A fi* wZ ft* ft ft w 4 ft* . ft • «Z v h «S. 11. 1 — A .mile Is a i»>kEu of warmth with I in; tt shows I he klo»l heart of the I ----- Do You Cough? OMLY FUNNY TO FOOLS. llww War .»»••e* from Cartai* w s»» «eeeeeewweeeeeew »eeeeeewwe eeiHreeeeeeaeewe&etoeeee*«« Jtwedt Palala ! .sogMcol-J ha Ilk« »»«rsrhuftly rise. I Just let It «T ue, ibtuk- bom«' people Imagine it doesn’t I lruR«m.4 A number of priatara. *11 of whom I rura itself «a tKaxuft '»•r* bom us« lb« 1»*< war. werv elt- I*.* Io be upright because they don’t Cong re»« will make «| h - c I»I pro­ a few >lsys ; per cent Ong »boat the •>©<■» of Seerrlary rs*4>liz«> a divided of r. r sn»«m. lavansuiy In slvaauv........ fl W vision for the payment of th« phy I ofc outsell,* every quarter. a a monta», •• •• ..... I w Marsh om d»y Iftfely when <» I veagblng slcp-n* and «urg> on* who attcmled I Sl«l ftpltlftOg wa« brought In which indicated that Keep your secret to yourself A4v*niai»< r»tM al ta>r,Dvm< rw*c«,lo I» the late President McKluley at I of mutui FOJ Hw»f»»ifid«' It to a trieml y. u «rar with Spain wa« near at hand. ni* b» f*U4 l»»t ItufT'lo ami for the ptyiuen! of hi« 1 somsltiun •*H wa bar« war it will atYurd uur UMike him oilseraltle I ms - mumi h< j Isftlsd ••*- W -n th* >*glv«n to« lUe-ir tm ■t*. aary »uflnr g«««! praittar—Juftl what it want« to tell it; you m»he yonrself funeral expeoftes. Till« a«« th»- i era] wevk*. but «fier a I i*t an«! ta tatter than adoam ah«n ml.eratile tu-cau*e Vi*u’re afruld he course pursued after the death of i w bit« th* will. tattlrft,** ftUj^gefttrd one« trouble President iia»ll.-l-l. What th«»«» ex “ And fyrtkiii will find It quit# a cbangr would *ut> Iion’t waste time in u«»-les* nrgn |M'n *> « weaker a: l lie lr»l [ wee a aign up; ‘No game to-day i th«' ca»«» of President Garfield cot«- I change in tb* w-sih«r Vt. say» : agauft Ï lie tat evUi w m tl»< tHtYX^F* <•< gre»* appropriated In all f-'i7.. ’ **i. t if “1 th Ink wrTI hate to make np a pur»e hlsihildw.i* cotnplelrl., cured of a -<«« farmer* are using wtitMl t WM Fntïly frîtturwd. < • dn>fui till, amount ».t'i,.'e*i was for the |H«t ot the and horn* trratm« nt did m> <***d A firtrod • (<», I, to some extent, t>ut Imd c « m " of eexem*« by the use of m* atavi Arte? • I part} ’'Bui if ah* don’t atand up for I •< Wilf. W II. h II linl s.l,.., B,,. moot of the physician* and nmny *ro lu -ltntliig, anil aom« of a h*rtta. a?j4 jr«»u twvrf v«w th* like <•( four round* »h* don ’ t get any uf the ! fun exchange I ly relieves ptlee. l’«-«*ry A. I’eery. » e» in the cmmm J Fre«l I wa* w»U Mr thrxt feh iwtUnniMtl well I receipt#.** ulieal |i>r cor»» wilh the «aid* in the “You boy»are very running.