•«' * to'* ó :.** •'* • •••■*• \ i B*F a .5 -BBr - «P’*'« ‘ iiï *■ **"• •> . jfzJ-- z'.'«¿•f 3*n*r*l horn All Parti of the New World 0. L VIMCEMT. Prpjv and the Old. Only First-Class Shop tn the City IS rent. 25 “ IS " 25 “ >f ISTtEtsT TO Otn AAST RfAIrfffS 5o p-«h<> of IM Pati k><* be a few Filipino« In th« legislativ» council Kitchener Is arranging stale by fresh troops to replaça California oll «(¡w- 4buU acres near Tb« I bou !sd The striking dock tellies bav at Mar National will invest! Com mereiai House employes' union and trouble. Assuranr Columbia I J. Bl-Akl), Prop • arm- red cruiser Algier» for Manila. Ntwiy F uh i U m I and Rric'rd *1 hrviighcmt. Our takbi arv «upylwd with ths ha»« thv market» all *i.J* SOO, OREGON South of Bndgv. Captain II K Steele, of the British ship Khyber, was arrested for kid­ naping. 5 ” . ’A. ’ • . Hon ba« begun service«. General Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers.. »M a - «1 t*| HorsesboeiDg a Specially... SCIO, OR • • BANK OF SCIO ' ' Sunday \ . ■ » ;l afternoon t'nlted Ríate« commission makes r«< ommen* dation« for civil government to lie esta bliahed July 1. The largt-hl »(«-amer cYcr built baa juat been launched at Belfuat Hb« la over USO few in length l,aw>«*r Patrick alno arrm»rd <•1 murder of Millionaire Rh e *ay* X’alet Jone»1 ronh -ojon I» not true. says la has given 2<5O0 building of a new r. h In N.- w York ■ ■ CAPITAL, $20,000 OFFICERS: Previde nt Vka Prevalent Caahur E. P. Csdw-rl! J. V. Garnet C. V. Johns. < bxs a t«ierai binding and rt tungr butine». Loans mad« at current rates and drafts issued on principal cities. A merle pissed o calve ofl China » rec They and A. W. HAGEY WAI A l « 4. OIIV olire 4 •J and - of the second ■ently rec |v«d worth of reve- 14 . It • 4 r* - k« asd yslred ,iv»i Uy sao OREGON Corvallis 4 Eastern R.R. ¡TBH4 Irovra A banv < ufffaiilB actives 1 a,u!üa 11 <• 1 M iw r m < e r * 1 , MinrMlai ì a%una ! di* »» < or* a. ta A ,*!«•• A ibatty • 1 A M li » A M UDI' M Wu »•. 1, for I »a * •• A1 *a*3* Arri**« iMKfoil Rm. *, r«lural«| 1 «a*»« titrait Arri**« A.Dati, • OC A Il JU A M M - is )• r m 4 « r m Usa I «nel • «enn«. l «l A Varo «nd -re. Il« «uk «ccutr.rcn r.c.n ir«xx si* . g 4i-c * ««rei««« u. • I Irouc S««pori «ad «.l.'ftc.i.l l.*«. h«« Tram« t«r «h« mosalani« arri«« ■« bel«..>:! si eoo. «.viti« ampi« ila.« 1« re«, h c«'«i- ■ , gr.’usd« 0« lk« Br«ii«nt”ish «s i -sui.«:« «:«•■• Ah« «ani« dar gDWIM m>Ng. M.a«««r Il L WAlt'ÌX, T r A r A ■ CUBANS GO TO THt PORTLAND. • M i<>, Keystone Shaving Parlors J. Tl ISll, Agsnt, Alba*? EAST AND SOUTH VIA High wratrr at Richmond. Quebec, carried away a «!•-«•! bridge whhb < oat !<•’* Tu»* Inhabitant» have fir i to th«* high bill* near the town High ofhclal of the ordnance depart ment will iii’>|H' m . * • a. Pslln.«- «nd I • .1 rar, n t*.". f, n« ................................«nt.. . ■ « ', . ,n t r I*«, • 1 • ■ >••* • aud * tab' ■ «' » < wunaeUB« at «an Vranriaeo «uh «aversi It*«« tor H..«*.' .(lu. Jsp«n - bla« Fb-.lpr nag ( entrai and »- its km. . ■ «•• Mr« M k Wuedmanaa« «gant SI Waal «cia »calia« «a ad I r«> The Alaska Hteamshlp Association, at a rec«nt meeting, tlxed rates to Alaska points To HLagway th<- tare «III Le *25 tirât cla-s. *1C ge.