The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, April 22, 1904, Image 2

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2»y D. C. Humphrey.
Fw sbaaam.......................................................... t<J
44v«r1to1at rei»« ssa*« known on application
Vraa stoat a*vertl*ea>eats must ha »mid for
vbaa tba ar 1er I* glveu for thrir Insertion.
At the general élection held in
■June 1902 an ainendmei.t to the con
■lltutlon wan adopted providing that
When eight per (cut ot the vot< rs
•hall Mk that a hill be submitted to
Ntie eot«la of the «tale, proviaion
■hall be made f< r a vote upin the
proposed law. Under this provision
«X the constitution two bills will
'tfe'itibmitted to the voters of this
•late at the election in June.
’dTThese, the Direct Primary Law,
provides for tire nomination of can­
didates by the voters Instead of by
’'conventions. The other, krib'ivn as
the Local Option Law, provides for
the mibmitting to the voters the
t)Tiesth>n, shall intoxicating liquors
be sold bar beverage purposes.
this law is passed at the June elec­
tion, then the voters in any county
or precinct cr city of larger subdi­
vision of a county composed of two
cr more precincts, may have the
tfliWUvr to vote u -on the question at
lhe election held in November of
this year. All future elections inu-t
tie held at the time of the r< gular
Wtat* elect jot io Jun«, or nt soeeiul
telecllotis on the first Monday in June
’ot the years when there is no stale
«■lection. Here we have tlie Hppli-
vatl< n o' the principle: Government
’of the people, by the pe .pie, and for
the people, and surely "o lover of
personal liberty can object to tb:s
law for by this means the voters can
determine, and Indeed must deter­
mine, what shall he the attitude '«f
tlie government toward the liju-.r
Voters of Linn coun y the
issue is before you. Shall the peo­
ple rule?—The above was contribu­
ted. Ed.
’the N k WYS U per year. That’s the
price we have decided to solicit sub-
acribers for the news for. How long
We shall keep down the price to 11
We do not know, perhaps for a
knonth. We shall make the paper
better than it has eWr been before
and if we recleve lhe support “Wo
should,then the improvement will
be made a permanent one one and if
%e only recleve the patronage that
has heretofore been -accorded this
|>aper then we Mail have to guage
buselves accordingly,
We have
placed a solicitor, Mr. T. J. Wilson,
tn the field and we hope to be able
to secure four or five hundred new
Subscribers. With such an sdditlon
to our Ust we wonld receive more
tofr ott? advertising space and inci-
toently be able to publish a much
better papper.
Come in and add
your name to our subscription list.
What become of the good roads
hiovemsnts. With the coming of
dry weather a rd good summer
toads the mud of the past winter
Seems like a horrible nightmare. If
we are to have any better r tads the
homing winter than the last, some­
thing should be done l>efore the
giobnd becomes so hard and dry
that good work cannot be done half
so easily as now.
Th 8 good roads movements are
like the la grippe they disappear
With the coming of summer.
Like the running brook, the
red blood that flows through
the veins has to come from
The springs of red blood are
found in the soft core of the
bones called the marrow and
tome say red blood also comes
from the spleen. Healthy bone
marrow and healthy spleen
are full of fat
'Scott’s Emulsion makes new
blood by feeding the bone
marrow and the spleen with
the richest of all fats, the pure
Cod liver oil.
For pale school girls and
invalids and for all whose
blood is thin and pale, Scott’s
Emulsion is a pleasant and rich
blood food. It not only feeds
the blood-making organs but
gives them strength to do
•neir proper work
T ub N bwb «nd Oregon
Osarmi > gwr >6.00.
Public Health Notice.
fhi ¿cr.biam
That huge American office building
for London announced some time ago
1 ■»•■plieable PevRltaritof tho Aa- and afterward declared to be impossi­
ble, is not only to be built, but work on
Uva of C oat t«* too a IMaordora
It is to begin in August unless there is
WhUh AM let Human Raos
some futther hitch in the negotiations
and Lower Aakuais.
with the London county council, the
Science u finding
a great many body from whom the land must be rent­
curious things about the deadly mi­ ed. The company wanted 999 years*
crobe. The latest diacovery is prob­ Lease of the land, but It 1 b «aid that the
county council would listen to nothing
ably the most curious of nil. J t is this:
The microbe has very fa>tidious more than 99 year* and that the busd-
tastes, and ncicr selects u victim with­ ‘ nee» has been arranged on that basis.