“ «aid the rmtwira J will i>rutaWy he fully aw grv*l, ma cMHtkl ta mnra tlvrn | tar* A K>in«»s girl jetxert her hea«l truuM* I think Ackrr*» Etaflteh »<> vrtrran Marah. wheeling about in hi« cxciiuiigo «gabi-t the »I im L E x - track to k«*<-p from tx-lug kl»*>»- t«> tee U»at none of perittionts ma le In an»l elnce, ttat it ra»i*y r*w4rt* tta <*lun*** In tmi) *ra- tm»k»' her n»-ck. Mu II 1» th»» el» will ttot Ix« WG large they wore In’ lwrwiM>dlilMdid»t]pfbe^»i>ii»trate*l that (s.unil for girl that stamlft |'»-rl«n-tly «till anti than any of you, and I hn<»w. In iwti, i thv niw of BrtahlotH fhtu field, whuí I ) C a »At» tallir<», takes without any un-us'inly demon pound wheat I* e«|u <1 or »lightly the old Tribune« »Iratione the g<»*l thing* that kind 3>l add Hi . Drutalyn. N Y. w hen I wa* working I lingered f<»r m«r«» Ihdu tuo month» | •ulterior to corn wiiou properly f»*l. eight men from that >4 In iCny» the Twenty-fourth Michigan * funeral are *x¡*vrt d to ta larger. W. T. W.wem. Gholsogvtlle, Va land, at I« 2erfccl jrvur and <«< yv«tr mnnry ta k. two got tack ao wjuited and changed ! <»( the (Iwrfhdd funeral, will ta for Kansas «<|H'riniciit station II W*4 WV jsk-iÂûsriîjr that it wa» tan! work U> recognlat them, ftutlsf*ctIon. .My customer* sn« It • mil way lram»|MMlAling mine, w a« »hot through the wriv. Iloth I ndicator. IfotldeUKMI CIHtUott, of thia plart», ! Through I’tah and Colorado. old ig«‘ |>«-i>sk>tl law l> died. I *aw aeerrai rrgimeut« leave that the uh * ft(rh’keua«l wlthptrtl^i |Mraty*l* here, L5W tn I.Son atrong. romjUMrd of abused In that It provhli-s peneiun* With lh«i exceptt >n of Andrew and coniph trly |«ta| tho umi of on«« The ideal trip to the cast during I tiol.v idler the ng« of f.*» year*. It ¡inn ami «ide. After being Irralwi I he heat of Summer is via the Lio the finrat young men In the «fate. popular itnpn-elon* in this country .!•• lit.>0 maimed and broken mm- men that bn« come from the »bort group of while without rulirfg tny wife ro Grand» iltiilroail«, the far-fain<»l bad practically ended their live«. That rorr«H*te<- >-.ut!;. ru t •i’ll tilt h I. || •‘.Scenic Line of the World.” Th»» men«-«* nt the i»ge of iil*»ul 17 years la what war la. It la only funny U> B thn, «ml after urlng two tmlil««« <>( -liorc of the t.ri-it lake» from Ni w extremoa of temperature *ra never l^na Head who married her H h<* I* entirely canal«*-*Gro. met, anil pt««»engera are »tire of hav­ fool»,**—Chicago Evvnlng N’ewi rk to llllnui«, ini lu»lvc. Th» ••• IL MrDonaldg Man, Itou in county* father.* gsrilencr against the will of TtiSTINQ THE DOCTOR». ing a delightfully co»il rl«lc through tier f.ilher 1« about to sail Euro|»e .. for lump, Cva atatwa—N»-w York, 1‘ennayl- W. Vr. Hoveral other very r«» llie Heart of the llo»’ky Mountain*, < hki*ee. l ike Other mrvleAau«, Kreerv» on a honeytuiHiti trip, while the . mia, Ohio, ItuliHtift ami Illinois fii.*irk{tl»l«* cure*« nf partial partly*h «nd » view by daylight of menery th« RU|h» to iMau'’**- father, w ho ha* about L twenty •»ill* (Uh lu aline aide by aide. New h «VU tard «’fh rh d l»y the <1*0 of till* which 1« now here aur;ia«»v«l. The emprror of China ha« lately bad ion*, I* dying of grief. I > ft ■ ■ < :. 