* 4 ■ % * «»• «• • *-• I -r ur<-«enlcd Ihe circu. tl»l* ««-««.»n Ihr I wmt) •! Hundred I* greatly enlarg««) by the «p-etneu- lar pr ..tuition of J.-rn«nlcm and the plenty- wf Mak« at Ihr J vítor .«iti 1'rtiM‘lr», a pantomimic pr»-.eiila- * Ä The hc»t rn«u rance, M«-mt>er«hlp > • •••••••••••••••••••••••••e lee only ii Including Mill«. _ Hr*I ■«<«»■ It- n of the well known nn»l I hmu II ment. Only I wo a*wMiurnli In tbv The J.-fT'*r*on Mill* a.-rp picul} of fut hMmlcal narrative of tlm Is«t three vtarv Thl« urdrr I« rap HI W is DI At . ASDItls HLAKISU «adera The va«t men «gerle ha« Sunday. Mi ka utl h‘« »ul »I «II tllU»—. W AS Wl STORCI) HV DR. DAR-' I Idly tilling up. fS-ixl in your appll- ! . ii>HH‘g hundred* of f* «tur>-s the Ha-v. W. A Elkin» will preach 111 only living pilr of giraffe«, the flrat Ml*. Lulu M .rr-w returned from ’ callón U“» «• the few» will I aunu !«• RIS'S.M.W MOOLOf TRI-AT Inerva •wal lo Jft th»- < lirl.tiai, < hurt h at lhi«| L»> • on (»»by rlrptmht »u»ce«*lutlV brvd an»t Lvbiiioii TuwMl.y. MIST. Ih»- &ih Munday I ■•li-.i.l of Hie r< gu r*-»rrd In Ao.ertct, an*l the only ,‘S Ml*. Ar,na .Morri» ■•«•lorncd lu Im *lh Mundav of till* month. rbln.a-vr.M in captivity. There I« a kl IHM H IAvi ks| s IHÎIS g‘>rg»~>u* n-vlval of the Homan hip- Portlaml la»t Week, --.Salem Journal. <’. H. Buck piv* »I-«*« lai atlvntl .n 1 i"«lr'»»ne race-*, and many other MU- Mr« Sulherland returned from to Lvti.*« and children« h»ir«irv«*ing, Thu truly womlerfal' eure« hr. tarndou« feature« iu ltd* great cir- Albany Wednc*.lay. and the l.di» * are Invited to rail at Io I be Sea.iJe and Mountain Kreurta Darrin h«« accnmplhhoil are being i u* Cm-n.day open« with a l»rd any time. Price* rvawnsMe. liant «Ireel | hhi | i ‘ three ill lie* In Kveretl M ml» and Norman Iwlcy I mi the Summer. . te«tifled to by a hu.t of afflicted «uf- were at s.lem Tuv«day. When you want a physic that i« mild length. Ihm’! fail to *ve it. ferer* who cm Iw» *r.n and Cumuli- «H'ig*-iitl«- cw.*v t<* lake ami certain to Surveying Imtrumcal Ruined. ft<>«« lì. ilibier w«« a Portland vk- On and after June I, I" ““ the <-d oi. ihv nilrai ulou« culm ot| their a. t. alwayvwM*. C'hai»t«-rlain’« St I luull r>.| itor Ihe latter part >>f la»t week. -*«»ulhvrn I*»' irt<* In connection with '«-half. It I« aaf« to «ay that no and IJt.-r TaHvt».* I'or «ah- by al ¡1 de®}» er». :h»< Corvallis a Eastern Hallr»M turmd Sunday frutn IValcrfuo. fpim points on their lines to New­ Hence rtf I>r iMrrin In thi« country, ritorni h < • rlh hl« InMruiiit ’ hh tu m low«. urw'vliiif al lhal |d*vr*. I!»’ J. N M >rri, and >l«uut meet with wa* chill—I while In Isilhlng. and I >w Ml»-*, i* -I fot t- turn until (Mo grand auccvau. » vrr low a f<-r burial. if. Mr. Warner »a k ! It ua« ruimnl Ihe excursion Io Newport Sunday Yaqulna, g**«l going Matuniayt and Dr. IMrrin < cure* will hav. Ih.lr ‘returning Nlm t.