1 clic kantiani Mnej. if. (»I FOR ««TA I .: NENATOR, IRA A. rill.I.I's, Publisher M. A. Miller, <>E LEBANON • ■ t • • V.Hjnty Lenirai V-.mmltl «1. 1 • • •••••••••••• ••••••••••••. lingular tArnmcmllc Nominee. FOROJVMA no A» L if REoiHlHlH, S. P. Munkcii, !lrv »in' n»* u»«’ «•- rry. An’ «ley am' no u««» t»* frei, Ih, mi. •» s| lnrgv m flurry yivbts-r ‘n»>unl b* nulbn y«4i— Am' n«-l»l«’r rumie n**i.* Iiappv n**r put n*i*r«ey m d«* Iwtik . At«' l»4* ob w»'u-<-ut I«« pie *>nly f t •!• '*.«eKi-» b (liai k. OF .M IO, lU-gular lh-nm«-r «tic Nominee. H»R I 'H S I Y Mil Illi 1 . Y« «ul»' ’I I» ’• » '“Ikin', F.»b de n»an whut Ivviin* bl«ie. An* lliihkln ■ lie .tes *• Ain' gwin» I«* lier tu g' d ' Hr, if lu* dar. I»e '«• •*ur»g**l OF Al.HANY. be found In hl, addre*. 1» fore tin* grange at I’roVld, 111 ' last week lion At Miller staled that In u * in famr the education of th*- m ■ ~* If« l*ell«*ve*l In a •» t m of idmitl -u that would e u h th«» I -|*b . 1!* tn-lleii-d Ilt.U llio liiblh !«. *l should i* < *• ibe heart) - > ■ quallfled «up|»irt of eicry I dnid Ual, for It |. to till- I’ldilic -ell I tl. ll we must the taiys and girl, of ur I ■ d Ninety tli• |*«-r i-ent of II *- * i.ildr* n ef the I tnfeil btnte« r * i- t edu* .itlon thnt tin-1 d * g* t wl ni th«* wall« "f tin- pubii,.* • lu I AX i have In this country iiesrlv l*,<"*',- Otai children In the putdi* -< lio**l« and univenltt«*«, *r t early I u etily j>«*r cent of Hu* total p- i'iiinf i, a fact that no Ih* r iiititry i Ih«* face of the gl* m I i«t of. The otflee of »urveynr I« an I in {Hirlant one, ami one which »h mid I m » filled by n party «unii« I.mt amt qualified. Mr. Hugh O. I i-hcr, **f Sodaville, Ii I« lu en nominatavi by the r* putidi in« of tlii« .only f *r till« iiii|«.t I mil I'tlbe, .nd I I »evir.il thing* In hi* f ix II* I- i son of the late II *n. ! I T Fid.*-r, and I» in p *•*■ ««i**n of a I In« I 1*1 not«*« mill pl it* d ihl« «"uiily, w iiii . rnatiles him to f.mdli i ** In i • if With every **«'Hotl of lami : i II ■ County. 11*- i- i sur» r . * r of i-i" -I «■rabie ix pit I*-- . at.d i’ lily I ' • ha ti'd w di I«* r *• I give <1 • I W rk. Two Kenhnky Milfly were n irrlnl by teli j iLo K«*i>tu«-k V other day. If all the fun* Hotis urn- | rh rui.il with I' * Rid of the long dl-taix-i*. the Ken iu* ky ci.r. tu-r Would not R' Im ox « r Worked »luxe tie Is tmw. I hart*-» < Kb III, elected by lh'* democrats to I- mai *r • < l TirIe»* Ville, < Ihlu. ran its iv fr .tn low ii io I ir«t lti«biti* i* keep from *«*ri Ing. in I he u .»rid « here a dem*» rat r.ili away from mi ..Ilice. w atcr In w hlch the 1*1 ■- king is di* «.