4 VOL. OREGON III Commercial ■ Keystone Shaving Parlors Mouse . QQ TO THF Only First-Class Shop in the City 1$ «ni» 25 - 1$ “ 2$ “ Sha' mg Hair Cutting Shamp, sang Kath. LAlk* NIWS Epitome of 11 Telegraphic XMg.^j4j4 ▼F.KSI II« hs Hu»» t.F WIKM SOO. OREGON An all da» 4e»n bulled fu «leath bv B*»i»ra. « M.ty Be Forced to Abandon Tien T»in. l*»»M I los HH <>MIX«i I 5 ! OIKII Ll Mu"| < Hang Will M»mal«i al < an tar A ».!•• M»»a l»»f»al»«l X • tnraea. Boera have r«Hi AND CASES ALWAYS ON HAND SCIO, OF^EOOIN SCIO LIVERY «ND FEED STABLES IRVINE & CALAVAN, Props Our l»ii^ Are First-(’J;iss nml Dur Horses Are ( hmm I Drivers. Hack Connects With All Trains at West Scio and Morning train at Munkers. e CLOTHING MM................ We now have the largest and best selected stock of Clothing ever shown in the Valley, which we are offering at WAY DOWN PRICES We have many special lines of Spring and Summer suits and light Weight Underwear. BLAIN CLOTHING CO. A lbany , O regon . C. A. WHALE ..Salem and Portland.. LEADING DEALER OF HIE NORTHWEST IN PIANOS AND ORGANS BURNED. New York. Julv 14 —A »pm-ial fr»m ikratMti tu Ih» Hr nil«! •»¥•: By tha rBpk>«MMl of an «»Il tank in Snwiarville Losses Aggregate More Than tavt ttls AM» FESSII.ESS i«r i ‘g<*. Homarvtlla «ni Ma*«« hu**«tl« •'«tiara! ta»«j lista, whlta olheh were I taken (i» h«»ux*» ur-ar the «■ w»iw *-f Iba Itadi«»»« l‘«fil«H wf tha b*»f ¡ «xph«l< u Uetlrnfrd Meta battle M*»elt In th* yar4 ol tha B>>«t>*n «t Maina fw» Hualtoeao I m I »•»«•■ . K « 11 b I. near thw ol-l Mtta.tn a«» lum, among more than a tta u««n<1 freight car* filladi with c m I an>! ornerai mrr* IT©«- tt Iría Jul» I? -A arene of - handlM*. arre tbrea oil tank« of th» gr «t .ati 'U an I a f« «ding of m |w*r\a-le© tin» town tiwlay. ran caught fire »n«I made a btare th«t , AU that remain« of the prih’ lpal bust* ' rouhl ta seen all tal Som^rxllta. bun- Deea )■ rtloU of the l«»«U i« totUttUg I -‘red« nf j«»pta rt«»ck«*t into the ar© from ti.UOU.lHM) lu 11.5n¿. who «hr!*k»d with I . .. I e.l lc. ». t • f pri.«»" I. |*»tn and terror six ii»*n »»ii t*»p <»f it.-me*. Io a-td to «he p*evailin< one box » ar ware thrown to th«- gr»»un I a.n>, a bi^h «luí ha» prwaile.1 all with their ololhing «»• th© Mru am! «lay, »amliug «moke, dual and burning women, with th»*lr garment« huimng. •tubera lu »very dire.'tU'ii, r«.|uinu,- ran about th© »«rd in lerrv. sot».© the tfrvatee« vigilance Io prevent an- were so ) we«© iH't » n hr© haip- lu the chaotic c.’U)<• ' it la imp. -ell*Io Io obtain an accurate M«-aiivrhlta the r«ih -»»I men were! » - uc.l ol tha 1' •• i r In llvi'lual iiiaur- performing acta <«f h.-V"i«m. Hie «ul I »U'V From interview» «l»h luaurau-a tatnk whh h had exj I w is ■ u a ir agenta, th" 4 lai tiwurance d ea uot «»■ tirtween two «-there. Mini th- *© were in cev'l I '. x'.'SH). danger of ¿lung up *t «■ v minute, A . At daylight thl» moraine team* were locomotive was ba» k«*d tn and «LiTted : al work hauling lumber to the public to draw * nt the train. \ rwilr ad nren (! I .»aa, an.I t il» availing it I» <■ iere.1 ran up. threw a h«a\v »’.