• é * - Economy b a strong point» with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. A bottle lasts longer and does more good than any other. It is the only medicine of which can truly be said 100 DOSES ONE DOLLAR A llora Dlp'omaL He— M «a l>«Jon«., Clare. 1 n««.r loved aay vea bal yon. IVIU jos be my Wifel Hl>e—Rat l’ve tosa »- U! that yoa pre- p. ..-d to f. r ■ .rr g r.i w.tluri a u Btk. He—True. darliog. bul 1 aea that make their headqaarteta I- r the Northwest to this city. Among the first of theee Is tbe Advance Thresher Company, which has ball! a tine wan-house arid office, <»n the East si te at Kecimd ami Belmont streets. Mr. J. O. Humphrey ia the manager in charge <>f the com« jiany'a apleudM bualneee in this sec­ tion, ami he ie now in the thick of spring activity al hla ro«na>odiua| quarters. * I' <■ 1 ' • I - - - - •. a ’ »• . • • ! • 1 • A • Ing sharply alter new <-pi Ip merit and neceseary repairs and renovatlona for the coming sea»'n. and n-> one omits calling al the Advance eats Id ial. men t if he seeks Io inform himself fully as to the market and advantages of the various tbreebiug uulHts. In fart a visit to the agricultural and saw mill machinery manufacturers houses on the East side is s liberal nlncation to any­ one wbo wanis to g<-t a fair idea of the vast farmer Interests ot this part of America. Immenxe capital Is invested In three concerns. They sell largely on credit, Bil l W I . ■ • . . - - enormous amount of machinery is sold end paid for. They are tl.n thermome­ ter of the advancement and prosparitj! of the great Northwest. The fa. lory and prii.t Ipal p!s.. of bn.ii,.-»s of the Adraic ' I • • I -i: •• I. at IUt tie Creek, Michigan. Two years ago they ••’«-. •«*« o A 4 -f r «• • VM«ua. 1 t r «vn rw . for White Hair The frfitB «»f turhiue enftnet at EIL*r> f« Id. Grmiauy, »h tv a st ram consump­ tion wpu« aknt to a 1x4)11 eleven |wunda to Ind»--ated h -rwe (« wer. an unparab leif’d performame in eronaniy. For cough« a. 1 rotos there I« no toner medklne ihau Tie. • Cure for Conaump- Uon. Tri- • iS . «.i is. • llr lias II ltrmove<1. ‘ i ‘ *y taj,” remarked th* youth, “that a win« man never stumble« over the tame atoa* twie*.‘* ' Ìtala rtebt,** rejoined the a«f*. \\ ! • i. ha pahhc* that way agam it ta» t there.** CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought The letter of Miss Merkley, «hose picture is printed above, pnnes beyond question that thousands of cases of inflamtna* tion of the ovaries and womb are annually cured by the use of I vdia IL rinkhanf» \\.;ctable Compound. “Daaa Mas. Ftianxit: — Gradual loss of atrength and uerva fores told me aomrthmg waa radically wrong with me. I had severe al-.---’ e.g pains through Ito pelvic organ, crwmi« and ritreme Irr'.lat n c d >« l-i seek lued .xl adv.ie. 7 <- .1..- ruil that 1 had ovarian trouble an I ulcera- t n. ami Mtvfsed an operatiott. I atrnngljr <>bto-te.| to this and >'• ■ ..led to try Lydia 1!. Pinkham’s Veer- tabln < «rmpouitd. I -of . I th t my Judgment waa c rrect, and that all tba good things san! about this medi­ cine were true, and day hr day I felt leaa pain and toereaacd appetite. The ulceration a«x>n hralul. ami the other complications disap|«-ar. I. and in eleven weeks I was • - ■ str. ng and vigorous and perfectly well '• My heartiest thanks are sent to you for the great g 'i have .!■ no me."—Sincerely youra, Mi-« 'li»u»rr MaasLMV, FTt Third St. Milwaukee, »UXX> 'f w'r'wW «Saes Mlae Bear* ths Signature of Bugs- n« TrfHrJ rv» Jurr«<'u movenu ui I uffici« Hon a. I b / yu b renia« h«« la* ruMto-r hr»*!« for ab«-*1«. A!>' An thrr revolutionary on foot, *h? u then will Itod Mn W nato*»'* NxUhlng • trop ihr beat remedy io us*lot their oMldrsa during the teslklug partod.. - Always lx-ap Year. In one part of "all the Itiis-ias." tbs i province of I'krnlne. It is always leap ' year aa far aa the femalu prlvlli«.