The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, July 06, 1900, Image 1

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    r ••
Si lo,
Keystone Shaving Parlors House
Hair Culling
15 CM*
2$ “
IS “
M -
r 4
Newly Fumuhsd and Rrhttrd
I hr ughout.«d^«dl
Oír taNst srr »upplwd iilh ths
far • hr nurkrt» afi »rd.«-*'a.d
S« Ixl.
South U Btudrf.
.»Ile g V ..lie, • i..„
I -..w*.
|4*n)m'f*Hta of lrban»a«
Jeff Ibav Is for g t«ru'’r
An attempt waa mte«le l»> a*»avu>ate
Kmperor WtlUam of Germany.
...Horseshoeing a Specialty...
• a
• ■
Vier PrrMslrnl .,.
A M m
A. J. Johnson
J. W, Gsinn
G. V. Johnson
Dei a yri»ral b nk'ng an.I ti bang*
' i.
-%«. ! <ans tna^e at runent rates
ard draft» ta; ued on print !pai c tin.
Í»» *.4-
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«» try i
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P laning M ills
HAl.HY S. JOHNSTON It CO.. Proprietors.
Ku. L «I Lumber. xi»h. Bur«, Moulding*«,
Shirgk-*. r.tinb ani Oik
Our lti«*s \rr First-(’lass ami Our Horses
Air Good Drivers.
Hack Connects With All Trains at West Scio and Morning
Train at Munkers.
i m .tww
. .....
Tw<» deaths and many pn *tr»ii« n«
fr»m beat in >*itl«‘ nrg, Pa
Hot weather an<i n-> rain U dl»as
trous t*i . r-*p* in N«»rth Da*••?>*
Steamer Cleveland anhtil at >eattlo
horn Nome.
She reports fl «• wn- ks
H«a v ra.ii • ‘
, *nt
d- »re
doing great damage in l!nti»h Cvhitu*
Director rd Pot» in Col a Kathbonr
has ih » w barn permanently •uspendei
and max !•« pr» M < ttietl.
>■ »>«
Dr. Jameson ha* Been elected a mem*
b«r of lb«* Ca|«e |<arlIan.rut
Sturms plavd havoc with the rru|«s
CAPITAL. $20.000.
'•w4 Sf»4 WAV
A H»a« I •! 1 W'
St. Ia««>is striker» n*«w believe t-heii
only ho|*e lies m boycott.
4 » «Ji
Js|MineM lai. rer. of Hawaii are
a strike.
Porter's Cutan tariff •« Imi uto tut>»l
be rev Iwd.
bm ght oot ftSO.OtH).
Daw an
Japan«*« rt«herm*n al bteten««ui
C_. •)« Mid I*» bg arming
11. —. « >,
Ruswlans are n»» ‘»ng 80,000 men to
wad New Chwaug
H >ii tn a kr regnisr tri|»w to Mo.
V« »’« I» h»ml cuhitoft l«»r «late» uf visita.
I îhm ».
We now have the largest and
best selected stock of Clothing
ever shown in the Valley, which
we are offering at
We have many special lines of
Spring and Summer suits and
light Weight Underwear.
A lbany , O regon .
...Salem and Portland...
Chim -e niitiintrr in 1« rhn »ays the
•rnpr« *- «Iifj -t I«* <le|* -• d, lit might
be (‘.ai«<l off the tim n«'.
Ei*Govemor Talyor, of Krutucky,
doggd by detevtiv«* and hr ken in
health. It at Niagara I alia.
President M< Khil«o wants to know
why the Mon«»cacy di<i n t tire «ui the
Taku fort» when fir rd upon.
Boers in small laiiids arc harassing
large column» of the British, liewet
leads the guerrilla o| «>iat|un».
At the '••*a»ide Mh’rtic Clnb. no<’ey
Island, N. Y., Gua Ku hl in knocked
«•ut Tom Sharkey in the 13th tuund.
The h»r<’c und. r Admiral Seymour
ha» l»reu loeatof. Admiral KcmpfT rv*
¡»«ria 11 is la'll miles frun Tien lain.
line against hen Trauciau
i**nll*ntiary at Salem has 1*0 prts-
au«rs k«s than a few years ago.
