- * • > • «Ml * “te voi.. ok i :< . < 111 EAST AND SOUTH BANK OF SCIO >\ L Al t R Nt WM. • • XO. IS IT MALARIA OR 31 ALUM* (/V^teiA* «VWV v «»vM ) Languor, I«**« of apprtitr, tiidigr»- is U «ni "firn feimshurss ar® turo tu­ (’hurche« am! frai den- ®«of foreigner« lli- n aympV in» i f a physi'dogl »1 v»ui- Epitome of the Telegraphic n Ihn lain have ! the ('bin® mt war puwderw iu («»d making, Thore la U»» ( bina will haw a h*avy Mil of dam- OFFICERS: q :«Mti«t» about the put«on*Hi« rfftH't of l'IL \n| 1 <>1 « Il \ I ->r. Mil HALL »¿re to pey l» r th® Ik*ter uutrag*« M on M «Kl II o> Kl LIEF < o| I alani up n the eyatem It olwtructa President A. J. Johnv-n » b« n or l«>r 1« again re«t r®d. dia*»'*ti«»n. | - -tr-At«*** tn«» arriva co*.’u* Vira PrrMdknl ... J. V. Gstnrt I ir® drwtr yed th® II * ® for tha latr< an«! devitalises th® bl>w*«l til t>nr ThoutaU»g th* titÿ'a t «M- » •• • • • «I 4 « a ». aufting th® Jeath uf lour of the inn »!•*« phy«i> tana Us rd* of health, and f»x»| F w »Ig»«*»« M a y *•» •• 1 «In. Det 1 {el-nil b.n.'ng and tx tung- Francia of <>rl«*an«. 1‘rinca of Juin- ornami»«! u« s*> ''highly injnri”U« to ta»r« • * • ( » 7 r lb® health * f th«- ci>ni’t.unity '* d.<*« th® bnvlnrv. I ant mt'oat cunrnt rates • ill®. m *U of the late i i in|.|». A ire » f I j !*• - a • ia • I' * I iflrrn hundred I *- • «urren lerad to king of th«» French, i« dead — Thl« 1« thè «itaa- London. June I» Van ounr II C , Jan® 19.—That eminent h«*ad «4 th® t tiiv« ratty of of pn.'U- At • « • * • • • ' a m ard draft* Issued on principal cities. Gaurral Hrabanl lion in China at it «| p» ar« tu th* p®nti«yIvAhia. Dr. Harker, »xmskSar th® •he k ! I h «• »( < Ap’ N«uu® are rtcher IMM r«tn< • »t.» a . * u*mia, aged «3 year«. *• Man F«a • '• a m •»hanghal c»»rre«|»»n«1mt «»f thè Ihvily alum Iwklt'g |«»wdrr«, that h® aa> a ali'l in- r*‘ p». «lu. ti*«» th»n ha*» jet • • il Half th® town of I ram <*a, Wwh •fh» * • m 4 Ihre® per «on« were kill*«! • nd 1« ) ipr«« cabling a«t * t«-ning ** taavef a • ®» . » • I "their «ale should be prohibited by repr« ’i nt®>I, is th«« st -ry br«>ugh< down wa« d«wtn*y«*! by fir®. • ®tli»tt*lv i 11 jui®f"*« train and a tram fill«-«! with The meni Itera of th« 1* r»-igti legati«*»« fr in«» N- rt!i t ioghi Ir a-in^ ® “ !«■• A».g»*r. I .% f I ’ ndrr the»« rirrnrnstan ®s it I« r*d«N»A«d fr>m quarantiua Juin» n. m*e-g«w r« n* »r lx>ud< n, I ngiaixl. - ai pa*..» I n. i in l ekitl are virtualiy prt»» h* ra, ao <1 worth th® while of every h«m«s»wii® to daini. w«'tk’*i bv jo m®n tntii®vmpi r •• F*»ri w “tih « «u bran e talk« of joining R um I a ao»l G I* Rtimmrlin, a well-known Ine l hi»« «e ÌF-* p« are <>oly rr«train«'d employ ih® v» ry little care that is t>« « - «d Ja k l’»*dv, $ I 3,o<>«> a 8« ttkrn *>ul •• f Hf oi Mr«W® w II«-« •*..»« a e Germany to reature order In < Fiilia mt-rchant of F< »tiand, <>r., wa » mur- fr» ni att.i< «*ing them b» ie.»r •■( thè le­ ®- *rv !