11 liniment. It I*» mo*t widely known, if desired, a »lop enroute may la* *o much trouble with hi* functionaries wlil out weigh twenty million* mu't Yoik ha« furulahed Arthur, Cleve­ however, a* a < uro for rhi*umntl*in. mad<< at <|ualut and picturea«|ue Salt of every kind ttat he baa growu di*- tai tho genuine article land ami ltooaevelti Pennsylvania, Bpraina anil bru*«*«. For mile by Lake City, tin' "City of the Saints," trustful of them »1!. lit? had noticed Rev. Mr, Hixlell of Colorado hi«« Buchanan* Ohio, Haye«, Gartlrld Beery A. P<*cry <1 roggi «h. Glenwood Spring», Lcailvllle, Colic that, while hit *tate*mrn iwriurd to be be«‘ii commissioned by the tHvre- and Mi Kinley; Indiana, Hnrrl*on, rndi» springs, Pueblo, Denver, or widely at variance, the court phyab t«ry of War, nt the r»-«|uc*t of a Broun*« y Ille Milla Sold al Auction. any lnterme»llate point. and llllnol», Lincoln and grant it cmn« agreed taautifully whenever they number of minister*, 1» fnqnire In­ Ther* are three dally train« leav ­ may now be fairly bulb'd the |»re»l Ilalpii W. El her, of thl» city, were called together. But u teat thni to tho moral condition of the ing Sell IztkeCily for all (loinl* ee»t, dential ht'll, anti II »• rtn» alm nt triifttwe of the bankrupt estate of which have <•!<>«« connections from hr might tmikr of their akill and ein wildier* al Manila. If Mr. Haxlell the Eagle Woolen Mill« Co,, of follows in Hi* wake of u ¡ray-mnster hopele». for any one who lives >>u<. tho Norlhwe»! via either O. R. A N. eerily occurred to bitn. Brownsville, «old at puldlc auction Feeling aotnrwtat indlapoaed, the ho may learn atfcw thing*. It la to ’ ■«i., or the Southern P.ulffc Co. aldo of II to la-com'. |>re»idcnt of th«- ut the Court Hou»«- door in Altuny he will not ta rmjMTvr ariit for one of hi# court doe* I m » hoped that I’nited Ntatca. Saturday the property of I ho comp­ I’h« »it tr iins are equipped with tor*. Thew physician« are (mid public ucand.dlzed. any. cvnaiatlng of tile woolen mill», I hrough H|e«'|ier» (standard soil fuiictionunca and urr learned profca Kmlol Dy*|M'p*in Cure Is hot H flouring mill« and water ditch nt Tourist.) Ere« Reclining < hair Cur», »om One of them couie. Battened u> hta It Hf mere »tiiiininnt to try nature, When a man pay* hi» taira and Brownsville. The woolen mill» and a perfect Dining Car Service. Personally Conduete,! Excursion», niajraty'a account of bi* trouble, diag- ford* tt«»' stom icb complete and .it* what he get» In return I» figured out were »"Id to Joseph Hume for $2i»tn. in charge of competent and courte­ noard it, prcacrltad and look bi* leave. sluilto r«'»t by digesting th«» fo»*i and “ the flouring mill« were bid in In I hi* manner by uno of <>ur ex Then the emperor aent f»»r another \ JU i-nt. You don’t have to diet ous managers, nr« run several times change«. A ui«n with f l.'*«i w.rtii by C. II. Ellftwlek for t2on0. Th.-»o a week without change of car« Io court doctor and guve him exactly the but can »'iifoy nil tl-.u gi*.»l food ytiu two were the only bid« off**r<«l. Kislol Dyspepsia Cure in­ Minim account of bi* difUculty. Th/a want of property 1« likely to pay from i 10 The price 1» certainly very low. Denver, tttiiaha, Kansu.