\» are al»o on »ale ■b’Ut>t* »haken on reading the f<>F Twn new »irvult c-«urt r««<-* are I. Th«» InMrumriH <*mls Portland to Mi«. .VI. lie Miller, of Sublimity C'lgene m.lii-lv.-lv. and fr«»m all 'owing card from Judge O. P. M<- Purdy, Io rtuaiVer money for m i*r- - uttSl. wa* the guest 4 M I m I .dna talli I» t West Mlde I-»Ini», etuhllng |H*op|.> to «on, of Portland, a man well and vic«-* .«» attorney, and I'. (1. Burk- week. v i*lt their f* mil lea and «peiol Mun­ favorably known to all our ruadera h»rt v* H ftl »n»l Lydia l«ewHb to I her Arc < ther». day nt the «•■««Ide recover comml««l<»n «»n cuntfnet for Hi* m«e will go far to e.«tabll»h the Mr. Graber, of Hilem, «»a the «w-a*on ticket* from «11 E.»*t »hie ■ale of real e*laie. of Ilie Mi«a<-. Meyer« over p'lnt* Dortlind to Eugene incluslv»-. .kill of Dr. IHirrin, who cured hho The f.dio»Ing oblluary. reprlnted Nu n* la y. Thi* ww-k enough work wa* on «ale to I »el roll at very low t he i«aa|*loii <4 Ihe dea ih r»f more Your »Ice- Dr Darrin Dear Sir: .Maud Bilveti nn*| |>»l||u w. rk* to »‘petale but not rm ugh to thali .me riHlident of llie*e Cri|t.-d Dil.-y wcre vialting in LvUmon tl j rat»-« with *t»»p over prlvlllgc* at trlent treatment 1« mewl un.loubtvii run th«* light |4«nt \ft'r»-«n«t least I. «lead. |Htt«*r |* irl of I i«t w. ek. ftl III City or an> p.lnt r.i«l vnubling state.«; "Hill sklnner l.av« h lllll»* protwtion no* In ca*«. tourist* to v l«!t the Mantlam and |y a wonderful »uccewa. I have twee F.vcryl.uljr km-w Itili, For year« Im ■>f ttre whl*«- without w«t»*r It wa. hml bummed «round, working a Ml». 1-1 • Mvver* retiirimd to Port Br»*|tcnbu*h a* well a* the famous f.»r a number of years gradually l>* like 1« »nptlng providence and If a little whi-n hi* wlfe'« health Was Und \V<*lm-«-|.,y «Her a .hort *tuy |lr.'iten,>ii*h Hot .-Spring* In the I'..* c-uiilng deuf partlcklaHjf'Ita' my left Are hoi nrlglosh-d II Would have cad« ftfount«ln«, which can la- »urli that *he muld noi •upport th«' l-'rmk ll-'hor and fmillv nmv.-d tu on Saturday, «nd returning ftlon- to und. r.tand w hat wltiie«.*e« t.**l| Tickets from Portland rompclrnt to mnnig»- hi* own af- lillli nlxiut la-mg «h.-rt of chmig» McMinnville thi* w.-ek whefv Frank 1l.1v« <01 v and vlenity will ta- goo'l for return H.-d Io. unlewi they *|.ike In a high ' f dr«. Bond« wer»* |>l.«c«-r Wi-st side nt option tone of v.ilce, A «bort lima ago J I nc mill, Mr. Ewing Inform* u*. J. II Stewart Hcc»»mpmio<| hl« of pa«M*rger. Ticket* from Eugene will do « u-t'iii work tint will buy no TetKsew That Text it 7:ï:rc . ..miiien<-««l Ir.