r * * . % » a « or\ r\ -.»*• Commercial ♦ Keystone Shaving Parlors House ohei . ox LAItH Nt W9. Leham-n, Or . had a (10.000 fir». I- rd I Mrg. erta haa attacked ÂUIRITI sampling NAGASAKI OASI eut haa Cunard l iner Campania Col Epitome of tl ■ Telegraphic given tta h«*«rful «•«•»! to th« applba T ien T»lu ami height-orb-«»I are clear J. BL ARD, Prop 0 L. VINCEKr. Prop. th«u u( the VmUM >tatw«« gv»\ rrnoirtit News of th' World. if Chinaaa. tided With a Bark. l« r purtulsaiua to land tr»«*|x and mili* %% < rlenial war 1« affecting Ihe a,-rid'« tar» aupphva at Nagasaki tn tranait V Only Fint-Claii Shop in the City ax-m-y market«. Nrwly Furvualwd and Hihllid wat d«* PR© IH U. MIXERS VIEWS Taku. China. Thia A 1 IwvufhoMt.X.Mj« • v»n> ill, -n»l at a « »te. but that lb* tn and null l> will Le held S»p4eiut>»r 4. ||B.at»n an iJurnuiaulat y Hsihs *•»» Two llemi»pher»a I'rpa »,»» * >•■*»» • * Sooth at fkvdf*. SOO. OREGON at*--‘k mrrtad by them and lnt«nd««| tor F- » id«»« a. !«• • < **i Ire are»* # * .ti Minuter Wu ha« •on I that t ■ • •ayviv« in < bina might I* tran«f«rrrd Pekin aulborili»« are prute a Un< at .N«ga«aki to < th«r >*««rl* of th« k-relgm re. *' Accurate saiuplmg Is qut© as ©««©n* transport ««rvl« « ami fakrn dlwvt t»> L n loti, July 14. — A dens© (•< hung Llama. T ub ., was dr mol Uh» I by a 01! J. W. VooH I r-P pr. •' - ta in the l’a» ide S».rth* tial aa accurate swaying. h»r if th® Taku Th« lapaiMw« aulbonti«« not • fjrlooe wait mdlcet» a yield of 4Ü.Ü00.UOU I sMtnple dc«©e m t truly r©p:©«M*nt th® l«»t, onî» hat« agriMol l*> th^ |«r»’pn*«fd »»•* •>( ' ing. and I hr Cuuaid line ateamer Cam* M Lout® Trauait Compati y refue©« -uihela of wheat. lor mass, tn-m «hi h it was laken. th® Nagawakl. tut they alio h«%« ia« ir*d pania, ®o r»«ute from Xrw Y« rk K»r to arbitral® with the •triken. th« t’nitr»! Mat«’« gotertim«ut thatthav ' Idverjool* «truck lb® l.ivrr|«H«l l«ark The C iliary liner Campania cut in * aubeeqtielit a«»aVa Will be valueless Chi (’hinra®, hating just laarrel twain a taark. whl< h uuk at wn 11 men. t ll®d. p ut as he will o<'caeb>Uitlly I j ® «aH®*l ail»!«. Ih«' quarirrmavtrr‘a dcpartnioDt . I m ’.©'on sank tin med lately. >®*rn«4 rusk® regular tripa to Hein. < --! -ml-lan tr»'pe will fight th« r»vo- u|-ti V» lak® his own ««Ample a in«»a I* I I Ma'« h ha < ■ ‘j (liti !-r i »te ..f V •« ;ta at I ba army ha« pfutldad Ihr»-« larg« th® few were le*« ucm !. lull, it Is is* Twenty prr*otw were |»r<«strat®d by lai lnt> nliti out»l-le of Panama, eo aa txd • • f th© art o( »aiuphütf tmiivjib'rta <»( th* Philippiu« ««»rvi « for I i ® y « m I th© other I! member® of the heat al .New York. Temperature - J Io endanger the city. «»al.** u«« on th«« lin« li«tw««H Navaaakl and I ship's company, including the captain* degreea I pulut« n-!u-e>i to gw Int-- the l«tah<> in the N- rthweat a may- rt’y -•! the Taku. and it is «ipectrd in this way l»i were «ln>wnrd Th® Cam|l a full ticket. I sample® If oght to an aaeayer are ei(>edlta th« tuuv«nt«ni *>( troop« t«j her b«»w« at« vo m. but am>®d aatrly at indued on ( he F«»«. m aulicipation of i taken by the pfoepweter, or other mt« r- Democrat» amt silver itepubllcai» »• ■ t*|* < fww i ta ldv®r|axt|. fit® and a half bottra late. bina. SCIO, OR an outbreak. i!»