1.1 \ X THE HAI Commercial Keystone Shaving Parlors House ■ . Í . ■ Epitome of th ,t Telegraphic Newt of th* World. J. BLARI). I*r«»p 0 L VIIOEIT. Prep. ♦ % Only Firat-Clasu Shop In th® City 15 canta 25 “ 15 “ 25 - Sha» tog Haw Culling Shan>p»ang Baiba <’ * ít» , r« I JU p I K» .*p A. J. Johnaon J. V. Garnet G V. Jolene.« • * » •• w •* - Z % ■ i'A 7*< .»«. r>> . ■ vSr? »tkj! * -VCflo ** •• [let a celerai b n«'ng and rr hing« bo^n«-»«. I ant nu e «I runrnf rates aid dr.fts Iv’u d on puco pa I clliev «>• , * 3ft • » *•> iu , 1 tU 04 m > • m « »IJ t«f Uri.» o t • < • t,.- « i a m lt¡ c F •" ' .*■ • *». " < «1-1 lip 4(lD «.’ • <;• ma Yutk la’ tl J u W y tw Kdiotatt aii.t Tr.nriet Cbaif «'•«• tea* **f«t»*ii«‘ h •n«t !<-•*• • l**ra au l W Rfttili-f i- : «mthflrt-iqr • »•» It lit»«* i<»< U<»ti«4<»«I»». J*| *t A. W. HAGEY »It IteHh traini * «ad hi » •♦- Uub, >'•» o» 11, •11 4 j II « All lati i>l r<m|d»tely destroyed by tire. CAPITAL, $20,000. Prends nt Vu» Fraudent Gaahirr Boxer force near Germans routed a i'ekin. General Blacksmiths and Wagonmaicrs... »•I At* tula vi - «<¡4k Ta « •lauft a»rak« ORCCOIN SCIO LIVERY AND FEED STABLES IRVINE & CALAVAN, Props A negro tieni was burned •t the •take at Wetumpka, Ala , lor au al­ ¡ampliai criminal ci«»acilt. The population of the city of Seattle, •« officially atiuounced by the I uited statm census Irtireau, ia 80,«1. a« •galas* 4T,S87 In 1190. au lUcreaw of 17.MU, or BB.St |«*r cent. Tbe Feruvtan cabinet he« resigned, ‘Wing to a uueultiu us vote ol cc-usure by , . ngre««. being it ••vitnldv a« a re suit ol tbe «i-andal in coliuection «ith lite purcTiase of arm« iu Belgium and ilia «ll>-gc-d u«e by S i - ik r Belaiuuude, •i-mliii»t<-r of finance, of government fun i« fi r bi« private trannactions. According to •rnii-otHctel «tale- metit«, the Russian natal «stimate« for 1901 show a total ol 97.O97.BBfl rou­ Id«», an lucres«« of it). 000,000 rouble» The ordtnarv ex- lor the current year, irenditure irarall<‘We 60,000,000 roubles, >f which IB.ooO.OHi la Intended to • trengitn n the lb cl. S.OOO.ihHi rouldei lor harbor work at Libati, 2,0o•• expended at Vladivoatoek, •ml 8,0oo,000 at Port Arthur. Kat» Carmack, wife of George ('ar­ mack, the Klondike millionaire, tiled a suit in the BU|iertor court at Ilolita- I. r. Cal., for divorce, alleging deser­ tion and infidelity. >he demand» half •f the oommunlty prvqierty, which con­ siste of valuald« K Iole like mines, real celate in *-«attle »ml other places, ami large sum« dr|«>alte00. t arma« k prop««« « t<> contest the •uit, and a «eiisatlomil trial ia alitici- pate>L I'.rillsh recapture their guns from tbe Boers. Bryan made Minnesota. a doxen spe bea la Germany dentea auy agreement with France ami Russia. Many business men sion to Walla Walla. will Join excur­ Rocaevelt spoke to 80,000 or 40,000 Nebraskan« in McCook. I> i «I h > miner» ‘-..nVi. ted of conspiracy to olwlruct mall tram «lurlug idg strike □( 1899. Hack Connects With All Trains at West Scio and Morning I rain at Munkers. W ashlicgtc.n stockmen confer with I'omuclssioner llercuanu regarcllug grating on loresl reserves. e The pqvulatii'ii of the city Of Ixce Angele», < al , ac-ording to ll>e cell sue >1 lutH), 1» 102,478, an increase of 5ft,* (MM, or 103 35 per cent since I »80. CLOTHING We now have the largest and best selected stock of Clothing ever shown in the Valley, which we are offering at ■*.’ LT’.-’« WAY DOWN PRICES. We have many special lines of Spring and Summer suits and light Weight Underwear. '*.’• £ BLAIN CLOTHING CO. J,*. 4NX A lbany , O regon r T- 'ra C. A. WHALE Salem and Portland • a ’C-J ’ , «s V ■. tt-qv '• v/*jL*S LEADING DEALER UE ¡HE N )RTHWEST IN PIANOS AND ORGANS liiNtiimiPiits Sold on Easy Terms. (' See ,Mv Goods Before Purchasing DEVASTATION Japan»«« troops from China. are elthdrawlug Work of a Tornado in North* eastern Minnesota. ili I! PROPKItn LOSS |s ft IIX).o Witbin a radius of I2miieeof Hump- ter. (Jr . six luniler nulls ar» in opera­ tion. The timber in that chair let la of iplenctid quality aud there I« ale activa market for it. John K. Hudson. yreeidant of the American Hell Telephone t'ompflay, died suddenlv IU the Boston A Maine railroad station at Hererly, Mail., while waitlug for a train. The 700 employee of the Ilea illua Iron Company, of Deauville, Fa., de* elded today to accept tbe 36 |a*r cent cc-clu-tic'll in their wage «, to take effect October, and ag»lu»t whlcn they •truck. The Austrian »teamar Llovd ha* •ail**! from lamrencu Marque», basing on I’oard 4*H) i ran«va«i r* fugre«, |»*rt of them I cing lri»li* Amerh an». Al! lheif *i|«rn«e* hat* l»e*U (Mid by til* Tramivaal guveruiueut. Each mau re- reived 3u ahilimga and will Im laid $42.&U on landiug al auy port which may l-e »elected hy Ihem. Sim Itoep uu killed at Cwrano. Or., by Iwtug run over l>y a logging wagon. I ha aertdeut occurred one tralf mile from Brown • «aw mill, where he wa* employe«). II* wa» drtv mg a heavily loaded («»ur*hor»« logging »ag< n dowu a »teep grad*, when the brake tailed to work, and th* bor**a ran away. 1b* driver jumped, but wa» caught under tl»* load. Dree* am I a a* *46 year* old. T Wo of th* horoe* wrr* killed eutrigbt. A man in North Miaaouri ia South Meat. named fxird Rotrert« la due in laiudun on November I. Puller ia to command >n South Africa. The poatal service establishment ut tbe United State ■ le tbe groateal boat- Bese concern tn the world. Belgium n«e« more tobacco, in pro- portion. than auy other country. at»ta, • in» perwm». injuring several au-l doing damag» to th» aiuouul of |MO,000. Th« •«•’■relarv of the interior ha» ■!•* elded to dts|»» Cblppeaaa In Mtuursola. aioonnliug to T4.129 acre». They cou •1st of pin« ami »grlculliirtl lam Is. Fir« on th« dorks ot the Atlantic Transport Line, in th« North rt\«r. New York. d«»trnyfld one ol the piers ol th» coni|wuy, with all th» merchan­ dise on It. entailing a I< m <>t ftl 79,000. The |«polati"n of th» city of Taco­ ma, SS ash . arcordiBg to (h« United Mat«» census tor Htoo, is officially ah Bounced a. 87,104. attains! 86,iM)i In 1890, all lUcreaae ot 1,7<>M, or 4 M ye» Cent. It is officially aiinounce*l by the cell­ au» bureau that the isipulatkiii ed the state of New Hampshire 1» 411.9ha In i*t90. tbe |»pulatt“U wafl 878,!