-Ci. B«ra»rm»a K * km It la Lui < lru> Llt Jour- ll'ing In [grave in I. «rveral Bilami a prein in Blrrtiim ai to aia- I twibty' I Olia ve' U tu III» llr<>Drlaluth>n a liroltrn fi aa lr<>a , I trini thr airali hatnl» Iti! I hit futi» ami (»■ Mix» tainating r li tl tur. , »hi h I, a>.‘»ii ti lui ■ r>. k ti. • ’ b I P" win r. Ilo li »»"I alor.f •' mi B' Olili Ilio ».f ma»lrr I till« >n«n Í As 111 hlA a . s-.-s'i n ■ IHifr n»«, I than fall k I nu»L'«,lt. lined withw.-t Taffeta Bark Venetian amts Hterk (■'bltie t'lievi*.tarnt« Nat y Blue |«.|.bb Cio-vv a Tau < «uvrt. !riiuii»**d in velvet Nat* Bine (Ti«*vi**t Tati <’<• P«»oftlt !.»ii;»if. Th* ** •*!»( w«*rt : Mr. and Mr*. Hi. r.»r*4*»n, Mç an I Mm. Ai Wilk- • r. M». I' i i «•, Mi»* *■ ■« L*«*’ (’. <’ Il»u•iH /’trV a id *i*t«*r. Mr*. J* »17 <>l «pi. all' A »»«*sa»«»»»e •••.•«••••••••••«. N< mi "FI -Tl. >«>«»• Ib» >>« • «bsopr u» au» .«aia w SI r. j i. « » • - >i ilice Ilia B«oa. ad. A MIA SY. OKEGOX change In Itickurr The «how given In this i lly w •» of >e 1-oU'gllt-lo be kt »rd fu going kind. ri m on V. KS IKAl’llMl OS IMI vi. 1» Frank Ingram, the pnniomnl con V k I. wa* allow »«I f if»> by th» l< gi«- lalur» lo «.-. urn sb srtlfi lai lag XKSriAM The damsgw by fir«* fn Dr I’rlll« rrai li*nce lias la jti promptly « tjust ml and paid by thv American ( ’en- tral ln«ranv.'( oini-s'iy, which Cut- AMI HOA1 I I’M l. rhe M«-athrr »till «»HBlmuee r«»H ami fftaih •< lifald, alifali I* a great <|a(ri" na-rH to ami tail grain win* I» fa itoti» Re.<»>ara4. IK»« lw>« Hatunlav and Min- M ••• •lay vrry pire•« i»t1y lit Albrnt ria» 4 .l>t*ir < rvUi/i»»^l b» her in* Motivai } renk t *• !• . ka, !»«*• •!*■' • b if,« I. - ■ 1 » ‘ . •• u a 1**1 E4i(h fCohprl>, ee aprMiinit th*' )li -ai« M , I ba ol.»- gvikwr-u« th» pul» I ut Ul'«! w hilr plat Liitf «I •4Ì»*«»! one ’•»•I «-r*k Ittth îlwhv lientaH La I th« n - l<*riuitr Io fall * l»l< I n-»uhc«l luth«- Ir.irt •;rv «•! bMh bine* «»I on«- arn a Mr» Anna II -h, and » n, ( h u » Lavr rv|i>rtH«»l L« Will'» I* the only W H* h ||.ir.« | Nilvi» Itial I- umili* fr«»m tin- |.M . II« adulter ded wil« h haftrl ill /» Sta ir«- « <»un'<*rft*ll« IbWltt'» W Itch II a /.**I Sfalle h n>.«de hi cure <*« Hl nier (cl la Mr ufe o *»ll. 1» ( P« 4«*> a The show U.Illi 4 for this city Hat- unlay nvi'tilug call«"! Ihe I oiirlii. v William Meeker, who h i« llvnl In I 'onccrt Co., h is ta-rn dnlaved by •til« county for many year«, w»« sl.kucss.ind will ri'.l »h.-w In Sen. dniWtietl Tuenday In the Manlisui for a month or more. river. al«>ut n mill and « t.»lf al«>ve Work on th» clly.a nav water JelTrrwon. Just hojr tl.» 110 id«lit tow nr Im« commi ni .