<«em <ny has orrtnfted f& big gun* h r
immediate lt»jv*i h f r China.
h|«eaLcr H«-nder-*'U ha« tsseri trn<*m-
inated luT cv‘Ugr«ui iu hl« district III
T ng la nd is making poor headway
with the rtebtellluu tn th«» Gold Coast
lioere attacked the Hriti»h al
kal aud K<<«»dvalsprull, but were
rn !<* k.
Sprrckl«“« Hr • hate purrh.i«cd the
California l*nmt*er Company’s mw mill,
at Mar*hd«ld, < >r.
Will l»arkiu, a b k,.;«r. wa« Irowmd
at Mour»«e. Or. Juhu ftlavnuu 'alally
:niur»Mi at Niagara.
Stockmen of Polk <*«>unty, Or . have
unit«-«! aud offer lilaral buuutiteS l*<r
scalp* of wild animals.
The M*'«Viner <>*<>. W. I Ider, which
arrivokl at Portland, madu the round
trip tu Noma |U 83 dais.
David Bell, formerly on«» of the N'**t
known luiiil>ermeii of t’anatla, is dead
at hl» home iu New \ «»rk cily, aged 7U
Krinalns rd Hetnhart Brook, of P«»rt*
land, recently drowned by falling "ff
the Hailey <»atz« tt. w«r* f«»un«l near
Kalama, Wadi.
In ('hicagit, two slaughter houMcsoc*
cupie«i by llm Bro»,, aud If uddy
Prue., were destr>yed by lire with a
h as of $70,000.
Ifni ph Platt, fonnerly of the < >r <v ' »
volunteers, Ju»t arrived at TTlcoiiia
fi<»m China. He claim» b> I»«» •ocnxl-
1!«-<I agent of the < hinrae emperur «»n a
S|w*c>al mieMoii to W a»hingt<»ii.
The Southern Pacific and Santa F«
BooMKrlt U going to Oklahoma to ri iuG have |»«rfe. t»«d a traffic deal that
attend the Kongh Ki'l«r»’ conit-ntion,
is derignt'd to control plTvrfually all
but will not make
th«» pa«M*nger buMui*« in California,
('bin«-«« diffirulti«-« affr.-t Kentucky's within the t«*rlit«>ry of the two • Pi-
ginaeng trade, by wh|. h hundred» have pante«. The mam bmturva of tin-«
made their hxiug.
ITi «•■* have gone agr«*etnvul are an iuterchauge of ti k-
dow n.
eta to San Joai|uin valley point«, m»
Illinois Dem <»tats in ! r»<d Bryan Santa 1« pa**eiiger train» to la«s All
and tire < hicago platform, and noini* gel«*» and n<> rate cutt*ng.
uated Samuel Al> buler, of Aumra, for
Hill sentiment is worrying Charles
A. Towne.
T. B. Fargo, brother of J. (’. Fargo,
Ameri«-aus and British were the first
president of the American F.ipr«-*v
to br««k into Inn T»m.
Company, au<l of William C. Fargo, ,
<»«nuany <!<»•-» npt yet consider that
founder of the Wells Fargo Ft pre*»
•he is at war with China.
Coni|>any, i» dead at his Immo iu New
York, aged 67.
U at*»u
Ijound ha* rea< he«l Sues.
1 h«» Chin«*M> r<*«triction lull, incn-as*
Ing the tai on Chine«*e immigrants
The Fast reports many dtath* from
fr»>ui I >0 Io fhH), ha» I m '«> ii N«b>pted l<v ei<««atvely but w«-ather.
the house of commons at Ottawa,
Krimll|M»x has broken out in the
Th« measure also restrict«
] ■>» to I lice at Alpha, Wash.
the immigration of Jupsuew to 12 per
I'niled Stat**« <'ommlssioncr Kaa ••«»!>
h«s been chosen g«»vcrnor of Nome.
Mayor llarrh n, of Chi ag««. will not
Allru Cochrane, a young man of
run lor governor of lllitioia.
Myrtle Cr«-«k, Or., was dragged U»
Prohtbilkmiteta, In national ooiiv«<n- death bv a horse.
tion assembled at Chicago, say th«>
are Dow
eifwwted in
WIII poll ?. »«’,0«M) vote«.
Southern Chum.