-ond clasa. to Da««on, tirai claa». *100, second cia»«, J*0. - • IS'. VOL. • L1XN tn* Platt HAVA.SA, Apr l * The »ocalled radlcnl element in the Cuban vonatl- tutlonal convention ln> holing Juan □otnrg, port u on do Alman and Man tulry. tad a confertoday «uh Governor General Wood regarding the Platt amendment General XV< mm 1 «ahi that the t'nlted 3tatrw government lntent»»r fere w Ith C * 4I{ lf . . . . Ji,, explained that the Washington Inter* predation of clauae 2 of the achrme >f relation» w»a thn? the Fulled State* claimed the right to intervene ao|«»ly for the purpose of preaervtng the independence of the island main- tainlng an adequate f * r to pn>te< ( life |-r*»p« rty and Individual liberty, and completing the obhgattona Im I« « d t v tti«- fr« aty of p upon th* t’nlted Slat**» Ik ripreaaod the «»pin |<»n th.nt In drawing up a tr* -ty many point* In the future relation* <>f Cub* with the t nltf ! State* might t>r <«i plained to meet present ob}< tlon* The deb rate» r<*tr*d apparently p!<*a»cd wtth the Interview K to XX .»«.K h .» ton. and I •tap Order* were laaued today dir« , ting the holding of municipal ele<*lun* thro -gho-jt (’eg Jun»- IT»« * ill be 15 daya for r«*gi»tratlon. b«g!nnlng April 1>. OllEGON, FRIDAY, oran star hews him» of Interest brom All Psrts of the State COMMI HUAI AND t IN ANCIA! HAPFf NINGS A Boat kiww el th* Growth and Improve Mata el th« Many I «do .Crv, Through. evi Our Thro -•< I oewnoaw«altK Fc-sat Grov«—Hit In-h«s of snow fell near Forest Grov« on April 5 Tn« Dall««—The Dalles council has ordered six mor« fir« plugs to ba In stalled immediatley Nyass—Th« it’Sens of Nyssa <<' 000. tlon Is beginning to a»« in*« definite Eugene—The board of dire« tors of form, but thus far tbe matter has not Eugene school district have accepted been considered by Its« president, nor plans for a new school building, to has Secretary Ixmg had an oppor- cost about »15 000 tunlty to confer with Rear A-lmlral Wendling—Smallpox Is very preva I.’ : H y. Bill th.« naval l.’iic xi of t,av igatlon, which has charxc- of the as lent al thia place, and county author • ernment of ships to the various sta Illes have been appealed to. So far tlons. has proposed that there Ice a it is only In a mild form. reduction of the for» e on th« A*-’.ctl< Corvallis—Bruton county has Issued station. Thia has been baa«.I on a a call for all warrants outstanding recommendation of the n. .; lia illug th« contract for construction of a new »at. r to*, t The tower will be thirty- NEWS FROM ALASKA. flv.. feet high ATRIL INTERVIEW WITH 12. NO. KRUGER. Opine Transvaal 4 t«« Situation. NEW YORK. April * - -A dispai-h to th« Herald from 1‘arts «aya Aa !nt«rv!ew with Mr Kruger ap pear« In the Matin The «4 president of the Transvaal waa seen In a mod rat little Inn at t'trecht where be I« staying for the moment Hla eyes have been very much Improved by r« ent operations, and he can now dis pense with spectacle« Hitting Id front of a tali« with a lllbi« under hl« left hand Mr Kruger delivered him»- If of an Important «lalement. to which further significance was given by th« presence of the Orange Frew Stale delegate. Herr Fischer Mr Kruger began by announcing that I Saturday nett he propauces retir- Ing Into the country for (empiete rest Tbs little village of llllbertum. not far from Vtrocht. ha« Leen «e- lected for hla ab<«le Nothing ha« yet i*een decided regarding his trip to ABierl a Mr Kruger will undertake th« Journey if bls strength permits and If there Is any hop« of gaining advantage for th« ll-wr cause Pointing to Herr Fischer the aged president declared that the two re publl- s are Indissolubly united "Herr Fischer." he said. "Is fight Ing for the same cause as mv heroic­ friend President Hteyn. The two presidents and th« two commanding generals. Botha and Itowet. will share th« same fat« " On being