©rp©r l»©h«ath with tonta amt temporary trama bull'I- (he wheel« of lh«* burning lank, th« | Inga. Tha .«cupnnla will tw rwa.lv lor coupling breke, th© car «•lopjx rary quarter» ami will be Fifteen person« w«-re taken to th©1 open loiuorT.'W. The lla»hfi>r. !. who was i tma» foirn rr-.w in their warehvuae, two •landing on tn«* oil tank at the time of Lli" »• from the ptaaa th«* ©»i «i- i». dn«l «»atly tb.i« ir» ruing Ifou. W. A. Clark, ol the Cnited lamdos. Jelr 10.—The emnty calde lire at Iforant. I. T., wiped «mt the greater {» rtion of the luwn. wl«Mlge in la-n.lou <■( ih" Chineoe »iluetlou 1 It I» alal.-d ¡«wi- The emj n-« d'-wa.o-r again holds the All foreigner* hate !*©©□ re»no*©«l llvely frv.in t anton I that l.i Hung reign« of government in < hiua frurn the t«»WD <»f Wa < hua. China, and .'bang «ili remalo there nulli Ih» ai­ Three mru were kill’ll by the explo- ar© refa at bhaughal tici li.w pa ha.e tefratei Friuce Fuen'» lion of a ta»|tar al an oil work« tu Vutted stat©* M»nal«>r John II. liiwn, force», and «ili tben K" l.' ith lo lami A eL »ria. »targun. of loaa, dtad at Washington Citv <11 hi» powvrful aid In arranging terni» ol poace, cooperatine «ilh I n» -e » hing, Th* (»dal r war. up t au l«»t con- St. laull at reef rar •triker» again I canaing a kart u( trol and lire«t ili" viceroye Iro.u < an have their I u»«w « runmug in <>| punitiun Th© «(©amrr City uf T«»peka arrived lou aud ale> keep |u check thè turbu- j I«» the IrAnatt Company. > at Seattta fitan Lynn canal with l*o* lent province o( Kwang Tung an«l 91,000,000 id gold The I rm- h «hip L’ \«]uitaitM» h«x tween All thè <<>relgUer» and uiUwionariea •ailed from T- uh n with 430 Infantry ■ dt>«t from h 1» ndike, hava er Charle« F. Mclk»nald. the organ« antri r• g>|'I- aI- Irer of our ¡«-«tai money order «\»tein. all India during th© pa»»! f««w «lay« an«l The Tlen T»lu corre»pmd. ut ..( thè th© | ‘ F»»«jM'etM ar© that «n»|»« have Im* !ied al Hamilton, <>ntariu, aged 71 F.a|.iti n», j di«pen»)ug with the troublesome Jap inrrea»© uf 1ft j*»r cent iu wag©* f> r with which they are no« kiwp-ug dear I miner* in certain (»»rtiuna «>( th© min© thè atr.-a't» of thè foralgu M-ttlemenl, i laborer«. w©r© announced at Je om©. Ana. thè inceaeunt ahooting rendering ili« A plot to a»»a>ainate I'reaident Mo. Advivea war© received from Sydney Ueighla.rh. mhì .piite ut.telialde j Kinley ha« l«een fruetrated. II w aa The Duily Mail'» st i'eter»bnrg ca-r- «xmcocted by a group of S|«niah and that tribal war« are raging at th© sol » Them K m l>©eii a Itarce rvopondeut »a<» Ihat In thè la»t «li f'uban oi>D«piratora < w ho bait head • mon group. Haiti© hetwevn th© Marian (B oymi aud h.iur»' leittl" oiit»lda. of fieli T»in, thè quarter» tn New York. i Malate tri!«©*«. The lv«»©« on ©a**i» xid© Uoeanclta eaptured ai» Krupp gnn» and George A. .Moran, an aged mid al»»- were heavy. kille.i uuml*>r* <>( tireing fk.iere, Tbe lately helpless (mtieut io th- kgMW S < 'hine»e lo»t 3.IKK) killed, including 1 Dynamite wo ©x piotai under a inanna atrium, at San !