• • • • *•. •** > :,’e •> * I • .rj11— ...... ... .... Xd»c '..i-a $ a < •.,. •, 9. m» « « *«««» n ► 9 t — , of a movexten! wtihh il i« h<>p.-ui« from tbe Mise- «Miri IO tbe Willamette rivi ra 'A l»sy with thv « iute t "I uiiiii ,'1 ti/ tbe lair Je»sc Appi ugni e who carne in IMA. Voi. Geo. li. Currv1» Tributa tu thè Ox i . Rum ! H . I»win, "The t^mipUrvs of thè l’Io- neers.” Iwo poema hy Jouquln Mil­ ler, ’•i,llgrlms t»f |hr l’Iaiiis,” and ’’t’ioiiecru uf Ihe l*aclAn Frali Siuuitwr " Addir«» all In- quirica about Ibis puQicatlmi teGro. II. Ilimr«, A»»i»tani Se» ratary, «»re; g<>n Hltlorlial Soclvty rxnm», City Hall, i’ertlan»!, Oregon. «✓w«*w«w* ri tiLla*l|U» mai TMUAÌ AT gì io. <>Kr:oo\ !I> IRA A. PH ELI’S. i . i \> c <* m The men who Ware a few 4*>s affu tilling the newafMper» with »tor »sunn, m 1(1*1»*»*« . •> W iea of their profits in Wall street are « * Itk'MklM. M *• ......... I «• now u-lfig language I hat cannot bu A4»«©’to*»»« rale« at teu.llvtim rwma*U* printed io a family |mpcr. ■ - . i tiB*»»WMt w4v»«liwu»«'«ii' mu* •« nwt i R m Bh*'i iba««©!«* l»*1bow fa« tlKc»r iav-rtka*. Tliieot wlto are in politic» fut the cash that can pull out are grvaily k«simwd«t II* iwMffRa «1 XÍ4». interested tn the reported Intention k «(MUI of J. I'ierpont Morgan Io make wmr poll I leal investment«. tp J. WIL no N, IHim àttortei a! Law ana Noun Public M Io, UMRUON BRYANT STY A«.i ST Otti» V with Hewitt A >m! »liwt »I HAS Y. •iRKillS J «1 SHEARED > The editor of an Eastern |>nper wns I4c««<-y Isiy, A llitle sister, after examining the youngster cb-»ely for s>uue time, wont to her father ct»«! asked: "IM»1 w« get him on adver- tl-elug t »., pipa The lingering cough to! Io whig grippe <»«11» lor tine Minute Cough < ure. F<>r all throat and lung trou­ ble* this 1« the only hnrmle»» reuonly that gives immc.liatc result». Pre­ vent» consumption. Peery A l’vvry iltuggisl*. s. io. ote. J. l’ler|Hiiit Morgui, now in l’aria, is to t>c decorated with the Cr»«» nt FLATX5 Q7T. the la»iguii. In Wall atrrvt lately, according Io report, hr came pretty bull Hvadachr, Pul ns In various near getting Hie ’.douMe otoea." (•arts of the tasiy, Sinking at the pit <>f the stomach, I ams of appetite, eastern Fcvari»hne»s. Pimples or Nures, all A numtier of wealthy men have Inaugurated an Investi positive evidence»of luipurs bloed gallon with the purpa-seot discover­ No matter how It iK-esmc m > It must ta. yurlfied in oader to obtain go»«t ing how to live !