questioned regarding th« reliance he placed on th« Boer of Arial telegrams and statements In parliament Mr Kruger half rising from his arm rhalr. tha listened to the British proposals, he never uttered a word of equivocation on the subject of Independence In dependence la the only treasure we cherish, even If we have to sacrifice all others It Is for thia reason our cltlrens forsook thefr farms and sac rlficed their Ilves, and our women and children now suffer temporary servi­ tude In ths enemy » ramp TO PREVENT ARMY FRAUDS. Regulations Concerning th« Trans­ portation of Supplies. WASHINGTON. April » The war department has received a copy of a regulation to carry Into effect an act of the Philippine commission amend Ing a section of the provisional cub toms regulations »hhh la of Interest. In view of the recently reported frauds in tha commissary departn >-ut In the Islands It shows the prec au tlons ordered to be taken to guard against any misappropriation of gov eminent supplies These regulations Athena—A man arrived at Athena provide briefly that where supplies Peculiar complication at Sktgway in on a new bicycle and waa Immediately for the army or navy in th« Philip Regard to B nded GocJs. PORT TOWNBKND 55 ash Aprl 5 art« Ht.-d by request of Pendleton au pin«« com« on other than government thorllles He had stolen the wheel vessels they shall b« a< companled by According to advlio from Al o from a store at that place brought by the steamer Dolphin a certificate from th« chief of depart day. a peculiar complication in 1 Medford—A pioneer butcher of this ment charged with their custody cer custom» business at Skagway I e has been « C Applegate, prompt notice must be* given the col Skagway In bond. Th«-y »«re entered as British bottoms without cargo agent at Klamath Indian agwncy, la lector of customs for the Islands In They are Lille ! to 55 bite Horse and making arrangement» for eitenalv« case of the nonacerptance of any con ar« being dismantled for > hlpnx ut improvements al th.- agency for whl< h algnrnent of goods or .-an< ellatlon of over the railroad |*lcc,- tn pl...... An provision was made nt the last ses­ sale. Goods purchased in th« Philip Amer!> sn and a Hrilinh c ustom offi'-«*r sion of congress pin«» after Importation must be ac are stationed on meh boat Th« own Ions—A »«II la being sunk at Ion« companled by an affidavit of the seller era of the boats »III not breck up the near the depot for the Oregon Itallroad affirming that an absolute sale has hulls nor ship sip h portions ss are A Navigation Company. Tlx* road been mad« by him and that "he re Injured In dismantling and the «us »III ha».- Its windmill above town tains no Interest of any kind or char toms offl' «r st Ssngway Is trying to • . 1 t * t h. r a e c|. ..Il *.. ■ n k acter In such goods.1' Hue! out what to do with what la left * 1 ■ pply the engines with and whether he can coll« t duty on water during the summer. NEGOTIATIONS WITH BOERS portions of vessels not Shipped The company says it »III burn what Is le ft More of t»« K>t< **«««« Botha Carrs PORTLAND MARKETS. H of the V I'*»»«’ in, but that does t spondsnea Mads Public. lufy Collet tor Atulrvw«. and hr hn* LONTMlN April S The letter of 55hc«t 55'alla 5V«ila 57c Valley written th«* departnwnt for Inatruc General Botha, the Boer Commander i nominal, blue-stem. 59c per bushel. liana, Flour - ll«st grades *.' Ti'JJ 40 per In Chief to Lord Kitchener command iMacovrry of roal in Klon 1Hke ha* Ing th« British force« In Houth Africa brought forth an ord«T from Ottawa barre l graham I.' 504 17. brewinc. General Kitchener's report of th«* ne «••♦ntly rwelved at I uwih guttations and from which the oppo *!