The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, October 05, 1900, Image 4

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That In a4«!r#a*.ng Mn Pinkham
you nrr cvmm»»ic«U»f with a woman
a wi . rmmp eapeneoe* tn treat
Ing woman a Illa la greater that, that
of any living peraon mala or t< mala
A woman van talk freely to a wo
man whan »1 ta r* vol ting to rrlafa her
privet« trouble» to a man
Many women Buffer In »Genre and
drift a «mg from l*ad to w orw know
lag full well that that ahould have
im i rdcBtr aaaialanre hut a nature!
m«Mle<ty impel* them tn shrink fr’<tji
• riposlng Uo » um f Vt» to the <|i.« »'¡•■n*
au*l pro bn I».»» r sarninat i«»n <»f rvrn
th« ir family phyalrian
It »* un»«-« • -
)th »»til nu>uri or prw-e %«»»♦ rah
cv»u«ull a w<»ruMii. whriM* kttowlrdgr
from actual r %p*,rim<,e ta nn«'*)uairit.
Woman Buffering from am form r *
female nraanea« are invited to frer v
eommunirate w ith Mrs Pinkham al
l.ynu. Maw*
All letter» are melted, opened,
read and answered by women only .
Thia la a poaiUve tael not a mere
»ta‘«:i nt
II is rertlfle«! to i-y th*
mayor and poat matter of I. von and
other» whoae letter* all in a lit Ur )*<iM*k
Mr* Pinkham hav ju*l pul uh rtf
Write for a <*opy. It la fire
haa l*ru established the eternal wn
fide nee bet w ren Mr» Pink ham and the
women of Ameriea which has ne«rr
>*een brokeu and haa Indurrd m««r*
than I On ooo sufferers to write I er fur
a*iv. e the laat few» months
Out of the *ast volume of *i|vr>*nc*
which »lie hu» to draw from it
more than p*»*»ible that she has gained
the very knowledge that **
your case
M>e aeks nothing In re
turn ei<M»pt yrnir good v* 1 and her
advice has re err ! thouaar-da
ar« aome of the «-»ar» we refer to
Mrs. Pinkham Hoipn
Two Woman Through
Change of Lifo anti Caros
Another of Sterility.
Road Tholr Letters.
UlAk Mna PiaattAW I feel that it
la owing to Lydia L Pinkham a Veg*
table i «impound that I am alive I«»
day. Il haa taken me >><it of » sick
I mp »! where I had lain for *11 wretas
with a gowt dm Uir to tend me twice a
My trouble was change of life
had frequent hem«»? rhagra Y«*ur medi
Cine check rd th« flow right aw«'.
am now able tu <lo all in* Work and
backache ia unknown
I am forty
three years of uge an>l en • «ng p<od
Ma* A nmir loeiaa < a*< adr
Locke. Oregon
'I'liii M rs Pont UAW When ! flrat
wrote loi-Mi. I was in a very hail <s«n
1 was iu rough the
change of hfr and the d> tors »• I I
had bladder and liver trouble
1 h»«l
»offered for nine yearn
I **»> •<<*?-» failed
to d<> me any g'M«d
**. r I hate U m ii
I dia E pKikham s Vegrtaiur < otu
pound my health haa improved very
1 w;»| gladly recommend vw
lord.cine toothers and am inn that it
will prove ae great a blessing to them
a* it has to me
Mae Gr»» II J irr
bul I he Kalb A*e , Brooklyn N' Y
"Di*! Maa P isrmam It waa my
ardent tltsir* to hair a <
II hud
beet* married three year* and could
nut become a mother, so wrote to you
to And out the reeaun
Aft«r follow
Ing vour kind advice and taking Lydia
h Pinkham» Vegetable < « mj'-um! I
became the mother of a beautiful l>alu
> m .\ the to\ of our home
Hr is a fat
>«« ahhy baby, thank» to your medi
M b »
M irda
F irmib .
cue, N. Y
Two Moro Womon Who
Acknowledge the Holp
they Havo Rooolved *rom
Mrs. Pinkham.
•'L>»an M m Piaatiaw Th* dew-tor
1 have ougvatlo. of th* w.-n.b.
•1**1 cannot help mi *
1 here 1« aching
In the right .id« of abdomen hip. leg,
• nd back
if toucan dome ant good
pl'««* « y !«"
M m Xia* Imai.
Fulton, X Y., tkecembar 30. l»w?
"I’«aa M m Piaauau t followed
yonr Instruction* and now I want
eeerr woman »uffering frutB female
trOUhl* to klinw bow good jour a<lvl<«
a la
an operation
I eon I .J not bear to
thinia of that *o fo.lowed i.-ui ad.i.-e
I g--t Liter right off I took ala botllra
of Lt lia K I’iukham * Vegetablet ,in).
pound and used three |iaciia^*a of
hanativ* Waabj alao took jour I iaer
Pill*, and Bin cured
Ma* Xi»*
' H**a, b ulton, X V , Iiecember IS
"hraa Ma* PiaaasM Ha*e l>een
• uff. r ng for over a year anil had tiara e
At time of menatiuation I
•uffrr terrible pain* In back and
ovarte* I ha.« headache nearljr everjr
day. and feel tired all the time
doctor .aid rnr womb waaout of place
14 ould be *o glad if you could help ma."