Indications uf upris­
W. II. Wad«, an «xjwrt billiard ings at Nankiu and Cautun.
player, aud by many conaidr/vd the
Turpe«k»-lMiat destroyer Goldahorough
Itarl Lank six A in America, is dead at
ma le the round trip run l*etw«« n Tac<>*
Chi< ago.
ma aud '•rattle in alentt two hours.
Martin J !luj»»eH, i»ne of th« pn»prie-
An uprising against British rule in
tors of the ( hieago ( hrvld« lr, died at
the island of I’a ra longs, South ‘•«-a, has
Mackinac Island from a o*>mplication
taken pla«*v. I’XJ British l*eing kiilcal.
of diaeaMM«.
There wrrs 10,377 deaths from c I m »I*
era out of 1&.47V • a»« «luring ()>« week
ending June Id. in U mj provime of
Bombay, India.
C hina is »aid to haw immense quan*
titles of art»» ami official» a»*ert that
s ! hj will stagger humanity if driven tu
Oregon’s vote« officially esnranmd,
on the t*<jual suffrage anirwltuvut was
as follows: for ««jual suffrage, 70, J6.»,
against 2H.4O*.
Governor B<s>s>*vvlt has informed the
Republican national ««»minittre that he
will give threw* adid weeks to campaign
work after August I.
The Vnitteal '•tales district judge at
bl. Lonis has I moo T arv«training rdrr
to prevent mt<-rfeivnce with th« ruu-
Blug of street-car«.
Minister Wu Ting lung is said to I m *
playing )««hcy al Washington brmg
desirous of standing in with which
• ver aide that wins in China.
(¡«neral Wheeler says the war in th«
Philippines is practically ended,
force < an «aaily be »pare«I from Hi« is*
land fur work lu China.
Ta o death» were caused by eive»»ive
htvtl ami humidity at Chicago. 'The
thermometer registered
drgr«w*« *»n
the atrvrt, and th«* humidity wa» al­
most at lhe »ataralmn p int.
A hot wave la prevalent In North
liakoU. CrofM art» iu a parvb<Ml run-
Tb« !hrriiiOtnetrr at <»rand
Forks regirte red 101 iu the .liado.
Affairs tn Cuba are anw m > trampiil
that soldiers ar>< no longer nvixlml.
The troops will be withdrawn and -ent
t-i Manila to rc'.v.v S'.« .vìuuieer..
A new gold I hmu 'I i has ta rn di»« «»v e» ed
hr» miles below Cap* Name. <««*ld is
among the gruss roots
A thou*aud
mteS are then» and over a million ha*
laeu taken out iu a few weeks.
The Yaqul Indiana hale nearly all
al.amhiued the w arpath.
-eisral hun­
dred are still hidden in the mountain,
ami make an occa.i.>ual descent ou »ro­
tated ram bee.
After suffering with Bright'« <li«eat*
for six mouth», and with all lioi»* <>(
recovery guue, William J. Montgom­
ery, a well-known mining man <>f Malt
l«ake, Ctah, committed suicide by
flnug a bullet through
hla l-ralu.
Mouigun»«ry had iaw-u a resident of
L’taii aiUvMi 1MJ6.
A strike has occurred among the la­
borers employed hr the llsvana Elec­
tric Com|«ur. Cuhau. an i Spanish. «0
the grouu l that they do not receive tire
Mine wages as American, who do alm-
liar work. Ths «-ontra- tor. reply that
Americans are worth tar inora than
< 'ubane.
The bnard of health in Saw York
City ha» deHdted to thoroughly dt»in-
fe- t tlx* ( hineae quarter» in Manhat­
tan. Brooklyu and (kawy islaml, a« a
iu«a«urw of precanti« n against th*
pl.»g ue. The t»aird of estimates sppro
priated 9J0.O0O for the work, which
Will ba t-egtiu immediately.
A morirán wotin-o, il I. •.tlmatol,
bold <i >o.......
< f national I ink
•took and )137.000,(XX) of private au<l
•late bank «teck.
China's new railroad from Canton to
Hank' w, wilh Its branches, will let
1,1100 nit Ire lung
Jl will ba built by
American capital.
In (inrinany one inan In 113 g’f» to
collage, in Scotland
tn >60, in th.
United States ou» iu >,000, au-1 lu Eng­
land »on in t.OOO.
Rev. Charles K. Wing, of Hrooldyn,
mid the New York that all
the liest Mathodiete were agaiu.t the
smvierineut reetrictiona.
liistniim nts Sold on Easy Terms. Call and
See My G<»ods Belon* Purchasing.
