yUZ4«ara«'a< up! u I on to bave much weight, and ^/bbra«. il I» well under»«*.«! that be la more FtTil lallKii XVEK1 r«H>AY AT interested In blauwn in*>Ulh than In »1'10, LIN* 4’4»., OMEGI»*, the mouth uf the Cuiumbl«.—T!*« r»MM» T iik preti ut thè »tate are «Imo»! F»r »naam, lavarlaM) In »Han»«. Il W Mi laoalk*. '* .......... 1 •• « unii io oppoeltton lo Mr. Cor lieti ArteerUMni mio» al Mir.lt».a« rau*.u> t« (or Uniteti rilute» aanator, and «e *» >l raomlUy cannili *e» Ju»t why anjrona «bouirl tilh«.ni ndvoeiuemonte 0. «•< ’• |»M de»Ire to forca theiu’vlve» upon thè Wtaon lhn*>rl«r ta«t«vn lo. lk- *• .*»»*' -*• peopl» ot thè »tata ahan thelr aer KM'erv4»l tlV al M" *»•« '44*il IWlIl! > 1 —" .................... ............ Vice» are no bltterly uppiwd. a »•*****eee»e«»»»»»»»eeeee* BY THE EDITOR : ............. . .................. Tl4K alntcment by aom<* of Ih» pr-era hi tbi* »»«la Ih it Ih» t; ri-fiulilii cu p ipr-ra <>f tli» l'i.rtlanU, nrr < p- al iti', out»tuv i.f I«*■•«.) »i. hi» i-lortlon, oot te lira iu- •aiitutiv» uf a ring, and, it <-l<« tei!, w>iul>l Work for Ilio iiil<-r«*»l» of Hi it ring; tbi-ri luri' h<* III«* I»-t I» noi to reprratcnl III* wlioli* pi-oplr utati of ibv »tiitr of Orragmi in III» Unitili Slitte« M-nata. Anuttier atclvim ut, A Prominent ihi\*Jt<> Woman speak» Prof. Boia Tyler, of < hlcago, vice- Mwddent lltinrda \v«joian’t AIBsnev, in Bixwking of t'hniiil» ri dii'« Cough llvmvdy. Maya: **! auffetvd . Ith a severe cold ihl* w Inter w bleb threat envd to run into piM’umonla. 1 tried (flderent rvmt'iilaui bul l wem od to gmw w«>rw albi the mecHcine upset my atumarh. A friend ad viaeti me loiry Ctiamt»*rlatii*a < ough Kerned y and I found It wa* pleasant ti> Iuka and II rvlii’ved moat on. v I «in now entirely rwnvetud. ove«J a dorlor’s UiH. lime and *utTering, and 1 will never t»e without thi* splendid medicine ag-»m.*’ FX>r sale by Peery Peery. druggUlw MOHSLS TM» AND ! CORRESPONDENCE. J «*•• tn»«k twill at Neto Chrlatma» night ami all |e|« rli«l a jolly time. The dauce that w»« given al lh<> home of Mr. and Mr«. Frank Mack Wrraa I» era all y ktlle*dj meat» ti ori to (’iwtu'B ia ti ailly m.irti.i, with «otti» phyaloliagic»! »uMaptlbiUty emuniilliig frutti imputtanì, • -*r. l iicii* that makea th»* animal in -r* miner uro «urely a few u <-o In Hil» alali* able than other» In the aetiwu of auch a current Th* Lotnl-*» Lanoat Lohte tei'iifo Mr < oriteli w ho aro 'Ulte« san h am ani > vicinity . fui men, »mi whu m« «a i- inpetraul that Iber* I» i, . g - t gr lud f ir thia a*, imption 1 h« axplauali'-a iwra «tea- and capatile «« he, ami whu .in-imi Prof. G. A'. Stricklin, of Mxxburg. wli»rt Tha b'H’f. ad tn>»ra particular owned or conirolltal by a ceriuiu »in in our mid«t Saturday ln«t on a Ba crual alai! amie la a g »«i Inani |«illlleni factlou. Tru«', w v w mi n ate*, but the ah« | r«»aenia tu the t!) itlg cull mi *»l*l friend*. Gene Pomeroy nnd l.ve Chapman capa'ili* uni »Un • »»fui imiti lo repr< - gr-und a larga uratralllc cun tact, and thia crai Ira.