•> 50rr 17 per ton a general protest aa r< Mlilatuff» Bran. *l’l per ton. mid ii. r ts of Colonial Hec retary c hamber th •' iff’ • lain hot»ed to obtain soin« clew of th. high without the addition of royalty dlinga. *21 50. aborts. ,17 50. rc ««on of the failure of the c-onf«r«n e I Hay Timothy ,12fll2 50 clover. was published as a preliminary piper Bid» for a New Crulaer. Thia letter Is dated at »1 hay, ,i(f 7 psr tills morning Washington April • I* - w«Te I th« Commandant G«* • ra! a . «nip Feb Opened In the oflb •• of th- rr< rrftry ton. Hops -12014c per pound. 1599 crop. ruary 1J. and comm«n< es with a refer­ of the na%y todav for the <-»»tr.i t to ence tp "the verbal message from Vc ur • 4» build the p; 14?<• I cns vr Xis! < • ■ Continuing, the letter Wool Valley. 13014c, Eastern Ore­ ex«. Im-qi otherwise known aa protected < rularr 91/12«. mohair, 2O02ic per says No 21 H* refary Lon- air • • • I gon "I have the honor to Inform your » pound Butter Fancy creamery, 2002'Hc; excellency that no on« desires more should any belatc«| bld rea< h the de* partm« nt whh h fa j»t ■ d to I »ve dairy 150 la«, store, 1001214c per than I to bring this bloody strife to an end. I would also very much like to been held up on a »count of the aiorme pound. Eggs Oregan ranch, 13013%«' per meet your ex. «lien« y for the purpose in the We*»«. It will be considered of mutual disc ussion ' > see If It ts along with those opened today There doxen Poultry Chickens, mixed, ,3 50’ a not possible to discover terms under were Ito bidder* and three bld* the dressed. !!0!2c per which this can t*« d, . . Union Iron Workw of Han fr-melscci 5 h«ns I'*«* springs. ,405 per doxen. and Cramp« * Son of Philadelphia pound, tbe latter non submitting two »«-pa .I’«««. ,5»/*'. ««••»« t1 ui p«r doxen PURSUED BY PLUMER turkeys, live, 11 4 12i dressed. 13 0 14c rate proposals. per pound Cheese Full cream, twins. 13*1 Boar Asat cf Gx-rnnurl Is Again New Washington Sawmill. Noting America. 13%014c p«r South Bend. Wash . April # Th a 13%« Shdtad. frame la up for a new . wm I at pound. LONDON. April » lxird Kitchener Potat«vra 45055«- per sack Francea. In whl« HI A Custer Is the Mutton laimba 1X%C per pound ¡»porta aa follows to the war office moving spirit. The machinery Is «» "Colonel Plumer has advanced 20 pected dally, and It Is thought ’h« gross, best sheep, wethers. ,5. ewe« dr«i ••'! 7% 47', per |H>und mile« beyond Nylstrootn unoppoaed on mill will be running Ny May I It It Hogs Gross heavy *5 7509. light the way, toward Pletersburg." will have a dally capacity of 20 not* feet. It will take the place c.f Mr 44 7!'«t5. dressed 7« per pountt A ordina to the Pretoria corro Veal Mrge. 7©7%c per pound; Custer's shingle mill which had tn t« «pondent of the Dally Telegraph the closed down on account of his cedar small. *%09c per pound Boera have shifted their «»st of gov B«ef Gross top steers ,’>iJ5 *• land being tie I up In a tr 4 75. dressed ernment from Pletersburg to a point beef, 7O*%c per pound Northern I'm ID. tra< k. 25 mile« northeast Ovsrcoms by Gss. Chicago. April * Five person« Casti«1' public »r«*r« overcome by g s In « n .1 !■ -n. « Strand. Ixindou, and the tx*nn at 340 North Htatc street this even pay £ 22.500 as Ing. and except for a woman's effort» probably would have met death from asphyxiation. The rescuer. Mrs Mary Probably th« smallest monarch In Kearney, who also w cs aff« ted by the th« world reign» over th« Hindu vaa gaa, although slightly, managed to «al state of llhopanl. and governs a carry the five un- <*nschni» wot «n and people of Kore than n million sou!