* City, Hi. stantly relieves that ilistr» sscd foci- to $14 a year in taxes. I or this he The «ale Will I m ', of c« tir»e, subject Louis, Chicago, Buffalo, New Yolk, doctor then mAd» hi» own diagnoai«, laistan, and all eastern cllie* which wan quite different from bin mg nfter eating, giving you new live» In town, he gol» the service of to the confirmation of the court l lcket» uro on .»ale at ull Railroad brother phyairiana, prescribed u diT life and vigor. l’i-i ry »1. I’eery, — •Albany Herald. the polier, education for hi» ehlld Ticket ittlh-e*. For further Inform .1 fervnt remedy and went hi* way. tion ant! chea|H>»t rat»-«, apply to reti, ottici .I- to look after the »treat« A third and fourth pbywiciun were HE.R PICTURE. 'st Caoxs» Xii'h’. Aiwa. J. 1». M \N-> tr.Lt», ami «idewalka, the court» ut a railed and * uch* found a diilrr«‘nt di*- . ’’ ' « 14« 4 H1. . General Ag< :P. I _ I I li io I St. , cfMwi and each prviicribrd A different Hominal figure for the lltlgnit. If •‘One night my brother’s n«hy wa« o' tMiOA • i n with < roup," writea Mr* J < medicine. Then the emperor become 'Vita. .* ! ia mb . wa' fou h«v« ber h« lives In the country he get» -oi |. r. of < i.ttendi i, Ky , "il angry and alao aarctiktlc» and tagged to rjre« bridges and randa ami many of the i.em the* U-.ii '>1 I he »i >-mcd It would string!« tie fore we A Typical South African Store. know how he could have a** many thing* t*lue. al «ivo ad vantage» nl-o. Sometime« i i . ' l< ■ tor, ».. w , , v It I o the matter with him and live, anon, of Buy Vill i, Nun- whether be «huuld continue to live if he w l>i«i-uv«'ry, which guve the taxpayer fin i» It bant to»|Kire King’» through* III« tale» but he Would find it a <|ulrk relief and permanently cured days River, ( ip»- C«>lok ull the diwmr aori* of medicine tai ■» j- h her f!” • • • Take a mid­ It W«> always kv-p it in tile house »tore t.v|iicul of South Atrlcu, .«t • .• hail * bat • lay bc< u prvi < r h •< •! h r great d< <1 harder to get along wlth- night drear- <1 auythlng to protect our children from Croup I which can I h » purch b;iu. an Mac*, an* at ar tire, an jrou bate her •Ut what hl» tnon«-y bring« ill. and WfitH.-ping Cough. It cured me from iti" i »v.-r.-i.,. •*m-»'»ll»« to ati hair! The doctors could give him no aatia- of a chronic bronchial troul>ie that i anchor.” Tin» store I* sit unled In n •—Olytnylift Chronicle. Yet. there a H,i .. ,.| it- ut I « ,-ntj the other* wrong. But the emperor dr ■> < doth I Gf all etaimi, It I» well thst the an- and Lung troublo*. Stic and fi.UU. , five mile» from the n<-.ire«t town arrhist ««si,.in <||d hi« work In New Trial ¡«»'tie fr«ie al Petry A. I’eery. - Mr. Lsrsun «ay»: **1 am favored dared that thia could not ta true, and When you tlip the ribbon* from the eurU an all. ’ with the custom of fnriii«*r» within a condemned every one uf the phy sician* York. The law of that state pro­ Down they come, a«turnbUn lite a water* L m 4 f or sale. radius <»f thirty mil»-*, to many of to loac u month’* «alary. vide« that no notice of ih« lino- of fall Of course the moral of thia atory ha« whom I have supplì«-»! (Tiamtier- That« the time they da ole— etlhy threw*! a o execution »hall lie publicly given ' Iain ’ s remedies. All ti-stify to their no occidental application. Though the I.