I (Dit $antiam Meus. *•*••***•*•**•*«*•***«**• I EDITORIAL. : *********«*••**«***•* i JULY County 10, Mr FREIGHT CAR TRAINS TRANSMITS lrr»th» altr i I «pern».., Ho» II. Wu « ured- 1>. C. HlMI’UREY, Publizier LINN COUNTY, OREGON, • ACIAI PARALA MN ; k >3 Cour... — Altmny Herald, i»t rtnrrin, H«dei Revere, Albany Dear Nir: In answer to your corn tuuntr*i|.,n »«* lug tn* tn niakr • ■l«l<-iiictit <>| my <-»■«». I mw frm »ymp-atom nf th» Wlm irs^lo g «»« r*dr mU eterr Amerl, *n i’uh.i. Health a«e<,etalu>n one haa ha«l »«aahm I«» • J B UltoUtfMl a’ I17.WW anti 13 su l«> OAGiiarj wiener *»n many |xlnt« very «erlou* < a«e of lorlal |Mr.ly«l«, < |«*«Un«l leader Bob B%rl*tu to Tcï.ifX*a h k«-f»a. nelar«!. «evintile nig Io th* laity prr foot h»r a|»pr*mrhra A due*«*» thr entire «Me of th* face t«*lrig • BH la all« ««rd which cauoed Aiiu rie a many th«»u> R< member, «on, that the world 1« iumfilrtely |Mr«ly*r<|. 1 could not stated» !• rrpfr»rnl«d !»y a freight car aaiwt« <>f liv«a and many disturbine «Mim «rruraa «hut the rye, having no control over t»«M»rh«g Ila nan»*’, and ths skerage uldur than )«»u bv »overal year«; panic* In the |«>l war »tripped of 1 1 <*><»> li M Palme*, judg ■ the IM; ti e lower Ini waa drooped irsisirr w»»n«iera h«»w the freight dr- that for thou*anda of year» It haa m •< f it« E er- r» «n-1 »h- «.c tu t» IHnat |>arti«krDia carry •»» their btu«*r*«aa <•* Il M l’avne. ■ lark down, and the |o«vrr «Ide of the l»ee’l, thr Ctrner of the different r«»ad« know where their protevtn) againal When wr read young tn*n than your**!! that their IJn io ti 1' Munire*. rw«*ei*r tr m lhe history of yellow fever lhe mouth t.xlly drawn down. Anyone «a*» ar» — * «4 feet »tui K out of th* dormer i In Vet ti.r ayatam by •SM Jae F.tkiaa. trvieurw thouaamia of Ihroriea advanced in ra- can imagine the condition <»! a |irr- which freight rar« ar« handled »* dow*; that when they dint the oll«e went whirling ««n, «nd not oa* <«) no aon'« mind under auch circuui.tan- F (' Htellmarlier, drputy clerk cent uu c*« 1 hvd altixxal given up oil hr>|r-» be well Io dr line I«*» railroad term» b*ia«iw^ulto»» 1 A Atunker». funeral, (taut t»o tie« ~irry for >«ur Wm Itily*n. )aiot<<«oil<»1 you and you ««.un.l mn The ffrat is known aa b«»n»r line of For year« th* rpieation whether lea. than you do. Remember the Gllie Unta-ai. «lr|*ity «tu-rifl *0 (O that you could cur* tne. I com- owner ** lly thU wv mean that a rail ju.rani.cr did <>r iliil n- t keep I hr r«»ad hating car* l«rartng Ha mrnctxl treat merit at ..nce and com ­ reply of I>r. Wayland to th* «tu *.AO 00 1- H McRnight, |. n * m fiver owl of a «onntry u . diM* name ta known «» the home or »»wri­ menced to improv* front the «tart, dent* of Brown Ua|v*r«lly, who acme «r N«ta «ixt at different I,me* the quar er of that »ar The «rr«ml term, ■aid It wa* an ea*y enough thing to and In three