VOL. IV. I ÖUTTE MOTEL FIRE piar«? T th **«k( w» wet« not s as th»rv this summer T' “No. aot to I'bieopee. bat te y*»«r graad L NaaSalcv Buraad firaaiaa Wars la- ma llawlsBil's la Glrawoud. The pbya* able t» lavata fir*. ' eiaa tbiaka yoo W|U be mors quiet tberw, FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF TIMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL ; sad the pnra air wiU do you r*»»d “ Butte. Mont , July IH —At 2 <■> It««« looked aarneotly in her father's THE WORLD PART8 OF OREGON. thia niurniiig a »till alarm »*» turned ' fa.-» to aro if b» meant what be aaM. aw-i G L. VINCENT, Prop. ) in Ironi lite Butte Hotel, a four story [ then replied “I'd rather »■* sayw her» in I tba world than to Glenwood, len've •tructurc on Broadway. When tbe A C own lai sad 1 mam lai n»ppsaiaq* «4 Im Only Fint Qm Shop in th< G»y ' idea bow I bate to slay tberw Grandma tin-lue n rese Imi the acene the build­ i la ao queer and tbe thing» in tba b**««e ao pmtams A Briat Rn»» «I ihs Orwwth ing waa rnvelo|MMÌ in «moke, which Shaving IS cants ! fuaay and ev*iutry*<**l and rooks by a a|*(earv ladmirt«* Hair Cutting ■ fireplaew, and waabeo in a un basin, and 25 “ window The firemen were unable wipes on a cr»*h towel that ban** on a Shampooing ..IS “ ThnHtqho«,« Owr Thri«la( < amrnaawaalih I roller!" to focate the fire fu* 3D minute«, and Bathe ,.2$ - Lata*! Mariai Report Mr. IJneoln coold hardly r>-pre«n a the greatest coiifitsum prevailed A ' smile at Itoae'a reaaoniu*. but perveivin* ; iiumher ol guests on th« lower fliMtra The ateel worker»' strike is now on. ulcered>-d in groping their way down CH AFTER XVII I All thia time llmry had not sp k. n. but \ that be mu*t be derided, be »aid "Ws Mount Angei cotn’gv i« ilevaloping For m»re than an hour there had I-«ti I thought was busily at work, lie could ’ think it beat for you te go. and «ball Sc- I«taira tn the snioke. escaping with A model dairy. Two attempts went, made to burn QH J. W. VOUKJ. • ordinglj make arrangement* to take you unbroken silence ia the ding, old law Wat bestir himself, be had no energy for nothing but their night clothe» . . ' 15 t MMind nugget waa picked up l >t*r Aberdeen. Wash, •th » of Mr Worthington. »b-o Henry that now. but he »od.| marry Kila «'amp | la the course of a week or two Ncorvs of other* wetc reacue*! from m*xb«r will stay with foa, and Jenny, Linroln and William IVu 1er alili re bell, whoa* wealth would keep him in •»ant.« humrot'a airship tnal al • the iip(a-r windows where the panic- last week in S|wni«h gulch, Malheur county. mainel, the on* as a practicing lawyer the p-wntc.n he n.w orcupie-l. braid«« : tociv will be Ibero a part of the time;“ Paris was not aucceaaful. «triek«n guests »hri«k»d for succor , then. »»I wiahing to wllneaa tbe effect of and junior partner of lb* firm. ami th* supplying many of It.-«* a wants. Liu Cli at iiiii.c in Grant gity The Perry monument waa unvailed ami thrvat'-ncil a*> jump tu tlw* side other as a »fuient still, for b* bad not iiinti ivii, on. Cursing the fate which had rrdoe*-i bit worda. be hastily left the room, pan* is show ing a large l»«ly of ore running < walk hclow i ing la th» ball to wipe away tbe tear» at Kiirihama. Japan. j y*t dared to offer himself f«r stamina him to au-'h an csiremdy toward th« Will make regular trips to He io. lht far from her grandmother a door made gon riiey want to get away from the wa* undoubtedly greatly assisted in this you on special business " Attcnipt to ahoot a judge is at recta to be travel»! by the emiwror “fairy like music" all the day long, and max ol fiahermen'» strike on bug*. gr»»*liop|«-ra and hot wind*. derlaiun by th« manner with «huh «be Kila noticed bow excited he appeared, will be temporarily diaguis»!. Great was received by the fashionables of Bos­ and always on the alert for something at laat, as If a****thed hy th* sound of that river, B. C. The |1 •»»• appropriated by th« iMigisla« will !