The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, June 15, 1900, Image 1

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V SV 1 7 1 HM
«»Kl oos.
CAPITAL, $20,000.
Epitome < f
Th« Amen-an warships Nashville
vml M< naca* v have beru ordered to
Take, < bins
Real Filipino Leader Taken
by Americane.
Gen r«. Pl b- Pilar, t • Fi-i; n»
leader, w «• a| lured by \m. ri an« sit
uire« east of Manila.
II»: »' IS < H'GHT M *K
! 11 k>
I » KM
I i«,M ».I 11» an« V mm
lh, 1 « »* II« Hiliph« fr« |’fr«mlr«l
I) <n * (vitrai bin.log *n<] ri h*ng»
basi new. 1 an* m*■'« a! current rafts
aid drifts lasued on principal < tl
|i. « < >>,«>!»»*•<«1 I <.m>.
th ?
lan re 1x1« threaten Panama
Mary la ml
for Bryan
r«ts Ha *•
* »ti» ha« landed in **an F ran iacu and
I« on hi« wav to U aahlngt* n
Bather than «uppre«« the B*>i«»r«.
<*hina mean» to figl tall ir«*pr
The Opubli. an« were generally su<
l'es»ful in th«» ele» lion tn ’ *regou
George Murphy, a |!ro» klyn tri Ige
builder, waadn»aur<l near I ngme, < >r
Com mereiai
I louse
J. BL \RI>. Prop.
Kejstone Shaving Parlors
Only Fir st-Class Shop in th« City
a r
Our tabk« art «upfdtfd with ihr
Fc** ih# markrti aft «rd. J*
Souih U Bodgr.
15 ernt»
25 -
15 -
25 “
25 -
I lair Cutting
Lad tri »»Air Pnun|
Newly Furnished and Refuted
I hr ugF jt.jtjAjA
W. V og FI.
* è
»ort »«<?■
Hoisestoeing a Specialty...
Will make regular tripe to Fein,
W at« li ha al c»> .'ituti for Tale of v>* ite.
P laning
M ills
The wife of ex-«e • »etary of • tate
John >hrrman, die»l at Mansfield. < »hio
t'ul-an frauds are now known I* ID-
vohe au an. uni «> nirtmng hkv | *<>.p.
The h«*u*r ha» agrwd t- thr | * ihh),.
ooo appropriation tu thr >t L>ui» ex-
p» »aition
A malica! diploma * factory” w.«s
raidr I iu ( hi* ago and its .«ITI er« are
in jail
Lord Riiberis ha* « nt« r« I Pretoria.
Ills !ir*t order after reaching th»« city
wa» (**r the rrlvAM» of j<ri-«mrrs.
M ««dr wa« re elr- tvd to
rt-ngr«**« from the Ke. nd district ut
(>r» gon. Tongue from First district
• a
I hr wtt- rury for trie t'him**e "dx
< oin| ante» in San Francisco, filed with
the clerk of th«» UnitM state» circuit
> < <>rt an Application for an iujunctiou
con»¡»*I ling the ÌM>Ard of iwalth of thia
city to al»Hii l«»n the quarantine which
it I imr impoMcd upon the Chinatown
George (’ Perry, of Dubuque, h>wa,
ho* I- « ti Mp}-‘ii»t«<. I'nited Mate» mar
whal f«-r \lrt«ka
Hr w *» several times
a eongrr^-iunal commit­
tee It 1« also »trft«d that <«««‘rgr (’ran,
of that citv, >vnat< r \liiaon’« former i
law partner, and t\«lce ¡to-tma^ter of I
I > . '
’a . i E«
:■ .. j . X”
A ¡aska.
S|*»-rial dispat« he-* n*< elve<l from
Algiers j’ortrav n -eriou« situation.
Ming nt
I ’ttfig and in the nrighl«>rbood( pre­
paring for a <letcrmined attac k u)>on the
advaiic«- ¡«>«1» of thr Frvn* h.
Zouhia, but the men ■offer terribly
from heat an I thirst, ami hun<tr»*d« of
camels died
1 he I retich are ¡trepar­
ing rntrrn« hm< nt« and are ía mlidenl t
their ability to rrjud an attack and
e < ii to tak«* th« fT«-n»B r sgaiu«t I uglg
if nr. ewaary’
l’.ritl-h agent» an- buying hur«rs
Uur Rijj> Arc First-Class and Our Horses
Are Good Drhrrs.