out first ascertaining as much as pos­ The company is to pay 1150.000 a year
sible about Lis or her age, disposition, rent for the land and at the expiration
characteristics anil general appear­ of the 09 years their $10.000.000 build­
ance even down to tire color of the ing will become the property of the mu­
clothes worn, says a medical author­ nicipality. On the other hand, the site
on the Strand at the foot of the broad
The in fl 11 co/a microbe doesn't like thoroughfare now being cut through
children at all. He prefer»* adults, and to Holborn is undoubtedly the beat
particularly promineTit men who live site in London for an office building.
It is said that the company expects
well, eat well and sleep well.
The measles microbe is very particu­ to have its lfi-story structure opened
lar. He will have children ami soldiers ready for occupancy 18 months from
or nothing. Very few children escape the time the ground is broken.
him. But very rarely does lie at li ck
an adult in lay attire. Don a bright
blue military uniform, or, better >till,
a brilliant red coat, and you are pret­ l lif laveator Claims to Have a
N«w Scheme te Replace
ty sure to have an early visit.
years ago, when Paraguay
New Railroad Drvleea.
which have lately been tried for in­
creasing the safety of railroad travel
is a speed indicator need in France,
consisting of a centrifugal pump,
driven by one of the locomotive
axles, which sends water from the
tender into a small cylinder. The
water in this cylinder raises a piston
against the pressure of a spring. nnrt
moves up or down In proportion t
the speed of the train. An automuti
registering device records the varx
Ing speed so that its rate can be re «
at any instant by the engineer, a.,
when it rises above a fixed limit t1
piston acts upon a leverage whi
throws on the nlr brakes. On o-
own western railroads a new sign
light has recently been tried, whi
projects a bright beam Into the
above the locomotive, and thus rei
ders ita position visible even whe»
hidden behind a hill or around i
curve.—Railroad Engineer.
Makes a Clean Sw. ep.
There’s nothing like doing a thing
right. Of all the salves you ever
heard of Bucklin's Arnica Salvo is
tho best. It sweeps away and cure.« !
Burns, Sores, Bruises, Cuts Boils
Ulcers Skin Eruptions and r iles, ItH
only 25c and guaranteed to g've 8Ht
isfaction tiy E U Peery druggist.
r (•
vorvaFis S laskrn k F
Seriou» Stomach 1 ouble Cured.
I was troubled with n distress In
my stomach, sour stomach and vom
Itlnf apells and can truthfullv say
that Chamberlain's Stomach and LI
ver Tablets cured me.—Mrs T V
William, Lalnsburg, Mich. These
tablets are guaranteed to cure every
case ot stomach trouble of this charac
tar. For sale by all dealer».
To Bo Given Away Abso-
Nothing Equal to Chamberlain’s
Colic, Ch< lera and D arr^o a
Remedy for Bowel Ccm-
I taints in Children.
“We have u-ed Ch nnberhdn’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Renn
<ly in our film ly for year-,” says
Mrs J HCoi ke, Ne.lerljnds, Texas.
“We have given it to all our chil
dren. We nave u-<d other medi
cities fortlie same purpose but never
found any*Ring -to equal Chamber
Iain’s. It you will use it as directed
it will always ' cure.” For sale by
all dealers.
*o. 1, tetiimfiax-:
JAiaves YaqufiiM........
.. A.45 A. M
Leaves CorvuilH...,....
Arri/ea Albany .......
.13.15 P M
For vefroit:—
Leaves Al »any............
7.00 A M
Arrives Detroit.........
12.20 P. M
Yo. 4« irom I>Hs »It:-
Leaves Deiroii...........
1 'M) ? M
\rrivo0 Albany...... ...
f'... P it
Train No. 1 arrives m AiLanj' in ttme to
nnect wilh the 8. I*, south ixjinl train, m
• ell as giving two nr three hours 11 Albany
efnre denft: 'vie of 8. P. not ¿h bound trai
oi Portland«
girain No. i connects wvh thn S. P. W
Si-le train at Lorvai is Crc 'in^ ’or In de-»on
1ence McMinnville and all i.otnis n ith ,o
EWD1N 8; <NE. Mi nager.
