NEWS OF OREGON SAVED BY PE-RU-NA I SftuT Bk TILLMAN. Miter (Inaiai.. Woead«d •» l laut«Mat Uwv.rnar « Suath vacuum . ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS Columbia, if. C., Jao. 17.—In th. t.ry toadoar of tha South Carolina - »tateboura, l.ivutananl Govurnor Jamaa I H. TUlman »Lot an-l probably mortally wonixtei Narrias Ganar tomsaie«, Had lira at Alb»«« New (lu.«rnor ie»- ¡ louodar an-l aiitor of the Columbia ■MKM Hl» Appeiatawal» Wallruad ; stata, a n*w»pa|«r which ha* »incw it* halla. I I ram U m Uraad W o wdi IHvsr ' inreptloa bitterly oppoaad th. ■> callanaalaa' Governor Chamberlaio l-a» appointed yrooonncatl mlitorial oppredtloo to bim Chief Ih-put« Manning to !• dlatrict Isa a can«lidato lor govvmoe during last attorney b-r Multnomah o-unly. lall'a priu-ary. In that «anqaign A bill haa teen intrudixwd in tha Gonsalaa ma«la editorial rwfvrvnca to >te- Miss (iannon, Sct’y Detroit legialaturw to fix the l-oundary line lw Tillman •• a “liar, oxxin-lrvl an-l j baoebar." A chaliengw to a dual lol- tween I'matllla an-1 t'nl-wi countiee Amateur Art Asstxiatioa, tells lograd, but Guatala, lgrxgra.1 it. At present pareowa living near Hie di- Th* .bo-ting or.urrvd at Main •nd yoan< «omen «hat to do to vnle vote and pay lai»» wlierw they I Gareaia .treats, in full via« of II» atoid pain and suffering kauned plea»e, aa there la n-> way of -letermin- •late -apitol, srxl tha m«>«t frrq-:e tc-l Ing in which county tl ey reside by female troubles. ; «ornar in Columbia. I'olIranian Bul- ¡ *• I ven exuti.Hiwly rveniniwtid The Ciatw-p coanly mmnitaaioner»* land,«llataly alter the alxoiing Lydfta I'. Pink ti.un*« % «*t;rtable court i outvie plat»« making the toll ar trat«. I I tautanant Gov.tnor Tiilman C till) v « tl ne- . f it.) «.thl. rw r-«d Iwteevn m-aai-le and Elk reek a and to«k bin- to the poliva hewLjuarl- •vtlmnif with fornai« wrakucu and public highway. <-r», wbar. ha wa» rvlfvvol of two Ihe troubles which «o ‘-firn befall ! feuffs*re«| far mouth« with The i mti.iltee appoint»»! to aolect a piatola, tha otta with winch ha ahoi wutnrn fencral weakn^wi and foil •*» wrarv •ile st Port la ml for the Oreg a volun­ I .Mr. Gontalv» ami a Mwoixl larga ra­ that I ha«l hard work to keep up. ! teer»' monument La» decided on tlie vvivar ol 3* calibre. From iba |«dica had ahtM’tinrf pain* and warn utterly •tallón h» waa tak«-n to tha <*>urity jail, iBinerable Flasa t-l<»k opptwite Ilia court Louse In mv diatre«» I wa« stfo ' «h«-r« b« i« oí« under protection «»I v «- I t > u«e l.yiìli* I*. Pinklifiin*« Tlie moet «le»!ructlie the that ha» the officer» Vrjfrtiibli’ < i>ni|H»un«t« ai . ! il o ui oraurrawi In Albany In year» «curved Ttero aa» only one »Iw-l firmi ami a r*-d letter dar V*» rn<* when I took the when the entire plant ol tlie r-ngar Pine that enteral tba right »»da telwern the (fowl dme of the »t< wk holder». i tei I let «a» picked up on tba |«av.