The park board of Baltimore baa for-
Wall-tu-do young men in llerlln are
taking droga which indu« heart w. »k- bidden the use of automobile* in any ol
neM, in orler to avoid compulsory mil­ the piibdc parka or pissaeure places In
1 the city under the ountrol of the buurol.
itary sarrlco
Wa»hington, July “. — Dispatches re»
railed bsurw imlh-at« that th»* <’«>lom*
bian government has tinallv s.»t!aii«<l
tstrlf that Nl aragua i» n*«j«>hsil ¡e h r
th«« revolution on th« Isthmus of Pana­
ma and inquiries have Lem made of «»ur
government In a»<*rtan h»>w fai n*li*
»nr* may l*e had upon us for the main*
teiialKW) of |«eare and Older in cjISte the
Immrreetloii finally jwpairdmea the Co
loinbiau government on the i»thmus.
< hir £overnmet»t h*« tn atiawer. »imp»
ly reverted to its old an«i well defliM-«!
1» 11 icy iu such ratette of limiting its »c*
tiiltirs l<» the keeping open of the Pan­
ama railway ami th« |m>t«ctiot> of the
Ilves and pr«»prtty ol I lie USited Mates
<««*|>l «»tM»»«l«n1 In Hayti.
Wa«hmgt»>u, July
The depart-
mmt uf state la advised by Minister
Fuwell, at Port an Prim e, tluil he had
been informed that the government uf
Hayti has adopted the gold ttandard
ami that the unit uf value is the Ameri­
can gold dollar.
Arte bad
Capa Coast Castle, July >.— Col..nel
Castor toft K taw was* the mornlug uf
Many Claimant* for All Kinds June .’!» with the intention id rein-
of Property.
forcing lepta I u Hall al Heknai with
400 iu vu, J ou <arri«r», a •»•*«»« p> un 1er
aud a Mailm.
Wh«a bail a miite
firvd up>»n
ritMt.000 HKolt.HI in POMTI Oh frvui lhMUpwa.1 ba »ai
heavily lro>nv the bush, Captam R»>u-
pall and several mm (tell at ib* tlr«t
|b« ca*ing ol tbe aat*r pu h*t
Trito«lail««« I« » *r \s»rtte *«.»•< •Mil firp
• lull after half an hour’a firtng and
s»f I (•Ml«««**»
uin«* rn»u, in. Ituliug Litettlcnaul Mi»
Marrwta I >«**«» Ittlailwr
wardtea who w«ra w« rkiug tb«
(■'uttelcr, w«rc put o il of a* U n bait
Han Franriiro. July J—Th« at«'<mter «o !»• ur lat. i
V •; r Wilk
IVrtlattd, which arrived Krum * «*!’•» •' t
: «' then < 'larvd ths
Noma»« n-p» rta that th« a*aMUB«r lit»»«- bu«hvA -h- t'kcnug a stocked« 30 yard«
t ran». luTmterly lb* tran<t|»»rt -Mtaaotiri, tiUlani in th« hush, an carefully mu*
o«’ M^n»uuU a I h > u I tk) milra *'ulh cwaied that its sBisWocte cuteid Ik l tw
of <
Whl’»* her »ilualvm ia •us|4»vted.
lb# s U k kad« was carri««I
n t
)»fti<h-ti I p> ilt> i«, it |> thought at tba |fl>ÌUl ut lbw baVifUct, au»! th«
• he »ill b«ve • «»nwideraMr dldivulty in turc« rviirvd.
i h<* I;. «» ran« ha« a cargo
I he ra«ua lilas w» re »it officer» *n«l
uf „’«»kr.’uni' Ol «upplit»« «»u («Mani.
«7 mm.
I hte •Uri»))« lu«« h « « 5«)
I he rortlaud brought five ¡«••»«lengers killed and many w««un<tn1.