■ «e, < 'al . waa General Kek. | «lowly boiled tn «taath in a bath in tha j Traudt car in .North St. Lou)«, and i four |»a«M*nger» ©ere Injured I I . BOLD PLAN OF HOIRS THt men’« ward of that I untiti tl< il. II. bur ba u car. the only union line in th© wa« ptai'ed in a twth t< hot watar was turne«l ot> the att«-u laut city, act'idenlly ran info a *trik©r«* Ktilhh'i Xrttty 1« Trying ■ • urr«*m »-. thrx*w« m *cr*.' « A •erioun fire isfaging on Bull mono* , ha« handed down an opinion declaring light uj" ii th»- ftitt ot affain KÍTTELLH IO B. AML tain, lialln ad ere« k and Pornpey't I here has l»een «orne» r«-m* tnat John I’. Ke©«©, th© loua Min« r»’ Africa. Pillar, on the north «ide of the Yellow* i’ .> nt • • x r« .- »r .i.g irtu «I I’nion official who wa« w*nt« ri-e«i to W ultl 'ul «»II Ghllllonal ««UMftl« ft»« g tfl» |.»g«l|a»M«. im|>rt»onruent in Kansan for vi«»lati<«u ab^vn««« <>t |>»<»gre«a by th« imiuen«« «ant to the Mur ’d >h»dl river, »ud i» armv umtar <^>mnu»ud • t Hr I Hob* <*f a »trike injunction, wax illegally New York. July 14. —A d «ptarh u* • weeping the range like tinder, «« r<-«trained of hi« liberty, and granted a rrt«. but (aw. c<»uld I iaw I -evil t und to th«* Hrmld fn-m Berlin «to ■« everything i« dry. A tale report »a\« writ uf hata’M« ivirpUM r«*h*a»tng him. tadlcvc that th«« »cattered B««er«« were A i»’tt«-r h i- ; < t | . Iiflht-d h.-r* that 20 head «4 hor>e* I «»longing to I Judge Ayer ruled thm tha lower court abta to liith« I tuch a detaat ■»> ikmu * f "oi l.ieut'-nant v n » iu• .» Kamaev, of Billing*«, were ourned. Pretoria ©rre«l in tnvluing Reo*© tinder th© 111- of tbciiermaii legal 1« u at I'ekiD . Il Vast floekt of sheep are in great danger. lnatcad of the aurreoder <»f all of the junction. an»! show« that ihr remaining B«*r« being immim-nt. m I* dated May Tien Tain 1« hard prumed by HO,000 .* «• the guard* I William Able«, all old rest.lent <>l recent tel« /rum« hwd bint« «I. it xtiiii early failure t«> in Chinese. the *ari«-u* Irg.tti 11« d> ■ io t:>« Tacoma, committed suicide. they h.ne t ••« n making a coib’rrted «t Cuban« are plea «mi at the withdrawal a» tn ii i ! th«» lalv h »r -ii v u I ■ ft » r Rich gold atrikea have Ireeu made ■ li tempt t«> Hurrouml or re< **pt ire Pre* of American truujM. The Irltvr utatea that after the t!r«cd I»« I «* pact- attai k by the Boxvm <>n the I'ekiti renewed their »trike. fieri, am! in which i>> attack « km «<- Hankow hi Hr -ad. a Hireling oi the K..l>l>era held up an Illinois Central tlliiiiatrr« Wa« held to decide wbrtlivr Chin«'we Ifiqteria) tnxipM are defend* train rear Paducah. Ky.. blew up the psetd. they r cce* dr«l in inflicting a additional lr«>p« ahoul I hr »» nt (or to M ’ Tiiiu« d« feat, an ! capturing two gun« Ing the foreigner« tn Prktu. evpreaa car and a. < ure|«o*» d to this amount f war can make them a ch » pl tbe supprve-l. n of the lb.ven aiul the R'« ing that he la able to pre«« lx>rd lieing done, while the Frvikh miniates it. pn.f».. ti<■■ the Mouth«-u*t of the citv northward to hl« llragure. by thia refund to a»k for guard« that • cupanta were all more or Ira» lujurvd. Middelburg and l»ur«l«-j*- «t ami thence he wept. •>ti th ward to Nitral'« N«k and hr- g* It ta «aid ( merica ia to base 11.000 but Bone fatally. Anothei factor th.d tad the miniatem •redorf. tneu lu tbv (urea «1 1U0.0UU to be uami Thirty-sti i.xlie», horribly distig to r«a h thl* unfortunate < m*lu«|on I-«rd Kotaet« omit« to give th» nema lu e steamship *aale, re.