>3i). the lucre»»« l>«iii^ 34,t>i,t, or 9 30 per cent. Li Hung Chantf haa ordered the re- lease ami «afe e ». ort to FeklU ot live Belgiau eiigim-vn* an>l I ft mis»|ouarle». who baio been kept fttriaoneni many werk« at Pan Ting Fu. Li lluug ( hang i» apparently tloiug his iitim»t to pirase the powers. At Trent-'U. N. .1., Fy broke Im m 1 aud ran acreaming to his home, where he died. The w»r de|«trtnient has approved an exhaustive opinion by Judge Advo- cate-GeUeral Lu-l.-r to the t-ffe. t that absruteca from a volnnteer tegiiurnf. save piinniers ol war, are discbargril from the set vice on the »ante dale uiani which their organisation is mustered out i he’ decialon was tut affecting tlie pay aud status u! many officer» serving on detached duty. Fightlug has Asbautee. hiokeu out again in Shan Hal Kwan forts surrendered to th« British. A plot to assassinate I’ri -ident Mc­ Kinley has been discovered. lu a train hold-up near Bluffs, one robl-er waa killed. Coiiucl! Faaeeugrra uu Nome steamer Were vacinated on account of uew outbreak of aamllpox iu Alaska. F vidence < laimed to bavu l-cen found which proves that Mount Baker mines are not In Auierknu tetritory. In an explosion at tbe < < ruing Ita" der Work» al Santa Crus, Cal., C. Mrrier. an employe, wa« kllhul, aud J. Valencia was fatally injured. Fortugue«« officials al Lonrenco Marque» have warned Fre-ldenl Kroger to make no more s|.«ech«a and lorbld Ills wearing insignia »f office. Tbe latest report of cotton damage to the state of less» ly the recent flood« plarea the «»tiiuatea at too.ixio bales. The value is estimated al u<>t less thau |.’0.000.0’>'>. «b» Rtwabik. Minn , Oct. W —-The ine nad<» that ragod In thl* th lulty last avouing wa« m >*t Vi«>irnt lira «li rm cut a pathway ISO loot m width through th* u<>rthwratarn »•»war of I hr u»wt>, cumpiatoly wracking rararal building* Th* property loo* la a*ti* in a led at and th* kiH>«n 1« taliliea numl**r nil»*, with a «cola or mor* injurod, mono ra%or«ly. Tbo vtorin »wopt in a n«»rthwoatorh diroctloti after ¡raving her* and wlruck a llltl* Hnniah vattiemaitt near l*ikr lake, whor* a number «1 building wor« wrv< k*«l. tn ou* ol which an ou lir* family, cuuaiallng of hwatoaud, wife and lour childrvu. **r* iu»taully ktllod. M> far th«ir uamr* have n> l l-oon obtain*»!. It i* lullrved when th»» mor* r*ru<>t* di«lrict* ar* heard I min further casual ti*a may b* re- ported. Th* houra iu which th* Mgiowit* family li\*d waa complrtoly wracked, and th* laxly of Mr». Mnruwlt* »«» found 4()0 foot a wav, av*ry b*>n* in her Utely l'*lng brok«u ami h«r clothing completely »tripped off. Th* l«ody of her huwl and «»« found amid the dobri* of their bom* horribly mutilated. William llitotrom wa« «truck «>n the brad by a (ailing trv* anti which Murray an*I An dor» n wrr* when th* •t< rui broke wa» blown from th* track aud the men were pinnml beneath it and horribly Sr\ ■ burned by th* ••*« aping »team, oral car* w« re blown from th* Duluth, Mitaiavdppi »k Northern track* and w«r* found in th* Duluth mine pit. bun died« of foot away. Many of th* buiidiiigw destroyed w«r* owned by th«» niihiug compauie», and tmixuted by their employ*«. fhe *haftli»u»«» ami building* of three uiinr* a er* reduced to kiu lhng wood. 1 he tornado which lasted !