-atlng with you aiffl family >i* f ir »• Albmv Frldav eve and vicinity wi'l he g «»I going via grain. It l* al«o Ito- intention tn now can hear »• well »» I conld 80 inng Thev lefl thi- »rme evetllng the Ix-tainon Sptlngfi l-l branch If »•r«*vt a g.H'il »uli*tanlial d im a* mh . ii (Irtivp'd When you are Inking für lea» Angele». year« ago. In fact, I have no illffl- desired. Hsggnge on Newport tick ­ a* the arrangement» can be complet­ I'.i.lel«-" < hill Totile I iv.iuu- lh> ed. M r*. Thos. lteynnlil« and Mh< et» checkml through I" N'.-wpirt; on i-ullV in hearing anyone »peak Jn an for« nl > l< plainly printed rm every ft' iqutna ticket« to Yaqulna otilv. ordinary lone of voice. J am frank Mr» ftloliie Allen, <4 Son’ll Fork. Ky.,j hollle «li'.u lt.g tl. it li I. «Imply- Iron I hillle 1> ilev r<*ttirnnd b» Portland M P. trtin* n.nnn-1 with th»» C Mond »v nfter h inonth'a vi.lt u un to «ay that*In my ca«e your trvaf. »ay* «lie Na* prevented miin-k.otch'.lcra mil quinine in h tn lele« form. K. at Alhti.v mi'l Cotvalll« for Ya- r.-l.ilivc* in thi»ciiy. 1 morbn» Io- taking ('hamberlalii's Stum- .\i < utv i.o | I'rlie .MH- |Ulnn anil Newport. Train» on the ment ba« been a »uccera I am mirry ' ach mi.l Liver Tablets when sh<* felt an \ I i . A I tor l»ctii nt w ill leave Albany that 1 did not apply Id A*’» »wi»c|. F. J. Irvine. Walter Bilyeu, Fr.« I attack t-oming on, Such attack* are us- | Ih-nr.l md th.-ir famlllu« l<>ok a tlah- at 7 a. m , enabling '•'•irlst* to th»- tiallv ca'iM'l by imlig*-«lion and tlu-sv Ing tr)p Ihe I ,«t of l.i*t werk Hl»i Hot Spring* to reach there the snnr* Hefcr anyone to me. ! Tablet* are Ji»*t w hat i* niwded to O. P. M a os. n iw th»y «uv Frank h «* leu-n i re« day. I clean»«* tbv stomach and want >4f the |H.rti-unJ<, < A I ! Il II . lltMU) ; M C < " not be found Iti Allwnv yeaterda^r In « much t i'k.*'l of prlte tight «t man, f ft't. or to at.yM P or C. A K Agent. The Stale Ihuird of \ griculiiiro rle. deft-rtted < orhett, kiKM-king him I’ Hite fiiim ftlunkcrslo Newport ftl ftrt I'.ibor, tlrvgnn. and whose parent« are m iking i nuniS-r of no.>.|i.M1) I* Imlng put In wnlch ne«* tor many years and lost all hope Yiiq'ilna <-r N’»*wp>rt. i2 SO. wreck |.hy«lc.illy, but «nine thought trn»t h»-r on mv »1*011111 a» I will not b»> will a- hoi impr»»ved nnd that he wn«ln 1 <-«p.ii»ili|e for hi.-r tivb'j* Itor* atul I--«mper*. M-»re new *tnll* Oxford, of liroart »vllle, who liftd ■ re In-ing built I-» Iwtfer o . i-.iitiu- good cotiditfiin. but the at'.ry of the 4. S. ftl'.iigi«. Melo. ilnte the large number of exhibitor« tig lit indicates Ihnl th. re Wa« a g it nr.-preparing to con e to the ■led of t.ilk im mlvcll.lng purpose« \ k ’ \ 1 !<> consult Dr. Darrin nl the Hotel ’ ’ 1 I fair A I irge niiipltlif.itrft la being in order to «eciir»-1* pm.txxt house for "p**niiig" in all pirtnii*nt*. <«axl sai- 1 built, win-re vi»itor. cm tn< *e.it«*l llevere. With n faint heart and Ho" club giving llit- fight. . lirica. Rapili promotion* Examina* •keptlcnl to the l«»t degree, «lift mid w ltm -a the live «'■ < k Judging Particulars frw*. Int.T- .Mi-< Agnes t’raft, «{uern of Al* iloti* «.»ni under cover. Many minor Improve- .