It waa m-
on I t , according t«> Captain Lundquist
limate«! elusi ’be natives uum!a»r«d 10,
1 hte Ottemnnr « baríes Nel»« n had a UVV, < ut» ha If of wh tu ha«l m'^keta
hard lima of It. >be rrtutnc’l tn t‘na-
l* ti’lt n, July 2. —A«KIr»'« rv r|v«»|
laaka Jun* I**
While trying to And an
o|»»nlua' In *1”* Io* h*r prorUlona gavte b«r« today from Ptahau. Aabaaltete. uu-
sb» ara» tn have Mllrd again lof ■1er curreut date, way th« telegraph
i’aj« «um« ahortly altar th» PurthMtel III» has lei'll Teo J* nevi to Putnau, and
) iH*u.
lh* rap la 111 of that < idonei Burroughs, w lib
left Hutch H«rU>r.
the ( urwin waa htihhng the wr«*<*k«Hl will move Imuiedtalaly. <’ob»u«l Ber»
' i mm. 1« e I pee led to
harkantine 1‘athmn»' Hnddon al Xomo rough., with
»ah age.
1 h»
Lundtpiint. teach Ih-kwai 111 two days,
»leaking of the o u.hli -tis at Nurnte, lb ua A sha lite»» are rr|»rta-l to le lu
»tteugth neat I i >• u. w
re se.ers
"What a man get* hold of up there lightlug I. aspected.
he ke.*|M>, and in mauy Instance» he
k»-«pe it at the > iut< ( a gun.
rants, lodging h> uars, •n!«-»tt<«. «lores,
th. Japaxe.e laborer» Waa. «estraete
l arta'r siH'p*. and in la t all kiml» of
i'busincMN wa« left in the han Isol agents
Ilomtliilu, June IS, via '■an Eran*
, iasl fall. Them* agents have sold the
ci»-o, Jnue io. — A «eriea of .trtk'-s ktaa
pla«'«*« and clear*«I out with the money.
txx-u Inaugurated bv Ja|>au<'«e let» rer.
• Now the original owuers air appearing
ou enivrai of ’.I» islands. It is roport-
i on th«* a«-« ue, and there are ’msors in
ed that the Ja|«ne»c have lawn told
i th« air.*
that they are free Americau citisene
"(Mi the Gvo h it was just it) |«r
now and that the American law. pro­
rent worm* than up town.
Iu the town
vide that n ' werklugmau .hall receive
a» a gem r il rub* then- vv <• only atamt
Iva) than >i a day.
I he latairerw de-
one claimant to other inrn»’ property
maud the i .inceliatlmi of their tea-
tn each cu*te, but n th«* !«.i‘h there
l it- .oel l ha t tL..
.1 i . .
was never I*«« than -ii.
Agents *•!•!
pay am h individual lai rer the
50 a
things n.-ht an I I« ’?
»ml in ■ n»«--
month, who h, by the terms of the ion*
• ¡■»••me lheTte will la? »udh -n litigath U
tract, are Io 1« ¡-aid |i> the immigrati« u
btforc thing*« an» »iraightvm*-l out. No
coni|>anie., in ev’tulderwttun of the
womb r all the big • lalrn-<»wtiers took
companies having Brought the lal«irera
up lawyer» with :h«*m.M
to the l-laiid. aiid guaranteeing hla ver­
The P< r’laml brought 10 holes of
ilee» during the coutract la ruxl, or to
gold, Aggregating f.nai, »«», bejougiug
replace him if be de-. rtw. .so far aa
to the Al .ki i mmer* ;al <
the 13.50 per nu nth i. cioucernad, ths
Fort Tow n -mi. Wash July
—The plantation, aio willing to accede to the
• am- r Ai
rriv« I (ruin the north demands ol the laborer., Il la ataU-d,
■ tonight, bringing 60 ) mi ««aangrrs ah «! l ut thrv are uot willing to consider the
$250,000 in dust from Dawson, which contrai t. as hav mg l»»n annulled by
had been brought up the river <»U the the territorial law.
A delegation sent
st* amrv Sybil, Among lhe ¡»a »«»ngters tai the Ase'Ciatlon of Maul by the Jap­
oil the Al-Ki is Lieutenant J
Her* anese immigration couiiiaiitaa r*<altre<i
r»’ii, of the Eighth Ciiitcd >tat«M cav­ v iolent ties tinelli from the atrikrr».
alry, wh-» a year ag»> *tart«Ml from C<w>k and they were forced to return to Hou
Inlei with a small command and olulB.
i-n»-*«'<l a hitherto unp-mdrate«! coun­
> ruin Ho«nl ssf Tr«4*.