-t I» in connection with atl<-ii*le I tn laill m John < unoing •cui u», bui let u» iuive uni« wlm i» m » tai lie ■-.induct..ra lu the »liapa of hatti*» Friday n-ght, and r« |«*rt a fra« lo wotk for thè l tcreat» uf ltn aalte which planea lha alrvugeat large crowd and a g<«>*l Hiim. 1 here wan a fine mh Ini »Inging nt Unii»«! State-*, ami thè »».«!•• of r in ilo- future and nunt, Mr. and Mr». M. < . Gaiue« •ufflciently wet U> form a good »urfaoa of < ‘rahtree, at they never hav- in the p.i«t The ara carry a current db oonductor. and I lierv 1« i new man in our ««-etiun new lentury will pr< »ent many new rec Uy from the earth I > the tipper part vi»|t||ig ilia fitrnirr« «long t r.iblren Idea* .md method», «omo of which of the tenir In thia way the eafety uf creek, v"ntr.me p-rhap« w ill ■ ground than • man aud rune greater the »tump, Intenillng to bolhl n mill nel. The century Ju»t clmled w .» rtek from mtact « ■it Ihr old Catueroll mill «Ite neat one of thè mo-t w onderful during of ground further a|>art Farrier» i rntitree »Intlon. ought to ooualder the above well, ao a« J. Calavau i« doing ««■me alaahing to induce thru to te-alow extra car» and clearing up mi lit« farm on the on* can foretell the numemu» di» upon the driving of Hie nail, to aer , creek, it«- 1« quite n liuatler and 1« Covarle» and wonder» that may la* that It dvee Pvt penetrale tei the trying to lay up »ometliliig for a brought to light during thè e oming i "uulek " rnlny ilny. liundreef year». Let nil, however., Mra. .Mary Poindexl*r, er tietter IH sPI PMA C XN Bl tl Wl l> known a« Grandma Poindexter, of try to du what they <*<-> Io better their ow n condition, amt al ¡lie »> iih » Byuwb'g AckvrS by*|M'p*l< Tftbhda. I „1 rw*><«I, w a« down vl»lihig tier non, .1. II. I’uinduxtcr uml family over du a kindly a* I and «t-cuk a cheering < hi • IlHIv Tftbtet w HI glv«’ hnmv- New Year’«. She 1» quite »|*ry fur won! to their fortunato neigh­ diaf»« r» llet or mohvy ndundvd. Sold i lad) of her age. In b «nd*<>niv Un boxes Ml 25 ct*. I lie Indic« »f our rwdgtiliorhood bor. Peory A Pwry. drugght. ■■ l—1 111 r 111 ■ gave Grandma I-Ivener n birthday Spl akix «» of (ho pr »¡»odllon to "You ain't forgot that maximum I «urtiri'v I i»t \Vvdiieail.iy, it being tier "oth birthday, ami rep. rted a liive u secret ballot for armator In tub* you trail Uy, u» you. Saw id »«?’' lovely llineaiuung tlie old Indie» In *A bird in the ha»• party Cigcu^, thn (Irrgnnlan M/a; ’ No, gnu««! .lad general. •‘It 1« enwy lu »or u here an ndvan- wtiff i»<» n !»• n«a»»t * " l.ife Aunt Hannah Bilyeu 1« quite Simon, *hur *ehi»»l teacher «end over word tor. Oi’ve n«»«T seen inyaHf when (M*ve then* will be tin uchool Ihl« Week, Tur JOih century will have 24 l*»«p l»ren aUapr, but OKU bavr » look to- .wing to hl« illur»« «tel not being year», Ihe grentot number poa«inle nightTiV*H»ta able to teach. February Will have five S'utld ■)• —Bm»edtafr—**l tell you, my boy. it it three limea— II«.' i, I'Jth »ml 11'7**. ImptwUblr for hie to find my wife’* stop» the lough ami Work« oil the Cold. The earlie»t |».«»lld«> dale on which poekrt*** rUtrh**llrr—"You shouldn't hr diarouragrd bok a< me; 1 hantn "You arr an rv Pay. Price i’> cent i. waa ISIS. Th«- e«rlie«t ilate »»n Whleb |*,!ts arr you ihu ” s.