«■ erect»! The Chen far off water, Itoae forgot her trouble, j ton. but. aside from that, aa far aa b when be was with her. she legan to Washington bicycle tax law de- Men gat« which waa nearly d«mo|. la«t »talc legislature lor the improve­ was capable of doing an. he liked her. tremble, and without knowing what ahe and sank into a sweet, refreshing alum clar»l illegal by Superior Judge Mil­ i»li»l by the (joinbardmerit, will la* ment of the mineral springs at Aida- and was mm making up hia mind wbeth said asked him "what he wanted of b.rK' ber. la a few daya preparation* were <-om- ler, at Vancouver re | *air«d with wood and plaster, »il!r i* now being cx|iei>d»'«l in num- er to teil her so or not. "Zounda!" thought Henry, "she meets roru* much n«««i*-d improvement*. metieed for moving R. mm * to Glenwood, At last breaking th* silence, be earlalm Ntcyn, ex-president of the Free |M*iut«*l to resemble atone*, and the me niora than half way." and then, lest and in tbe excitement of getting ready e-l " llang me. if I don i bollava she's be bi* reaolntion ahouhl fail, he reseated her Hie First Seulhcrn Urrgon hiatricl Ntate, narrowly inc*|wd capture by damage to the walls and outer build­ witehed m*. or else I'm In love. Bender, In th« chair she bad left, and drawing an aha In a nieaanre forgot the tallow can- liroadwiHsl'a brigade. ing* will be similarly mask»!. tgriciiltunil Nocirty will hold a fair bow does a chap feel when he's In loveY' ottoman to her aide hastily told her of dlea au*l patchwork bvdqullt, the thought» Li Hung Chang ha« dcf<-rr»l the at tahland. S ptcmlier 13-22 There Thirteen Polish atiidenta are on withdrawal "Very foolish, judging from yourself.“ hia love, ending hia declaration by say ing of which had ao much ahuekeil her at of the fnrvign troope will I«' no racing, but pruca will he first. retorne! William. ani Henry replied trial at Posen, charged with belong ­ that from the first time be saw her hr from the tempi«» and |«»lacc« not given lor baschall and band contest« "Tut in my etubroiilrreil merino morn­ ing to revolutlliary societl««. ‘ I hop« ,.,u mean nothing jieraonal. for bad determined that «be ahouLl lu> bis later than August 15. The ministers ing gown." said she to Jenny, who waa I io found to avenge my honor, ami wife! And Kila, wholly deceived, allow Game is »aid to Iw disapearing rap­ Tim Congregational church at For­ O, I like to see tbe »ml Dtry j 5IMI.IMM) sires from Olympic reserve, Brume gras« is being extensively ! ly. Imr i ack a are eomph ted. man, ns he reached the open air, and be­ city Washington, has liven wot to Presi- Guards of honor of America ns, u-d i'll th* L.i’tern Oregon range* to “Hanged if I have!“ aal.l lletiry. "I gan to breathe more freely. "Goodlies* folks open their tuouth* and stare at dent Me K inley fashions." ttc rapidly di«a|>|w-aring waa interested tn her yearn ago, when me. won't I lead a glorious life? Now, Germans, Italians and Japan*-«« eavort ri-pl i • “What makes you think George will Turkey pays the American claims ed General Gaaelee, the llriti«li ccm bunch graaa she was the ugliest little Vi tei. a man if »he'd only hung back a little but no, It *> . uuty. ofll.e. whil« ll«nry continued his soil I.e course, Kila would tell her all. and what