ìd acres I mile emt of rucio In nt past fected *cicnce.—Youth** Companion. In atüuüg th* ttovera bloom In oa her cbeeM“ vthti • nal and «even n«si»taiii« ..r dep. j twelve months, no let-« than four COURTESY TOWARD WOMEN. Mothers every where prrlscOne upiy sheriff* Waat to Da. Ear pl IW»I • • • Th o'ail appointed by the .Minute Cough Cur > for the suffer i teen Irav«' been nbsloutcly » ured by th »t a avrei— t ough R.-medy. Loudon Far B»yong. . *rvt il» and warden. Tho law Ing» il ha» relieved and the live* of it liauiberlain** iilthiii <»t ll«*r t'.fTixrt«. AU that hr dr«« nmillion, recant- nt It.»' root of th«' trouble ahd draw tfite tare the Deaetl. dipped la color« lj- hvlil in Lmilon, <>t women inter««t- j TUen fair. di’tiiHv, tagout! Ilio «tatfiiMMit out the lull uiiiiixtion. The child- «si in lb«* l«'nip»-raiiu«< work, was a iiota- ; With your heart, an lei him paint her pie lure it tho convict wm on *uch a «lay re n’« favorite Cough Cum. Peery Pointer*. there bl* ileinonstraiiou of the dnup«nln< in- I Peary. ul.v executed, according to law, A —F f * b * L Clinton, ta Allan** CtaaMltitfeM* Always w.i.h your feet in water— U rust which women ar» taking in all *h ta puMhh« d In any oow«paf»er. moreinent». Probably, j mol.uHM'» attract« tli<»». lhm't work re forma Uiry M «•at HlfciO tir*e Ik «neh Inti«li*t»i4* measure, the glory your ear»—It may cauae action of »ay» laoalie'« Weekly, there hs* ne’er »4 ft f « wit *• and Incentive of anarchy h largely the lirait) cell», »ays an exctnmg<>. been a»»»'inbl7 VThiCh liMA *u| pre**ed. U k ~ CnxJmrie arc La.zj Cure! Dally B« LW practice you can hit u rug. Cat» Christian and phiiauthrapio aeutiment •’ft M r a»» j .*• I t the t carry diphtheria -dou11 contract ut the enlighten«»! women of the world la Sylt« of Ticaielrex. •» Í Like Hie sun«hln«, It I* hard to Ì» i-. iva. dlyhtherla If you have a cat. u thl», in w hk-h one huudred aud fifty it* rt cstlimitc UtO Valilo of a »mil«>, for «• Sftllse, m*»« ftoW.ftl. ftalaa aVUfte A me man delegate* actively partici ­ Advaid all draft»—learn the step of *uty lor ten rri.i« Verra* ft l-lr*ft*m ■> Hl,e pate. I. One of the ntriking incident»of a tunk i-n»bler and Jump through though II «Osta th«- giver nothi- g. I» • m (UAftnlrrd. I Ur 5»* I ure tar Ike I ft*wer llu II. th»» window, Kat fruit and vegeta- the convention was that, on th»» open­ very iixeiy means all the differ blea In the Hninim>r—(hey are too ing Sunday, two hundred IxHidou pal L i ' da’« Csogh namely to the recipient t«twe<n»|ve in the winter Um«, pita were isxupied by wotueu. Hut, r. Six D ot a i^a dr-|»ilr and ( heotfu!oe«s and I..., , . ..--- »WV» » • ti*»!' Never u*e face powder »o It will notable a» th.' gathering wa», the Lin­ ; st«**i tList hrunkcmu'ft» i* n diana»« ni»I fruita wi-akiew». A holy fill»-,! with the people nod you may don presa »<*'m» to have given il little A kind smile is t».y t ! *ave«l my .(nino year i i*iiM>n.aiul lu-rves completi-ly «l.