- ill.-d on Jir lUrrln and toher great isniy's street F*lr«n»t t'«rnival, will mal«* l’"r. iust., <*.slar llapol*. Li. menta nra lu-li.g in nl? on the Joy a», made to bear nearly as well leave t'-d iv for Astoria I»» attend Ihe 9—1. ground*, and everything I« l«*ing — Alhi-y Ih-mocrat. • >»* ever. Iler aunt, , ftlr*. e. W. Hegalta. All the queen* of the / ... «lune t.i make a vl.lt ti tin- f nr M Electricity commenced hl* career dancing «hoc. on thè roa*! la-twcen ple.i'.int event and a Joy- fnrev.-r. I'Hrnlvnl* held In the different Val­ Yale*, of Allnny, saw the treat­ ley I >wo* this «ummi-r have l»'»'ti W <**t 5. io aiì‘l XttihLk’r»*. The ovriìer >.! Hie *>r«oikliic morn of crvatlon, ment and can vouch fur the abovn (•»il Ii»v4* il «• Mime hv Fullintf nt thi* «»(• Invited to iillvnd Iht- Kegaltn «« llu- with f.-w |Ki*»vi-gi'r« on board mid fact«. gu«—t of th»- l<»*g«lla Queen II ml !i<'f rttbl |favini' for thi» AN AUTOGRAPH COPY h.ia coniiiiii»-r. Darrin'« PUac it Hu«lne««. rtea.lng "peed mid growing glorv cilft*. All the visiting i|iie«*lis will rbe Daly I tiilurrtiit nl Tit Ml .«nin-gon Mug tmw Iravi-ln wltti the brllliincy and from io to ft o'clock dally; evening In Queen. M im Irmi Sutherland ..r \\'.»-i»: ti _ t.-n mid «..uld like to g»-t :it ripi'llty of II k * lightning's Idage, ’ to H, Munday m Io 8, nt llevere wIII HccompmV Ml-* • r ift ns innld leant ’M or io ton* m and around Scio if The num ; '♦ rtt»*«k tt» rr*»*» t he -ind even eom|H-l»t the very light* llolel unlit October 1*1. I« -.»ilile. Write foi- printed inatruction» conthitnt °»ifi I ih of honor.—Tiic*'Li>'« Herald. h 1 nrrieane <’». k of a ' how to |H«-I thin latrk »rlf If jf i,,*t io Th»- < h iriot of aciem-e 1« ile.tlned « im.Je»tlc couree. in Hie history <>f Linn iiHtnty, will re­ !.. .r 11;• l.-|«-f..I.-* c.-, Or- lfto acn - >4 i liltl*. lagrlpp»». heart, liver, Madder build. Some of th«* bu’lne«« houses fine heavy- hop. an.I gi««l camping nin iikrra which wer»* destroy»-«1, will tie re­ .•rollini. tine water «0'1 plenty of ti.-nlu* I* supremely higher than »iiff.-r from «pithy or indifference* hh pur»f v» t »» litfht an*! Lì» bilia were built this month. A few of the mer W‘*"l Ir»*«- i-»««I paatiirv. R«-gl«ti-r I dents, nod ti«» man of g' .ilu* had :».* . g.'iiilu-urlnary and »kin ts wond­ . * in either «ex, «qch a* I4ood taints, n|H-ne«l tlw'lr «tore* in new lootii.Hi* Or., or w.th C. <¡. Stump, ln«h-;*iid- en*>u*rl> pieH ■ - • 1 u J .» i it > IHH» 4 f 1 erful working*. Thi. »how* Hint If or el«e In rudclv constructe«l build i-m-e. Or. ».-mul'd w.-akio-»* mid lost vigor, bed to »Hl H .