month'* tr<-nlm<*nt Uta aita anlb«|u*raatitil»ti 4 rot*. "Make a few.'' t*r«*ly re­ Trfetit fr««m that • ( th« rstlr« »•! »<»! make tht« «r*t«m«nt willingly, that ' Mr» l’yrita that year wa* doubtful on IH url :• :* I '.11..H g •; ! . « • anyone «offering «. I h.vr may plied Hi* old man. Th* world ha* 4 io *' Ja» leraw point«, »nd w*» cotitaneed <> reraa gr<-a- r«eed l your great -kill. » ' on*, that the dlatiirlMm v < a r* ad h a*!» «na of it* W. I t ' o«i n w* tint. gr«-Ht»-r <«ee«l th, g i < wh i .w • *Hh freight an«) tkl*ht» tn Slfi W.i.hlngtnn Nt., 1‘ortland. have for it. your cloth«-* flt heller t Al I*i,»tal. rie» tiona « IO tner. tend*d to vaila* the *pr «hip that c«r to Min» point lying lite diaeaae. anti a* a re- I ■ Frv«t W«alili, timlwr and cleri win 19» than your f»tl,er'* flt ntm; they ttaalnc«« Cured in f«n Minute». iip«»n Ha tiwii line The » «r is »itupij re,*irt nearly all pubi-,,- t > 3 M Vo*t more muhejr amt t.ie> ere more J C «irren. gttachtta! to a freight train and menta were «urlimale ban IN A All To TliK EtHToR: etyliah; your mu.teche I* neater; F’or about l’> dratkti to ita drwtlnativa, and. when It Nbelton. The rat* »er« l<>,>kc •• A wi year» 1 lini tmen nfl1li t»»d witli a di«- unl>«a«lcd. H la ready (>>r u*e agum the cut of your hair I* better. But, U J Hhaaid. «bin. then tilth. iV a 14 charglng ear nttd dmlnow. I WI« !n ihia CMw there w* n-» trouble; l»oi »ohay A Mar n « nrrrnt rt young man, the old getillaman get» an axee.ta«« ratal mppoor that car, iiiairad of bring SI 3A indio<-d to try Dr. Dirrin, from tho th* biggeat «alary, ami til« homely, Hteaart A *«>B l'«».. nani» ply. and a dnrrn kli*p|ied to aouir point <»n the **houo S M> f.».*t tliat he«ur<**l my umle, Wm. line. ‘ U to lie »-ent Io i »me pl t. citai! for the r cure I my on the r»»ad owning thr ear? The pnrtvtl by the prevail Ilnghra A Truutman, liridgr money out vf lhe hank in five min­ but sn*»thsr i ear ta»»- I* io»! •»<■ impl« n»a The car u» IOi (Ni Cha« W iley. S»b deafn«*»» M ir«*h 9, l»:r.<, In li*»« tlian ute« then you could get out with e chsriFril nntl thcorie. run HO I. timuehow. h**UI »tut AppArentiv Imd team of paper ami a c | p« r plate •w IM> t»n minuti*» wltli l’Iectriclly, nnd a •llllr l towarila ita destination. Then, i’ II I’rvwtoii, *' were t*r>»tt|«|etr|y «hnlfrFi »light o|M*r.itimi. I will gl «dlv nn«- al toi iHir junction, the car ia Iran«* •iffnature In *1* month* M ili M M Mvera, It srettia s:rsn<«*. »'♦♦n ferred on to «nother r»»ad ami la at- wi rune <|ui—ti'in» nt Mlddlcton, < ir IW) lì F m I Meeker, " «firn nml b«>ts «arwfuHb il vgoii. wheri» • huvo r**«ie»l anil bold hla head a little Thiw Waller, mad. IO «MI I hr UiiT lk bUi«*d li» It often bap* c«Fkrrirs in rvtrard •»> ii Dr. Itarrin*» Piove ol Business. higher In the air for the I. Foley, fin»! yellow frv»r wrrrr » ,’bi pen», h<»w»vtr, thut »Up» i- n«»t Thrrr writ* vsffue hints •» next few day», let ua rrmemherthat ‘ S» r« .tvhrd by the »»« «oid roathin*f i* attract In thiw < .!.