*tt,-A--l , Í ,IlrtrO' , rl' lk»n’t allow your neck- consideration, and the notice be«t<>w«sl ... ibi« winter with erring, an«l chftfters them to »trug.'io ; l»y j*>ri«>li<-al or constant use i*f ¡»itosi. . n ( He In mount oyer your collar it upon il waa In some ca*ea a great deiftl ] »'«ting litpiora, r«*|uire» *n auliti..le ca- ills »I ’ • l augh Uenn«ly,'- Imck to the path« of right and , Ilin ft Creek ’s 'rreales Insanity In the |MM,|«|e you more insulting than commendatory in A. M * '¡S'. L.w ■ ’■«■*, " Wl ft» |ft. > |«ble ■>( rx-utralisiiig and i-ra.»n’t work In winter—it character. One eunaertalive journal thia polem, and destroying the craving IV»» • choke*! up with croup; inivt pursuit of plea-ur«' and folly, whil- h< .'..il I not »pt»«!«. ! gave |t ! bring» on pneumonia, and in sum­ characterised the (Xiuvenlkm a> com- I for int<>vi«-»nte Suffer»-ra nicy now ,r*-et !y until |f* " h«' vomited ‘ _ und In i mer it debilitates l>y ¡tnrca»iiig the posed of "blatant female agitator» to ■ cure themselves at buine without |*lle to the Sorrow fui, the d<-.date, n ■ I Always breath whom taste and propriety are empty - iu'ity or lee* of time front iHlftitie»« by ■rt ttnw he was all right." For perftplrution. the forsaken, It lias the happir-l ■y Pooay A. P«t'ry druggist». through either your m>tuth or mwe terma” When the Christian Endeavor- this W'ftuderful "Hi>«i «»ot n ci ue" which effect, only cam pam blu with that < f —»leafin'»» may result tram breath era »wartu»sl down upon thia metropolis ■ has iss’ii |*-rfis-t»sl alter many y.-ura of the sun In dleelpatlng the thi. k by the t«-u thousand, »oiue two or thr«»e I doso stii'lv an.l tn-atiiu-nt of inebriatea. -III lium put« new lite In vour Ing through your ears. I TI m » faithful imm * a»'cva«iing to diiwtiona cloud" ami fug ; which «ometim » »»h« . -I. year« ago, Uie daily newspaper* were a» much surpriM»! and pusaled by the I of this woin|»-rful dim-ov«*ry is |M»»itiv«*ly A Fosllsi Attack. * giiar*nt«s-nl« show the marveiou» trans- E. Collier of Chentke«*, l»»wa, that while rib‘»vu gathering, but New York I forniatiouol tlwuirarai» ol liruiiknni» m- prov»'»l fatal. It came jourualism, iusU-ad of criticising and | u> sober, iiMlustriooii and upright iu»»n. nearly r ! through hi« kidneys. Ills hack gut belittling, welcomed, and devoted itself wtvue evax roc« iic«a«si>»*! mil- i so lame he could not »t.aip without to »elting forth copiously the achieve­ j roots et a« voce r.iriiKRsl! Thi* rem- ‘ great pain, n»»r »It In a ch-dr exccui ment* of the visit mg organisations, I <*ly is In no iranx' a ntdlrnm but i» a propped by cushion» Ni»r«mc- i uglily Milulil«' and pl,-»«ant to > derfui change that h«' writes he English uvw.papei» would «lo_ well_ to !•••• »•’».. ••• that it . an !*• gnau in »' . feels like a new man. This marvel emulate thi* rxBiupk« of wurtcay aori«'eh*«M rwtH«dr, and I I and builds lip your health. Only a* hiany mon* have Iwen «*urr»f and | i .’nUc at Piu-ry «t. Peery. tusda tompt rato n««*n by haying th«« | **« t hk ’* by lot inif friend* I DIM». rtH'l r» lattvt* without th«*ir Icitowta lee! in rvffiNi <*r t«*a, wim ! Mine tntlav that I B1LYEL’.