*»*d (hr «tiler.” itr.-.-nt »tati»lic» of Ilo- «trrrt rail- it will iKcur t« April 2-X. It will r» •*Y»**, air.” ”\Vr!l, 1 wish you would r*«»*l» ili l h* t nitrii Stat*-» «iiow- tlial cur but once In the corning century hike («ft |-.*>|* ' - »it.>1 tri! !»»«• thei uunila-r '.iTrt. U nuli K h ». .ai,'»«« AM uiilr» of whether vf»<-* uco wrttt«-n Io thrMittM on that ilate—1913 The uihldleday Eb^tricity I* traili ami 44.Ì4& mr*. pt tm H i .** **l* it n. mutter uf Hl’gati«»n ?” of tho century will be January I, u-a-it ori >*• u« » iiaUc*». which show* bow •’Vert |*o**ibly.” " I torn it I m - I'.Cd. There will be iwi eu it LI ch aid«- I hzt'r rrUunrd ” trtiml» rvai hr» Uw rriumkablc »uni of Tilt United S»«le« Irvraury ha» fJJ.iMi |»r uiUr of trm k. wherea« thè lo kure a Cold in tine lla y . more gobi coiti in li* vuoila thnn ut capitaiizatìou of thè «team nulriwd« of «uy lime In Un- hlalnry of thè gov­ Ih*' country i« <>uly Kiu.rt.w per tulle, Take IjtXiiHvu Umilio Quinine w hk'h «iguilW» that thi-re u> a g*««! deal ernatimi $471,1011,394, alt liicre-i»ci»f All l>ruggl«t» refund I h< I' at>l«-ta. of water in «treet rùiiroad «t-cuntlc-«. #79,000,000 »luce thè Arai of l.iat money If il fall« tu cure. E. W. Januirv. Oidy ulaiut ti.ill of Hit» < iruvv*» »Igrinlur« I« un erteti I mi » île. gol*) i« thè property of thè guv<-rn turni, 4 .•.16,7.’«A. ni ‘. i trt'ing hel.lagilnst outatanillng gold total certlficnte«. 1 he gold aupply of Ilio country I» now al O'Ilniateil >1, Ite»,in»,Otto, whlle f*>ur yeara ago thè intimata *.»• itìiiXMTdili A l'oKri isn |«i[>er in making a tight against Scuitor McBride, f ill» to are why ;i Monitor wlio h»« «cried uno team 1« any more likely to get gout poalllona <-niiiinill<-e newly «lectid meuHicr. than a Theiirgu meni put up hy this *,une metropoli* trt'i paper waajuat the reverac when Senator Ikilph ri -election. been wa«a candidate for But the editor Im» offer. , known to wear leather »pec- t.iclea. —Newberg Graphic’. Title Portland »»rg.in of Mr. Or- ball« when II cop I ea fr«»m the Biker Oily IlvpuUean. ahotibi 11 »t rl thn the views of that piper <«» the arntiment of the ptnipie t»f Et-tvrn Oregon. Od. AIH*y I” •<•»• w* II known for hit t « i jfiMure Hi »n »terr Not of fba I.4 a .'.Ü vc Bromo Quinine tu . m » V« wu •' caer» re?» tv e»jr «J SHEARED > t »••••« SPECIAL It «llrate» the Otobc Tho fame of Hucklen'a Arnie« Nd va. in the beat in the w old, ex- tend« round tho earth. It'» I lie one perfe t header of cut«, corn», t>urn», brulae», «or»», aculd», tedia, ulco'», felon«. Ache», pain* and all »kin eruption«. Only infallible pile cure, 23c a box at l*e«ry A peer) '» drug •lora. The placa of the daughtet in the home 1« a« large ur »mall a place a» «he 1« able to make It. it 1« really a crnHIvo place, one In which »he can tie the hrlghteat, hnppleat, moat helpful Influence In Ihe home, or •Imply a partaker nf the comfort» and protection of the hum*, with no —Vtper’B iti.*o*l it i» that cenvaln» thought of any return on her part.