<» k«’*-p •« dan, < mu» au • nt Hi ■ n® «'fi and th® «atu® ciaim pwnn® ! •’ Kr« <»rlr«t(« « Mevuiwhiir. thè mini« <»ul f • .eoo w Ubili a n otilh A« an « fr >m the ft«*I of her family. Ro®r« have evacua!®*! iMln, • S»k. «!»«r»*d in S*w York city, preaumably gai. a guarda •• >*•■ Tots A pur® cream *d tartar baking w- e arti *•«■ t ul Cape Nome* • g«>! l®n pr»»- •nd Huiler U emamped ou Joui-wrt'» f«>r the pnrp*«* w*ry. Hi« Ihr »at ter« ar« aliogether unald® t*> c«»mmuni rate with thè «Himman-b-r« uf thè relief der, which 1« thr only kind that »h*>u■*! dnctiv» fi» **, th«» Alpha brought down waa cut fn»m oar to ear. a farm. Palina* and T« column, which 1« making an enforced i>® uer*d, < ght to co®t a!«*ut f«-rtv th® 3. .0,0» hi in gold «!u*t. ptl> There wsm \ Halite riving ha« occurrw! in th® « hair ■*•• WTfArn. •tl I Nan Francieco Chine«® ha%® won an an») i *♦» «r« • Ihervb r®, if fit® pa--, ug •• • n U-arl, an I th® du«t \ fri* «, an i two an i i»* Ialesi haìt bvtwecn l ieti Tain to fifty cent« a p’urjd. OR EGON. dh» r ra-< again«! the ’-.-ar I of h«*alth I iainMa cohmv, U • !<<«•• «mVW «ab!ng Ih® wall« 1 th® p>.I»’® h«v k«* hern kill««! at **»nn- are guanled by |< m >, imh > iiopenal troop» wrong; If you «r® laying twenty live lowing allumili« < «ttlrat «n«t oh Vt»e* ra Th® -trail ®r China arrived at ‘-au kan«!i, « n th® *«»uth lank« of • .Mlt.-lA Th® galea aro hravily dd«’t»d»*| w ith criiU oi I®**» pio p uli i, th® piwlrr 1« Jack »«i f “®atti® f I i t i J C. «»•♦ Mr* M > w .- tm«n»s*e agrtt< at V «< Franciaco from th« Orient with 05^ liier, by Mandingo«'« < rn gun» <»« ie«al lung, a**tlng rertainly mad® from alum . - «ti I *■ • • r f . I . : < PsivAiaHu* m < ad*l«**» AI w i V The j»arty )> a .i • », itb-u A«si • u >fl À »*«• 4«t Iin«.‘ V, m old Dawson miner, who I • rG«ti 1, <»r. Mm Ge-rg« H. Raker, wid«>rtugn tr»*>j<*« «hai! purchasing baking powder veut tu N» i«t y f port and ex-mini»l®r t Ru«»ia, 1« dead dm »’■ Middmiy Attack*-*! and mar- •utvr th® * *• ■ I city TO CELEBRATE THE FOUR T H M» nday th«» n»iiib»t®rv •* rii a de­ I nusual int«*r*’»t h.i« t ;• *■'! the at her home in Philadelphia d» r«w! th *m. GU IO 1HE mani! to ih« Iftung 11 \amun that thè A • J. HL \RI ), Prop I he Met»-an government, following gAt«-« I® (»¡»‘he !, dedaring that other- Throe l>«va of >.«»ls If y >!««• Heett I • tma*t< r « >ra ham . of * alt I 4»k« th«* hr-t »I- * : *r 1» -Ail rt ap* N•><. •*, lri«n|r«»nvictado( unlawful the «’tamp!® •» t hr G ia«, ha* q* iirin- w 1 «’ thè I* reign tr 4 ■ would • ut«»r %% I ut iu 4® r-p'* lall* • u «• • • .nt uf p «• tin«-«! .agaimt >au h ranci »co. and until cohabitation an«! fined |2*>ü. Portland. Jun«» IH.