*! and In s sh irt tax-iirrad 1« not known. For wm’er«pi«t Mr Meeker ha« lime will li» ready lo put In lhe von trap|M*»t, u«> d In going from ol»»* I rap to n >il . r, up«et In lhe river, A'»»ut m»m a woodchop­ per on the Hawk firm »aw *om< thing «wlmmlog or Boating In the1 Wüt river op|w>«ite Io w her»* he f ’* # • r » v » *ii’» * \ > ti a r f.'piif. 1 tn rrew-w nt «it .»tvirit»»’ i Aw t Hlrim: £» a «»i • »I ' ■*! <»* <*• » «W k • I» • « «a -tn i4«b -ltr»' »•< r»kr orl| m Mn***»-1 e»«»«*h»|w. ’. ‘ .*. * I '■ -> X' ■ w I |. S» , W I hat Selin llu World Around What We Say of the Sorosis Shoe 2s True xf »• THE ROYAL WORCESTER *7 > » c U'i*y a n complete con curry line of the newest sha|H*s. We have an experienced litter anil when once properly fitted with a R ovai \VoK< ESI EK (’OKSE I you will havi nofarth<*r trouble ia securing p(‘rfect tit in your dress. w \II» hih ¿FLY PERSONAL : a .•••••••••••••••••«•••• Stevens & Co lì.lHK«»S. Ni.UH., Fcbr. I I. I mi ’,. Dear Nir: Y our uro «nnding the Santiiiiii« news |M|n*r tu --——--------- nd resa Iheo J itimi lei you know tli.it he I« noi bere sismi three year» alraliy. lini.', li» «top them, lo let you klh'W that I m < i» not here, mid he n it he did wrul you da*ut that Imi yon did hot answer at a'I. then l’lei»e «top to ænl no u»e for them. Sour. Truly The eight Annu ii County < mven- lion of the Linn County huud.iy School Association will meat 11.1« year at Jlrownsvilie, Oregon, coni- mi ll ing on the evening of March 4lh. at 7..1' I’ M. , and will clone on Friday evening, Mitch htli. Each Sunday «elioni in Linn Comity it el ■ pe. tu.1 to wnd it« oflierr* mid t« «ch- er» a« dele« ite« to thi« cnnv«utloti. In ca«e n leacliul or ftierr cannot go, he or «he 1« eipucted to «end A aub •tlitute. Enti-rt ilmuent wld be fur nisbed tree be the lio»|>lt»ble |>eoplf' of Browntville Thi» Con ventiliti la-long« to the Sunday S- huol work of Linn < 'ounly. I ine tlriioder Burned. Mrrlon Propst, a progressive far­ mer of near the Kaiitlam, recently purchased a flue Inculaitor and hnsider for raising chicken«. Hr had ,u«t ciMiipiet.-d a g.»«l house fur the pur|«>«»' mid laid In a «upply 0/ fine < ggs for 'latching pur|».«e«, and had them well under way of hatch­ ing, When on Tuesday night of last week, In amue unkn.iwti manner, the Incubator caught fire, and the In. ut-at'ir, brooder, house and all llir egg« wvre burnefl up. The loM was cutiilderuble, not •»> much In the value of the projwrty at Iunlly burned ns In the destruction of all hl« plans for poultry raising —Herald. School faute» The pupil« of room No 4 are busy atialving iiirrtnt events. a vry M :■* I ron Montgomery, a former l«ip’l of this school nia.h- tie a visit the tir»l of the area. Bert Tliruugi-. n-itnl ». I..«.I Monday Vardie >b.-lt.ei, «pent r-mslay Kat- unlay with his inrrnts mar Jordan Mi»». Kadir Kimm», ret a riusi Albany Mon«lay ■» 1 tnul I in my |">*t tu i-U. r good many from A «|irlln< ria«« «a» organlnal in nmm n 4 la»t WeiliMwIay. fruì N)ierw.