- of proposing Is concerned. It 1« Slid to to customary there, when a young woman falls In love with a mnn. for tor to go to Ids father's lion.- and In the most tender and path.'tie nnmtier plead with the young man to take her as his wife. She promises the moat submissive otwiilem e to Ide will If be will but accept her. It the v.vung tnan says: "I tog that you w excuse me from thl« she i- .«Ii -I,. 1« resolved not to d-part tint.I be .hall promise to take her for bi tter r-worse She accordingly takes ............ ulx.le there and remain« until be Is wooed arid w.-n or until bs SBdg tbe •. fleeing to parts unknown. Mr*. Eva Bartho. 133 East 12th fit. N’.Y Yolk C,,jr' W- ' »ritoe: "I suffered for three year* with -euci rr- »-a and ulceration of the womb. Tbe do-tor advocated an operation • 1‘i'li I dreaded very much, and str. : gly .1 .. -ed to *o under It. Now I BI,i • changed woman. I'etuna cure.! Are you the waiter who took my me. it to k nine bottlee, but I felt ao order for that chop!" "Yessir Bless much improve.! 1 kept taking it, a* 1 me. how you have grown."* lrewde.1 an operation so much. 1 am "She says she la very fond of mu- toiayr in |>eriect health and have nut elc." "Instrumentair "Well. It's In­ frit **• well )<,c ti.te.-u rear*."—Mr* strumental to making tbe ni-ishtors Eva Bartho. sweer when she gets et tbe plan.. " — .Mr*. Senator Roach, of larimore. Exchange. N. Dak.; Mrs. Senator \l arren. of Jtnklixa- How la your s>n grtf-ng dtejenne, " y®.: Ilei, a Lockwood and .Mr«. Oeneraf Loagstreat, of along to bls literary labor*! Jorktes w a*h(ngti>n, D. C., . are among the —Ob, famously! You should are I bow prominent tadte* w ho endorse I'eruna. gracefully be carrte* hl* pen I behind Mies Helen Rolof, Kaukauna, Wla., bl* ear.-Boston Transcript. writes: Tonsorial Artist Your hair «r*tn« "Several time* during th* paat two to to coming out. Freshman - Yr«, it la. Totisorlal Artist Tried our hair »tar* or more my system ha* been greatly in nre-l of a tonic, and at those tunic? Freshman Yes, but that dulu t times I', runs haa teen of great help in do It, though Yale Hecurd. building np the system, restoring my "How hollow It sounds!" said a pa­ appetite and seiurlng ie*tful sleep."«— tient under tbe movement cure, as the Helen Ri-loL physician wee vigorously pounding bis '! • M r • tr n'.o.e lireeawiswi cheat. 'Oh. that's nothing"’ satd tbs Are . Ic-lt-ut, Mu h.. District Organis­ doi-tor; wait till we get to the bead" er of u,» K and see what the ine irregularities, which brought on clock aaya. Allee l d-« tor* from th* differ­ mlnuten fast! ent who- I* of medlclue, tot without Huaba nd- What! A hundred dul- lar* for an opera cloak? Why. it ia perfe«-tly ridiculous, my dear Wife­ Yeo. I know It la: but you said ys® couldn't afford an expensive one. Chi- cago bally New a. Teacuer -Johnny, writ* on th. blackboard U m * arntenr* "Two h»•«(!< are totter than on*.** Now. Johnny. do you believe that? Johnny Ye« in ’Cause then you kin get a Job In a dime tnueeum aud make lota o' money. "At what age do you consider worn en the most charming?" asked the In- qulaltlve female of more or less un certain age. "At the age of the wom­ an who asks the question." answered tbe man. wbo was a diplomat New Yorker. u X . ' <3 MlHS tA 4 MtWiHO fern i-.rvil •' ;M'1. th»’ d 1‘rruna. I f4fT«’rr aa lo whether Perttnn can l«e relied on to cure all *u*h raw*. During th* many yrarw I haa tw« pat lo anr perceptible change In my con­ teat in a U ? * a I -fe 4 scute dition. Iti my despair I calle.I on an and < hr starr | • a haa ¡ at lit- - «dv — .l ■ to try I'eru- thia remevly tc g eatrx teet than ths na, and protuised good result* if I past year. I w.