—Th® Fourth of • .'lilt*, of internati nil f *r* Hdv. To lina m* r»»ply waa giteli pli nti uis, Newly l um-..Fvrd and Rrfiltrd ii.itis-® t«t th® rontrarv i« given, all |* t - Amerirane at < hin Kiang ar® in A •«-»'otid meaaag® wa « nnatia wervd, or July will N» « elebrate«! in Portland th»’ Ai|--ha H Ing a Canadian b tt. iii I tir g boul -djt-A ■« li« ubo have U ®n in San I ram i*»c»> h *d n**t b»*en Aiiaw ere«l w he» th® lat««t this year as it never has H-vn taf r® b»*' I of | r t«’< ti«»n, a« a larg® number and .«*4ii® n* t ’«-u>4 a «u* p rt uf rn- H II. HENLINE. Prop. within a period • f 15 day» will mt Three days of festivity have I««* h ar­ I m <>f F-'Hr» ha'e halted at that place newa left Irkm Siri laude \|u-Dm- Our t.EUv ,r* lupplwJ with lh* Put t »« «kipp r had n > tr“ ‘ ® allowed to pa«« the l»»r*h r until th« v range«! (* r. a ith tep * lai pr ^ra ume« II« Rmedan authority -a.'» th«» pr«w»*nt hm® remained in quarantine for a «af­ ahi*« !at»‘*»t m»***age «ava that th« ®ga- for e*«*ry day. T he committee witich with the < u-ti'ii * r®gulali* n«. Only First-Class Shop In the City hrvl Ihr nurkro ill.»J.J* 'a J* itoti* ar»1 - apwbl® *d au«Caitnug an» ff«’ct- •alle«! fr»»m Vancouver ou kpril 5, S«.:h uf B-Jgr. SOO. OREGON tn ■ ie in < hina will !«•» put Summer«, Juliu« t«> thè c«in- Ajproi’h’d M Michael that h® pro- Shampooing 15 " •Inger of internat I* uial reputation, If AUthorith tt hi4\i’ th«» matt«-r 111 build Th««y « «•«'«!«•! dtr®<’tly t«» N-’ine, landing I N I trary, »>i®j- rt«**l t«> have ancreedt*«! in «aciirtiig a rate of pa- r- it;d thetf «upplt»« nu th«* Battu 25 - year«. weal Nt brattka tell of violent I rain an come to I’urtiau I linn formally announcing the aetabiiah- ruse, 5 S luche« of rain ha« fallen in cn-a«liiglv mena* ing. File Alj ha w a * .irti» I I y th® je- t«» aud help «‘«delirate. l>xniHk'H t<> cn.pa !• heavy, t ■ * - ' ♦ ! ; r ' i * “ w \. mvtit of reciprocity agrément with 24 h« ur« ROUTED UY FUNSp'NS MtN Among tn«* untqu® features which packed Hi tli® le® until«* t«» flinke. The Little S.-hmua valley 1. one va at Portugal. lake, and many famille. have lax u Scuta I I ja I Htiit rnla ■»•«ttrrrtl l>x»«t have taen arrang***! is a grand illumi- **h«» finallv mari® Nnnivak i«laiel, where A •core of prv*«engt»ra were injur«*!, nat*-d parade at night which will tak® • h«» f- t n I th** *ati I ran* L*-u whalvr», 4ttte>rirait Kllletl ■ -«impelled t<> abandon their home«. I \ Manila, Jun® H —Vp*’11 information th® pia--«* <»f th® u-ual firvw •'L* I re ght trama on the Burlington have tlrxAiidrr «ni Jeanette, with atañí train on the Great Northern, near Sum­ 1« • n ».I «mb nrd. Weeping \\ it» r furuivhcd by Major Whrdt r to th* cf- lev* <4 r- k*-t’ and min®* will I- dt* !■ i p»«* • ng- r« ra* h, also try lug t»» mit, M<»nt. rr»k. at Wr.-ptng Water. < .*•« county. f»'< t that Gf'iwrul I jouii * intended to i-haig» I as th«* pared® uv>ves along reach Num® PORTLAND, ORtCOM. After «p-nding three • 1« the high«*t kn* wn (or 10 yenr« Hill attack rajwtxa, province of N»*m.i E< ija, thr« ugh th® street», an I in th- pl”. . day« mors in >®ry heavy lr® hear Fri- Will make regular trijx to Sdì» quick and aniiou«t<> h nrnnn I «ugg»»«t« • ♦ i »«•in-r.