F • • <-• 5* • • * • " a K ií. <-ot N IV, Olin.ON, \ I <» I "I 1903 i EV ENTS OF THE DAV ^uníL:.'. Ï7.4Z , I Bunk VIA— • PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT l.ixx d' 10, Trains leave West K-w, lor port lami «ml way «tattern« at 10 kA a tn I wave or Allatti,. «I 2 4A p m 1» MW« *f«QYr« l’uri l«n X l‘tilhiiffn «IMI TuBriM rat» <»n !•»<•» tinti« < hffir riir» *•« r®i»»rnt4» lo < hi' Im and FI >11*1 UmrM <*«r» i<» I hh AffM, l »>iu» Xm Ori« Anso aie I Sr Mr» M F U««.li.At-wM Wirffl brio or *4u« n.-»«. I. ua ma*!» al current rates * All danger ot further fiw«l io h«n- •as ia part. ami drafts uwiwd ou |>rincitMl citwe- Trouble ia feared with miner* at Idaho springs. Colo. J M MOORE Cardinal GiotooM is reported lo !■» »offering from malaria. Ne«io enlistments in tbe xtal«*« navy are to Io shut off. ill work (uaraiiti-ed i.»tímales furn»lx-«l Ondiate * 4 *M jL>. « Hpreading rails near Ohio, wteikeda tram. pcreoos weie injure>l. SCIO. 0RE00N « :*-. > Ce :a«t Xclacuc Malica; Claclaiati •* Kecretary Root will order th» depart­ ment ol jorlica t<> «esrch for fraud in army contracts In «bich»i l{*|>re«eida livs Llttauer was interested. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Oreçîa •cio, Through “«It lake <’»r». l-.-m.la ill«- Puel.b. ( REAL ESTATE BROKER, 3 Modern I quipment. Ihrouyh Pullman and louriat Juatlc« cf thi r»vc» Kctary Pi bile Selo Orages ■ ■ ■ j® • » ,k ■ 31 sK >r< >\ i:i:s ' ' ALLOW El) W. C. McBRIDE. Gen. Aient // .Mauldin* 121 Thiitl St., Portland, Or D tiler In »* and sleeping Car* an? superb Irinina Car S rvke. ,, . ■* - ? V. J* ■4 Denver, •) •) SHr'.I A I r vi.. Spring« ami the l «I« ti. R • kt M...11.tain S.enery by day Yght lo all pointa i a»t. Tsicjioas £x:bia:« Hs XX. n Freeh Candì Sut». Ci. ir» and Toi« ... au t wdt drinka >d all kind« g’gF'lr) Hin». UNDERTAKING GOODS' h. W. HftGEY We have alwavn on ltan<*|>itrtii ’lit cannot be beat. Pictures franivi in any izt' or htylo at ruiidonable prices s * 3«io Cr»foa » Scio PluninaMills, Scio, Oregon ♦ . •y • « •SCIO LIVERY & FEED STABLES —Al.HANY COCXTER LÖSCH Irvine \ .Uyt r, l‘n>ps McKitlop A Churchill. Props. ■ *» ♦ *ct-. • n Jf Hack connects with al! trains at ll’ist Scio and niorniii'J train at .1/ unkt rs Al HAW ORI.OON « The bc«t 2* l)K M H ELI 3 ‘ : »*' Itogw« ItKer Vette, Tre»• Premi«« Choke Pruda» I. Sumpter OUIrkt Mlees O»aa«4 Cp *U ol »JSO.OOO. From the viewpoint <>f the grain ral«er dame nature la In a «tate of revolt thia year In Southern Oregon, the drouth prevailing tor tbo paat fww months having wofully reduced the average In all email grains It ap pewrs aa It nature Itedsvd. rebelled at man • perwlatenl perverelou ot sot I end climate conditions Intended to prudute nectar for the goala, to the baser use« of growing provender tut teine or grain for human kind er other rattle The ori hard« and alfalfa meadow« however are yielding up euch aioree of wealth a« only th..»* realise who ar* familiar with relating condtt'.oa« Apples and prate promlee fu>> y flg urea again thl« y. «r In f«. t grvwwr« look for record breaking prier» owing to partial failure of fruit of ordinar, quality tn the east Of coure» th« fancy fruit for which Ibi« «»■ turn Is distinguished Is not egactlly in rom ¡•I I lion with ordinary barrel »toete but si ar. Ity of the latter artici« al ways rnhan.es prl.es sii round Growers are carefully thlanlng sad Uuo4 I relief Tvward I vrelgnt»» Bruten applying the summer spray st pre« by ttresat Eisculwa. ent. and favoring weather conditions Pekin, Aug 6 —China is wiln««smg are giving promise of quality sur a return to the romlltioo» which fol passing perhap« any former year In lowed the « latió« «»rd foreigners h»s suddenly stopped. •»,« Je. Cant ttasls. The plan <«l the dowagar empnms to Estimates Itaaril oa the prndoi-tlua ot ore In the Numpter mining district for the peat month give mu. h greater returns than heretofore The deep »inking operatl. • carried on in mm»l of the leading |>ro(>urtl»e have result *d in opening up a latg.