<♦ the »nine wyatrni u*« d Dr. Ihirrin I* located »! th« Re he haa ample juat IQcation. Emperor W U « raalofrt 1 sttmtion or briiqr aku»ut th« u ll»r ear in .» i.i II a» va-rc Hotel until tk'L l«t., und will it- in lb«- tii »»t place William did him lhe un| the taiw of the lm|a*rlal J J I>ran eval« . -I it tv < as thu» i l» » W i» » - to n freight tram that wdl ¡»a*« 1 00 ! except medicine, >0 to 11 g M <’ «.ill A S-m, current rx All««! rkrry condition of thr tlo 4 loj Unia* able io pay at the rato of f.:> a n».iiiy uukrfl a car pAa>ea over a num to culll vale uv While th. building J II lìdi, mod» s: >1 ripl.i nrrtion of time her «d road» lx arriktng at ths of a private aallhoal in American J X Ibinter, road« reueiting point. 1« 1 r thr vur i» go- Jo Agee. water« and the »endlrg of hla royal the Him may r. All curatile Thr . of mcnatel women bo ther to ttd« < "tintry on a friendly J T tarton. rnn Public Health a»s>.<->.ttHin f-UIr ’•»»wner” tuufft, ♦ourse. pay for print Alexander A Kuk|«itrH k , vlalt may mean mix It or little, a »pecialty. Hye» texte.) and glaise» »urh privileges. conlirtne tht« I hr titiil ry. but n - 1 view, l tiirvciih lx< no mlalaklng the Dan McClain, ahwthoui rill» I« thé flr»l vi.it of tin* head v* i>a« h. on »»rd freight ram, H •MI ■ ( of the Portland linn of Dm. Darrin «mount to »1^4 Ihilgtaiali A Fiwrvtl, nabla fuel. .»• thori-H^hly d»*ti|oh*t rntrfJ of a wut p«( high national and international A ftO any » • iitiflc qu< - t»oi b *• cm I m t n, Ih-rry Iblveu, in dr i hut a car » vr »!•*<»! >|U»lity of th«’ honor paid the <»•» to liti» i lly. «« Pru- tifftl tk)' rittirnis mstlr .n i Hi* hut« foil» the car to it« I 'nlted Nt atm In K lei hartair on wrd- V V Cm. I a dorm diffrrrnt L alitl* * .til drktinafion. ami thr qtisathm that Allnny Iron Work«, nani« »ixl i i pe»day. We arc priatd of the flag, brought thr »snir rrsttlt ,»n» ! ih«t . *iir wlirii it is tinhmded uud he« bN «NI I' D ID< kli-iiian. caul ina.trr Thr r«ktnrnth»r wa» unaninioti» »»n throughout th«* world., and our I»* mpty ? | hv railroad» have adopted DICLINE OF THE APRON. IV 7ft i S S Tram. paUajp* th«* |- it ! that the rn '*| iit.r . h| t!»»’ following plan for aohing th? pride 1« |ncrr-n»ed when w«- »re lhe 1 «NI Cita» Knrr ht, p«|»-r am) «!»•) transmit yrU-»« fr»cr fr- m pr-»bh-m Herman ruler take off hla hat to it •» &0j |tran>lrl»‘»ri A \t i>ecler I hr r* i person affected by it to snotli<*r. ami bow low -Oregonian. |) »tr» from Cuba rd *! M< t ■ h - t|M pi> il«.'r of i g th», empty I'J Miller l.ridv "ft (O Sjfrrrd with thr ph^kirtnns of tbi* cur for pttrpo*»-- of en ryii g freight. *> j IO Il I. Weatherford, r-ual. country, ami the evidence *n# •» Vlvlarc’ion la the painful *x I with the 'll I**»» audit * that the car 6 lift Famer Rice, r r* hrhning that no »h Io ii th«* ¡ire* • »n ,,f the rni!