*m«nt, tuner U> yet well aa I did ‘ Mt»a Sarga«>u. |l th« pbyaiciana, ll-e •aun he generally Will aitrely cure the Mifferlnif* of M. John'. Church f that place. Rev. btuhcMivoll 1» the pan. •• r of two bib Ml <1! the I-ar» ami the depth of the gravel. women; anti when one eotiahlm in bia lavot. Tlie wound i» an ugly prewantad l>> him by I mpen* William of Germany U|««n the fly leaf of one of The deprwrita are in aome place« 15 (vet (lint ^tlaa Giannon*« letter 1« only «me, tie liver and intdinra teing • me of hundred* whi- h we havr the th. bible» the rni|«nc Laa written in hla own handwriting a text daep. It 1» th. intention, if rnough punctuml. tfpvat virtu« of Mr* Pmkham a medi» Thia honored |>Mtor, in a rv.aiil latter to the I'eruna Medicine Co., of gravel ran le obtaiaarl, to put in a Side- cine must be admitted by all. Coiubmu», ohm. My» n,u.ernl*| their fam..ui catarrh, I'eruna COAL comiso IkOM IIWITAIS. ' track and run it down the river for a ......... 9 ........ The I'eruna Medicine Co., Co'umbu». Ohio. - mile <>r more ami take gravel tor l«al- Gentlemen: "I had hemorrhage» of the lung» for a long time, and all de- laaling the road for 100 mile, loth ea»t Larga Milpm««!» In Prn»p«vt I he Weight of Crow Ja. I Itevi ol ■ palred of me. I look P.-runa and waa cured. It gave me »trength and cour­ and w»»t. W«p«.l o! Duty. The bed which it produiwd by a age, and made healthy, pure M*od. It increaced mv weight, gave me a healthy color, and I feel well. Il 1» the beat medic inc In the world. If every­ Iximlon, Jan. 17. -Priva in th« Ixin- denar crowd of pere’na it generally The woolaw mill at Union ha» JUKI taken at M0 to 100 |H» inde |«er aquare one kept I'eruna In the house It would save many from death every year." clotswl tlie m et »mreaaful year in II. d«»n n«l market have Ilin» far n«>t been II. sit III NVltl I . hiMory, »nt arrangement* have Jll»t affected by the action of o-ngr«-»» in loot and i* considered to be the gr**atr«t Thoucand» ol people bar. Catar'li II you do not «forlve prompt and «at- teen |erl«-< tod whereby the plant Will providing a celiate of dull*-» 011 all < <«l uniftirmily diatribtilrd lued for which a who would te »urprlaed Io know it, bm (•factory rmulta Iron» th. u»e of l‘cruna he «nla-gvd ami run to its full «'apAi-ity L«r a year ami placing anthracite <>n floor nee«) le proportioned. cauae Il haa Iwn called aom. other write at once to Dr Hartman, giving a •nd an otder wa» M>nt in tlila week for the Iron Hat, though a better (eel mg I nk|U« Mountalna. naw. than catarrh. Th. fact la catarrh fall »tal«m«-nt of v >ur . »ae and I»« will a <-arl<u hl. valúalo, ad- <«l loom». »< iiring mai'hinerv, pickers, have yet ten received from Amori.a. lx>wer Calilornia—two of alum. on. of another fa t which 1» ol ».jually great vira gratia. The ino»t important h"U»< . do not etc. " hen the new machinery Lae alum ami .ulpti* mix»«! and one of pure Imp-rlai»». ia tliat.I'eruna curaaentarrb Addre»» Dr. Hartman, preai lent of l«evn installed it 1» prop<«»«sl to operate ei|x*t large export« export, of . Hartman Sanitarium, Colu-nbu», O. the plant to its lull capacity night ami Unitol Statr-a. They t-elivve that ('a- sulpur. It i» rat-mated that In tl>e wher n»t Imated lour peak» uan *l tliete are IlMl.itXT.OlM) day the year around, with two or more naalian <^ al will chiefly tenerti by the ton» of pure alum and l,(HM),lMh) ton» •liifta. The mill will resume opera- rebate duties. It I» iwLtel that nearly A I'taln Warning. of sulphur. Variant