-uld p- r.ist and take it regularly. 1 If all th* won en »! are suffering kept thia up for Sil month*, and stead­ with any form of fi - .ale weakness ily gsim-l strength «nd health, and would write to !>r. Hartman. Colutn- when I had used fittren tottlcw I con- but, Ohio, and give Ii r. > nplets sidrred my«el! entirely cute«! I am a lrta I dl­ t. fr. .-A . l'barga. Mi** Lucy M Kiley, 33 Ihxvenpott r.i 11. fit., Cleveland, Ohio, writes: \ ' I II ... ■ I • ai tubua, "I wish to add mjr endorsement to thousand* of other women wbo have ( Ohio. A :-»y >’c < a 4 ■y-*' F You Lae* <1«C Allen'« I oot-t war I HI B. Howes— Don't like this cold weath­ RI II «MIS MACHIS! ri J). a Writ* Alien 14 »iad, I* X«y N. Y er. eb? Why. only last summer you fre« »« ¡ 1« ’ll rurra (Slitti ou A ei i < « i I aae ovrooN • ar. were complaining of the heat Barties «weBUng I t »«"ibr- arhltíf fe»« Anything l»ut (Irren, * > I ¡ r* iM —Not of tho heat lt«elf, but rattier lx»- «• ■rn». ; « iw ■ t¡ na • and t untune Al! drug- It M made bia moasy la St «Rl 0 HIM IMO PRH(HISo| l».i-. i a-< r| < auy «ubarttui*. cause of Its untlmellnes« It would tie g,fi*«»a)llh ; grnreriea. all right If reserved for such weather Wat ha a green M Iggies—Indeed! L* b (1 >n 7 (•« r «rut of (ha power u«ru the West a "circuit rider," If he had to n-tuemtor It's leap year, and Kit a large field to cover, was e.nn-tlmre IMhmiCT To TMRI SMI ifMHN. itorllngtiorn la trying to get me away l-ermltted to have a "colleague," win A Unido to Hie Height <>f from you " "Well. I II Just «how the was frequently a young minister. Ju.t An Account and >ot. Book ot IS Hagas There are four different beigli ta. freckle faced thing she can't do that — The R<-v. John Aent I row to Any Address. » ;e toglnnlng to preach tieorge dear!" Chliagn Tribune. military heel alone. As a guide to 1 hompson was a circuit rider In a Tbs A. H Averill Machinery Co , o! Old Soldier's Store. "Father," snld Kathle, "how much those who want to b- right on the sub. somewhat thinly sett ed port on of c. -i T- rtiai.d, Ore., «how advertisement ie Sonoma, Mich., June 13.—That even doe* a quite small tottle of ink cost?" Je t of heel«, r< .-nd . r tbe following; iral Illinois more than fifty years ago. to to found elsewhere in thia publica­ in actual warfare disease is m ie ter­ "Y'ou can get one for a penny.” an- t'p to one and one quarter luches a lbs colleague aaelgno*! to lilm was tion, have prepared for distribution rible than bullets ia the experience o! swerii! father. "A penny!" en-laluo-d heel la a military, tip to ous one aud Brother James Rndth. ao excellent am-.ng threnl.eriiicn a thr.-aherman'r ac­ I*eli>s Hutchina of tlna place. Mr.- Kathle. tn great disgust. "And mum- five-eighths It 1« a <' .1 n ai- va that joung man but with very little expert count and note U-.k <-f 25 page. This Hutchins aa a I'nlon "oldu r f cbargs, by addressing the above the Louisiana swamp* and as a result the llttlest bottle In the cupboard " "Aren't you ashamed of your Indo­ The French heel« range from one and splxrlntmeiit at a email me. t ng house named company. got crippled w ith Rheunuitism »<> that lence ” "Indeed. I am." answered onequart- r to two ! ■!.• s usua ly — to the country, but having a severe liis hands and tot got all twisted out Ntriblnff !><)in*. Meandering Mike "I've been trying and are ca I. d Ixiuis XV. Ilia Ito cold he a.keit his young assistant to of shape and how he suffered only a WONDF.RFUL one ki««. daar, t-rfura I «0. to do something for It.” “What?” Barry heel runs from two torbe« an! go along with him and preach the ear- Rheumatic will ever know. HOMB pka leii the y«nr uf that f»»r rue. thank jrou/‘ re- TREATMENT l>een cboppln* make tolleve wihh ! wit' taller. obeyed orders Jointd the fair tnahl, “I don't like the ery, then one lucky day his druggist TV) fi • Brother Nmlth had never undertaken i.lcn i f I n in< a d<* tor’a bill thrust uu- advised him bills.