««l, «|w-nt fan-lay at SheL hum with friend« lie irttined in a rarjr ba.1 ronditi.n J J b tt • U « Liman. Mr* T A K«- h trd**o \ firn» «Irò rr md »• g-M»4 Utim Urft» f»n}o) i-d bv all. The younjf are well and fav« known her« about* and urrà Ihe rrrciph-nt* *»f rungratula- ih»n« fr«*fii many friend* a ir III IIM-J. Ira * Ì'I.rlj* wi> tip fr»i Hafawa ovt r ( k HI<<•! IhT lift, lai Piilndeitrr, Hrir Pro. Iilvne«' Chur» h. Litui coulitJT, < »regno, • n B'h k wa * a Í*<>rtfa,ul ' -r .r Matuniay, helv H, patti, Alien tùlggs. Min ot l• >< arg 1 monili« ami II .|«yn. Je«-v Alien flrlgg« w a« fam In l.lnn ci'unty, • »regno. S.-pt. pl. Ifli. M l. r Ile w «« .1 luemdi r ut I rvhtree Camp .M W. A , In whu h he I.» Id a |«»llcy Herl Tiirnhltfe, «4 Mill (it a , ».»• in iilkl.nxi In f.iver of hi« molber. t *u II l*»w u Ihr |kii*t • • *k Ili« derith w i» vaUM-'l hjr W»e««le» Mr and Mr*, li w kliinipl i. v, «4 •etlling oli hi* lung« In thè e ir|y pati of l««t «ummer and wlili b lln.d JellerwHi wert« vioili »V Hi Sa io over Iv end.'.l In e.ui«umptiiin. n nfa V Il» wn» lari away io r»»«t I . Mail’ Ime *•! ^ihefhoi • u \ « linÿ ProvidetH-c eemetery uml'-r hi» ne J 4w» F II M «ttMiiig, in thi city enmny of Crabtree t imp .M fa*t m ««rk I MUM' ('*>mpt i< HI. of Monini'.iith wa» vtwitnnr lrivn>l« aid ! rvfatiAc s in Nein the latter |*»rt «»( fa*t week. Mr- M M IWry ami »pent eeveral «lay* the i »n* week «iti» 'Ir F.'eryiLe .**prini»h*’|i| Xr** IH»J. HAMil.TO\-On Thurs.li», I.*. I'kM. at her home tlitev mile« south of Mio. Air« Delphini 11« n- ilton, al tin" age of »•* years, m ulti.« and l*i day«» Nhe wa« born near Holy out, Mu«» , F« R Ihurx fait Sa.urla* la»l for Sat- Augnai 21, | m ;0. She wa« m-rrled Friinri«**«», hm in# n • i W 1' . an Illinois lo t »r. gon in I n ’.I, arriving • 4 (farvnlli-. L ,i>e Montj-oner In Oregon In < k-tolier of t’ie »1111 ('orvallfa, aial Mr« llalli. D.iti- year, and «ettied near Crabtree, In vhildrvp, <»( Harrfabpri; Linn county, Oregon, and reald <1 Million » Put tu Work I . 1 AT is h fit in MÎ1 iHllilUll'S shot' is ni>t n fit in St H't >sis lile slim* I hey rewarded. A rearchlng party waaatonce or­ ler Milla made a change of owner­ g 1 ri-d I.ul the l««iy vr .« not re- ship, II Vill.-r, «ellir.g his one half Interest to O W. Phillip« who now J. 1 oon. < I.,V> r, .| until We' "Seven Devil« of no gain. ’I !>• w> deboI | er had Scio" The »< ruion will I«' Illustrated Isiat and could give no assistance. lie will also preach Munday morn­ He found In« hat however and t.aik ing and evening, all are welcome. It to JetTer«on, where It w 1« taken we are In rt'clpt this week of n Io Mr Isaac Meeker’a, and he Im- copy of the Kanaaa, Enterprse Star, ine.ll.Italy «nd it w .