-il I uti't hi , with -fa»fT ofti.-r*, • t *l rt I* And-*, th® \lpba Dually nmda Walch local c*»lumn for date d SCIO, OR that an educational ay«tein t* ad« pled Mi--ouri 1‘a» ill* tram** are delayed, lh** 1***1 N iu*» whith* f th® K ”i.»n l» r had pre- < apt *111 K« m hlcr and tn*op <«, of the and »quad» of t* r«’h !t®an r** Abla» Mareui, the a-tr**m»iner, ha« in th® ialanda. <>f music has ta« n provided, an«l visit* Fourth cavalry, and half a o mpany of • • -ded her Iw» day* So uYrrjoyr«! : .» • • •! and .«ketched t bn »ugh thr \ I ! ! . . L General Ma« Arthur rep rt« th® cap­ big t> |< «•< oj*o in the optic |uilace of the th*» Ihirtv fourth infantry, upaircd lo < ’• " * t ■ • . ' . wer® th® miner« Al th® dual I® arrival I'aftaya. Grimml I^o’una wa* fount! p rtunitv to rind « nt« rtAlnuo nt win « u! ‘ ® \ ture of IChiM ri. lu’iir M* xie Aiid ( • «nd t • \ ¡ . a th At a <-%|M>Mtton, at 1‘uria, a remarkatde •P»< giving lent to their patriotism. 4 reatany at A'^ m I m , b>>th important, tha <>n th«* aun, forming n port of an rxtpia- rivi’’ h- itday w«*« declared, and th® ( ana han I* «t * ** r®-®i*r«l with «a- latter a very important l«»*d«»r of th® i\e group, and hexing a diameter of a ridge -•»\«-n mil«'* ♦*• uth of the town, iitm ral Fun«ton attack«*! vigor» nr’y. [HAFEN BY REPORTER guerrilla« in PnigA-Hian ¡ nmii-c«, Lu- nearly 40 kilometer*. lut®®. a I th«* cu-t to» r g libit I* it.« tamg This «|*>t, he HARRY S. JOHNSTON & CO., Proprietors. ♦.'» \tn* ri mu < b irring th* *ur»u> v un­ waited although •• ah® had cleared ’ «on •a vi», will n-niHin for «aven days, and Hitw « W«twvpa|>rr %<»o l(rtallni»«l fnt The iustirgvnt« fled, der A h«*t lire fr tu VfliiO’turr f r St Mhdiael th® He Th® Yaqui Indian» ar® causing trouble li ome visible to the naked eve. litattK« » roui a « < >11 their attempting P* make a »(and • u- -barge settlement n»rt«»w y ®«CAped t«*tAl da- The Cnite! Stat«-« navy will build • fî n i a i <• w -¡’up- r m *n, ’' h< 1® am Y a lh«D«*.t»' line uf communication is w oun< I«*«!. «’ tints Br ill tb® I ’mgs BURIAL CASKEIS AND ( NSES ALWAYS ON HNND war*hlja aggrrgAtin ovor »ilHl.lHMJ,- again op n "Some yarw Ago there wa« a wry h *t • r*’ ild to ta r'.l-îis» y «Irai t ire®, and An im|MHtant capture <»f Filipino in- • in «'« t a« Mk-ui a- th«« I i 1er« ar« B. fire p* ’ ton is afT- rded «»enernl Grant report« the rapture of - irgont* wa « n«|M»rt«*l to the war da- campaign in Georgia for a ‘ ig offi e. pre|»a»erte-l to ta washing bet vn p roms wrr»* dr< w nrd by th® officer«, and 1 1*4 nth *. mim-ndeir I to "A s-»utig iivwspa|«er man was de- from 13 to - N «ent« to the p*n in g dd. Four perwona were kille«l in a trol­ up*« ttmg of a l*oit un latke Bennett, Colonel bhrmn, of the Ninth infantry, taltal by th«* ma:.Aging ®m®® th® funny pert of th® ■ • -tr tion of a large »'oop-r.igc