Hat k Connects With All Trains at West Scio and Morning
I rain at Munkers.
We now have the largest and
best selected stock of Clothing
ever shown in the Valley, which
we are offering at
We have many special lines of
Spring and Summer suits and
light Weight Underwear.
A lbany , O regon .
.. Salem and Portland..
Instruments Sold on Easy Terms, (’all and
See )h ( hrh I s Before Purchasing.
Cer re« |*** m «I
Bu«»ta and Japan ’¡ ay «■•»»me t<> war
la a result < f the B tars movement
A. Î. l-.hnson
J. VF. Gaines
C. V. Johnson
News c
Vu, I'rruJrnt ..
I H 1 I« \ \
» astern < >r«-«»gn.
Another dm h from ¡»¡ague has
curred in San i r«ncl»co.
< ongn »« hi»« « ppn >pt lated
f .■|(M»ti>oo,lMUI thl« »« *•»!• 11.
|S *-r« «re making »trmuons efT> rts lo
cut Kol'crt*’ commun« atlous.
I hrew- inrn arre klllvd »«• a restili ol
a fvud «t >Ati Augu-linr, Iri.i*
Twrnty-fivr arinrd in«iirgrnta «ur-
rvndcn d at <’alrrv, ndaiid uf i’anav.
Charles Farrell, of AH any, < >r , irli
fnuo «n «• \ •ur»i“U tram and
»tailtiv ktll«*d.
\l irìc-s t«drgraphy will I* »-»»tal«-
li«hed in ‘•an Fralichuxi, l’urrh» Klco
and thr rhihpplmw
Mra Aterina Par««Ui» Steven«. <>ne of
thr lr«t knonn umiliali «*H-|alologi»ta
in < hicagv. diod suddmly al thè liuti
Koblw-r«« I t«» hoM up a
tralu SO nule« fnuu >t ianiis, bui thè
plu< kv tight of thè ciprea« inreaenger
and twggage ma*trr ptrvrule<l thvir
work from bring «uccr»«fuL
I he kuiuHan inmister "I marin«» haS
lakrn nirasurra lo in »« ««*» thr rtfirien*
cy <4 the Baltic, Black «va, Mediter-
nmran and Asiatic firsts
I ndvr thè
instructions given, throe I alt Ir «hip»,
threw» coast defense ships, one cruiser
and the inqtvrtal yacht are lo l-r beh!
in reserve in the Baltic;
•bipe, three torj*r»do gunl«*ats, tina
tran**|* rt. one third-« la»* crui-rr and
on«» training »hip in thr Bl ** k -«-a. and
in th«* M«-ditr t, the R ub * iad
•«pistlnui will comprise one !*attl«whip,
tbrrr g'iuMats and <>nr t* rq*ed<> gun*
laoui« Klop* h, of New York, pub-
Hshrr ol th«* ( hristtan ilrrald wh is
at Bombay, write« of the famine-
stricken diBtricta in India in the fol­
lowing term-
I very wb» re I met th«
in »t shocking ami revohing «•rn«*«.
The famlim camps ha*r liven war pl bv
< h Irra and «malipoi. Fugitives, »«'al­
tering in all lif*- ti ri« ami stricken 'j
flight. Were f* uml Iv I« ,* 111 the firltl»
and roadside ditch«^
Thr num! rr* al
<»ne relief station a«*rv in« r»*a«iug • I (»>•
rate of 10,000 per day.”
M 4 ’i 11.»
Two men were inatantly kill««I and
eight »••n j»!y mi jure«! by the vip.< «1- u
of a butler at a I ri< k w rk« al Auma-
U*n. Ala.
The Boxer movement i« «proa din g
thr uglx'Ut China
that it thr ¡«.wrr» do Ih>t a t «he will
go It alone
Manila, June ! I.—-General Pio dal
t • a». tl.- I . i
• t > r
on a p
t .rval near Manila
An expire ton. reused bv mining
fu«4 • at the rust* ma ripartine nt. at
•« < •(«•big
Op rtn. Portugal, kill«"! tw<> j<r» as
Waabing* n. June 11
Perhapa th«
•t>l injured 13.