« hl« toother H**** William*« hat. Cp to 1I1I« time it In which 1« an article wrote tiy E Hitiler, that place being hi« furto- was lint known who the man sna, •rcti In the water. It w 1« »u*|Ha leii er homo and where lie 1« now vfalt Jobe Mr. Meeker •« hl« dog wa« Ing. ’l be article will appear hi full In our ne«t l-»ue. •<•<■11 without him, and had relumed The fir«t of the Week the Selo Hol­ home. A i • •••••*••*• •••••••••••• • • \ II. W, IHilllia. I.if iroiM u« lh«t hr will now haia plenty uf water in llm rail, to Uperilc 111.' light plant. i CORRESPONDENCE i .r**A »..-I laut. > Married 1 he rut m el" I« ITI'»N in rice Of l.id|.'«Hult« ir. m I > to J'» per cent of Ui« original «tlllrir pri.'»». F»ll- owing ■. i II ■! oi • i'll • ul Ihr pri e<: The wonderfpl ai-'ivlly of the new ,’rntiirj' I« «h. wn tie the enormou« • I i - iii .md torme world'« be«! work- Hr King'« X.'W I,Ite I’.II«. b r ('un»t||»illun, r-ifk Ih idii iie. Itili • u«m «• i r n id tri.ui'le ol mi .mi ><-h 1.1 V. r or K id oevs I h •• v’r-- lier' ' 'hiI Oui; je .|t E V. I'vvry ’» d tug «loto A NOVLL LOVt ROMANCE Ilrgan with a fftupld »Ian XX h<» l»a»tia(*d a Hunt«»»'« >«•«•. Herrfa i* curious »tory of love and courtship. About tx'o 5« nr» ugo. *.iy«* thr Athena ((»a « .Xrwa, a young grntlr- loau «if thfa city. w h»lr in S.itannah. gut lido u fctrrrt ear with a heavy umbrella under b«M ariu. Like n great many Other car«-h ** fkeople, hr held it **< a dangrtouM angle, with thr |xjint stick­ ing out I m -hi nd him, and ere long Uir car gakv a lur* h and a lady juat. fa hind hitu «•mittrtl an r.o-e|kj»tfing»« rt-Hin FArry- fawly jum|*«*d »tiid |iH>ketl, ami to iow horror thr young nmn found that thr |H>mt of hi» umbrella had coinr in wn* tact with th«* flow of thr young lady a> a!r«| just lirbiud htm Of » «»ur -e, hr a|*ologl/r<|, or tried, but it waa like n|M)|«»gizing for murder o'er th** fa"ly »»ci| off after a - tep ¡» »uml in thr «*Traih>g So in the murw of time the» were marro’d. am! -hr »« f!»r only lady in (hr Vnltrd Hfatrs u hv»c courtahtp tjegan by a punch in the n«>ac from Lrr future Im ■ «and . TV JUDGE Al OPAL. It ere for -< ver d y ear», moving from there to the place «he residui it un til her de ith. She taught «chool In Massachusetts, Illinois and Oregon. She h i, no brother« or »Islers living nil ha vi .ig died. Her children »ur« vlving her are Mrs. W. C. Millet. Mr«. II 11 l/ulglev, S A I». Hani 11 million, of ilton, of Scio, C. M Eugene, ,Mt>. A. Motifgmuery, of Shedd», ami Mrs. Emma Grant, of Etna, 1 ailfornlv. She ha« 4 > grand chiidivn and Id great grind ilnl.t ren. She united with the Metho dl«t l hur. h in Illinois In |H|.’, HU. moved her member«hi|» Io • rabtree t h Ipi'l In IN-VI. where she held her mi'iii'ierahip nt Ihe time of her d-ilh. She lived v const t nt Christian life and always held I imlly prayer with her chlhlreil when they were at Ifnme. She was 11 ry pi­ tieni during