■Ind will iiruv«* helpful. .Joseph lliinic, A i ement mede by raiding a lea «p o*if*»l of glycerine lo a gill of glut* OF Ulti >\A N-«VILLE, I» a greti convcnlet.ee In lini kit- cheli ae*i i» e«p«a tally g'««l for f»«l Regular III publli'.lll N udile*- enlng le.i’bi-r, pajwr or wuod lo met. al. s iativi uni ni i io.•'i .t u • t I : on r •«•ven million frozen mutton t OF A 1.1I.ANY, this nnml» r over thro«* million came fr-.tii New Zealand, on«* million from Ib guiar 11* i noli, an N* mineo. millmii Australia ami m»arly two froiu South America. (’ll ns. 11 The la--*! <*ows nre always heavy f. e. b I - I "f Orc^nfl. S. ■ ri-t.iri of Mate iiuniiar h *- dia» irll*in- ment p- t acre th ! * y . ar was > ' *1 1 I* *.*1« area of only j«l,V-Ai aeree Regular I >. im>< rail*’ N. .iiiin««*. county, having l,ld,ó2*> acre«, rv- c« In-» f r.1 .«a. I i »11 Assi M Hl U.**«* ‘t v Court. i>>n r r*«ul Irnpruv« iix'iit ri * rr««t r**iiliio'l*r. l’vtlilon *d J < i l'ummln« for rv dui timi «,f -«invili grani«**!. l'vtltlon i*f ti* o «iuli»i-t»ibirfi’r vt ni forrount x n»»«i continuisi. Surv«»y Gr*li r<'»l m «*lv. Ih tii|.*n «>f J li laotti vi i«l ! r Iloti « t r*• *'l g rnfiW'd, xn* < l.ilm« of L < Uiiig et al <«>ntltiui‘ mile. (r«,in \’alc. The < aii* hn* 1« eti ■ tplori'd fur tvilf a lull, blit Im end tu the pa«« igi* |i la teen found. At the surla< ■■ there 1« only n «mall upening, about large enough for a man to craw I Into i-om- fort ably, but when In ten or I urive f«*«*t one i-nter« » large rtwim 'to» «»r 40 Mjmirv, and from this room •••vrr»l eave« enter the mountain in »litT« r- eul dir«* lion«. Plan« ar«* on tu tun'«* ■« si »tern «tic ex pn.ral iuri of lh«* i hi e. w I ' < *¡ .. That.»» the Kitt«! W«’ >• 11. Th«»y are m«d«» by TTu» Brown Shi«» <’•«., H «’ IUgg»*«l and the H**t Shoe Rutilivi» in -tund Country and ltu*y F f » tlxslriwtl- 'll— (A F Largì» ••••nru»». nt Saxing A rrarr. Ptn» r H. Ktxikì, ut «mvTA rnirr. *’ '■ s\. Mu i i a, >4 I « ' mb tUmny H» t r«»*» ft tatti ««♦—-T <* \|(t4 l^hwii • nepr»-*» nl»tÌA • • <’n«* II »»*«*-KaT, »•i M’ m* I I’ < >"»rrr, «»f < tait» trve J II ni Hr> •« n» ■ ' < ’»»rk -J * V»« ^ixmi * i Uiut.■■ 11 Jowri'il Ht M* f t |lroM|s«t-. ’• It** r«!» r tu*» i |î.( y i»! •»und Il no*. < U »‘k M L* «f Vi haft r 1*1. >!.«*nW*.»*!•* R. » « iJt»*- Pkial M t s k » u«. d r Tit*. »•( • • (ftfttcT, *>f Ila! j R t.MKKt. A Tai am > • •|. « Il XI I I Si.F III M. I Mill Mt. Th*» Evening I >.-iiu« rxl tbv I i«t few d*iys h i» svcti Ut lo nlt.u k Ibi* ri«-**r*l nt Hon. I'* no H Kelly in III«» l«»t •* »«bin of Hu* Icgl-bitur«* nnd n«k« tb** voti-r« of thi» county t * «uppurt M. A. Alili r for St «t.» “*cn. ntor. Thn v*dvrs in- «-nlltli’d tu know thv rci-or l ut l»*th Mr. K*-llx ntid Air. Mllli-r. s» Isdh htvc «vrxi-*l in tlu* li gi«l «turi», l»n«l in or*b-r ttmt lln*y in ij h ive tin* t»-st ¡«*«»11.li» i*|» ¡Mirtunlly* I*» *!