-r area of min mg territory and consequently vn tn creaaa-d production ha» reeuheil A, cording lu the eatiiuatr« that are at hand from the beat «uurce« obtain- able the Honausa 1« «aid to have cleat- ed up during -fun» |Soooo lhe ynrlh I- • lo.uvo lh„ Columbia Iti ■xxi Gol. ornla IJl m.M tb,. Badger ’ total |7t The p 'ion of the (let !(<>> i, variously «1st •d to be horn I.'. OUS to I .row ayi.f therefor* should tw sdd*o»»ibl>- t<> grt any Itgur»« as to th» value of th.-»* area, as no returns are given from the «melters receiving them, es.ept to the owner» and the alter as * rule are opposed to mak u< ¡Hibll th. o flgu a It w.M I,| t,c af. Hi filing thr total at |C4 .’•>.> f.,r t he month This total include* leanup from many claim« In th» 'riet that are not ranking with big producer*. Thl« also include« ’Utput of the placers aa far aa be learned trerify the reformers by the aaecution Two negroea maimed a crippled of Shen I'hieit, which occur re« I last Fil- youth at Hartford, Ind., to<« i»e he day, has been unsuc,ea»lul. All the did not produce the mouey lhay as- liberal Chine»«, (>•'lic.ilarly tho-<* who pected. A mob ia in search of them. hav» Ixvn au*o> i»le«l with th» reform- lanana »«Iley. Alaska. 1» sai l to 1» era, are In the greatest fear of arrest • imilar in rise and conditions lo Min­ and it is difliiult to find a Chinaman who is willing to mention |»>litlcs or nesota. Eiiday*» tr»gedy, a though the latter is I tai' anii'Usly an ait« tl>» announce­ »l«>ut tbe only topic of c<.nver> »lion ment ot the policy ol the next pope for among the tru»l«l friend» The offic­ (mace or war. ial* are particularly dumb. Tire »flair is a disappointment to A Chinese reformer has been pul to » horrible death by order of the em­ tire foreigners, who had hopad that the • ipriM»« <1 npre«« J iwager's n ■»»< m - p ’ - ■« . .«lion aii «»1 wiw with press dowager. tbe ¡adle« of (lie legations would have King Kdward and tjuren Aleiandra a c|*j||gj ng influence. Prince ..¡..iti»!«« • il ■ «•»»»«••• l*wì«-»z«a» bu, Lit the • left Ireland strsina of ( ome i m(IBt o( the Mancha prince«, it Back to Erin. reported to have rl»ke.l his office l.v The Willamette Valley Prune Asso elation held an Important meeting at Itvlegatea were In Salem laat week ittendancr from Ikiuglae lmn* Linn Polk. Benton and Clackamas route tie« and from Vancouver Wash and waa the moat representative giihe ng of th» frultgroweia of the Sorth weal ever held In that city Organl ration« are already formed la l.lnn Henion. Hougla*. Marlon and Yamhill counties. and al Vancouver. Wa»h and aaaoclatlona will be formed al* over the «late and the northwest In th* near future. The plan under dis ualon at the meeting »»• to have all the asocx latl»ns In the Northweat un ler one secretary. »0 that It will be » . ... z 11 s derael) another In the market, thu» creating uniform »calc of prlorteu {and bountiwl sugar ha» been extended to March 31, 1901. Charlee B. Hare, of Ann Arbor, ; Mich., haa accepted the appointment >1 government bacteriologist in the Philippines, at a salarv ot |i,60J. | Rolmrt lea. alio shot an Evanavillo, l*el , policeman and »tarted a riot that resulted ia the death and injury of many citirena, has dmd in prison. Seven t.umlrrd and eighty five men are candidates lot wfmission to 1 ale tn the undergraduates' entering < Iwase» of next Septamber. Last year the tot si wsa aai. Secretary Root has directed the sale ot th» military reaervation known as Co umbus barracks, Columbus, <>., 60 days from date, at Its appraised valua­ tion of iy.ro.ooo. Owing to th» nomerons strike» dor ing tlx» summer by men employed in tl.e'rapid transit subway, it is likely ths* New Yorker» will be com(*lled to do their traveling above ground until the first of next April. Albany Oregon Britain threatens to deport timer Boers who are trym* to stir up mi* bief. J. J. Barnes & Son, Tba national general policy board haa elwrted Admiral liewsy president McI lwain block *• " . ‘ > JIMI . Fira at Hobart, Oklahoma, destroy*! • '.