-eiitlv to take thvir u*ual «ointi < r bolt lav ri»« to the txdirf that wor«« remain» to tia from I.ynu < aual. with «bUU.UoU ia burued at Hoboken, N.J. be (oh). Even if the intahap In» n t and it wm (rated that it a«1diti«»nai Klot»-like gold. County Commissioner < ‘amplwll, of more grave than hl« tuf- nnafiou at troops were sunt for they would m-t be Amaru an trail« will I m > iajuin.1 if SpokaUe county, Wash., wa. killed by prtwo-nt ii!ipll>-.<*. it prow« that the «llu* abl«’ to du •»». latter on. a« th»- Box« r movement m- the |a>w«ra de. ula to make war ou tha an <>. R A- N. |akea.'Ug"r tram n- ar atL n 1« «till xerio'iM, ami Hint tbera it latfah, Idaho. He was erwasiug the n<> puMxibility of any tn»o}jx ta-ing »pared crea»«wl. a secund mmferrmu of mini«* Chiuea» empire. track iu a buggy. from x»utli \ln« a for I bin», but > n ter« wa« raHed, at which it wa« re* I he - »regon miiat reo alu in Iry dm-h «•»taixl to hrlii/ detachment« of nt taa»»l \ flood of go|.| t. ¡.ouring in from th«» contrary, it will «till take a long IK» dayi. She has arriml at < he Fuo 40 men to guar«I each legali»»u. time t*» clear the ««»untry of the Pxier». Maska. The ra>-eipt» ol tha gov em­ aud «ill go to Japan at once. New* ha» reached t«»Ddoi> that I«»rd inent assay uflicn at -’wattle iu the fis­ % IlMHaear irelghi train 1.1 Huug »'hang 1» again urging tha Were 313.tUK>.S'.’rt. I his llotartx ba« l-reti suffering from a «erl* Hedding. Cal . July l4.--l.Mt night, poavr. t" luU-rvsne aud >-»tabli»h a cal year ii "iith's re<-<*|rts may esc-ed »ti.i'OO,- ou« towel complaint» am! thjt l«ady when a freight train tM’und for < >rrg«>n. •»rung government lu Iho Chiu«»» em­ Hobrrt« wax hurriedly «umm >ned to drawn by two engine«, waa climbing 000. pire. Bloeinh llteiu the heavy grade at«>ve Upton, a coup* The Chin,*»« government Is sorry lor George llumck, ia held at North Ya­ (iuti|>«i wilrr rise« In 1‘mrla. 1 Dg K*'» way. and 30 cam, h»adrd the recent outbreaks, lull bolds the kima on a . barge ol killing a aquaw on Far)«. July 10.— 1 d <| uim « m ar© !©*iug with fruit, «tvted back. They pMaed power» blamable. The eui| rem dow­ the reeurvation. He claim, •elf da- made into what may p>>reibly turn out through SiM»>n wcrmingly at the rat« ager aaye the atta< k» us 1 leu Tain w. »aoan. the result of tbe leiu.bar llueut of lieu to l k«„e pitches I ovef than embankment. The tack«.! a ahipwre. ked British erew, mated. cd»»-» «n l u tar, •• qu kuiitv «’( «>th©r □ other« continued on their mad ixiur««. aellvualy Wounding two of tbe Bnttah. At Big Cauynu, three miles below Hia* Dr. Henry D. Cogawell, a well- and w«ra only driven off wheu an tlatnma •> material c>i«fheard a ■ vvreaffon h'tw»«*n tao wi©u leading a*'n, the runaway tram again parte«! known philanthropist and problbitioa- American cattle dealer cauls to the hliu to t-rlh’\r that a plot on h-l •nine of the ram flying th« track an I lat. la dead al Sal Francisco, aged Sit nw.ua of tbe Btltiah. to art Hie to the buildliiv Th« ml«* being dashed to piece«. The other O e th« Baltimore A Ohio railroad, errant« upon hia approach. A half doa«*u continued over a high tree­ Com mt aa louer of Patent« Duell la a deliberate attempt to wreck live an«rrh the next muruiog rraulb'd in tie annmd a loop ami finally «Imt off eaid to tw out for the nomluatmu lor Washington eipreaa, I .