try trading for hundred« of miles over
Clili-ago, Julv 2.—-Charles R. and
mountain«, valley» aud plains to the Allx-rt <>. McClain, <>( the eotuiul.«l>'U
mouth of th* lanaua
Tire expedition firm of McClain Bro» A ('<■ , who for
drM-rted by JndiMti guide», and f«»r
s a ka hatIeen on trial ■ • is
some months (rars for th»* «afetv of the the Imard ut trade director, for main-
|44rty wteTv ••nt«*rtainc«l, but oil lh»«-rm* taunug an i operating a bucket »In p,
her I I th»* p *rtv r»*4 he«l the mouth of were
found guilty tonight and by
the Tanana, wher« orders were rvceiv« I uuanimou. vote ei|ieUed from tneinlier-
to remain until spring. The object of
ship. Cnited btatae postal official,
the eipeditmn was to ascertain lh<’ artt »ted the .McClain, la.t Nuveinlier,
feasibility <d the rout« through Ma»kn charging them with using the malls to
and to obtain information a» to miners, defraud. They were indictsd by th.
timbers and general data <»f that * «•-
grami jury and put on trial before
lion of Alaska b«*twm*ii Cook Inlet an«!
Judge Kohlsaal, Iu the Culled State,
the Yukon river. F<>r nearly a v«*ar
district court, Ju-lgn K>h!«ul took
th«» ¡«arty was without new» from the the case from th« Jury end entered a
outside w* rl I. Lieutenant Herron 1» vvrdli t of not guilty. T'heu the hoard
on th«* way to '•eattie f»»r orders.
of trade officials took the matter tu
t’olonrl I D. U iggin, land cutiimU« their ow u
hau l., with result.
slot»« r at llampart, Is among th* I*«
yusen K«MMl«*4 the Khedlte.
seng«rs on the Al-Ki. bringing the
Iriiuh n. Juuo 30 — 01. khcllir ol
first nows from tnat section. He »ay •
the camp prove« I it»«lf better law! of Igvpl pulii a alate visit to l^ureii
winter than ever l»e(«»r«, and »reeks !»«• Victoria at Wl'iilanr Caatlo ibis after-
fore c«»n»i,l« re<l wurthie*»« turn«*-1 «»ut mam. Accorn|MUIe<1 t>y the Ihitr ol
to la* big gold-prvHidcwrs. lie r«ttimate>* York and the Turkluh ariiba.aab'r,
Aulopulo f'a.ha. amt .talT, he drove in
the i lean-up al
Kam|<art was «b'»rri*d the «Mirly j»srt alate, escorted by it» llouebold cav­
of l««t winter, uulv 4< h ) or Aw people, alry, to the I'addingt 'U .tallón, wlierv
who sere not rich enough t«> g«> v» he took a train fur Wlndair
Nome, remaining.
*lhcy cumpriM*d Huke of Cl uuauglit there Joined the
stsMtmboat baud» aud tinfurtuuate min* party ami .retini pallimi bis hlglineaa
U han devehiptneul work com* to ti» castle. The prix e.aion al Wind-
ror was eai-orted)».» the Life Guard..
m«*n< r«l il was *w»n pr«o«-.| that Kam
pari Creek t waa rieb, ami U iomi wir» Hud a délai' hmrut of greuadler. fortumi
were at first out ol luck are now ou a guarii of honor iu the quadrangle of
the high road to t .rtune and Rampart the oaatle. The quoeu rm-el V e<l the
bids fair to rival
the Klondike aa a kioxiive at the )-rim ipal eutrance
warm grwtiug was given to the Egyp-
gold-prod mMNF.
tiau viaitor.
K«<nt««« tej*s r«iat a Swrreas.
U>rd Koterts ia preparing f«»r the (1*
nal baitlat of the w«r.
•Wa T»“ Il»n.l»|>h.'»»» Pro. »•• V
la a <
Epitome of ft
Tc lc|ji aphlc
News of tli' World.
Only First-Class Shop In the City
Pre.t lent Kruger is still st
J. BIIARI), Prop
0 L VIMCENT. Prop.
corsi Y, OKEGON,
Wa.y ter.t Wages < at.
New York. July t.— Il la reported
that the l»»ard of wages at the Brook-
ly n uav-y yard ha. rvcommetuleil a cut of
wage, for »eversi of the grades of ma­
chantes and machinist«.