*• * >, ll**n. AL A. ALI h-r I» In-ri'tiy cliiilh-iigt-il sud Invìi».I tu Jointly ili«i-u«« llivlr rt-cord« In thv h*gi«l.ilur«» nini tlu. |M>lltlci«l i««m•« of this « Hinp.-ilgii xx Itti .«-i»n «tur l’vrcx- H. Kelly In thi» county in nny num* l»’r of public ri| in tl««* I* gi-- I «turi* 1« • ciimuH’iutablv iuih m. i fullx »¡>pr«'*’ln| -I '*V Hu* Voters of I mu enmity. II«’ will tie vlvet«*! by « rou«lng m ijnrlty. Aliony Hvri«l«l Thv l**gi(*al Infervnw fron« Hit» |> ir.ixripl* .« I hi t * «rrnft mvasiir«’«*' werv IntriHlu*nl in (he amati* h«- «ollie t««lv. Hut if nona wen* lu* tr.**lu* cil, then Senator Kelly woulil i|c««rve t><> credit for 0’>t vuting f*»r them If "grift uiv.««ureu’’ w ere In- It,«lue*-,I In the -«•nite the |wople ar«» Interested In knowing if Seni- t*-r Kelly voli d against them. If lie -In |»l> f ule I lo volli for thi-M* grafts. Io* ili'l only a ¡stri of lu«duty lb- -linul.l bar«» rils.’d III« eio.pn*nt v ilci’, ex«-rtv.l III« great abiliti«'« nul registered hl« empii «tic pi (>t»*ll a* gainst llii'iii. I liti loi du thi«? 1 1 so, let t io» I h r «bi nam«» tlu» »‘graft me i.urra1 ng.llilst which he Villini, Tn«* senate juurmd ri coni« tio- «igniti, .mt f.u-t that «*• i it**r Ki lly w .« al*«vtit fr**m i ll-< «Il vu*' hundred ami iiinvly vigili linn*- dm leg thv sv«s|i n of I «U. Flier«» wvri- thirty thru* leg i«i.«live nays in that ••«■«-ion. *lh « make« an av.-r ige *4 six tilov« a day. I n* j*.urn il «li.iWx «Iso that lie w «« it - ill ui»*n toe final Io «ding of •••vimty three l.ill«. It 1« tmt •put«' i i««i'*li’ th «I -ollie .»f th-*«*’ '•grift mr tsurv«” nomtl * ih * i | by the Iler.,1*1 might have t * .-n x* I* *1 up­ on III S-*uator • K*'ll>'« at>«**nce? I'lil« w iv Hl I'All. liiv senator 1.1*1 .«Ire vly hvl tw ¡ y«*«r« *• x p* rumcv <«« a «Oliai.>r. I Iv w .«« clialriu in uf Ilia jixtifi.iry «ninuiuttev, ninnigli wli -<• c m ini - rullny all um i«ur«ld to* «l«»ti»ct them? I>ld he ex- |H»-a liiem? I< «o, will the 11 i*nlt i«e imimvruto them? If he diti Hot lb'tii I them III*, ix is certainly I u 1. Ing In c ip «city. I f h«• k n w tn«* fraud lurking in the-v "graft me is ures," he was surely unmlmllul of lu-duty io hl« cutisiilui’iiis in n*>l il* imuix-iiig them. I Im Heridii ha« n«-g«tlx*’ly xhiutt*'*l th-- pr* -t-rici* io the senati* of "graft mi ««ut« «.'* It 1« now "up lu’2 the It« raid to »ay, w lii’tlii I .Sen ,ti,r Kell » w .«« Licking in c ipi.'llv or Iwkiiiu in duty. if tlii-ri-'s Hiiythmg in a inuneth«*n H"|>r.’-tmtallv«' < >wlier*l ought to la­ thi* III iti to «»-ixl *flvr III«- tk-ef trust. • • t wi* r ' a Jthi: g « and tan M.-ii's and boy's pur««-» ite to I jm II vs i »**. kvl buok Ululo of cow w «I throughout heavily crew-ci c-.wr Hip und tuck side gussvts bl u*k *1|tlj In. M*tl **« pocket book nt .«do of Thia Biniti* Now !