Ma* < *at Vua*. Sac City, Iowa.
Augu.t 1, 1-«
I’lraae accept my «incere thank* for
the good jour adtica and I.jrdia E
Pinkham* legrtable (.impound ha*
done mr
I did everything you told
me ta. do. and u»ed only three bottina,
and feel better in ever» raapecl ”
M m tanx. V om . K m City, Iowa March
>1. IIW
Mrs. Pinkham haa fifty
Thousand Suvh Letters as
Above on Filo at Her Of^
flco She Makes no State­
monte She Cannot Prove,
..AiisKY's winrcn uarocm ..
Ihltd and Morris«»»» Mlrsst«
C. A. ALISKY Prop.
Do Rot fall to visit
Kuiidlnf • r fswi'»ds?l»f their hn»M thsl ••
a ■ . a .
, •
gis«rs, K e-ctric. <«»• and < «»RiMnailott « han
det rrs and •Upplie», Reiteri«*, < ali Relis, rtc.
t aiaic>f ues vu Rpplh allem
S'tvceaanr '.t Frank li • < nu>»» A 1 a .
145 W •ihli'l'o« SI , > orllai«*«l. O»rg**B
m Mm«« i tntfll A* run ’
»'«»< ***** M *r
il -*««»». Still Hate «w I >.w**4
I f wtilire’ I aa' •
fha utsfav-vahla
turn flirt« the g* iwral lt»«1u«lrlai aiiua*
ticii by tbo »tribe of auiiirerile coal
mloat» au>l ths* poaOtirtllCy of wag* die*
put- ti i ) mi iron tra «. will» raibev loot
arlitliy lu the latter imluatry, au«l
«>tti» merraao uf Weak Dear lu Use pricae
<f cruder lurtna. bote gtieu an appear-
alien ‘ iflrM H«r»tV to th* ^rurrai tradr
and buaiiMw* «itnatiun
<>u the utbvr
hand, tow cuulaa ut ata pl« peica« baa
t«a«n swty gvnerallv upward thia week.
UH disirt< •itioo «»I «try g<a«da. * i«>thing.
hat» ats»t iwiiiiiwt' liate Idren of large
vulaiua at nearly all market*, there is
a de* • »edit hatter t“U* noted in th*
tmvt aui if»"« and kin«lned lr«<Uv* and
the strength ot «niton geesda» tisough
appwrvutiy in ricwr of that »liwn tv
the raw luatertal. has t-cen reg^r l*d «•
ittdlratita of confidence «ui the part of
Th« premature ripening da* Us the
h<’t dr« weather 1» »*»|«»n«ibla k>r part
• the heavy iwvement« of rothm to
market but lack nt thia. <»l course, is
the d*«ire U> profli. I»y the atveedmgly
go»d prh*v» ruling. 1 he rush nt re-
si pts hat I’ve u too much for the bull
m ’verneirt, however, and th* price«
ar« materially lower on the week
|;*| m rt« i f «iamag* of grain in ah««ck
in the North**»! and reinl«»u'*d by
North wester u living
< hi«
fun>iabe*l th« key I" the adiau •• %•!
near I v 2 ceirta it> wheat this wwak
U heat in» Iwiti# lV»ur shipment«,
f«’r th« week aggregate 3,511*». •».« • bush*
ci*, agaiaat
buabeia last
a r*k
Busin*«* Uihirea for the w**k in the
rntt*d Mate» numler 1*3 «• again»!
I«7 last weak
< an«d«an lailorae num tier 21, a»
«gainst ¿i last week.
«••Ills HkifctW
Onivna. new, I *<c.
|jrfi< • bed h» «e, 11 per crate.
I'uUtkMMv, new. fl ft.
LrvU. per aa« k, *-’»« tdfL
Turnip«. p*-f auch, «úo.
Í«*au». vina 4c.
i arrota, per •«ck. fl Od
rarvntpa, |*r rack, fl *5.
< aulifl« w« r. fusti »«, 7úc.
('n<'iimierv— it*« *rOe*
< abiMtge, nati*« ami
Cal do ml a,
ÍC l»et pnumla
Tomato ■*•— BO *g 50-,
Butter * ream« t » 2ÛC, T as tern 22«’,
Imrv, |S «t IS» t ranch, 16c pound.
I gga—ffle.
Clievwe* 12c.
Poultry-- 12c; dr*e«t«»L lie, apnng,
IM Mt 16c.
F*ug*t **»ur>d timothy, fl 1,00
4 12 <H>; cbt’i« * f jmteru Waahingtou
t im« *t hi »IV 00.
< ‘««ri» Wh<»ìe. f *3 00, cracke*!.
fws| meal. f. 6
Barley - Ruiled ur gru um I. ¡«er ton,
ur Bate nt. per barrel. fS ¿«0;
’ '¡el* l*«i straight*, f 25. < MIi(oruia,
|3 J¡b;
buckwlHMit flour. ffl.OU; gra*
, m
¡«er iarr»'l, f.i 00; whole wheal
flour. f3 4f»< rye flour, f«i B0bC4 00.