LHOS. COCK JE. L Ax* nt, AibaLj
Harry 0. Butler, of Franklin, Ind.,
has Invented an appliance for holding
carpets, and is- intended to do sway
with the old carpet taA system. The
idea is clear as the article is a plain
plate of light- durable metal, one-half
by one-qunrter of an inch in size, with
a hook which holds the carpet. In the
plate are holes for screws or small
nails, which hold the plate fast to the
floor next to the quarter round. The
hook is ¡minted aYtr so that the car­
pat is laid on the floor and hooked on
these permanent hooks as the carpet
is stretched. The carpet ran be put
down or removed in a very short time,
and t* e person experiences no mashed
fingers or other painful accidents-usual
in laying carpets These small metal
honlts are made rf ve.-V‘durable metal
and will last several years. Mr. Bnt-
ler has already received F-cvernl hand-
snme offers for his patent, but has not
yet accepted any of them.
’QM1I:'"'-A'r>rw rt
or la iy i.i AS"1> a
ae Ltisiuesr foi a>_
■ ureo! sop* tiiiin.s
j .ii'iet;, » h « fide s
, ar1 b> i I o e:,-.’-. M am
rn.’.’see e-e. t iron.: beai, ¡ii:
advaueeó l> r t
address«! envelope. Man
ton Bldg., Chicago.
.vi' r
We have 400 nieii’s suits of Clothing to sell this
spring, ranging in price from$5 to $20 a suit. These
suits are strictly up to date in pattern, cut, material
and workmanship. Our proposition is this: To
the purchaser of every tenth suit of men’s clothing
we sell we give
Come in and look over our line of clothing and you will readily
see thitt we have lhe goods and are fully able to do all we claim.
Samples or cloth on application, but it will be more satisfactory
to see the garment.
1I.WE < AFI>.
Ne. 2« I’ or
Train leave* a limn v .
(or-v^l IP
“ arrives Y iqtnna
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed has been by the County Court of
the State of Oregon for l inn Conn y
duly appointed administiator of the
estate of Rebei c l A. Breed, deceased.
All persons hazing claims against said
estate will present d.-m duly verified to
meat mv residence in S< io, Oregon,
within six inontlis from this data.
Dated at Scio, Oregon this Dece uber
31, 1904.
Adinr. of the estate
Breed, deceased.
In addition to oor large line ot tailor made clothing, we have on
hand 350 samples for men's clothing, to be made from -pecial maat-
nrement at $12.51 to $75 00 per suit. You will want a new suit for
Easter. Ours is “The Clothing That Satisfies.”
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed has been duly appointed by the
County Court of Lion, Oregon,
as the executors of the last will and tes­
tament of David Henry Johnston de­
ceased. Any and all persons having
claims against j»ai<l estate are hereby no­
tified to present the same to the under­
signed at Scio, Linn County, Oregon,
within six months from the date of this
.ÍM notice, duly verrified as required by law.
Dated this27th day 4 N-v. A. I). 1903.
e k -
(¡Ei rge C hristie J ohnston
llENHY SlBBELb lOI.’NM'iov
Weatherford & Wvatt,
Attys fur Exrs.
The best of fresh, salt, and smoked meats always
on hand. We solicit your patronage.
Em*«roe T«?«« Over to Muaenmi the
FreieMi Made to Priao« Uefiry
In AmeHes.
All persona '»re hereby warnerl
not to trust my wife on my neconnt
as I will not be responsible for any and estate of G. W. Phillips an n com­
Emperor William has turned over bills contracted by her.
petent person in pursuance of an or Her
F rank R uner .
sex'eral hundred eouvebire of the trip
of Prince Henry to the United States
to the Hohenxollem mursum.
spicuous in this collection is a cartoon
representing President Roosevelt in
the uniform of the (Jerrnan garde du
corps and Emperor William in the uni­
form of an officer of the United States
army, both bowing profoundly. Below
this cartoon are copies of theemperur*«
message to President, Roosevelt an­
nouncing Prince Henry*« trip and Pres­
ident Roosevelt’s rrply.
The collect!®« include-«« a silver plate
engraved with the music of the Ger­
man eong wing by the American
•angarbund. which took the Emperor
William prize. Copies of engrossed
seeolution« presented to Trince Henry
by various societies and menu cards
in gold frames are also In the collec­
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed has been duly ai pointed, by the
County Court of Linn county, Oregon,
administrator of the estate of Vincent
Krafka, deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
not.tied to present same, duly verified,
I as by; law required, to the unde: signed
! administrator, Frank Bartu, at liis resi­ I
dence near Crabtree, Oregon, or to Geo.