n ■ «t thrilling ar*d pici irewque ine ideo t
known pro- •f ine • mire i hih| , lue war • ■ • a-r«<1
Harry Dekker, i
projertiea. • l tatui ig, ou thè l*!anl of Saniar,
molar of We»t« rn
•hot and ktiled hit
Ina apart- w fiere. Aprii 15 lati, a ¡wrty ut 31 en
h«tc»d in «’li of com|<ny K. F rtv thtrd
meats at New Yr»t
\<‘l iiitoer«. h«dd at '■<« a F r *» ut •« ns
(♦nr man »*» killed aud four hurt <WX) lu» urgente do ring b>ur days «4 fìrr«*#
by the falling of a freight elevator in flghting, remi« n'mietila arrtving Just
the Nichols A Shepherd I m pie me nt in thè nick of lime
The war depart-
building al Kan«as ( ity.
tnrut has n*cetve«l reputi» ir»»tu t ’aptain
A fire in the oil refining an-1 «alt Il '1 iMv, of thè F'»»rty thir»l voluuteer
pefrr diwlri t of Hamburg, < «erinanv, tnfantry. and I ir»t Lleutenant J T
destroyed property to the value • f swewney. • f that rwgiment, wb» o-m-
44<MM).(MMI marks,
in ludlug
many man Ied thè re», »ir partv. glvlug all ths
d« ratl» of thè aMack, urge and thè
re li«- f.
A tannery owned
Ac. rding t-' thè rwports thr atta k
A < o . at Miller. U
on thr garrivo al < atubig tw-gan witb
by firr. ««using a
• «ut wartiing "unday tic rmng. Aprii
Nine humin-1 m«*n wm» Ihr
I rom thr bill» * n ali «i ir«, troni
employ tn ent.
The investigation of thr «ffair« of Irorn a de-rrtrd • hurvh direvtly
\dolph A Kuhn, junior member of the big carne a riffe ami cann«'n flr«* of trT
firm of Kuhn Pr*»« , bntkerw, of Uhl- r.i«ln tntmattv .
lurtdav mornmg,
«’ago. shows he ha« left a »hortag«* «»I haudfuls of burtiiDg hemp w«-rv thrown
f I .(I lO.IHHI.
h > thr arra k» t
th« ih- r^«ut»
1 hr pr»’*id»'lit haw approved th»’ find­ In thr chur. h ami • » n the soldu-r«
ing« ami *«'iit» ner in the «■«*«« of < ap- r»4ug»» wa» on tir»*.
MI rff«»rta u» sub­
tain Ib-ming. <>f Buffal" H*«i*taut com- due thr tir- fall«» !, ami, finally, thè ¡it­
uiisMtry of •b*i-i«-m •*. U ". V.. trie*l ile band, nmde a d.vah f»»T the rh«r
at "an I ram i-> o > n a • barge of f -ig»*ry lai li k. Some arre killed before the
ami rmls x/ling public funds.
Imnk WS« DMiched, otbrra fell dead in
AlvxMti l»-r stwrn»on a liuv r«*j »irci a liont in whicb It waa tn tend t^i to
i f th«* Utah I ••• trie Light V P"W« r inakr thr oppwltr »bore, and ehm A
< ompunv. « f Salt I<akr. was instant!v tr« nch wa» finally dug with Kiyoneta,
kill«-! bv electricity <-n Third South onlv 16 of tiic 31 were left to man it.
.»ml Main *tr«*»'t-
Hr went up a ¡»dr Here, (or ho» more days, < orp r.vl ('ar-
to do some w*<rk. and (o* k hold of a son, handling his men with the judg­
live wir«*.
Ills U m I v hung Moq-end«-! ment of a wtvTiin, held <»at umi* r a
in the network of wires in th« prewnce terrible fire until the arriNa* of Lieu
truant Nwerncy ’» rommaud, which h.«d
»4 hnmlrrds of people.
ordered t< • •*«: | -1»I ♦ ill« lit t!««* gtori-
In Japan a new law just ¡»nt into < p- a n at ( atubig. ami which w n • n its
eration forbids smoking I l>y perrons tin
dvr 20 y«'ars old, and also forbids the Aug. Not until within a quarter » ! a
selling of tobarc«» ur other smoking fnllr ol Catubig,
say« Ln* •itemsnt
material to youths of this age.
Fin«-» sw«*» n»*y, in his n*f»»rt, di«l they hear
art* provld»*d f«»r the smoker and for th«- r.«'iM> of the rngagenmut. Then he
■ *. : i • ■ i •
thr stuff
Tbs realised that he »ml his mrn were «ore-
law pro idea alao (oi fining tba | an nte ly ixM'dnd and hr order«"! th»» «attain
of «»¡ch mouthful smoker»», because they of the atvamvr to run his Mat at t* p
did not t«»ach their offspring bvttci »| hm '«I. Th»’ I «a«» Aug steamrd up to
( atul ig under a rain of Mau»er bullets
I h«» «mall boats
Indiana Detmx rata indorsed Bryan. from both ehurea.