- •» so ' They are mutilatili and diaowetMi llrrald, printing vi.'« Haiti M d<*ubt road that riwna thr - r. When th- of When alive and in full |Mn«e*«ioa nf I hi* tnskr« protrrfion against the car i- as ti< »r thr ”!v»mr line’* rm A their facultie« They ar* hrul«n|, frtrr far -Hupo r titan wr ha'<* *-»»-r X » nmn <»r «Oman in the •tat« «III biack silk apron waa the a* rmr of poaaible it ia trans ferret! at some luirnrd and their hone* ate broken; to ►|aw-i«k «<*11 «»( Chamberlain * elegatM-« ami pfproiy ai.l ar.y ton thought il to r. and »!•■«» ¿»way w *h inio* >n to the neit nrarref Ito« stotniM h Mtwl I ver alt«*r onn* drkcript gown « uid, by tlo at.tin», n th«- rt-mphi-atrd. • iprt.site, aj d «>f!rn. I ho Ju.- in turn cm u»«* the car nerve* laid lore and con nein I with trimg th*ni Tb«*v alwaya prorlnce a of the biarli adk apron, trimi <♦; with brutal quarantine sr«trt)>s whirh f»»r freight puifkow»-», under the *amr ■ti electric battery, from w hich cur fitot*m« nt the irn- haw frrqutfitlk hern r* • rtnl b a few r*-wa <»f b.a< t trHel r . be condition of workhu* I toward the rant« all -!«*•'.er* through the nerve», c*u«tng probs , . UDWipHturs in a ft-mmiit.it v wnuM « if tafaci»on f U.a wearer, any« Hom tie mr !• gradually w rken Rate*. eentient heilig« «re eafiata» Num t««rs arr the »••!» mean* »»f transmit« \n apr n had rather a wide Arid » f that a f. r-ign r»»ad’ tiara a ear H tinjf th»* di*ea*v; -»r if thia aniiihilta» errui» «everely |ialnful experiment* lj««ftdna»B when y u c insider that it m i*« | i > th»* ”.»w . ■ ’ an tenth» -.f The I ten ver A Rlrt Grand* pupil not tdy preferred sim ! ma»r *•»•-•! a tif»n !>r impossible. nú ordinary m«»»- a rent. \t rarh i»m t|<»n where the ar* often made for Irlval pnrpn»** larlv known »» th* •‘.'uenic Line of new gown, hut it ai»«» « - i n »irk of yri* Ihn i« d<>n*. In medical «< boot* imi I aa fever »0 mi t*i pr* -«* t.t the I ato tb«*r th»- number - f th». ror the AA’erld," ha» aniXHinced greatly i efretk and addr ' th^r y t* •loewher*, in the alleged "Inleie.t» q'iil’ r» fr nt ifrttinir nl him, an*! tli * An apron was aiwi.y» <-n regie. tik. n by th.- road ’hat r^rnra it reduce«! r-und trip ralea from I’aclflc <»nr of ariane*," hut tn comp«rl*on with Lvaittninif liiffpclffd and ?hr »«»urce of The best dr««» waa kept chan by its an*! th» r«.a»l that givew it up, and a i'oa*t tolnta for the henefll ot teach­ lhe terrible agony to aentlent crea­ uae. an*! lhe damtin* »• t.f it r» pr» dsn^rr to others, mi the simple pr< record f «tich a transfer la sent to er* who will »fiend their vacation In t> <• « !>«*» f , *%r Tlo,« «-very IrcUfin needed •ente ara ita ear« are but a drop In th* bui ket. prominent Conventtan,. — N. I A . it« »tring» the chiidren were tied l-H atr«| It hap|M»n«» frequently that thr member* f the association w ire ••fir«! to hi» mother’» apron »tring«!