*■<> a Li« ®st®d | artv. au«i as th® s«*ay «©rtlft* fnaing. Th® (*am)*uia had a narrow ©• tp® Th« «tat« department haa ia» i«d th« V! t Fleet of the rorolatkmiela haa t«ern (r tn ar*ri««na disaster Th® fog had follow tug bulletin. L.i Hung Chang g t a cool reception cate« are often use«! as th® d««cumeut rapture! by gowrutnent hirer»» in t o* ’* Ih« m retary of «tat« mrrixed thia delayed her jw«©age «in«© Friday n*M>n* it Hong K«>ng Ituula hai called on st *- ©\d'-m «’ • ( th® value of the | ■—* kinibUjn ret*elii<rning a dupatch from < niuul >owl«r • nd a tender went out from Queen»* b» stat© <»n th® !a«-® of su* h «* b® l take th© liner near shore. Steel ( omj-any, at l>«ram. l a . haa Th» I ight infantry ii returning from •ampl® on which th® vesr was mad©. • aid all foreigners «ere murdernl At 1'uakar light, th© fug was looming been chmed down, throwing I 0O0 men | Cui a to go to < hina. Ifnavy artillery If an aeaayer samples th© ore him- denset e»ery m>»tn®ut H hen th« < am out of work. [ ia« lw. n <>r«ler»d to leave Fort llellly ; »©If, h© owes it to !>ls client m » t«» slate, Kowler wired the goteruuf demanding the truth. The goret Dor rep led that pania waa s'«« t -.’»*» miles northeast of Two transport®, with l.?OO o been» ■ l--r the Orient. as it iloubl©» the value of th© certitt* hi« courter left 1’rkin «>» th«* 11 th, and the light a nhantuin «hip ro«® suddenly, and mm. miled from Manila f«»r Takn. Hawaiian plantation oen-ri are all then «er« »aie. but Pekin. rest without warning* dlretly acron her Th® hospital ahi|> Kehrf baa alao h' H trying to indu*-» 5,tkm Puerto lit- atia i lilin*®l( h© should place the lospunsi* city, ha«I Iwn « am«*«! by th«» robáis, bow« Ihirtv seconds late? th© phan* • at •ent to Taku. ' to move to the Pactfi- ialamt* on a ; l liltv of the «ample w !*©re It belong*. with the mimi to kill.” l . had b®C’ m® a *« lid sai’mg v®-««» !, tox OFFICERS: Mrs. Fliaaiieth (’. Tolman, wife of thr-e year»* contra« t. . by stating wl*o did take It. Without Into which tl»® liner cra«h«Ml, her •tr«n vou King «>•» th» <-r« IMPHOVID IOUHIÍT SLttPtHS b > re foot g’lng through the Embletod died at ®r burn® in Vdiland, Vice Prenden! J. W. Games < f ¡'a Ilk© the «'ban cut of a aw« rd, ami th» American authoritiea in Manila oi th» iHinpl», *-a»y .i-rtitl *«»» *houl-l Cuhier G V. Johnson Ur., aged 7 I yrati». dividing hrr just al aft th® m unmaat. ha«» le-en toon I ¡u a rebel 1> rulliug I carry t«< weight »■ -hwanirnta. Thi« *»f Mid «II* < !«*••« MU l«-»l t-o arc-'»iplt«h«nw<* t«> IH*» tlem*u*ki of the »tern »wung viciously round, and th® ' aat rr ir«ti>g l<> it that hi, print»-! cr- feather weight • hauiphui of the w< rid, !• l«a) t<> covar the . K. .V N ntni it* c«>i>urv mast and yards f r a moment b ro at defeated in three rourda, Frank Erne, reported b* have l-eeti ' u'tnetv. 1 ant ma e at lurrent rates light weight champion of th< world. - - ■ I J» t' t - !■..),_• t \v -I- tv lion* itre placing in op rstion a Hi t* h th© < Atnjsinia. A lump of wreckage the government will offer them induce­ 1 xnrrs f«»r !’•• ratiie down on her deck*. Then the ard drills h-unl on print pal title». Sealing claims are tu I«© arbitrated ment« to return t-- their fariiu. \ i- •• t !i;»ti st am | r» x t «us »tern provamente - t lAttor u «< m an«l such thing». ami »tnk« r» having taken place. I hen there In Romliay. ludia, for th® w«*» k ©nd* Il ah«»* a grow ignor­ thia the rallroit 'a are *-n!ahU*hitig a wa « nothing. C-'tint < '«iitellane. huilmml of Anna 1 New York. st-rvicv which is exi’rllant in •ter* jro hi re, »ml often titular. • | i were fatal, ami in the native arrxe«!. but l the llrat-cla«« peiieiiger» Campania until th® !«•«< vestige of th® which < >rlow»ki waa .lightly wouuded. I mt»lea