*» ihr tlmr fo pl •«•<• yt»*ir order«» f.>r ••••met» ry work * m > ttinl if mi lw pul up iM-fore ih «-«»rtUuriii iy. M. Ni. Kit h irk«ou I* pfrpiri 'l h» luruloh « •iiiiiAh*« i»n <«H kltul« of i«»< nulli«nt woik. ** m •«• him l* (<>re pl u ihg 5 our t»iih*ri. • KKgtrln t (1 »wie Milh < .•»«ret«. ('athaFtic. eurw «« IftLCC ì«s.l»UrubF HAFHutMi ■tor.'Se Summer ( loods i'llili «<• l-«HI A i'l V churmin; of i thin • Ir«»*»'«»»» are partake of fftliri«'« xthi iiattir«» «if th«* old time A gitili F|H*<»Ìlll Sti'ilian. récognition ie given III tll«‘ I oulanii* charm« «»f the sitllil«» Soil* 1 limit i«** ami LaxviiH. plain tA.u'k cow »«• «I plain Ivnlhcr f i- trig I« imikcrL-vivf p.« k*’l !, X I j lit. Lulm- ¡ku-kiit I« ik mill* of s* il gnun ami ftu-e«i with i-.iIf gr iln; 3 regni ir nmi uno «»■ibi ¡HH'ki’t with II i|> ami tuck 2 mvliil croners »ixe I il In I i .V» M ttarcrl.iur« itiij I AVlilrry. of -4 XIay 2*‘>, at II '«.1 I Im gr vlii iimj Ii* 1*1 In lh* « ■ ■ 6 *i clock I1 m . 4 i * I ir> x • * 1««-« >-f Ih* »( I■ r<*«*-ri t.«t i* -'« of d it nut. «.r l| |,- . ■ | '.: I • I • . ' 1 14 i f r* rl.li «!* - I i ir.nlustill, . x ’I I plum«». Time ] tl n i f i |. «tit. ni n mnrtug f ir-v 1 Jim." I Um- •'»] II ■ II f<*. of 1 gt .l on Xtomlay ] eloklug ex| . in < I' . ’..lii"- * ■ 11 «*| it. I.- ii *. I r | <«A Lullv» pocket t»»*ik S|xl) in c-over m i le of cow- seal tl ip and fancy front plecu niado of «-..w «i-al; coin |».u* h nnd cani pH-k.’t caught by « but ton nleki'h’ I fraine leal tier gu .-i*t« and zwick'.»-*; kul h'lthcr Colli |««ckvl blick o.ily $ t. 21 G. 1). TROTTER G. D. TROTTER >T \ \ roN - <» r r <;o\ JWTW I Take n i - I»> \I.Kîi> IX PURE. FRESH AND RELIABLE DREGS A\D PÄTEXT Bi-rfumi rv, Toilet MEDIC1XES \rtick * ». lailatiM \ 11 « Il r lircat V. < » « < uni«» r.rv aid j «mixvs. Aly vi.11 I w . «r. XI* n'«, I i Paints, Oils, und Gloss. ■ Wi l’laiit ami I h <-<>i atc«l ( retie l*u|»«».r, I 5 » My at** k i>l fiirnitiiii i- now cumplí to in all hm*«, I hax «• al«*- .t 1*1.-d a FI LL L'\i: <•! Hardware. Liwara, Carpenters Teo's and Garden Implements ( II ARLES AA ESELA Scio ...... •TUHUtliUiUlUUIHmûUUHiUÜiüUUiH^ > y - - Y 1 l;i\ c now in stock a full line of Plows Harrows and Carden Tools r oi liurdtcurc. Stores and Tin ir are. a >> ortmi : n i It» . « ■, L i 1/ la »*10!. l|w <»«y if h« pr«.f«re < »ur ti i wo* i «ti'.l ti il * «r w rk j< «i a « ur t- «i< ai»«! dfllltl U a X«» li« II« fe. ,«f, I, Il «»(,«• » t hiff FAI. »trKu*w* ••t.lrt * «*4 Iki . I)«» ii.at •! ut! r«rp! « f r wint hi« *, ¿•»ir«<9 L«i h in later H. a ' *.« ih» t », II. Hu««* II. el ba , et II me, tl e IsouiatiBe c»*urur J«>tiri>i ar * p«y thr repimli* .in nomine«* for rumini I. Il pr»«« Ha can ri «f tt*«» •pvilklr.ff tolrr E*« » j rnrtA ai t ,<« i ih. . «n« The republican legist.