W. Wright, his attorney, ar. Albany,
Oregon, within six months from tlie
date of this notice
Dated this 1st day of April 19047
F rank B artit ,
Geo. W. Wright,
Atty for Admr.
Thia subject often is somewhat mis­
understood. Dangerous although every
departure from absolute trilth may be,
V’rvumstances certainly alter caaes.
i>ir instance, when a lady who does not
wish to receive callers instructs her
maid to say that she is “out,”’although
she is in the house, no lie is involved,
because it is understood generally that
the reply need not mean absent from
the premises, but may mean that one is
not at home to visitors. It is better to
say that one is ••’engaged.” and this ex­
pression is coining into common rise.
Yet there is no fni«phood in the ot her in
social circles, where the meaning of
such terms is known, any mure than
there is falsehood in «¡leaking of the
revolution of the sun« around this earth.
There are occasions, also, when one
may diverge from exact truth in the
sense of not telling the whole of it.
Sometimes heedless or actually imper­
tinent questions are asked by some one
who has no right to the knowledge
which a correct reply would convey,
wiren to nrflxver fully would betray a
trust, yet when not to answer at all or
to evade would f>e equivalent to declar­
ing everything. Then, although no ut­
terance may be made which is not true
so far as it goes, it is legitimate to dis­
criminate in replying so far as to re­
fuse to «ay more than is inevitable.
But the needless»and often absurd ex­
aggerations which are so common in
conversation, the flatteries which are
intended to tickle the self-conceit of
those to whom they are offered and are
not heartily believed by those who ut­
ter them, nnd the excuses which we
make for ourselves while perfectly
aware that they arc only true in part,
if at all—how can a frank and honest
spirit regard these with anything but
alm me?
Social usage never can justify false­
hood, although, ns we have said, it mav
ao modify condition« as to remove the
falseness from a statement untrue in
mere form. In respect to falsehood, as
to other matter*» the spirit rather than
the form is the vital thing. False pre
tenses in speech or in manner of life
are degrading nnd sinful. In truth
alone, in society or out of it-, are dig-
iilty. safety, peace and honor. In truth
alone in righteousness.—Congregation-
of the County Court of Linn County,
Oregon, made an entered of record on
the 8th dav of February 1904, authoriz­
ing, licensing and directing him to sell
at public auction to the highest bidder
all of the following described land to wit:
The North Half of the Northwest
Quarter of section three (3) in Town­
ship Ten (10) South Range one (1)
West of the Willamette Meridian, in
Linn Couuty, Oregon, containing 80
acres, more or less.
That in pursuance of said order the
undersigned will offer for sale at public
auction at the fron t door of the Court
House in Albany, Linn County, Oregon,
at the hour of 1 o’clock i>. m . on the 14th
day of May, 1904, all ot the said land in
one body, terms of sale, cash in hand.
Dated this the 23 day of February 1904.
W. A. E wing ,
Delicate Subject Discussed — In
Truth Alone Is IliKhteousneas.
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed has been duly ap|x>inted by the
County Court of 1.inn County, Oregon,
executor of the last will and testament
of Alexander Sumpter Sr., deceased.
All persons having claims against said
estate are hereby required to present
the same to me properly verified as by
i law
:—1 at .....
inv ......---------
residence i_
in gci0)
Oregon, within six montes from the
date hereof.
Dated this Itli day of April, 1904.
J. \V. C ompton ,
Executor of tlie last will and tes-
tament of Alexander Sumpter Sr., de-
II. Bryant & Son Atty's tor Executor.
Royal RS-«n<« Next
It is said that 1902 will wttn.M not
only a rplendid coronation, but also
I a king', marriage
Alfonso XIII. of
ia already older than were many
of his anoMtor, when they assumed
the cares and reaponelbilitiee of mat­
rimony, and the fact that hie eider
slater (an heiress), the prince, of
the Auetriaa, expects to preeent her
hueband with a prince os priaceae in
Itecember makee the Spanieh people
anxious to eae their sovereign safely
married. The youthful king’s choice
le limited to Roman Catholic prin-
eesses. but the kaieer. who seem« to
have time fot everything, is looking I
out for a suitable wife for his jouna
to travel for well established house in a
few counties, calling on retail merc hants
and agents. Local territiry. Salary
(20.00 a week with expences a. dilitnal,
■ill payable in cash ea. h week. Money
tor expenses advanced. Position p- r-
manent. Business successful arid rusa-
ing. Standard I loose 330 Dearaorn St
Stock and poultry have few
trouble« which are not bowel and
liver irregularities.