  • f ft p»r when a toafiat sleep®! appealed to a OREGON. >re. h r marly half an »»our iehns lb® Weatlall. Malheur county, Or., wa» uni- tin or j-'iti tin ie already in ex- <-»ut ore w*i tlgunil -mt at l«-»tit*. limi te-1 numl-er of people who w»®>. «•- in n tii«' apt.r.n an»l firtt «r accidentally killed while stacking hay iatenoa. on the •*cheap” order, in w©r® l»©low at breakfast, and, although r*|u«l to fl** l-*r *n. w lit-r- mi n-- ainelt* traveling on his ran« h, lieing struck by a derrick The Chimwe minl*t»r at Pan* hai ' er couhl »ffi-r-t tn | mv more then aluut every ti-eaning <>l the term. .Now. ’ • . ’-•■ • a A r . I iura, one |>r<>ug of which pletxed hi® howcier. there hai !>erri a radical l>© h®ard every minute, th® l ark never notified Del- »»»» that the (««reign nun- om tlitr-l that price. neck. lelgian With th» A good pra- tl<-al rule to tire in figur­ change shifted her cour«e. th® helmsman re­ Feona. CO miles ®outhwr»t of l>al* goverumeut ha» receive«! wont that ing out appro innate value» of a ,ul- m In operation the c!a«a of paaaeiigf'rv ceiving no order. When, at h .• » V las. Texas, was swept by a v\cl<»u®, they were able ou th« .'<>th. hai lieeu improved, and tu»e may n««w M . th© l-hi-le on . at prreont market <|iiota HARRY S. JOHNSTON A t CO.. Proprietors. ml olflcw'r, to us® hi« own killiUK* three ja ratuis. T wo churches, travel uj.m them an«! enjtty all th® phra«©«. ‘’hoard th© rush of a steamer s tiona. I, ai follow•: Smallp x I" prevalent at Nome City, several dwelling bouse« and au itn* \ -if r every |.»r ut - I privilege» of a rtr»t < ¿ am a - cuer *«I a !>«»ws,” Ii© about©«! down to th© • aptain, r.iiiiM' amuiiut of farm property was lk-xen are ieporte-1 ou the Coieau copra-r the ore contain». greatly radmiel ret«. who ru«hed «'U deck, blit he Was tun destroyed. frontier. iMily. on the O. li. A N a Allow 40 centi for every )-»r - ent of late to give an order. ih© first suit for damages grow ing favi mail. Il attache«! cue The ihingle mill at Toledo, Or., wa* leu*I the -,- eva« I rounterjaart of th« fir»t cla»a put bar! d«>wn the ore c -natin*. No precaution was 0 urlìi - an la the al-reme of a am« king superfluous notion Oregon is en<«rmouw. Prine« loan hai an army of l&.UOO After th© crash own claim an-l wl»he* to know th« apaartmi-nl. The new car« t-elug l-uill in ! Ihe Midden ert* «, th® L ats w©rn Mor® soldier« are twedad fur gam»« u meu reaily to tight the foreigner*. by the Pullman Company aro u I pro- quickly gotten out There wero n<» duty iu the rhlllpplUra. llrpubllcaili of l-lalio nominate«! D. truth. Naturally. 1 a»k how be 1» to vi-lael with «rnoklng apartment» Hile signs «»f panh'; th© craw was «v®r> - do It. and the following remark* are ('blues® reformera ar© using etery en­ W. stamlrod, of llauuock c-iuuty, for for bl» l-em-tlt, not for the prof»»»lonal: new departure ha« ba»n tak-u l-ea*aii«e where at th®!r stations, th® bulkheads governor. deavor to sat© the foreigners. lu MinpliUg a l«a-l, 11 the vein 1* *o of the fa- t that tn«>»t through train« were cl<»»«l and ®v©r) thing pu sal LI® Prince Tuan ha* ie«ue«i an ««lict to that it will all hate to go lor treat­ ate provl-leal with compa>«lta