«live notili* “»•'vff i»f (he l hit ik. » U»i«-ph »;.« orto n«-< *i, lluiggraf. I orto-ll alni I «la»«, I *“7 *pp‘l t la f* r m will represent Limi e.,uni) Intvlll* Ih«- «entrai uflV« iiinat I muc «»! rih j»na« a » !cr t«’t, aud ••ic.’t »nrl« aa gently In thè louer house. • rv A<*«wpt*'d * !| un«1erif*> a «**>ur«« U » «d triti.u» flt lh»t«k f» r th« JoMph Hume, the republican wt»rh. ri « ip«a hinuinev for sheriff. I« a clev« r bu» thnt n’ wwwrw afr fr»’», tìy fri n» J m*.« man who I« will liked by nil in thè pitch • f th» tp*s «Ir n«r. h»W, his Hl |I| litilnuci « He will make a w«|j i. kiìnl**! ”« «tiltrat* vuirea n*ay g*«“l sheriff. prò»*- rafehiny iti a JI th, b »tur» au4 UÌTU-w d ut ( iiìCAfc-t>, ----------------- • J» m« l»r «Ilo B»««1|. Lawysr <«a«ndsli.|r a*wu«».| pick- p<*ck«t. tr»lif>,ng ii, h'« ..wo i«t,sif) — You «lany tuie «incisi chary« and >»t admit that you has» roiuniittrd similar offenses l*»rbapa y -w»)t r»s k .»J »n»ugb to i«li ih» court just ho« - ng y» w',» u».-«i iu U„i oust* r»ssf . <4 N - v fine tan b ather 2 Kill el »«p :| In. purse Hlligree 1. (I .Id Jaw* <1 Chil.l« | mk kel bo<>k 111 black behin»i their pr-«tii t. A J rrrx*Y*, «»I JMlrtn 1 ‘oiiH'i-oy, III going over till» fiUtloii* »'Slri-t i Houle** nl llie Southern I'.,-Irte Co., lio* tr iv»-li i i-x* r find« »*imv!hlng There is nothing else to live new to «siile bi« iidmlr «tl .n mid on or by. hili ri-«t. ***t,irtliig al 1‘orll iud «i'll* When strength is full and traver««*» th»* whole length of the AA .11 lllu-Hi- A' illev, III«* gem of Hie i ts hi h, wt are being re* N rthwi -t. Alt II.»«I, Alt j,IT r fleshed, bone muscle and brain, «on, and Hi«» I I rev x*i*|i r« itid other XI r X! organ» « I’*.* • o Li'>l«» w |!| -now -.ip|H-d pvakv tiro kept Insight in body and mind, with con­ ford hlm « in«* itili «ilgi-d text, for hour«. The prune», pesche», tinual flow of rich blood. rich f«««l fr tlmuglil. >1'1 I. « nul other fruit« are a ilHIght This is health. In Iht-m«« Ivi The i-r ,*-lng of the grekt niotii I kmie, t'-w. ring mountain»', an.I g rg«*« Into whuh w*» gore from dixsy sleep, wv are .«tarx ed ; our blood At height«, fon -t cl <«i mountain «! o | h -» is ¡>oor; there is little nutri­ mid rates frmu th,- «• i«t. »trrclilng up Io ih«> line of pvr|»*tiMÌ ment in it. The averager* -• r inn d I ••• Mol !■ ! •now, aid the foaming iiiiunteir Back of the blood, is food, Out na a rare on «hurt m t|. ■ fut »tn «m» dashing Ih-rvi'ly down deep camma, n«Jw and then »to| ping for to kcc-p the blood rii h. When much cnit O* «lulu* In ramltig the a «hurt rest lii «otin* quiet p-'ll. average and ln< r* cig the j Id of .After a day» enjoyment of old Mt. it tails, take Scott's Emulsion Shaala, tin* finest peak on th«» «i»ntl- <>t Cod Liver Oil. milk. it sets the tient W**dri*p ntrldly down the whole body going again —man It I« ««Id that pardi-y •*it«*n Willi .