< ni af I »*’t t- pt. -i r-i. h * . i ’ h <» In In * By one o’rlcw ri» I had t luhttl r» rt *hr»p. I t»» rv'srvwot* r»i» I town will rebulhl. but It will proba­ •1 ' ! • v » r-wpifrv iattr <’ 11 r»i «• waa -»II that I* ilaim.-d for it that it ► torr H im th » All curatile t-hrvnlc disease* treat a • • ■ ! - » ' ’i y ‘ i i 4 » - * 11 -i •, * . »f bly I»- «everal year* t»»*fi»re the i*u*i- • m »H 1 fln«itAìikì •»»»» Lu f *M)»krs l.’l nt . <•!> b a irr s r’H'wr, would ! m > dl**-ardvd the «.me h * nil .-.I at fift a week, or in that propor k talldor »»lb » i . » » d»l 1n iii*«* portion of Halsey I* a* lurg»» uh k *1 h - • • .» V • t !t:R» kcrcl *• mphng worthh-*« thing* that >«r»> <-a*t aside. lion of lime a« the. »»»- may require, who *ei ? •W»h »ttiwl r»rh W »Y hcw I a V t>M»d •PiTkw** II wh « before the r»*ci*t'! tire. I offrrr«* a pivtuFa Dr. IhtrilllHt Ho» Hotel llevere I. I. to fur r r h»r«« Hrarw«- Mrf'l cdM'tktT«' furxiKh» - I wh«Mi y E«>‘rT»*»»<’A W Ern'lt»*- Wi'll U I Irvw-fld t f«i vrh»iw« ft'.ii-.o" putiliah.'d except by per- ' • L. »•<*«•» rt»e>n t» J ria« fo 11 « Uni' night last week as E’rnnk ’ . I I »«a -, »... M , « 4 . - mi advanced thinker <><• Hie nppll- mlssh.n i t th»» pillent. Alt busi» All n«o if irmi him dl Vrvri»» w h * rvturniiig ho»ne he fell ‘I a I » t ».“I a I’trlurr at ait) ¡»rie«?' c .Hon« of vie. trictly for the Li lift'Hl* to *’l| Dr. Whp»’’» I'lrH’frh’ * «»ndi*, |»ntrnt»-u|fh t•• hr l|» him know « -•IstTt H .ort! I'. 1 nJ of Hitter l ight. Among the many "uc.-rsefully ii. re 1« familUr with Ihe condition for»! w ii i i: areimrF treated may be mentioned ,-x-Sena- of .tor wH'k« nut h *tr»nger trying to - * t r»».' «n»wi ml ih« ** *\ <*•»• r • I T«.. pii. « I ian • lia>l ■ long «n>l «lub follow them after d trk uouid Invar- man < • f v w r. :« Il - n dw tnr George <"Ii in Iler’« «on of Biker l».rn tl.’lit a iti, an ab..-«» on ni» nght hd'ly take th»'fall that Mr. ft'evra* City, who had trouble and general Icng" «rtt»-» J F lliigh«« i4 l>iil‘i>nt. picture, I buy him ' ” did Our Main street Wa k* on bith "an-l (tare in« up. Kvrryl»»ly debility; cured und galnml :U< tèi •Id«-* of the "tree! t ike ii straight tlealght HI» tuo»» ha»l «mie. A» • l»*t > |«>ui>d«. lump <4 al*»ilt ten fe»-t w ith no rail­ r. .rt I tr -I llr King1» fti.iw Di*eoverp Hoy cure J of CoHc Mter Phyakfan'« Tli« benefit ! re- ing or miv tlili'g to warn one of dan­ F. II. Hohn, UI71 'ommercial street fr.r i'.>u»ntii, ii“n •.- i.