I »llmatca. ti 11» alout tlie flr»t of February. all the English coal heretofore wot to There I. a (■anM-uger rteamer on the “How did that p<«m ol your, turn The new town of Palmer i» growing. Amari«"* »•» ordered by »petiulator«, Tommy W oe. Elbe where the warning again»! »peak­ out?” Seven new hou»«Mi of riuxlvrn at; le are the leading American merrlianla not Two brother» went to the name “Oh,“ amwered th. author, "tbara ing to the man at the wheel 1» dte nearly compl«-t«*d, the greater numter laing buyer», on accintili of the length achool. They were absent about a wax the «liftmen., of opinion that uau- played In four different language.. containing wren r« om Hr spring it of tini» required to arrange for large fortnight, and then one returned alone. ally attar,«1» the production of a Mater- Thl. I. Hi. Kngliah version: “To the i» eontemplate«l there will Iw from «0 shipment» from England. “Where i. your brother Thoma.?'* p‘»c», lb. |o«tma»tor ln»i»ted that it helm marine try cvitneraa- later in the «lay it war anm-tinced a»ked the mailer. to 70 hoaae» built for the accomnuMla- wa» flr»t-cla*a matter at d th. editor In- lion not.*' that the price ol ooal Inul advan el 13 tion busi- "I'leaer, air, ha'a laid up with a slated that it »a» not ” n«w* b>uiM*» i.ill le erected, probably cent« per ton at the pit bank», |>artinl- aprainni arm We were trying to aoe Platinum. including a mercantile «»tabliahmont. ly dun to tha cold weather demands, which could Iran out ol th« window An L'alucky Sumter. Sur«. Platinum rarely occur. In nugget», •mi |>artly to imr« a-«*l c< nlra. t order», (arthere»t, and Tommy «on.'' Jack—Conrgatulat. ma! Mabel ha« though on.e in a while a lump of it 1» Th. mill i. busy «awing limiter for the building», l-ut 1« tilling ootsida orders in view u( tl>e «sial situation in Anietiia. accepted me found, th. blggaat on record, about the ft w 1» aal«l in Liverpool today thut ltr.»onably Oood. Work will probably begin in Edith—Really? I hope you're not • i»e of a tumbler, teing now pr«-»erve«l too. • nice Chriitm»» over t>0 »tramar, have Mrs Dick­ Hid you and Jo« hav«- April in the conatroctlon of the new ■uperetitiou». in th. Drvwh-n museum. Some time btn-n charirre«l to l<«a«l co.1 at various good sport? mill. Jack —No. Why? ago John M. I*avid»on of Kochratar, N. Dick Well. we didn't get any |*>rt» of tlie United King«Lun for the Edith— Ik- au.e you’re the thirteenth Y., found th. metal in two Metaroitea Tl.e Eugene electric light i-om|«any is Uni tel Mate*. gnmo, but we didn't shoot each other ■be l>a» a.. -pivi th!» M-aw.ii, I believe. — an Intereating diarovrry, inasmuch to te merged into a larger ami more The power to run aa II proved that platinum ax 1st» in lni|H>rtant conr-rn. SMITH'S POLICY was M l ooooooooooooooooooooooo The Stuart Carnation. the dynamo», in»toad of teing generat­ other world, than -ura. Th. bright red Paaaionat. carnation ed at Eugene, will come from Spring­ Strong EvltteiK. of Native Trravhcrv and wa» the flower ol th. royal hou», of field, where arrangem<-nt. have bum Cruelty at Cllenn Trial. Brought Santa. Htuart. made f< r *a»du»t ami reluM- from the' In I lie go»! old limo« 500 year, *<» Manila, Jan. 