«■» years ur longer. liealUi. Acker’» lilxxl l-JIxir has They hate to let go their millions. nevor failed to cure Ncrofulou« or syphilitic poison, ur any other Ml sal l'or She right to fi«li in a certain diM-.isaa. It is certainly a wonder­ Igtbrador rixrr near his summer res­ ful remedy, and we sell evury bot­ idence; l*re«t- tlon In advance. Old sutswriljers tie moved by this announcement to »ho pay up and pay sue year in ad lm|H*rt any of them Into this Vance ran t ike advnnt .ge of this country— tor charitat>|o puriMwa. d».». The Western poultry News «» a Idg 16 -page monthly chicken pa- ......... . ' 1 ■ ■■ |» r. putJlanrd at i.lncoln. Neb., 'ITie Nan Jose authorities uro an and is an a. knowIse'g. <1 authority n|H'uhantle>1 »el. When a man on poultry niethisl* It not only In with the »nudl|H>x walked Into the lerr»ts fancy brvatlcr». hut the police station there II didn't take liou.ew ife in town or country, who uantntw make home profit from a the grnteltuan tn bn’«» ami blue few liens.lt nl»o ban s Belgian Hare half a minute to give him the who'e department. If you want a ixiultry I'Liec. p.i|H-r. here i» your chance. I You have licard that fine f»>ilher» do not make fine bird«, but you know that llie pSMCiK-k »truls about the velvet lawn, a iH-t|.«l favorite, while the umlm-ntiy more useful hen is kept In tile laiek yard and has to «••rati li f»>r a living. Great I» Texas. Her vast cotton crops and marvellous oil di-*covetlei> amaxe the world. Now follow» ttie • tartling statement uf the wonder ful word nt t 'l»eo, Tex. of Hr. King'» ' <-w lMvovery for Consumption. •’Mv wife contracted a »were lung trouble," write editor J. J. Fligrr, "which caused a moat ololinute cough and fin illy resulted in pro fuse liemorrngos. tint »lie has lieen completely cured by l>t. King's positively New 1 l|»eovery.” Il’l guaranteed far « 'ougha, (’olda and all ThriMt and Lung troubles, ÄOc «nd ll.no. Trial bottles free Hl t’eery A l’<-<-ry's. An old negro arose in i>r«yer meeting nnd »aid- "llrvdderin and alstcrin, I have l»-en a mighty menu nigger in my time I I id a heap < r up-mid downs-spet'lally downs - slnca I Jlned the church I stole chicken« mid w«ter million*. 1 cu-M-d. 1 got drunk. I »hot era|»>. A I'lca-nnt Way to I ratei. I si.tshe«! miller coens w Id my rarer, mi I done er sight er udder ting-, Tlie most delightful mute of tra but, thank iugim* via lliis route to cam« •o ik«»Ar e that I Ih-nvrr, <»malia, Kmi-as City, Hl. could hardly Louis nnd « hieagri. Personally coli- po o* h to in) £ rcgalMi For printed matter, rates, etc., In­ It m am n« l only quire of J. ' - ’ • hl, - <¿t*n*r¡. ** Mr tthfh *>«di*itv*»h ff in a Agent, 133 A. Third Nt., I'nrllMixl, bodily •efiwr. b«it rltrcfarl) <»r lit»» W. Hrinlft. (Jffiieritl I’. umhi rinharrui»ir»i?t«» ger Agent, Sall l.ikv ( ity. From a Pastor enter th* pul|-i» ’Thsepluff CoAffh. tn thi« rtrudi« 11 o n I h a <1 A woman who haa Imd «X|»er« heard of A* k er'* KngUsh Ren» »ly and, after •rreirr. I ipihi* with thia di «© am », tell» how to bouxhlaU Ulesn«! bnrau Uking it Tie i i Xt prevent any d mgeroua cur three rrvd nt y «**mvn silhoul ditti» u it y Iasi»» children look whooping rough la»t day* I a as t)i<>n>u*li1y rumi 11 our» it s it !