Mlllatuffv Brau. |*er loti, fl2 IH).
•hurt«, per ton. ®14 oo
I * •■
C|*«»ppe>| |r»d. fly 00 j»er ton,
mlddhuga. |**r t«>u. <20. oil cake meal,
per t -u. f »•» 00.
F rrail M« *t»-- < *!n»h-e drenaed beul
»tecta pik-c 7 ’»<'• <‘owa, *c; mutton
?*«. purk, R< . tritume«!, Ih-, veal. V g
!!«<ii» l*afge.
amali, 13.
brvaklaat t-««ou, Ite; dry aalt »Idea,
l*«rli*»*<4 M«f*»l
Wh»«i — Walla Walla
\ «lh * u I« . Blu*“t*m. *n»c per bushel.
I b>ur — Bv*t gr«-i«w. fJ ll), graham,
12 M>.
Oats- C’hoics white. 41c; choice
gray, 40o p«r bushel.
I re«I twrley. f I & 00 g I & 60,
»n-»ia<. flu <K> per toil
Millatuff* Brsu. |IB 00 Um. mid-
<!lmg*. $20, abort«, fit», chop. f!5 per
Hay Timothy, f I2g IB, rh»\cr.f7g
7.60. < >n oi wild h«y. fag? per V u
Rutter—fancy creamery. 46 (g 66c.
•U»re, 80c.
Egga—-Bbc perdoasn.
< heave -Oregon
lull cream, 13c;
Young A meric«. 14c. new cheese 10c
I »er pound.
Poultry—Chickens, ndie«l. 93 50*
4 uO per (h'Mtl. beu*. f4 Ml. »prints,
f iMi « 3 50, gersr, f'.00*4* uu <I«>B,
dut ks, f3 <M <4 6* 00 |«er doicu. turkev».
Il*e. I Be per pound
I'otaUMN»—40 4 50c per «ack, »wr*U*.
t •« 2 ‘<c per pnuui.
A egelaldre Bert*, fi. turnlj*», $1;
per sack, garlic, 7c per ¡wurii. cab-
2v per pound, |»ar»ui}>*.
onio**«, I '»'■ T*r pound; carrot», fl.
Ilojas—6 4 7c per p>und.
Wool— Valley, 16*41 Ac per jeuo-i;
hasten* Oregon, I6i4 Iflc; mohair, 26
per poiUkl.
Mutton—Gnw. I«e*t »hrvp, wet ben
au I ewe*. 3^%c; div*«*I mutton, 4
7c j»er | s * ud «I.
Ilog* t»ru*a. choice heavy, |5 75;
light air I
fevslrrs, |A OU, dressed,
|6.ou<<n 6<) prr I Ou pound».
lies!—*»r”*s top steers, f3 60(4 4 00;
cow», f.i <H)*gS 60, dressed beef. 6 g
7c per |*ouml.
\ e«l —large, fl *t g 7’»c. •mall. Bg
A '»c per potiml.
»in Fissrtse* Marks!.
Wool—xprlng—Nevada, liaiSc j>ei
l« un l. F a.teru < »reyna,
ley, 1« 4 1».. Xortbern. ?W |0c.
Hop*—< n>p. l»00. ISdHc.
>lu •eeuo'lv. 24'* i«2iSc. fancy dairy,
24«; do«e<x>ud*, 32« par potual.
F’UK»— More,
S3 l*C.
fancy ranch,
Millatiiff* — Mlddllofe, *17 00 -4
»0.00. I.ran. 913 604 13 50.
Hay —Wheat 9* »IS; wheat and
oat »«00.4 10 50, Iw-t barley 9« 50<4
alfalfa, 9’<.0041* 50 per ton. etraw.
25<4 8! *,« jwr l«le.
I', la too*—Farly Itoae. 30'4'Se; Sa
line* Bnrbanka, 70c« 91 05; river Bar-
banke. 3< h 485 c , new. 75e<o91 «0.
rttm* Fruit—Oranc-a.
91 *5'4 5 25. Menean lime*. »4 00 <
5 00. < allfornla lemon* 75c'<91 50,
do choice 91 75(43-00 per but.
Iropical Fruite—Ranaaaa, 91 50*
»50 per bunch, piaeapplee. nom­
Faralau <latee.