car», was dun© t«> save Uf®. A mountain tff gold I-ear ing quart® is a;tid to hat© beeu found iu th© Blue tlx a «letiuitu -late lor a general uprta- ment, a reetiott of unit- rm thickn»*» which provili« a •im-ker for th» «l«-»|>- Soin® of the ('amjwnia’s plat®® war® IRVINE &. CALAVAN, Props lug iu ( luua. right acr-wa the whole face of the lead ing-car pa»»«-iigrr». riter distriet. bent by th® oullision; her for©|®*ak The eteamer Cub h hai arrived al •hould t>e taken for ore »ample». till®«! with water, her foretopmaat was A daughter of Th«*d<»re Havem.it ej, TW» Mill* Hurtled Am - ther, an-l quit» a» latiafa-bry a from ,'kagaay, with broken sh«»rl off and her steel rigging the sugar king, abut and accidsutly Vaii<<’uver. it. Sjjokanr, Waali Joly — lire this method, 1» to »ample *11 the rock that (SOU.lHHi in gol-l duet. turn an« n« w the count»»rf» it- t’• tlie dump, if there I* atiy, by cuttiug plant of the l!t»llann the name prim I jwttn an«! «aa**'«| a I«»»» «»f f •),♦»«! » Jt>* and crew, and sub» ribud £7iMJ f*»r tbu prtMirve their product. can dollar« out uf Mexican dollar«. • uranrw, $l3*0tK). It also de«tror*d pl,- a» m mmpllng a ledge. relief of th© survivor« au«l th© faiuUl« f A ih I v Smith, 7<> years old, wa«wtru< k san Framiiivi < hiue*» may fight th» It iiiu»t alway» le a mat rance, 11,000. » ighih Infsttlrx fvr < hin« • heu found had la»ru lour day® without ai« -«rgauiilug a national guard ootu- great difference t>»tween th» dump and engine uf lite I lol I ah «!-I h»rr mill waa f«M«d or water. New York. July 24 —Two com- the flue or«, an-l c- uiequently a due re­ carTiod into a dual bin. The du*< ei* pauy. pi«M|®d and in a minute dones were panie« of th« Eignih I'mlnd Stale« in­ gard mu»t 1» ha i to getting the pn-|a-r Heavy ram storms are rau* i I UK in Ihe iteau-ihlp Garonne, Ju»t return­ sweeping through tiw» mill. Two w rk* fantry movnl "IT the traui|>«rt M h 'Iel­ proportion of each. Nurtberu Wisconsin. All railroad« ed from \laika, h*> l>eeu chartered bv Hand-picked aampl»* ar» never reli­ men Were ku«c ked down by the eiplo* la n tlili afterm.-n an I itattcl for Fort have suffered from washouts, . Hail did the Cuit-'l '•tale* and will t>e uaed to Other memlier« of able. and »boul l alway* be avoided. al«>n and burned ihwl the fact* and 'Helling, Minn groat damage tn croj«. carry imppllo» ami truope to China. lianda In au im reOUily brief |H rit.d the regiuieni are en route from I'ul-a. F v i-prlen-ed mining men frequrntly It la rspirtel that 10,000 Borre are tlatnea had ritemle*! U' the luiu ‘ ” r *mi. aft- r th» recruiting of the <-rgau- Eng >ml 1» alarmed over report that I take han-t aam|-!r» of particular eia»re» prejmriug to emigrate to Amer lea. Chlueie ale invading Siberia, tbui giv­ of the - re lu a tbiUe, have ttie»« »"»aie-l \ .»r«la and mmiü acre® <»f •».»•• iir I him* iaation to It« full limit, It will l-e «rut Prnaldrut Kruger will refuse to aurreU' »r were aflame. It wa« ihr h- Urei to China. ih» men have been lu Culm ing liuiiia an ex- uie for deecending on and often from th»»e rreult* they e»tl- der until hia »applies are ®xhaa*ted. nrlagratioti am e the great hr» <»( Is month«, but they look»-1 to I« in 01» they ar» min­ Pekin ami holdlug t- rritory c<-o<|uered. ■uale whit grade **y. Three firemen were mtri^nn® fine - « n-lillon ibout '.’