« children Into the yard A pliysl lan Thia dwarf la a woman, Djlhan llo- was summoned, and. after «eterni gum by name, but although «hr la hours' hard work he aald all would about 50 year» old. ahr dore not ap recover, although two were atlll in pear larger than a child of 10. a serious condition. "Edinburgh The houae situated in the la to be haul.-d down, county council has to co tn pentatlon. COl’NTV, SATISFIED. Wood E»pi«>ea A me nd row nt. 1 All ths Gun« Accounted For. In Ikon Sweden had a population of 2.S&O.OBO. and at tne present time. In Ix.ndon April » —Lord Kitchener, spite of the large emigration which reporting to th« war office the finding baa given 1............. I” pie to th« of an abandoned and destroy. I pom I’ntt.-d State«, the population la S.. pom near Vrlheld. says Thia ac 150itOO count« for all the enemy's gun« known But one person 1« alive who •at In to be In the southern district.” the house of commons w hen Queen 5’lctorlx came to the throne It It Cape Town. April t General Karl Fltxwllllam. who. when Viscount French continues to presa the IJoers Milton. was «lected a few months at Vrlheld. Transvaal colony Th« before William IV 4l*d. At the Dia­ Boers abandoned a pompom which mond jubilee there Were several But* th« British found In a small shed at 1 Ivors of pre Victortan parliaments. the bottom of a precipice mu me mt nut R umis Will Sot Leave Manchuria I ntil She Sees Lit. urn OCHFATIUS IS ONI* rrwFofiag* f ipUnslw« •) N«r Atlilud« li k«li*l«ON, April 9 The Singxporw correspondant of th« Dally Express wires a story of cannibalism at ana brought to Singapore by two aurvlvors of th« Novo Hcotlsn bark Angola, which was wrecked six days after sailing from Manila. October 23 last Th« correspondent says "Th« survivor« - Johnson, a Swede and Marti'-irmi, a S¡«anlard assert that th« Angola atrw k a reef Two rafts were built The smaller, bear- Ing fiv« m«n. disappeared The other. with 12 men. drifted tor 4! days The les scaweau! »( «wee.! and sailors ate barn«- barnacles, finally tbelr boots • nd on the 25th day two became I Insane and killed tb«mseiv«a On the Sih a Frenchman killed the mat« with an at drank hla blood and tried tn rat his brains but was pr- ventel t v the -h«- ■ Next day th« Frenchman was killed »till« attempting to murder the captsin The survivors, all of whom were now In san« ate th« Frenchman's tnsty Can nlballstn continued until only Johnson and Marti, ornu remained Ou th« 42d day th« raft stranded on H ¡t.| or Flat Island In th« N'atuna group north »eat of Borneo Johnson and Mar tlcornu were awfully emaciated Friendly Atalaya sent th«m by junk to Singapore " ST PKTKRRBVRG April • Th« - Offl. isl Messenger today publishes a 1eta:l«d review of thn negotiations conducted by th« allied powara with the Chinese plenipotentiaries st Tlvtl Tsln and l'ekln. and of th« negotla Ilona that led to th« presentation of the French draft of peace conditions, which consisted of 12 points, but which are not yet concluded The Russian government then make« th« following atatemsnt 55 fall« anticipating an early settle, ment of th« questions affecting th« mutual relations between all th« pow- era and China, thn Russian govern AGREED TO BY CANADA ment. on Its part, considered It n« «« •ary to concern Itself with the estab­ lishment of a permanent order of Will Esamlne