■> «tiuinier, our K> duty to Isnrfli mankind physically a« I hr« © month« old, and owing to our well aa •lúritually wbrn. v.r 1 ran. .uni am giving thrill ( ha hi hr ria In’« Cough ria l to writ* the»« Word« in praise <4 III « K- mi dy, they l«»«t none of their grami old medicine Ttio-s «itti »vi gli*» i lunipiH«» Mini «»aiiio out in much Uin«l»an>lthose » torn -st, h.»-1-tesili) «h : i latter he.dth than oilier rlilhlrwn feria-'»ly lake Acker • Engl -li Remedy ‘ w hoev p i re nt a did not umi thia rem© (Higtie»!) Rev Eaav Trasv Mvsroau. (iy . Our nhlewt little girl \ ouhl rail S WslW. M» «sail«»-» • u»,»de'il'I-r»HM In-lily fur ««»ugh ayrup between a«- • •» i * «»..is. ». ,t i-, i . .> ». - i u *i • sa, Pinkey liall, *B »1 It » » •-• ».«Mi»«.: . »■ .».•• i.i.iuU. w hoop» —J©••!«? .Springville. Al«. This Kein«*ly la f«»r M«ie by Ih eryA I’eery druggiatr. 'Lhe qmirterly for th«» Or«'gt»n Illi* toricii Hxa iwty No. 4. for December, limo, baa been received. Thia rum­ »lr»sUC^ I» «**nwú !>«•«©. ple tea th© 6r«t volume, which 1« of ('lean I g < mm 1 » im «»*» a « «au »km. N) gr» at hl-t »riral wulu«*. The roiihmfa beauty without il. t AMAh d ..*»«;> («diiAt l*c «*»r«n yvur l»i«wwl an«l kevp it *.««.>. I t •>f Ibltt volume are «»follow«: ••The •tn rmg up li»© lacy lirtr ami «Imiug tlJ i».i Oregon Trail/* by F. W. Young; ||« nuriti'll ir*‘»n file bodv. Ihgm t«»»h p«ioI»*©«. I myi I«, l»^et«|.e». 14»». LI»-•»»«U rnan £vur»r»'.rr!. Iv . » «retie« aioiig the route. Thi» h one in port awt article« yet Tt»» r«MR «»I Imih «riti -pherr« ht Th* of the m»»»t pttM!*bed, and It H !’>♦» beginning « a . It Urti mi Uff. I*. A Iktnfurth, of LaGrange, Qa., •urtere'I for »1* mouths with a frightful running «>ro an his lexi Imt writes that llucklen's Attica Naive aliooiy cured It In five days, lor Citers Wounds. Piles, it’« the t»-«i salve In the world. Cure guar antes«!. Only Mold by Peery A Peery. Th-a • matara le cm «rvery t*»t ai tba r«Ha>4vBe laxative Bromo-Viiiniuc Tss-S«« M m rwrtdy issi ••■«•• ■ swM ta •«» <•»> rnz MCX9 3CLS C’Till. az xxgwzXszs Trsamsat hr Which r.Xxri* in >«lag Czrsd SiUr 13 Sylts st Thenuftlv»«. It i« m»w g«Hi«*rallv known am! under •t«-»l that llrunkcnm—« i« a »b-ea-e a mi m t a w«-akn©*« ( l--!v 611«»I with poÚMM». am! n©rv©a ©»»mpb-tely ahnlt©r©d by |»en«-IU al or r*»n»tant nee «4 int*»ii- ! «wting Ihpiorv, rwiuin • an anti«|ut© <*>• i pa)»l«< «4 netitfwllfh»g am! ©nkiicaling tío» • n. and * mg th© cmving h»r into i iraní» Suffcmre may m»w «'tire thcmwclvv* at horn© without put© |i< 4y *»r la»» <»f tin»»* from I hami » »* b\ thi« wonderful ' H"MK »««*t t> n,*RR 'which I.«» Iwcn )»*rf©« !