17 — six officers who large mill there to lie m«e>i as fuel, Short of 11*4«. to th«» there were no »rata in th. I'ariaian thereby lr»«ening th. ex|>en«e of power. »ervel in the ¡»land of H.mar testifl««! In » tn. of ch. »mailer Kumtan bota!» •«bools except .had. for the teacher.. today teforv Die court martial which Th. plant will te gteatly enlarged, ami vielter» ar. obi Igo i tr find own Tita pupil, aat on bundle, of itraw 1» trying Major Glenn on the charge of will not only tupply light« for Eugene, which they brought along. bedclolba«. unlawfully killing »even priannera ol but will furnisb light» for Kpringfleld wat in Haniar. The w ilti--»-« mostly •nd the mill», and power for all pur­ detailel the enemy*. a< 1» of babrarity, POSITIVELY CURES pore.. It i» ate* expected that ulti­ mately an electric car line h< m Eugene •mil •» burying parsons alive, mutilat­ Rheumatism t«> Springfield will te put in, with a ing living and dea«l perron» ami tortur­ ing and murdering priannera ami na­ |>oa»ibility of olt vr enterprirea. Neuralgia tive. in aympwthy with the Amvrn an* Nearly all of the timter claim, local- The *le(en»e prixluced an order of Backache el in the Grave crevk diatrlct of Jos­ <>« neral l.uklisn directing the it»« of ephine county have l«reri protected upon poison again»! American». Headache The court Upon the System the locator.' att mpting bi make final •dmilttsl aa .vi«!enee th« captured re­ Feetache pr««of on them. The prole»! t. made on port revealing a>lrial feature«of the And a aource of worry. anxiety and endlew trouble to those who are afflu ted the ground that the tra< 1» located are pl »1 which leaf b> the Balangiga tna»-a- All Bodily Aches with them, particularly ao when located upon the lower extremities where minvial land., ami were |ocate«l mainly ere. The witne««r» rg-««»l that th. AND the circulat n is weak an I nluggixh A gangrenous eating ub er tip- it the for the purpoOT of getting po»»v»«l<>n of I«>ll«yof Brigtilier General Jacob II. leg 1» a ftigbtful sight, and as the ( k > is < iu burrows dec|>er and deeper into the the lr«lgea an«l placer tesla rattier than Hniith waa new-aarv an I that it ended tissue lieneath an I the sore c mtinuea to spread, one can almo-t »ee the flesh for th« limlu r. Tl*« protect 1» made the intnrre* tt «n in rsamar. < Ç melting away and feel the strength going out with the sickening di»< barges. through the miner» of Grave creak dis­ Captain Hxnith te»tifle«l that the Great running ». res and deep offensive ulcers often «level p from a simple trict, who, ilk» the gold digger* in all friendly native, who were refuge«« in bod, swollen gland, bruise or pimple tn I are a threatening danger always, other e ction» of the county, are indig­ tbe nnxintaina in hi» district pellti« md because while all su> h sores are not cancer ms, a great m my are. and thia nant at the whole-ale manner in which to te- allowed to return Io town, ami shoublraake you auspieiousof all chrumc alow healing ulres, par- timter claim., or ao i-allrd timter promlaed to aupport the Amrehan». ticul-uly if can- er tuns in your family, . l'a-e sores arc common and cause th« claims, have le»u taken up Ibera dur­ Captain "wayne, aaid the witne»». U»l«l greatest annoyati- c I m - caum - thev are ing the |«a»t year. . Tbe miners allvtre Geaatal Smith they would «lie of Marv­ >0000000000000000 ▼ aldo«!