*»• than fl\* iiiinut«»*. wnw proceiled by au uu- usually aevere thunder and rain vtorm. Ih«* r un Itae t’.'i^lcd itmi.v cf th«» oj»«-n pit miuoR. and they vh U ih I !•* operated L>r aome tun*. t»f 7,500 |*«»t«n iifl'iille Duluth. Minn , l*w up alMiQt 9 30 o'clock thia after- noon. A bole 100 feet square all. I 2ft i«M«t d**p mark* th* «pot wh^r« th«- luMitMtin* »t4 od. I h* (<»rr* of th* *!• plo*iou wa* *o K’rrat that It ontaabad *«r*ry of gin*« withiu * radiuB of tw<> mil**, l'h* mln* lat*«rat> ry «ml wiroiKHiw» were totally wracked. At IrMFt JOO jMMijdr war* huit mor* or lt**a from twing thrown down by tba «hock nr hit by i»httth'r*d gla*«i Th* rxploMuii wa* piainh l*ll al Hiwu’ lk, 12 Hili« « «It»t.«lit Ih* cmumj ol tin' a* phtRioii i* unkuoAu. F.« Korte Whsflftl nf 4miflIMnllh»>E. London. Oct. y —It i* «*«timatod. ar- cording tin* Piet« rtuariiaGurg c« rrr- »pundeut ul Ihr ¡Mil) Mail, that 4,0Ud Iloers captureil a llrlltah convoy and to 5,000 bava ratrvuted ír» tn ¡‘il- wrecked a train, (if the convoy’» gritn’a Beat, northeaat of Lvdeuhurg. secort <>f 60 n>«n only If n U«I *ith four long ton»» and t* other gun*. in tbe train wreck, five llrltuU» Were The corre»ptindrnt undrrataud* limt killed and 19 injured. th* ir long tom ammunition ia ahtit^t Tha |.’|>ulatl<>n of Arkansa«. a« o(ti­ •sbauatnd. dally auuouiired l>y the I'uited Males ¡4twd Hobart*« the !>ad Mall an* census bureau, la 1,311,9(14. an in­ noon«*-*, will leav* iMuith Africa dur» crease 111 er tbe )«>|-u)alloU ol I *>90 uf Ing thv laat werk of t ktolwr. Th* ao- 163.3x5, or 19.29 per cent. thoHtie* bavU le* r of iMilouial tr»*>|»« wlm ar« to General W<»»l, oommanding the I mb the qurru’ii gura!a in ¡¿undou |<> ’»UÜ. United Mates force« in Cubs, has made bla annus I report to the war rt- Criftuw of Bn !»>•»>«• Moibar. ment. Il ecittalu» his recommendation Naw Y«»*k, Ort. M.—Mr* LilHan that all troops in Cni>a I* mounted, t> - Hmhb, of Inwood, I m trough of Mauhat- gether with an aocuuut of ti e with­ tan, while luiuiue thia afternoon *)>«»! drawal uf the Irtsipa during the past ami killed two of bar rhHdreu, wound­ year. The health nf tbe troops, he ed a third and cotuin it tad autcW». •ays, has Iteen g*«»d, ami their cundnct Th« frai»«Mly took place iu the old is cumm«udeiug struck by a tramway car. boo»' in tbi* city for 21 year*. Thoy Mm. He «a» lelieced to l>e tbe <>ld««l news­ had town uiarrirtl 13 year«. paper editor in the United State« He Mnith had boeli in pour health of lata, wa« burn in Portage count«, o., Feb­ and long b*o! ruary IS, 1HI2. learned lite |riuliug death ia bo lie sed to bar* unoattlod her trade in Lawr<-u<-eville. Ind . aud puli- rvaaou. llshed and edited nrw»|«per« lu Ohio, tiiiirlran < «»tller » l««*l»«l. llliuoie, Miaeouri aud Utah. Hues, Oct. 8.—The American »team Private letter» received from Havana collier Emir, wbtrh re-enlly wank in indicate that lunch apprrbeiialou ag­ the uuea canal while on her way to iate among the American» them regard­ Manila with coal for the American ing the yellow lecer, aa the condition« (feet, but Waa succeasfnllv floated yea- grow «dr»e in«te».