8* «Se
A Ms*|»**i*«l RMatrllaiIm*.
prof*«a«>r La nord«, of th* Academy
Thar* it unusual l<*tivlty among in- i
of M*«hciBa. Pena, and M
A rc «»!« venmra at pr*«ant to produce machine»
Mn»i hai hav» drv|»«d a little in ar h tu« fur U3ath«malic»l purpose«, and th*
fry. mom
♦<>r rwiorlng por»«*ii» m « »tat« of aas- Urgwi number of applnauona reaetreu
l<*o<;*d «ul tn at ho lu lit« by th» method at the patent office fur any one line of zcxema or salt rh«um.» v.J
uf * *iug> al treettue,** a method now U*vanti* a are fur patents fur Itnpfuva- other cutaneous eruptions proceed from
used with gr*al «acce»a in caaoa of manta uo • iding machiuoa
| humors, either inherited, or acquired
hfhtoinc atruk». alacene
Tw* <**•!• Hindi** Alla*9|*.
through defective d ge;t;cn a. 4 as­
•fttx'k and «utTucatiou
Th» U n^ua is
It 1» a .4»*rt *d that I ha future »tU •♦* two
>irawn out rvthmlcaliy. «> aa to »tiiun-
’ canals binding i: • Atlantic u» m* Pa« la<
hi» th» breathing orfana, and Ihi«
To treat these eruptions with drying
ocean The vaiwa of such c*Mm«ctiou ran
mat hod lu*» boat* «fl attiva in ««•»• not b* ««iiii>ai*kl
11 »Hi bntig prosperity
gitan up aa hop*!*«*, bat only after a l>> the uaitno. as »**f»ly aa H>»«irtt*r'» j medicines Is dangerous.
vary long application. Th» friction Momach |kitl*r» bring» b*adh l«» the dys­
The thing to do is to help the sys­
**u)«timM rant« tu ha kept up for peptic Try R fur lodtrwmHi. cvuMipe
tem dis turgs the hum rs, and to
three hour» l«efot» rianimali* u. an«L tmii. dy»|«*p»ia or t*lhuu«ii**s
strengthen it aga rut their return.
a« tu« new ma« hm« 1« worknd by an
A 10-crnt man ran work a dollar
eloctric niotvir ana «¡ail* aatocnatie, it
H -’l » >ar4M|»<r»!}a partnanvnPy cur««! J.
e< hem» on tome people.
sate» mach laimriuu» e »eri Ion, and can
: *1 Ilia«*«. Rraak«. IlL. vt e*»*c*»a, fn»m »hkb
t *rt*r*» l«k |* Ibe
» a? * ■irre’.l f r
I •
and ll «t
«ava hfa when th» u»ual uieU»«*<h
B*»t Ink that ran N* R»*da II mats vnu I Ah ua W «Iter, Bui SIX Aig* ra. Wi»., of pim
would fail.
no iHVft man pkH>r »luff uut i»t to »rut 1*1*« oa ha-r face an-1 toek aud ct»afr<| »kin un
Ths** I« mar* ('»’.»rrh tn th»« *-«•• <*» «4 th*
i her K-dy, by which »ha ba I l*eeu frrally
«-■I Mb «V ihau s t <»lh*f 3 «so*«*» RUI i« *> IB«K
Thar* »nr m*-rw tvetlnt -mal« la
It doewi’t pay tu b* buoaet if honesty Iroublr-d
a ¡*l us’. J t)** :a«t t* * y*af« *«• su, ,*berU I » b*
« g v *| n.
..* i an ,-an b»
la« »a!4* Far a
te»nr 9*s«w d« rro i« only fur pay.
«<M4*r«.| H * i«»ra; die- ana, a» 1 ; r sr?(t»r*! .- rst
j pulUishtp-'!
r«n»r »a bd 4 by r *«,'.< nd y I« i « u> rar»
f d-» no! li*li*v* Pi»*«'» <*ur* f *r
• i.'i
I'<41 « « t.
noun ♦*! H r • rab>.
■- »a.» R#» »■-« ra'*-fl»t.> !*■ a ■
' m - •umpumi has a** *q»»al f»»r «ought and Hood'» Saraaparilla
cw*Ma J orw F’ Royga, Trinity hpnng«
• 4
; Promises to cure and keeps the
Ind . f « k u . m
a ' ;»* t tv F J < h»n»P A < n l
*nlf *•>«>( mi'«*»«4 »-««*«•"» ' • msfsat.
No longer put ctf treat­
It 's tab*n luiart-«;- 1 in-*<***« r»<'tn >•» ir \ • v*
a 4«i'
* .
It ar a d
■» < a •
I <*l World begin by l«*»ing vourweW.
ment. Buy a b -t e uf Hood's today.
a I on ,r* t»s ntirf*r*4 uf I*>«»'«*«* TUsf < Brr
« • h r»V«v| dolia?«
p ar r ra** it falls to
|>n»p«y trawled for» i « |>r || || Green’s
« re « h >4 for « <»«■ uta** and te«ti«maiala. Ad- ♦bvii«, ,,f Aitanla. Ga l b* ^rraktst
Ihr judge« ot th* Ii rn-« court» tn
> J « Il < 5 BY A < <>.. T<U«4o. Ö.
• jrih'ia. «1» in dir • > r -l
th*|r ad vof
w * »f t** »< •••. •’*
l«»*n»*ul iu another rulumu of thl» ta)«vr Philadelphia have u»»m* I»» the «app»»rt
IIall • I a»;; y 1*1. » »•* th* haat
uf publi« ii.oral» and dec«*uw by de­
The d*«ire for lame haa hrtra**d claring thrir «»pp^aitioii to M»h- n* hav­
Th« iriiQbl« with th« si* caotla giri»
build i» (hat they are all parlor au I manv an amldtioua man into cvmmiC* ing *i le « cs and r*•• «»< upstair»
nm»«c rvuiBp with ik > kitchen« at- ting imh»« retioua that iurevor ruiued fur th* accuinudatlun of w**meii.
his r»putatu*ii.