*, q* . B«pt»mb»r. 1S0O. •o peisistent and Unsightly and de- that many of the claim, taken tip di I ell«* if loll in the mountain», ami Rwlft Co., Atlanta, da. tra-1 fr cu one's apt-earance. n»l have timter enough on tlivrn Io General Smitli, tba witneaaa«hled, »aid ttear atra *oia«thlna llha a rtalna Sb. Mad« Him. Middle aged and old people and “Let them die. Tlie w«>i-er they «ama on my ln»t«p. v»ry amali «t fence them, the »ol. object of th. lo­ th«»*e whose bl«, x! ia contaiuinato! Mrs. Tower—Frankly, John Tower. 1 firat. noi at all palnful, hul aa It cator teing to get |*>»re.»!<>n of tlie •re a «ora gol woraa or ex- cs»ixe use of mercury, are the Mr. Tow.t—I wouldn't »ay that. w Inter Hold» Or.sp oa Hritaln. PORTLAND MARKETS. and tega a X« dtacharga; lh»n otb.r chief sufferers frv-tn chronic sores and remains in Wheat— Walls Walla, 71c; bl ue the grip of sinter, »ay» a diapatcb from of tin e» that you have I eon tba making my tool wa» un. lar.» mas» of .or», this unhealthy. pollutc«l condition and I aoni4 aot walk. Tb»n mr bua- atom, H0c; valley, '5g|7flc. lxmdoii to the Tritolile. North, » uth, of me. healing is simply impossible an-l the band, wko had b»»a cur.X of ■cr»f- Barley—Fvad, l-’t 50 par ton. l-rea ea«t and west, the condition» ate the I’aieatrkltlea of llloa Blood. sore will continue to grow and spread ala by th. ua. of ■ H • . aaid b. Ing, I'.’t. »•me—biting winds, brisk weather, Mrs. High up—Do you believe that in spite of washes and salves or any tell»v»4 it woald tur. ma. I tegaa Flour—Brat grade, I3.OOR4 20 frail with a da.h ol frost .mi in aom. place« It i. true that the Emperor William i. laklag It and algkt tetti«* girsi superficial or surface treatment, for em agli lew to make »hating »ale. The m»; my faot b»al»4 up I b«- am, I 1 '-"><* I 50. hating the milk from In. farm at I'ote- the sore is but the outward sign of ll»v. 1 would hav. braa a orlppia Mlllstuffs— Bran, ♦ I tot 10 |«er t<-n. movement of the barometer indicate» dam retailed in Barlin from «y grand- S. S. S. tea, hes these old chronic sores through the bl«--I. It g->*a to the <>at.—N<> 1 white, »1 1.5<*I.I7S Interlude, ol fog. are likely tbervh re to father did th. aaine thing. — Naw York very nx»t of the trouble and counters« la an«! removes front the bit- J all the gray. ♦ 1.125,<41.15 per eantal. 1« prominent item, for aim« time in Weekly. impurities an«! jx-isons, and gradually build* up the entire av stem an-! Hay — Timothy, fll<*12; clorer, Iximlon’a meteorological program. strengthens the sluggish circulation, and when th. bl«x«d has bevn purified 1*40; «heal, ♦»it 10 per Ion. Advancc of Selene«. and the system purged of al! morbid, Fiv. tboutand Men Idle I'otatora—Brat Burl-ank», 5<< <*>(tr |«r “My Ire (<>r thè »urgical operation unhealthy matter the healing proceM Chicago, Jan. 17.—Buainr»» in E»»t oh ir h i» a dangermi» orw," »aid thè begins, and the eating ulcer or chronic «•> k. ordinary, 4(1«SOr ;«r cental, grower»' prices; Merced aweeta, I'.' r Chicago, Ind., lia» teen brought to a emloent «apert, “will I» fS.OOO." •ore is soon entirely gone. •tand.iill by a lack of anal, -ay» the “live tlivuaand dallar»? Wliewl" S. S. 8. contains no mineral or poiaon. 