| of Incproung terday, has al rived al Nu«a road« bhe Civilian etnplovee iu Cuba •«•in to Iw ia unable, however, to enter tbe port, subject to the u tbe (•real Northern IIBe near '■«allla r»sult»pet> one in tbe tar north. Should that have leen the caar. Lieutenant Peary ia likely to have taken the Windward into come high latitude, hoping tn uae bar in a further expedition next ecmaun R«|»«»rt •• lha W»»hiugton. Oc t. fl. —An Interesting picture of the I ran« c»al and Free Mate in Augu«l. alter the wave of war bad paaaed over the country. 1» prweufed tu a («port to the state department from t'otwi *-tat«a Comrol-Geueral 't.’We. al Cap* Town, dated August 17 last. He had Ju»l returned to the Cap» from a trip through the two ro- pvtdic-e He eave that for huudreds ••I milee all the wire feii< lug Is down •nd cannot be used again. Tbe poeta have Iwen burned for fuel and mu«l i>e replaced with iron poet», owing to the scarcity of timber. The plowing In progroee 1« limited, cvm|«sred with former years, and there will l-e large market for American c ereal«. It y March, 1901, agricultural machinery • III Ice wanted Meat amt livestock will continue to Ice imp-rted. J -banneal-urg had only three ciaya* supply of nc t when Mr. Stowe left the town, U hila the Brers eho have returned arv> anxious Io get to work, several month» mu«t ela|we l longer have a moiropoly tn the Transvaal. Th. re will be a big de­ mand h r fertdge uialerial and eleetrl. al mala inerv and suppliea. Lord Roberta has ap|«>lnted an ad­ visory Committee to assist him In the reopetilr.g of Johannesburg, and Io se­ cure the teturn of the mining popula- tl. n. which the |cro«perl*» of ti e l*-wu de|«ti all mining towns will l>e al- lowed to return to Johannesburg. TELEGRAPH TO SKAGWAY The I I*»» I b ( 4>tM|*l«»|«M| anti Iha Viral Mr«««gfli I» «aattla Vwatarday. Heattie, Oct. fl —fh* Ur*t telegram from Skagway to >»«tll*, marking *u epoch iu th* h‘.*b rv of I-ueiue»« be­ tween Maaka ami th* outbid* world, wa« re '«lied her* I’ k I mv . Th* time oc* t upled I s th«« ii *»•*„’• in trtu»»! wa* •eveu hour», which, however« • ill lx» reduced our half a» woutt a* the lin* i* lu working order ami builne** reduced to a »y*tctn. The route taken by th* ine*Kag* wo from bkagway to AtHn, theme over the oil Atliti'Lillooet ¡lira tu tbe I ra-rr river, them * to Ashcroft am! on to Vancouver, from which place it wn* Mill to Matti*. Th* line over which it |>a««ed to Van mu ver i* tnwt which the Canadian guvrrumeut ha» lern engaged tu con­ ting tor th* pe»t font no'iith«. ti i* not yet entupleted. and will not to* lor alteiut a week. Il»»w*ver, in order to get th« di»t mearag* through today, v truporarv lin* waw put up connect­ ing th* unflniahed portion between LiHooet and A»hcr»»lt. and lu thl* man* uer th* trwn*mi»*ion cd tice in*»uig* w*» MC«M)mp!i*h«Ml. According to th* here Uxiav, the wliol* nadiati government w !.y October io, alter which th* through hue will tie oj>eu !