©k| aft»-r manv y **»•* of d»»«e »tmlv and treatment of inabnat©« Th© faithful mw* according to dire» funi» of thi« wonderful diarovery •• p«»a»tivdy guaranteed t«» cur© th© rm et <»betmate <•««', no matter bow bari a dnn«« r Our ree»»ni» -how th© marvi’loua Irnn«- format i* m »4 th«Mi»and* <4 Pnmkant« in* tn «»»ber, iiMlURtrioua ami upright men. WIVRa •RÍlIftilly drviaed and prepared that it it thoroughly iw»lubh* aid pieavant te th« ta-tv, mthat it «ran b© given in « cup of tea «»r Coffe© without the knowl* ©tige *•! the pen»*» taking it. Thon«- ami» of brunkanl* hav© cured them* m *Ive» with thi- prirel»— remedy, an«! a* many in<>r»* L ay «’ I- • n < urrd and Shiiisr» At Sis I'm. ma«h‘ t©mj'©rafc men bv having th© "1 recall now with horror,” »«ya “<*i hm ” i»dmini«tcr©d by loving friend* Mall Carrier Burnett Mann, of La ami relative» without their knowledge vanna, <)., "my three years of auf- in niff«*© «»r tea, an«! Iieliev»* b»lay that feimg from Kidney trouble I um they discontinué»I drinking «4 their own no wot wait Ih« hot I m * hardly ever free from dull ache» or (re© will acute pain» In my Imck. To stoop »idiided by apparent am! norlt-ading ■’iinpr«»vem©nl l>riv© «»ut the dia l — ­ lift mall sacks made me groan. I i ’ rn ’ at one«* ami f«»r all time. li ia fi ll lirud, worn nut, it»>ut r<> idy to ||nM! i>Oi il it UK i» «ohi at th© et­ give up. but -lx hotties complvtely trrmely low prie»* of One Ihdlnr. thu« cured me mid made me fuel like a placing within th© rvw«’h «4 everybody a new man." They're unriveled to tr»’atm«nt m«»r© otb'rtual than - thcr- regulate Ktotmu'h, Liver, Kidneys < -ting |25 t«» f hi I fill direction» a< and Ihiwels. I’urfect satisfaction i company each package. S|ie«ial advice guaranteed b.v 1’eery A I’eery. On­ I by skilled physician* alien reqnestml u «*itm « h»rfff Kent prepaid t*» ly 40 cents. Mln jmrt of the w«»rM on receipt <4 One Dollar Ad» I re*» lh’|»t I «».*5 ri » wix h I or Sale Cheap. «.n i»*« A iomfynt , ‘. WO rim I 2-S32 Market Strwt, Bln».'ulch'hiu One Ii n nd red und sixty acres of All rom*»»|>on !«•<■ iu»w of thelr destru ct- sk in «11 -ess«-». I 'ni-quallcd for piles. vwness lo crol» and farm producía, I’eery A Peery druggiata, Scio, Ore. the apldor is mure of a friend tlian a One of the novel Industrlos re­ toe to mankind, one of tlia entomo­ cently started In Aikau- i" is a kan­ logista of the depiirlment of «gri- garoo ranch. The hide If the mil culture aal?! the otlier d.iy. Miny mid !» valuable, I'Ut his l< mlons are worth much more, as tliov can Is* klndsof nioth enp.Uile of prmlucing •l-lit tine ami are much prised by my ri ids s ¡.nd fe» i no . ...... ntmmdatioii Iris mole when glvenOnn Minutcl'ough t«. .ns. t ure. Mothers endorse II higliiy tteen thit tliose whu keep Isicon, fur croup. Il qul'-kly cures all < ht i *e and the like sliould encour Mops the louffh and Works Oil the roughs mid «Ntlds nnd every lhrt MOalUve »toni.M li» can taka It Hy IU umi many thousand« of dyspeptic« have been cure«! aft« r everyt lung «!