— January I. idle»’ Home Journal. U m |< aaoncHia »utMtauc* whk*b niakea An exchange tell» nf the wife of a | th« animal» btt« taiak afvnlint w Mellio>ii»t mTnl»l*-r In mi |.o»a town th* rvararvhra pf \(M |W*rtr>n, iWjTFevw reytqfradr pro'TsI not ouH tn* Hie eomil Npirruw. and the preaei t one ia nano-d Quayle. There ar»- nOriMJtMi ubry in jrvtwd I d toffllibra |H£B, two vou'ig iloton», one Spwrmw and but irmlcrrd itntnune mje«' two little Quayle«, and the family (tona uf bkMJtl that haugge««lug Iberia hate beru treated by «erutti in- that the lady wav a ’‘bird.” acuta lion, of them in hompìtat«. Every w. -mti will appreciate a acrt«rd»»< to a rvport v>f lite gfuvrm- little arltrle w hlch m ike» it t«i «I'.iv ninit*» met firal dr i »art ment, Of ihr«* Io remove dirt from her glove« a« >»<4 per rent rveotered. 13 • |»rr rent ca«il> .1» «lie Would era»e the mark» diad, an«! the rv«t «en* «ttll un »U t treat- ot a lead fM*t *-41 I n>m a «t'l-wt of t«.«* meat. It* the b'Wp^tai* alone thr «-tire« per. Thl< little convenience 1» a urrr m ».S a »ui th* »h*0th* i? 5 p»*r cent It come« In m|H?-itfon of ntbhvr. The n'n.ark* att4M*b**d to thr rvj**rt« *>f the form uf a |.|>*ine Jour- Absolutely mid permanently cured U>«i. by uaiiig .Moki T im . A pic i» mt herb drink. Cure» coimtipatlon an I Indi I he Mother'« I a »orile gi.-tlon, make« yit'i ont, deep, work and happy. *xill»f ictlon guimnteed Chmuberinin’a < «mgh Remedy 1« or money tack, JS et« mid Do eta. thu mother*» fat* rile It 1» ph-jaant Powry A Peery, druggi«!. mid *alo lor children to I ike and al- way« iuri». It I* iiili.|id<«l «rapra'h |n I ur << »«« l|M»* »«»«« »nF*»*», illy fur cough», cold», croup anil 'falt« (Sk*otvUI I Mfi'iv Csth *fU»’ tfW' «r «Sc. Il C C li tail tv CUI»’, 4roi^4<1 tempted tn «rdurr Iho Ivgl-I.itur* «ot «tate» with loriupting gobi ilid pur Ity und* tiled will reign! There are »<> many glorimi« i>o»»ih|l!tie« In divi-lou that we haven't time to enumerate them all. Milton Eagle. Beat Out of an Inarca«« nt Ili» Penato*. A Mexican war veteran mid prom Inent editor write». ".seeing the i>dvvrli«einent of Ch.imla-rlaln'« Colic, Cholera and Iliarrhoea It* in erly. I mn reminded that ’• n «oidi* r in Mexico in '47 und '4H, 1 contract* eri Mexican di irrli «-a ilid Illi« rem eily Im« kept me from getting an in- erea«e in my pension for on every renewal n do«e of it rr«l.ir«*» me " It I« unequalled as a quick cure for di irrlioeii ami I« plc.i«.mt and « *fv to lake. For «.do by Peerj A Peery, druggi»!». tteidlea* * heavy col Ur on Noi It E or PUBLIC a in l^utu**! Itoducvd truin S.V lo............. S .dQ l-tidh»' tluo French flannel .M ll«*duc<«d from Si tn.... ' ¡ : laidtea* fancy heavy flannel. i ette wrnplwr with gmai I heavy tedy lining with ’ ¡ •erieanf luck« and braid* i on yoke—a very nobby ' yoke. UtBoru. Th IB nice pircu of / imm U, waiat, with 13 narrow row« of w hite braid, ex­ tended full length of each ■Ida of front of «tyle Mte«t imo ruw Umotii. cuff with while braid tn garment. brulli on I kiiuiu , match Reduced from t'J.30 to............. I.M& ear-prop collar. Se».« i a t.~llond'a «n ig prpof long leggati glint Thia nobby wai.l rtslucexl boote. N* Wl good« frutti t'j.M to 4.10 .. ................. IL.