gance, and predict that we'll yet come to they will fight before they will give Out by f eur Woman. Indications arc gmal fur a record Ooe« a generai banking and cichange quy as follows in to the Japanese. must .Mary think of one who could ao rain”* "I won 1er what th* old folks would in Benton Beattie, Wash., July Iff — The breaking prune crop Jenny thought that If Itoae could have bttainr«* Loan« made at cantiti fate« say to a (.ennile»« bride Wonl.ln't moth soartly wrecked on the river tie Th« boy took th« paper with an in»*« Oregon cherries. cbamlwra of her father’s elegant manaion words. Ten ear load* of horse* were recent­ tween Ihiwnon and White Horse Jenny Lincoln Imiked mournfully out up­ lent grin, for he had heard the fast cir­ Cuban» are ready (or Kila chancod to the adoption ly ahi(i|»'«l from Elgin, I nion county, on the thick, angry dou.la which, the live, culating rumor "that one of the big bugs The Huinlsddt left Skagway July V. was returning he tu the Kansas City market long day, had ob*. lined the winter sky. was about to auia*h up." and now. eager of a constitution. A strange feature concerning the and Mary Howard, who wer* taking SOO OREGON. Dreamily for a while »he listened to the to roofirui the report, he ran swiftly back Sum line a-phalt cropping* have Chinese court »till ahowa great personnel of the Humboldt's l>aw*oi> ■ their accustomed walk Nine* her conror- patter of the rain ae It fell upon th« de- to hia employer, who muttered. "Just as |»M«'iigrr» is the (act that four women been found on |.o«t Creek in Crook aation with William a weight Hvaml »erled pavement below. and then, with a I expected. I'll draw o<* him for what honor for dead Boxer*. Hofwa of oil are also enter- lifted from Mary’s spirita, and she now ktlt, deep sigh, «he turned away and I lent him. and that'll tell the atory. My Prince Christian, of Ih-iimark, it |smae«n about one-third of the treasure county, talneal. which came out on the steamer. was happier far than she ever remem wept. Poor Jenny! the day was rainy daughter* can't afford to wear amh coming to the t'liitcd Ntatca. Mary and dark and dreary, but darker far were things, ami l ui nut going to furuiab Purser Hlioup reports that consul 1 b«r*d of having !»»• before. Fortland Marks I*. A craav man in Denver kilhd a 1 could not Itn I It In her heart to bn un eralile g
the river from !>aw»nii and will ronie Turn which way «h* would there waa not Of all this IL***» did not dream, for in 57c |Mtr bualicl; Iducatem, 5B v»c; A L’hinamna waa lynched in a Cali- i out via Kt Michael and the wean' tí ar M ward him that morning waa so kin I and on« ray of sunshine which even her buoy­ her *-»tiination there waa n * en I to her valley, nominal. i a* r M affable that it completely upaet him and ant spirits could gather from the eur father's wealth, and the possibility ot hi» f -rnia luinl'er camp l -r a-aaulting a route Several large con»ignmm-t» i wr M when he parted with her at Mr Kehlen'» Flour—U-st grades, 42 '»-idd 40 per r>>.Hiding glo-nn. Her only sister waa failing had never catered her uund. woman. j Irft IhiWMin after July I. but th< liarrel; graham, 4« •*<». gal» hie mind was quit» made up to »lowly but surely dying, and when Jenny (To I m * continued.I exact amount is not known It will ? ao a M L mvf « > •qm»« There ia a shortage of f2 ’ >3,2t<7 in her hia heart and hand. offer Oats—White. 41 32^141 35, gray, a thought of tbi* »be felt that if It*.