«non of the .** nr miento to the onion« « III di «troy the . ft* n»ive o*|. l.r*» »»I pl a iti* of the *» u*r mi*-nto \’.d- woman and child. If r « hare r M tried H •ewd !.»* free or that alTivla I lie hr. ilh, III.» par ley In t ill for nia, n nd Ihenc» llirnugh IU agrcrable tawlr will MirprtMr > «. »lev «tiuuld I m * ««•rx—t in *|>ri/. and vineyard« and on h,ir*ls to San Fran- MTOTT A BU1TKC ( brmMa ct«i»o. eaten «« you w *uld «vb-ry. Frarl krrrrt. Nev VueB. For map« and deacrlptive liter«. >•».. and >i «>; all drugft»;«« When the «t-.x. I- rm I r I. ml lure address It. II. X! I i t i it, the blacking w • i , | It, i.. (i. I’. A , s. I*, t o. Th» iw«« of ««th n s».»pfwr- » tn Tb» fcil dried front ■ dl I* .(h ; lit .11' f «• Port hind, i 'r«*jp»n w .. kijr Or» , >a aa. iBHMKy. Shoe >• With .1 N i * i ■ ' i fine blac k lea t h e r 3 tsiil cla-p : in. pur»n 4 -• **al**r I Alar-.*« The Kr«*w ihv i!h* Thnt»«« •* »yi x Ur ScttiHor i’rr< \ K Krlly, »‘f Alt»*tt>y, whom tli«* n publictfiM rr «iiditdtd uh-inlinoU'ly it thr recent munly cotikt nUun wiB rrreivr the mt mi. m* in and t titlm-.d.idir wup|M>rt ol «•very rrpubllrat* in thr eoiii,u. Ill« pint re» or i t Lrkt* r<*u irkrd Ill* vot< wa* rt *r i' i fu «« fri H)d Itl.il Hi di fili ir ivd* I h * Aid»» of every lllcM«uro a!F«M*t4l»/ the i»» v< r I h L»r<* - . w *tirh ci yh rieui well tie of lh« liH|M)t-r, itl»d lit» roinMnathm of oli i luifhíni?, hhir rhartfv of < 11niv iganrr t»r nriflrct of «unid "k .« , j Àr» m '»i* t íiu hh itnd prt liy u »•< n an I h ippv rhlldrm. dutv ran I m * I «hl Mt tU« •!«•<»• and * ii *« I L<-tuli Irm» aO h»« lit) htm pon talhetl. lie w.i* re*' wniztt| i»y hi* i’iifcf din t «. (tir iv li ■* «H L k e ( Ity v Be.igtit -» in the .Sennir *o a failhful iw ti «- 11¿«> < • r »t«• t >k •fem It H r»l«»o and udluenli.d worker for llir fa m th<» «»«de L h « *»t (lu* V »rld.H N Lui»»p ati trip » f • <|u d hmgth ilitert—li of hl* c nditm’ht*. .Not « fdj Utl*. b«ll l*efey Kelly ne- t an t «iitip u t* w 11 h H i u gr»nlaf «Meiierv «,. w i\ <•( lin* Ki »(irai. i<- lh»«**. Ahton|( Send |*»r p mphli-l«« ’<» (■* »». U' ory of lh»» pt oplr. II«doit, ,\ - »!. ( »• ’.«•».I I* it-« rg«*r W a* thr p.i«k»H|*t* of lit«« r<»rr»*n* l.te i Ag<*nl > «Il L‘ke * n > law, thr >< davilh* ,«liate of fhe i.ltil- L me I m >Ujid tr> hill, whl II U n d. > f -atetj hi the Home. Th«* p«M»ph* of \\ c live by our blood, and on Linn county, ewp. Idlyof ILl- p* r- lion, liav« nai»>r k Uy Io Li.uk it. We thrive or starve, as f«»r thr able niann« r In w lu« h the Linn Lane tmundrtry li’i«» Bill p.»-*« <1 our blood is rich or poor. the N*natr l»y a un immoto v >le L. «••••••••••. For dumbillty styl» und nil th.» fin«» points in «h.»