Kobvrt’» army is resting al Prvt« ru were lowered, a lamlmg rtfr- t«"l. au I
thr rescuer» fought their way through
Democrats of Missouri iud<*r«c*d th» the "pru to their e«>inn* !»-• in the
< 'hi<’»go ¡»letform.
trench“*. buried thr dead within Tea-h,
I ml of the < hi. ago lat*or troublri brought bi k to th»» I at the lw»«bg«"l
¡>arty, nunil*rring now onlv 13 U1SU,
Hwim to la* in sight.
Wolverton’« plurality for supreme and then steAinvd dowu the river.
judge of ( »r« g««u 1« im rv than 10,000.
Affair» in ( bins are gradually work­
ing up a crisis of the first magnitude.
Thr legislature of Oregon w ill la) Ke-
I ubll an «11 joint l-allot bv » majoritv
of 24.
< hi 4go |M«qdr contributed f >.0 '0
t«>ward thr rvlmf of the Indian famine
A Christian j»»urnal in Japan ha«
l«r«'fi au*|«riidrd f<«r showing di«r* »¡«- t
to thr imperial h'msv.
Alrian ’er M D» m krry. of Gallatin
county, Missouri, ha« lat’ii nominated
by th»» iMmca rats f»»r gowrwr.
Aihâiilr» War.
lamdon. June II —According t »
ll-pati h to the l>aily Mail from A< < ra,
fiated Junr H, a native rumor la in
Mit. hell llodauli, governor of Gold
C*ka«t colony, made a sortie from Kurn*
anale, a hrre he had been betieged by
the Ashantrv», but was l"i» rd t<» rrtlie
and iiltiinately to «urmider. Mail ad-
vi< rs foun A«’, ra. «iatrd May 17, •*>
Fifty thon »an I Aaliaut«*»« are lu arme
and thr inwurrectiou la «pr«admg
la inij«»«pit*le for white mrn to g » Info
the ùitenor attcceasfuliy <lurmg the
raïuy «ra««»n. ’*
>rg»tlatlona ir» Off
Firr at "r.suliv lllr, Cai., dr*tr«*v» I
Si. Ia»ul«, June 7.— Negutiatioti* be-
three bi", ks of »lores. «« litalllllig forty
Iwreii thè strikrr« and thè St. Ix’UlA
buildings, eniulling a large I ••<»
<'otiqainy, l«*iklng («» a •ettlw-
London ¡«ajser«« think that the Brit­
incili of thè strike, are «»fT f«»r thè | r»-»-
ish wp ad?• hi is rr.t gniZ' I a- lufrri- l to
eut, and pr» ' A‘ lv will n«»t l e re»»ime*l
th« iluakslaii a« well a* thr Japan« -«'
«tutti thè stnkrrs agrre noi lo .lemaiid
Chinn»r soldiers attacke»! the Palter« thè di«ch.«rge of tht nien now In ’he
near Peking, and in thr engagement emplov «4 thè conqialiv in < r-lei that
which f llow«d many were kiil««d on they inay regala thè ¡ sm IH ou « th«*v gas•
la«th sidea.
up wheu thè utrike «m •!•*< larei
A dispatch from Cu* uta. de¡»artmrnt
• Miu»
of .Santander, Vt-nriueia. -ay that after
< t|u-icr*i« r, o . June ll —Two bun­
13 day» of fighting, ihr < *otoit>blan
revolutionists ha*v n*ut»"l the g> «-rn dr«-1 miner» were inn ri» nrd al 7 A.
mrnt force« near Bur»« atnauga, captur­ M. today by an explosion of gav in
ing a utiink« r of priMinvrii, in* lading mine No. J. It w 4a Clrnighl at tirai
that the l««a of life would I« wry
General I’rnaaolau
Secretary l«»ng has l»«u«*l an or«ler large, but the w>>rk of the if* urrà w»i
(< i an r i ¡«erimrtit of thr utmost im­ (Ttrried on «o enrrgrti. ally and «uc< »•»«-
portance. Thr puf|*'*r 1« to •«• h‘iW fully that all wera w«. u«*-l and »a\«d
much limo would la» occupied In put­ by tonight eauapt threw», w I mj were
ting into coD'litiofi for active naval killed.