«« could li » A M the fund* of th« endowment rank, la* brought down oh tl»e Roanoke and l uuiahmmt I’utlpinel. "I shall have to work." thought b«, only live «he'd try and liear the rest; trv Arrive« a ¡te0 4 \l i> F M 41 !Rk*rl 32% ]»-r cental several of the ether i« ran »learners istertily) Now. air. come with Fatner k . of r. "but for her sake I'll do anything " N». 1, far n*«r«lt to forget how much ah« loved William Barb-y — Feed, 417*4 IT 50, brewing. from Nome An hour later he eat down and wrote lUn-ler. who that morning had honorably nie. III leach you to tell tbe truth, !*««*« < UfVffiHtB i? o* r M American astronomer* »ecured ths 417*17 50 per ton. !*•«*• Alteri^ M i » r ■ to Mary on pajier what h« •y.nl.l not and manfully aaka-l her of her parent«, and - teat photographs of the eclipse iu Arrivte t**(r*h MilUtuff«—Bran, 417 per ton. mid­ • 5» P M 1 tell her fe«« to fare Had there t«-rn and barn spurned with contempt o A M Twa Bev* Killad and a Delia OtKar Ptr*sa 47«a'J 40; Oregou wild hay, 4*;-rf 7 psr Fatker I do Arrive« < orv«l i« officer» of the steel work* ra'union and nur M a doses ah ret a of the tin, gilt edged pa­ would willingly have given hia daughter Wlllle- Well. |M». the other day you lajarad. ton. Hie ernplover» to settle the big strike. Traina > and « between elkenr end l'orinili« per. but as It was on« would surtlce. for to the rare of one who he kn«w wont I ah« would n<«t acrutlntae hia handwriting carefully ehiel.t her from the norm, of »ald “tbe ihild I» father to tbe man.” 1 we.d«. ■ -lai*a . «,. Mil I Butter—Fancy creamer Ut,«; Bunburv, Pa , July HI—An excur­ dairy, 134« 14c, slurs, i A pleasure Icuuch containing nine •tn«, train« daily es>»pi »unde, ! - she Would Sot muni the bluta, or mar* life 6 per It wee not he. but the ».Id. proud Huppoae you band tbat strap over to Tram* I end * arm« in Alban, tn time io sion Is rat anchoml in the Nusque* persons was swamped near Kalita your falber, now rt>lladel|ihla North (■on nd. eonaevt wllb lb* a I* eolith tent nd train, a. the omis»! -n of punctuating pausen. An mother, who au haughtily tvfuaed WII Bar I Mira, Cal., and all on Um rd lowt. iianna river at the foot of Market well •* (Ivin* '•*> Urea naur* In Allan. ardent declaration of luv« was written, Ham'a request. accuamg him of ta . lag American. Eggs—17 • * await hia answer It came at laat hia *'l bad rather see you dead!** said the hiisliaud spend ao much time In the cur ! mitted auicwla on account <>( ill juring a doaen other peraona, two pound. MM: . . rejection, yet couched In language a<> kind | health. IRWIN *TOhC. Mana«»* Poultry—Chicken», mixed, 47 75«t and conciliatory that he could not feel atony hearted woman, when Jinny knelt tier store talking politic*Y’ fatally. One man is iiiiasing ami I. TVBXU, Agssl, Albany 3 50 heiia. 43 25(4 4«) dn-**»Ml, Vi« angry Twlrw three times he read II at her fel t and pl««.le.l fur her to take Two lady tourists in t I m * Yellow» may have leen killed "No." said the woman with the Weary bark the wont« she had spokaa "I had over, hoping to find oom* intimation that All the toy» killed and injured were lOr per (xMind . a(>ringa. 42 00t44 look In her eye« "I know that when atone National Park Irli into the boil- possibly she might relent; but m>. It was rather are yon dead than married to such be I* talking |s>llttca. he Isn’t letting ing mud "paint |«>ts" and are Imdly fishing on a near by wharf when the per doieii; ducks, 43 for old. fl 50 aa be. I mean what I hare said, and yon Arm and decided, and whil« ab« thanked for young; g»-**«, 4* per explosion recurred. Th*- engineer ( «a.'lixi anytiody »«Il him lad mining stock* or »raided. hint for tbe honor ha ma ferre.I iijH.n her, will nevrr be hia." dozen ; turkeys, live, H(4 