** not fuli> a*n uf (< nrrmptuou» espreaab-n »if »io*, r nertla to tw repaired The r-.ad up n mosquito throry. that thr ins- t li. P. (k FL, at Baltimore; Woodmen lature regulating tne «torage af dinaliou* An*! yet •«» tituch tctitimrul which th* r lira it i «.! atrly take« rttuld trat »mil yellow fewr A mn- fra/n went Into forrb ra.teolay. of America at Indlanafolila; F'utgli *, aim* r»l to it* Whoever was tied to the ear to it» ahi p> and makes th- j« rity were of thr opinion that thr at N'ew )'orfc; Myallc shrine, nt Sar­ 'nder the provfaon. of thia atatute hi» n ther e apr* n tiring» wb » riH*d on one fare for th* round dried with it. The little beys turd it« from lhe county court and glvlrg •tring» for rein« and ! I r it l lr girls • irreharge or rniat ike the ld|| )« Aroirh verdict, pr<*«rn ” In trip, hut will tie eold only on certain auch bond aa that court may daem I'k« p» .hr. — * at -’ ti i « * * .» m .i le paid \ road Is rr-pniwltdr for any other w rd«, while thr evidence .s day«. The*e tlcketa will carry «lop- aufflclenl. Th. law cover, all Mor- f■ » Iwhind them, real ladie» in wait­ damage done a ’«foreign rar" while •fr-it ^lv Mh-t, iii'lred. C'-nntHii** » In ot» It» lines, other than that ty, Glenworal Krdlting and needlework were fem­ It wa« pre'i- u* to r ordinary ways. Spring», Colorado Spring« and Iten inine <»o< upati na the day - f higher «duration for w m fr* * 1 ?« < established pr • r- a lay mind this r< »ajr ■ rent |** r Seems V l»e a prudent if n* t a >r- Judge John II. t'leland in Ihr lime within ninety (»•) day*. Pa*- that h«*me »rniimeikt waned with tb< mile KI! dUp»ftre an«! all point* rert one ft w n«»t pretended thn’ M«te circuit c«mrt for Multnomah «••ngrr* going Via the ltanver A Rio decline of the apr<»n The latter mar that mat ariae from time • to time nr» lite mr ifenrrttee »rtfled |>y n >wmrd of arbitri f .on, the disease hut »imply that it tra» « County Thursday morning handed Grande are given the privilege of not hare been the cau»e but it« rrtain- le k«-pt parr with it U I hare ttw writ* which meet« evsr* rear In ( hirn the point you wltai that a »now white i apron tie«! neatly tern adopt«*! and tier«! by thr rail­ dur t4> ««-me other ra»isr, and it Would tlubi amendment tn thu con»lllutlon to go. and for date* of «ale and other about a tnm wai»l I had power to at- roads of the Crdfed ’’’late« for thr • rrn» flint this eauar which r»ri|fJ* Of (iregun 1« field to !»