-aring ».1,0.HI., th« di'M'Overy of two hermetically «eal* the rail« below Mott, aftri running 10 governo» ol New York on the ICopub- (too tn gold to tii« aubtreaanry in >ew ed boxra hllexl with btack ¡■»w• -rnerter and billet mill of the nient for the paaduig of bii»lne»e Joint ice at r h’-u*» «. lhr*-e «( mi .•■<_ * fr«i < Maa»n WhitohiH'a general ■tore at age» las are to tw eatabllalivd at Kau- dwelling, a nnttitar o( outbuildings 11 hoot» Steel Company al Joliet, HL, A numla-r of citi, stat« Center taelay. A and «is I'enn^vlvatiia freight car« were rwamel operation» and uearly 1.UO0 •a» »Tty. Omaha and st. I'aul Beu» aun.lr.l the liolMing. and a >'lut agent will Iw pla.e.1 in charge of dn» trove I bv Dre today at *ewirkly t a men were put to work. pitc hed Imttl" eaauatl. lieu Whitehill, Di« traffic at each of these cities. •«iborh of 1‘ittal urg >amur| W<»41a.a uue of the |.r> prialora, wa» »hot III tha Roe.Ian, French and German admi­ Colombia* revolutionist«, under Gen­ •tableman, waa burned to death, «ml leg. Gue of Ilia rublotr» wa» alen ral» at Tieu T«iu are aald to have el- eral Juan B Gonanlee aud Simon eight horet*« wr®» cremated. Th« !<>«« a'■<■ nd rd. ami with one of hi» aa»»u the 4 30 o'clock thl« afternoon. The I<» m I'olllical «uccaoa, Ilka anything el»e. regimeul. O. Jt. en'l» almoat entirely <>u the amount b»it no one wa« injured. ol ruatling a man done. in the Willamette river while Lathing. i'aport Tunic«. British »t«*rmr 1 and t k the t *a ef ftal vtaiCs. During tha laat 13 reara th« popula­ tion o( <>«nnauy ita. incrwa»»l 14 ¡.ar .«tit. Imi th« nuinla-r of doctun in th. t.erman ampin ha. increased no laws than 60 par cent. If thia ratio la kept up. any »lattati' tan can fona« th. time when every Germen will ba a doctor, and the whole German popula­ tion. hailug no patient» on whom to practl. a. will have tn migrate to Belìi, when phyaleiaue are a shade lees corn­ ai on Robert Fitlalinmone will meet bharkey and Ruhllu nest mouth. km th Gold hunters in Ru«aia art’ gm ©rua»! by arbitrary lawn, otw* of whirD com* pale thorn to turn otar all gold litar may flint to the int¡»*nal trratnry. which pays the miner at a standard rata. Thl» law may worn tyrannical, bnt It haa one inr-liinable advantage— no g id digger in Rnasia can tell estra- ordinarv toman.«« about the rl.-hnrwa of bl. claim wheu the u lb del figures an there to atop him 33. <*ll Ifltili F t (•!«»d»*| Ur«lt«HU< Oil <>••« ll»r*a«g «hf •*«teefai*. N id « boa ami were entire!» remantned • nd many «»there damage«! by fire al Kunatuutr. < al Ch.r labia. ire vjpy'./d with Iba b»u ih» market. alL-rd.