Draught Stock and Poultry Medi­
cine is a bowel and liver remedy
for stock. It puts the organs of
digestion in a perfect condition.
Prominent American breeders and
farmers keep their herds and flocks
healthy by giving them an ooo
sional dose of Black-Draught Stock
and Poultry Medicine in their
food. Any stock raiser mav buy a
25-cent haJf-ppond air-tight can
of this medicine from his dealer
and keep his stock in vigorous
health for weeks. Dealers gener­
ally keep Black-Draught Stock and
Poultry Medicine. If yours does
not» send 25 cents for a "*niple
can to the manufacturers. The
i hattanooff» Medicine Co., Chat­
tanooga, Tenn.
R ochsuls . Gs.. J»n. M, tW?.
m»v»-t>r*u»ht SWk »n.t Poultry
Medloln» 1» tfcv bv,‘ 1
•t<wk w»» lo’k'n« h»«l «hon you »«nt
roe th» rnodici»» »»d now they »r»
irettln« so So». They »rv lookin» »
per oenl. better_________
H0! F®R
QPP Nature’s Art Gallery of the Rockies in addition to
t. LL the attractions at St. Louis.1 "This can only be
done by going or returning via the “Scenic Line of the
nrivaled Scenic Attractions,
nequalled Dining Car Service,
nsurpassed in Efforts to Please.
Write for illustrated booklet of Colorado’s famous sights and resorts
W. C. McSRIDE, General Agent
124 Third Street
Cash Given Away
low ©OF
We are going to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of I/ion Coffee. Not only will the
Lion-Heads, cut from the packages, be good, as heretofore, for the valuable premiums we
have always given our customers, but
Wiser Tita a Meet Lovers.
He—Darling, we’ll have a lot to con
tend with when we are married.
Rhe—Yes. dear, ire’ll have ea
other.—Stray Stories.
IV ili You Bo One of the Lucky Persons?
The follow ng rep, rt» are corrected
every Thursday noon and are absolutely
correct at that time ;
Eggs llic.
Bir ter 2 > (,i 40c.
Cl.kker - 12c (< 15c lb.
Ti.rk.-v» lg.- 'I,
tn -se 8c lb.
1 ..rd 15e lo.
Bacon 14e to.
tian, 15c It .
Sbouldeia 12c
Potatoes <15c
M hair 31c
nalldina Will
BaiM la the Great Ka«li*k
Metropol! e.
D1 m « m Germa Have Their Prefer­
ence« for Person and Location.
fought Brazil, about one-fifth of it«
forces were dispatched by this little
One of hU most inex­
plicable peculiarities is that be pre­
fers tlie basement of a house to the
upper stories. On the ground floor he
does one and a half times as much
execution as upstairs. This is not a
question of hygienic condition, for the
scarlatina microbe kills 15 per cent,
more people upstairs than on the
ground floor. The measles microbe
likes poor people best.
On thy other hand, the acnrlatina
mit robe prefers to go in for the rich,
if he has the opportunity. He does
not like colored pe<Ag^e nt all. There
has never been an epidemic of scarla­
tina in Aria or Africa.
Tl <? diphtheria microbe Tikes hi«
victim! young. Throe year« to 12 is ti e
age he prefers; but 1 i-
tastc run« up to 15 and 20 or nr-rc
years. He prefers rrirl* to boys, an.’
poor children to rich. He
serin to pnssrFS any color s -' iim *. f<>:
hr tours all over the world, nnl a
Chinese or Japanese, a Syrian, n
Turk, a Persian or a South African
is as welcome to him a« an Ameri­
can, Englishman or a Frenchman.
The consumption microbe ha » very
wide taa‘es. There arc only a few
portions of the earth wbJch be avoid«
— such as Iceland, Shetland, ti e He­
brides anti the Faroe islands. I’nt
he likes some people better than
others. An Irishman or a Welsh­
man, for instance, he corrsider« nicer
fare than an Englishman or a Scotch­
man. At Gibraltar, on one occasion,
thia microbe killed six colored sol­
diers to one white.