- Dodd's Kidney Tills. an Imaginary ax."—Washington Star. (Fv-fiM AuM Tb*r* !« ' at«rrb la lliU Bretb n < f th< I, pr.-a h In tbe presence of hi un e drr my no»e,‘* Newltt — Well, there's one thing Mu.t Bear Signatura of Of Hie result Mr Hutchins sayrt ' ■ •ouatey than «.) uthrr diwaara ¡»ui t getter trito) k «• • t p *r4 t- bfi experienced colaborer, and when after “The first two boxes did not help about the weather. It'* always a safe tnc iralil« l -r fi|frfitnufty'rtre topic of conversation. Ilorrough* I the opening servl . ee. he rose and gate me much but I got tw ■ more and before ?< ky L»OUO«-MO«FHINC-TOeACCO ftoutiCw «1 tt * |«*c* Uixra.F«, « i ><1 ptr*rrilo a. tame U<*« l a- 4 c ■ > L g t«> *f» out his text, be was visibly »mbar- íure PERMANENTLY CDWD I got them used Up I was a great dial thought It wag today when I met Wil* lot al trralUi'-’Cil I -' v. I:- I :ice-t Ilin« rat !e c''*■-‘ e- res rvtt SAAtornAat — re san!. totter, 1 kept on taking them and tondham. but when I started to «i»'ak IM«*n • hop: »• 'I « «1» • rh t*‘ I*« a < ■ t al if j lion«. «JlmraM» a ,4 I ♦ f f f« nMp'. i "i'« r- ! >lt t« <1 rectly t»u the and cabla atrvum flowing tbruugb ita ebatu- M«>H«ffi* b. >»»«r<, • V» JiiinJrwvia Af « elttlng down "! can’t preach!" "there's a * handsome big policeman ir4lin>na « • « hffirgvMi Urta» rAOTFDQ to > fiUDU«. hun lrr.t .1 . affi fur •' « aaa it fall« lu cut« Flight ot lllg llirit. *-r - « S whose toat embraces Mrs Hwellmau's Brother Thompson saw that tbe case Ibent f if rlf Ctla' • a: * i«»1| Da* LAi\l tr u ron oinmtu. ' * » » * ■ • » Of blrd» now In exlsteiu-e, probably Alirez F J » II LX >. I A K».K Al'OWkM house Can t you get him trnii«fi>rri-i| ▲ »M t-y Drur«U’«, ’ v thè one wltb Ilio «rvatest < ipau.,. of ITT LE r0R »ElOUSfiíl were necessary. M»u>f to this neighborhood?" "What forT’ Hall • Family Fhia ar« the tart. The C. G«i Wo Chiui'K Medicine Co. wing in pr°portlon to thè Inoly and demanded tier husband. "Mr* Kwell- "Young man," he whlspi-re.1 sternly I" > Al r ri . *’ o ,i, , i ,t. a* Itti tb» grealeat power of tight la man ba* an excellent cook and I want in his ear, "you get up again and Ilonr« with «hr I*r«»p1«* Off. Harbin, klan- hurta, la only th re. thè frlgate or luano'war blrd. Tbls her.”—Philadelphia Press. T«o Hltl* frltowa of 7 and h year* preach that sermon, or i’ll take yoa yenra old. but It la one of th. great blrd appan-utly tìii-v more b> strili thau The officers of a British man o' war b*ard older apraidnff of tlteta out In the grove, after thia meeting Is <••! . iti. « of A.la and ha« the larg- P. M. U. by atrengtli. for It ha. not great curry- over, and give you a hard spanking, tone Thr 7 year old I m »/ lla(*t>*d ¡»a rat European population of any A«lat| • Ing power*. The wandeilug albatro»*, were entertaining their friend* w ith a tlrnlly to th* <«‘trtr*r«ua(h»n, nkn the as sure as your name la Smith!" " " — H«J J" J«.«« io. city. con ta lui ng IM».< «XI Hus.Inna, b-*- thè largi-.t of all »«-ablri >. la al*> one grand lunch aud In attrmlame wi-re older boy. wltb an air of aupertor An electric shock could not have aldes the soldiers and ♦<)<■«» Chinese some typical British tar*. A young CURE SICK HEADACHE. of our atrong.