«••rvlce a part of thr I nit«- I "tatr« H«*«-t
to meet an emergency.
Judge Morrow, of the United "tatea
circuit c< urt at "an I ram
«», on - «»in-
plaint made bv Jew lio, ha* grantr«!
an order letup-rartlv r«*-training l hr
U»ard of health and thief of ¡oiler
from prohibiting the eurgeonsmiployed
bv the Chinese V* care for their «lea«!,
• utering the quarantine line
Stepe hate !>een taken to i rganlar a
national Negro ¡»arty in Philadelphia.
P t «'mine nt n«gn>c»—blabop», mtui»t«*rs,
«*dit»>r« and lawyers—at a in»-rting de­
cided t*' place a ¡»rr«idrntial tn ket in
the field with negro candidate«, The
plan 1» to organix*- the portv tn over?
state of tha l.’ni< n, and nominate ran-
IldaU'« fur slate and congressi Ual
offi cut.
linvrlran M« h b fur Japan.
San Francisco, June M —Jajau la
Ma king American and European cattle
to intrdourw amoug native heida and
improve th« grurral stock on the is-
laud«. Four Japanese gov«-rnmrut offi­
ciala. specially romml«i'»uo»l tu srleet
and pur« ha«e tine stock. have «rn»e<|
hete. They will inspect the herd« of
thia «tate Iwfore going East aud t<
F Dro|<e. They propose to get the f-e«t
gradea ut breeding stock known.
Mls«i««lpp< lll*«r H«»al Ataeli
Naw Orleans, June II. — Tha river
l«*al T. P Lewthate tank yesterday at
liouger’a Landing. 35 mile« above New
Orleans. The hat is ffi?.(XM>.
were TO par**-ns aboard, all ol whore
rwa hr«l ths •b«»re safety lu hfvlmats.
Aganlta killing Hnrtea.
June tl.—Th® trial of th«
An American water hvadnth wht h IS Inll.n. rher^®«! with munlrncg
Th« iliiwhargr of th« |>rr«|.|«nt ol the
A tnalgamatml
Tin la n< t infr«*qurntly an olwtruti<>n to na­ Bert Ifortuu «nd hi, yuun* «He. from
Workrr» i'tvi'lpitatrd a .ink« at th« vigation tn •«>uth«-rn riv«-re ha* lern t igeoe. Or., no Lynn canal. 3.’> mil««
Graat W r.lrru rtnplate W . rk., Jolivt, ■u i «-««fully killed on the Mel p»-meno Imm !'ka«war, la«t Octnbor. wa® be«na
lllinol«, throwing out I' hi mru. Th« canal. New Orleans. by a chemi* al in the highv.t cnuit of Alaaka tn thia
wage qoeatloB 111 uO I« vol int.
cltr yeaterday, Jinl^® Molvtll« Bmwno,
recently from Wyoming, on the boo< b.
Servii honilml Injunction, war« fil~l
A licer»» to sell intoxi« anta was
ri]» n «trillar. an<i labor leatUr. in th« given to a man in Benton, Ky , with < >nly on® of th« Indiana ha® pleaded.
i.rorgr '. < rr»k, Marr latiti coal mining the proviso that IX> our «hottld lie ah II® la Jim llanary. who Aral cuufe.ard
ragion, retraining thrat fn>m liitrrlor- Lowed to ’ treat” lu hl« l»arr*»»tn. and that h® killed Horton. In pleadinw b«
Ing with iniurr. «ho tlr.lrwl o 'muut» that every patron must pay fur hi» v«D aald: **l killed th« mao, I did 1x4
murder th« Wuuiau.”
I wurk.
W «•
Ijondon. J aus 11.—-Ths evsuti
vff*.c«a of the Iran«*a« g *en» » «-uv Ar*
lu a railway ■ ar. which t» «huntod 1
a «witch al Ma had »d rp President
Kruger c«u«e-l tha tuten- r <4 the
- h
to l«e rv«*onstru tsd tome time ag»*.
with a view t*» contingencies that have
now arriv«ai
t -x«rr«**i*>ndrnt t the
I »wily F. tpritsa. who went from L •
rwncti Marques tn «-'v president Kruger,
was received yrsterdav
deni «at «rooking a tong PH-
locked worried, but hi« tearing It* . f
was quiet »mi determined. lie *ltl
n t make ths «*a-l < bjr. lion to I-el ng
Ths r» rrr«j- n Mit wa«
•qwipped for the interview by cab «s
(nun la*ndon
•’Ye«,” «aid President Kruger, ‘ it
is quite true that tim I ritlsh N a n <
cuplsd Pr»t« ria
Tbl» however. *1« •**?