Ninaptas» 5» era P î «, k *I with lUitllas et
la MalUais»«*«.
C«uid tinvateu«xl to become a» can*
coon at silver it* the day a of bv»uiu*>»*.
It* qm <’ year
it* eight yrere
wriv wot*. Semtl tneu at
Guide** 1‘ufut made a» turn U a»
re-U a d«i>
Auutbrr eiieptlotteUy
tm ky
thirty four
pound» of gold In utte Jay No wumler
that au«'h pocketi* n»re Crimed "Jew*
ehrr»* »Impel* Onasomally a nugget
worth tld.ta«» waa unearthrtf. The re
suit of thia »t*ddct* Influ & uf wraith
a I urn* t without labor, and with rtaka
w bo h are Influlteaimei •• cumpat,Nd
to KI« oh !Ar. wa» th* temporary drmo<a
aliaatlod of the populatk>i*- Mvlbuurne.
lu the bright uf the gold frter. has
i* • | -
< I '
' ; ■ • B * ’ O . [
well as "« frurixl, drunkm. dctlrluu»
(•ftudrmuti'utn " The lu* ky unt-w end
Ibrte Wrir tl" UsJ*U«ls of Ihrni upUlil
drr»**t I heir rh bra ill the m«*at r»o klrs»
fashion Mum* of their fantaatu- Iricha
would arwncly lw rreditetl were th«-/
tied attrstrd by wit mas«* »idl llvlug.
I be game uf nitteplne. ar are tuid. was
playrd with buttlet of champagne, f*»r
whh h he who broke lra»t had Io pay ,
do*«na of the »ame matly wine were
emptied into tuba, and drunk fr«*m tin
pannililna. aplrita ami liecr I k dug a«bl« <1
to g»'» ’“body” (u the beverage; on*
man. In Imitation of Lah'guia. ah<>4 hit
hor*« with gold, ae ml wk-hr» n •.**lr <>f
1 mi hknoirs wrrr devoured, ether wrap-
l»*d up In iHtuknotra was thrown tn
popular actress*« instead of fl'iwrr»,
In fa«d. money wav eo plentiful that (he
r*< l*l*-»» d ggrra tuuld not "kn«*'k It
down" fast enough They thought they
only bad tn dig a few !• «•*! in the earth
to g«*t plenty more, and fur a time It
alnntat a*rtne<! •• if th!« were ao. Hu«'h
Her* a«»me *»f the characteristics of
\toria a but youth. Tail Mall Mag«
How a 1 mtiig Woman Waved
fur a Wr«i«l»u« luur.
A promising young lawyer who bas
an offtew in th* Girard Budding ha»
)u»t made the delightful dliu'overj that
Ida flaui're la al*u a rtnaticier. The
young man’s awcethearl resides In <»er-
uiantuwn. and Tor svirral mold ba past
be lias < ailed ii|M»n her tegutarly thrice
« w«-« k.
\\ lo u he first met the girl,
two years ago, he waa, of course, ex«
tretnely anxious to mnk* a good Im-
presslun. mik ! be lavish**«! many pres­
ent* u|»*>n her The glrl a pan-id«» are
quite w »11 to do, but she disapproves
of any sort of display or prodigality,
and w ben. In the natural cuurae of
etetda. the young man |»r»»|*o«*«**| «nd
uns nA opted, ah* felt It to be her privi­
lege aad h*r duty to read him a little
let lure on E« ou<»my.“ Hhe called hla
attention to th* fait that every time
he « ade*! b* had been hi the habit of
bringing flower» anti caudy to the value
o a dollar ur two She suggested that
lit the future be should disuotitluue (he
presvnta, handing over a sihiT dollar
lustead whenever be cume to see her.
Ii«« laugh* «1. for lie (nought she was
Joking, but she speedily assure«! him
tliat abe wns n»u<*ti In earnest. So lie
paid ilia dollar regularly, ami Anally
i am«* to the «-«»n<-lusi<»n rtmt the iuun«*y
was tming devoted to charity.
wedding «lay was act for next mouth,
am! an extended tour wan contemplat­
ed. I nfortunafely. the young lawyer
recently took a "flyer” fln Btocka, and
drt»pi**d so much money that be had to
notify Ida tinin^-e (hat their wedding
(rip must I h « di«|M*nsod with. The dear
gtrl laughed at hltu, ami. lenvlug (he
room for n moment, presently returin*«!
with a satchel c«>nia!ulug 2*>l silver
lollara. Tbelr plana will Uut be changed.
Philadelphia Itecord.