-t fi, era One blrd wa» kn*»n cige. aa <| *bnipf y operated quicker. Brother Smith rose It " * Ilo o you bare a good lecture course here during HE FOUND THE TROUBLE. tbe winter?" was asked of tin- manager llonrke Cock raw's IMory of the llvj of tbe Higginsville Lyceum "Indeed “O ’CLONI Wh'^e Father Kept III. Word. Aprir «• NAIHASl IIKSIOVU VI« > M . we do." be answered; "aud next season » «.sin,ma, t> c. at 5 II VeU. is i«l I t IRI l-HHI to.H In an addrrsa that bo rv.enily de we expect tu outdo all previous records. W rite for Catalogue and Prices llvcrwd on tba labor question, w No far we bare booked oue ransumi-d missionary, one refocmwl gamiller, on« llourk. Cochran told a story of hit Malaria is a alow poison, but the moat stubborn and boyhood, says the New York Tribunn, troupe of trahird animal*, uiir convert deeply rooted when it takes possession of the sys­ I’URTLAND, OREtiON. ed heathen, one moving picture ma­ *1 was born to Ireland.'* he said, tem. \\ c breathe into the lungs the polluted, germ- chine and one professional personator "and In Ireland I obtained a part of tainted air ; the little microbes then enter into the sys­ my education. I remember w e I tbe We may take on a college professor who icm, tem, anu and iccuing feeding uj:«>n upon me the re«l red corputclrfol corpus«, les of the blood, blood. wants to *p«-ak stout the tendency of school I attended and I reuiemtor well »«•«•n reduce thi» vital, hte-BUBtaiiiing fluid to such a* . ■ a school fellow of mine named Michael, modern literary thought, but I don't I *4*rHM|>«B It’* rr«»ta«tta. know. It'a pretty bard to keop a lad who was always talking about weak, watery state that the patieut become* little**, rial« tr»abl# t« a eommun fhtnr an«1 ther« Washington and Idaho. D g-nifled, h n- trouble and always looking for It. We pale and ana-mic, and men­ •ra tarioufi b!?»»!• of it Many (• air1« u Course on the asms high plane • ere right (*ib«f« ar« pru^rrly oral.le. permanent and immensely profit­ are on tbe question of troub e now tally and phyaically de- Amory, Klaa. Jan. 20, 1009. thought throughout."- Judge. h« mouth 1« not put in pru^of ▲beat fifteen year« a«o I aufYerwl with boila able employment at h.uns <>r on the Malaria may be­ and or w«arinf lb« plat*. mid therefore In Michael's rxperlrneo presaed. The Other Hide of the Htory took a course of S b B , whi. n built ma up roa-l ; something new ; m-nd stamp or It may tie that there la something to gin with slight rigors or and entirely cured me of the bulla. Three yoara gleton What's tbe trouble, old uan; f your plat«« ar« tn anv way *n«at!»faetory call at office for details a SQUARE DEAL BROKERAGE CO. "Michael boasted constantly that the by lever and thirst; but mined to try II »gain. I am gla.J to say that the would doubtless look broke up. too If W* «gfrart te«th wholly without tain ant 12* Seventh Street, Portland. Oreg.« master was afraid to flog him Whi ? gradually all part* of the rsaulta were all I could have nab|v rat«« I take g. g B av.ry spring, and have no attack ot and ah* ------ Blngleton — Ila! The old. Oh. bwaiiee hla father bad said that system are affected; the r «trartinf froe whaa plat«* or br! !<•« ar« Last summer I at>«nt tu at of the iiuu« or da rad. old story; she's coming to spend a few If a hand was ever laid upon tba boy liver become* torpid, and on Tombiffbee bottom baving timber cut. ▲ . B. DALRYMfLl. weeks wltb you. I suppose Wedertf there would be trouble. But or>a day dark or yellow splotches (sadly)—N*; on th* contrary, she baa Michael misbehaved and tbe «■■««lug appear upon the skin; the V^u «vauiuf Uli» Bunday« from • tu 12 Otrg Ma a hjj stomach fails to properly digest the food, due was not long tn coming and there are frequent headache., dixxine..,'bad taste m the m’mth, been with ua two months, and today 1« she waa compelled to return hum* She "Tbe boy went home tndeacrit>ab!y constipation and u general worn-out, tired feeling that only a Sufferer nursed my wife through a tod case of J enraged. He nought out hla father ** 'Father,* be said, 'didn't