alt Cattle Destined for thli «« In the Chinese territories along United States the borders of which the Russian 5VAHIIINGTON April 9 Aa a re Asiatic possession» extend for a dis suit of negotla’ e b. tween H« re* try lance of «'Ki*» versts tbJoo mtlesi. To of Agriculture 55 Ison and the Cans this snd. provisional written condl dlan minister of agriculture, an agree tiona for a modus vlv«ndl »• ra ment has been reached between th« agreed upon first between the Hus tw«> administrations by »bl. h Canada slan military authorities and the Chi la to have a first « lass veterlnarIan «ta n..»e governors of three Manchurian Honed In England to test for tut*«r provinces With reference to the in culoals all British cattle shipped to stltutlon of a l<*< al civil admlnlstra this country via Canada Th« Cana tlon subsequently, and after a careful dlan administration »anted cattle to consideration of all th« circumstance«, be admitted from c'ans Is with” it teats the Ituaslan government drew up the at th« border by American experts draft of a «|*e lai agreement with The department at Washington would China providing for the gradual evac not agree to thia H«. ret ary Wilson nation of Manchuria, as well aa for ■aid. however, that If Canada would th» adoption of provisional measure« send to England an se nt who sii. ’ild to aaaure peace In that territory, and have sufficient egpurt knowledge of to prevent the recurrence of «venta the subject the t'nlted States would similar to those of last year t'nfor admit cattle upon his certificate that tunately with thn object of stirring th« cattle I I I been test.- I Stl l found up public opinion against Rusal*. free of (u:.«r< ulosls Th ■* was agreed alarmist rumors wer« circulated In to by th« Canadian minister It Is the foreign press regarding the |.ur- officially e11« eoua report» were designedly spread eased that tbl« government *111 not of an alleged agreement between ¡«•rrnlt the admission of sny animals Russia and China Aa a matter of from there fact, this agreement waa to serve aa a basis for the restoration to China, CLEARING THE HARBOR. aa contemplated by the Russian gov­ ernment of ytanrhurla a hl« h tn . on Collier Msrrimao is Being Blown Out sequen<« of the alarming events of of tne Ws, last year were occupied by Russian SANTIAGO t'K Ct BA April 9 Elf troops In order that the requisite military measures might be taken. It t»«u hundred pounds of dynamite wer« was Imperative that the :• at'i.in used yesterday afternoon In blowing should be seCtie t one way or the other, up the forward superstructure of the it waa Impossible to lay down forth­ '•.¡liken I r.:t> d States collier M.-rrt with by moans of a mutual agreement mac, which hss long Impeded the «11 Th« explosion t trance to the harbor Manchuria V ■ or-ting to n«»» re was heard plainly in the city live Diver» Immediately de . elved serious h e.Iran os aer« pls «d miles away In the »ay of the <*onc lunlon of such »«ended and found <0 f««t of dear an agreement and In eonsequenc«. Its water over the forward portion of th« Port Captain Irving will be ac< «plane « by China which was India wrack peiisabl« for th- gr lunl ■ va latlon of gin tomorrow t«> pb« e mln*-» aft »hi h the province proved to be imi '.«»lbie hr expe* I» to explode lu a «« • k. thus ' As regards the eventual restoration completely clearing the harbor en of the province to China It Is man­ trance Yesterday ■ Incident was highly ifest that am li Intention • an only Residents on Smith Key be carried out when th« normal sit­ spectacular uation la completely restored to th« adjacent to th« wreck, left th« Island empire, and th.