I*rl*onvr Trie* III* Voice amt I* 1)1«-
*har«e<l Front I ua |« m | y,
A few year* ago a young ruau drraaed
in tattered clotbee ua* locked up at the
l»v*|dalue* *lreet police atatlou charged
with disorderly conducL Though bla
i lutbea were torn and bit hair unkerupt
made hi* apiH-arauce look like that of
a tramp, he ua* not. lu the eye* of the
|H>lleeman who arreated him for doing
nothing he looked like an ordinary beg
lie «si taken to the police atallon re-
ganlleaa of lit* pleading, and put In a
dingy cell, where be »pent nearly two
day a, aud bad It not leva for the police
■ plan be might !»*■* *t*ye«j there
Il ua* while the other prisoner* were
being tried lu court and the |H,1lee cap­
tain waa »Ittlng In hie private office
looking over reporta that a eweet tenor
voice wa* heard *lnglug "My Hid Ken­
tucky Home." The momrul the aweet
note*, wblcb were coming from the
ceUruotu. ,truck the rar* of the police
mptaiu be llateued a moment and drop-
l»nl the report* he wa, reading on hie
de*k until the *oug *ung wa* ttnlabcd.
When the aoug waa flulsbed the cap­
tain ordered the prisoner to tw brought
te-fore bltn. W lieu tbe «Inger, who waa
the ababhy dreaeed young man, appear­
ed Iwfore the police official, tbe latter
aaked tbe young tuau tv repeat tbe
•otig. w hich be did.
When be bad llmabed the officer look­
ed al blm a moment and eald, “Young
man, you have a g<xxl vulce.” When
the captain a*ked blm w here he lived
and a hat be did he bowed hla head a*
If lu aorrow and rvfu*nl to anawer.
When the police official learned under
what charge be waa l>eltg held a prla-
olter he ordered hla release. Tbe sing­
er. after thanking the captain, «trolled
slow ly out of tbe police atallon Into tbe
Street and wandered away. Hla Iden­
tity la still a mystery. Chicago Cbron-
A Hlugular Monatroally.
A writer In Science describe* a curl-
»ua monstrvwlty which has com* uuder
hla obaervatlon. Thia ta a cock with
no signs of spur* upon lb* tarsi, but
with a couple of well-developed «pur«
U|H>n the bead, on either (Ide of the
comb, giving the creature the appear­
ance of being horned.
These mock
spur* are not attached to the skull,
whatever they may originally have
lieeu. but ar* loow. Instances are
on record of »pur* being grafted on
to coml>e. but. «<> far, no similar caae le
known to have occurred In nature.
An Aublsoa anut who baa twelve
children recently starved to death
while at tbe dinner table; before be
bad served them all death cauie to bls
M*lri< 5y«iatM I* Ku««l*.
It 1« pn»hable that th* metric eyetewi
wlli t-* introCltteed Ivefore long in Rut­
ala. the bill which ha« Issei* ) r*par«xl
to this rffrrt by the minister of fluence
has received lb* ap) r bation of th*
•late omucil, with the understanding
that the uni»*r«ity and the var.ou«
•* irntuic
ao«'ietie« »ill give their
veriflcatht* of
tbe weight« and measni«* necc««ary for
commercial u»e.
The d*t«il« hAte
I reu nearly all deicsl*d on, and «Hl l>e
«ubmittr«! to th* «x>iim H tn (he near
future, bine« |RV6 (he metric Byatetn
haa teen u«e«l by the med leal ter vice
of the army In tho compounding of
h*rmu!aa, thia having be*u made obit-
Ktfastl«» Melhmvta.
The Arttiy Tetnpet«(><** A ««n*’ialt«»n
indi r»r» «m! help» to ru«<ain ’‘temper­
ane» ru»'!!»»*’ «meng |1*lti»h iml'hrrw.
1 ho groatat generai» uf b ugiami advó­
cala them and nay they ar* the l«*at
M**)M>na fot tyghtitig th* rnnui whi« h
• «'ntributea «i largely to I rum* *der at*
Sohliara can have a g»* I
time tn thrin wlthuQl rrcvurse» to rilimr
th* »»utsiile sal**« n or an army «ant«r*rii.
“ Health and Beauty”
aìri! ru a .
X • .
Hing a* a Fa*h««r.
King Gr<»rg««, of Greece, as th« fath
er of a family* -erve »• a tnudH
The flrat thing he think« of Is th* e«lii-
C4ti«m and welfare of hi» children. At
the time of tbe departure of Prine*
<»«»rge for t’rnte. about a v«*ar ago,
th* ru was a painful sc*u* at th* ¡»alare.
lhe king, iiotw ithstamling the ntTorr«
h*- made to hid* hi» emotion, could n«»t
withhold hla tear», and when in« son
threw bimscif fuv> bta arm«, asking if
he had any order» to give him. King
r.\<* r* p
i in a \ » •- in
f .«!T<-
tu'ti: “I have no orders t«» give you,
my child. Pmvidenoa will guide you
<»o, aud rely ou thr gra. e of God,1*
r»t ..flit* II«*
M|S'!|<I I I00.IH"»
Enasta ( X , *’; t S
ihm, in « Idifb ii to the $4<(,<lU(),Uii0
air rt'ly pvi'l .ml, t«> complete niul
r«|uil' (!«« 1 r. ij *-M eriRD rued, mij »’ M.