l(>c , dreaacd. waa alstcnt at the time, leaving the guld bricks, or green gomla It keeps Jenny knew WHIIam too well to think A paasenger train ran into a freight , , , , , ah* respectfully declined accepting it, as When! Hbklt'tiC prr pound. til«- pilot earing him that hia secret should be kept he would ever unction an act of disobe­ hi» mimi o> cupi»!, and perhaps It la on the latke Shore roa»l and kill»! the . “5 —vu Mutton — loam I«, 3**0, griau ; he left there was a pressure of flol ’ dience tn her mother, and her heart grew lietter ao." Washington Klar. laviolate. |M*tal clerk and engineer and injured H«t7o ja-r jound ; aherp, pound* in the boiler and lo- *aya h« ’.J”'’'"1 "There's s..m« cum i ort is that," •ala: and her *>y*.a grew dim with tears, many passenger» V* or«ts of Awful I •*» 1*0*1. l,c per lb. »pencil the firclxi« door. No cause ♦-I 15. from; dreams I, thought he. "for I wouldn't Ilk« to have aa «he thought at conquering the love “What would you do If you waa to ling. — Groan, heavy, <.’> 75i«tl. The condition of tbe national laanks ia given for the explosion It known that I have been refused by a which had grown with h.-r growth and There git convicted of a petilteutlary of ia dm-larrd to Is* exceptionally good. light, |l dressed, fltq<47o per I poor, unknown girl,” and tben.aa the eon- strengthened with her «trvngth _____________ ____ I Viet but came over him that she would was another reason, too. why Jenny fenaeY’ asked Fioddlng I'ete. pnund. Their resources arc aaid tu lie greater Ran Into a Maat fr «la. Veal—Ninall, 7 tqiffHr , large, fli, never he hia, he laid hia head upon the should weep aa she sal alone in her room. “I'd never serve me term," answered ' than ever before. Kana** City. July Iff. — South table and wept auch tears aa a spoilt From her father «he had heard of ell that Meandering Mike. Ut7c |>rr |»iund. Japanese fishermen on the Fraser waa to happi n The luvuriea to which all bound p*«M*nger train Ko I, on the Beef—line» top ateern. II t»Mt M; "Maytie you'd have to." Train« leere w eat *r <> b-r tori land and «e, child might wrep when refused a toy too river have the Iwat of the struggle 1«- Kansas City Northern Connecting ar elione el ta l'i. a lo«.« for Athen, al S SO costly and delicate to I* trusted in ita her life she bad been accustomed were cows and heifers. 4 I ï.'wg.'i 50, drraaed "No. I*e law would lowe Its rrtp on to be here no longer. Th« pleaaant ronh- tween themselves sih I the striking Railroad, due here at 5 to P M F ■_________ ru.ls grasp l«-ef fi*«**?1*« per pound. me right dera. As aoon as I heard de Kr* long there «a« a knock at the try house in Chicopee, dearer far than union fiahermen collideil with *n extra Rock Island I*««*« Fnriland • W • m 7p m ||o|»»—12 i> m . • I ? • m. No laack *>r Maa*-*ata. and would lay down their arm* if the Mo , al 3 IS this afternoon. One pound. Mr. I.incoin entered hl« daughter's pmapevts. which wer* even worae than <»*den . O a m il A» • ra "No." candidly admitted Noah, "tbe men w.-re all<>w»l to know the real man waa killed ami four others ae- •• Ivniff Ik m . • • M l'otatœ« — *1 25 per sack; new he had fearwl. But be did not reproach room. and ben ling affectionately over her •• KanMkB t it« 7 A. m , • » • mi . verely injun-d potatoes, I l»'*llaC per pound. his wayward son. nor hint that his reck pillow sate. “How io my darling to-day?" ark ia not exactly a llerrvahoff fin keel. truth of the situation. «* t blr«*o 74Aa m . • >» * ra "Better, better almost well." returned I didn't know anything aUmt alumin­ les« eitrsvagsn* had baarmed the ra- M I<»• Angel*« I » p. wi , 7 a M. * Fl FfiUha.t p m . dp wi Í lamity which otherwise might hare been Rone, raining herself in bed to prove what um when I planked her top sides, and Staamar Wtaatrhaa Ituoud The Minnesota state Imilding at thè M r.wt Ht.ríbd • m .