her sickness, nini it li-w days before her death had I ho l.i'U Chapter of St. John r- id, and l> d memticr« of the family pray, a.id div olTered np a fervent prayer. Orin Imi always r. id a kind Work for every tMaly nnd her hands were always busy. The remains w ere laid to re«t In ( Hie I rat.kiln Butte cemetery nn • I'.' », I I, foT 1 wed t » Ilieir I ut rv*f I mg place by a large numl-er of row ing relations and frie.id» The funeri! rervices were ducted by Rev Hamilton, of la-hin 3 on. one by one our pioneer mother« are going to rest from their earthly cure». ihomai I r<>man Arrested. Mr Thomas Fromm, n pioneer of Ibis county, was >irrv«h-» ng... .Mr. Fumín*» friends diluì the dlvorre pris'ce.l- Ing I« » rank black milling sc hum«' tn get «im« of hl« property, and that the ease will develop mure than tl.« plalntllT.« «Ide,—Herald. Real t álale An «spari un , | ». ti4oisr h»a r«r«bl- ly aaplaiiwd t> w Ih» opal I» jut<«4 a» In qui.il; atid ¿»atesbiliiy First, h» «ay», ». r i» ut tA» «rs»t«»t lui porlaur. II« ! fin. or ra.f li. ii.t.ina il<>n «siti, yallow, b.u« abJ gr*«i>, ars ih« tot Blu» l.y l'»*lf |» .pili, «si usi«»» and U.» »r»«u of*«. la uni < f graav ralua UBlaa» tba ». I r la «ary »i»ld and ih» i-ati.ru »«ty d Tka r.nor tnu»l 1.« tru«, ihal la lo «ay. Il n.uai I. i run In air«ak« >-r palehta. aRarnalli.* w1th a «• l.-rloa inferi r qua.ily l'ateru i» d«a.rlb».t a» ha in, au In.j rlat.t fari. r. Ih« »««arai variaUaa Iwing knuwn sa “ptnflr«.” • h.n Iha rrsin u 'ars amali; "har.«- quia," «h«n thè solo» la all In an.aU • q .ar«a. Ih« ru ra rag i ar Ih« ballar, and Iha "IlaahBrs.** or "fla»h<,pal," «hen ih» aotor «h wa a» a atSffla flaab, or in «ary larga pattern llarehpila la Iha . «tene and I» «.«n p p ularly r- n».Jar»'1 Ih» n »1 beautiful l'hen Ih» «-piala» of ai. r are r»ru- • •» • ■ • ’ ..le « he.-« I nf re ye’.l. w i . i» a>. 1 ..'r«»n. tl i( r< r.»i 'ere.' ni», Areni fi.aie »tonrS •a w Netier ot • !<- rk»e ni |> jiwmw • d wmwww»nmwF4 3 3 transfers. I II (fabler (•» <> I* (‘•M»lw*H, Br*»« it »ville ITS (’ F Cuo|M»t I«» U ill I* «% » w 4 . <:»«> F II IVp|M»rling to Ltuir M |H»í|*rh, 20 »«T«** . 4 <> | > o .<» ( i; H t». C I ( •ir». !.. Win Ra!*t«»n to iMx •«*» L vt faduin<>n , k •» M» rtgwg*** ♦*’**', (ìi*t«*l mortgBgv f«»r |1LM. John B (*«»mpti«'ti lo <• W Arnold, .fa» a« r«‘* ’ !'««■>. eManan N’cr«il»am et al t«» F A Nerd- ham. J'* i- • ' FJed Buffar In John lfaa< li, 114 arra«; | J a « T Ffawvrr tn Ned M tifar, fft.OS a. ree IlVM ^amurl Bii»h (•• Martin Bilami, I ’ » « n - ladmix n MuTtgagminr . |*W. O. |IIO |>« dm te —III rrtAtenf W () Tyrer vent*»ry Hh*l. Re»! pmpiTty only ♦ »*> In retate llobrrt l’rut» r i^^arrty «. *fare«l M»ld Final arroont fide»! in rrtefe «4 W J (•ur. Il»nrii»< 4|*ril o Hew Prices! W’e hiive received our entire line et new SPRING GOODS An