1.«ut >kv, a vi<e iiiinuter, who 1» at
pit «ut lu m « i * IrMUcifru* G aufbortty
tin • ! -(. ir» in that a c< u-i t*ra >le
ptiri: uf tiiG n*-int-iiM« ami) will ruin* t«i
th)» «‘uiiutry, it U-iiig the Ru«»ian g**v-
Ft 111 in nt«’ lutvhtiun t*> j Mtronix«* Amer-
k.tii innnuíactiir» r» wry larguiy.
I*e- Vtttir I « ri Vrhr amt Hum*
*('• .««*«•■
Vfilir Alien’* T H.t E-l’*
*' « r b»r it»«- irei
li i-uik«a ti>? t <»r
»li«»rw (« m * ì *«*y giv*« inalant ralirf i«»
>• »t,«l biiitloii«. fi'* ih«« grralaal ri»n)-
1« rt «Il ■.•«»•«« ••(«h«’ .»gr
l'urta »»••ilrti
bh*|er» an«l ««ihiti» apula
All* « •
H«. i-En««* i* * i-rrtam c,«)* f«>r maro» mg
». aeratiitg, «tiiarthig, h»»t. a« hin< feri.
W r Imv* <»*«r •*••■» trainmtiHal». Il « urrà
* Illi r i««n mb I»
All «Iruggiwt» aliti ah«»r
r.| il
I- al pn« kiif* b’III E
hr ii
Adtlli-ad. A .«Iti h. Otiuated. I a »
li-'V . N Y
Aftvr a long, nil«! nt time« «Haenarm*-
in-, cairnj itignT tbe g«>-‘*l ¡»copie uf Hr-
• Ark . h ue au«-« • c<hu| hi ævuring
th* prohibiiion uf aaluona. An apjirai
M Ü» fakt-)) from th<* «leciaiuti of the
v-utity x-urt t>> the dr- uil court with
the above rt-«ull
•M >th*r» mil ti»d Mr». 5Vi»i*h>»» » s.voth.
j-.* *vrnp the
remedy t«» u*j* f«»r th<’r
¿hii«ir«.*i during me teething period.
After all. w* kixiw but little aUmt
this wrld of ottr«.
A ruler»
llediti. the famous Scan Jtnav iati geo­
grapher. who haa l>eeu making »xtan-
«IV» expl"iriti<>na in Thil *L han fourni
th* ruins al an an* lent ritv of great
I here art* groat lftu«*d roads in­
ter»«** ting th* ruin*—r< ad» »u< h «»
< hiii.i • mudi i show t' day — imil Hvdm
way« llial r\ir\thing iu tbe city w«<
built up>n n gmn>! naie.
Th» letter P, Ilk».» the selfiah friend,
I» first in pity and last in help.
Little Liver Pills.
Vary aa>*U *»4 *•
to latte as «»gar.
g PI U.S.
»*• i-JÍTw IMM avO« «*•■ «^•».•«'•4
JL. >
f.' -.
M Carf» FuraTy ▼ _. ,ht,
No External
The bl«x*J tn*y t>c in bad ennditkv«,
yet with no r«’.»«•>*I v.jn*. no tkie
rrujaion ov *>>re* to iud>c*te it. The
• vtnpl. u>* iu au. U i»ve> lotig a varvabh
appetite, pi*>r digest > >n, *u isklaecnbaide
weak urn* and ucnKvuaoe*. he* ot ttesb
•nJ a general rua-dowu condition ot th*
rvvlewi —clearly showing the blood ha,
lost it, nutritive qualities. La* Income thia
•nJ watery. It i* in just *uih ceeea thel
S S 3. has 4 om *<>3ie <4 it* qui-ke*t *n4
nv*t tffevtive work br I tiding up th*
blood ail I . ‘¡ plying the element* I*- king
tu tn*'.e it strong end vigorous.
•' Mr wife uaej *ev-
<ral bottlee ot S. R. 8
•• a t’luotl purtAer and
to I )>e up a weak and
envai iate-1 •vsteni w I' h
very marked effect by
wav ot improvement.
•' We regard it a
great tonic and bhod
1 uritier
J F. Dvr*.
i-Viucctun, Mo.
I* live greatest of a!)
rigr««a 1*1» al ««>•.
tonic*, and you will
An old tar on n »ailing ves-al »avs
rind th« a[petit* im­
that aailors OU »hip« in th** regular line
prove* at once,strength
between Europe anti N«w Yurll areal­
way» »tire of plgrot) pie Ihe lay after return*, and nrrrcmneee vauiahe* ** ntw
e tnore cmulsle*
tbe carrier pigeon «ervicu leave» th)» rich pure blood
P rt. lie added that ptgwoua fb lug nt the ugh all ] art* rd the iritrm
mi * soon grt tired, and *»tt!e
n tho
S S S l* tbe only purely vegrtable
ralt that
»• in t ; |f wav. bh -I puntier ker -n. It < ■.plain* no min.