- central goveruinunt fearing that their bouses would be The overlooking hllle •-statrllshe.l at the . apltal Independent demolished and strong enough to guarantee Ilus were lined »Ith people, and large sta again st a r« -« numbers of pleasure s«-«k«rs «ndrcled When of last year While the H . an t >v the wreck at a safe distance eminent maintains Its prevent organ the «l«ctrlc button »aa lou* hd a pyr Isatlon In Man* hurls to preserve amid *’f water ar”«. »" f- I and th« surface was Immediately .«>»er«d with order In the vicinity of the broad Th« frontiers of Hussla. and ivmalns faith­ wreckage and tons of dead fish ful to Its original and oft ropeatwd po launches and yachts returned to th« th* lit: al programm* It »III quietly avail city laden with souvenirs of wreck tne further courso of events " STORM IN MARYLAND. • now In ths Mountains May Lead ta a Flood. HAGERSTOWN. M l April I This ••ctlon of the Cumberland valley Is walled In with ano* which rov«rq m "intaln rang«, north an I south to a depth of from three to five Inches as a result of tlie recent .form Th« rainfall waa heavy causing a sudden rise In the Potomac river amt other «tr«ams I h« Potomac- la swollen about six feet, and la atlll rising, with «very Indication of the stream getting wild and doing damage Th» banka of the Chesapeake ar nd Ohio canal are being watched at I points w here the river bounds the towpath Other stream« are nearly out of their banks but no damage I» reported Reports from the famous South Mountain pea. h belt Indicate that In jury has been done to the early fruit by th.. fr...r.ng weather The early ' ■* 11 »‘1 1 ■ n for' * • m <>i • a by the recent warm weather, and th« sudden change With the temperature falling to freeslng cam« at «uch a tlm« as to do . ..-.SI.!, rabie Injury I p ’n thia time there »». rospo, t of a larice crup or p*a< h*« tnl* summer Mgnilg Msrbe* Impeewements. Washington April 4 The division of insular affairs war department, has received copies of th« specifica­ tions and blue prints showing ths proposed Improvement of th., port of Manila authorised by the Philippine commission The work include» about liOi’K) cubic yards of riprap. 21.000 cubic yards of concrete and rubble masonry In breakwaters, about S 000,- 000 cuhlc yards of dredging and a pile of bulkhead <700 feet long Ths dredging will be In mud. »and and shells to a depth of 20 feet, th* dredg Ing materlsl to tie used for reclaiming land. Rsductlon of Money Order Rates. Washington. April » In addition to the arrangement with Canada. It Is «Spec ted that a redUc lion of postal money order rates between the t'nlted State« and both th« I'blllppln«" and Cuba will be put In operation on July is. next The arraiisement just sign* 1 hc’tsrm C.. po«t*l administrations of the Vnlt« I States sn I Canada will uk, ,-ff.o t on that day and negotla tlons arc now In progress with th« islands mentioned which are expected jo be consummated tn llm« f**r all three arrangements to be effective simultaneously ______________ Tbl« meati« a reduc tlon on all money order business b- (»reo th« t'nlted States Canada. < 1 ba and the Phlllppln.-s of from 1 p* r cent the International rate »bl< h now applies to three-fourth of I per rent which la the domestic r.«'.g. Fatal Train Wi«*k. Kansas City Mo April 9 •By th« derail'»« of th« engine and a number e’fupty b«-ln£ brought lnto th« . tty this evening *n th« Kan City Huburt.an lb -It I.In« railroad hn(. f,„