ôQ G. D. TROTTER STAYTON r OREGON í¡ DENTIST LOCATED IN SCIO. h« r«- h» I n«>i nwlt or »me LM»ntb. Util |o make him « !i»v h'*tu‘- ! L b vu b Ihrnnt* t»» »h-fitintry in tliv S ia |»‘ . f On*tf«ih, rm j.r '\t»kwl by thr WlW* of thin •!•<<*. (»ol.lt I'll l isi.» « I' ii . i . in «.- W hite • lui i> < ’now I’l'Ki'l I XIN « - ns - Ö0 Up - 2.»c to 75c . $5.0(i - (' rownh f3.(M) Dantiil »urgt-ry a »|!• hitrottloit ■ *f the Journal la a fair aatnple of tp timkt* final |U»*of tn •nhiwiri <»f hH rlaim, ami tiirti mfet |‘»’**f * III I ton what tlmt popular umgizine iiiteud» 4 I'icrk *t I.I gh I ntint)i,«t AH«i*y <>r»' frett. 4>n /.Y I ajì . v U' i'rtt y A i« ‘ U»i«(, to give il» render« in Hie new cen­ . <1 tury it» rtlrc.idy Wille field nt uaeful- U N , K i >1 ne-< will lie greatly enlmnced. tine II«- ttn Hu« tfrr f«»lt w lit < Willi» ♦«•»• f<» | jm >\ n hl* rxinlHtucrtt« irwItfet’H«’»* ttfw*»» rig | t*nlli*att«»n of Hie atrlklng f. aluie« of the J»nu • «Í ato ¡ I HAÍ4-1 . vi» Pilli \ 4«« « efw . •« , I A litt tr> Journal "ì lio RwIHniora Belle i>irv n, ». lu,nii t*l i AHmny, »t»»l K m »mu* Wh* Mole the Moat Brilliant Mutch ri, t»f Allontiy, tAfWrfoH of Any Girl m America,*’ recall» the < II A* It M ap «ltà>. B f i t that a Yankee ••Queen” one* •al un il Vice Jtigd Hitone In Ire I mil. I here I» a little 1 lay fur ama­ teurs, ”T|ie *1.litio Women’ Play,” iid.iptcd from Mi*« Alcoli*» «tory. TIME l'AIll». FUIxalM For Yaqnlot«: numor into ihe domestic compili» I Ion« of "Ì In- Nm 1 <•••• « of 5i irv t lie 'I rain h'uve« Altamy Fir«t,” < t.ar'c* Major tell« a thrilling •• •• Corvalli«. "Blue River Bear story." and tiif- *' arriv«.« Yiiquina.. font Howard I'omrilnBe» nnolher 1 Ri-turiilog: chapter of °The Story of a Young lra*av»*« l’aqulna............ Man." *'A Winter Seri Ice al l^-wvc« < orvalllx ... „. II..HI t'tiurch ” bv W L. Taylor, and A. Arrive« Altemy ............ 12:11 B. I ro»t'« '• Tow 11 Meeting” are puge 3 For Detroit t pictorial feature» that will tai re Ira-ave« Altemy...'............. 7:00 celved with gieal favor. Edward Arrive» Itetrult ................. ILJU Itok ha* an article on **Thv Two I lleluriiii.g: I vuturlea Hid rill» Magazine,” giv­ LeHVe« I lot roll............. 12: |0 ing a short review of the hl«tnrv of Arrive« Altemy....... ... 6:4A i the Journal. There are nl«o many iiuoHtid two connect a* Attain) other fenlur*-« that w ill prove u»cful ; and helpful to Immemaker». By The and Cnrvalil« with Southern I'rtelfi. 1 urli« I 'u l.l I • li I n it t ompitny, Phila- tl»in«, giving dlrii-t ra rvi ••« to *nd Notable among Ihr pl<-.i»ure» if tine dollar 11 year, ten from Ni-w|«>rl ami itdjwent l« iclie« ** ! am Ibe pA«tor of ibe Kaputt ( bur* b at d«!phia. forded by the Nha«l • Houle 1« the l raiti« for th» inounlnin« arrive nt winter trip Io Southern California >*»g to reach camping ground« un the f ■ I Xl’l Wil NCI IS 11li HI S I anew with ibi» ecciion will ever Brettenhuah nnd sanlhuu river the •r*» J ami U» Sutily develop freali | m >I ii P uf Intere»! uhd Il ACHINO. N Y wbk'h i« Cn-rk, biiiiic day. added -»»uree» of enjoy meni, under hwej‘< by ihe damp I’ m » Aekt*r’» E'itfitah Homed/ in Eliwt.'t Nrost:, It« »unity wk Ira. in the v irlvty of it« wind» from Lake On Manager. m»y rn*t* of cough«, cold nr rrnup. induatrle«, lu II» proli fl*- vegetation tari»» I!»