n t end the war
I he buryher* ar«
fully deterniine»! to tight t<- th«* last
They will never surrvDiter
ng «•
500 arined men remain in the «*euntr*
I hwd em- urag* ! by the tn * ** i *
t* u ami Dvwrt ate d .¡,g a tn I res
1 he C*orre«j- ndent • iggeslvd that lh<*
war was over, inwius b a« the ca, a .
had b«en taken
’ I ha < ap’.tal,” ex* »l,o«’d pr»*».4«'nl
Kruger, With energy, what I« a capi­
tal? It (I—-4 n t ooijfltBtof an' particu­
lar rolle» ti ui of bn- k« ami in rtar
The capital of the republic, th»* —at of
the g' *smment. I« hers in this «ar
Theia is no magi- ») < ut any «q» ial
site. < >ur country I« Invaded, it i*
true, but it is m t • • u«|urr»"l.
(¿overnment is Btill effective ’
Referring t*> the reason why be I* ft
Pretoria. President Kruger tai l
*’| was not f<«»ll«h enough to G*
taken priwüer. I provided this mean«
of l«»coinotlon precisely (or the -atoe
reason a* our I ur-gh* rs supply them-
•rivet with horses when th« v take the
? • . 1
11 - i.
’ e
*t I '
• ‘ .«» to n. e quickly fr- ¡u ; a • !•
¡hat is all. Hye ami b*e till-
car will take me I'M- k t«> Pr»*t‘»ria I u
the present, it enables lio* to k«*«'|
away fr rn Pretoria, when* I c* til l
of no sexrirr and where I should only
play into the ham!« of tha rtivtiiy.”
In N«e<| <>f Morn < ««h •«* < otuplsl« lh»
Tr««*« < ««itA«l«n I. I m «.
New Y<>rk, June 11 —Th»* a lvicr*
from la iidoii (hat M. R<-th-(«*in. a well-
known Jinan irr of M. Petersburg,
woul'l a»on arrive in tbi« cuuntrv with
a view to looking »»ver the situation
hrre av an agent of his government an I
determining wlnther or n t a large
Russian loan could tr th at«* I in th«*
United Mates, are said by leading for­
eign Itankvrs in tbi« citv t«» tr a curat«»
Whether »r not M. Rothstein shall
ultimately In* iuccvMful in Ins inl«»i *n.
however, il is m-t believed by promi­
nent !<»« al finam irr*« that tie will be
able tn place a b an of anv magnitude
in thr United ."tatea (or the m vt f»*w
months, until thr presi-lentlal c.* it|>algii
shidl lr end«-!.
It may t«e remrint»errd that in F«b-
rnary of this year, the Kuarian imper­
ial government negotiated « lo» u of
Il A ,000,000 with a syndicate of New
\ : < bank», trust con»j<anlr» ali lu*ur
In ri. hange f. t
anew c«>ni|wniee.
thrir money the syndicat» retrive f- ur
pwr * rnt ts’U-l* guarani»'** I prin ipil
and interest by the Russian govern-
M’urrd by a first ui rtgige
inent am!
on the Wladlkawhos rail*ay system
The loan now a «tight la al*> I» r rail-
way construction, according t<» a Wall
street man mtetrested lu the Februarv
operation, who «aid.
**.M Kothatein, president ut the Rus­
sian Imperial Hank of "t Peter»! urg,
• nd one of the government's trusted
agents Is, I have been inf* rm«*d, com­
ing here U* g« t money f«-r the Rureian
tr«n«-( au asian railway. Thi« 1» ne of
the 1« ng» »1 roads in the w< rid and is
n t complrtiMl by any mean-
-M< m v
is m*ed«*d. M
Rothstein is coming
from U»m!« n hrre. an«l 1» going tu
Washington to err the Russian minis­
ter, through whom all negotialb ns are
to l«r ma>le.”
1 he London report also «aid that a
large Russo-Aineri ah bank might t*»
rstablisiie«l hern as all oul**ome of 'I
Rothstein's visit, f-ut this 1» rogat'MI
by high authoriti»** here as exor«*dlngly
,i n.>/en St I oiiis Strik­
er* Shot Down.