*•• failed. It 1» uh» quailed fur all -tutuach troubles. It can’t help but do you good Pmpsrs-e <>n y by I (' low irr A < »». < bl. s«o 11.. |i l>«k ni»iu«l > llu.-* «.«<». A WCRTST 3SCCE330a. Ssxethlaj Kox Valtr the 3aa. 14ii«l <>rti«v at Oreg«»11 ( itv. On* .May 13. HM>I Nutii't* i- hereby given that the fol- low mg name«! arttleni have til©*l n«»ti« »* <4 their intention to make finnl pn»»( in • ii:" ’H ■ •! t h. t r < ¡nn.f . ami th'.’ -n ' I I pro»4« w ill I m * ma»I© iH-fur© County Clerk > <»f Lmn County at Albany, Oregon, «»n June 21. IW>I. vix Edwin L iir I i «, 11 E N«». 1111. Chari«*»* Marsh, of tllmny and l.e» Zeller Jr , of l h«>nia», Linn county On»g«»n; I'mlcr rec. 2301, \»/ t’linrle- Ebin ¡Clark, II I No 12*07 f.»r th« •? - w * ii «** *w * an ! v, * nu 4. ••» -’2, tp 11 a, r 2 © lb* naim - th© follow: g w it»•©««•♦”’ t<» pr«»\© hi-continuous rvidvii«»- um.n ami i cultivation !*m»l land, vir William A iCrce. rii«*tir»*g»«n. l’mh*r »«’<“ 2.'U>1 R. S vix William A <’r»*»’, II I No. I2*l*5 for the m * *©«' 2H, tp 11 », r 2 ©. H»* name* th© iu!!»»wing witne*«©* tn prove hi* «•••nt inttom* r©*i«1enc«» U|M»n ami i cultivation <4 -ad laml, vii Chari©« Clark, Thoma* Cree. <’lu»U»n Eckert, <4 !.acoinb, ami Art tiaiiM». <4 Ijtrw«-«*! Linn count*, ()r©g«»ii; I nd©r «©»• 2301 R s via Fhomaa M (’rev, H E No. 124 Mif««r the nw4 •«*» > tp 11 «, r 2 © II© nam©« the f«»ll«>uing with©****» t»» pr«»i<* hi» contintiona residence n|»»n ami I i cultivation <4 «4 »awl »ai«l land, Arthur lami, via i « ree, Charles Clark, «•f laMMHMb, .krt ! wd«r»>’ >ii <‘itv. Orc. The powerful acid« need in th© inhaler» April 22. IWI hav© entirely ©atrit away the ■ame Niittce i< hereby given that the L>d«»w- membrane» that their maker« hai« am i«-1 to rnr©. while )|e a « !«•©•* »tudy R. > . that -a»*l pr»»4» will I»© mad© lie- R!i«l »(.«©rmlty <4 th»- trertmeni »4 oat - I f«»rv thctVuntv ( Irrk «4 Linn < «»uiity. AMMM.haaat la»t |-*rí©« t«'*l a Tteatmant at Albany, Oregon, on M»iv 31, 1901. which wh« n faithfully u»©d. not »«nly re­ ¡vi« liRFiitti» Ambrv>»n, IL 1 No. 12-523. «»( »w *4 an«l u»4 «4 lieve« at «nee, but permanently curt*« ' f«»r th© < »tARMH. by removing th© mum*, «top­ rec M t|i 12 », r 3 e. H© names th© f’dlowiug witm«M‘» t»» ping th© diftchargv- an«| curing all in- Hun«mati«*n II »• tl«© onhr remedy prove hi« coti timi» hi » r©ai. Il I. X.’ Uiil at the «itremely low price <4 On© I>>l* I », r 2 e. lar. «-«ch |«H'kag© containing interim! ¡ for th© «e't «4 am* 2* tp 11 ! ! • ' * ami eitcrnal medicine «urti« »ent f«»r a) full rn«»nth*« treatment ami everything prove hi« rout inn« » ur i r©Ai*lwm'e ui»»n ami cultivation «4 •aiti lami vu 1.1 ne« ©-»ary to it» terfert u«e “»«vm ©»*’ i* trie «»nly |«*rfe»'t catarrh mun«l Burgau, Jo«oph barvev , John nnty. «»rnf»MG kl««» J<«H-|ih Frant i« Ackeminn. II E. which ie pualtively guarant«'©«l to « ure srs- « tp 13. « at * mmii m any f«»rni «»r »tag© if imnl ac- So. I3S0!, tor th- ns «, s, r 3 r. ('or*ling to th»* direction» which nrrono tn Ile natura tlx- l>i||o*in*-wituea**** ¡■anv «a« h |«arki lami, sis: k*-|n-r will receive »|»»*ml advice from the dia- Kropp. Jams* II S'ott. Francis II « fi­ lili» ami F<*lniiin! Allsiny, cmerrr of tin» womlerful remecy gurdrng ynuriwae with*«ut ©mat U» mu I l.iun rsHinty. Ors-ipui CHAS 1« MOORE*. ueyood the regular price «»( “am r> i a* ItiTíi-tnr. the “flVARA »If LMI* « AT* RM «II ft RK Sent prt*|«ki to any addrr«« in th«* Anli-Guni pula new life in your I nibsl State« <>r Canada <»n mvipt «4 One Indiar A«klrr»« Ibrpt E »i?5 En- wheel. Rit »mi m à (numi, mol Ttn the Jftth »lav <4 Jun© 1‘AH.at |l I • ur • 4 one «‘\b«t k IP th© alb-ntO“!» »4 »¿id •lay. at the fr«>n| ii*««T <4 lb© umrt in AB miiv , |.inn <'«»nnly, (trvfiui, m pttRfoianca 4 an upWr <1 th© i >unty (*«>urt «4 »aid «»»antv duh and entrrvd •»! w<«ir«l in «nd by «a»4 «mrl un th© 7thdav »4 May, tn th© n»aii ter «4 th«» ot^t© »4 llarvev f»!»©lt«‘n. da- k«»< I I ll • .-*• » I I i \ a: i - led, a«'ting and qtiahtbd a*lmii.i»^rfft*>r «4 th© ©Mat© <4 Raid llarvre Shrlvm, dar vihimn L will ft B at imhlio auclU4> to th© bi»ldt-r fur «a*h in liand a ! «kph •al© and in portal« t«.» amt pun-ha*er«, all th© right, ttth- atai ihtafaats whh h th© *ai«l ©d prvmi- m *». ttewit Beginning at a p*>lnt 20 » hain* «**«t <4 the n**Fthw©Rt earner <4 the northvaat «inartrr «4 ara'tHMi VS in T«‘Wi»©hip t©u •rrtith <4 Range <»iw' wr«t and running tbenrv a» hi th L»rty-ftvo chain«: then»'© «fit 6fty*tw«> «'ham* a »©I fifty huka; thrnce norlli furty*6v© < Lain© and tw»» H«» th* t e « .«•’ ft*. e Lu at I right link- thriH« n«»ftn twenty chain» and actcnty two link* then •• ©a«t f«»rtv chain» an*I Aftv-nin© link». a»»d thrnc© «•»nth twenty chain» t«> th© placw <4 i»r- gmntng. in th© dt»fnet* «4 laud» aubjact tn «»«1© at Orego n C ity. Or©g««n, enntam* ing there it him ) nd a n« I nnt«*t<'*,n acre* and fortv on© hun«ln»ltha *4 an acre • to>v*it ^itiiatrd in th© xvMinty *4 14m, «tat© <4 Oregon Th© w©»t half <4 th© «•»nth *' Mt «piartcr «daecthm >.», twenty- •ii in T«»wn»hi|’ N«» l©n. ©»»nth »4 Kang© No. un«» w<’»t, 'Ulamiug • ighl' \l»o thirtv>twr«« acre« bounded aa L I !<»w» < ’>min«*tH'ing at th© northwr»t conwr <4 »evtion thirty Ave of Town* »hip No. ton, Booth «4 Rang© No. Ofie w©*t. tlicnc»* rttnniftg amtlh <»n th© ••C* tloll bn© one-half njiir . tbeiua* twenty arr*'*» ami one hundred an«l rtftv *»| the following 4«,»cnla‘«l .;»rrtn 4 mid 5, i - «. • • wit; all <4 lota N m*h<»‘l land lying north o( <'rabtr»*e creek in aeotkm thirty dire. Town*hip i ten «wmth. '4 Range nite w©»t, WHIam- ette Meridian, county rd Lum, State «4 Oregon. I m *ing thirty acre • more or Ir»« All*«» the followiny d«’ -rrdbp. Mtiiiihd in Linn t’ountv, Oregon Al«o the hili’ "ing «I«»« r> lcd premi- «H*», t<»-wit L*»t *ne -«•«•tioti twenty si » (26», ToWludiip ten Routh, K ai ..'