—At his home In Hclo they dtaotitimhrd drinking of ttalr own j Oregon, Octotier K, Ilk» with fr»«♦ will, tw» wot wait . Ik» mH be • I» !ut!c«i |»y ami mi» Iva« Ir ng ranerr <>t the throat, P»»ter Bilyeu, ng«-»! fit year«, 2 months and 21 “iinpr‘\« mriit. Drive the di#» day«. raw at «»nra an«l h»r all tin»*. The < tkk " i* *4d at the ex- Mr. Bilyeu had been »1,-k nl»»uf This preparation contains all of the ’ ' m>MK . l”w pri< e of One fMillar, thti* two year-, anil he bore bls suffering* digestant* and . |-t I »12. ki . s ' is » I uit m A o'Mt**xv, litio a i vi 2XTJ Market ¡ h,.« rara» MMOftl ^tns-t. I*lu! ul.-J . ■ fro nd. Il»»- aff tie»,* DlUarrat ’ wraL For the Prudent buyer ! EDITORIAL HASH 4 QAÏ ^©©Y A |M'rfoct fit gu rant«'««l You '*<’ that neat chick finish tn M tiler’s talliir imulc clothing that I» found only in tho very t.e«t tailor made clothing, and they arc ut from one-half to one-third in cost. G. 1). TROTTER G. I). TROTTER >T A Y TON, «OREGON BTAYTOpt - OREGON Lulle* curry them like a purse; beautifully finish»»!, perfect picture-maker»; a triumph of photographic akill. Wc Hare Them at Popular Prices. W« give complete Instructions In idiotogrnphy free. Th«> largest »tiiek of photographie »uppllos In the Willamette v.illvy outside of Portland. ehr WooihvDith Ihug (f o. MAIL ORDER DRUGGISTS. Digests what you cat- in Albarn Slain Clothing Co It can't help !» it ì you «|o(jti ft, ,., -n..( pn-fwr"’ rail» MF '' IivWirt • <■»». < bCstro rale n*v|t i.v«U«vvi>lsfts*ft > UOM«lb« iec. raro ....... b . t . i 5 .5 5 5 5 3 5 3 3 FRiiiiUliiiiUiiliiuiiUiiliiilUUUiiiiUUil^ FURNITURE «^UNDERTAKING GOODS Mv btock is the nn -t eoiuplete ever shown in Scio. < all ami se« niV tu w designa in Wall I’apci and Flour Coverings. My price« are 'way down!........... C harles W esely , Scio, Oro BICKNER BROS --------- PE II.I.RS IN General Merchandise Boot* ami Shoes, Gent« Furnishing Goods, Crockery ami Staple ami Fancy Groceries! • make a -pcri.iltv of FARM PRODUCE C. A. WHALE SALEM ANI» PORTLAND CLOT HING Dyspepsia Cure OREGON ALBANY. .FAI.I, ANI> \\ INTER. We are now showing th< finebt line of Fall and W intci Clothing, Overcoats, I’ndci wear and Shot's ever exhibit or Slate |H'iieilit......... ,.3a 2 Do/., hook and eye» Dixie Queen smoking tobacco I 2-3 oa pk -Io Joker ¿making tobacco..... ............ ¡»k 4c R«»l B«k 4e tobacco. ll> 15c Star ttibacco Pearlitie wa»h p<>w«lcr. pk 4c Hapolio bar lOo 7 bark In »t xavon soap *25c I pk fairbank gold diwt 20c Swan liquid blnving pint bottle ...... Swann wanlt arnonia..... 3) pint jellv jam I0o with covem. 20e Shilling* b»*«t tea tk>z <» handled cup* nn< I sauce re............. 50e t> common white dinner ÛOc ci«... ti com white breafant pl it tea........... ............ 35c 1.1 UH NG DKMMt (>y rilK NORTH W HIT IN Piaiios tiiid Oreana... Instruments Solti on Easy Term«, ('all anti See my Good* Before I’urcha.'ing. —- — Undertaking C. C. BRYANT, etti’STY AGKXT A full line (’I'kct*, < orline and Rots « alway« on handlet re*s- onalftle prices, at tho....................... hcio. e e e e «»ItEti’N »nil . with Ilea lit A >■•«, H»vorid «trvet Al.n.tNY, OKEtiON Tt.. news of Safth n*mispb»rv»-ln The WftftMty Oreswswa. ♦