gut i •omc parta. i ry it fi r renta. raugeuiviita for a aittittirr ai th« D«h* tu<)e of »mall manufacturera lu coun i They glv« lllm the go by. It's b'lSl- How d you get on?‘ 1 says to uinahi» rvvort« roa»pl»t«df try village, and elaewher* over T. ; nt«« All week with the n mill on »UU- "He »urt o* laughed au’ Mra. De Styl» X»«rly, tasi fartorire and 2-a**»«t workers, of d«y tlx great newspaper They ac«^pt right* a I bar» w hom ino,«*» are on I-Igure. la refern .l ail Ills bl«*a«ingM and tb**n forget Him. « ■• «i .. ir •* Mlaa Young treat ye wellT to by tb» proa» as the surest (leftuis* Rev. H. C. Morrlsuu, Methodist, • «t lo a «t h me •«« | ¡t .1 >g tu a “ ‘Oh. j» *» But «lie hna a queer no against any general consolidation uf New Orleans. La. oolna biMr-llng bouaa. e> that sii wlll Hun uf making out a bill.' tbe totiacco bualnwa of the empire b» *ell «r.-.l t -r uutil f. : '. i^ what in Kelene« ScleiM-e At lost 1« waking ”‘Otervharge j v I «ay«, knowing tb» wurìd »hall I d,, witb ih» baby? This feature of Getnnan nianufactur up from her dogmatic slumbers, filled Hetty’s w*nya, Ing ia one auro to attract the notice of with nne inspiring vision« of God. Kv- ” 3'ell.’ be any«, '«he's charged me an American resident and uudoubtml | rrJ |x»int and plac e in nil thr unh era« for things that I clearly hi ly la to t>e taken into account In any i ia found to be forever singing as it th<»ugh she may ha’ lust ’em * survey uf manufacturing In the em 'I hen be banded me the bill Betty shines that the hand that made It 1« pire divine.** Rev. J I*. Campbell, B.q>t:»t. had mode. It wan qm*er. I'vrtlona nt Baden and Huit part of bupper, bre ikfant and night s Cambridge. M m »« Bavaria known aa the libine I'falx Gratitude When «e consider the lodging. 75 cents * That wa« all right form one of th» largest and by far the ’keeping one automobHe iq the tixwt Important tobacco region of the 1 one end for w hich we were ctealed — barn «ia »I. iir and nights, a dollar and empire Baden Itself lra* German tttatea In nrrr.gr plantad In that we may l»e happy with lllm fop •a. Or., Then enme other Item« tolocco and tn thr Importan. <* of It* lever hereafter -we cannot help blit ** 'Damage fur burning green feel that we are not as faithful tu Hliu cigar manufacture Krcntly publish Hev J. J. nn account of not being able to gel t< rd statistica for the dctiarttuent of fac s« wr are to tbe world the dry wihm I pile tiecnUM* I wan afraid Mahar. Roman Catholic. Philadelphia« tory Inepectloo for Hadeu ahow that o’ the nutomublle. two dollars. Pa the number of cigar factor!«-« lu Ba­ ••'Uimt of one calico skirt, tore In den waa 728. giving employment to Faith and Knowled*e He cannot going round the automobile to get the 33.720 workmen, or more than In anr know cvarytldiig. but In whatever pur scythe, on n<’<*t»unt of Iw-ing afraid tu otl«»r branch of manufacturing In the suit we do engage we must have d«x-l go near the thing. flO rent«. grand duchy New York Tribune. > alon which lends to faith based u;»*n *’ 'Mental anxiety, one dollar. acquired knowledge Men do m»t ** ‘Total, five «lullsrs an MS cents Mr«, llai'rr’e Wit. weigh their conclusion» lu religion, "Talli altuut always having your Many of them are content to bava no Quit«* an expensive week f»r tha Fuung feller, but I gu« *s tiwme that can wlta at*out youl" Ingun Mra IK»U11 ___________ roncluslona _____ at»>ut It ____ llev. T. H. afford to run <»nev>f the things « an af "If you can find anybody to twat l.yd s.mpaon Baptist. I’hlladelphl» I’a /Yw tSase«^.» ^_X. »___ font tu pay for stabling when they’re l-ilk I I AND. Ok"I GUN Aj Baxter. I i'll ’ll Ixuird ye . a __ week t«r !Jfe« Journey,Human life is « laid up f«»r repair» * Yuuth'a Com nothing " The Nwnler preaerraa) the Journey. Tbe region through which nan Ion. •lienee of tb» modest atul tb» Inex w« move 1« unkn«»w t* and largely un­ perienrei). twit hi« lo> k nt Interest was ■ U-fUartl (<> I Ml I Itfht <*uur*r» knowable i land of myatrry Any all th» »ncourageiuetit Mrs Doull need- * A story is tu d of a UHtingu:«b«Nl question •« to (be facts or etnlrou •d -e lead« Irada un at once diplomat from Japan a ho was tbe mrnts of existence "Now take It thia summer." ah» con I i into paths that "run Into Shrouded guest of boour si a dlfin«-r In Wash tlnued “ Txiaig the early part of Jun» V. L. »nd wvorw r-sw/v • I chamber«,’’ a reatm f darli» Bev. ington. After the brat two courses of •he'n I weut down to the chapel one IC. il Buck. O./ID th»n wnr fWEfW^Rc/«r«r Metbodlat. New York ojsirra a tai soup. «• the waiter« wrr« In 9h» irtrfd. . «1 s« us. , night to atentng u e.