« lie w<*«t. Willuiiirtto Mendisn. containing 3V 30 «ere« <4 teltool lami sitnate-l lit Linn <'omity. <>r»*gon. Al»o the f>lh’Wing » 122 ami 127 a« known ami ( th© town »4 S’lii. in Linn < «»unt\ . Or<-g”«», «av© and cirrpt a |»art <4 lot ur bl»» k N«i 122 de- »«'Klied at hdluw«. t»©wit . B« gmnmg at th© mirthi’ii-t c«»m©r »»f »aid lot or block 122 and running them »* we*t along th© m«rth lim* ©aid lot nr block N«> 122» 1UO feet tbrnc© «»nth 75 (•»•* . them.** ea-t 100 fed t«» th»* ©a»t line «»f - ah I lot <»r block N«». 122; thence north along th«* ra»t line <4 nai «! hit »»r bl|n‘ar like a man. Th«»e Rets and thoughts invi* shirts • • xhouhl he enootirag«*d. for h. thoughta now, in thu simpl< « otne tu ami look ut olir mutter of clothiug, in after life Wilt Ille will lllipi ap|H*ar. lir. < Our ' line of styh - of N' uli ’<’<• which ........clothing boys’ and voutlis' iir<' cla«-eil us leader for are perfect titing and prices thi.-* reason. « 1111111 the reach of all. ST A Y T<»N,- OR EGON FURNITURE ^UNDERTAKING GOODS Mv stock i- the ino»! cotiiph'te ever «hown in Scio. Call uik I see mv new nl trains .it We»t .*■» tw'i.ui morning train at M linkers. tsataoï. ADMINISTRAT«»!«'* NOTICE VOTIVE I» hervby given lliat Ih« UH ìnt«-i a»l- nnnistrntor <4 thè estate of J II l’vcry, di-reascil, late *»f l.inh nainty, Or»-g«»ii All persoli» havmg etniiu» againet sani ••state an- hcrvby required lo prvsvnt thè »«iiie, dulv verin«!, «s l»y la» rw|iiirs»i, to the underaigue«!, at mv piai «• w busi­ ness in Scio, Oreifoti, a ilhm sic ni'uiths Irmi! «bis date Thi» tlie liti» dar <4 Yprtl, |no| M M l’EERY, J. J W hitskv , Aduiinisiralor Attornev fi>r adniiiiistmtor G. D. TROTTER G. I). TROTTER - isa-jor- ■ C. fl. WHALE SALEM ANI» PORTI.ANI» I.KAIHNU tlF.At.FIl OF Tilt: NOHTHWKMT t X Pitinos aiMl lln|:ii>s... liiHtritmentu Sol.I on Eit-v Terms. < 'all ami See my (roots Before Pit relinking. 1 lobes nlways on hand* at reas onulilo prices, at the. SCIO. • • • • ORE«)* N W tNTI’l» 4» !*’• tMl» < r rf««O'l clmrMriirr to ie«a’* hotiar. R*«» a )«4*r, »ai«* I «y «tr »»»<»re litan rttwrî« •»o»« requli«-). Our reform*«, any t««nk tu any ©il) . ffnrk***'»««IÍ a»l'hr»wa-r| «lami**) m* vriopr W mg «tfu»!tir«»«. TtHfl ffNor. Ml Ihnt tNirn »i l ss * »air II. * ur< guaran Irrd Baoklas »Hl Ss • pl« free AUdr«M Ht.iUris Ucms-ls »•wo or Now Yorb. A ^tmwmwmwwmmmmwmmmwwwmww’ wime 3 5 XI FROM 5 CTS. fi ROLL UP. I» 5 E 3 AT F 3 F 3 F 3 DAWSON ’ S, ALBANY F 3 F 3 F 3 Money by Buying from Him 3 ^lliiUUiUiiiHUilHUiUUiiHiiiUiUHUUiiiHUUiUiUHUiUUii^ £ F »