2.25 per i-eiital. Tlie plant» <>( tlie Kepn' ln exrlaimed thè Poultry—Chicken», mixed, 10«. lie; Tribune. proapectiv. virtim. out drugs of any description, but la guar­ turkey», atrel ami iron romjianv and Emyl.wyn “Why, four cantorie» ago thè royal ex anteed a purely vegetable remedy, a young, 10c; h.n», 11« 12c; blood purifier and tonic combine«! and a safe and permanent cure f >r chronic live, I3«15c; dreaaed, 15« te. duck», rolling mill have .lint down and 5,000 M utiooer» bada i tb. nerve to cliargr men—practically allot th» workingmen over 110 (or their work.*’—llaltimore •ores and ulcers. If you have a slow healing sore of any kind, large or |<«7.&0 p«r d«>xeri; gee«v. |7«* 50. small, write us about it. an-l our physicians will a Ivise you without charge. Clieeae — Full cream, twin», )A%<4 of the town—are idle. The two planta American. Book on Blood and Skin Diseases free. I7SC; Young America, 17'a«l8vvc; mn»nme 200 ton» of coal a day, and A I audahl« Amblttoa. the »apply ran »bort la»t Saturday, factory price., 1« I lac lore. TNC SWIFT 3PFOIF1O CO., ATLANTA. OA» No when only one carload arrived, Aunt—Have you no »er.on« purpoee Butter—Fancy creamery. 27l»,*:l*'1- fuel h»» t«en arcureij »Ince. in Ilf.? per pound; extra., 30c; dairy, 20« Nieca—Oh, yea. 1 want to flu 22‘xc. store, liutlAc. Prv»M«nt Slgn» Il illadh. rml wicked man and marry bim to Egg.—22S'n, Reprmrntatlve Too Vrallatk. Altogether. Wool—Valley, l2la«Hlc; Eaatern Wachter, of Maryland, chairman of thè Footllght—And wa» tlie lighthoure Oregon, * -«l4’»c; mobalr, 2»b42*e. I kxim commiltee on etimiled hill», ac ■Ban« reali»tie? Bref — Gr««e». rows, S«3t«r per hue Brette— Oh, yre They had a companled by RrpreM-ntative Allrn. of pound, »leer., 4«l’»c; dr«»»ed, 7*«c. real light bou», at la»t nrght*» perform­ Maino, ranch«*) th. emotive office with Veal—7 '«e. ance.— Yonk.r« pound. thè engr-mrd and enolled o>t>y of th. Mutton — Grot«, 4c per free coni bill paa»rd by congre... l'rei- dramr d , 7 '»•- OF TUB STATE ST. JACOBS OIL Chronic Sores Eating Ulcers, CONQUERS PAIN. PAINLESS DENTISTRY lemb. — Gross, drraaed, 7 )fe, WISU UROS., Dentists. ruKTLAND, <>IlB< U». it . n ,____________ _ ... I Third ■ J Wa»r 1 -,>-•» ia. Ilog» — Groe», drvared, 7lraa • gr-»vr» of Portland. I>a«l a sniall quan tlly put up nmlvr tbeir M«>nop"le brand ami La«l II ehlppad to them Imm thè •tate of Malue The corn te put np ai» ■r »«ven rara in a gali««* can and nhllr- il la much hlgher in prive than their regolar Mon«-|»-I* rann—l corn, thero are many wbo are willing to pay estro l«4 sudi an unusual «lalnty. AU »..|i««a tl M a mik Might U»gr.t It. The Low R do I. Mlstrrw. Poor, darling llttl. Tup A» urn llar«lr-ne«t «aae la he? ay1 I m afruld »be «111 never rvcosvr Tnfnut in« wolat ever ever IMd yer Do you know. Ilrldget. I think the notice how baldhvadcvl he ur kindest thing would be to have ber Aaeum— Yre. shot and put out of her misery. Tutnut Well, dnt’a from rldln' ao Bridget lived ma am I wouldn't much In prison van., Il wort* all de do that Rhe might get better, after hair off tb* top of hla head. Phila­ all, an' then ye'd be »orry ye d had delphia Preaa. her killed Punch Chopping Him irti. lofe Tb. fount tpa»»iooately) I «•Ik ice ver r ree gr r r round you on' Hvirc (coldly!