- invalid and particular*, a* well a* for illnSrated lark the ma««*Hiine heart at ita m«>ei handling of freight rags. rally produced H may produce it vulnerable point After that ant there ho pert of the pm«*nt conatitutlon. pamptilet«, write Ri*nin It wotihl seem wise. there- Wo « »tarar l*»»lla it no sentiment sb. nt an apr n’ Rut Thia opinion waa given on a de f»»rr. n.»t to fo t«w> far. n*»t to itan* W. C.Mi IlHIHE.General Ag«*n , It is i»«»w •ritirai that tha Chinear man ehrri»l erntiment above thing« dun all the »afrtruardB of qua ran- tnurrer Io the complaint in the cave 124 Third Si., Purlland. <>r f which the feminine mind has no rhi’.lr. i of la iforr i , will not tw |wr tine, but u* keep up an I invest lirai i* nf A. A. Kadderly and other» mit trai to atirnrl tbr trinila» inibita Conception, and hie heart ha« Iwen which has hern pTtwIurtivr of «u< h Working Ktght irl Say agalnat th«* city of Portland, in M-horala. hot mwat I* ednratr«! in ihr many times en»narrd is the timchn esrrllrnt rrsulta and which wr may ih.lital: in , .|wrMlty pro« Hlr.l for Which lhe conatitullnnallty of th. b* w that lied al the bark «-f hir> swrrt hnpr to are a -onrr nr later rtpl.nrt thrir rarr «hrre » nrh aa'hooia « aia! — The bnrieal ami mi^htieat little thing hmrf» waist this banner of the home amendment was brought Into <]uee all U»e mysterira -f this malady, thateier aaa maile i» Dr. King'* New The laat wa» alumt the man of « gen School .liximal. tlnn. rhrre has *rrn perhaps t«*<* gras' a Ijfe lili». Thiwe cilla change aeaknoe« eration «»• Hut the mail • f t ...u, *••»•» »'amarra* <.rl.cr box. ItaM by 1‘eerv.drtn- uKrnthm. * i mpowil adv am rd by K«»rh an« I others relat­ Tha only ImnniU • t »«»r rihibit««] • n-li , ■ , leglalallve avaemhly In dealing with giot taf ! lavi nrffrn farnirr«, who now own ing to tuber* «duals |.rf us go a lit­ an th» Amrrtrao r>-nmirnt i. now at lhe amendmenta propoae«! to the Ihr Jf»w York a>"il< hrari <4 rat- tle slowly In the matter, as nothing Conatitutl.n, tir ai .l *.«»«i bora** ami Uiulr». < Ira», Cholera laianttm an be b-et by doing so. main aa long aa it will «.m.rnt t>< ll«e 1 After b rig neg.iU.tmna. tieginning In lami I »rader. Kitto* to 2c-:l* &XA«n Tht« haa long bren regarded a» one i-l «lan Francia»« amt mending arr«»a th» mwl 'lanin-mn. and (alai diaeaam to U the e-ntirrnt. it waa limili« purehaned rax» a tjitie Orly Kuwr il wdl cure which infanta an* subject, Il ran be by lion William < Wl.itn. i and l,y D *h«ll he • ' ’ ’or mv r»er«in toMtlrwfx-n, bi u*'.n*.«and br«rtrrmK rutel Imwrver alien pmjwrl» treated him pretexted • t‘. nr perwvn» • • month» nf lea Iv” itt • I míe Earlv Ri«er» are All that tanrcmuiry i« l n«4 lai.'* ami I liiarrtw*« o«|y tlirre H»r .|**-< ¡urn» <»f the mu-h Sopiemta.r in I Oi ’..'«er in each ve*r gr |*e and hrrak iban the niixnu« mem- Remedy aari cnetor oli, aa «tirwt»ta aith Yea m»«n«ir no risk alien yea I hiv tn n«e any »liiewalk i r <*r*r-«uulir, eranea of the Momarh, li»*r arel bo«r*l«, earh l.dtlr, ami a enr» i» cartata. Fur oi have ner reavhe»! rhilUathm. The other two were taken un the »««tern Chamberlain*«* Colic. Cholera and r»b cxrent tn ero*« over a ero*««»' altr bul rur* by gvntly anni.ing the o-cre­ •ale by all «leader». r»»a*t <>f Greenland, in Ibj a Nwrd- arrltuea Resnedy. We will refund t 'O«r within the <*nrp«>r»te Hint!