The impre«ri«>n 1» gaining that pig<™>n» eral* whatever
Send for out Ire. b<ob
ar* not so useful h r lung uvvuu flight
on blood aivl skin thveaae* an I write oul
as bus bewu Lelirwd.
pbyu- in* I - any inf rm*t> u or sit vice
SUkW the deci»i< n of the Tnitrd wanted
Ko < h i . e for medical advice.
States supreme court that th* Illinois
TH« IWliT SftClFIC CO, SltSNTk. 6A.
cigarotte law 1» valid, they will sr*
p - - ■ . ■ •
that it is strictly enforced.
Tb* burd
ta., < e yo» the be.t
tn yr neral
of education and th* anli-cigarottr I ■
... 1». .-r. tank, pump«,
letigue will «'«»■operate m lb« prose* u
I >•
I .- Hr W
»1*11 X I, aimliulb, l-y him. 1» un-
ticui of all v 1«»Lalors.
.G* I a-Mmll. W r*p(v*r iWinw
G*fe| alone kn w • how nmrh heaven
• when a vi *ng man laa**-» bl» fir»!
O » S' «9
■W E
t luqiirl *«« III l*««|»iil>kr.
It »«• generally *npp>>«e«l that rm
quet hml gone altogether out <d fash­
ion, but on inauy lawns uf country
homes where formerly t**nuia net* were
atretched cioquet wickets and boopa
are once more seen.
It ha* bo»*n
foun that taunia is too violent a game
fur Hi« majority uf womeu and g, it
ms kt-» a grvater demand on the tini«»
and |m!icu> e of women th in moat <»<
them * mii afTord. Ooquet la found to
be m m« r* »uliable and ct incieut re­
ar« oprn to two claiaet ot yersona. ( I Thoef wbo Write well, are accurale
in heurei. undeestand bnoklueping, etc.
Thcae wbo are tkdled in
üu-ethand and typewritrng. Partent wbo are profitent rn buth line* are bel
ter off UlU. Th«y are alway» etven the pveterence. W< teach ail these
branche*, and inany more, luvettigcte our w-rk. Itwrllpay. Call. or Write-
An K«4 b I u »I s * Or4*r.
“Tbe mo«t ancirut and m<*«t noble
Ortler of the Thistle,“ whieh has just
buen conferred up»n the Earl uf Hope­
town, 1« the smallest uf the three* great
order« of knightb*KMi hi p int of uum-
l«»r» aud the longest in ¡sunt uf title.
It cunaiata of the wnrreigu and Britlah
priuo'» and Hl kuight«*.
Para and Washington Sta
A. 1*. Armstrong, I L. B„ Principal____________ J. A. We*co, Penman and Secretary
x For Infantw and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
AVrvctatik- Prepar itionTor As
simil.ihnö itK-hxxJ.tulISi tfuLi
Made of the Beil Material*, thoroughly leaamed, by competent workmen, ft dan*
wit bout an equaL Call on our Agent, or adders,
1XF-J4A Eaat Momaon Street. Portland. Oregon.
Bears tho
1 IJiAVl
«wwawawMM • «Mm»—
Tromok-s Oiíc.tlionChivrfiil
neganti Rest Contains n»-nlnT
Ojmuii -Morpktnr norXiiwral
N ot N ahcotic .
Gin, Brandy, kum
11 full quarte F* >
I r fa n | g>.
All. <•<»«>!> <tooi>e
For Over
Thirty Years
Fac.'-tm.le Signature of
k.tatui*a.4 • Y*ara
Aperfrcl R> 1111‘dv forCoiHtipn
linn. Sour Slouwwh DiArrhiicn
1VurnM.( uitwil-jL'ti.s.h-vrri*h
Itrs-V nod l.OHHOr NIJLF4-
Of^wr» fnr •* ’• «n-1 npward-laii varr.j (»*• «n
nearwel Hallt« «Pi or airamwr L*; m J ìhm ii.aua
‘ a««r« aud Kr««
u UIL lii u
"imp» on
' ■
• * a
AH I>f er ate |1 t>
10 IMt’ riuidltt »ML
iicc*«« HftV»cvr»d waaj tka«»-
»4.4 ct*««.
81 B. X 31IIÍ S IÎBX
Bvs 1,
AUaala, Ü»
Yoa ean-l ma,, a mitra,, it yon get a
Mitchell, beuiis & Staver Co.
W. H. SMITH I CO., Iaffala. I.T.Prtp'a
If w-, • t* sa* h * s
I «teaA /» Wa«9i>-'ft*a D t t» v' W. I r«-
XHb « vrp» FrtM»«cuiiBff claim* aiur» UT?».
T»-a frna. ». ••>! *. mu» H
< -r i-t < „* *
L '-.‘.tf*/,"*??/ «>r.doaan*o *Piia n*mady.
• • ■
. f.,e « .
•• «*u*< Her «-a*** i»ii ** a a n b - • rw
w. r. w. V.
s,t 4tl i »( mi
W ruing t«» *«l«*r9l*ar* B*l«*»e
*««11.11 Ibi* r*r*,.