*:>i «king nnd fitting. <4 U I). B. McKnight, lu l'i-llthiii f*.r bt..Igv nl N- ig ir i.*on- Ib *n- I t.i olili** i. «ni. Al»,, |M*l|tton of Ilio» K iy f.ir «orrv.tliun ii»-i-«- mviil. I I h . haala kmtv. A new Krupp af m**imm u. _- »etili» a Imi) sixteen mile« mil lilts mark nt leu N*>x. rth« '* », the I« timnny of th* It.,* r « u I« tbit t. Iles ire <|| • Idi d by tin Il . tl I *. :. i * the rifle. st»H MH HIFI , ]r It i« m palrof Shœ you want Ik-m*«ratk Ikk t. îvcmtm B. M. 1‘nvnc, Purses Iw »uro you get a heaping r nt valu«» for yout i nm, i*—Al J >(■»« «a. **t l'mattlla , “'ipir-mr Judir» K *• 11« ix laro« | bc-rsaary *»< ««tate- t I l'r««s, *»f l'Ut». p. * Stai»- Trvomvr—a' BMlth. ; A II- O * * « »e«w ra1 < 'I ( ■ «•1**110, I IkiUtff“« I State l«rmter- 1 I! ol Un bupt lAtltlw- InslHM-t If Ai USI», of Multi inali Fon t «il N I Y < 1.1 UK. Regular lu tn*« rati. Notnltn-e. In another column w ill a .••••«••••••• OF IT.AINNIEW, lingular tteiiiocratlc N miner. STOP AXl) TH'Aih! (diteli by Hic l'em« atk C*unty Central g.immitlc«. Ucpublxan Ikkcl. Worth liou>fon, b*. W hut ili» U» An* •■•«« Ur»-,- up an* »«'ar y«' »wm» ter Ih* a happy man ur I mi »' ' I»*.’gwtu « rii i l. Al »t .rtuu. .mi«- « ki.--* kin' al *1« *!-■ — |k-« sing sl«.’il di tattler till.«*» »« ’imi' ”» (*• h» the card of L. " Pom. toy. demo­ cratic n«>mlm»e for road -<>l ■ rxi«* r I utii Seto pt' • > -'lr •’ eroy I« too w H known lu thl» • lion of Ho* country t*. to-. *1 *ny I • tnaluction from u« He I« a Man thoroughly *|uil '.'d f r I' ■ |•■■■.'* ' • nd will make a g • I ni’’.* * r. II* fully und*-'-tiitid* II** art of t I making, and tx'ing will x *|*i.i.nl«-d with all I ho».* who liav«« Hie toad work t*i •! » will I»*' abL t* * n* i g - i -**l* ter lisi- •! tin- r*m*l fund In that d. tried that, my one wb ■ I« u t «o -it ualod. Mr. I'oim r-y w i« ii-niini ted f*>r the p -Inn x. itlx *1 I | »I lion, and I« receiving Ilo- li* »Hy support of Id» friend« on »II »Id« • Should li«’ I«» «-I cc I im I. and tin ti- i* little doubt but that h» will. w«» liase no b«-»ltein y in «.tying III it hi- W »«•If and II o-i- w ho n»«i»l<- I In mak Ing him ro vi «ut < rvi- r .............................. DEMOCRATIC COLUMN. K. ; R E P U B L : C A .*< : — : COLUMN : Notne of thè bnrgslii» wv ofTvr«-» i db**« «• a yard. i m ing 71, » and !• cl» a x -tr*l. A| mu. lilngh im, à • a y «rii. All l.iu n toweling f i y *rt|. s T- o I- I -.ii'li. I I*. *<’»*■ i y.iril. 1o’ hoc» for •' I **i • *l iu»r i tu n g « m ¡o *,| ■ r «ioti, G 1*. KNOM LES, Scio, Oro. DICRZŒFù 3ÏIC3 ■ General Merchandise I! <>t« and Slim-«, (rente Enriiiwhiiig thimh, ('rockiTV .ind Staple and l'ain-v < ìroiu ri«**»! T he N ews anil ih» iron inn one vmi*.