plant lu iu Tarlac and I'angaiunAn *' Roer« hax® V ru up 24 mil®« of rail­ Brooklyn. •torv. The «UktHiiui igu«»r®d hia com­ to i ik« f > a nti«h l«attalion utih «»eneral B"tha, but did n«»t defeat (teneral (’orbili r®«'«’lved a 0 men al Riwxleval, «evrring Rob­ the B< m r l<»®«l®r. •age from General M » \rtn .r fr«»tn Ma­ "I »nee when th* . w«-r® riding in a Iu « I ert»' line of duumuriicMUon. nila to-iay «uiying tbat th® tran«p«n rrt»e)« during the th«« v i< v prt-*id« ncy. ing tmttallon of th«» I ight««*ntli infan- a I» ttlr f wine in the «| riu„* and dmuk I1‘ w. and there liav® ta®n « h an u|m I rain at Munkers. tr» ìiii« battali*'» l*» «x»mp m -«| m- it al), without uff« ring the journalist a war of th® latter agaiu«t >plan. Í * ■ ’u f - 3. •'1 » tu I cl, o j.) ,u |o “f<»>l The money apprt»priat<»«l by congress tir» lv uf n»«»n wh«-** tmn • I « n!.tttt.* nt I h® «tramer City of K«-attl®, which j (• r i’*® At the n ■ uth of th® Columbia drop. r Ialina. ni atomi lo vtpirv. and 1« being • mv’ d at attic from Ala-ka. br ughl a i! I ta u-« d nt on* «•. '•Then he helpvid him «ad I to a cigar I r* ught h me fot thè purp * f brllig from the valise, and rea urn «xi hi» seat I ha» < •»io».» hi 41* IL r-t, r 11 lo li . 220 Klofidikem and $300.000 tn g«4d. Iw p’r»- n- were drowned nt South ruurgauiaud. ill the buggy. Kingatou, Jamaba. Jun® IU —-The b®nat»>r Clark wa« given a great ova­ lielid, Ind » Quaraitllne l»l«««»l t r«t, " ‘Drive on I’he «aid. Rovai mall at« am« r Dui, C aptain tion at Butt®. Mont. He mad® a «11 th«- river, at that pla«e. "The newspaper man ha tai and da- Da\la, w hieb art li ed here to«!ay from Han Franciteo, June I h —In tua •jw-ech denouncing hi« em-mi®» a » ¡wr- Methuen and Mtrheu«-r, in an en- (*mt«*d State« drcuit court. Ju«lga apl.ftcd the culd-Mf |e< I politician, but Colon, bring« new« of au iin|a>rtalit jurer«. gagemvtit with Dewet’a troppa, »cat Morruw ren* imentr -iez« d in the Philippin®« t«-re»l the ‘‘He r«’prt«"l the spec* he« ami cam­ mile« outaid® of Fanama. |k>rr» in all rk tlm l*oard of health, owing t«> the al­ reed the rrp«r(«.and wan c«»tw»‘i"us th it th»* g-lu’tnn;« nt trmd< n »»«%• it City. la i U»ur l that the pultf l*®ih’ve Judge Morrow held that the quarantlti« J not tell w hat. ill p . um ” -*. n of the r»-’-rl« The latter New York capitalist« ha*® arcurvd wa« diacrituinalIng in ita character “ l ite tn-w spa per man simply atock are «tr»>ng!y « nlr«’m h» *l at San Joaquin, th® etnpree« dowager is aiding the Box- oucessif n« from th® guvemm®ut «»5 liei-ardlng the rviatene of th« V' the facte and damn«*d the candidate near Sauta Marta, and all the govern­ era’ movement. Honduras to build a railroad in that plague. Ju lg« ‘»I* r ow ntat«-d that he w ith faint praise. lie left out the ele­ ment tn-’p* at FarAiiquilla had May shipment« of oal from «•alt country. Ilo WM dull,and di«pat* h«*d to Santa Marta, wlo ii tbo wa» n t |o- judi la !v < a ment of rtllh i-lAVll». to San F ram-la® Ry water amounted to U - I w irkvra of < hi. ago threaten te the quraliofi, owing lo the conflicting delitarately so. Dm left (‘«»Ion. 20,000 tuna, or half uf the t t«»l am uul go «mt on July I, unl* o th®u* wag®* t«--tiu in fphvei'lan«, tut that if it “ fbe • .ill'll late wa« defeated, and he of coal received at that p rt during llrlp «rötst Manila, are lucr•• »-«-d. The strike will lu*«>H« cam«- within hi« j»»w» r to deride m the never kn* * I f - w mu* h the u- w paj* r May. S.ooo workman. Manila, Jun« lv.— Th«» Nlnth fegi- matter, be w mid d> larw that plague man h«d lo do with il. A« a reeuII of a work’« • outing m "Of euur«® he did not dream that hi« m«-nt ha« IwM'n t»r-l« r» I V» Manila, Two city detectives of Kansas (’ity flora not, IFT haa not, exiatixl. the Philippine«, mor® than '.’•Hi iu- undert China. At a meeting of the Utard «>( health own conduct had lujured him. ■urgent» w®re k tiled and I HU rapture»!, a rn*wd «d negro men and w«»m®n an<‘ thia aftrrtion the quarantine wav mean man aver make« the dl»c*>\» ry while 140 rtf!®*, with aniinuniti n aud as a result a man and a wumau wen. dam! h«w|. Manila. June li»—The itunl-oat i’on- that h® 1» mean.*' ■V'Twa wrr® «ei«®d. <-<>ril, with marin.-. al»>ar|io«edly (or Two f1v®-»tury brick building« owned News has l»e« n revive»I In New York »•» Y k, J .:•• I- Il • !« ’■• ■ i • The Brillali erui.or Buenaven­ by Geo. F. Ketcham, ou U ®«l avenue. a! th® murder of Dr. Fx!na (4. Terry, The t®«ta uf hf® ar® to make, t> >t China. n>.u «Uh thè tb”1.* cut Ir in rat to New York, coutaiung 1*43,000 bu»h®l« in charge of th® station of th® M«tb > break u« Trouble may demoliab a tura ha. .ailed for Hong Kong with .-•r w». li» ovrr».| t--l«> lu th>- o|>|.-r ir«.pa and alorua (or Hong Kong au I of grain, wer® destroyed by tire, cau«- pal Woman's Foreign Mis- l av An .ut< p.t .le wr.1 th.it thè nt man*« bu«ineaa but build up hi« char- Tien T«in. lbany ing a Iota of $140,000. I i»e td**w at th® outward man •i* nary *«»ci« ty at Taung Hua, China, haó twrn luflictci [»[• r< thè t-'.ly la­ a< ter. «- l»fr*l In • IHnlng <*ars In the preliminary examination of Thom«« lx»wia. a miner of Tucson. tenti the Water. Iti hi. |a i ket. wer, may be th«’ greateat ble«*ing to th® in- If G« h J. then, puts <»r per­ L. L. Cook, charge«! with th® murder Ari« , baa l«e*n arrested on a charge of • n •i-ix.nnt hook with lite lu.i riptl n ner man. < hi »go. Jun» Is.—John II ftonlln, of Janie« C«dlin« at trlingt n. Or., a •etuiig fir® to th® ( at®liiiA forests, «iti thè onl.hle, -'laiild A Tilt*>o. Por** mit® am thing hard in our live«. b®«ur« • |.rotoiu«ut contra- t->r h«ro. 111 head that th® real peril, th® real Intubi®, 1« •itting at tha tabla tn a ChL ago dr easily have been eeved. dining car b«lw.