Ibe report
ha. t*-i-u approved, it I. Mid, by Secre­
tary iamg. and will go into effect tn
July. The present Inani, which meets
annually for the adjustment of wage*,
i. coiupueed of Naval Cviuatructnr Wall,
Lieutenant Cvuntnaiider Morrell I.ten-
tenant tiibwin ami Paymaster Jack»«.
It I. Mill the men intend to apl*al to
the secretary of the uavy, through the
c uimamlaut of the navy-yard, agalu.l
tile reduction.
llohber la a t'alluvaa Cur.
Omaha, Neb., July >.—A masked
robber alerted through the Cullinan
car on the Omaha Hilling, train, on
the Burlington, alter leaving York,
Nab., this morning
lie got two
watches and *70, but Pa>k alarm,
pulled the air t>rake ami left ths train
iwforo wiuplatlng bis work
Boers Active in Orange River
Ixm Inn, July 3.—Active B-cr guar­
itila iqxTaliiiii. ava rv|.>rtevl fF"i< half
• I
.1 pnillte IU tbn i 'i IV.-.' «•
Sviar oiticial. from Mlchaihwlorp
• vvr that a part ol the l rttl»h roumy
was capturad June
near Wtnhurg.
(he lamronco Marques .-urrsepoudeili
of li» Timer says:
"Both the burghers and the lurolgn-
cr. wh«i are arriving hria prof«*« a a
slu'tig Iwllel that it w til take frulli
throe tn els iu< nth» tu autalun lita
1 liners. ”
Another tila ¡mich
M»rqu«pa saya:
•*A O'iiaigniuml of a $ reign ! -in
marke« I
rbter««-, damaged. '
proved, on lauding, lo .vintalo army
bt»«ta for Ihr bo«r«
It pa«eil the eua-
t**ma. b“«»»'*r. with unu«ual »h«p»tih.
ami lb* Hriliah couaul ia m.ikinx pr*-
•mtatb ua V» Iba l’or tu ¿ut -w guwrU'
maul "
« Halil« ai I la.ller
tximloti, Julv 3.—The war ■ •(fice ha.
rwvvlvml the lol low mg Ir--ui O-rii Huh-
"l*rep>ria. June SB. — Pagri riporta
from l.tndley that he MO rU.'Miie.! i’ll
June Jrt with a tmdy of tn» eusmy who
were -tri uglv run! r i d dun'g ft.
Mt, t> *
ti..- I. a-i-
ley garrtMUi WM al*> atta«
on Juue
but after a heavy rear guard a ti«ui
th« coiHuv rvw< bed Liudle* in «atet*
Our at>«alliea were 10 killed and f«» r
»*r« an 1 al« ut ’ ’ tnen w
n led.
’ g'l? t» p- t!' 1 « -’• »
' »«
Idea tenant-Colonel (¡rcnfeil. near Ihrvi-
per. Brabrant « aiue up during the rn*
Total caaualtic« •»< the tvv<j
olumns, three killr«! am! .1 wounded.
“t»n the previous dav, near Ftck>-
burg, Boyea* brigade him in action
with a body <d lb* en«’tuv
<h.r »
alti s w«-r* tv*»» • ffiv • m ki .= •!, L t,r
men w umb-d and oue man mia*)t>g
**.Methum found ’t» «tvrday that the
P>'»er laager near \ achkup nn l bptta-
k<»p had l^«-n ha«ti y r«tio»%ed iu th«»
dtre«-tion <»f Lindley
lie f«>uinl th«
enemy 12 miles and «apture»! »JHK)
• beep and (KM) head of cattle, which
th« enemy lud
in that Utelghlatr*
<’ur casual tie* msm four m-u
"Hunter continued his rmirrh y««ter-
Liv te-ward the \ mm I river uie»p|«i'a«l.
Itan> farmer* ai -n^* th«» i it«' ba»«' » r
render«» I.
’‘'•t ring*, th* terminus of the rati
rt'tt'l (roti) Juhannewburg, du«' »*a«t, was
«CU ic R im I
( ‘canati la 11 regiment, which g»rri«»»n«Mi
the pl»«'«*, beat <«ff th« enemy« No
• i»*nah it-« are reported.