-d «•• -trikuirf«ivi I waa on iny fret treatment Had I ailed. ger. By the lime Ihe city pay» a Salem, cut..rrh, cured in a few day* S'»w 4've «ntirely r* few tl'ous.in.l •ii'llar* d im gv* «ueh J. W. Pate, Jefferson, Or., rheu- munirli ni» hcalltu" Il compier« all My la»y wl*vii fptir V4*«t »lei l-ung eti with rtdir and rraiu|'*M in h » Him»- miiti*m nnd dlalietl« cured. having a railing pla.ed a round m t* I »H’nl <«»r tin* <1 re I‘r1c-SOc, and |l UU. Tri«) j«H t«»i fn*>r|»hiiM*, but the child k< pt ore., Miiiic rheu oallam nod cough, botile» trae. " w w«*rM*. I tin’fi ¡i*'»" him half a tea* ci <1 exetir.i'.n mie* on all lini-« w|M««Hf Hi'igling Brulli .Mr» ('. Pfend, flulegy, varicoav ai* l»:,nr ht» »bw»piiw ai* l «*»m rnc*»r- . r«’ World’« titxaii-.t sliow«. und Popular Sunday l:»vur»lon». ulcer* on Imth limbn, cured. W !.. 1 L. Wdk " • >1<1 b.» sai r.M th-e.,. who wl.li lo gu lo All»oiv «• B. Batter, Ferry nirvet, htaleui' Shell Mr VVtlkii*» i* h«*k ’ k< eper h r th«* wliii- tló» greal cirvu* «.xhil.il* September 14-10. lmi.1, lake l.nmla-r Cu. Fur »ak* by all dead- In order to meet the want« of th. tumor cured. Thur«day, Augu«l 27, < m 4 Anu ric t for High ti.»»» Hieing i'Vt ry afternoon. l.lttle Farle Ifi'.-j. nnd all ;H>ints wesl'to Newporteverf klluiiiy. da., «ai. "During a billon, at­ v oir*. bui thè *h..u ha* never been Shu formerly IIv»*t m ar here. Mi». Munday, commencing Munday, July tack 1 t.mk one. Sn.áli a. it wa. it del pi rmlttid tu reni u|«m It« r< |>uln- m«* more g>..l thau ealonmi, Une-ma.« lb «* I* very enthu.l i»He over her lath, leaving Albany at 7:W0 a. tn Sil.tMM) Ca>h Prein.umn tl‘.n. Allliougli II long ago 1.1«««.| or any Ollier pilla I ever t.n.k ait-l al the thè |..ilit >>f i ..i|i|e UI1..11, cvvry «■ t- r»H v.-t. l health. Mb»» wh » cured «nd ('nrvalll« at 7:91 a. m' Heturr> on live »lock mid firm rame i n*«- it . IT »-«-I me p - *-mtlv. •im «* e* a gr»n !» r Hhd grafiti« r *ii«»wr. product*. little I'-.rly Rl-«-r. are certainly au by Dr. Iiarrin h<*t .utuuier. In Mu mg leave Newport at 6:3. p. m. ar- Thl* |H'r6»rii>.4ii<<• ir e»htiriìv I il hi fio* All «'xhlf.lt« 1, mj.l frm over (he be good going and returning oh i -•••» g.vii’fi i-ti**, « «|ulllbri«ti*», lee, thought to lw Incurable. poult.«•rn ••«» ih . r«< t*4cilIr limi il Hnt», . tlieae train« Tlila «hould prevg Dr. Darrin'« Ptace of Buetow»*. unti 1« riy f iiiiou * r >»u n< nml I hjh - | w. popular with the traveling punll e like best to call H<- give fr» cxamln ithm to »II fr->m IU ».IN Ii ST. < K Al'CTi N SALE F.liWlS Hr<>NK, t nutrition, ¿ phaticaJly for perfect In hl Iti camiti. Hou w l!h till- fair to ft or 7 tog dally. The pr free Malinger. ¿ And yet in the matter mat tri of ic»tov* except medicine, it) I«» II daily, ■ ml mg appetite, rd giving new Fine camping gr-mml free ami tbo«e aid»- Io p»y nt Ihe rale of ♦ft« strength to the tiaeue«. especially Cure» Grif dll‘-rd Ml»-« on iMiii|H.ri* ticket week or In that proportion of 11 me ThtSMt frt»:ripua& for MaUrU to the tier -c«, its action fa that Come nod tiring your Gui- Its Two Daji. the eu*e may require. All curable lile*. For further ln- of a medicine. Chilla ami fever I» a __ loT’ '4 chronic diM-aiM.