—I slway» Tbe rid«' — Puck. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. HELLO, - EVLRYEODY 1 The Kind You Have Always Bought . Ile ara th. Signatur, of Couldn't B» Otterwlae. Ml». 811m Who wrote Man Pm yonea?- " Ml»» Antique Probably acini. In New • Xpert«"!«I young aulii .r York Tribune. Had flaan Better Day». Kind lady I «ii|>|x>ae you hav« •ran tetter «laya? Tramp—Yea rn tine day la»t week - I got three dinners and ten teer» I Detroit Free 1'reaa. TVic f-vl-ri ni i..I» |-»ivr will te |«l»a»*4 <• Warn lu»t th«--» » ai ••• 1 on» -1. ■ * l«- l >1 ,<-*« , i «» i «.«»ee» i > m tern able <0 cur« in alt in • «1 at laeaia Hair a i«ib»on>y praiiivecur« X now n to 1 b» m**tea fr*:«rniir « »i»rrb leiiig •<< <-»- - oli .»al «I • -••». rvqulr»« a 1 n»l a It* • « • »rrh « • 1« io - ii -ioii, » 4if*---ily upo«« Ih* blo«d «mi mu«-o«i» euri». - I lb* <»»i«ni, lh»r«br n—ir«*y n. tb* I ■ m-l» tb»n of lb» <1 —••*, •«1 . t>x tia wnra, fire pm let-.r« h»v« ei m o h telh In |ta *«-•■ .«•*-». that ih*r < r*r On» llun-l et -t t »nj « •»• -bat It I» I» touurv. raul torli« 4 Irrtlluoulala A4 Ire«« V 1 « >« » SMT A < O, Tutelo, < s-M by 4r>x«i»t«, :»c. 11» . • Io. > »-II.« » • tb» ba»». to I tala have taken up the penmanship. Why Thrv« H .-r • U h « JK. fur « Uncle Sw’s Wort Shop DONT GET WET’ ® ASK YOUG DtAltí FOR YHt 5LICINER MADt FAMOUS RY A MPUTAYION tAYFNWNG OVID MOM THANZ; HA1F A CINTUW V 3 In ÍA-, TOV«; U 5 pvAtentt and - \ hat» ar« 0/ th. Usi I I i ir^t«« *J» -n bl..k or »»II«.. / 1 I ' fcw all hext» of w.t week ' • - JATWAiTV ~M U QlAkArtiO » TOU ma TO THE SIGN OF THE FISH u A U TOWtO CO BOÔTON MASS TAPF WORMS •• < • »•I * AH • »*• • n.• » te. « ten W«»f «M tal tlon, Jew." gloumlly replied the •tateaman. whoa, admiring cvin.tlt iictita had returned blm to congrraa for another term. "You remember there 1» a brand of a Scent clgara named for me? Well, they're »riling them two tor S cent, now."—Chicago Tribune. For newly half a century Ptao ■ Cur. 1% a reniMlr for <-■ .ugh». Onida and oonaumpUon. Try it. 1'ric. ~X> cuta, .1 dniygi.l. Tough Leather, A sign on an East Hide shop win do« reads : Shoes "Fried Shoe» " The merrbanta name la Fried, but he forgot to put n comma after It.” New York Time. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Costs You Nothing r»r»|.h r«M y«t <•< • ■(« •« hin< Ft»f i»« hing, ■taf«- e..«tul» Y 4>a k •(> it If pota «»ni il. f Ul > -» . . *>■ ge| f 4 »r H by n. 4|tieen lira ■ It llfsapn . keep >t t» in« hon«« tanin n en, Jw«»fc • f- h n M win nt h«»»«np kn-l mnnMwA. 5 i nut« • »ot •*»»<4 Ljf aH «Ir >** •<■ •nd m* fn-O»'».r« I»' >»'IM •veti b* mail imntpnM un p* can pi te/ l«r. la Mafftp« Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills I'aclfk Coast Biwuil Co. **>«lto«4. Or». Muet Bear Signature of rÄDTTD C rMIUMC"L UAnl tno FOR DIUINtM. roa oiuoutREtt. TCI TRECCMPIUIOR CURE SICK HEADACHE. »■• • • ! !♦» »•♦»'• • »•« «>•>»>» • • »>.<• Ihe l:ood Inspectors Would t* ml of a )o*» If all sa