.ROD pera- ne The«Mlore (»reil. ag® «n agreement regarding future -oYered later. ami the Young Men*« < hrlitlan A»«>>- Or . was accidentally drowned while MMava experienced men-an "g-iew," I action lu i Inna, limn« will carry on rlati n prolvdwi I'lfTee ami other ra- attempting to get iut<> a la>at to row but It 1» um «rtain at th» boat, and 1 <>*«»!•• lu l..«ave 4vl*»ua. a ae|«erate «-ampalgu agaimt Pekin on freiheliti i'll» other eight com pani»«« of bom®. dangerou» h r InelpereuMd perron* to Clifton, Ari».. July 21.—Or»ru rr-cvtvc-l Ihe (mrrh'atl bark Mc.Near waa lost put iu ruadiu«-». fur iff tape Halk-ra«. Th« < bin«»« empreo* i* allegwi to mate« on a reef near Laysan island, near Icaviog ut tr<">i-» of ih» Nmth cavalry have pro|-wad to Japan a wholexaie Awavi cannot !e average-!, nulea* Japan. The passengers an«! < rew «j«*ut (<<>1 -rr*ay, and tabluhml t-> prete« t icttler» iu ih» « mi - leyaau island I- uly then by a long calculation, loo laborer early V» day removed a pila of iinpllcat. d lu the affair. crai A|-a> he rvglou* <>l Arianna The Judge W. II. Washington* of Phils* I long t<- tleacribo her», except briefly. uegru trpa will 1« ralle veri by (our ties hot» ih® N«»rthw»*etaro tri», ks, that The ¡»■•biffi<-• department haa order* delphia. a dlr®« t «leacendant of Ittgns- In mu» ca*M out of ten when the trv>-|><> of ih- i ifth «atalry al JetTera-n tael bfvn | laced thrr«i during th® night, tin« \V a di l ng ton. father of Grorge a.) that beginning Auguat 1 all malli fust in tin»«* tu prevent th® laitMiigrr ‘average *»«*y of ■ min»" i»*|»>kenof. i h» a- tlou will llkely Washington* I« dead at tailla I reek fur the Hawaiian iilauda ihall 1« for­ it 1» Incorrect an-l 1» uiually oi-talne-i tarntcki. M«>. train due her® at 4 40 A. M . troni cali h-r a itrong |>r< tr.t frum wtllera. ll«»t springs, Arisuna, of w-u-uii-pl i«>u warded excluaivaly tu Sau I ran. lacu or Ha ala»» removed a by ad-ling up a numlwr of re pm rale a«- wbu rialti! they woubl b» lnlt unpnv- •triking them. He waa 45 years old an«! a lawyer of other American pot.« for Jlapitch, an I «ay» an©« < ( 3) Hi©!iit®rS of a dini received Ih» ilx uumpaul». «ili lie <-UUuue t- ««ut Frani li- -, pt- ■•«’ Ir ih» la*i local club, who were on th« train. lbany Two of th© new ones ®s»n to t>© COU- New l< »in -tlvn» jti»t |-ut on by th» but thi* i* aoldotn done. Th» correa l uf the iu<>ulh. strurted will l>e aaaigned V» earrir® «>n Denver « Iti - Grande Rallway hav» an average areay may !>• obtain»«! by mul­ In • Lava Flow, T Franrh Vlrtuty in V* ••! 4?rle®, the I'actttc <*oa*t, and one may cutu© to uni.pi» atta- hm«ut a» a «aleguard tiplying th« weight ot each lot of tliu Yukohmaa. Jujly '.*3. — Mount Alu­ the ( uluinl la river. Parli. July 23 — The Matin publiahe* na, near liandalaan, ah loll wa» tira »g uuit robbera, in th» way of a notai» ore by the of auch lot. and tbu Mpoli rep».-ting a •- ene of a volcano Aiaaitar tn laaa. The Washington government will tak® ou thè roof »1 tbe cab. Thane run neri prolnct of each multiplication ami a ®\©ry precaution againat vlolen •• I» i with th» Imi «atei ol Che boiler, and 1 divi-le thi* ram by the ram of th» I ren h victory in Writ Africa au I the broke into rruptiou Turwlay, July 17. Sultan of Hun-lre-l» of pmrront were killerl or in- Chines® in the Vnited states, which ia poiut al th» rewr end of the trader, waighta of the tarloua Iota of Uie or». death of Habat. former The eldeat e.n )ur«»I. Several tillage! were