•! 4 We set In j bringing in tb»* fi <-f on'a w» got 1 ' » Uhat! («11 anyone )M>*tibly want I Evolution - Kiolutlon account» for there young Tbonia» Luther show ml a » « a- • ■ y - urw n be oprm-d hi« mouth for l - w » ! - » II r.f a », Bl I« »er.» |. «if»-?, lletarrn eirry hour and rv- • dy aaya to me. That » one of Aluilr; world. « I" - .i'ii txy. • . 1 « i:>i **.«• {oc It ic... ........... the ciciuaive purjM»*f of eunvrraaUun *ry higher form of life there la tome- JWÍJ I, IM, » a Burnharua boarders, and they \\ !»en bis abatemlousuc«« wa« com i thing Impart«»! which wna nut there • he’s awful well off ' $S, 262,040.00. t»«fore. a direct creative n«t, I nt n »due- nifiitfd ti? n be u. w . »««J I.yddy see tbe woman ha.lu t • byutu ing ■ new energy whirls, when once in were to Mt a« much a« you do, /. *. took. »0 »he pasaisl over one of bera, matured, unfold« under ttie same gen ftti|>rrl<«r In FH, (’nswfwH •>»«! Wear, «iiuuld fall ARlrep, au«! then I could not a finding Ibe place and all 'Keep It I eral laws that controlled tbe develop W i «• •«. . ra ■ ./4 II ri » ; • r «•/-.. make my »p • • h Most uf tbe men m«nt of «»ery antecedent energy . ^ir«f «f**r I • L f ‘ right through.' aaya abe After turet around this table are fat. br<-au«e they I ’ * -4. • a» Ing tbe woman turned round and llev A \ Raytuond. 1 ’ungregntlutsal- AV I I» .» mellow you A "Thank you.' aaya she. ‘Fin_____ ■ . » u r , ' n -, ! a a than any fat man.** to ba here several weeks, and I'd like ■lubborti perenti. If apptoa-tini wrong om.o W. Í- DOUGLAS, M .3 LATÍS? not riAKCR i ly, ran l>e hard, mid sm) slimnt cruel. to buy one o' them books.' • »s •• Se • > • e— l WI M kv il» > he « «. 1 | | R l > f “'I gneaa you ran have thia one for I æ • > *'* n 1 fie-« ta*cbed rightly Positions Guaranteed. the summer,' aaya Lyddy. |ia«ali>g it !>••• auy one In tanderneaa ('barging I • ’.«rt»;t e-1 with a Jiau mal Sank tu right bark, quirk a a flash. 'If you'll ,-'"1 •1,h unfair put dm rut 1 iy I. .4 ma*« it- •' • «. . q ar 1 4n " ’ll« -wr give me a pair of gloves same'» yonra. ’* ••'»•I«» gardening rebellion. If nor- by uiai i radl al y ?»•*» only tueblir a aliade lighter, and uuiu r”w remind» me of the renllty of the yataiog Beutcl BuGncAi College tw* aeven!' " i future life and lend» to thing* that TACOMA. prepare for It. ar will t»e drepOfted, W hal 1« «he l>«ir of This Y'ear broadened, aweetened For we will be Of course you would »ay I KM. but If' full of aervlee wlilt h alonr ran et«»re BUY that la meant to denote the uuiuber <>t treasure there Ue will ttirn re« all jenna aince the Christian era It la prob our aorrow and r»fTrr feit «y m;»athy tu ably wrong lxsik In aomo goo«) au other« —Rev. C. F. Krisuer. Metbodl tborlty »ml •••- if thia year ebotild not Denver, Colo. rightly be at leaat ll»»t It u worth your tnvratlgation If It bappena to be a Mr» New;»ip Baby w subject y«vu hare tw-; yet carefully cun last night with colic and aider»«! 3t. Nlidin aa afraid there a soiiirthl 11 an aero. •O? Mr» X e w pup Ilea t«e«-n asleep fl* When a farmer bring« hl. family tn town, the children hate uot bad a four hour» and haaiit »tirreni ouev WddliamsAi thoroughly good time unleaa all fall l'bllad*lpbl» I’reae. I ROM aalwep tn th» wagon before tb»y get It««ya Welsh Coal. botne P. N. V. The ItiiMian government eoutracta Every farmer says there ire only a f«* tons of Welsh «-oel to very few really good wheat Machar*. ••• dellvsrad at Fort Arthur before an«) that be la vue of th» beat RUSSELLtNGINä mills High Grade s'Ss Machinery The A. H. Averill Machinery C j W.L. D ouglas s:;?; $3.50 shoes ¿ Í- • V» - C'.J W \*V A P A J, Ì i ' • < V” * «»** d» -z* V..* * * 2*^ THE VERDICT OF EVERYONE WHO USES. . DIAMONDS Ä >a ' m ,