-an d®«tn»yo-l. A miner who was with of ti. I* Itummelin, of Portland, • I I what we «hall l<«e if we flinch or r®l»el. Sortl.wa.tarn Wauk.'gau *n*l Kan .ha Wi. , la.I it i« «•timetc*! that during the jiaet Lewis claim« that Ix’wis ta am« in­ a bu.luea. rari of M. F. Phillipa, rep- — 8. M. Tiiuea. evening. Dunlin, with two frirnd., mouth various railn»ad e»>r|«’ration« censed ta«an»e the pin® netMtai hurt rveenttux E. W. Bedell, W3 I'.lvekor ..Salem and Portland. suty s rkmrn n th« ls-le. vru A war» on tbair way to Eaglo rtv«r, have pla«-®»! order« for 30,000.000 t<» 30.« hi« feet at>d «®t fir® tn tl «un, causing •tre.t, Xrw York, and a visiting card 0UU,0U0 feet uf Washington fir. mainly the mo«t diaaatnma f«>rr«4 tire «ver of J. I>. William». 363 WickufT «truel. W.-tert> • .1 tr- -tin .1 O«wrgo, 5. Y , III., wlicr» they Intended to .paud •truck (or kl(h«r | mv . •everal . do* k «tufT« aud ties. known in the * K«pl»»r® «• x««»n l«n*l < «»••«. The bubonic plagu® haa rulirely d le­ Tbor>< I. unr hai l tiling to boar i> I Ma Moin®«. June >•.—Th® Ih LEADING DEALER OF THE NORTHWEST IN Kanawa ha. SiX> flour milla. with a Copenhagen, June Ifi —Th® N’« rw®g- ap l-esixl from Houolala. capacity uf 10,000,000 barrel« • yrar. Un «t* am®r Antarvtic, with thè Dun- thia wurlfl. »nd that I. pr>>.penty. Th« M*‘lii«-« auditorium, u«rd I >r a conven­ I. I that wa do not fool it M » burlrn tion hall, which wa« c«»n«tr acted a Harry Kimtall Shaw, of Pittsburg. i«h Fa«t <«r«-®nUnd exploratiun, c**iii« Th« proposed ocean cable dooa not »IT.-, t tho truth that tl I. hard year ago at a c<»t of f.*»0,000, wa« de- Pa . guru • dinner at l'aria to 35 par« I(„ to Leland will nianded by Lleiitrnaiit ArulTup, «ailed to carry it .nd y«t .tand ujirtiht. To «trosed by fir® today. It wa« in«ur» «i •ou» that cost $*«,000. thl« m-’Tiiing t«» esplora th® e«»aa« De- aille« long and mat about | h 50,(XX). bn h n«rt, gnneronn, con.idcr.t«. (air. for It wa« occupied by the tw«-en Cape Rrewster and Aggai ialand. Ex-Senator (^uay, of Pennsylvania, ma«n.nln>ou.. In "pro.pority aht ( 'omiti. rcial Fichang«« and the T W. baa ann«>unc®«l hia candidacy (or re- Havana» Jum* ls—Yellow furar h«« that I. n>>t «••▼. Yrt thl. I. what it F. ( ha«e Arnu«®ment Company, the Many Americana who went to Tart« election to the teenat®. bmkrn Out at (guemado«. righi miles tn«an. to ( vaudevtiie «how. All th® «eat«, ®fT®rte pruaea by working are punnil»-««. rationed by the defalcation« dlarhmed .t<»ip-.boald«r»»l and •« •-oery were bum®«!, making a tfiMipa ar® «tationed. I bua far there («ttmg .pintually The cenane office ia to ha mile the bave l»r®n four casta, three of whi t> •nd waak-kneod. will I* reim bur ted by the general (led­ I*ray lor tha ye«- . t* tai l< «a. as n w •«timat«-*! uf 140,000, • lattati« a of the 75,OOU.(NK) people of pruved fatai. I with 327.QUO inuunuK«. etene y bill. pnruutl— S. 8. Tlmw. * CJ thia country with intricate «le« trio machinée. A «er* n i la«» na*al «talion will be •e*abh»h®