°Lh*ufrimnt N»«rtli r«j»Yited missing
after th* i«t«< k on the •« iiNlructmii
fr«in. M a i ri«H't)«r of
« It all ■ • >.»>«<*•.
I he Iran»-
MM IritHieo, July .1
|<nt Craltl. which «ail* fur Nagi««ki.
and thence, it 1« believed, V» Ch* I «»•»
>r Taku, will carry 5< h » men id th«
biith cavalry, which, in addlli ti t«« a
buftpttai mrpa, made up at (he Pn»»i-
recruits and j*»«> ii-arin* < will
con«11tut« th* fur * g» itita* Iu China.
1 he Ninth infantry and a <*ignal ror|«s
frutu Mauila and the marine« already
tn < luua will mmplrte • »rneral ( haff»- •
for» ea, making 6.00U I«» 9,000 In all.
Three aurgeous will accompany th*
Awl«taul .burgeon
John T. Ilalaell will have charge of
the medical department ou the trau*»-
Ko»ti»I«attiant>‘ • |*re*b«l*l« Mialall«.
lh’rlln, July 3. — Sin« »' th« rr«’«'ipt of
Adinirai ftaiKtaniann*« «It«pal« h
ix»unctni{ If»« arrBal of th« l«t(Ali<>n« al
¡ito T in will» A«hniml brjin ur th*
(«irri»; n urti«-« b«rte haa rcrrivawl n*»
further tnl«irniatt«>n either way. Whllr
admitting tha» puteaibiiity tiial Admiral
Ikmdtetnanti «at mUiDform«<l. th« h r
fign «»rti»'« a«Mum«*a ll»* cOrrrt tn*wa of
hla dlaitaiirh until th« contrary la
proved. It admit*, bowmrr. that it ia
vary ambular (bat U»« «»<)>*r pt>»*ra
ha»« not r*<riv«.l t»rwa similar V’ that
tal i»«! *l»y Id tn ir» I Btewlrtoan.
Hura««t b. Melted t apper.
I'hoeuls, July 3.—John Marker,
s-ivployed Iu the smelting works of ilia
Culted Venle mine, at Jerome, waa
tiurnrxl t>! death «il l two Italian» were
•eierely buruevl last night. .Markey
was a skimmer on a converter,
had Jx>ur»»l tt» coutalite ol me Con­
verter into the great ladle ami the
crane waa Ix’l.tlng It when the |wll
broke, jamring a large quantity >>(
seething copper over Markey and par­
tially over the Italiaus.
clothing was burn»»I from hl« laxly ami
he lived lint a almrt time, dying in
fearful agony.
< >ne fireman was killed and 11 other
firemen Injured and nearly f ¡ hi . ihh »
worth of property was dMtroved by fire
In the uis lilt» shop of the Beat Manu­
facturing Company In Pittsburg. I'a.
Hawaiian !•«•!.<flhet
« ••• of Ate« M«Jer«.
Washington, Jun« 90—The Mlnw«
Washington, July 2. — Th« inspec­
tion Iwiard, h«a«l«el by Hear*Admiral
Halt Lake, July >.—The remittitur Ing Hawaiian poatodktea have Irrn ad*
K«Mlgem, which accumpanted the n«w In U>e case of young At>e Majors, af­ van<x»d U> tIm pr si l«ntial clots ll<«m -
laittleabip Kentucky « n her final a« - firming the judgment of the lower laIn, salary. Id.'.’OO; Kohala, aalair
orptancte trial, ivas ret ur me I tu Wash­ court aud ordering that the death een- fl.OOU; Hilo, salarr
ington and rw|»»rts the result of th« ience fie carried out, wav made out by p>N»tma*t«r al Honolulu has linen ap­
trial as vary mtisfontcty and equal in the clerk of the supreme oonrt today, pointed, but those |<»r the other place«
I every reaped to h*< sister ship, the aud later mailed to Judge Hart.
It mentioned bav« not Iteea «elected. Th«
kctenarge. The do«iblte terrels per­ now becomes the duty of the court hi appointees fur office» in Hawaii mu«l
Th« Kentucky rasenlance the youthful prisoner, which, I* mat «ten la of lb« islands.
will go it>u> dry <l<» k at th« New York it Is st parted, will bo dot» some Ums sertlnn windmills ware Isetroyad and
yard for sum« finishing touchwteuf uaiul. noil week.
ernpe blcwti duwa.