-?* ] ct>t«(r«M‘’rd il. k W Al llt.S, .should ii f »li togivF him iili.iir ro mid am mg It« nuuita-rl ■«« re» *rtv of a t’wd couah, ah'l l»r- r. F. A !*. A. lief IlMHivt 1» iUtfdrd. — •*!'•» aitMl ¿0 mountain«. «Imre, valley mid plain. came M' b«>arwe tl.at 1 rte. I •eery A I’wry. druggi M i'ho two daily Ska ta train« from J l i i : m ti, Agent, Albany. could hardly Portland to < »llfornia have been prratb to ni> recently equip, rad with the muM cong relation approved pattern of at «nd »rd ami It »ai n«*t only tourlvt* «Ici-plng rar«, tiul the low '«halrrswii g in a rate« of fare will «till continue In bodily »rhjr. effect. but cxtrciuely Illu«tr,ited guide« to the winter etubar ? nwing r<» rraort» nf (Wliturnla and Arlaoti» enter the pnlpit may b* bail on appilr*clion tn in 1L1* ev»n«li- liun. I had U. II. M aii K iiam , G. I*. A. For M Kind« of Shortt«. h<"ard of A« k- Portlaril, Oregon. er'a KnglUb R«m«*!y Bn I, after nervier, 1 All brilrakk Callters »ad W eight» Il.,»l| »• ,lto..,l Heep. iMMigbt aboltlaatei lagan taking it. The 1 ult A rtw ravoniTta roa muntinc . (Temi i»li«*t iman« • «■ * in »km N’u , night my thr*»al u a» (¿early a ell, aiei I delit • MaMI 1 «»k » Array «ailter, »«<*M ■ 1-4 pnaM«. iw*Uli wii I mhi I il. ( «■ met», ('and) Calti«» ‘ (trvd iuy M*rm«»n without difin nlty. In a few Medel l«4* 1-0 r*’*»dw «tilín« up the la«y liier ami jrnmg »it ini I be ruy duty tn benefit mankind phydruHy as Madel I«««. » W. ft F. <«i!ber, -Tiik» B en. [unii.» in--n th« I kh I v Begin luU.ijr to I Well a» spiritually whenever 1 can. and am w-igbl ? X-4 J«.ul»M l«inl»ll pirnpl**, tente, bmtatie«, bte> kteinte Modell««]. MMktT»koP oto ,“ w ***!O and that »**-«lv hilmua mniplexum hr latent glad to write th«-»« words in |*rai*e uf thh : Caxaret*, -henntv Inr ti-u < ent» All drug k raid old m»«ltrinr. Tb«*e with sttfiiiv.* Model !’«•. cahher. ”Eatn Light," v«ig>4 , thftK)f«andth«*c wbocwtchoddr-a>ih should -tal», mti.farlkin giiar.nteed, Bk-, ¿X, Vk- 7 p*«*da certainly take Acker » Engli-h Remedy.’* t Ttharrnk^ti aBa .,»«*» Ivor |,rr lw»y. Phgnrd) Rrv lúa % T kmby >Uar * m >. Shoot Winchester Ammunition. Made for all Kinds of Guns. To quit Ultra*-«» e»»i|y »,,4 t.,re«*e I«- w..,e BUrlMS* Mv.asdfl »tewtte,n*r»r»f<1hM*lta» ’’aiu*4 uruc. full ot hte. »erre »< m « w *«, lake ?w t > i ata*rM6«m 1 ass»lai s»e lit XiMt.M. .1 u M . rajM.. Hit — tadiMW »»4 Ad*««»«» N«te hr !*)-*»(» H«»tr»t»d CitUagi* u •> I*. ■ .>« i,.« m < »te n»« .«Ma i»« B m . U m «‘«e* r woe«, r. Uiaa ruthoe a • Irang Ail ilrargi»««, rv or «1. Cure rtf-r e [WIHCHEHU RÍKIT1K MIS CO.. « « NEV UVEI, NN. t*-d tfcH.h.ri aeu »«* h «I o fr.. I ■ n ••« .lew »tel. und |xtka dot finn- •tyle collar and cufYt. tu<> ru»4|ü( narro« bruiti isri iiioii. I «in»w -. |x»t. Noth’*' j< hrt» ’*v tflien «l.»l th«- f<* »< .