-Kk-K South of Bodge. rtUNUHlOS Asericva athtat«« «are *u <-•«•*al at th» Faria U>urx»auj©nl J. BEAk’D. Prop 0 L VIIOEIT. Prop. NO. Kltecttlr Wtssrtr» In Iowa. aergeue» for < aye ^..me Dubuque, la.. July lrt—A tetriflt electric storm. u ¡v.nied l.y a »«in­ fall of 1.73 In. he*, ruget her« for three hoora today. Nellie I.. 'IrSJuillman. aged IB. «a« killed by lightning t. The Fourth street incline railway i •talion was strm k su wa» visit- tug the « rk" al Jar no. wired a draft for 1 'U. All the »ufferara from the Bra are pruvid-xl with to««1, abettor amt < lothtng. and it I» m t thought any outtlde aaaiatume will Iw re«|Uirv*i, lhe only buaineao h..u»e» remaining In live ti vvii are Goldwater iirvw., A. Blumberg ami Mra. H It. Blaine, dry g.a«la, J.wepb Dougherty, T. W. Otla and J. I Gardner, grooora. and W. W. R.—a and W. I*. Covtlland. drug »lore« 1 he eiprraa olb' e ami )«'»loff1ce were !• th < "it of the Ore limita, but tha r lu-l 4 .I..»» I»ll, All the mall and effe. t. wore r- ady to nene at a no inenl’a ■> tic*. Hie otfiiw of tbe supervisor uf canana for the tarritary was locate«l tn the !'rv it Sall "iiai llank buildtug, ami contain.' I all tha official Matlatiraof th" ceu.ua the territory, but they «ere ramuvel to a place nf aefety. Tbe Weatern Vniuii <>|wuo«! its office thu morning in a gn ery atora, ami the J-.."tal ha* ¡-eneil an office at tire rail toad depot. The electric light polca and wire» wore In lha burned dis­ trict, ami lhe town will be in darknaaa until they can tw replaced. The com* j«*ny al»>> owns the telephoua ayalen,, and loar» mora than halt it» Instru­ ment, Many citisrna who yesterday were eomfortebly Si- I are belay bou.ele«» and pettnilesa. a numlwr Laving I «.th their t u»ineaa place« ami their real- den-ea. Ao army of carpenters have Iwen I n-v all day putting up lein|«r. ary alru. tores, many of whi. h ha «o Iweu coin pl atea|*rs have already made arrangements f.-r continuing pab- Itcali' il. altlvoiigh hot little tuauram a was carried by either Most of the bearieat I.»era will rebuild at once Tha rwigin of the lira was uukm.wn until thia evening, when it wa» learuwl lh.it a man n - mtng over the l.dtllng works was lying In ta-d reading by randlalight whan a | ie< a of Irn.aa |W|wr on the wall . aught Bra. He rau out to give the alarm, aud before others reached the pla e tbe fire «as Iwyoud eonttof. M<»re Itains In Tea«». llallas, Tes., July 17. —Northern Tesas lies Ixxm .lotuged by rains for more than 12 hours, and the indica- liona are that the storm has ouly be­ gan. The downpour at Dallas waa ter- riflo. Mrraiue are »«nllen ana traína are delay e l Ix-cause of washouts. Youngstown. O.. July 14.—Tha severe tt"rm last night .aosed a sud­ den n»e in Mill creek, sweeping awav s bridge and washing out railroad irs' k», causing damage amounting to IM.oeo. • ioe.no« Frail Fire le Canforate. Nawcaatle, Cal.. July 17.—Fire to­ day drat roved all the fruit houses and leading business h'cneee of th. town. The loss will eii*»l 3100,000. Over 100,000 bore» of fruit were borne.I The houtbera 1'aciflc Company was the heavieat loser. Their loaa in fruit In can and tolling stuck la eetimatod at •a&.ooo. Som« woman auieunt to nothing out­ side of their obtirch.