* nf th« non« ate) gnmg «trength to thew nr- t«h exploring expedition. • • • n»«»ney if yoaare not »atikfi«*«l after iteing elf*.* of S |„ I,«- rld-ng a hfev*-1e, tri eveie or f indem nf anv it I ta lhemm . • Tbii 1« th» rare«! aalmal that ba« ihn« it. Iti- even a her. far b»»n .. um! br th* toolog >1 m -t •u<*r»«9dul remwh tn 1— f»»r U»«.| »hiring -ahi month«. Ordinine* No. «-omplaitite snd the onl one that m»*.rr park F vur- frock X- n tention call<*«l tn the mmv « hot In Hot Iw with J Miss Ide* M. Snyder. Trvawrw ■« t*. (IrMWIta I a.1 l.-l «r««ln«K •• n a VM« »«tuta pn nx^ MtaaMe* •<» t-MM Matth »« «»vM *U.« HWV« Nippy <•««««. OK-'h«,« and ¿M. «Man. and d lh*v ■ oukl *,*«'!< Knill. lN< wualj 1*4 that th« »»«ten p.«KHp(Xm« -to ata p«Nurm U m ma.»« Uw> -« *i»«» K»dil Ita “la “«h oh , Aru<*t»t h* ad vtwl • M ta Card«, and Ih«d- ttad . Hla« a .nd ta I total it «nd ha«« «wry rvaton to th,nX Mm tar • mw Id« opaiMd up la m« «it* nt.lon* Malta, and M o«kly took Ihr«« moauh« l.«tat ma." \k ine «f *'artful i» a r«*g'iita. r -*t Ihn ?r.<-..tr«i» f* *.'>«ai«-l i. a m ttatn«-n. It cttfvg « ani» «ipgvmmmt, t<»>fr*|*»«tit. im g- •lar mm I painful nieutaruatiun. falling ,fl U», • :-,t«. whiU» and !i.>.l«tig h u ita|ful aben aptmiw-bing »<■ titan- tv.-l, «tur«,,* wrvffMwrv. after rhiM- l-irth ai..l in «nango ,-f hfr. Il (re* u i t tly bring» a d*ur 1-a- « to lujin«-« ttial have tawi I arc» n fur )-«<« Ail «Il m «t. t.a>, *1 i»« b. , f Wme uf < arlul. WIK£°-CARDUI nh Moaaia. i, ta. » \ \ Yui ' . t . • ’ • i il » .i ■p*'hu /» in ai! of. \\ * vv .Liiirfu o ,1 m l-.rfc bmiight t<> me at lelwivui, f-r I , au pav mom than any other man in t*re<«in or Wavhlnffton and w uhi like U, g.-t at lea«! .'X* or «- tor,, in otta areitita NH* it i.N.ftdr Write fnr printni, in* unici tan* lu>* to |»e| t!,i* bark J* A. Lvaaraao«. IteWItt i T.HII* rtw MW \V AN rt D— I.IVi« ip,ni* to »ell Dr. Whl-e’a I lectric • omh*. pa’cnt« «I Jan. I, '!»i I lire dandruff, hair f «II- Ing out »lek and n«*rv,«u . headach**, let <-««*t tu« mon« thin an ordinirv comh -tall* on .Iglit Agent* arc •vlld wi-h «ucce«» N«-n«| .Mie for •ample (half pile.-'. AA'rtte uuiek. lhe Dr. While Electric t'oiubt .ces r-i ■ Store Ser 1 rlday News V om and Naturday Special» are Mei- t'irne to loo 4M ifi.r»“» btiyitig a.» orí th or to Buy \v < Sc wann .*%•*» I fl» I . 4 U '♦ Hat I'd*» plililtl«** >h»t l'allcnr* French GiughMm Min eri o*«l l il h g Itti tu Friduij und Saturday ft rt< in rK 12) vin. Spec itila Men'« Work Hhlrts Men'« I *r. RM Milfh :Wct< » .Ven'« r< ’»h »i-.n«. M m It • t « > i r •! r --1 »* h- w ............. DO NOT BUY -........ - . - . u<*d'-4f» nt ! *i« f .np r.od« »if ail Inn4«. si bait r*