*00,000 worth of property. EYE AND EAR .A. A General Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers •v We buy iwtr stock in large quantities •nd keep a full line of carriage ami wagon material. All kimls <>( work in our line done on slx.rt notice. Horseshoeing a Specialty SCIO, OREGON T) C. HUMPHREY INSURANCE AGENT For ths Uvarpooi aal L^aloa kad Osb« laiarna;» C omasa- rias «.—» high land. The crank returned to its lank» two hours after llm rain c*««s-d laliing I he rain was genera) in the northern ami eastern part ot the state. hry «[Oil in Australia caume mines to i loae and thousand« face a deaperate situation. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ■ Cnited Cardinal Harte, jwtnarch of Ven ce. wee elm t»»l po|* n the seventh ballot. .. ... > _> U > . , a ; as C HR A*.' » te|.«iu fa*as «e’lixi» lal«r troub.ee. I» •• * ,»n.-r«l banking «ml exchange «£<*nt at W. E. COMA.K. rv Scio Ortica < i ( MIIHM 1 mg »1 ‘ . »•ti Frinì« UH-*» with r Southern Pacific Co oHf:<*o> co., Mal« Iks ms »4.4 la test kvk via Honolulu. Options oa three steamer» available 'or government use revenue catterà, have been sent to Washington by K R. Markable, collector of the port of ||,, n,,( 0|0. action waa takeu in _ ____ This accordance with Instructions reeiwl some tune since, th» war department being anxiou« to secure a ve»»el ai»il- al.le for its officers tn Hawaii. flUI TUBI All V VOSI MITI Orsgoe .1» Oregon _______ ....... ’•een »hut down tor aevwrnl years recount of litigation. Is again hoist, ng or» Th.- management 1« tevuki«« or more miners and preparing V’ make heavy shipments lo give ■ ' • f th . ri, !><■ w-il.l t... (<> re. »at that of other propertie« accident y discovered, abandoned relocated >nd developed auffi. l.-ntly t., make a rial shipment. wh'5 per ton Coming Events. Ninth annual regatta. Astoria, Au gust 19 21 State fair Salem September 14 19 Second Southern Orason lll’trlct fair. Eugene September 29<>ctebcr 3 Summer a«»* county teachers' institute. Eu gene August 4 5 KI »math Klamath county fair Falls. October 6-9 Gocxi road» convrntloa. J b > kaou vllle. August IS Fruitgrower»' convention, J*< k»-*rly bo| • hsv. tx «u big forest Hr» tir» i> I» raging tonight juatout- just mil- • Hod «ids of th« Yosemite valley ami past eihiblted lu town which are three Hay harvest Is «eing the gateway «warded by El Capitan fourths grown lusbril rapidly forward and there ’• and Cathedral rocks. Should the s larger acreage In Polk county this effort« Of the firelighter» prov» (ollie, i rear than ha« ever been planted l»w i I m > daman will euter tie valley an-l fore The fruit season for rherrtea .lestro, a valuable amount of tlmt>»' ' end In-rrlea haa practically pass»«! state tiua d’an Mavens ha« a large but the plum« prim«» and apple« are force ..I men al work fighting the dan.es Just commencing to ripen and it is hoped that the fire may 1» ■ Hrtcte» Mads o« Coes Itay. kept lirtw.ee the Coulterville roail and The first lot of briete )u«t burt al the Merced river. the new klln In Cat. hing «lough was ■fellrered thl« werte at North Bend Would Alarm America. Victoria, B. C., Ang. 6.