* of men and women furmatloii, write drove'« Taatrlena Chill tonic. Il M • r •’ i I a «peclaity, hye» tctcl and glasse« B|mply iron and quinine In a tante Windom, Secretary : .-led u'. n -.« "-¡ I1 .!u prit ; , le«« lesa 'form. form. No N > cure euro- —uo no pay. pey. I J ’rlja -'"- MX lies H p th«) [it rv«l ne «I iiHt s, 50c. gloveii fr»’in « tew ywnfj» tu full piemi. W«* are Mill wire* and tin*/ «irr \V»* wiK b ¿la*! u> them at •vnJ you We have pnrcl ua «I over two thioi^m.1 »ani» *4 I ungi. an. Mill .-.i i - tin o ■ I.o. ■ » :i r.| J ., « I. . ! ; i - .1 .... jmr yard by tlie piece. At rent*» p T yard ar hadron«' hiifuir**! |«t« tv* id «{inclut am liia li an- |«art .»iiUrU !lnr fttr wa:»t» and drv -•••» i i Ah’ IrslWM. m If y’Mi m*«*l any thin# that • flr»f tla»» dry a»t«*r\ »uj’pîy, aril«’ u». U v ail* I* |*b*aw«J t« tiU yuur »cdfr». S. L ÏIH \G í ?il\. K »•WWe at ' VfMi ti4 t’t'tl || I'a.v • L» l ratty MURDERED! (Ill Align«! 1st, ISMH. ill W. -<-!\ .« store th»- prices on till stituiner good« eucli as Antrim Lawn«, Scotch I’imity. (’h&iulaci Itatiste, Silk Bi.cii.l.« I'.nilu ii'h-o t I’:n.-a|.|i!., I,, ti i Echelon I’.i-i-t*- I'.-- toiiiKw, ko-iilin.l Ihniity, Sa’ in Strip.- I.ii.o, l’.'let l(ayp,Mui ratio L:ic»', ><-ot< Ii Oxf-.r.l, Silk <)i_ tmli<- in nil colors. I.a13 I k -I o W cost. U »• will now <|tiot«'von a b vv of our prices; I hets* UUODM I VIHH IMO» EAlt -K- I.awii f for 3ic yd lOc I' ine riltltvd Venia <>7c I21C Letto Ei-lit-lmi '.He 44 15c l.ai'r atiU'hcd •' forOlh- JMe Sp utili pimity l.'k- 2(h- ............................... ¡Be iiOcf 'liaitilace bati-te 13c 3»’»<-filkoline " 27 ê <• 20r Litten suiting liic 4« •lc 4a 4« 4 MEN’S AND BOY’S STKAW HATS NOLI» BEl.oW \l JUDGE MASON’S OPINION. i PURELY PERSONAL Í TI h * Albany H'uolrn Milla have tiirm«! <>v>s to •>« for «ni«- all lite TU f I m ’*», m ' m ! Melton» left < n bui. I. Th** j-<« e« vary in « • /'■’►I ‘ > J ;-* » A, d ,t*;«e.-.-- *■< • Z < .- * ». t h1?., yv .. - ’S ■ \ Y ours For Bargains A LECTURE ON ELECTRICITY Wesel v 1 ( h’CLron Cloak Is now <•< SIZE^O North sitlo all glass Y hl. band best light Valiev of any t ll<‘ store i he We have 11 large line of JACKETS CAPES AND FURS bought, which vili be ready foi inspect i«»n on S •ptenibcr 1st Ti*niV vonrs 9 W. R. Stevens & ilo p«*t u month». This signature, >-»•/ w; f .*•'<<<. -.?.» .1. ,- 4». - ■ •' , J ’ ' ' i: L i i: «' ’ - • > * .v J *♦• A. . S. - v •**?; * C. • • • J J r ■- j '*'’4 *'D«d I*4*-«’ sc* • s • «ral •V v -J •*.*»■ ' *>1 ;T* • «* jx*-j OREGON S i: i BBON ** - *. * •*’ :4 ' * ‘?7 H -o' ‘ • *•«•„’ '•! ' » i » Y .* «•* ■ ».’•*. 1 X«irv J--T» »• I 7** Z I ? $ > •* on every box. 25c. Portland, Oregon Wc. 1 ft Ï . 1 * -ft* -C'a* I » •'r'*'d -s* » » * Fair Cure a Cold in One Dey Bromo Quinine Tablets. *‘2-' '*'r- ' À I '«J,** •