you say from Malaria can «lescnbe. Other and more dan erou* aymptoma fever, took car* of the baby, attended IN PIACIMI YOVR ORDÌ R I OR A that If tbe schoolmaster ever llik^l are apt to follow where this disease i. neglected, such a. nervous proa- to tbe household duties, mended my tration, palpitation, »leep1e**no«.. enlarged liver, weak kidneys boil* clothes. Slid losned me flve dollsr* on me there would to troubleF and rising* and dangerous-looking sore* and abac****«. Malaria ’is all three different occasions. Oh. I tell “1 did,’ the father answered. It is you. that woman la an earthly angel ** 'Well. I was licked today, and only the more dangerous because of its insidious and stealthy nature ine. stisa • the A ham-«-line o( thresh­ for throwing paper pellets about tbe an invisible atmospheric poison, and the germa and micro' , « that are If there ever was one.—Ex ers and engine*. They rosi lee* to op- room.' lodged in the blood are propagating and increasing in num tor all the erste, require fewer r. pairs and d > more Ksowah io Hold Him fur Awhile. "The fsther frown.it while, clogging the circulation and gradually wrecking tho health. "The average wegbt of men a ami better « k n al! kinda of grain •' 'I nevwr fall, my boy, to keep a \\ hat is needed in Malarial trouble* is bralna." ventured Mr. Ilenpeck. "Is p»«w l'ai, ao pu.h Id led Cower, cuts Sher, promlee.' he said. There la go ng to than any ori . r . Straw nr «nod pikers «-ol. frlt-M righi «bea you a blood purifier and tonic. S. S. S. pUrifie* about fits ouiv-ea growler than be trouble. Fetch the strap buy. buy the (w.s Huy ib. Chaniflua and owl burning engines. Alan a full woman's« ** the germ-infected blood, tone* up the stom ­ Mowers, Hakes, and luud.rs line of (ingle a il double Portable Ha* Her “ Hecaus»." sen, "And the average brick." yep'led his ach, improve* improves the ap; appetite and invigorates Mrs. Rubberton—Why did you with­ MUCHI LL. LI M IS A STAYER Mille. the entire system. It stimulate* tbe torpid darling, "weighs a good deal more than draw your application fur dlrorce? a book of real poetry." COMPANY •luggi»h organa of the body, enabling them rw Mrs Uayboy Because I found that to properly perform their function* and tol .nJ Tat Ur «ta. iiHtn-AM». oar I wouldn't be able to get enough ali­ < ounf Iraa. carry off the poisonou* secretion* and health-destroying matter that have Rare Jutt think of the number of mony to aupport another btiaband. been polluting the blood and clogging the circulation. S. S. 8. con- American girls who go tuft bunting Tl. r 4hly r.-liable and mrxl durable machinery In the mark. !. |L n st In Hatisfartovy In operation. Hell Fclrra, Sts-k-r., Baggwrs and all Visitor -Tommy, wouldn't you Ilka tain* no strong minerals, but ia strictly a vegetable remedy, a blood abroad! Tbey who return as ceaate*«es . ..Ii.tr I. t n a't chmi nts. l»n j. na a !»atal and our traveling man will rail. purifier without an equal, and the greatest of all tonic*. If you have are so few! : to bare some distant rolad» es? ADVANCH THRBMHl’R CO. Tommy—Yep, If tbey Hied to St any »vmptom* of Malaria, write us, and medical advice will be fur- Jack And those who don't .. Ulîui/l'u. • W,r,ku J“ 04 » to pot, HyMmua. to! Bak- lushed without cost. mg 9WfrT gneinc CO,, ATLAMTA, GAa countless. — Princeton Tiger Leal* >7 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Carter’s Dr. C. Gee Wo Little Liver Pills. K FITS MALARIA NEW PENSION UWS ~ V..... TOUR I OPPORTUMin ?• J h CHAMPI O IN AN INVISIBLE ENEMY TO HEALTH '♦Mr.X'- '• •-K "S1 5* Hfl. \. II. AVERILL M \cili\l k-\ E)O VO UR JAWS WISE BROS., Dentists ............. 1 XI l> O R T A rs I R E S H I rN « ;«!SiK «TER O U T P I T M O XV E R S ADVANCE THRE«,.!, E 1ÎH« IN O I NES • ii r