- um t« MtbH* tbx* isHtiit * ch i k ot Irai«»«« • <»»»»»( > . »f A'•‘•Mit v , or»’ Mf»tt, mi Jitniiury ), I MH. v U Ktu»p< r Kn»i»p, II. ». IMH, l4»f Ih«- Urta k I. **. «nf AHairty, 4trv*K4»n, J»»hit il t»i*4Qo. Kn*»»*»« tt*«l«t «>n. i>( Ai uni, *krg«»n. a»»t| John ll«>!laiìil, o( A*»<»ny, ••K’a-4»«». < IH». Il M'*oK!*, I«. gì »Ui terlined ftuioHrllo u rvrw w ith | blue neleltu W alita, with Íra*«llww* h'»avyt tUrk colurwcl % riti Ladle»* Reduced from Il UO lo..... ( NOTICE FOR I’l BLlUATloN. i oi It inneleUo wrapper. w m ». n Waiöts. Wrappers. ing-natiH?«i M-ttier» have hioi th«'»r u»t»»nt. * h (*• in.tkv tin« aupivr! of their claim* under R s . aiwl that Mild pruot* wil C«»tn»ty Cktrk »»f Loin < Albany, Oremm,« via Fred John ’ thr E «4 * 1 < H r 12 < . R SI lie name« thr »uw n'Rhu’n« pr*«vtf hi» omtimiou« cultivation <>( »aid I uim I I 4»lith. of J»’ff»T*«HJ Orvjt fcott, •»( A Rainy, Oregon Hit», of Albany. Oregon If I lk»rgan, of A R m nvt Oregon Abd, W dlinin A |jin*b, 11. E. 13 4M». for the So l4 •M*otu»n 6, Tp 12 S . It s i: If«» namo« tbe following wJ(iie««o» to prove hi* oontinutuia r*»ei«h»iMf» upon ami euhtVHlion •»< -Mid bind, \ ii Frvd John Wied, of JcffiT**»!!, Oreg»»n» Jamr» H Scott,4tf \llnttiy Or-F rau« i- < ••thn*. u»f \ILiiuy Or»,i.'»»ti, E«lniHn*l «•( \ R miiiv . <)rog*»ii I'llA" H MitoRl- RogiaUr in CAKi On Ladies' On Ladies’ medicine mid» for tlo*««* *ll»<* <«*»». There 1« n il the l».»«t d inger In glv- le g it t<* »-hRdrt'ii for it 4 4>ntrtiiiw 110 In opium <»r other hijtiri«»u« drug itnd muy bf For «ale by hatMB n« tu mi adult. Pwry A Pwry. druggKl< If the nt.itc -d Oregon I« ever div ided what will wecall the «egregated ■tale? WTiere will lie lucated the «bile capilalf Call Ii Tum-il-lum mid give Milton the i-apltd. Western iho unlvwraity, Athena the in«inv n«y- lum. Pendleton the pen, liellx the the lilin.l reform «cln»>l, Ad»m« M hiMil, Utnnlllia the deaf and dumb ■elioni, Ukiah the «*>ldler»’ home and Freewater the orphan'« home KeteOi Pitot Rack and V miwyde numerous tbm It will not la> con«ldered nn honor tn ix- chrnen to represent «lille«. I hen wicked, Ui-ilihy men like Clark and Corbett an*l Tl.nini will not lie SPECIAL Boot* uni Shoi'H, iJcntit l'tirnisliing I ôhm I h , Crockery atei Staph ami l- .incy Grorerien! WG* imikr a specialty <>l l’AKM 5 HOLIDAY COODS Nothing i# 5 nn>re appropiiatv holiday prcweiil than a nice 5 5 3 3 fur ti bedroom* strirth tip to dal.-. 5 Chas. Wesely From a Pastor 5 7iiUUUiii«iiiiiiiiUUHUUiUUiiUiib STOVES We bave in dock » large line of Cook nnd ■ tmulard floating Ntove» of make. Our line of heater» I« *he I» «I ever ahown In the city, and the price« arc away down. Repeating Rifles Cull nnd »re them. We nlao carry n full and com­ plete line of general hardware. .4 )H. (f. 6ill & V - \S ntnii rf trr«»»! chante'»? u» t 'IHIktr •»»•! rol 1*^-7 h , «irrcmi jnr «4«l lt«h«4 mftniifariOrín« wh«%!»•«• lo* h<»«•»*. • o«r. «nif i«) tt»or»» (han •ir»’ti» poete n«inire«1» l»'«r tienR lt> Km *«‘lf •*! *1 «fRtnf» «| rrv» \ TWird f «or. suif !*ra»rlw»PW W.. Chirafh Th*- new» *>t Iw.rh h^mi»ph«r»*-tn Th« I i?OII, Scio, Oregon y, J. W1L8ON, Attjrsef at Law litan PnWic «Sto, nlltOOM