I \ 'll» Kit »' l>ll>
*•*•««1 V «rlwue !*•««• »2
lb« « Ity Militi« I« 11»l>«a
f.»r I<||« n .
rn ed ha» I •••en one o f thr m< st event*
an I
dr sin- e the great strike <*n
* * ’ I -
Irut -it < . *u more than
a mouth n..«
(here were numerous
etw>'«ti »trikrrs and other
;udi ‘u.» - «nd t¡ . «onstttuted author-
ltrs, restilinnM' in f->ur deaths an ! tha
wounding r*( ti\«» or more per •* us.
m<wtly str tk«*rs
The d« •M*l «re
<’ Fdw •rd Ihomas, striking C«»U*
•lu* t««r on the t'hotrau avenue line.
I dmt in l»/f■ast l»v deputy slier iff. *h«"i
1 on the w«’» to hospital.
G«»org»* : bina, striking nmtormau on
iMmar a» •*hua lin**, «h* t In al-*l«>mru
bt d iKity - i» ri’T «limi al rii. hospital
F re,l Bo '»•bin, ag»‘l * ¡tit«'ii. «bot ami
iiutaiit V i
«» I whl e »tending in hit
fr» tit y. rd t* deputy «h»-riff
I I I it r
*r ’• «triking * nduct«»r on
ÍX* mar Avenu«» line, «let in head, may
l ha dav waa «p*irt until this aller-
rH**n, •*h»’ii thè ¡ m »I ìcv werw taken ff a
numVrr <»f «trevi r«r line« • r the pur-
p» «v *>f gì» iug them a r«*«t and to tret
th«» ¿Eilitv ut thr Transil i >i!i.|uiür to
operata withotil fri> tl* n
I ha Itioat «eri* i« trouble broke out
brlwam H «mi 7
k in front of the
buildirig on Washington a«e-
nur. tivtw «ru P>n*adway ami Math
•trwwt«. «» e upt«»«l I y the shvrifT a |MI««M*
cotn itatus a« a Larra* ks ami hoflid
Several huudml striker«
had g»»nr t» > Ea«t "t Lattaia earlier tn
th»- day t*> attend A picnic k*iveu h»r
their l«en<»nt, and tonar! «»'.ruing began
roturning buina. The trouble wa« pre-
< lpatr«| wbrn |*»t> strikers in uniform
and hrad««d bv a «Ir mi cor¡w, came wr*l
un Washington avvmie
lu their • a¡«i.
•»»ina ut them B a I • ar-la tearing there
word*: "Uni ti ■ r D 'thing. Iltw»rty or
Jnst as thrv wrtr ¡»a«» ng th« I ar-
rack», a • ar ut the I’ark a • rh'ie dit l«P>n
wa* golng wrr st
\ number of the
tneu br» k* fnu the ine au I mehed lot
thè car * hi’ h a« without th«» uaual
|«oli»'r guard.
\ Ink wa« thrown
thr» gì» Ih«* • ir wir d-.w «tei a sto l wa«
■ r- d v • ■ ■ « I v h* l km>wn.
\t t o ’ •'! inttmat. u «»f tnuiblr tha
• f ’ '! ■* j o •• - w ar. «••! troni tha bulld-
in*' ill
cd tH
i w I of ■trik-
ers, calling on thorn to d|sj«rr»r
< >thvr
• hot» were fired,
Hirn M-veral drpu-
ties turned |<« oml thrii ro¡M«atÍtig sbot­
guns. 1« a <«*d with bu< kshot
A b tar «•
call t»r learne*! <«nly four m«*n in thè
«triker** ranks ware hit.
Not a deputy
wa* w«’um!rd.
Under thr »‘omtnan l of Colonel <’av-
• n Irr, th«- Irputl«**» arrested 20 of the
•trikrr« *n I <«• k them into the barracks,
where th» ' were «*ar<hv*l
Three re-
vrs am! a liurui*vr of poekrt knives
were •«
r»- i, and the prfwonrrs Were
taken to thr 1« ur courts, where they
krd Up pending all iUVfWtlgs
lb»' remainder of the «trikerw
fir«l, ( i ••»«••! ' v a ««|U4d of mountesi
¡»d'o-o that had Is- n summoned
llspri*»«*! Willi* ul further trouble.
I v 11 B <" • I g .«• r « I it 1‘rhit.g < re Cutter
Arma I«» »Ughi.