■ r anuinerclal bu»i* tie**. IO A W hole PUNISH RkBLLS Itrgli»i«*nl Wilt M»r|Hiiuqu9. M* «fluì I« Washington. <> t S.— Ih* following cabh-gram ha* l>uru reveis*.I at th* war drjmrt meut: * Manila. Ovt. fl —I irwt infantry g«»r* to Marindtiqar, October fl. uu >uinm r. «tenera! Ilare I« to com­ mand ihr i-iand, with or«l*r« to pu»h opera to »u« until iu*urrrctl«»n la «taiii|*«’d out ali*<»luirly. II« will has* IV full vumpani*» of infantry fur th* purpi»**. Amlt»r*un*a tir»t operation* developed nothing. So report» »inc* lh t<»l»er 2. M M \l:¡ IH !. Til* above di«patrh relate* to rein- íuroranent» rant to th* l»laud of Menu* du«|iic. where Captain shield» and 61 inrn of th* laruty uinlh volunteer lu- fautry »er» «ittorr killed or captured bv tira in»urgrni». M thai tini* Gen­ eral Mac Arthur rant Calunel Auderm ti ami two compani*« ut th* Thirty­ eighth »«»lautrer Infantry, with th* Yorktown »nd two gtmioata. to th* re­ lief ol >hlrld« ami bi» cummaud, if they eerr »till ali\*. I olifnii»«« »1 •»<»» Fr«n< Itro. San FraBeiacn. Oct. B —The naval r<-*«ne »hip Marlon a:id the i'uited stale« »hip Ranger were In oollialon thl« morning au-l l«>th were damaged alwul the lowet rigging am) along Die rail«. t'aptaiu Itolle« and Bulger, local in­ spector« of «team boiler*. coniuieuc-»l au IBve.tigatloti today of the cau«e of the collialc-n between the «teenier ( olunibia aud tbe ferryl«>«l Berkeley. Tbe captain» of the two ta>«ete »tvI nieuilier« of both crew« were examined aa witn*-«»»«. Additional evldeoce I« to l>e taken aud tbe caae will then ba « •ubiutiled lor deci«ion. AntlfHp« (.r*a»t*lami *. a |»lur*ll«»n. Copenhagen, Oct. 8. — Lieutenant Amlrup'e Greenland expedition baa ar­ rived here on hoard the Antarctic. The mancherà of the expedition explored ami approached a hitherto unknown •tret, h of land extending from Cap» Town, latitude 09 degree» IM minuto» norm to Ag»*»ia land, Be degree«» 28 miuutcra north. liait« h W*r*bl|»* t». Oat. d.—Tha cnftiu« •r'a inqnaat on tl»a body ol Matt Mal­ ley. wb»> wa« murdered Monday morn­ ing. iay b* i* lu gvod braitb. Fot a nun.I>er of year« he ha» taren trou biavi with rbeu mal lem, catarrh ut tba haa l and stomach. mieti tn bad w«*aihrr hi* allmant* w«*tibl t * aggro~ vaiati and b* would la» m a *rrk>ua c«»n- diurni. Wban ih* grippa« «hitad tbi* «action •aven yrar» ago, Mr WbUa w** ««uà ut attackad hy thl* f*arful dtvaaa* a <1 w«i vonriuad tu hi» bed for •avaral day». Aftrr twoiaritig anough t*> «|. up b»r a frw dai», ■*>nrlud«'d b* waa Wall i-u- u^h U» gel uut «boul hi* work. Il* waul oul lew eooti. Muet all pa* Itauta do that. lie had a relape» ami ww» <-t»ndm*4Ì to hl« I’ed for oeverel w**k». Illa old diaorcler« fa-tame grawtly affactad. I be effort« of bl« phykician. who hatl be«n atteudiu.g bini all Ihc lima, proved uuaiailiug. Tha doator w** dl*ml«»«id. bevami uth* rrv wrrw tfi«wl bui thair treatmaut wa* avala*». Mr Ubiti»«loci rv*d btmaalf and uai*d mauy r*m«M.lia« «ani to l*a g»**c b«'l|M'U, H* w*ul V» M.iU«ul!r ami (t*»k the bathv, but they dt«i him ouly ary good. “It ra*m«*d ImpMMtible to <*t i*h*f, *’ Mild hr, ”*u*l I did IK»I kuow w h*l to do. *’At L«»l I un» perwuadtMl to try Dr. William** Link ¡’ills ¡or I’ai* I'voyle, auUrw|y curad. Fhay r*lirv«HÌ ni* fmm all «affcriiig. < >f cour«*i I tu tir rad frvm rteaumaliam m*»t. «mi I am m>w cumplataly curati <»f that. I hrt'l trivd r William*' Plfik l ili* (or l ai* l’ropl* c I umihmh I <»ut my ayalam. puridad iuv blood, aud I aio IDO* tir H4 and «oil. Ih« • ’ piU* raUavad ma ot mirara* ia autfortag, and HI "li Kilt,. tiiAt ! ; . I t H l •• U h * guu<| fortuna tu tak* th*m »van ymr« ago, I ha\* rriMumnaud*«! th* iji < n || i in* U> a nnm*<*r ami ih* daah r lu Waldruu M)* ito ha* a largo damaud ¡or H." !t *»» naturo * <«wn r*m*«h that a« ■ coirph«bt>«l thi* cur* murad hy impu>* bhMxt, for Dr William«* l’iuk ¡‘ili* for i’al* l’oopl* ar* cotuporad <>f vegetatola r«*iii**h«M th,*t oiwrt a power lui lullu« ••u» * m purtljiugt and ourichiug ih* bl«MMÌ. Mauy dlra.tar« l«»ug nuppua*«l hy th* modi ai pruf*««b»n U> tucura- tl* ha»* • uccuiu U m I U> th* poloni tullu- •u«-a of Ih*«« pilla. Thl* uuharwai ramady i* »old hy all druggiai*. magar **4 lu t *a*. In * hundrod th »avand fami bnura« Ih* aerane* of Jamaica tfiugnr in rogar«!' e«l *• ou ol ih« iut *»l valuabi* ut fatniiy inodit*im»a. Il i* «lili u«*<1 villi sugar iu iho <’uld Water lurUJ»h«»d lo haliti,* haii'l« for drinkiiig II mak*« a wb»»lv •uin* Iwv^rage tur auy uu* in hc,i w ealbor. iVrwil* of w*ak «hg«*th*ll will fl ml a f*w drupa uf tho raratre* uraful if taken tn wat« r bef r* br«Mkia»t with­ out »ugar. itingt r tea. mad* from th* root, ia uf •er» ter. Ilk* catnip t*a or M*gr tea, <4» produce preaperatlun in colds, or to stimulate th* ayatem after expo.ure. It is more jotlatald* thau tbe deeoc* llouv ut rag* and catnip. lu I«» liiach«-» a bit of H m >1 ginger chewed slowly will ramen* th«« pain aud make on* «^MukMtabl* till a dmli«t van !•« c« u *u I ted Neatly all th* good effect» of alm- b«»lh’ atimuleut* ran l«e seen re« I from ginger But th* »»-called ginger habit ha* to b* guarded against, bu ba« th* cayenne pepper habit %»» I)»««whtlinlBg th»• light. Our suu I. a thlr>ual atar acrninula* lions. |tir tbrso s«.«tiii tn 1« i-onotlr»«, au>l to 1« sp oaff over itifliuily At •>ma |»*rif humau Iwings tu inhabit them for a rs*ui|>uratltaly brli-f period, alter whnh tii«y still coullnua lor ««ar» to rir> 1« arouud without atiuo- sphrr», irri tation or inhabitant«, aa th. inn drs*« around our planet. Thsra 1« nothing ao cateulated to take tlm conceit out ot au lutll.ldual who thinka htmaclf au important unit loth« uuhersa as a*trouoiuy. Il teach»« that w» ar» I*««, cuinparisd with lb» uni­ Tars«. than a cohmy of anta la to ns, ami that th» U« ant aud aB* other.-— laindoB truth They »bo know God love Him, and they who lure Him learn to know illiu treat. It la a curioua and interesting ccdncl* dance that while the old confederate rrulaer Alabama waa for a long lima known a» "No. J9t>.” the new battle- >hlp Alafcacua waa number'd *‘ftftO" at the bullder’a yard before her name wa« decided U|«-n. and without auy thought of the original. Brown—I can bit a good canteIont>e every time. Jone«—Yon can! Well, aay, bow do yon do it—by phvaiogmuy or pey. •h'dogy?—ludtauaisjlia Journal.