« 1» p m The town of Natick, Maa* , on July i avoided. Calmly he at a teil the extent tn she bad said. "I shall be out In a few tier canvas la not croa» cut. uor does * City of V.• m . d .^ • m Pan-American ground» luta l>een dedi ­ Wenatchee, Wash.. July Ifi —Yaw tth celebrate«! the two hundred and which they wer* Involved, adding that days, and then you’ll buy me one of those »lie carry a spinnaker M Hocaiktti 4 a m . 4 • m cai»! • * New or I* an« djEVp ■». d K • m terday morning about 2 o'clock th* fiftieth anniversary of the founding of though an entlr* failure might be pre elegant plaid silks, won't you? All the *« U •«hington <4.1 m . 4 4t • an "But." be aitded. complacently, “We . that place vented a ah-n-t time, it would com« at girls are wearing them, and I haven't •• New Vari 11 Cl p m . 12.41 p m. Annie Dubbie, a young singer <>f steamer Wenatchee, of the llailey A are right In It when It rotura to maa laat: and that an honoraM« payment of had a new drear thia winter, and here Oklahoma fruit grower* have Iwgun O'Conner line, which hail been taken great proni la» In New York, ia bring Brooklyn Mgle cotaf 'tin iltniM March." rwilaiRn and Tonrial om on both train« hia debts would leave them beggars. traiiMHl at lite ripensa of Andrew out of the water for repair«, took tire the annual ahipment of peach«« to « hair rar» *«TBii?rnlo u» i^ith »»«I R’ Oh! how the father longed to tell bio "For ntyaelf I do not car*," said the Otherwise with th* l*.*«»r. ' tlie northern markets. Th« crop la • nd i«urte( r«r» t*> < hi' Bgt». *< IxMii«, New <>r i t'arnegie and was totally destroyed. A watch- wretched man. pressing hard bis aching dying child that her next dr--«« would be "'I feel aorry for tbe rich.' Iren« «nd Waahincton estimated at ’.’¡0,000bushels town ft tin« •* ban F ran fiero with Mirerai temple*, where the gray hairs had thick­ a shroud. Rut he could not. lie waa ton Chicago. Milwaukee A Si. Paul man sleeping on tbe lower deck Iwirely “Whyr line« ter Hcmolnia, Japan, « bìlia. Fhtiipplnwn. ened Within a few abort weeks. “For much ■ man of th» world to apeak to her The circulation per capii* in the "When a rich man gets a counterfeit i railnax official* approve the pension eacape»! with his life « ••Ireland tenth AWMrrlr« All the cff»-t* of death; oo without answering her ques ­ myself I do not care, but for my wife t'nited Kt atea la now the largest in tew Mt» M K Wood mat»»«»«. •<»*< •» Writ quarter be can't remember where he »fd ••’’b benefit system for their em- : on the tioat went up in smoke ! xms , the country's history, amounting to Ki* «tallow Of add’*«« . and children- foe Roae. and that she tion bo aal.l "Rose, do you think yon got bla dollar bill broken."-Chicago plnyra. to become effective in Nep- C H VARKH4W, ' mnat mi«« ber arenai.uned comfort». Is ora able to be moved into the country F' M,500, insurance, |3..'a»i ¡ 13 One year ago it «** |2»l 71 Amt '*♦» Fgt A F ten Aft Ite-ord. |tembsr. I the keenest pang of aU." “What, to Chicopee? that h<>ra»d. dull I OO TO THE EVENTNOE THE DA> Keystone Shaving Parlors I Specialist for Refraction and Defects of the Eye. Commercial House ...Horseshoeing a Speciiltj... SCIO. OR BANK.. OF.. SCIO CAPITAL, $20,000. A. W HAGEY Corvallis à Eastern R.R. EAST AND SOUTH SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Shasta Route \I'.WSol- I'llESTATK