Tlie tetanus, or lockjaw, microbe
greatly prefers colored people to
white. His home la in the earth, and
he aeWUmi <»<»•**•• <»«< of it. When ho
does, if there is a colored man about
he will attack him.
In this country 380 colored people
are killed by tetanus to every white.
Tills terrible little microbe is very
fond of East Indians. He likes men
best, but is not at all particular as
to age.
Microbes are well up in geography,
and know where they are host off.
Tlie yellow fever germ, for Instance,
generally resides around the Gulf of
Mexico, nnd when hr rhnnres to roam
elsewhere he Is sorry. The cholera
and plague microbes stay in the east
Other parts of the earth don’t agree
with their health.
The diphtheria
microbe prefers London and New
York to any other place, and the
consumption microbe likes Vienna
best of all.
Then, again, they have very various
and decided tastes as regards differ­
ent kinds of animals. The typhoid
fever microbe is very fond of young
mon and women—especially men;
but hr turns up his nose at the low­
er animals. The glanders bacillus I
best plltased with horses, but he also
likes man, lions and tigers; while hi*
abhors a mouse and won’t touch him
under any circumstances.
A little bring with the big name
¡nlcroeocriia perniclosus feeds only
on gray parrots, killing four out of
every five. There is another tiny
mite so particular that, while he
finds a rare feast in a white mouse,
he will die rather than take a bite
cut of n gray mouse.
AetVcl K'ïj.'irt.
h Addition to the Regular
the same Lion-Heads will entitle you to estimates in our $50,000.00 Grund Prize ContestP, which will
make some of our patrons rich men and women. You can send in as many estimates as desired.
There will be
----------- TWO GREAT CONTESTS --- -------
The first contest will be on the July 4th attendance at the St. lonis World’s Fair; the second relates to Total
Vote For President to be cast Nov. 8, 1904. $20,000.00 will be distributed in each of these contests, making
$40,000.00 on the two, and, to make it still more interesting, in addition to this amount, we will give a
!*! to the one who is nearest correct on both
< rresi.o, and thus your estimates have two
sis vpportuiiitiesof winning a big cash prize.
I PfÄnd
I Lion-Heads
I cut from Lion
Printed blanks to
vote on found in
every Lion Coffee Pack'
age The 2 cent stamp
covers the expense of
our acknowledgment to
you that your es­
timate is recorded.
t <4
Coffee Packages and a
3 cent stamp entitle you
(in addition to the reg­
ular free premiums)
to one vote in
either contest
What will be the total July 4th Attendance at the St. Txiuis
World’s Fair? At Chicago, July 4.1893. the attendance was 2S3.Z73.
For nearest correct estimates received in Woolson Spice Com­
pany’s office. Toledo, Ohio, on or before June 3C*fh, l'MM. we will
give first prize for the nearest correct estimate, second prize to the
next nearest, etc., etc., as follows:
1 First Prize ..................
. . .»2,600.00
1 Second Priie ..............
2 Friz»»-»500.00 each
6 Prize»— 200.00
.1 .ooo.oo
IO Prizes— 100.00
20 Prize»— 60 OO
. . i ooo.oo
50 Prizes— 20 00
i ooo.oo
10.00 "
250 Prize»—
1800 Prize»—
6.00 "
........ 9,000.00
What will be the total Popular Vote cast for President (votws
for all candidates combined) at the election November 8, 1904? la
1900 election. 13.959.653 people voted for President. For nearest cor­
rect estimates received in Woolson Spice Co.’» office. Toledo, O.,
on or before Nov. 5.1904. we will tfve first priie for the nearest cor­
rect estimate, second prize to the next nea est, etc., etc., as follows:
1 Fir»» Friz» ..................
1 Second Prize
1 000.00
I Prlzez »500.00 e»ch
......................... 1,000.00
6 Prises— 200.00
....................... 1 000.00
IO Prises— 100.00
........................ 1.000.00
20 Prize» — 60.00 e*
......................... 1.000.00
60 Prises- 20.00
260 Prises— 10.00
1800 Prises—
e. 000.00
2139 PRIZES.
Distributed Io the Public—aggregating 145,000.00—In addition to which we shell give $5,000
to Grocer»’ Clerk» (see partlculere In LIO* COFFEE caeee making a grand total of $50,000.00.