—W. C. to b» uarel In maklng the foundatlon | tor the boller« and englne« of the I leering, ol Chicago, who arrived from I woolen mlll» and »a«b and doer fac the Orient by the steamer Tacoma, in I tory Thl« la the Initial burn and an interview, »ays that although the _________ «omrwhat ______ of an etperlment, but from (mopla of th» United Stat*» may not appearance of thl« production >• a «are of the fact, the insurgents ia <’ooa Bay will be able t.» turn out the Philippine Islands ate organising first rlaaa brick. » mm h needed Indue heretofore thia article had • ml drilling, and th» trouble there is try f, tor f I. : 7 far from over. He »ays fllibu»*»rs are •n be Imported .ontmualh landing arms on (be islaad HiKkIebcrry i«aM Nare. ceasta, ami th» patrol is looked upon as a fare«. Hchoon»rs la.fen with cr ntra Huckelberritete are tieglnnlng ro rtp •n la the fieithllla of the Bine mon« Imnd g<«xis have no difficulty ia “run ’•In» Nrver t fore wa* therc protn ning their MlfOM." 'ae of auch a bounllfiil crop there a« la now prraented The «eaaor ha« l,e position of Crotlte in the darksei C>S»stleg Mining flats term« It also say« that Prines Crus George E Boos. of the I’nlted .,ff. who on July »7 was report»' a« States Geological Survey Washins having l*»n w> nnded in the Ra*an dis­ ton. f> C. Is at Maker City and will trict by passant», ba» l»>o ua Inaane. make a complete report of mining In Ila was in the habit of tasting his Eastern Oregon, showing prodix-Mon mark.man.hip on Ilia bodies of peasants coat of operation, wages, etc Rv art of upngress mlneownere are compel led to furnish Information under pen Thrv» ITremva llllhd. 6 —A alt y Chatt^n.aiga. Tenn., Aug hesd-on c.llirion between two (reight trains, cacti d’swn by tao I»««motives, re ultad las’ night in th» death ot three An teltempt by Bo«ton neuroee tn trainmen on tie Cincinnati RrmUiern hi cate np a meeting eddreeeeil by Hook rallaay, I« miles from Chattanoog* er T. Waahington reeulted In a riot In Che train« met at a dip in the roe.I, at ah ich three men were «tabbed. Police a high rat» of «t*-L *>< ,h* '«*»»» »leapt those mentioned jumped. •re called to reel ore order. Bean, (we Slaal ItrUt» bra and renter pier for Th* spproa* .. the t-ewl« and Ciarli draw bridge near Astoria bave been completed and are teady for ths steel drew when It ar­ rive« from the «teat It haa been os th» road for several weeks and la •Ipeeled wlthfa a few days. >ot rno«.«« Water. I'- voters of the premised l ittle Walla Wall* rlvrr Irrigation district turned down th< pro- tmlllon *“ * to form ae Irrigation llatrlct by «» to &3. th» vot ■•rs living at the upper end of th« dis- 'rlrt killing th» proposition on th» trouml that the river does ________ not give •nough water when at low ebb "for 'hose holding riparian rights, where- »• a an irsisatlon district were form «I In. ludlng both theniselvee snd ho»r below (hem (key would have -■ divide what waler was with those I elow them A three fifth* vote of ■he recidente wa« required to carry the eatabllehmeut Het Contasi 1er I and. A contrat of more than usual Impor- tame »«» begun In the Oregon City ..and Office g few day« ago Import­ un I« the loni.-Kt bocauae an entire octi.m of heavily timbered land io. it. .I t • ar Corvallla (teuton county, • involved II la estimated that the -. lion «ontalna |(. uodterm fret of Ine timber There are four entry men ea< h having Hied apou a quarter •e< lion and there are aa many 1 on- leatanta on th* ground that the en •ryinen abandoned and did not prove ip properly on the land. Prospetta tur Ma» pia» Miti. fatue» Buyer a mlllionalre <>f Mun- - le |nd who 1« at Halem, I» investi talliti thè prospe.i» for a new flar mlll In that . Ity Ile ha» tua.le a for lune In that business and la Impreaa • <1 teith th. Idea that sm h an Ind’istry woul. • 4 10 « & 10; Mllletnffe—Bran, 123 dllngs, |37. shorts, 123; chop, UH. (»ale— No. 1 whit», 11.07 .« 1.07 Si gray, 11 06 |>»r cental. Hay—Timothy, Ilw.sSQ; elovar, clorar, nominal; chest, « 15< 16 p»r ton. potate«»- Hast Bu-baaka, 70er diMen, gees», |n oom • 30. Cheeee—Pull cream, twins, 161*41 I««; Young America. I6%*1A c , fact­ ory priiaa, lfflHc leea. Butter—Taney creamery, 20<42Ji*e l»r pound; »liras 22. ; dairy. 20.« Ì2v*e. store, Ifict|l7. Egg«—2O«g2lc per