Tien Tain. June 12.—The B¡tecial
train that went to riamine the line
am! re onnoitvr returned la«t uight.
|H< r». w »v * » ■ un i < :»-ar two mile»
1 e*. fi i Yang 1-uh
I hr rnginr^rw,
with ? * . tar
walk«"! a mile and a
half further
1 hey found the lira alb!
two f ridge« burned, and the railway
torn up.
lbw first rv|«air l.aln, with K'lmiral
Seymour ami his staff, 6&0 liritlah,
< aptaiu Mc< «Ila’s 100 American», 40
Italian» and
> Austrian«. Irti this
morning «1 v >*>.
A llotchki«s au<l
«»tln-r gun« we rr mouutod in the center
of the train,
K •« «»nd train Mt at 11
obi k, with 60<> Brlttih, Ja|mne«r.
K --lari ami French tr>«»|w. Kepalring
>*l>»gu« In ilrnsll.
matter «nd nrw* rai * w»*r«» taken along
New York, June tf —A dl»|*at* h
Th«-ra are -I l r»igu war vessels at
II faku.
the 11 era Id from Rto Janeiro says
\ ti ••-»age from Pelting to thr
Is announced that during thr last 2 4 admirals »» • rts that the •ituatioii i«
hours there have been right new cas«** h *urly ¿n wing no rr dangerous for for-
of plague.
Au official bulletin »ays vlguer*
’ll thoMi at Peking have
that «incr the plague appeared there taken ref»
in lx*gati«»n «trovt.
have boon hm cases in whl- h 2fi have civil inti.« ar«' litidrr arms to fight with
proved fatal.
th»- t«*if n»->‘-**ary.
The ap-
The South Atlantic sqna<lron, under pr« <« lie« to legation »trevt ar» sur*
command of liear-Admiral Schley, ha« r«>uii lr<l by howling rnoba of undia-
!>ern ordered to «ail f<»r Montevideo.
p.m« I ••-Idiery. with cannon «nd
I hr international guard
I Ire In Heb«r < tty.
the mob, which
Baker (Tty, <>r., Jun« 11. — At IO w»-rr holding off
o'clock thia in--ruing < artrr »V Miller’« «creamed insult« and thr» ata.
slaughter hou<te wa« burned to the
1.. I*r..«petl Mh.rl«« <»«•«.
ground. The building« are a complete
lose; value, fAOO.
1-arge Bto« ks of
I tie Ku«
hide« were on hand and «re partly dam­ • lan
ii II ate h»-adr | by < *ount ('harles
aged. >o inrurance. Ono of the em­ |k
Itch that 1» to prospect the
ployes wao burning (Tall, an*l a «trying Si -ri «u • i»t I r gold, sai'ed for the
wind which sprung up la supi« «rd to fr t> u n rth • n the chartered steamer
have carried «park« ink» the dry build­ Samoa l«>lay. There are aloni 40 in
The entire l«»as Is atmut >1,000. the ¡«arty, all told, among them Iwlng
2 7 miners, h«-adc<l by II. Koberta, of
Lalor I« ¡mid three < euta for prxluc«
(kHiiahM'k fame. Paul da l-amt- hkatT
ing ¡44 boxes of rnatche«. Labor buys
xk alw> m < * >*mp4ni*-« < oust Bogdano*
thews uiat* hrs back aud pays >1 44.
litrh. lie was formerly a Ruaatan
mail agent, and knows every bat and
Vulrano Cam«« te I.If«.
inlet on the ^Pierian mast. The vessel
San Fraucisro, June I!.—Captain O.
»-ared f« r Alexander l>ay, and will be
J. Sb-rrs. of the tran«¡«>rt IxManaw,
gone about «ix months.
reports that a volcano In the South
Itall««ay Maarly l»««lr«*y»4.
seas, which has been quiet for many
I/tibri, June If.—General Fores-
years, ba« again resumed arti n. The
volcano Is located on the Dedica« roebs, tier Walker win« to the war office
Babuyan blanda, near where the cruis­ fr«-tn < aja* Town, under today's date as
"Information ,«<*l»«d from
er Charleston was lost. The Ix»elansw follows
paa«r<| with'n three miles of the n* ks, natives early ye.ter.iar reporta th* an-
sn«l rlomls of «tram were observe»! ( ru­ emy in Ihr«. ■ Jumna near Honing
the railway ha« lern almoat
ing from the crater. The water« ala>ui Spruit.
.•o upletelv dwetruyel between Aiuthot
the ¡sisada were also trvubied.
and liuedeval,**