eugulte-l intimated in some rei'tiuna. in order ( The notale can a»ud a tulle»! at ream of Th» quotient ol each dlviai-m will lie I'x-rnu, in the Somlan. that th® fore® of our demand fur aato*- ■team an i tiuìing water at IfiMI pounda "Hie only correct average aaiay’* obtain­ of Rabat wa* Wouuded lu the light. by the itreani nt lava from .Mount ..Salem and Portland. Umar I'eiiigrahlm hai been pirn cd ou Aroma, and great damage wa* due m O M. ROSF-NDALE, fa«tion fn»m China »ball Out be weak­ preiiure that would kilt anione In Ita able. the thrwn« of II rnu. rang». lu Portland Telegram, felyareut district*. ened by vuuntrr claims. «.mpalheale «1,14» Tlin«l«.a4. < aiti» Ci mg Tavern Burned. A l'.mningham, N. Y . a- buoi tanche* HI. Lamia, July 23.—A epactal to tha Dunimulr. < al., July 23.—Caatl» Fort llllay, Kan.. July 14. — liuih Chinch bug* are doing great damage whlpie-i a -ebool boy and »ipluded a Crag Tavern, a faihionabl» rammer P--«t !>ti|wtch fn>m Ihalla«. Tea., aaya; order* have come for the --evenlh Unit­ to Kauiae crvpe. tor|«rt in th» Sierra mountain«, wa* It ha« I e»u informally -lea-ided by t>ie ed State* battery of heave artillery al American trade with (. teina I* A ut year old boy at A.orti Hl-lge, leitrov ciatlon an-l American taxi, Fort Riley to proceed with all haate to chiefly in the region where the -lie­ Ma., ibot bla l-rother dead aa ih* re- i-uutenl» . al an »arly hour thi» morn- eratinn -f lalur that unlewa the ilrlke the Orient, calling for older, at Nag- tur two«'« i* greatMt. Them were 800 furiti in the ho- trouble on the Conaili lataad atrevt rail* aaakl. General Merriam promulgatr-l aulì of a quarrel. I l,,M A «team automobile wa* baili in l»l. All •*«i»-y nett Sundae, the order In Denver. The battery we« Jap»n haa appropriata! 60.000.000 Englan«! in IH34. It wa* rvgarr the pur|»««e of aimaing »vm- tinea that time hae Iwren Idle, VCal loa» I» r.itmutol wit IVOO.OOu The tbe iam« aa our «follar. 'Ih» hotel wa* owned by th» Pacific pa thy and through a general boycott equipment etnbre.-ei the beavlmt rall­ An Oklahoma woman want« a di- Tbe t'hnitian T n-leavor oonvantion I ni pro i »ment turn pany. on» of 111» in- an l inipennon of Imatm-»-oniprl arbi­ l-er gone In the rervioe. with full ón tu« v--r-e t-e- auae her bun-ami hail killed Then ar« 4.'MSI in»u in tba piemen! of inortara. attended by 27 mru. After the Ifitb ah« drew lt>* in Luudou will !■» attaudad by 10,000 «---rpi-rutIona of th» Southern Pacific tration delegate». 3,000 fruita America. tie-lei wfio alii ro-apou-l, It le «aid Company. tuen and 10 officer*. iahst for Refaction and Defects of llit* Eve. EAST AND SOUTH Considered Essential to Ac Curate Assaying. General Blacksmiths and IlgMBittfU. Horseshoeing a Specialty... BANK OF SCIO SHASTA ROUTE CAPITAL, $20,000. r*.» * ; A. W. HAGEY Scio P laning M ills ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK ON-SHORT NOTICE IO, OREGOIN SCIO LIVERY AND FEED STABLES r- F « Hack Connects With All Trains at West Scio and Morning train at Munkers. —- CLOTHING We now have the largest and best selected stock of Clothing ever shown in the Valley, which we are offering at WAY DOWN PRICES. We have many special lines of Spring and Summer suits and light Weight Underwear. I BLAIN CLOTHING CO. A , O regon . C. A. WHALE LEADING DEALER OF THE NORTHWEST IN PIANOS AND ORGANS liistruineiits Sold on Easy Terms » r V • /